The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 08, 1943, Image 4

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D H. Cronin. Editor and Owner
Entered at Postoffice at O’Neill,
Nebraska, as Second Class Matter
One Year, in Nebraska ..$2.00
One Year, Outside Nebraska 2.25
Display advertising is charged
for on a basis of 25c an inch- (one
column wide) per week. Want
ads 10c per line, first insertion.
Subsequent insertions 5c per line
• - " ' ■■ ^ ^ Z'Z
Views of Congress...
By Dr. A. L. Miller, M. C,
It seems quite apparent that
price ceiling are to be placed on
all livestock to be slaughtered. I
have attended meetings in the
past two days at which fifty live
stock organizations from all over
the United States
were represented.
Officials from
OPA and the De-‘
partment of Agri
culture and Mr.
Jones, of the Ec-^
onomic Division,|
attended. T h e
livestock men.
spoke some very plain and hard
words to these men against plac
ing ceilings on livestock. It is my
feeling that the meeting might
just as well not been held, for I
am certain that the Office of Price
Administration and the Depart
ment of Agriculture had already
determined to put on these ceil
ings before even consulting the
men on the firing line who know
most about meat raising. This is
rather typical of the way OPA
has been operating. Your repre
sentative spoke strongly against
this and read into (he record tel
egrams from Mr. Jirdon, pres
ident of the Colorado-Nebraska
Lamb Feeders Association, and
H. H. Selleck, of the Nebraska
Stock Growers Association.
Government officials seem to
think that there is too much in
flation in farm prices. The live
stock men submitted the fact that
inflation was due to the increased
returns going to industry and la
bor. Prices the farmers get cannot
be blamed for inflation when
dairy herds are being sold because
of insufficient returns to pay bills
and hire labor; when farm labor
is being attracted to better jobs
in factories, and when by leaving,
the farm a farmer can make twice j
as much and work only 48 hours'
instead of 80.
A bill was recently passed ap-1
propriating money to be used by
the Extension Departments of the
various states in getting addition
al farm labor. This might help in
some sections by bringing in
Mexican beet workers and Jap
labor, but it is questionable with
the shortage of labor in every
state if this will help matters
The past week we have had a
number of letters from folks who
are concerned about the future of
the Triple A program, and our
criticism of the Department of
Agriculture. I feel definitely
that the Agriculture Department
should represent the farmers. My
predecessor, a democrat, stated
that this administration was
against agriculture. I am of the
same opinion. Under the present
conditions the farmers are being
traded out of their shirts by the
Manpower Commission, the Of
fice of Price Administration, the
War Production Board and the
Commission on Economics.
I believe that farm problems
should be solved by the farmers
at home and not by bureaucrats
in Washington. I believe the far
mers want the heel of government
off their necks, fair prices, suffi
cient manpower to carry on their
operations and machinery and re
pair parts. With these I am con
vinced they will produce to the
utmost. I do not object to farmers
getting a subsidy or incentive
payments if these will help him
produce, but I do object to these
being used as an excuse for regi
menting, controlling and brow
beating him by some bureaucrats
in Washington, some of whom
would have you take the shoes
off the horses at night, change the
lambing season and divide the
steers into males and females.
That sounds silly, doesn’t it? But
this actually happened in the De
partment of Agriculture. The far
mer knows best what his land
will raise and what he can pro
duce with the machinery and
manpower at his command. I be
leive quotas should be removed
and a fair price guaranteed
through a loan guarantee. No
longer should the land be checked
and double-checked to ascertain
if he has overplanted any particu
lar crop. This is a needless waste
of manpower when it is so badly
needed for actual farm operations.
The functioning of Congress
requires the service of about 60
page boys between the ages of 11
and 17 years. These boys go to
school in the basement of the
capitol building from 7:00 in the
morning until noon. From the
time Congress takes up at noon
the page boys are busy running
errands, answering phone calls
and doing athousand and one
things for the 531 members of the
two Houses. The Supreme Court
also requires their services for
running errands and carrying
messages. They receive in this
way a training in practical pol
itics that they could get in no
other. Some members in both
Houses have been pages. The
chief parliamentarian of the
House started as a timekeeper 18
years ago. They are fine bright
eyed youngsters and some of
them may one day sit in our seats
in the House.
The Administration has come
to realize that the food problem
has been badly mismanaged and
horribly bungled. Most men in
Congress feel that Chester Dav
is, the newly appointed adminis
trator, is a strong-minded indi
vidual with an understanding of
the problems of the farmer and
will represent them, and will
bring order out of the chaos. They
will support him in his efforts.
Leaders on both sides of the
House indicate there will be a
ten day or two weeks recess at
Easter time. Your representative
feels that that woukl be a good
thing if the members would go
back home and visit with the peo
ple they represent. Speaking of
Easter, one naturally thinks of
the peace that we hope soon will
come. To be a lasting peace it
must be built on the teachings of
the Christ who said, ‘‘It is better
to give than to receive,” and ad
monishes us to “Love thy neigh
bor as thyself.”
Many groups are now planning
for that peace. We must all be
willing to make sacrifices for it.
Readjustments after the war must
be placed in the hands of those
who believe in our way of life
and can quickly place our indus
try again on a basis where it can
go ahead and make the things we
will be wanting and thus re-em
ploy our soldiers when they come
home. The President and his staff
are doing a splendid job of carry
ing on the war and no doubt con
scientiously making plans for the
peace, but there are too many in
dividuals in his administration,
particularly in OPA and WPB,
who do not understand the tem
per of the American people and
are basing their plans on theory |
of regulation and regimentation.
The people will not stand for this
totalitarian plan of life. Bureau
cratic control must be dissolved
and individuals at home must
again be permitted to seek life,
liberty and the pursuit of happi
ness on democratic lines with
out detailed direction from Wash
Something happened last week
that may bring greater benefits to
Nebraska than anything that has
happened for a long while. The
Board of Investigation and Re
search. created by the Transpor
tation Act of 1940, submitted a
report to the President recom
mending abolition of long-stand
ing freight rate discrimination,
establishment of a uniform na
tional rate structure. For many
years the West has suffered from
discrimination that has favored j
the manufacturing centers of the I
East. Now a board, expressly set!
up by Congress to do so, has made
a study of the situation and has
made its recommendations. It is
very likely the Congress will soon
do something about the matter.
While in the Legislature and
since, your congressman has been
active in the efforts to get these
discriminations wiped out.
Spring comes earlier in Wash
ington than it does in Nebraska,
in fact it is upon us right now.
Forsynthia and magnolias are
blooming on the capitol grounds
and the oriental cherries will start
blooming soon after April 1. The
grass is green and the trees are
budding. This pretty pictures is
somewhat spoiled to us new mem
bers by the old-timers who warn
us we are approaching that pe
riod in Washington when the heat
is stifling and unremitting. We
from Nebraska will then be
envying the folks back home who
can enjoy cool nights and days
that are not too hot.
When George Washington laid
out this city he provided for a
number of “circles" at street in
1 tersections and a number of av
enues that lead directly into the
capitol grounds and the down
town section, intersecting the
north-south and east-west streets
at angles. Then there are a great
number of short streets running
in any direction. It is all very
confusing to a newcomer who is
used to the broad plains of Ne
braska and the checkerboard lay
out of our towns. In the horse
and buggy days this was alright,
but with the advent of the auto
mobile the traffic problem is the
world’s worst. The circles which
: were planned for gun emplaee
| ments to guard the capital have
become traffic bottlenecks. In
' stead of cannon in these circles,
we are now “protected” by wood
en machine and antiaircraft guns.
However, Washington is probably
as well protected as is possible
with real antiaircraft guns and
several squadrons of attack and
interceptor planes.
With the coming of spring most
of you are planning your Victory
gardens in which you will raise
the vegetables and other foods
you will need next summer and
winter. With the present system
of point rationing in effect you
will be wise to raise and put up
all you can. If some “expert” in
OPA doesn’t pull some bonehead
that will interfere with your get
ting sugar or enough containers
and “closures,” as they call the
jar lids, the folks in Nebraska
should be pretty well able to pro
vide enough food for their own
consumption during the next
year. The Nebraska delegation
has been working on these prob
lems and have strongly impressed
on OPA and WPA the importance
of making proper and sufficient
provisions for an adequate supply
of sugar and containers. As a boy
I can remember mother drying
corn on the roof of the milkhouse
and the woodhouse. We put up
eggs in salt brine and preserved
our meat by smoking. I remem
ber carrying what seemed like
hundreds of pounds of nice dry
sand for burying our carrots,
turnips and other vegetables. In
the face of our present condition
it might be well to revive some
of these old practices and we no
doubt will.
Washington is full of plans to
aid the farmer and mpst of these
plans involve some methods of
control of his activities and of
telling him how to run his farm.
Your congressman believes that
what the farmers of this country
needs most is less controls and
more action to get him what he
needs to run his farm. He believes
that all restrictions should be re
moved so tho farmer can produce
the greatest harvest that is pos
sible under his individual circum
stances as to soil, climate, ma
chinery, labor, fertilizer, and
transportation. We need have no
fear of surpluses. We need rather
to fear shortages. The consuming
sections of the east may well feel
the pangs of hunger next winter.
If the administration will con
sider that food is as vital as sol
diers and ammuniton and bend
every effort to provide labor, ma
chinery, fertilizer and transpor
tation facilities and will oust the
“social planters,” the farmer will
do his utmost. He will raise the
War Damage
IF you haven’t already protected your
home and its contents with War Damage
Insurance, we suggest that you do so without
delay. Cost is very low and the protection
you get can be had in no other way. The
government requires an inventory of dam
aged property in case of a claim, so we also
suggest that you make such an inventory now,
in duplicate, storing one copy in a safe de
posit box in this bank. Safe deposit rental
cost is moderate and you can store many of
your personal valuables in the box you rent.
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Money to Loan
Central Finance Co.
C. E. Jones, Manager
crops even at this late date.
In simple justice to the farmer,
price ceilings should be adjusted
to include labor costs. There is
no other industry under Heaven
where labor costs are not consid
ered as a part of the cost of pro
duction. All necessary farm work
ers should be deferred from the
draft as essential workers and
those needed at home should be
permitted to return to the farm.
To equalize conditions, the indus
trial work week should be no less
than 48 hours with no overtime.
I If that would result in greater
I profits to industries, these profits
! should be taken by taxation, All
surplus feed grains should be re
leased for feeding. And finally,
all questionnaires and red tape
that confuse the farmer and con
sume his valuable tme should be
done away with.
Our recent visitors were Edwin
J. Quinn of Kimball, Emma Rou
sek of Burwell, R. S. Hunt of
Scottsbluff, Cal A. Ward of Lin
coln, and Chris Milius of Omaha.
State Bankers Cancel
Convention Plans
In order to better co-operate
with the country’s war effort, the
Nebraska State Bankers Associ
ation has just announced that all
regular group meetings of bank
ers for 1943 will be abandoned.!
The purpose of these group meet- j
ings has always been for the dis
cussion of purely banking prob
lems, and in the present emerg
ency the banks of Nebraska have,
announced that they will forego
discussion of their own problems !
in order to concentrate all of their
efforts to the problems of our.
Nation at war and to co-operate
in the conservation of rubber,
gasoline and transportation.
An important co-operative ef
fort of Nebraska banks this spring
will be to offer a new type of or
ganized banker suport to aid the
government’s manpower problem.
To this end machinery is being
devised for co-operation with the
Government Employment Bureau
and other official agencies in the
procuring and placing of farm la
bor to plant and harvest Nebras
ka crops.
Banker organization for the sale
of government securities has been
intensively developed for more
than a year and has won high of
ficial praise. In addition to this
sale of government securities and
the handling of ration banking ac
counts, the bankers of Nebraska
feel that they can make another
contribution to the government
by assisting the government in its
farm production objective for the
crucial year to come.
As the date for point ration
ing of meats, butter, edible fats,
cheese and canned fish, April 1,
approaches, the Office of Price
Administration warns that to
make the ration program effect
ive and fair to all consumers, the
co-operation of consumers must
be matched by the conscientious
efforts of every retailer, whole
saler and food handler. Danger of
black markets in food is a men
ace to our wartime economy and
those who have any dealings with
such illegal practices must be
considered as public enemies,
OPA adds.
The prospect of greatly increas
ed home canning of foods on the
farms and in the cities this year,
as a result of OPA restrictions on
sale of commercialy packed goods,
has caused the War Production
Board to make provision for an
ample supply of metal closures
and rubber jar rihgs. The board
has removed all quota restrictions
on the manufacture of certain
types of metal lids used to seal
the jars. Prohibition of the use
of zinc is continued.
. School authorities of both rural
and city schools operating school
buses are urged by the Office
of Defense Transportation to
promptly file applications for re
vised certificates of war necessity
for the second quarter of 1943.
Failure of school organizations to
return their applications may re
sult in insufficient gasoline al
lowances for the affected school
bus operations, the ODT warned.
School buses represent more than
50 percent of the nation’s passen
ger buses. It is of major import
ance that they be properly con
served and used, since new buses
can be procured only in the most
urgent cases, ODT points out.
Miss Laverne Borg was a guest
of Lydia Halva on Wednesday.
The following Frontier readers
have either remitted their sub
scriptions or called and paid same
during the past two weeks, for
which they have our sincere
thanks. Now is a good time for
those in arrears to call and ex
tend their subscription. The com
ing year promises to be one of
the most important in the history
of the United States and people
will want to know what is going
on in the old home town, as well
as elsewhere, and the easiest way
to find it out is through the week
ly visits of their home town paper:
Rudolph Brockman.
William DeVall.
C. F. W. Lehmann.
A. M. King.
George A. Fox.
E. W. Richter.
Mrs. V. M. Searles.
Con O'Connell.
Northwest Bell Tel. Co.
Carl F. Hoppe.
Henry Murray.
McMillan & Markey.
Mrs. J. C. Reynolds.
M. F. Stanton.
Mrs. Emma Maring.
Mrs. Frank Hansen.
Mrs. George Hay.
Clarence Shaw
Ralph Burival (new)
Fred Vitt
Pfc. Joe Bartos (new)
Lt. M. E. Harty
Mrs. Fannie Ernst
Architectural Record
Universal Clipping Bureau
Mrs. Edward Adams
The greatest shortage in the
American economic system is
rubber. As a result drastic
changes in the American mode of
living is necessary. Most of Eur
ope has gone back to the “horse
and buggy days,” except there
are few horses and no buggies.
The automobile for civilian use
there is almost non-existent.
In America the automobile
greatly changed our living. It
helped to make cities bigger and
small towns smaller, because peo
ple thought nothing of going 50
to 100 miles to shop. As automo
bile use is restricted, the small
towns will now become more im
What does this mean to local
merchants and business men?
Doesn’t it suggest that the small
town is about to have a rebirth
as a trading center, and in this
change isn’t there opportunity
with a capital “O”? For these
people “who have thought noth
ing of going 50 to 100 miles to
shop” now think more about the
wear and tear on their automobile
tires. They think more about
shopping nearer home.
But do not think, Mr. Merchant
and Mr. Business Man, that peo
ple are going to be forced to trade
with you because you are located
where you are. It is not going to
be as easy as that to get back the
trade that has been going away,
for the merchants in the cities
are not going to surrender that
trade without a fight. The big
city papers bring their advertis
ing message into your community
and they are using every method
they can—including perhaps the
development of mail order bus
iness—to hold on to that trade.
Preaching the doctrine of “trade
at home” isn’t enough. Urging
people to support “home enter
prise” isn’t enough. You have got
to show them why trading at
home means money in their pock
ets; that they can buy as good
quality at home as elsewhere.
This car crisis offers an opportun
ity for showing them.
The Frontier, which covers Holt
county very well, can help you
reach the people. You will al
ways find us willing and ready
to work for you as your sales
man, as we firmly believe in
building up O’Neill and Holt
county in any way possible.
Crowded Out Last Week
Miss Ruth Watson of Inman
visited Miss Lydia Halva on Tues
day of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Finley of
Norfolk visited friends here last
The Presbyterian Ladies Guild
met Thursday afternoon, April 1,
at the home of Mrs. Ryland
Hugh Connelly of Tilden has
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cars
ten Hanson and family for the
past few days.
Misses Madalaine Hynes and
Lavonne Borg spent the week
end in Grand Island.
Miss Katherine Murray of Om
aha spent the week-end here vis
iting her mother, Mrs. Theresa
Lieut. Harold R. Tushla of At
kinson has been cited for an
award presented Tuesday by
headquarters of the Eighth Air
Force Command in London. Be
sides being the recipient of the
air medal, he also received an
oak leaf cluster.
Mr. and Mrs. George Worth and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Worth of Dal
ton visited their brother and fam
ily, Bob Worth, and sister and
Emphasizes the Importance of
Brown-McDonald Shoe Quality
Brown-McDonald built a shoe business based on Quality
and Value. Now—even with shoe rationing—you can still
get excellent quality in the price brackets you have been
used to paying. Thrift-minded folks, rationed to three
pairs of shoes per year, want to get the most for their shoe
money. You can do just that at Brown-McDonald’?.
9 98 3-98 4-98
1. Square toe oxford with me
dium heel and walled last. For
sport or street wear. Pair
2. Trim dress oxford with the
higher heel. Smart perforation
trim on vamp. AAA to B width.
3. Shoe for all occasions. Wall
ed toe, medium heel, a large
flap tongue, saddle stitched.
4. Press pump, a stepin with a
scroll trim at instep, modified
heel. AAA to B widths at
5. Moccasin type sport
oxford In brown leather
and with leather sole.
Long wearing, comfy.
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carr,
in O’Neill this week.
E. H. Chase and Harry Pelcer
of Atkinson were visitors in the
city Tuesday evening.
The glider plant at Alliance has
brought so many soldiers and oth
ers to that town that business
men are wringing their hands in
despair, says a press report. They
cannot get enough goods to sup
ply the demand. There is not
enough entertainment in town for
the soldiers. The drug stores have
to close Sunday because their sup
ply of rationed goods is not equal
to the demand. Several restau
rants had to close for lack of help
and those that are still open find
it difficult to get enough sup
plies.—Battle Creek Enterprise.
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