The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 15, 1943, Image 8

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PLANTS—Victor Halva. 49-1
lift lister, deady to go.—Robert
J. Gallagher, O’Neill, Rt. 1. 48
OLD Newspapers.—The Frontier.
BOOK WANTED—Will pay $3 00
fine copy “Stockmans Cattle
Brand Book of Holt, Rock and
Boyd Counties.” Printed 1904 by
Otto Mutz. Want any Cattle
Brand Books. What have you?
—H. Sender. 712 East 47th St..
Kansas City, Mo. 48-2
either collect your notes, judg
ments, mortgages, or accounts,
or no charge. Anywhere. 35
years’ experience. Best of ref
erences. Write us. R. C. Valen
tine Co., Marshalltown, Iowa. 39f
cient handling of your live
stock, insured responsibility and
prompt returns of proceeds?
Then consign to FRANK E
SCOTT COM. CO.. Sioux City,
la., the firm with a 31 year record
for dependability. 27-tf
(First publication April 15. 1943)
David L. Canfield; Lottie Can
field: Sarah J. Canfield; the heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other per
sons interested in the Estate of ]
Frank Canfield, Deceased, real
names unknown; the heirs, dev
isees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons in
terested in the Estate of August
Sehreier. Deceased, real names
unknown; the heirs, devisees, leg
atees, personal representatives
and all other persons interested
in the Estate of August C.
Sehreier, Deceased, real names
unknown: and all persons having
or claiming any interest in the
Southeast Quarter of Section
Twelve and the North Half of
Section Thirteen, all in Town
ship Twenty-five, North, Range
Twelve. West of the Sixth P. M.,
in Holt county. Nebraska, real
names unknown, and each of you,
are hereby notified that on the
14th day of April, A. D„ 1943, the
Luella Silway and Nettie Arges,
filed their petition in the District
Court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against you, and each of you, the
obiect and prayer of which pe
tition is to quiet and confirm in
the plaintiffs title and possession
of the real estate above described
and to exclude you, and each of
you, from any and every right,
title or interest in and to said
real estate and to remove the
clafBs cast upon plaintiffs' title
lyreason of your claims.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 24th day
of May, 1943.
(49-4) Their Attorney.
t .-. —
(First publication March 25, 1943)
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an order of sale issued
by the District Court of Antelope
County, Nebraska, in an action
Eending in said court, wherein
oren Albert Gerdes, a minor and
others, are plaintiffs, and Herman
J. Gerdes, and others, are defend
ants, directing rhfe as referee, to
sell the following described real
estate, to-wit:
The Northeast Quarter of Sec
tion 13, Township 29 North, Range
12 West; and the Southeast Quar
ter of Section 14, Township 29
North. Range 13 West, all West
of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Ne
I will sell said real estate at
public auction on the 1st day of
May, A. D., 1943, at the hour of
3 o’clock, P. M., on said date, at
the West front door of the court- j
house in the city of O'Neill, Holt!
County, Nebraska. Terms of said
sale, 10 per cent cash on day of
sale, balance on confirmation,
For Reliable Insurance i
L. G. Gillespie Agency
Phone, Office 28
O’Neill : Nebraska
Insurance of All Kinds, Real \
Estate and Rentals
F. H. A. Loans @4Vi%
Office Phone 106 Res. 136 :
Ofllee Phene 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment j
Glasses Correctly Fitted ]
Residence J Dr. Brown, 223 i
Phones ( Dr. French, 242 j
(First publication April 15, 1943)
Scaled bids will be received at
the office of the Department of
Roads and Irrigation in the State
Capitol at Lincoln, Nebraska, on
May 6. 1943, until 10:00 o’clock A.
M . and at that time publicly open
ed and read for SOIL-CEMENT
COURSE, and incidental work on
Nos. 168-A and 168-B Statu Road.
The proposed work consists of
I constructing 5.2 miles of Oiled
The approximate quantities are:
1.690 Barrels Portland Ce
ment for Stabilization, Ap
160 Thousand Gallons Water,
Soil-Cement Base Course.
1,750 Cu. Yds. Mineral Ag
gregate (Fine Sand) from
Local Pits.
5,670 Cu. Yds. Selected Sub
grade Material from Local
119,590 Gallons Asphaltic Oil
for Stabilization, Applied.
133 Stations Manipulation of
Bituminous Stabilized Base
3,630 Gallons Asphaltic Oil
for Prime Coat, Applied.
560 Cu. Yds. Mineral Aggre
gate (Sand Gravel) for Ar
mor Coat, Applied.
14,810 Gallons Asphaltic Oil
for Armor Coat, Applied.
350 Cu. Yds. Mineral Aggre
gate (Gravel).
650 Cu. Yds. Mineral Aggre
gate (Sand Gravel).
170 Cu. Yds. Mineral Aggre
gate (Fine Sand) from Lo
cal Pits.
420 Cu. Yds. Mineral Filler
from Local Pits.
71,540 Gallons Asphaltic Oil
for Bituminous Mat, Ap
143 Stations Manipulation of
Bituminous Mat Surface
Each bidder must be qualified
to submit a proposal for any part
or all of this work as provided in
Legislative Bill No. 206, 1939
Legislative Session.
The attention of bidders is di
rected to the Special Provisions
covering sub-letting or assigning
the contract.
Compliance by the contractor
with the standards as to hours of
labor prescribed by the “Fair La
bor Standards Act of 1938,” ap
proved June 25, 1938 (Public No.
718. 75th Congress), will be re
quired in the performance of the
work under this contract.
The minimum wage paid to all
skilled labor employed on this
contract shall be seventy-five (75)
cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
intermediate labor employed on
'this contract shall be sixty (60)
cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
unskilled labor employed on this
contract shall be forty-five (45)
cents per hour.
Plana and specifications for the
work may be seen and informa
tion secured at the office of the
County Clerk at Bassett, Nebras
ka, at the office of the County
Clerk at O’Neill, Nebraska, at the
office of the District Engineer of
the Department of Roads and Ir
rigation at Ainsworth, Nebraska,
or at the office of the Department
of Roads and Irrigation at Lin
coln, Nebraska.
The successful bidder will be
required to furnish bond in an
amount equal to 100% of his
As an evidence of good faith in
submitting a proposal for this
work, the bidder must file, with
his proposal, a certified check
made payable to the Department
of Roads and Irrigation and in
an amount not less than two
thousand five hundred (2,500)
The right is reserved to waive
all technicalities and reject any
or all bids.
Wardner G. Scott State Engineer.
L. N. Ress. District Engineer.
Chester Stockwell. County Clerk,
Rock County.
John C. Gallagher, County Clerk,
(49-3) Holt County.
Claims Complete Proteins
Promote Maximum Health
With food shortages impending,
the quality and quantity of pro
teins in the human diet is assum
ing greatly increased importance.
This subject was recently empha
sized by Dr. Morris Fishbein, ed
itor of the Journal of the Ameri
can Medical Association. He says1
many people think only in terms
j of vitamin deficiency in connec
I tion with nutrition.
However, when the facts be
come known regarding conditions
now prevailing in Europe, Dr.
Fishbein feels certain it will be
found that protein starvation is
far more serious than vitamin de
ficiency because it produces a
breakdown of human tissues. This
in turn opens the way to disease
to a far g. eater extent than is
ordinarily caused by vitamin de
“In this connection,” states Mil
ton Hult, president of the Na
tional Dairy Council, “the United
States is in a fortunate position,
in that the amount of protein in
the American diet coming from
milk and its products has greatly
increased in tne past few decades.
Actually, milk, cheese and ice
cream furnish 40 percent more
protein for human consumption
than was true in this country 30
years ago. Since the proteins of
milk are of very highest quality
they are of special importance
during the emergency period in
suplementing the less complete
ones in many other foods. To
supply those needs it is antici
pated by the U. S. Department of
Agricuture that more fluid milk
Will Americans Be More Tender With
Their Money Than Lives of Their Sons
Washington, D. C.—A blunt challenge—whether Amer
icans will be more tender with their money than with the
lives of their sons—confronts U. S. citizens as they prepare to
meet the appeal of the government to put an additional 13
billion dollars into the fight in the next three weeks.
American dollars which run on to<*
some cozy shelter to hide while
American boys are dying to defend
our cities and towns from destruc
tion and invasion will face a rising
demand from all classes of patriotic
citizens to come out and fight.
Millions of workers who now are
buying War Bonds regularly out of
current income must lend extra
money to their government during
the Second War Loan campaign
(which started April 12).
In recognition of the spirit of sac
rifice which is sweeping over the
land as our troops swing into of
fensive action in Africa and await
the signal for a landing in Europe,
the Treasury Department is offering
a series of government bonds to fit
every pocketbook.
No matter whether Americans buy
the familiar Series E Bonds or 2)6
per cent bonds or 2 per cent bonds
or tax certificates, they will be doing
their part to make the Second War
Loan drive a success.
Consumer Spending Too High.
Consumer spending in 1942 was
much too high to meet the war situa
tion of 1943. Last year more than 1
82 billion dollars of our soaring na
tional income went to feed the de
sires of Americans for clothes, rec
reation, foods and luxuries. As these
items grow scarcer, more of our in
come must be diverted from such
expenses into government bonds.
During 1942 millions of our fathers,
sons, relatives and friends were in
training here and abroad. Some
were already in action. Casualties
were beginning to bite into every !
community. War Bonds became a
vital link between the home and i
fighting fronts.
Today sacrifice has become a way
of life for America’s fighting men. 1
Civilian spending on the 1942 scale
must go out the window if the home ■
folks are to attempt to match the [
heroism of our boys at the front.
Not every American can take his i
place in a bomber or in a foxhole
or on a fighting ship but he can fire
away at the enemy by lending
money to the government.
will be available this year for
consumption as such than ever
before and that fluid milk and
cream consumption will reach a
new high of 408 pounds per per
son for the year 1943.”
Mrs. Leah Clouse Passed
Away Tuesday Night
-■ M —.
Mrs. Leah Clouse died at her
home northeast of O’Neill last
Tuesday night at 11:05, after an
illness of about two years, of
cancer, at the age of 55 years,
four months and seventeen days.
The funeral will be held Friday
afternoon at 2 o’clock from the
Presbyterian church and burial
in Prospect Hill cemetery at the
sids of her husband, who passed
away on March 7, 1943.
Leah Gallentine was born at
Turner, Nebr., on November 26,
1887, and had been a resident of
Holt county all her life. On July
8. 1906, she was united in mar
riage to Charles W. Clouse. One
daughter was born of this union,
Mrs. Rudolph Johnson, with
whom Mrs. Clouse was living at
the time of her death, it being
the old home place of Mrs.
Clouse’s father, the late Sol Gal
She is also survived by her
mother, Mrs. Martha Gallentine,
of Clayton, Kan.; two brothers
and three sisters. They are: Wil
liam, of Manteca, Calif.; John, of
Wyoming; Mrs. Eli Gallentine,
of Clayton, Kan.; Mrs. Walter
Forbes, of Brunswick. Nebr.; Mrs.
Bryan Hawthorne of Buffalo Gap,
Wyo., and a niece, Mrs. Orville
Hartland, of Phoenix, Nebr.
South Side Imp. Club
The South Side Improvement
Club met with Mrs. Dewey Schaf
fer on Wednesday, April 7. After
a covered dish luncheon, officers
for the ensuing year were elected,
as follows: Mrs. Walter Puckett,
president; Mrs. Leon Price, vice
president; Mrs. Robt. Fox, music
leader. Mrs. Walter Pease was
re-elected secretary-treasurer.
Fourteen members, and two
guests who became members dur
ing the afternoon, were present.
A year book was planned and a
committee appointed for arrang
ing same.
Mrs. Bessie Burge graciously
invited us to hold our Fourth of
July picnic at her home and a
committee was selected to ar
range for entertainment, foods
and finances.
Mrs. Harold Lindberg enter
tained the M. and M. Club at a
dinner at her home Wednesday
evening. Mrs. Guy Cole won high
high score. Mrs. Esther Harris all
cut. and Mrs. C. F. Grill the guest
Mrs. Bernice Fuller, who was
formerly a visitor in the Holt
County Assistance office, has
been transferred to Columbus and
left for her new home Saturday.
The Methodist Church
Dawson Park, Minister
Sunday, April 18
Holy Week Services
10:00 A. M., Church School.
11:00 A. M., Palm Sunday Wor
7:00 P. M., Methodist Youth
8:00 P. M„ Special Holy Week
“The Story of the Holy Week”
and special music by the choir
and by the Junior church.
April 20th
Tuesday, 8:00 P. M., “Teach
ings of Jesus.”
April 22nd
Thursday, 8:00 P. M., commun
ion service. The choir will sing
the response.
April 23rd
Good Friday, 8:00 P. M., relig
ious playlet, “The Betrayal,” ac
companied with music by choir.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyndle Stout went
to Lincoln on Wednesday for a
few days. "
William Madison of Omaha was
a business caller in O’Neill on
Pfc. Fred V. Halva left Mon
day afternoon for Bakersfield,
Calif., after spending a fifteen-day
furlough here with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva, and
Miss Irene Gilday will enter
tain eight guests at a 7 o’clock
dinner at her home this Thurs
day evening.
Homer Mullen of Scribner spent
the week-end here visiting with
his wife and other relatives.
M rs. Ward Barnes and Mrs. |
Lydia Hughes of Naper and Miss
Eva Barnes of Butte were callers
in O'Neill on Wednesday.
Halsey Moses and Jack Berri
gan made a business trip to Grand
Island Wednesday.
Miss Virginia Damero and Miss
Dorothy Liewer of Inman were
O'Neill visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Etta Shriner went to Sioux
City on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Hammerlin
of San Antonio, Texas, visited
Mrs. McCartney on Tuesday.
Circle No. 2 of the Presbyter
inan Guild Will meet today at
the home of Mrs. Moses. Mrs.
McCartney: is assisting hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Auker, of
Springview, formerly of the Meek
neighborhood of this county, were
callers at the Halsey Moses home
on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Rob
ertson made a business trip to
Stuart Tuesday.
The Alpha Club met at the
home of Mrs. Carl Widtfeldt on
Wednesday afternoon. Roll call
was a “Penny Saver.” It was
their annual card party.
Mr. and Mrs. Burkmaster went
to Sioux City on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney
and family visited Mrs. McEl
haney’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Clifton at Orchard Sunday.
[ S» ^E-~1
Bring This Coupon With You
THIS COUPON entitles purchaser to one extra can for ONE CENT of
any size of RAPIDO FLOOR VARNISH, when properly filled out and
presented with the purchase of one can, same size, at the regular price.
Be Sure to Fill In Below' Size Purchased and Price Paid
I purchased one__can of Rapido Floor Varnish
f hi Nomol ^or which I paid_and received another can of
cm-namei the same size for 0NE cent.
offer Name______
street Address............
coupon City and State.—.—
Date Purchased_____
We Are Featuring This Outstanding Value for ONE WEEK ONLY
Bargain Week Begins Saturday, April 17, and Ends Saturday, April 24
Limit: One can, any size, at regular price; one can, same size for 1 Cent.
This sale is limited to stock now on hand because, under present condi
tions, wre may not be able to replenish it.
Holt Co. A.C.A. Notes
“All farm-sealed wheat, rye
and barley, either of 1941 or
1942 crop, becomes due on April
30, 1943,’’ states Harry E. Ressel,
chairman of the Holt County A.
C. A. “We are in receipt of au
thorization to resume CCC corn
sales at 90 cents per bushel.
“We quote in. part a letter from
Abner K. Chestem, Nebraska
chairman of the U. S. D. A. War
Board: “Discontinue rationing
fencing.” Therefore it is no longer
necessary to file applications for
“We are again taking orders for
feed wheat at 99 cents per bushel
through April. We are having
some trouble in meeting our bean
allotment. Anyone interested in
making additional planting over
that indicated on the 703, please
notify this office to that effect,”
states Mr. Ressel.
First Presbyterian Church
Sunday school at 10:00 a. m.
R. M. Sauers, Supt.
Morning Worship at 11:00 a. m.
Rev. R. E. Chamberlain, Pastor.
With our faces toward the new
church year, let us thank our
God, take courage and move out
with greater confidence. Our
Lord is able, with a sincere
Thank You to each one of our
church, and the same to all our
friends in the city and churches.
Let us with your help do better.
Sincere thanks to the owner and
editor of this paper, who give to
us freely of their paper for our
church notes.
The Steel Creek Club met at
the home of Fora Knight last Sat
urday evening. The members re
cited on their previous assign
ments. No future assignments
were given. Allen Knight resign
ed from office and Billy Brady
was put in his place. The next
meeting will be held at the home
of Ed Krugman.—Club Reporter.
Word has been received that
Ned Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Porter of this city, has been
promoted from Private to Private
First Class. He is stationed at
Camp Haan, Calif.
Pvt. Haynes Is Assigned
To Army Air Force
Pvt. Laurence G. Haynes, son |
of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes of
Page, has arrived at the Univer
sity of Missouri, at Columbia, Mo.,
for a course in army air force in
struction lasting approximately
five months prior to his appoint- j
ment as an aviation cadet in the!
army air forces. During this pe
riod he will take numerous ac
ademic courses, as well as ele
mentary flying training. Upon
completion of the course he will
be classified as a pilot, navigator
or bombardier and go on to
school of the flying training com
mand for training in those spe
Blood Test Soon Essential
To Get Marriage License
Senator Martin Mischke’s two
anti-syphilis bills, L. B. 40 and
41, were signed a few days ago
by Governor Griswold. Neither of
the two bills carries the emerg
ency clause and do not become
effective until ninety days after
the legislature adjourns.
Mischke’s L. B. 40 relates to
pre-marital blood examinations
and provides that no person shall
be issued a marriage license un
til a physician’s statement is pre
sented showing that he or she are
not infected with syphilis. The
applicant for a marriage license
must have a blood sample, taken
by a physician, submitted to a la
boratory, approved by the health
department for examination, and
pay the costs.
The other bill provides for tak
ing of a sample of blood of preg
nant women for a standard test
for syphilis. Results of such tests
are to be filed with the depart
ment of health, which is to pay
the costs.
O’Neill relatives have received
word of the birth of a daughter,
Mary Clare, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Montgomery of Baker, Ore. Mr.
and Mrs. Montgomery were for
mer residents of this city, Mrs.
Montgomery being the former
Miss Dorothy Grady, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grady of
this city.
Livestock Prices Lower
The drop in price of both cattle
and hogs at all the central live
stock markets this week did not
seem to affect the receipts at the
local sale Monday, aS there was a
good run showed up. The hog
market was 65 cents per hundred
lower than last Monday, and in
the cattle market the lightweight
cattle held about steady with
other classes being lower. Steer
calves brought from $15.50 per
hundred and heifer calves from
$14.00 to $15.50 per hundred.
Yearling steers sold from $14.00
to $15.20 and yearling heifers
from $13.00 to $13.95. Two-year
old steers brought $13.30 to $14.30.
Cows sold from $8.50 to $11.55.
Bulls brought from $12 to $13.
Butcher hogs sold from $14.20
to $14.35 with an extreme top of
$14.45. Sows sold for $13.85 to
$14.10. There was a good run of
bred gilts here and the price paid
on them was from $14.70 to $15.30.
Feeder pigs brought from $15.70
to $17.00.
There was around 25 head of
horses showed up for the horse
sale. The next sale will be held
on Monday, April 19.
4-H Victory Sewers
A new club, “The 4-H Victory
Sewers,” was organized on Friday
evening, April 9th at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing.
The following officers were elect
ed: President. Mary Ramold; vice 0
president, Armella Pongratz; sec
retary-treasurer, Reta Babl; song
leader, Mary Bruder. Mrs. Dor
othy Janzing was elected leader,
and Mrs. Tena Winkler assistant
leader. There are nine members
in the club. The girls are taking
“Winter Wardrobe.” At the close
of the meeting a delicious lunch
was served by the leader. Next
meeting will be held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Pongratz
on Friday, April 30.—Ruth Bel
lar, club reporter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Weldon of
Kansas City, Mo., and Mrs. Fred
Rouback of Valentine visited Mr.
and Mrs. Fay Miles last Satur
day and Sunday. Mr. Weldon de
parted Sunday for Fort Leaven
worth, Kan., to begin army train
“Sure been a great year for crops, Judge
best we’ve had in quite a spell.”
“ That’s true, Henry... all over thecountry.
As a matter of fact, there’s been quite a
surplus supply of grain according to some
figures I saw in one of your farm papers the
other day. But that surplus is being used to
mighty good advantage and is making the
contribution of you farmers to the war effort
more important than ever.
Here’s just one example of what I mean.
The beverage distilling industry alone will
use 100,000,000 bushels of this surplus to
make alcohol seriously needed by the gov
ernment for gunpowder, synthetic rubber,
chemicals and medical supplies.
“So, keep it growin’ Henry... you’re doing
a great job.’’
Conference of Alcoholic Beverage Industries, Im