Z—— ) Personalities on Day's News Front Shawn at left Is Lieut. Gen. George S. Patton Jr., a “native son” of California, who is a crack shot with a pistol. General Patton’s armored forces have been giv ing Gen. Erwin Rommel’s desert army in Tunisia some thing to think about. Center: Petite, attractive Mme. Chiang Kai-shek, first lady of China, who has become the American spokesman for China’s fighting masses. Mme. Chiang thrilled great audiences here. Right: J. Lester Perry, president of the Carnegie-Illinois company, a subsidiary of U. S. Steel, shown as he appeared before the Truman committee investigating war production. Charges were made that false tests were made on steel which was being used by the navy. Teamwork Keynote of Anti-Aircraft Artillery Success , In few branches of our armed services are teamwork and co-ordination more important than in the anti aircraft artillery. Pictures shown here were taken during maneuvers at Camp Davis, N. C. Upper left: When the alert sounds, anti-aircraft crews must reach their stations in seconds. Dress is of slight importance, but they must have their rifles, cartridge belts, gas masks and helmets. They race to their posts. Right: This picture was made while the 90-mm gun was actually in full recoil. Lower left: Captain Rousseau peers through a slit in the battery commander’s underground station to check on the operations of the crew. Sends Son to Fight Against Homeland Shamed by the Jap attack upon Pearl Harbor, James S. Hondo, 51, a Jap-born resident of the Hawaiian islands, was gratified when the army permitted his son, Herbert, 18, to join a special combat regiment made up of Americans of Japanese ancestry. Herbert is shown in the center with his mother and father, who wears his American Legion cap. He is a veteran of World War I. This Wildcat Is a Real Jap-Killer w Nineteen stenciled Jap flags mark the score of this Grumman Wildcat shown on famous Henderson Field, Guadalcanal. The score was made by several different pilots, of which Tech. Sergt. It. W. Greenwood, a marine from Jamesport, Mo., is plane captain. He Is shown in cockpit. [ Visits Home Fleet Prime Minister Winston Churchill is being piped over the side as he leaves a destroyer depot ship while visiting the British home fleet. Lead ing the prime minister down the lad der is Vice Adm. Sir Bruce Austin Fraser, whose appointment to com mand the British home fleet was recently announced. ‘Shots’ for Dogs _W__ It’s inoculation day at San Angelo. Texas, army air field, where bom- 1 bardicr school mascots get immu nized by post veterinarian Capt. II. I R. Collins, against rabies. First Radiotelephoto From African Front A gun crew digs in and is on the alert during the battle tor Gafsa, in Tunisia. U. S. armored forces under command of Lieut. Gen. George Patton Jr. in two days advanced 30 miles to recapture Gafsa and to go 12 miles beyond. Photo was flown to Algiers and transmitted from that point in seven minutes to Washington in the new two-way radio transmis sion system put to its first practical test by the V. S. army signal corps with the transmission of these radiotelephotos. Chicago Cubs’ Mascot to Be Goat It’s a goat instead of a bear that Manager Jimmie Wilson of the Chi cago Cubs (left) will use for a mascot this spring, as his charges play exhibitions in and about their French Lick, Ind., training camp. Manager Jimmie Dykes of the White Sox (right) will have a similar talisman. The goats’ names are “Bunt” and “Homer.” Caution—Wrecked Plane Being Repaired Surprised? So were we to learn that the two seemingly peaceful rural scenes depicted above really masked the repair and restoration to service of a wrecked U. S. air force plane. Members of the service group at Greenville, S. C., are taught to rescue, salvage, and repair wrecked planes in a battle area subject to air and ground attack at any time. At top, plane is covered by a screen which blends it into the disguise and makes it unrecognizable from the air. The “farmhouse" and “silo" in the background actually are engineering installations. Below, a realistic touch is added to the camouflage installations of the service group by these cows. Their Majesties Pay Visit to Yanks 4 % I '* Their majesties, the king and queen of England, are shown passing a group of American soldiers who are busy playing cards at the American Red Cross club in Northampton, England. The photo*was made during their majesties’ visit to the club, and here the king seems anxious to give a bit of advice to the Yanks. Winds Up in Tree The idea was to “attack” at dusk, during Third Army maneuvers in Louisiana. But first, this paratroop er had to call for help to get down out of a tree. Good News Mrs. Paul D. Brown of Orange, N. J., admires the portrait of her husband, an air corps major. After hearing rumors of his death, Mrs. Brown had cabled for confirmation. The day after, stories were released telling how Major Brown command ed a Flying Fortress which took part in the raid on Vegesack sub plant near Bremen, during which U. S. planes blasted 19 buildings. Block-Buster This is a photo-diagram of the dreaded 4,000 pound super-block buster, made in the United States, and dropped on Germany in night and day raids by American fliers and RAF men. Approximately 2,200 pounds of the two-ton bomb are TNT and other secret explosives. The rest are shell and fuses. Dropped from a plane 20,000 feet up, the bomb strikes the ground at pulverizing 600-mile-an-hour speed. Even Boys Go for It Children are learning the princi ples of nutrition and the art of pre paring and serving well balanced meals, at Central school, Long Beach, N. Y. Here a husky lad permits a girl to pin on his apron before going to work at the stove. 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If they become thirsty during dinner, they stop eating. They believe thirst is nature’s warning that they have had enough. FERRY’S INTRODUCTIONS FC Bred by Perry's for EXTRA yield, quality end flavor. it EARLY PROLIFIC STRAIGHT ,