The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 15, 1943, Image 6

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Bej ISABEL ^^AITT^.n.(^Rtlease
who I* telling Ui# tlorv, receive* an
a mm so t -us letter enclosing IIS' and ask
ing her lo bid for an abandoned church
to be anrlloned the neat day. She finds,
la an old chest, the body of a man identi
fied as Roddy l.ane. The body disap
pears a lew boors taler. A Bsh shed
hnrns. apparently killing an old man
named Brown who is supposed lo have
lived there. Lily Kendall is found dead,
with Hugh Norrrnss’ scarf around her
neck. Albion Potter gives Judy a picture
of the church he has Just finished Be*,
ale Norcross writes a confession. Hugh
Insists that his sister only confessed
to save turn
Now continue with Judy's story.
Auntie was urging me to go back
to the house. The boat was already
at the water's edge. I wanted to
see the final splash and learn if it
would be safe. I hoped Victor Quade
wouldn't get into it, when, with a
mighty shove, it slipped into the bay.
As a matter of fact, nobody did.
Just then Thaddeus Quincy let out
a yell and waved his red table cloth
like anything. Sure enough, a sail
boat was making for our wharf.
She had no tender, but as she came
about the men hastily tied the Elea
nor and stood shouting till it's a
wonder anything could be made of
"Ahoy, there!" yelled the man.
"Lane ready? Lost my tender.” So
he’d come expecting Roddy to go
sailing with him. And Roddy hadn't
kept the date.
Lane’s not here!" shrilled Quin
cy. "There’s been a-r
De Witt held up his hands. “Let
me, my friends." Then he bellowed:
"Send the police—at once. Murder!
The man let go the tiller a second
to megaphone with his hands. "Not
Lane! Did you say—murder? When
he didn't show up I came after
him. You want the police!”
I was sure he was going to cap
size, but he righted his craft and
sailed slowly, oh. it seemed so slow
ly, toward town across the cove.
"It won’t be long now,” Potter
said, "and I’m utterly glad. Sorry
for Norcross, though.”
Uncle Wylie pulled at his old corn
cob pipe a moment. “Nella, where's
my pipe? You know, the one I like.”
“Where the police can’t And it.
How'd I know anybody’d confess?
I—I burned it!”
"Dang it! Burned my best pipe!
That was a smart thing to do!
What’ll the police think when they
And you’ve deliberately burned
some of the evidence?” Uncle Wylie
was mad.
"Let ’em think what they please."
Aunt Nella swept up the steps with
dignity. “Come along. Mr. Nor
cross." She had no intention of shar
ing her precious elderberry wine
with all of us.
But Hugh sank down in a chair,
his head slumped forward and a
dazed expression on his face, as if
he could no longer take it all in. 1
sat in the next chair.
"Be a relief to be let alone in a
nice quiet cell,” he said to nobody
in particular. "Only my own nerves
to consider, for a change. I believe
it'll be a rest. Maybe poor Bessie
will snap out of it. Help her, Judy.
And know this, before they come:
If things hadn't turned out this way.
I was going to tell you something.
It doesn’t matter now. You wouldn’t
want to hear it from a flend like
I could still see the sailboat dis
appearing in the opposite direction.
The sun was hot. Below us lay the
charred place where the fish shed
had stood, with its gruesome ex
hibit. Beyond, poor Lily, whom the
men had thought best to leave where
she was—cruel as it seemed to us
“There are plenty of people on
this porch who could be convicted I
on evidence against them, the same
as you. it seems to me. Hugh. Per
sonally 1 can't see what you could
have to say to me. after the way you
tried to involve me in this awful
affair,’’ I said to him.
“Nobody could pin anything on
you on account of the $800 I sent
“In 550 bills?"
He let it ride. “I wish they’d
come and take me away. Suspense
is terrible."
"Hughie, why did you put that
glass bead in my powder compact
and leave the bag for De Witt to
find? You must have known it would
implicate me."
“Oh, yes; the bead. It was a
nice one. I found it Thought you
could give it back to Miss Kendall.
Always picking ’em up for her.”
“So you were. Pretty kind to a
person you’d planned to kill.” We'd
been almost whispering, but now 1
got up to go into the house.
” ’Fraid it won't wash, Hugh Nor
cross; any more than the pool of
blood Bessie says was at the foot of
the church steps. No one else saw
any traces of it. She's covering for
you, and you’re doing the same for
A whisper came between us.
“Shut up. Judy! Go on with the act,
Norcross. Know your innocer^ but
it’ll throw the real you-know off
guard.” Then aloud Victor said, so
that the ethers could all hear: “Now
that Norcross has cleaned his slate,
can any of the remainder of you
throw any light on various angles?
Might keep some of it from the au
thorities. If it had nothing to do with
the crimes—that is.'*
I saw my aunt turn her back and
knew the teeth were being plunked
in again. ‘‘Mr. Gerry and I will not
mind their questions. I'll own up to
destroying the pipe. Bet most wives
bum up a smelly pipe or two. It's
silly to think, even if it dropped out
of Wylie's pocket at the fish shed,
it could have set the fire. Burned
him, wouldn't it? Why don’t you
come clean about your daughter,
Mr. Quincy? Can’t do any harm
Thaddeus Quincy pounded the
steps with his cane. He was sit
ting in his chair down at the foot of
biem, and now his face seemed
strangely contorted as he glared at
my aunt.
“Couldn’t you leave her out of itr'
he thundered. He had a motive, too!
He had a stalwart cane. He could
get around alone, for hadn't I blun
dered into him in the church aisle?
Had his daughter been another of
Roddy’s victims? And why hadn’t
my aunt told me? A new respect for
her came over me as Mr. Quincy
sputtered: "She had nothing to do
with this. Six years ago. my only
child fell in love with and mar
ried that cad. Lane, while I was in
Baden-Baden taking the cure. I was
only gone nine months, but I never
saw her husband until night before
last, when he walked into the dining
room here. He’d gone through the
little money my daughter had re
ceived from her mother and desert
ed her for another woman before i
came home. You can't imagine the
refined cruelty he practiced on my
little girl, before she went to Reno
and divorced him. Now she's hap
pily married again. You can see
“Be a relict to be let alone in a
nice quiet cell.*’
why I don’t want her mentioned She
waited three years tor him. and
when he came crawling back after
the Lane Bank scandal she saw rea
son and divorced him.”
Hugh flamed. “It wasn’t my sis
ter! Bessie wouldn't have anything
to do with another woman's hus
"If she knew it. Quincy added.
"Don't have a fit, Norcross. It
wasn't your sister. Happened out
West. The woman—1 won't mention
her name—but she dabbled in mag
azine illustrating. She was married,
also, at the time. Deserted her, too.
Led her a terrible life, I've heard."
There was a motive a yard wide—
a man who's abused his daughter
ought to be killed. Mr. Quincy him
self said so. the next breath. It
was lucky Lane had kept out of his
"But 1 didn't kill him. nor that
pestiferous Miss Kendall. I’ll ad
mit I came to the Head to try to
get back my daughter’s $10,000
Roddy told her, after he'd been
drinking one day, he had a personal
bank hidden at the Head, but not in
the Castle. He'd fooled the police at
the time of the search; but if she'd
take him back he'd get it and repay
her. The depression left us—espe
cially her and her twin babies—
she’d remarried after the divorce—
hard up. I'd seen no mention of
Lane in the Rockville paper. I de
termined to come to the Head and
have a look-see. The auction of the
church set me thinking. That would
be the very place to hide wealth, in
an unused church. So I came. 1
didn't know whether Lane was still
afraid to show up here, or had taken
the money away or not. My daugh
ter refused to have anything to do
with him or his money."
“Did you send me the cash to buy
the church?"
He pointed his cane at Hugh.
"He did. Me, I’m poor. I bid, but it
was a relief when you got it, Judy.
That would give me access without
suspicion. No, it’s clear as a brook:
I The recluse died by accident The
bridge collapsed Nor cross avergcd
hi* sister. And Miss Kendall fell.
All we have to do is wait for the po
lice, who should arrive in—" be
took out hi* watch. "—about fifteen
or twenty minutes."
Victor's hands pat-a-caked silent
ly. "Very, very interesting, Mr.
Quincy. And the wind tied the blue
scarf around Lily’s neck?"
"You should know, i wasn't down
there. We'd all left the church and
gone to the bridge. You stayed a
while, didn’t you?"
"Yes. With Judy." Did Lily’s
death coincide with the gull’s cry?
I felt sure it had. Victor changed
the subject "Why? Anything to add,
The artist jumped, his wide eyes
bulging wider. "Me?" He shrugged.
"Not a thing. Came here to paint ,
and a fine chance I’ve hadl Never
saw or heard of the place before. !
Went to Rockville first, just as you
did, Quade, and a fellow said, when
l bought some linseed oil and tur- j
pcntine, 'If it's scenery you want, i
go to the Head.’ So I came and liked j
it, and now wish I hadn't." It was j
the longest speech I'd ever heard |
from him.
The minister wasn't saying a
thing. He stood by the rail, his ser- j
mon forgotten, gazing out toward
Rockville. But he faced us quietly j
when Victor spoke to him.
“And you, De Witt, want to add a
“You mean my prison record? ;
It'll doubtless be raked up. I’ll just
say this: "I lost money in the Lane |
Bank failure—several thousand dol- j
lars. I came here summers—Rock- j
ville, I mean—and preached there,
as well as in New York. Because of
a scandal, I was ousted from both
churches. Some of the funds for
maintenance were missing. The po- j
lice received an anonymous letter
hinting that there might be a con
nection between the embezzlement
at the bank and the church affair—
perfectly ridiculous. I was accused
and sent to prison and served nine
months; then one of my deacons
confessed. I always thought Lane
might have sent that anonymous let
ter. No proof could be found. There
was a horrible interval of suspicion
before the police accused me. At
the church everyone thought him
guilty. His father had come to me
and I'd talked with Roddy earlier;
that is, tried to get him to do the
right thing. If he had taken poor
people's savings or forged my name
to a certain check I prayed with
him to clear his conscience. He
told me to go to—Hades. His fa
ther, my friend, shot himself, but
that wasn't until after I’d been tried
and convicted and served time. Now
you know, and if you'll excuse
me—” He left us and went to his
Victor announced quite bluntly,
"Several things sound Ashy to me.
I wouldn't advise anyone to try to
get away—in the Eleanor, for in
"Including yourself?” cried Hugh.
“Including myself."
He was rehashing his own status
when I went in. I was a sight and
the police were due any minute. We
might all be taken to Rockville for
questioning. I'd fix my hair and
jump into a clean dress. That dot
ted blue voile would do. I hurried
to my room. The money? Yes, it
was still there!
I started to open my closet door
and saw I'd have to move the
church picture again. Oh, dear,
more paint! But this time I was
careful and turned it farther along
the wall, taking hold of one corner
and reversing the painting. Sud
denly I sat back on my heels and
stared. As plain as day the face of a
funny little monkey showed through
the place where I’d wiped it with a
newspaper a little while ago. The
only monkey I knew of as a pet be
longed to Gloria Lovelace—Lily
Kendall's niece! I began to wonder
what the rest of the picture looked
The paint was still wet As 1
swiped at it with paper a portrait
emerged daubily. Nothing distinct
—but a young woman with oodles of
curls holding a monkey. If I could
get some linseed oil or even kero- i
sene, maybe I'd have a portrait.
Two initials came to view—A. P.,
down in one corner. Albion Potter,
of course.
I recalled a picture of Lily’s niece
—the movie star—and a monkey. I
knew I shouldn't, but I deliberately
went into Miss Kendall's room. And
the first thing I saw was a photo
graph I’d often noticed before of a
pretty girl with lots of hair holding
up a pet monkey. That was queer
enough. Had Lily given Albion Pot
ter a commission to do a portrait
of her niece right from the photo
graph? That must be it. Yes; there
it was. A little linseed oil and any
one could see the subjects were the
same. The painting, what I could
see of it, looked very good.
I went up and put on my dotted
voile and joined the others before
the police came. “That was a swell
portrait you did of Miss Kendall’s
niece, Mr. Potter,” I smiled at him.
“Only I wish you hadn’t painted
over it.”
“Wh-\yhy, I never did a portrait
of her niece in my life!”
“But your initials are on it,’* 1
persisted. “On the back of the pic
ture of the church you gave me.”
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Homemakers May Learn
Ration Wisdom
Through Study.
This easily prepared gelatin des
sert uses all unrationed food. It's
pretty but easy to make, and will
top off either a light or heavy meal.
These are times when changes
are the fashion—and that particu
larly applies to
changes in foods
and cooking meth
ods. Mrs. Ameri
ca can no longer
dash to the gro
cer’s and get
enough canned or
processed foods
to put together a quick meal. Nor
can she get together a meal, even
one that would take time, with those
rationed foods.
Points must be budgeted far more
carefully than dollars and cents in
the past! That is the realization ev
ery homemaker has been feeling
since Ration Book II went into ef
fect. Out of that has arisen one
maxim: never to buy a canned or
processed food if a fresh one is
Confusion, indecision, and slow
ness in buying were the adjectives
grocers used when buying with War
Ration Book II began. But this is
gradually wearing away as Mrs.
America learns new shopping meth
Since point values change month
ly, it’s a good idea to keep a list of
point values on hand when making
the menu. Plan menus for a week
at a time—marketing lists and budg
et lists all on hand when you’re do
ing this important bit of work. Don’t
go to the store and wander aim
lessly, selecting whatever appeals
to the eye. Even if you have four
or five ration books from which to
spend, it’s certain you won’t get
enough out of them by the hit or
miss method.
Keep on the lookout for point val
ues which may change—they vary
from month to month and sometimes
change during the month as the pub
lic’s buying habits are watched.
Haphazard shopping, meal-plan
ning, and carelessness about the
health or the fam
ily are out of
date. The home
maker must be
alert and vigilant
now as never be
fore to make of
her family the
strongest and
' I healthiest possi
ble unit—for a healthy America is a
strong America.
Lamb is fairly easily obtainable
meat and second to pork, richest
source of thiamin—our morale vita
min. Very little, if any, lamb is
being sent to the armed forces and
Allies, and that means it is for ci
vilian use.
Baked Lamb Loaf.
(Serves 8 to 10)
l$4 pounds ground lamb
lt4 cups bread crumbs
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons minced green pepper
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
3 tablespoons grated onion
Lynn Says:
Fresh Vegetables: To those of
you accustomed to using canned
vegetables and learning how
many they serve, these hints are
given on how many fresh vege
tables will serve:
Asparagus: One pound yields
two cups, cut, serve three to four.
Beans, green or yellow: yields
[ three to three and one-half cups,
serves four or five.
Beets: One pound yields three
to four servings. Use young beet
greens as vegetable, too!
Broccoli: One pound serves
four to five.
Cabbage: One pound, shredded,
yields three and one-half cups.
One pound cooked serves three.
Parsnips: Four medium sized
roots make a pound, serves four
to five.
Peas: One pound gives two
! Spinach: One pound serves
three to four.
| Turnips: One pound yields
three to four servings.
Lynn Chamber*’ Point-Saving
•Deviled Egg, Macaroni and
Pea Salad
Hot Biscuits with Jam
•Marmalade Bavarian Milk
•Recipe Given
1 cup cooked pea*
2 teaspoons salt
54 teaspoon pepper
Soak crumbs and mix well with
meat and other ingredients. Pack
into a loaf pan. Bake in a 300 de
gree oven for 1 Vi hours. This may
also be baked in a ring mold and
served with parsleyed potatoes.
Fish will come into more popu
larity to help extend our main dishes
when ration points will not cover
that major item:
Fish Loaf.
(Serves 6)
2 cups cooked, flaked fish (leftover
may be used)
2 tablespoons chopped green pepper
1 tablespoon minced onion
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 cup fine, soft bread crumbs
% teaspoon salt
% teaspoon pepper
2 eggs, separated
H cup milk
2 teaspoons lemon juice
Shred the fish. Saute green pep
per and onion in butter, add to fish
with bread crumbs and seasonings.
Beat egg yolks, add milk and then
add to fish mixture. Stir in lemon
juice. Fold in stiffly beaten egg
whites. Poured into a greased loaf
pan, set in a pan of hot water.
Bake for 1 hour in a 350-degree
oven. Serve with white sauce to
which hard-cooked eggs have been
As the days be
come warmer we
will gradually be
gin adding salads
for our main
dishes, to help
save on pointage.
Here is a splen
did suggestion.
using all unrationed foods:
•Deviled Egg, Macaroni
and Pea Salad.
(Serves 8)
10 to 12 deviled eggs
1 package (12 to 16-ounce) macaroni
2V4 cups cooked, fresh peas
French dressing
Radish roses
Salad greens—optional
Deviled eggs
10 to 12 hard-cooked eggs
2 tablespoons salad dressing
2 tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar
1)4 teaspoons mustard
1V4 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
Vi teaspoon salt
% teaspoon celery salt
V4 teaspoon pepper
Cut a half-inch slice from round
ed end of egg. Cut a saw tooth edge
around white, if desired. Remove
yolk carefully. Press yolks and bits
of leftover whites through sieve,
add remaining ingredients and beat
until light and fluffy. Refill shells,
using pastry tube for decorating top,
if desired.
Boil macaroni in salted water ac
cording to directions on package.
Drain, rinse, then drain thoroughly.
Marinate with a little french dress
ing, then chilL
Cook peas, drain, and save stock
for soup. Marinate peas in french
To make salad, heap macaroni in
center of dish. Alternate deviled
eggs and radish roses around edge,
pressing them into macaroni. Fill
with a border of peas between eggs
and macaroni.
A main dish salad that’s a meal
in itself includes macaroni, deviled
eggs, and a ring of freshly cooked
peas. This supplies a good quantity
of protein to build and repair body
tissues and gives food with that
stick-to-the-ribs quality.
’Marmalade Bavarian.
(Serves 6)
1 package orangeflavorcd gelatin
1% cups hot water
% teaspoon salt
% cup heavy cream
V4 cup orange marmalade
Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Add
salt. Chill until cold and syrupy.
Fold in cream, whipped only until
thick and shiny, but not stiff. Fold
in marmalade.
Lynn Chambers welcomes you to
submit your household queries to her
problem clinic. Send your letters to
her at Western Newspaper Union, 210
South Desplaines Street, Chicago, Illi
nois. Don’t forget to enclose a stamped,
self-addressed envelope for your reply.
Released by Western Newspaper Union.
Released by Western Newspaper Union.
IT’S hard to write about
Signe Hasso because only
superlatives should be used,
and there’s so much to say.
Very beautiful, talented and
intelligent, the young Swed
ish dramatic star is famous
on the Scandinavian stage
and in England. She put in
her year of wailing here for her
quota number, so that she could act,
by writing for Swedish newspapers;
even covered the President's press
conferences. She’s a superb actress.
beautifully trained. You’ll get just
a small sample of her work in
Metro’s thrilling “Assignment in
Brittany”; she stands out in a cast
including such experts as Margaret
Wycherly, Richard Whorf. John
Emery and George Coulouris.
Christine Gordon, making her
American debut in "I Walked With
a Zombie, ” plays the zombie, the
longest role in this RKO film. In
Czechoslovakia Miss Gordon was
well known on the stage, screen and
radio—in this picture she doesn’t
speak a word!
Carlton Morse, whose “One Man's
Family” has been a ten-year favor
ite on the air, is finally making a
screen treatment of it for United
Artists. What with still doing the
famous radio serial and having his
“I Love a Mystery” broadcast
again, he’s fairly busy.
There's an ambitions plan under
way to open United Artists' “Stage
Door Canteen” on all fighting fronts
simultaneously—practically all over
the world, as well as on ships at
sea. The event will be brought to
the American public by radio; the
famous folk of the show world who
appear in the picture will partici
pate, and tbere’ll be conversations
between them and the men of the
armed forces.
Lum and Abner, who must deliver
their fourth picture to RKO by June
1, are still searching frantically for
just the right story. Meantime, their
second film, “Bashful Bachelor,”
still makes money; the third, “Two
Weeks to Live,” is just out.
At the request of King Haakon of
Norw'ay, the English offices of War
ner Bros, have asked that a print of
“Edge of Darkness" be sent over
immediately for a special showing;
the print was rushed to Lisbon by
Clipper, then to London. Starring
Ann Sheridan and Errol Flynn, with
a cast including Walter Huston,
Judith Anderson, Ruth Gordon and
Morris Carnovsky, it tells the story
of the revolt of a Norwegian village
against the Nazi invaders; it’s a pic
ture fit for a king, showing the
I spirit of his native land.
“Ladies in Gray,” a story of the
American women who are working
in government hospitals to help re
habilitate the wounded, will be pro
duced by Metro with the co-opera
tion of the war department and the
Red Cross.
For the first time in eight years
Adolphe Menjou and his wife, Veree
Teasdale, will appear together in a
picture; they’ll be seen in “Hi Did
; die Diddle” as a husband-wife team,
and are planning to continue as a
starring partnership.
Ann Shirley and Walter Reed, who
took screen tests together when
they were 13, for child parts in a
Brian Foy picture, have the roman
tic leads in “Bombardier.” He
didn’t immediately recognize her
when they met at the RKO studio;
in the days when they made those
tests together she was known as
“Dawn O’Day”—the kind of name
that always used to be inflicted on
child actresses.
ODDS AND ENDS—Gloria Blondell,
sister of Joan, is carting a career for
herself, very successfully, in “I Love a
Mystery” .. . Victor Borge's doing fine:
after appearing in “Broadway Melody
of 1943,” he’ll appear in a picture with
Hedy Lamarr, as her leading man . . ,
Pierre Aumont, making his starring
debut here as leading man in "Assign
ment in Brittany,” looks like just what’s
needed in Hollywood, where good lead
ing men are scarcer than hen’s teeth
... To date, Ralph Eduards’ “Truth or
Consequences” broadcasts from various
cities have been sellouts: he hopes to
sell 120,000,000 worth of war bonds on
his tour.
Raise Better Chicks With
Every chick dryer ye* the b«t of cute thh
r*r. Help them get off to » good *t*rt with
D Poultry Li'ter Ponitivrly fireproof—mold
proof! Absolutely no harm if chick* eat it.
Abaorha morature—no breeding ground for Hin
rate germ*. Triad, Tented! Thousand* of bag*
uned pant 3 *ea*onn. Inennennice—* bag* will
litter 300 to 500 chick* all «•»•»«. See your
hatchery, feed or produce dealer, or write
TOP AY for price*.
2MW Ed. CraiqMon Av*., Omaha, Nebraska
Have You Noticed It?
Journalism has made great ad
vances since we were a boy. Now
the number of casualties in a
great disaster is approximately
what the first reports say they are.
An auctioneer must be very uida
awake, but that doesn’t get him any*
where if the people don’t nod.
Arise with the lark, but avoid
larks in the evening.
No one writes the way he talks.
If he did, there would be no
Oar Be si ness—Selling real estate without
delay. 31 years of successful selling. The
larger holdings and estates our specialty.
If you wish to sell—it will pay you well—
Set in touch with us now. Nebraska Realty
.action Ce., Central City, Nebraska.
BOARS AND GILTS at private sale. Write
O. MeKELVIE - Clay Center, Nebr.
$2.00 FOR A GOOD COW. For over 20
Jears farmers have used Sperry's Lump
aw Remedy for lump cows. No cutting—
one application. $2.00 at drug stores. If
unable to obtain send to J. SiEKKV CO.,
Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Live Stock Commission
A Real Live Stock Com. Firm
At the Omaha Market
Pull the Trigger on
Constipation, with
Ease for Stomach, too
When constipation brings on discom
fort after meals, stomach upset, bloating,
dizzy spells, gas, coated tongue, and bad
breath, your stomach is probably “crying
the blues” because your bowels don't
move. It calls for Laxative-Senna to pull
the trigger on those lazy bowels, com
bined with Syrup Pepsin for perfect ease
to your stomach in taking. For years,
many Doctors have given pepsin prepa
rations in their prescriptions to make
medicine more agreeable to a touchy
stomach. So be sure your laxative con
tains Svrup Pepsin. Insist on Dr. Cald
well’s Laxative Senna combined with
Syrup Pepsin. See how wonderfully the
Laxative Senna wakes up lazy nerves and
muscles in your intestines to bring wel
come relief from constipation. And the
good old Syrup Pepsin makes this laxa
tive so comfortable and easy on your
stomach. Even finicky children love the
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HNTJ—U 15—43
Don't Neglect Them I
Nature designed the kidneya to do •
marvelous job. Their task is to keep the
flowing blood stream free of an excess of
toxic impurities. The act of living—lift
iUcl.f—is constantly producing waste
riTktter the kidneys mu3t remove from
: the blood if good heath is to endure.
When the kidneys fail to function as
Nature intended, there is retention a#
waste that may cause body-wide dis
tress. One may suffer nagging backache,
persistent headache, at tacks of dizziness,
getting up nights, swelling, puff.ness
under the eyes—feel tired, nervous, all
worn out.
Frequent, scanty or burning passages
are sometimes further evidence of kid
ney or bladder disturbance.
The recognized and proper treatment
Is a diuretic medicine to help the kidneya
get rid of excess poisonous body waste.
Use Doan's Pills. They have had more
than forty years of public approval. Are
endorsed the country over. Insist on
Doan's. Sold at all drug stores.