The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 15, 1943, Image 1

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    Neb. State Historical Societ,
The Frontier
Commercial Club Held Rousing
Meet Tuesday Night At Golden
The members of the O’Neill
Commercial Club held the regu
lar meeting last Tuesday evening
in the Golden Hotel at 7 o’clock
and it was very largely attended,
in fact one of the best meetings
held for several months.
After the wants of the inner
man had been satisfied. Chairman
Cronin introduced L. M. Ress,
district engineer of the state high
way department, from Ainsworth,
who addressed the members and
gave some interesting information
regarding post-war planning of
the state highway department. He
said that contemplated work in
this section of the state was the
completion of Highway No. 20
from Creighton to O’Neill and the
oiling of Highway No. 281 from
O'Neill north to the South Da
kota line, and the building of a
road from Chambers west to con
nect with Highway No. 11. He
said that plans for this work were
already completed and had it not
been for the war the work would
be under construction at tne
present time. He said that a new
bridge across the Niobrara river
was also contemplated, when the
improvement on No. 281 was
done. During the war he said
there would be very little new
work started, but that the de
partment would continue to main
tain highways now built, to pre
vent a large amount of repair
work at the conclusion of hos
tilities. Work in this section this
year is the rebuilding of about
five miles of Highway No. 20 west
of Stuart and repair of Highway
No. 20 near Ewing. Mr. Ress
made a nice talk and it was en
joyed by the audience.
The election of officers for the
ensuing year was taken up. Dr.
O. W. French, who has been first
vice president for the past year,
automatically becomes the pres
ident for the coming year. R. H.
Shriner was elected first vice
president; Ted McElhaney. second
vice president. Paul Beha and
H. L. Lindberg were elected to
the board of directors.
Wilson-Darnell Wedding
At Bryan, Texas, Mar. 27
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson of
Redbird announce the marriage
of their youngest daughter, Mary
Ann, to Pvt. Jack E. Darnell, eld
est son of Mr. and Mrs. Carle
Darnell of Lynch on Saturday,
March 27, 1943, at Bryan, Texas.
The marriage lines were read by
the county judge of Brazos coun
ty, Texas.
The bride was graduated from
the Lynch high school with the
class of 1939. The groom graduat
ed from the Lynch high school in
1941 and for the past four months
has been in the Marines and sta
tioned at San Diego( Calif. At
present he is attending the A.
and M. College at College Sta
tion, Texas, where he is taking a
special course in radio.
Mrs. Darnell arrived in Lynch
last Friday, as she will make her
home with her parents until the
return of Pvt. Lynch. Congratu
lations are extended to the newly
married couple.
Velma Marie Berholtz Of
Page Has Joined SPARS
Velma Marie Bernholtz, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Bern
holtz of Page, was sworn a mem
ber of the SPARS, womens re
serve of the U. S. Coast Guard,
at the Iowa-Nebraska headquart
ers of SPARS procurement, the
Old Federal Building, Des Moines.
She travelled to Des Moines at
the expense of the Navy Depart
ment and successfully passed ap
titude and physical examinations.
Within a short time she, will enter
training at one of a number ol
• college campuses throughout the
country where the Navy Depart
ment has established special
schools to prepare the thousands
of young women now serving
their country at Coast Guaid
shore stations within continental
United States.
She will first undergo six
weeks’ indoctrinational training,
during which time she will be se
lected for further training at a
specialized skill the following
three months. From the time she
reports at her first training school
she has all the rights and priv
ileges, opportunities for advance
ment, same pay and allowances,
as men now serving in the u.
S. Coast Guard. . , . „
At the occasion of her taking
her oath in Des Moines, she said:
“I simply want to get get_ into
this thing and see it through .
Gibson Case Appealed
Attorneys for Mrs. Elsie Gib
son, whose husband, James H.,
was given an absolute divorce in
Holt county when she wanted
separate maintenance, asked the
supreme court Monday to over
turn that judgment. They partic
ularly objected to the amount of
alimony, $1,200, when as a mat
ter of evidence more than that
sum was contributed by her out
of her savings for the building of
a home.—Lincoln Journal.
Latest news from the fighting
in North Africa is to the effect
that the American, British and
Free French fighting forces have
the African army cornered in a
small section of Tunisia and it I
will be but a question of time
now until North Africa is free
from the Axis forces. The Ameri
can air forces are covering them
selves with glory on every front,
taking a heavy toll of Axis planes.
Farm Labor Exchange Is
Set Up In Holt County
Arrangements were completed
last week for a farm labor ex
change with a voluntary repre
sentative in each town of the
county. The United States Em
ployment Service, the county
agent’s office and the Farm Se
curity office are co-operating to
act as a clearing house for the
whole county.
In anticipation of a labor short
age, particularly during haying
and harvest, farmers and ranch
ers are being asked to register
their labor needs with their local
representative, in order that plans
can be made for meeting the de
mands. At the present time some
farm labor is available, but it has
been difficult to place them be
cause those farmers wanting to
hire help have not made their
needs known. If a farmer is in
need of help he should register
with the nearest representative in
order that his need may be filled.
The voluntary representatives
in Holt county are: Stuart: A.
C. Berner, Stuart creamery; At
kinson: Claude Humphrey. Hum
phrey shoe shop; O’Neill: Lyndle
R. Stout, county agent’s office;
Chambers: Louis Harley, Harley
Hdw. Co.; Page: H. L. Banta, bar
ber shop; Amelia: Edgar Peter
son, cream station; Emmet: Mrs.
Guy Cole, Emmet Hay Company.
Chambers-$ 608.00
Atkinson _ 3,264.55
Emmet_ 289.97
Stuart- 1,017.18
Page_ 855.31
Inman _ 400.08
Ewing _ 669.50
O’Neill _ 4,433.48
The following contributions in
O’Neill and by School Districts
not yet published:
School District No. 4
Thomas Welch---$2.00
John Derickson-1.00
J. E. Wiley _ .50
Mrs. D. E. Alder_ 1.00
Total__ $4.50
School District No. 14
Elmer Korab . $5.00
School District No. 46
Carl Wulf _$ 1.00
Leo Mlnarik _ 1.00
Geo. Schiffbauer_ 1.00
Marie Hupp- 1.00
Maynard Stearns - 2.00
Cletus Muff_ 1.00
Emil Paulis_ 1 00
Fred V. Stearns_5.00
Rudy Funk_ 1.00
William Sehi- 1.00
Hupp Store - 5.00
Clarence Schmiser- 1.00
C. H. Mueller - 1.50
A. J. Thiele...__ 1.00
G. A. Bauer -- 2.00
Carl Thiele_ 2.00
Leo Funk . 100
Albert Schueth . 1.00
Total $29.50
School District No. 15
C. E. Adamson--..$ 2.00
A. W. Hibbs 1.00
Mrs. Harry Page-- 1.00
M. L. Hynes - 3.00
Edwin Burival- 7.50
Joe Neklite - .50
C. E. Adamson -- 1.00
Total $14.00
School District No. 103
A. W. Sterns_$ 2.00
D. L. Moler_ 1.00
Austin Hynes- 2.00
Total _ $ 5.00
School District No. 62
Donation, box social $15.76
School District No. 3
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson $ 2.50
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mellor 2.50
Mrs. Will Hartland_ 1.00
G. W. Mellor . 1.00
Leonard Halstead 1.50
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wells 2.00
Theodore Enders- 1.00
Art Bessert . 2.50
Leo Baker_ 1 00
J. A. Corkley_ 100
Roy Pnkerman--- 1.00
Mrs. Roy Pinkerman- 1.00
Mike Hull 1.00
William A. Wells.. 2.00
John Wrede- 2.50
Els. Witherwax- 2.00
Ronald Carson - 1 00
Mrs. Velma Hazelhorst 1.00
Total _ $27.50
Charles Yarnall, U. S. N. hos
pital attendant first class, arrived
from Norfolk, Va„ last Saturday
to spend a week’s furlough visit
ing his wife, daughter and other
relatives and friends.
By Romaine Saunders
Atkinson, Nebr., Star Route No. 5.
Better plant a sack of potatoes
if you want any another winter. I
Our Congressman Miller out-1
does Karl Stefan in giving us the
dope from Washington as he
sees it. -
A land lubber of the far inland
would like to know what is
the function of these WAACs,
WAVEs and SPARs in our avow
ed program of crushing the die-1
tators. -
A week ago the first crash of
thunder was heard in our prairie
land and the faucets of the sky
sprayed the landscape. It was a'
starter and a reminder that rain
is not a thing of the past. By the
start of this week rains had put
us under water out here.
When the thirst for the amber
colored brew and desires for the
little white paper rolls becomes
so strong as to lead to criminal
act, it is time for a fellow to con
front himself before the mirror,
shake a clenched fist at what he
sees and say, “Here, old, man, cut
this out!” -
A war worker earning $68.75
gets a check for $56.34, the sum
of $12.41 being taken from his pay
for war tax, bonds, social secur
ity, etc., and then another con
tribution for union maintenance.
War work is not a get-rich-quick
proposition but it is invested with
a patriotic sentiment.
As to the ultimate results for
a sovereign people, is an execu
tive who extravagently doles out
money not his own until hopeless
public indebtedness is incurred
to be desired rather than an ex
ecutive who does not feel free to
reach into the pockets of the cit
izens, but encourages thrift and
promulgates the doctrine, paddle
your own canoe?
Many farm boys protest being
1 deferred from the draft in favor
of farm work. The halo of glam
orous heroics doesn’t rest on a
fellow clad in dusty overalls and
turning over furrows from day
light until dark but he is quite as
necessary on the job as any in
dividual in industry, official or
military service—and he does not
walk out on a strike.
Increase in land values is giv
en at 15 per cent of values more
than a year ago, a rather insig
nificant raise compared with pri
ces of the products of the land.
With the exception of horses, live
stock prices have more than
doubled and the same is true of
1 much of the products of agricul
ture. Real estate values do not
keep pace with the trend of the
, times. It is probably well that
; they do not as the land funda
mentally is the basis of wealth
and it gives a sense of stability
somewhere in our national struc
ture to know that land values
are not in the general runaway,
not yet. -
Messrs Adams, Snelson, White,
Holcomb, Kennedy— a cheerful
and entertaining Old Timers’ Club
have their sessions over at Amel
ia. Rhody Adams, the dean of
them all, has arrived at the mel
low years after a strenuous life
on prairie trails with a freight
wagon; Ernie White, serene, sub
stantial, secure in the restful
shade of a competency wrought
with the bare hands of the pio
neer; George Holcomb, scholar,
showman, heavyweight and re
tired rancher; Pat Kennedy, po
litical philosopher, stockman and
land owner; Mr. Snelson, humor
ist, stage driver and old-time cow
boy—a group that the years have
crowned with garlands of con
tentment. When the time comes,
to borrow from Oliver Wendall
Holmes, that you must law down
the fiddle and the bow because
your fingers are too stiff, and
drop the heavy load because your
arms have lost their cunning; and
after dallying a while with eye
glasses come at last to the undis
guised reality of spectacles —
when the time comes that the
fire of life has burned so low that
where its flame reverberated
there is only the somber stain of
regret, and where its coals glow
ed only the white ashes that cover
the embers of memory—don’t let
your heart grow cold; carry
cheerfulness and love with you
into the teens of your second cen
tury—tuned in lyric song by the
Call him not old whose vision
ary brain
Holds o’er the past its undi
vided reign.
For him in vain the envious
seasons roll
Who bears eternal summer j»»
his soul.
If yet the minstrel’s song, the
poet’s lay,
Spring with her birds or child
ren wth their play,
Or maiden’s smile or heavenly
dream of art
Stir the life-drops creeping
’round his heart—
Turn to the record where his
years are told,
Count the gray hairs—they can
not make him old.
They Gave Their Lives, You Lend Your Money
The case of Guy Cole and Oth
ers vs. the Chicago & Northwest
ern Railway Company was the
center of interest in the assembly
room of the court house Thurs
day of last week, it being
a hearing before the railway
commission of a protest filed by
Mr. Cole and several citizens of
the Emmet neighborhood against
the company removing their
agent from Emmet.
Commissioner Larson and As
j sistant Attorney General Kokger
i of Lincoln were present for the
I commission. Attorney J. J. Har
! rington represented the protest
! ants, while WyrS»>r Dressier of
I Omaha appeared in behalf of the
Northwestern Railway Company.
The hearing started at 9:30 in the
morning and lasted until 6:30
that evening.
The first witness for the pro
testants was Guy Cole. He was
followed by Walter Puckett, Wal
ter Spangler, John Conard, Chas.
Malloy, Dale Robinson, Charles
Abart and Dewey Schaffer, all
prominent former shippers from
the Emmet station.
The witnesses for the railroad
company were Charles Watchke,
Chicago, chief accountant for the
railroad company; N. P. Hoover,
superintendent of the Norfolk di
vision of the road.
The railroad company wants to
do away with its agent in Emmet
—in fact had already done so
March 13—and install a caretaker.
This is seriously objected to by
the protestants for the reason, as
they say, a< caretaker would be of
little value to the people of Em
met and surrounding territory
who have used the defendant’s
lines. They also alleged that the
railroad received sufficient bus
iness in Emmet to justify the rail
road in keeping an agent there.
Now they have to come to O’Neill
for freight shipped to Emmet.
They say that the gross earnings
of the past six months justifies
the railroad company in keeping
an agent there and the business
has been constantly growing.
Since the agent was removed
from Emmet on March 13, thir-!
teen carloads of freight was ship-'
ped by Emmet shippers over the
Burlington out of O’Neill. The re
tention of the agent at Emmet is
desired by all the residents of the
Emmet section of the county, as
was evident from the large crowd |
of farmers from that section of
the county who were present at
the hearing. Despite the busy sea
son and the amount of farm work
to be done thirty-five farmers
and shippers of the Emmet sec
tion of the county were present
for the hearing, which proves that
they were vitally interested in
the hearing.
No decision was rendered at the I
end of the hearing, nor is a de- {
cision expected for five or six;
weeks, as the evidence will bei
presented to the entire commis-l
sion and will be discussed before
a final decision will be reached, j
Karl Siemsen, Atkinson
Business Man, Is Dead
Karl F. Siemsen, one of Atkin
son’s leading business men, died i
at his home in that city last Wcd-|
nesday night at the age of 70 j
years. He is survived by his wife
and five children. For the past
quarter of a century or more
Karl Siemsen was one of the
prominent citizens of the western
metropolis of this county and had
a host of friends in O’Neill who
regretted to learn of his passing.
Marriage Licenses
Robert W. McCartney and Irene
Moss, both of Stuart, on April 12.
Pat Regan Died At Home
Near Page Friday Morn
Pat Regan died at his home
southeast of Inman last Friday
morning at 1:05 o’clock, of heart
trouble, after an illness of but
five days, at the age of 63 years,
three months and fifteen days.
The funeral services were held
last Monday morning from the
Catholic church in this city, Rev.
J. J. O’Flynn of Ewing officiating,
and burial in Calvary cemetery.
The funeral was very large, many
friends attending from the east
ern part of the county to pay
their last respects to their depart
ed friend and neighbor.
Patrick Regan was born in
Swinford. Ireland, on December
24, 1879. He grew to manhood in
his native land and when he was
eighteen years of age he came to
the United States and to Holt
county, Nebraska, in 1879, and
had been a resident of the county
continuously since. On January
26, 1915, he was united in mar
riage to Miss Ellen M. Carr, of
Stafford, the ceremony being per
formed at Stafford. Four children
were born of this union, three
sons and one daughter. One of
his sons preceded him in death
and he leaves surviving, his wife
and two sons. They are: John J.,
(Brother Ivo), Tauton, Mass.;
Mrs. Helen M. Walker, Wahoo,
Nebr.; Charles P. Regan, G M.
3-C, U. S. Navy, who are left to
mourn the passing of a kind and
affectionate husband and father.
He is also survived by lour sis
ters and one brother. They are:
Mrs. William Riley and Mrs. Wil
liam McDermott, Boston. Mass.;
Peter Regan, Mrs. John Tunney
and Mrs. Joe Daughterty, who
live in their native land, Ireland.
His son, John J., (Brother Ivo,)
and sister, Mrs. William Riley,
came here* from Massachusetts for
the funeral services, as did also
his daughter and husband. Mr.
and Mrs. Walker, of Wahoo.
Patrick Regan came directly
from Ireland to Holt county and
for a few years made his home
with an uncle, Patrick Regan,
who lived about eight miles
northeast of O’Neill. Pat farmed
there for several years and then
went to Stafford and worked for
John Carr on his ranch for a num
ber of years, and after liis mar
riage went into business for him
self, and at the time of his death
was the owner of a nice cattle
ranch southeast of Inman, which
was well stocked. He was a hard
worker and prospered. He always
enjoyed good health until a few
days before his death. He was in
this city Wednesday, before his
death, and said that he was not
feeling well and came to town to
consult a physician, and he had
decided to go to Omaha on Sat
urday for medical treatment. But
he was undoubtedly in worse
physical condition than he or his
friends realized, as he passed
away Friday morning. Pat was a
genial and companionable man
and had a host of friends in this
city and county and his sudden
death was a shock to everyone.
The family have the sincere sym
pathy of their many friends in
their hour of sorrow.
Corooral Miller Now
Is Sergeant Miller
Corporal William Miller, now
stationed with the U. S. Fifth
Army in North Africa, has been
promoted to the grade of Ser
geant. in recognition of his me
ritorious application to military
duties. Sergeant Miller is the
son of Mrs. Catherine Miller of
Mrs. Flora Bright of Orchard
spent the week-end here visiting
her son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Ramon Bright.
Now Much Easier For Farmer To
Obtain Gas Rationing Coupons
It is now much easier for farm
ers to obtain rationing coupons
for gasoline used in off-the-high
way purposes. Fuel for tractors,
cooking, lighting, and brooders
may be obtained by simply call
ing at the nearest AAA War
Board, which is supplied with
ample applications. The farmer
will leave the completed appli
cation at the AAA War Board,
and very soon thereafter the ra
tion book will be mailed to him.
A ceiling was put on both the
wholesale and retail price of al
falfa meal this week. That ceil
ing is the average inventory cost
of each kind and grade of alfalfa
meal, plus $3.50 a ton.
“Demon Inflation” was struck
a powerful blow when the Office
of Price Administration extended
the meat ceilings this week by
establishing maximum prices for
which beef, veal, lamb and mut
ton may be sold. These prices
will go into effect April 15, and
will provide unform maximum
prices in all stores of the same
class in each of the twelve price
zones over the nation.
If butchers reduce the point
value of meats, they are required
to cut proportionately the dollar
and cents value, according to a
regulation announced this week.
Seed potatoes may be sold in
quantities less than 50-pound lots.
However, retailers are warned
that they must continue to clearly
tag and label all seed potatoes
as seed potatoes.
A price ceiling that will take
on more importance as the sum
mer season advances is that plac
ed on bottled soft drinks. No re
tailer can charge more for milk,
beer or bottled soft drinks than
he did in March, 1942.
Ration Stamps: Loose stamps
not valid. Take war ration book
with stamps attached when mak
ing purchases.
Sugar: No. 12 coupon, war ra
tion book 1, valid March 16 to
May 31 for five pounds.
Coffee: No. 26 coupon, war ra
tion book 1, valid for one pound
from March 22 to April 25, in
Processed Foods: Consult point
value charts at grocers and in
newspapers for points to be sur
rendered from war book 2. “D,"
“E” and “F” blue coupons may
be used during April.
Meats and Fats: Consumers
must surrender red stamps from
war ration book 2 for purchase
of meats, cheeses, fats and oils.
“A,” “B” and “C” stamps good
now; “D," April 19. All are good
from their validity date to the
end of the month.
Retailers and Wholesalers must
surrender points for purchase of
meats, cheeses, fats and oils be
ginning April 11.
Shoes: Stamp No. 17 of war ra
tion book 1 is valid for one pair
of shoes until June 15, 1943. The
stamps are interchangeable among
members of the family living un
der the same roof.
Rubber Footwear: Men’s rub
ber boots are rationed. Apply to
your local rationing board for cer
tificate to purchase.
Gasoline: No. 5 coupons valid
until May 21. All holders of “B,”
“C” and “T” coupons can now re
new rations by mail. Send post
card to your rationing board for
Form R-543.
Tire Inspections: Second period
inspection for “A” book holders
The Weather
This section of Nebraska, as
well as practically the entire
state, received a good soaking the
past week We had a fine shower
last Thursday night that amount
ed to 55 hundredths of an inch.
Then Saturday afternoon it start
ed raining and a nice steady driz
zle continued to fall all night and
until mid-afternoon Sunday. The
total precipitation here, according
to Weather Observer Bowen, was
2.43 inches.
The first rain was much heav
ier in other parts of the county
than was recorded in this city.
The southeastern part of the
county reported that they had
about an inch in the first rain and
the northeastern part of the
county received about the same
amount. In the northern and
northwestern parts of the county
they said the first rain was near
ly two inches. The rain fell so
nice and quietly that it all soaked
into the ground. Farmers, as well
as everyone else, are naturally
feeling jubilant over the good
soaking, as it puts the ground in
excellent condition for spring
work and gives the pastures and
hay crop a good start.
High Low
April 8_ 70 44
April 9_70 50
April 10 61 50
April 11_56 43
April 12 47 35
April 13 62 27
April 14 43 23
April 15 _43 25
Precipitation 2.43 inches.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Adamic
of Page, a son, born April 13.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Frisch,
a son, bom April 12.
April 1 through September 30.
Allow at least 90 days between
Second period inspections for
"B" book holders March 1 thru
June 30. Allow at least 60 days
between inspections.
Second period inspection for
“C" book holders March 1 thru
May 31. Allow at least 45 days
between inspections.
“T” book holders: Inspection
every sixty days or every 5000
miles, whichever comes first.
Fuel Oil: Period 5, each one
unit coupon valid for 11 gallons;
each ten-unit coupon valid for
110 gallons until September 30.
Note: Rations for fuel oil and
kerosene for domestic, institu
tional and agricultural uses are
now granted for six-months pe
Incubators and Brooders: All
operators of incubators and brood
ers may obtain all needed fuel
oil and kerosene for capacity pro
duction of the equipment. In
creased poultry and egg produc
tion is essential to the war effort.
Coal - Burning Heating Stoves:
Rationing boards will grant per
mission for the purchase of coal
burning heating stoves which
will be used to replace or supple
ment oil-burning heating equip
Butter: Priced on percentage
mark-up basis. Nebraska maxi
mum for 90 score butter in pound
and half-pound cartons, 55 cents;
parchment wrapped, 54 >4 cents.
Eggs and Egg Products: Under
price ceilings at retail and whole
sale. Hatching eggs exempt.
Fresh Vegetables: Tomatoes,
green and wax snap beans, car
rots, cabbage, peas, lettuce and
spinach priced on percentage
mark-up basis.
Pork: Retail prices under spe
cific dollar and cents ceilings by
zones, effective April 1.
Beef, Veal, Lamb and Mutton:
Retail prices under specific dol
lar and cents ceilings by zones,
effective April 15.
Seed Potatoes: Can be sold by
retailer in any quantity.
Used Mechanical Refrigerators:
Sales by individuals covered by
revised maximum price regula
tion No. 139.
Used Trucks: After April 26 all
used trucks will come under ceil
ing prices. Two methods are pro
vided for resale: One, for ve
i hides “as is,” and two, vehicles
; reconditioned and guaranteed.
The Missouri river has been on
the rampage in the Nebraska and
Iowa section for the past week
and the damage resulting from
the flood to farm lands, livestock
1 and farm buildings will run into
the milions.
Omaha was one of the heaviest
losers from the flood. East Oma
ha was completely inundated and
the four million Omaha munici
pal airport has been put out of
commission and seven feet of
water covered the runways last
Wednesday evening. The crest of
the flood reached and passed
Omaha on Wednesday and heavy
damage is now looked for in Ne
braska towns south of Omaha.
A largo force of army engineers
and soldiers from Fort Omaha
and Fort Crook assisted in evac
uating livestock and farm famil
ies from homes in the flooded
areas, as well as from the flooded
! sections of east Omaha. The flood
| is said to have been the worst
! since 1881. No lives were lost.
I -
Sgt. Robert Bergstrom
Is Here On Furlough
Sergeant Robert Bergstrom, U.
S. M. C„ who is stationed at San
Diego, Calif., arrived here Tues
day to spend a thirty day fur
lough visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Bergstrom, and
other relatives and friends. This
is Sergeant Bergstrom’s first visit
home in four years. He looks fine,
; the life of a Marine evidently
j agreeing with him.
While in the service Sergeant
Bergstrom seen action in the
Southern Pacific, where he con
! traded maleria fever and was
sent to the hospital at Santa Cruz,
i Calif., on January 30, where he
was until he received his furlough
and came home. He does not talk
about his experiences in action,
but as he was in the scene of
some severe fighting for some
months, he undoubtedly was in
| the midst of plenty of action.
County Court
William E. Adams of Madison
was arrested on April 9 by Pa
trolman Meistrell and charged
with having no Nebraska license
plate. He pled guilty as charged
and was fined $i and costs
of $3.10.
John Bonenberger of Emmet
was arrested on April 9 by Pa
trolman Meistrell and charged
with overweight on capacity
plates, and pled guilty as charg
ed. He was fined $10 and costa
of $3.10.