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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1943)
FOR HALE CAM'rTINU, Cabinet Table, kitchen am Conner belter,—* Melvin Rurirka. Phone 13k W, rill 43 t FOR SALK, 3S» acres grass land N'l 14*80 10 10 miles north of Page, No Imp Price $4 per a 600 Rcrrs grass l«nd» bus wtdl, See 3133-14, 17 miles north, 4 east Atkinson, Price $2 per a E J GORKIN, 1910 So 34tti St Omaha, Nehr, * FOR REM 1KVEN room house, modern ex cept heat —C, f McKenna. 30tf SIX room house —Orton Young, O'Neill. Nebr. 44-2 HELP WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN for general housework; full or part time.— Mrs. Ralph Loidy, O'Neill. 44-tf •YOU WANT EXPERT and elTi cient handling of your livestock, insured responsibility nnd prompt returns of proceeds? Then consign to FRANK E SCOTT COM. CO, Sioux City. Ia.. the firm with a 31 year record for dependability." 27-tf MISCELLANEOUS DEBTS COLLECTED—We will; either collect your notes, judg-i ments, mortgages, or accounts, or no charge. Anywhere. 35 years' experience. Best of ref-1 erences. Write us. R. C. Valen tine Co., Marshalltown, Iowa. 39f FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE, part trade, or rent, The Fox Hotel. Owing to the death of my brother and my son leaving for the Army, I wish to dispose of my hotel; fully equip ped and doing a good business. Corner good restaurant location, 23 rooms. This is a real buy.— Ida Fox, owner. Telephone 354, P. O. Box 186, O’Neill* Neb. 44-2 (First publication March 4, 1943) NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in the office of the County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, asking and praying that the road com mencing at the Southeast Corner of the Southeast Quarter of Sec tion *15, Township 28, Range 9, thence north between Sections 14-15 and between Sections 10-11 to connect with County Road at the Northeast Corner of the North east Quarter of Section 10, Town ship 28, North, Range 9, west of tho 6th P. M.. all in Holt County, Nebraska, be designated as a county road. That a hearing on this petition will be held by the Holt County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, March 23, 1943, at 2:00 P. M , at their office in the Court House in O’Neill, Nebraska. JOHN C. GALLAGHER, 43-3 County Clerk. (First publication March 4, 1943) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF ANNA BURKE, DE CEASED. TO: ALL PERSONS INTER ESTED IN SAID ESTATE, BOTH CREDITORS AND HKIR5: You are hereby notified that on the 1st day of March, A. D., 1943, Charles Burke, filed his petition in the above matter, setting forth among other things, that Anna Burke, a citizen and inhabitant of Lincoln County, South Dakota, died intestate on the 6th day of May, A. D„ 1939, possessed of: The Southwest Quarter (SWV4) of Section 31, Town ship 27, Range 10. West of the Sixth P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska; that she left her surviving as her sole and only heirs at law the following children, to-wit: Finley Burke, Olive Crary, Daniel Burke, Clarice Burke and Charles Burke; that Charles Burke, petitioner herein, is a son and heir at law of the deceased, Anna Burke, and derived title to an undivided one For Reliable Insurance PROMPT SETTLEMENT REASONABLE RATES SEE L. G. Gillespie Agency W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 O’Neill : Nebraska i RAY H. SHRINER O'NEILL. NEBR. \ Insurance of All Kinds. Real Estate and Rentals F. H. A. Loans @4tt% ! Office Phone 106 Res. 136 DOCTORS BROWN & FRENCH Ofle* Phone 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glasses Correctly Fitted Residence 1 Dr. llrown, 223 Phones ( Dr. French, 242 fifth of said real relate, of ao in teiret therein. from tab! deceased Thai the prayer of said petition is that the Coup! mar find and deieitoine the little of the death of Anna Burke, deceased; lha| she died intestate, a resident and in habitant of Lincoln County, South Dakota; may find and deicrtuihc who are h»‘t heirs, and fls their degree of kinship; may find and determine the rigid of descent ot the real properly belonging to said deceased. that furthoi idmin istratlon of Hits eslate may be dis pensed with; that there are no debts against said estate, and that the claims of all creditors are barred; that there is no inherit ance tax, State or Federal, due from this estate, or any of the heirs thereof, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. That said matter is set for hear ing before the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in the County Court Room in the Court House m the city of O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, on the 25th day ot March, A. D„ 1943, at the* hour of ten o’clock A. M., and that if you fad to appear at said tune and place to contest said pe tition, the Court may grant the prayer therepf. Dated this 1st day of March, A, D„ 1943, BY THE COURT: Louis W. Reimcr, 43-3 County Judge, (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First publication March 4, 1943) LEGAL NOTICE E. W. Miller, Elberta L. Miller,! his wife; George E. Booth, and the West Half of Section 33, Township 30, Range 9. West of the 6th P. M., in Holt County, j Nebraska, involved in the first cause of action herein; E. L. Dem ing, Mary Deming, his wife, first and real true name unknown;! Harley G. Kennedy, Mary Ken-) nedy, his w'ife, first and real true name unknowm; William Mc Guire, and the North Half of Sec tion 18, Township 29, Range 9, West of the 6th P. M., Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, involved in the sec ond cause of action herein; D. P. Wetzel, Mary Wetzel, his wife, first and real true name un known; and the Northwest Quar ter of the Northeast Quarter and the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 26. Range 9, and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 26, Range 9, all West of the 6th P. M„ Holt County, Nebraska, involved in the third cause of action herein; Albert D. Case, Mary Case, his wife, first and real true name un known, and the Southeast Quar ter of Section 17, Township 30, Range 10, West of the 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska, in volved in the fourth cause of ac tion herein; Emma L. Wegner, John Wegner, her husband, first and real true name unknown; Frank F. Wegner, and the South west Quarter of Section 27, Town ship 30, Range 10, West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, in volved in the fifth cause of ac tion herein; Jennie George, John George, her husband, first and I real true name unknown; Joseph George, and the North Half of the Northeast Quarter, and the Southeast Quarter of the North east Quarter of Section 28, Town ship 32. Range 10, and the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 32, Range 10. all West of the 6th P. M Holt County, Nebraska, involved in the sixth cause of action herein; O. E. Martin, Mary Martin, his wife, first and real true name un known, and the West Half of the Northwest Quarter and the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 30. Township 25, Range 10, West of the 6th P. M„ Holt County. Nebraska, involved in the seventh cause of action herein: You, and each of you will take notice that the County of Holt, State of Nebraska, filed its pe tition and commenced an action against you on the 26th day of February, 1943, the object'and prayer of which is to foreclose upon seven causes of action, the following tax sale certificates, is sued to the County of Holt. State of Nebraska, by the County Treasurer of Holt County, Ne braska, to-wit: Tax Certificate No. 245, covering the West Half of Section 33, Township 30, Range 9, West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, upon which there is due $486.95, and interest; Tax Certificate No. 137, covering the North Half of Section 18, Township 29, Range 9, West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, upon which there is due $390.85, and interest; Tax Certificate No. 76, cov ering the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the North Half of the North west Quarter of Section 4. Township 26, Range 9, and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Sec tion 5, Township 26, Range 9, all West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, upon which there is due $272.10, and interest; Tax Certificate No. 251, covering the Southeast Quar ter of Section 17, Township 30, Range 10. West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebras ka. upon which there is due $316.00, and interest: Tax Certificate No. 253, covering the Southwest Quar ter of Section 27, Township 30, Range 10, West of the 6th P. M, Holt County, Nebras ka, upon which there is due $328.40, and interest: Tax Certificate No. 198, covering the North Half of the Northeast Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 32. Range 10, and the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section If, Township 11 Range If. I all West or the *th P, M, Holt County, Nebraska, up«t which there Is Hue and interest! Tat Certificate No 144, Covering the West Half of |he Not the ret Quarter and the North Half of the Southwest Quartet of Section 10 Tow tv sit ip 81 ttnnge lit, West Of the *th P M . Holt County, Nebraska, upon which there la due UlMim. and Interest Plaintiff pmvs for an account ing of the amounts due under the various causes ttf action, and for foreclosure and sale of said prem ises in satisfaction thereof. You are required to answer said petition on or before the I2lh day of April. 1P43. COUNTY OF HOLT, 43,4 Plaintiff. By Julius D. Cronin. Its Attorney (First publication March 4, 1943); LEGAL NOTICE The Southwest Quarter of See-} tion 27. Township 30, North,' Range 14, West of the tith P. M,,i in Holt County’, Nebraska, will take notice that on the 3rd day ■ of March, A D,, 1943, Christine: S. Marth, Executrix of the Estate | of Ralph J. Nickerson, deceased, i filed her petition in the District ] Court of Holt County. Nebraska,: and commenced an action against said land, impleaded with other, defendants, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain tax sale certificate issued by the County Treasurer of Holt County, Nebraska, to Ralph J. Nickerson, on June 17, 1938, numbered 4826. for taxes for the year 1936, and which covers the Southwest Quar ter of Section 27. Township 30, i North, Range 14. West of the 6th P. M„ in Holt County, Nebraska; that there is now due plaintiff on said tax lien, and subsequent taxes paid thereunder and sub ject thereto, the sum of Two Hundred Eighty-one Dollars and Ninety-one Cents ($281.91) with interest thereon at the rate of seven percent per annum from February 24th. 1943, and costs. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure and sale of said prem ises. and alleges that the real owner of said real estate is un known to this plaintiff and her attorneys. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 12th day of April, A. D., 1943. CHRISTINE S. MARTH. Executrix of the Estate of Ralph J. Nickerson, deceased, 43-4 PLAINTIFF. By JULIUS D. CRONIN, One of her Attorneys. (First publication March 11, 1943) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Estate No. 29S2. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, March 11, 1943. In the matter of the Estate of Joseph Charles, Gallagher, De ceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the Ancillary Administratrix of said estate has filed in this court her final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard March 31, 1943 at 10:00 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear j and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution of said 6Stdt0 LOUIS W. REIMER, 44-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First publication March 18, 1943) NOTICE OF SUIT TO: The Colonial and United States Mortgage Company; Col onial and United States Mort gage Company Limited; David A. Adams; Mrs. David A. Ad ams, his wife, first real name unknown; Gustav J. Wolff and Mary Wolff, his wife, first real name unknown; the heirs, dev isees, legatees, personal repre sentatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Marion F. Crane, also known as Marian F. Crane, deceased, real names unknown; and all per sons having or claiming any interest in the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty-one, West Half of the Southeast Quarter; East Half of the Southwest Quarter; Northwest Quarter; and West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty-two, All in Township Twenty-seven, North Range Nine, West of the 6th P. M„ in Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown, defend ants. You and each of you are here by notified that on March 17, 1943, Ben O. McGarity and Florence McGarity. as plaintiffs, filed their petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you as defendants, the object and prayer of which is to quiet and confirm the title in them, the said Ben O. McGarity and Florence McGarity, as joint tenants, to the following described real es tate, to-wit; The East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty-one, West Half of the Southeast Quarter; East Half of the Southwest Quarter; North west Quarter; and West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty-two, All in Township Twenty-seven. North Range Nine, West of the 6th P. M„ in Holt County. Nebraska, as against you and each of you, and to secure a decree of Court that you have no interest in. rights or title to, or lien upon said real estate or any part thereof. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 26th day of April, 1943. Dated this 17th day of March, 1943. BEN O McGARITY and FLORENCE McGARITY. _ Plaintiffs. By Julius D. Cronin. 45-4 Their Attorney. ■ I <>\ Mil I HI will SRND Mi l I Kl'INS 1DTUM I Ml Ml;Ils CongieMtusn A L., Millet ha* written The Frontier advising I hit ha hat a supply uf Farmers' MulU'tlns available h»r dtattltouj lion among the farmers and townspeople of this vicinity. If you will write him at 101 House Office Pudding. Washing lon, l). C., he will send you a complete index of these bulletins from which y«'U may order the ■'lies that you want. If you have in mind any particular bulletins that you would like, he will send those. Here are a few subjects that will Indicate the type. There are many others; Farm and Home Drying of Finds and Vegetables; Home Storage of Vegetables; The Mak ing and Feeding of SUage; Hog Lot Equipment; Equipment for Farm Sheep Raistttg; Cooling Milk and Cream on the Farm; Sweet Potato Growth; Production of Late or Main Crop Potatoes; Seed Peas foi the Canner; Tur key Raising. Home Canning of Fruit, Vegetables, Meats; Farm Poultry Raisin ;; How to Fight the Chinch Bug, HOLT COCNTY LADY CELEBRATES HER 94TH BIRTHDAY Tuesday, March 9 was the 94th birthday of Mrs. William Monish and a number of neighbors and friends went to her home with well-filled baskets to help her cel ebrate the event Those present were: Mrs. T. F. Donohoe, Mrs. Herb Jansen. Mrs. T. J. Donohoe, Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Malley, Mrs. Leo Burival and son, Jimmy, Mrs. James Donohoe and daugh ter, Joann, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Donohoe and son. Gene, Mrs. John Jansen and daughter, Rita, and Miss Catherine Donohoe. Two beautiful birthday cakes were sent by Mrs. Con O’Connell and Mrs. Kinkaid. Also a lot of birthday greeting cards were sent by neighbors and friends who could not be there. Those present spent a very enjoyable time vis iting and playing cards, after which the folks departed, wish ing this grand good woman many more happy birthdays. •• Hospital Notes Mrs. Cleo Alderson, of Chamb ers, a son, bom Monday. Mrs. Vernon Parks and baby, of Page, dismissed Thursday. Mrs. Everett Michaelson and baby dismissed on Wednesday. John Clemept, of Ewing, is a medical patient. A. A. Leiser, of Atkinson, was admitted on Saturday. BRIEFLY STATED Mi's. H. B. Hubbard of Lincoln returned to her home Wednesday, after a few days visit here with friends. Bill Froelich of Chicago spent the week-end here visiting his wife, children and other relatives and friends. Miss Doris Harvey spent the week-end at Page visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Harvey.,, Mrs. Hugh, Birmingham went to Chicago on Monday to visit rel atives and friends. She will re turn on Friday. Jack Vincent of Omaha came Wednesday to spend a few days vsiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vincent. Mrs. Flora Bright of Orchard and brother, Ernest Butterfield, of Venus, spent last Friday here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Bright. Pvt. Francis Kelly, of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., arrived this morning to visit his wife, his parents and other relatives and friends. Miss Naydene Coyne, of Chi cago, arrived here Saturday to spend a two weeks vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Coyne and other relatives and friends. Father O'Brion, of Emmet, will leave the forepart of April for Harvard University, where he will take a course of training following his appointment as Chaplain in the Army. Leo Mullen drove the Biglin ambulance to Norfolk this after noon to bring back Mrs. Electa Bigler, who has been receiving medical treatment in a hospital there the past few weeks. She is much improved. Word has been received that Corporal Boyd Boelter, who has been stationed in Australia since July, 1942, has been transferred to New Guinea and had safely reached his destination. Dr. and Mrs. O’Connell received word from their son, Bill, wrh~. is in Washington, D. C., that he had enlisted in the United States Navy and starts his training on the 24th of March. Try the Frontier on Classifieds. OVER THE TOP FOR VICTORY witli UNITED STATES WAR _BONDWTAMPS For thorough fMchtlftc Fye F* wmingtlon and Correctly Fitted Ultoiw, ace DR*C\ \\\ ALEXANDER Fyetight Bp*»rtallM at Hotel O Halil in O Halil Tuesday* Mirth 2.1 Satisfaction Guaranteed In Inman evenings and Sundays by appointment Nels Barbar of Hollywood, Cal., came Sum!ay lo visit his daugh ter and son in-law, Mr. and Mi'S, j Ralph Rick ley. and family, Mre William Froelich, children Bill, Nancy and Ellen and Eddie Campbell will go to Omaha on Friday to spend the week-end with Bill Froelich, Mr, and Mrs. Allen Jazkowiak' returned Saturday from Chicago.1 where they had spent a few days I visiting his brother, Dwight, who is in the Army and leaves soon for duty averseas. Mrs Guy Cole, Mrs, John Os enbaugh, Mis, Dewey Schaeffer, Gene McKenna. Bud Cole and Warren Burgess returned Sunday , from Lincoln, where they attend i ed the state basketball tourna ; ment. Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Lundgren j went to Lincoln on Monday to get their son. Roy, who has been attending the University of Ne braska. He will visit his parents for a few days before leaving for the Army on March 25th. Mr. and Mrs. Max Wanser and Mrs. James Walling entertained seven guests at a 7:30 dinner at the M. and M. Cafe on Monday evening, followed by cards at Mrs. Walling's home, in honor of Melvin Ruzicka and Francis Murphy. The Catholic Daughters had a social meeting at the Golden hotel on Tuesday evening. After a luncheon the evening was spent sewing for the Red Cross. Mrs. Norb Uhl, Mrs. James Kelly, Mrs. K. P. Hoffman, Mrs. Helen Sirek, Mrs. McKinley Simonson and Mrs. Jerry Ryan were hostesses. Mrs. John Melvin won the door prize. Technical Sergeant LeRoy Hartford of Camp Van Dorn, Miss., left Tuesday for San Jose, Calif., and Los Angeles, where he will visit his sisters, Luella and Lucille, after a few days vis it here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Hartford, and sister. From there he will return to Camp Van Dorn. He has a fif teen-day furlough. The Womens Club met at the home of Mrs. George Robertson on Wednesday afternoon. A St. Patrick's program was given. Ruth Burge sang “Mother Mach ree,” and “Ah Sweet Mystery of Life.’ Mrs. Shriner gave a read ing, “Mrs. O’Toole at the Tele phone.” Another reading, “Going to Sea” was given by Mrs. Jerry Miller. Mrs. Seth Noble read a paper on St. Patrick. There were sixteen members and four guests present. F. F. A. News Mr. Millen of Albion, working with the Nebraska Soil Conserv- ; ation Stations, was at the O’Neill Public School on Wednesday, ; March 3, and gave a talk on soil conservation and soil districts. He . also showed some slides on soil ; SAVE ON EVERYTHING The fond thrift program urges us to turn our thoughts to saving food; to getting the most nour ishment from plentiful things, making a little meat go a long way. And first we must learn where and now to buy best. 1 he same applies to your other buying. Today—as always— Penury's is a good friend to those who are doing their part in every branch of wartime living. Clever Styles In The Smartest Fabricl RAYON JERSEY PRINTS Select yours from this fine group of fresh frocks that have all the new tricks of the season—peg top skirts, unpressed pleats, soft gath ering in the blouses, and lovely necklines. In sizes 12 to 20. New Season Styles! COATS and SUITS 1650 You’ll revol in this fine selection of gay, casual boxy coats in all-wool Shetland . . . dashing wrap around styles in all wool fleece; intrig uing dressy suits in cavalry twill and all - wool Shetland. Sizes from 12 to 20. Crisply Cut! GIRLS’ COATS 6-90 Smartly tailored-fit to perfection. Rich wool and rayon fabrics. "Little Girl" FROCKS Age 2 to 6. Ador able spring colors, ' and styles. J.98 Rayon Blouses J.29 Smooth, washable rayon crepe in long or short sleeved styles! New, differ ent touches! 32-40. Gored Or Pleated ! Novelty Skirts 2-98 Smart wool - and - rayon plaids in bright color com binations. Solid col ors, too! Knife or bias pleats! Sizes 24 to 30. Penney's Thrifty Way Is The American Way conservation. Mr. Millen presided over the classes in the absense of Mr. Mathis, vocational agricul ture instructor, who was attend ing the district basketball tourn ament at Norfolk. On Monday, March 8, Mrs. Ruth Rector and Harry Ressel gave a talk to the vocational agriculture classes on how the AAA oper ates. She also discussed rationing and told how the AAA helps in the war effort. The local FFA chapter held their regular business meeting on Tuesday night, March 9. It being the second meeting, the newly elected officers presided. They went through their regular bus iness and then adjourned the meeting and watched a free show on fishing.** THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... "A lot of storekeepers tn town are worry ing about being able to get help these days. Judge Men are mighty scarce and gettin* more so all the time ** "I know Kven the big companies are having quite a job getting them Yep. and they need em too Take the beverage dis tilling comjiantes for example they need a lot of manpower. Though they’re not making whiskey any more, they're doing a 24-hour-a-day job of turning out alcohol tor gun powtlei and synthetic rubbei loi the government • Makes me think back to the days before retieai when a powerful numbei of people were making liquor, too only they were a bunch of law-Houtmg criminals doing it behind closed doors And the government wasn t collecting a billion dollar excise tax either hver stop to wonder where the gov ernment could gel all its war alcohol today if it weren't lot the beverage distillers?’* - III < onterenr* of Aleokohe industries, true