The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 18, 1943, Image 4

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D. H. Cronin, Editor and Owner
Entered at Postoffice at O’Neill,
Nebraska, as Second Class Matter
One Year, in Nebraska . $2.00
One Year, Outside Nebraska 2.25
Every subscription is regarded
as an open account. The names
of subscribers will be instantly
removed from our mailing List at
expiration of time paid for, if the
publisher shall be notified; other
wise the subscription remains in
force at the designated subscrip
tion price. Every subscriber must
understand that these conditions
are made a part of the contract
between publisher and subscriber.
Display advertising is charged
for on a basis of 25c an inch (one
column wide) per week. Want
ads 10c per line, first insertion.
Subsequent insertions 5c per line
.. "• I..
Every effort is being made by;
agencies of the Department of'
Agriculture and the War Man-;
power *Commission to provide
farms of the midwest with enough ;
labor to meet food production j
goals for 1943. These agencies are
conducting farm training centers
iij each state, moving farm labor;
from less productive to acute j
farm labor areas and providing
transportation for farm workers
and their families. In 1942 the
farm placement program in Mis
souri. Kansas, Nebraska and Ok
alhoma provided 662,000 farm
Granting deferment of farm
workers from military service
and restoring to the farms large
numbers of workers who have
left them will be only a partial
solution to the 1943 farm labor
problem, the Department of Ag
riculture points out. The labor
problem this year will necessitate
use of thousands of volunteer
workers, high school youths,
women and others. Although pre
liminary training courses are be
ing offered for these volunteers,
the farmers themselves necessar
ily will be the master craftsman
who will instruct amateurs in the
difficult skilled operations that go
with farming. It is not an easy
job to train city dwellers and
others unskilled in farm work,
but it has been done successfully
in England.
On the recommendation of Sec
retary Wickard of the Department
of Agriculture, the War Produc
tion Board has authorized a sub
stantial increase in production of
vital farm equipment and ma
chinery. The requirement commit
tee of WPB has allotted addition
al critical materials for the manu
facture of farm machinery during
the second quarter of 1943, which
will almost double the amount of
farm machinery allowed under
previous war restrictions.
The announcement of Prentiss
M. Brown, OPA director, that ra
tioning of meat will begin at mid
night Sunday, March 28, will not
affect many farm homes where it
is the custom to butcher sufficient
pork and beef to supply the fam
ily table through most of the year.
Those who buy part or all of
their meat supply will be requir
ed to use the red stamps from
War Ration Book 2 to obtain meat
after that date, under the point
system. The new rationing order
covers all fresh, frozen, cured,
smoked and canned meat and
meat products derived from beef,
veal, lamb, mutton and pork, as
well as canned fish, processed
cheeses and most edible fats and
oils, including butter, lard, mar
garine, shortening, salad oils and
cooking oils.
A few extra cups of coffee will
be available in the next rationing
period from March 22 to April 25,
the Office of Price Administration
announced. Stamp No. 26 in War
Ration Book 1 will be good for
one pound bf coffee during the
five-week period. This compares
with a current ration of one
pound for six weeks ending
March 21. This increase was made
possible by increased imports.
The importance of building up
dairy herds on the farms of the
midwest region as a direct aid to
the war effort, is pointed out in
statistics from the Department of
Agriculture showing lend-lease
shipments of butter. Lend-lease
shipments of butter to Russia
alone amounted to almost one
percent of the total American out
put in 1942. And many times that
amount of butter substitutes were
sent to our Allies. Between 5te
and 6 percent of the nation’s total
food supply was exported for
lend-lease purposes last year.
Housewives of the middle west
will be introduced to a number of
substitute foods in the coming
months of the war period. For
example, the consumer this year
may have to buy a can of soupfln
shark instead of salmon or other
fish food, if he desires a change
of diet. The best opinion of the
fish industry is that we may not
get more than 3,650,000,000 lbs.
of the customary varieties of sea
fish in this year’s catch, whereas
it is estimated the demand for the
armed forces, our Allies and ci
vilian consumption will be nearer
seven billion pounds. Hence the
need for substitutes such as soup
fin shark.
Our First Acid Test—War Bonds and War Taxes
I M0
in Lot Angtlt* Lutmtnr r
You’ve Done Your Bit—Now Do Your Best
Farmers are called upon to do
their part in the country-wide
ride-sharing campaign to conserve
rubber and war critical materials.
Pointing out that giving a lift
these days is more than neighbor
ly courtesy, the War Production
Board declares that production of
synthetic rubber is only in the
beginning stage and that it will
be many months before synthetic
rubber will be available in suf
ficient quantities to provide tires
for civilian use.
On and after April 1 farmers
who slaughter meat animals for
sale will become subject to the
recent order of the Secretary of
Agriculture which requires them
to obtain a slaughterers’ permit
from their county war boards. To
make it easier for these farm
slaughterers to dispose of their
meat when selling direct to a con
sumer, OPA is allowing them to
collect from the buyer all of the
red stamps from point rationing
books, required for the purchase,
even though some series have not j
yet become valid for ordinary use. j
Housewives will get no new j
washing machines or mangles this
year, nor will commercial laun
dries be able to get equipment
replacements except in rare cases.
Most of the 46 million dollars
worth of laundry machinery will
go to the armed services. Some
laundry equipment is reserved for
civilian hospitals.
By Dr. A. L. Miller. M. C.
Congressman Miller is continu
ing his efforts to have OPA dis
continue the practice of requiring
farmers to have coupons to ob
tain tractor fuel.
This is a nuisance
that slows up far
ming operations
and results only
i in a lot of red
tape for farmers
and oil compan
ies, Nor does it
serve any useful
purpose, for a farmer will not buy
any more fuel for his tractor than
he needs, and he will not use this
type of fuel in his car. Let’s give
the farmer a free hand to produce !
food. He is having a hard enough
time with the shortage of labor
and machinery.
The government is asking for
350 million pounds of paper for
next year. This is an increase of
200 million pounds over what it
used in 1942. Can this mean an
increase in the flood of propa
ganda? The newspapers of the
country are beseiged with a flow
of releases from governmental
agencies and departments, which,
if they used, would leave no room
for anything else. At the same
time they are ordered to reduce
their consumption of newsprint.
Your representative has asked
the government to use the coun
try newspapers in its coming
bond selling campaign instead of
placing the bulk of its advertis
ihg in the metropolitan dailies as
it has in the past.
Victory gardening isn’t just a
patriotic duty this year—it’s an
ahsolute necessity. Farm folks or
town folks don’t need to be told
that, in view of the present ra
tioning and rationed stocks. OPA
rationing brought the facts right
into their, kitchens. A purchasing
limit of only two cans or so of
vegetables a month has shocked
many a city customer and made
farm folks, who have gardened j
for years, realize more than ever I
tu-fore the value of their efforts.
Foh most farm people, a garden
| will be nothing new. They have
been, doing it for years. Rationing
of canned goods did not catch
them unawares. Many examples
of splendid results of home gard
ening were reported to County
Agent Lyndle Stout in 1942. The
season was favorable and the
women folks in the country put
up thousands of cans of vege
tables and fruits.
Those efforts need to be con
tinued this year. It isn’t a matter
of planting a big garden which
can’t be taken care of during the
season, but it is a matter of doing
a good job with the garden you
plant. Seed shouldn’t be wasted.
Information from the Nebraska
To Our
Fighting Men
(and Women)
HUE you're serving Uncle Sam, we'd like
to keep right on serving you. You can
bank by mail, you know. Deposits can be
mailed to us and you in turn can make your
payments with a checking account at this
bank. You can keep up your thrift deposits
too, by mail. Another helpful service is safe
deposit protection—the sensible way to safe
guard personal property while you are away.
Before you leave, drop in and talk over your
money matters with us.
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
College of Agriculture points out
that vegetables differ greatly in
their growing habits. Some de
velop best in the cool spring and
fall months, while others require
the warm weather of summer.
The well planned garden will
furnish fresh vegetables from
April to November with a surplus
for canning, drying and storing,
and even a supply of seeds for
the next year. i
Selection of seed: When buy
ing seed it pays to get good seed
and good varieties. By writing the
county agent’s office in O’Neill a
circular on Nebraska Vegetable
Garden, Extension Circular 1211
may be obtained which will give
the amount of the different kinds
of seed that are needed for a fam
ily and the names of the varieties
that have been found adapted to
Nebraska conditions.
Soil preparation: Fall plowing
of the garden is recommended,
but where soil is sandy and like
ly to blow, plowing should be de
layed until early spring unless
steps are taken to prevent wind
erosion. Most gardens will profit j
greatly from a liberal application;
of well rotten manure. It in-1
creases fertility, add? to the wat-l
er-holding capacity and improves;
the condition of the soil.
When to plant: Plant adapted j
varieties of vegetables on time.
After the seed bed has been pre
pared in the spring, the frost
hardy vegetables may be seeded.
April 1st to 10th: Peas, spin
ach, onions, Irish potatoes, cab
April 10th to 20th: Carrots,
beets, broccali, lettuce, radishes,
kolrabi, parsnips, salsify, rhubarb
and strawberries.
Successive planting of many of
the varieties will be desirable at
later dates. Write for Extension
Circular 1211, “Nebraska Vege
tables Gardens,” at the county
agent’s office in O’Neill.
Mrs. Guy Cole of Emmet, coun
ty chairman of woman’s salvage
activities, announced early this
week the appointment of the fol
lowing community and precinct
chairmen who will help with the
promotion of salvage activities in
their respective areas:
Atkinson, Mrs. Joe Bouska; At
kinson precinct, Mrs. Merle Rich
ards, Atkinson; Chambers, Mrs.
G. H. Grimes, Cleveland, Mrs.
Mahlon Shearer, Stuart; Coleman,
Mrs. Arthur O’Neill, O’Neill; Con
ley, Mrs. L. C. Her,tel, Chambers;
Deloit, Miss Mary Weibel, Ewing;
Emmet, Mrs. Bert Gaffney, Em
met; Ewing, Mrs. S. W. Brion,
Ewing; Francis, Mrs. Albert Lem
mer, Atkinson; Grattan, Mrs.
John Hickey and Mrs. Art Burge,
O’Neill; Green Valley, Mrs. E. A.
Bouska; Stuart; Holt Creek, Mrs.
Fred Boettcher, Atkinson; Inman,
Mrs. P. D. Hartigan, Inman; Iowa,
Mrs. Carl Phiel, Page; Lake, Mrs.
Carl Lambert, Ewing; Paddock,
Mrs. Sam Robertson, O’Neill;
Rock Falls, Mrs. Floyd Johnson,
O’Neill; Sand Creek, Mrs. Ray
Pease, Atkinson; Saratoga, Mrs.
Bill Coburn, O’Neill; Sheridan,
Mrs. Robert Martens, Atkinson;
Steel Creek, Mrs. Hershel Miles,
Dorsey; Stuart, Mrs. Frank Ul
rich, Stuart; Wyoming, Mrs. Verne
Sageser, Amelia.
“With this fine group directing
local activities, and with the co
operation of every woman in the
county, I am sure that we can
get salvage materials to moving,”
said Mrs. Cole. “Right now, we
are interested chiefly in the sal
vage of silk and nylon, and waste
fats, which are critical materials
needed in large quantities for the
production of war necessities. The
response so far has been very
good, but we must have the help
of everyone in gathering every
available pound of these items."
The bad weather limited the
run of livestock at the local sale
last Monday. There were not as
many hogs as last week but a
good run of cattle. Prices on cat
tle were lower on the lightweights
and steady on the heavier kinds.
Steer calves brought from
$15.50 to $17.70 per hundred and
heifer calves sold from $13.70 to
$15.75. Yearling steers brought
from $14.00 to $15.45, and year
ling heifers from $12.50 to $13.70.
There were a few two-year-olds
steers that sold ofr $13.75. There
was another good strong cow
market, with the beef kind bring
ing from $9.50 to $12.00 per hun
dred, and canners and cutters
from $7.50 to $9.25. There was one
load of good breeding cows that
sold by the heacf.
The hog market was a little
lower than last week, with butch
er hogs bringing from $14.55 to
$14.60 per hundred, with the lat
ter* figure being the top. Sows
sold from $14.15 to $14.30 per hun
dred. There were quite a few lit
tle pigs and they were sold by
the head for a good price. Next
sale will be on Monday, March 22.
Elaine Oik spent the week-end
in Petersburg and Omaha visit
ing relatives and friends.
The Frontier’s
Price & Ration Guide |
Shoes: Stamp No. 17 of War
Ration Book 1 is valid for one
pair of shoes until June 15, 1943.
The stamps are interchangeable
among members of the family liv
ing under the same roof. A few
styles in casual types may be pur
chased without shoe ration cou
Rubber Footwear: Men’s rub
ber boots are rationed. Apply to
your local Rationing Board for
certificate to purchase.
Gasoline: No. 4 coupons of “A”
books valid for 4 gallons until
March 21. No. 5 “A” coupons val
id March 22. All holders of B, C,
and T coupons can now renew
rations by mail. Send post card
to your Board for Form R543.
Tire Inspections: Second per
iod inspection for “B” book hold
ers March 1 through June 30. Al
low at least 60 days between in
Second period inspection for
“C” book holders March 1 through
May 31. Allow at least 45 days
between inspections.
“A” book holders’ first period
expires March 31. All “A" hold*
ers must have first inspection by
March 31.
“T” book holders: Inspection
every 60 days or every 5000 miles,
whichever comes first.
Fuel Oil: Period 4, each one
unit coupon valid for 11 gallons;
each ten-unit coupon valid for
110 gallons until April 12. Pe
rod 5, coupons have same values
as for Period 4, and are valid
March 8 to September 30. Note:
Rations for fuel oil and kerosene
for domestic, institutional and ag
ricultural uses are now granted
for six-month periods.
Incubators and Brooders: All
operators of incubators and
brooders may obtain all needed
fuel oil and kerosene for capacity
production of the equipment. In
creased poultry and egg produc
tion is essential to the war effort.
Dairy Rooms and Separator
Houses: Operators may obtain all
needed fuel oil for heating this
Coal-Burning Heating Stoves:
Rationing Board will grant per
mission for the purchase of coal
burning heating stoves which will
be used to replace or supplement
qil-burning heating equipment.
Sugar: No. 12 coupon, War Ra
tion Book 1, valid March 16 to
May 31 for five pounds.
Coffee: No. 25 coupon, War Ra
tion Book 1, valid for one pound
of coffee from February 8th to
March 21st, inclusive. No. 26 cou
pon is valid for one pound from
March 22 to April 26.
Canned Fish, Shell Fish, Can
ned Meats hermetically sealed by
heat cannot be sold to anyone un
til March 28.
Processed Foods: Consult point
value charts at grocers and in
newspapers for points to be sur
rendered from War Book 2. A,
B, and C blue coupons good for
March purchases.
Butter: Priced on percentage
mark-up basis. Nebraska maxi
mum for 90 score butter in pound
and half-pound cartons, 55 cents;
parchment wrapped, 54% cents.
Eggs and Egg Products: Under
price ceilings at retail and whole
sale. Hatching eggs exempt.
Fresh Vegetables: Ceiling prices
established for: tomatoes, green
and wax snap beans, carrots, cab
bage and peas at no higher than
seller’s highest selling or offering
price from February 18 to 22.
Lettuce and spinach price set at
highest selling or offering price
during period from February 19
to 23.
Vinegar, Peanut Butter, Edible
Syrups: Retail and wholesale
ceilings determined under new
percentage mark-up plan.
Pork: Retail and wholesale un
; |V: ! JJgjHlwil
!"•*«» zjfcsSSS^
aEBpI •( advertised In Mar. 11 «P
H • ■'
:fyH| See Ut for Genuine Dr. i|g||
« Salsbury', PHEN - O - SAL ||g
To Buy Smartly Styled
• Red • Green • White
• Beige • Patent
Leather Sole
/Vail head Trim
Conserve your precious ration-type footwear by wearing
casual and play shoes. Smart style, colorful, serviceable and
economical. Choose now before size ranges are broken.
First Quality, Full Fashioned
Rayon Hose
Marked Down To
Beautiful, sheer
and clear rayons
with foot reinforced
with cotton for ex
tra wear. New
shades for Spring
wear. Limited
quantity only to
sell. A standout
der specific dollar and cents pri
ces per pound by zones, effective
April 1.
Soy Beans: Ceilings set at pro
ducer level as well as at other
levels. Top grades to sell at $1.66
per bushel on the farm. Country
elevator to add 4M>c per bushel
to price paid producer.
Onion Sets: 1942 crop placed
under ceiling prices. All sellers
limited to highest selling or offer
ing price during period from Feb
ruary 10 to 15.
Eye Glasses: When sold to the
user, and certain services involv
ing examination and refraction of
eyes, now subject to the general
maximum price regulation.
Miss Sylvia Belik of Page vis
ited friends in O’Neill Tuesday.
■ '