Civ ilian llaldls Change Under Imparl n! Total War This Is total war. Today Is on trial that tomorrow's out* look may ho brighter, Horn of wartime necessity, startling c hanges have come over this fair land of ours Our old way of life has been tossed Into the discard for the duration so we may devote every ounce of energy towards crushing tire Axis, These pictures mark a few of the changes total war has wrought on the home front. Thene he® ftrh take farm f»h*t than itiv inn their hit on the foml prmlHi'liim line, jfBm Jinr The “6oys,” shown at the right, are from 45 to 83 years old. They are pinch-hitting as telegraph messen gers in Chicago, as all youthful mes sengers have either gone to war or have been a b sorbed by war in dustries. Girls, too. are now being used for messenger work. In summer it's “twenty de grees cooler inside but look at u hat theaters are bragging about in these days of fuel oil shortage. The fact that a theater is heated by coal seems to be even more important than the shotc. On leave of absence from Brainerd, Minn., where she is city court judge. Miss Eleanor Nolan is shown doing kitchen police duty at the If .4 AC army training center at Fort Des Moines, Iona. Who teas it that said that grass would some day grow in our streets? Gas and tire rationing has just about made that prediction come true. Photo. made at mid-day in the heart of a Boston tloun toten shopping district, shows an impromptu baseltall game. Plenty of windows open to take your bets, but there are no races today. Pleasure driving restrictions resulted in suspension of racing at Tropical Park, Miami. A few employess stand at a win dow discussing the situation. A class of American W om en s Voluntary Service learns hoic to sate wood lengthwise. HOUSfHOLV gf -' v . * i m * ° Today’s Cake Fixings Are Simple. Food Saving »See Recipes Below) Bake Your Own! Those of you who have chosen homemaking as a career can set aside a hall day for baking your own goodies right in your own oven. There are few things nicer man coming into a kitchen full of busy bustling, testing the cake, plump ing fat loaves of bread on racks to cool, or packing cookies in fresh wax paper for pantry shelves—for those fine boys in the service! When sugar rationing first came into the picture, most of us feared that it would not allow enough for home baking needs, but we have found ways to make sugar stretch. Or, perhaps we should say. corn syrups and honey to make baking possible. With eggs up in price and fats becoming scarce, we have changed our recipes to fill these needs, too! Today’s recipes may not call for the quantity of materials that yes terday’s did. but they can make just as tempting a product. •Hot Water Sponge Cake. (Makes 2 8-inch layers! 1 cup sifted cake flour 1*4 teaspoons baking powder *4 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 cup sugar *4 teaspoon lemon juice 6 tablespoons hot water Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Beat eggs until thick and fluffy, about 10 minutes. Add sugar gradually, beating constant ly until thick enough to hold a soft peak. Beat in lemon juice, add hot water, and beat until thick after each addition. Fold in flour in small amounts. Bake in ungreased tube pan or lightly greased layer-cake pans in a moderate <350-degree) ov en. A tube cake takes 45 minutes to bake, layer cakes 25 to 30 min utes. Ever tried a fragrant gingerbread baked in a ring? The slices can be fairly thin and the cake will really go far! Or, you can fill the center with apple sauce and serve as a dessert! Gingerbread Ring. 1 cup molasses 1 cup sour milk 2*4 cups sifted flour 1% teaspoons baking soda 2 teaspoons ginger H teaspoon salt 1 egg, well beaten H cup melted shortening Mix milk and molasses. Sift dry ingredients. Add to milk and mo lasses, then mix in egg and shorten ing and beat until smooth and Lynn Says: Tie a String Around Yonr rin ger: The technique's different when you do your own vegeta bles—and you must keep these pointers on tap if you would get the most out of them: Peel potatoes thinly—their min eral treasures are hidden right under that skin. Use green vegetables as soon as possible after buying. They lose quantities of their vitamin C just sitting and being exposed to air. Add dressing immediately to vegetables and fruits after cut ting them. The coating prevents some vitamin loss. Put away the soda box when cooking green vegetables. It's alkaline and destroys vitamins. Shell peas or lima beans only just before using. Wash leafy greens just before cooking The percentage of vitamin loss will be lessened. Start cooking frozen foods be fore thawing. It is believed that less vitamin C is destroyed by that method. _i_ This Week’s Menu Breaded Pork Tenderloin Seven Minute Cabbage Riced Potatoes Grapefruit-Carrot Salad Whole Wheat Bread Butter •Hot Water Sponge Cake Peaches Beverage •Recipe Given. creamy. Pour into a greased pan and bake in a moderate oven 30 minutes. It might be said of this cookie that it’s spice and all things nice— but you'll notice I didn't say sugar, because it uses corn syrup: Raisin Cookies. (Makes 50 to 60 cookies) !4 cup shortening 1 enp white corn syrup 1 egg *4 teaspoon cinnamon extract 1 teaspoon vanilla 2*4 cups flour !4 teaspoon salt »i teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup apple sauce *4 cup chopped nutmeats 't cup chopped raisins Cream shortening with corn syrup and egg. Add flavorings. -Sift dry ingredients together and add to creamed mixture. Alternate dry in gredients with apple sauce. Fold in chopped raisins and nuts. Drop by spoonfuls on a greased baking sheet and bake in a moderate oven 15 to 18 minutes. Who ever heard of carrots in cook ies? Well, the surprise is a nice one. and the cookies are popping full of vitamins when you make: Honey-Carrot Cookies. (Makes 5 dozen! 2 cops sifted flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Va teaspoon soda 14 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon cinnamon H teaspoon nutmeg 2 cups quick-cooking oatmeal 1 cup raisins 1 cup chopped nutnicats !4 cup shortening 1 cup strained honey 2 eggs, well beaten 1 cup grated raw carrot Sift dry ingredients together. Sift again. Add oatmeal, raisins and nut meats. Mix well. Cream shorten ing. add honey, creaming thor oughly Add eggs, then carrots, beating well. Stir in dry ingredients and blend thor oughly Drop by spoonfuls on a greased baking sheet. Flatten with a floured fork. Bake for 15 min utes in a 350-degree oven. Store only when cold. Whole grain, especially oatmeal, is rich in that important morale vitamin. Bl, or thiamin, as it is sometimes called. Oatmeal Refrigerator Rolls. M cup shortening 3 tablespoons sugar 1H teaspoons salt % cup boiling water 1 cup quick-cooking oatmeal 1 cake yeast H cup lukewarm water 1 egg, beaten Pi cups all-purpose flour Add boiling water to sugar, salt, shortening and oatmeal Stir well. Cool to lukewarm. Soften yeast in lukewarm water, then add with beaten egg to oatmeal mixture. Stir in half of flour, add rest of flour. Place in a greased bowl. Cover with waxed paper and store in re frigerator. When needed, remove from refrigerator and form into clo verleafs in greased muffin tins. Cov er and let rise in a warm place un til almost double Bake 12 to 15 minutes in a 425-degree oven. Lynn Chambers welcomes you to submit your household queries to her problem clinic. Send your letters to her at ITestern Newspaper t'nion, 210 South Desplaines Street, Chicago, Illi nois Don’t forget to enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope for your reply. Released by Western Newspaper Union. I I STAGE SCREEN RADIO Wy VIRtllN'M VAl.fc Relt-sted bt Wetter® Nrwspanrt Chtn* 'I'HR public Is cheated bc Jl cause Paramount doesn’t always shoot Susan Hayward in technicolor; her red hair and reddish-brown eyes that almost match it are something to look at! Visiting in New York when “Reap Ihe Wild Wind’* was being released nationally, Su san was Interested In seeing old friends fvotn Brooklyn, her home town, buying clothes, seeing the new plays, rather than being formally In troduced as a successful young star. She’s remarkably pretty — without benefit of makeup, except lipstick. Clara Bow was the first Brooklyn SUSAN HAYW ARD redhead to make motion-picture his tory: Susan Hayward has the looks, talent and personality that should make her the second. -* Michael Harvey, husky six-footer making his screen debut in “So ! Proudly We Hail" with Claudette Colbert, Paulette Goddard and Veronica Lake, is the third of three “youngsters” who grew up together In Atlanta to hit motion pictures. The others are Evelyn Keyes and Dixie Dunbar. The girls beat Har vey to the screen; he stacked up a record in Broadway plays before Hollywood got him. -* All of a sodden Turkey has become ▼ery important to motion-picture makers; three studios have an nounced that they'd do pictures with Turkish backgrounds. Columbia's is “Constantinople," Taramount's “Dateline—Istanbul,” Republic's ei ther “Istanbul" or “Ankara." Marilyn Maxwell. Metro starlet, returned from a five-week Victory Caravan trip for work in “Salute to the Marines” with this advice about how to rate A-l when visiting the 1-As. Be gay. wide awake, peppy and active; be sure your hair is | combed, your make-up fresh, your stocking seams straight; be yourself —there’s only one Hedy Lamarr! Don’t wear slacks; be interested in the man, not his uniform; know how to talk; don’t dish out a line—he probably knows yours better than you do. -* Thirty-four-year-old Edward Dmy tryk, director of "Hitler’s Children,” has had 20 years’ experience in pic tures. He started as an errand boy in Paramount’s laboratory, working after school and vacations, was a projectionist when he entered col lege, and two years later went to Hollywood as a cutter. Three years ago he turned director. -* Dirk Keith, the "Bright Horiion" aClor, was so well liked by the fans of another radio serial that letters piled in demanding that he marry the hrrolne. That was impossible, since he played a character so wealthy that, if the heroine mar ried him, she’d have no troubles— and there’d be no more serial. The problem was solved by killing him off at the wedding ceremony. -i Peggy Allenby. actress on Phillips H. Lord's "Counterspy,’' regrets the realism which Jay Hanna, the direc tor, brings to his work. Arnold Moss playing a Nazi spy, had to slap Peggy, but at rehearsal the sound made by the sound effects man didn’t satisfy Hanna. He and Moss went into a huddle, and when the program went on the air Moss really slapped Peggy, and hard! -* Have you formed the habit of lis tening to “The Man Behind the Gun”? Now broadcast Sunday eve nings over CBS, it brings us the war stories that are making American history, gathering them from all branches of the service; William N Robson, who directs it, traveled some 10,000 miles and often was with the men under actual combat condi tions to get background for the dramatizations. —— ODDS AND ENDS-Johnny, the Call Boy, will be gbirified in the “Stage Door Canteen” film as the only til ing trade mark . . . Because of his outstand ing performance in “The Hard If «>” Dennis Morgan has been assigned hv Jack I. Warmer to the co-starring role opposite Ann Sheridan in “The Gay Nineties“ . . . Horace Brahm, of radio’s "K e Ixtve and Learn “ it playing nurse- , maid to five kinds of dogs- lefl with him when their owners went into the armed services . . . An army machine gunner wrote Red Skelton, star of the forthcoming “I Dood ll“ that in his outfit a dud is kntmn as a shell, or bomb, that didn't dood it! PATTERNS SEWONG COOJCLE Bolero Frock. CINfPLE but so attractive is this ^ bciero frock which will be worn more and more as the weather gets warmer. Right now, worn with bolero, it has a casual spring time look. Comes summer, worn without bolero, it can be put to good use as a sun-tanner. • • • Pattern No. 8207 ts tn sizes 10, 12. 14. 16. 18 and 20. Size 12 ensemble takes 4 yards 35-inch material. Sam Was Entirely for Peace and Harmony It was the weekly meeting of the colored “Sons of I Will Arise So ciety.” At the end of the usual business, a loud voice yelled from the back of the hall: “Mistah Chayman, Ah makes a motion dat Sam Jackson am a low-down, sneaking mis’rable chicken thief.” Down in the front a little fellow leaped to his feet. “Who makes dat motion dat Ah’m a low-down, sneaking mis ’rable chicken thief?” he cried, glaring round the room. A huge scar faced Negro arose. “Ah makes da motion,’’ he said, menacingly. “Mister Chayman,” said Sam, quickly, “Ah seconds dat motion." 8337 10-20 Young Frock. IT IS called the wedge—the In teresting double line treatment of the smart new frock we show today—which starts at your shoul ders and ends in jaunty slash pockets in the dirndl skirt. Out line it with blanket stitch—and, watch it—narrow inches away from your waistline! , • • • Pattern No. 8337 is made for sires 10, 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. Sire 12, short sleeves^ requires 3>. yards 39-lnch material. Send your order to: i *» -1 SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. S3Q Sooth Wells St. Chicago. Room 19SI Enclose 20 cents In coins for each pattern desired. Pattern No. Size. Name .. Address ... RpONVERT your Uster Into an Implement for eradicating bindweed v-> and summer fallowing. Pence High Carbon Steel blades made to fit 1-2-3 Row Listers. Leave trash on surface, preventing evapo ration and erosion. Send for circulars. ENCI TC JL COMBMflf, Y»rUM>r«»lu. 4 ★ IN THE ★ ARMY AIR FORCE they say: *STOOGING*for cruising 'GROUND LOOP'fbr mental confusion STATION MASTER for commanding officer "CAMEL4 for the Army man's favorite cigarette •Vith men in the Army, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard, th« favorite cigarette is CamcL (Based on actual sales records in Post Exchanges and Canteens.) I r^FOR ^ EXTRA MILDNESS ] ^ AND RICH FLAVOR < -ME FDR CAMELS EVERY TIME! THEYVE , GOT WHAT ^ TAKES!