The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 18, 1943, Image 2
WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS Nazi Counter Drive in Kharkov Area Wins Back Part of Russ Winter Gains; Wallace Warns of Future War Menace; Allies Tighten Ring on Rommel Armies (EDITOR'S NOTE: When opinions «re expressed In these columns, they ore those of Western Newspaper Union's news analysts and not necessarily si inis newspaper.! . Released by Western Newspaper Union. ■ - — NORTH AFRICA: Rommel Rapes Like a wild animal in a cage, Mar shal Rommel had struck out at the forces hemming in his 250.000 army in Tunisia. His principal offensive had been a heavy thrust at Gen. Sir Bernard Montgomery’s British Eighth army before the strategic Mareth line in Southern Tunisia. But the wary Englishman had an ticipated the German move and his deadly artillery fire had repelled re peated Nazi attacks with “very heavy losses.’’ Rommel, a master of tank war fare, had attempted to break through the British lines with his heavy mechanized equipment, but when he was forced to withdraw wrecked German tanks were strewn over the battlefield. In the north the British First army had regained the initiative and was pressing the enemy, while on the central front the American forces were moving steadily to hem the Axis in. DRAFT: Plan to Save Farmers Plans of the administration to take the pressure of the draft off the nation’s shortaged pool of farm la bor apparently contemplate the in duction of unmarried men over 38 or those in that age group without dependents. This, at least, was the interpretation of Washington observ ers concerning orders by the War Manpower commission to the selec tive service to reclassify such men 1A beginning May 1. The Manpower commission’s ac tion followed the announcement of a four-point plan for the deferment of essential farm labor. It came at a moment, too, when the congression al farm bloc had launched a drive to clarify the farm labor confusion. Local draft boards were under or ders hereafter to place no more men in Class 4-H and to reclassify out of 4-H into 1-A all such men now de ferred because over the military age limit. At the same time draft boards were ordered to begin re classification immediately of all men over 38 who may become eligi ble for class 2-C or 3-C because con nected with farm work. U. S.-RUSSIA: Need More ‘Trust' Although the storm over Ambas sador-Admiral William H. Stand ley’s complaint concerning Russia’s failure to inform its people fully about the great extent of American aid had subsided and future lend lease shipments on an ever-bigger scale were assured, the need for greater mutual confidence between the two Allies continued. This need was stressed by Vice President Henry A. Wallace in a speech which coincidentally enough was delivered at the time Stand ley’s statement was made public. Mr. Wallace had stressed the fact that a third World war might re sult unless the western democracies and Russia reach a satisfactory un derstanding. “War will be probable in case we doublecross Russia,” Wallace said. VICE PRESIDENT WALLACE . . . beware fl orid H'ar III. "Such a war would be inevitable if Russia should again embrace the Trotskyist idea of fomenting world revolution, or if British interests should again be sympathetic to anti Russian activity in Germany and other countries.” RUSSIA: Nazis Uncoil Three reasons were cited by mili tary observers tor the initial success of the sudden German counter offensive west of Rostov and south of Kharkov which in its early stages had swept forward 100 miles and resulted in the capture of eight key cities in the Donetz basin which had been taken earlier by the Soviets in their great winter drive. One reason was the use by the Nazis of 25 fresh divisions. Twelve of these had been rushed from west ern Europe and the others replen ished after previous action. A sec ond reason was the draining of troops from this southern sector by the Russians to supply momentum to their drive on Orel and Vyazma to the north. The third was the su periority of Axis supply lines and communications in the Donetz area. The serious extent of these early German successes was evident in the fact that Russian official com muniques had admitted the loss of the cities the Germans had claimed. Russ reports disclosed that the Ger man move had actually started late in February. The setback in the south had not prevented the Russians from con tinuing their drive on Vyazma. Red communiques had reported the cap ture of Tiomkino. FOOD SUPPLY: Nutrition Level Dips That the food situation in the Unit ed States is rapidly bringing the American people down to the Ca nadian and British level of nutrition was the opinion voiced by Secretary of Agriculture Claude Wickard. Mr. Wickard likewise disclosed that the amount of food available for civilians “is going to be something CLAUDE WICKARD . . . more vegetublet, lest meal. less than it is at the present time," in testimony before the senate ap propriations committee. Because of the increasing demand for proteins and fats —- including meat, dairy products and some oil crops—from our military forces and our Allies, Mr. Wiekard said the American people will probably have to live more on vegetable fats and proteins than they formerly did. “We have about reached the place now where we cannot expand our meat production any more," he said, “because we are not going to have enough of the basic element—feed— to support much more increase." LABOR MANHUNT: Franch Fight Nazis Adolf Hitler’s desperate need for manpower had caused the Nazi to put more than usual pressure on the collaborative Laval regime for more French workers. The German demand had been for 400,000 men. When Nazi sol diers abetted by the Vichy govern ment set out to meet this goal, the trouble started. Street fighting, guerrilla tactics and sabotage were the French Pa triots' answer to this effort to boF ster Germany’s waning manpower resources. Reports received by the Fighting French in London indicat ed that in a single 72-hour uprising, more than 350 German soldiers had been killed. Swift and cruel were the reprisals taken for this insubordination. But the repressive measures only served to fan the flames of French hatred against the German conquerors. HIGHLIGHTS .. . in the week's news CHICAGO: With an abundance of 1 billing and cooing. 5.605 fast-flying doves were drafted in Chicago for the army, reducing the city’s peace time pigeon population by one-sixth. The war first drafted a big group of racing pigeons from the city a year ago. These traditional sym bols of peace were reported in ac tion from Bataan to Britain, ac cording to a report received here. WASHINGTON: How Lieut. Ches ter W Nimitz Jr., son of the Pa cific admiral, won the silver star medal was disclosed in a navy re port. The citation made public here says young Nimitz served with "con spicuous gallantry and intrepidity’* as torpedo and gunnery officer and later as executive officer on two war patrols. During a third patrol near Java, he also won distinction. I _. , COUNTRIES AT WAR iiiilis Br. Implro ######## u.u. ••• •••• U.S.SB. •• China •••••••• Cteche>S. 00000000 • • • • t Belgian! • • # Holland 000 Graeco 0 0 Boland 0 0 Norway 0 luaemburg 0 ■ thiopia # # # Braill • • Cotta Rica 00 0 00 Cab. ••• Dam. Rap. # Q # Guatemala 000 Haiti • • • • • • Hondurot 00 0 Meaice 0 00 Nicaragua # • • # # # Btnama 000 Salvador # O # THI FOUOWINO STATIS HAVI SIVIRiO RIIATIONS WITH THI AXISi Venetuela, Colombia, Icuodor, Bara, Bolivia, Boroguay. Uruguay, Igypt, Saudi Arabia, Chile. The above chart shows at a glance which nations of the world have de clared war against the others. Of all the United Nations only three— Britain, Czechoslovakia and China —have declared war on the entire Axis tribe. The United States ex cepts Finland which yet may be in duced to quit the Axis. PACIFIC FRONT: Jap Power W anes In the Far Eastern war theater, reports from China disclosed that the main Japanese offensive in Western Yunnan province along the old Burma road had been halted on the west bank of the Salween river. Waning enemy air power in the Burma-China area was indicated by Allied reports that repeated attacks by American and British fliers on Jap objectives had failed to lure any Nipponese planes into battle. On the Solomon Islands battle front. American planes roved to the northward raiding Kahili, Buin and Ballale in the Shortland Islands area and Viru Harbor in New Georgia. The Japs retaliated with a raid on Tulagi close to Guadalcanal. Summarizing the situation in the Pacific, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox said that American forces are stronger than ever before in the Solomon Islands sector while throughout the South Pacific, the Japs are having increasing difficul ty in supplying their island bases. Without adequate shipping, the secretary explained, the Japs cannot maintain their South Pacific bases and face further retirement. ANTI-VICHY: Action in l\o. Africa Increasing evidence that Gen. Henri Giraud’s North Africa regime will move steadily further away from Vichy influences and ever clos er to the democrat.c methods of the United Nations was seen in the high commissioner's summary ac tion in repudiating all Petain de crees relating to African colonial af fairs and liquidating the entire gov ernment bureau concerned with re strictions on Jews. “A decree signed in Vichy has no effect in North Africa." was Gi raud’s terse explanation. “The Ger man occupation interrupted the free exercise of national sovereignty.” General Giraud's action followed that of Governor General Nogues of French Morocco reinstating govern ment workers dismissed under Vichy's orders and repealing the ban on listening to certain foreign broad casts. In repealing the Vichy anti Semitic decrees, High Commissioner Giraud ordered General Bounty, who dealt with Jewish problems, to be removed from office. CHINA: Destiny's Crossroads A 10-year reconstruction program for China, including the building of 20,000 transport planes, was pro posed by Generalissimo Chiang Kai shek in his book, "China's Destiny." While his wife, Madame Chiang, was busy winning friends for China on her visit to the United States, the Generalissimo disclosed plans call ing for 2,460,000 graduates from va rious grades of technical schools to aid in developing postwar China. _I Hitler in Mental Decline? Close Observers Say Yes Reliable Reports Indicate Fuehrer Subject to Uncontrolled Emotions; German Physician Believes He Will Have Mental ‘Explosion/ By BAUKHAGE Neus Analyst and Commentator. WNU Service, Union Trust Building, Washington, I). C. Where is Hitler? That question can’t be answered with any certainty at this writing and nobody seems to care. For more than a month, the communications from the German High Command have not borne the Fuehrer’s signa ture. The anniversaries of two of the great events in Nazi history have come and gone, the celebrations were held with very little display in comparison with other years and entirely without appearance of the No. 1 Nazi himself. Hitler has made no public appearance for months. It is true that communications supposedly from the Fuehrer have been made public but always through a second party, notably the speech on the anniversary of the founding of the National Socialist party. The set excuse is that Hitler is with his troops in the Russian front. But at the rate that front is moving these days, it is doubtful if he is very near it. It is quite pos sible that he is elsewhere or even nowhere but the interesting thing is that this man, who has managed to turn the world upside down, does not seem at all essential to the great political and military machine he has built up. It may be functioning without him and this would seem to indicate that if he is not dead, but should suddenly die, it wouldn’t make much difference. Some time ago, a report received from underground sources was re ceived in London. It said that “Hit ler either has been given an ultima tum by his generals, who pointed out his military blunders, or he is suffering from one of his hysterical fits and is in ill health as a result of his Russian reverses.” Recent Developments What about these fits? They are no fiction but well-authenticated events. Before several witnesses he has frequently burst into tears, and in other ways given vent to ut terly uncontrolled' ^motions. But these fits are of less importance than certain other likewise well-substan tiated but not widely known devel opments which have taken place within the last year or two. There are several stories which I heard from the lips of a man who has closely watched Hitler’s career from its earliest beginning. The man is Fred Oechsner, a former colleague of mine. In fact, I was instrumental in having him sent to Berlin as correspondent for the Con solidated Press just about the time Hitler was beginning his political career. Long before anybody else took Hitler seriously, Oechsner wrote to me: “This man is some day going to be the bull in Europe’s china shop.” Oechsner, who is now in Washington, told me the following story which he also repeats in his excellent book, "This Is the Enemy.” As you know. Hitler was always a teetotaler. He never drank any thing bu* some very weak beer es pecially brewed for him and he only took sips of this pale beverage. Recently his habits changed. “Persons who visited him at his headquarters early in the winter told me.” Oechsner says, “that he was becoming grave and irritable and that it was not uncommon for him on a cold night to drink three or four glasses of grog. He also took occasional drinks of a Bavarian liquor called Enzian which is not unlike gin." Now Oechsner is an exceedingly reliable reporter and when he says the Fuehrer finished three grogs in an evening. I believe it—also I be lieve that a man unused to taking alcohol must have been higher than Berchtesgaden when he went to bed. Oechsner also said: “There is a German physician of international repute who believes that some day i Hitler will have a brain disturbance of a serious nature. This physician has treated Hitler since 1921 and knows his physical condition as well as his personal life. It is his opinion that Hitler is an outstanding exam ple of a half-trained, half-educated person with a phenomenal talent for absorbing and co-ordinating infor mation and detail gleaned from oth er sources. This attention to detail and pattern, he says, is obvious in Hitler’s drawings, in his speeches, his military campaigns. It is a phe nomenal mental power but some day it is going to explode.” Suicide the End? Without revealing the source, I have heard the opinion expressed by a man who has seen and met with Hitler many times and is exceeding ly familiar with his life, that it is quite possible that a mental decline has started which, he believes, may end in suicide. On my own score, I may say that when I heard Hitler deliver his fa mous speech at the start of the war in 1939 in which he said that he was going to the front and would lead Germany to victory, that he would not take off his uniform until this had been achieved, and in the next breath named his successors, I thought he was preparing for suicide. I doubt if he is now dead. He may not even be ill but the thing is, there has been no report of any public appearance for a long time. That, of course, is hearsay evi dence—or long-distance diagnosis but what Oechsner reports comes from first-hand authority. So Hitler may already be in a padded cell—and nobody seems to care! • mm Fourth Term— Does FDR Want It? Will the President run for a Fourth Term? A number of cross currents are definitely in motion, some directly moving toward an attempt to draft Mr. Roosevelt as candidate in ’44; some which at present seem to be carrying him in the opposite direc tion. One thing that many people fail to realize is the fact that when the precedent against a man serving in the White House for more than two terms was broken, the first olive was out of the bottle and the chief ob stacle to a fourth term was re moved. As has been pointed out, the American people never before want ed a man for a third term candi date, although twice before candi dates would have made the attempt —Grant and Theodore Roosevelt. When the first whispers for a pos sible third term for Franklin Roose velt were heard, I talked to a sea soned political observer. He said: the President doesn’t want to run again but he will be persuaded to by his friends. I make bold to state at this junc ture that exactly the same state ment can be made today with one modification: The President doesn’t want to run for a fourth term but his friends are trying to persuade him to. I feel sure that the President does not want to run again. I do believe he passionately desires to preside at the peace table. But some of his friends have a different view. As Joseph Tumulty, secretary to Pres ident Wilson, once remarked about the White House: “It’s a nice board ing house, you hate like the dickens to move out.” Friends Demands Two things are acting in favor of persuading the President: One, this earnest and insistent demand of his “friends” who don’t want “to move ' out” and some of whom honestly be lieve that it would be for the general good if the President stayed on. Their arguments are many. The second factor and the one which could elect Mr. Roosevelt for a fourth term, if he does run again, can be expressed in the well-known slogan, “Don’t swap horses while crossing a stream.” It is the rea soning behind this homely expres sion which, of course, provides the most persuasive argument to any President. On the other hand, if by 1944 Hit ler has been defeated, the President might feel that he could serve even better at the peace table if he were not the head of a political party, if he were not bound by certain do mestic policies which the head of ; an administration must administer with one eye on the votes in the next election. I believe that if the President felt i positively that he would be allowed to play the principal role in the peace-making, even though someone else were in the White House (per haps a Republican), or if he felt that as President, he would be less effective as a peacemaker, he would not consider a fourth term. BRIEFS . . . by Baukhage All rural women are being asked to enroll in the national Victory Home Food Supply program. • • * The brother of the king of Sweden. Prince Oscar Bernadotte, has re signed the chairmanship of tire Swedish Young Men's Christian as sociation. Reason—advancing age. He has held the post for more than 50 years! I One reason Russia is not so ; anxious to make peace with Fin land is because 100,000 German sol diers would be released for duty elsewhere. • • • Twenty-two states have entered into co-operative arrangements with the Forest Service to develop a for est products marketing service for farmers. -... - - -. . Released by Western Newspaper Union. SPEECH DEFECTS A pupil at public school was a member of a special group prepar ing for scholarships. This class, of which I was a member, remained Dr. Barton in the classroom un til 5 p. m. and at tended Saturday morning 9 to 12. When the results were announced this girl stood first de spite the fact that she stammered so badly that she was unable to read in front of the class. As she was very brilliant I was not surprised at her beating the rest of us. but I figured she would lose so many marks in her reading that some of us might over take her. The explanation was that when she took her reading exami nation she read before the teacher only and read clearly and distinctly without stammering in the slightest Despite the fact that school teach ers knew this fact that stammerers did not stammer amid home or familiar surroundings it is only with in recent years that the general pub lic and stammerers themselves are learning that while some speech de fects are due to some disturbance of the structures that control speech, most cases of stammering are due to nervousness and self consciousness. I am writing about stammering at this time as I have at hand a hand book of the Chicago Speech Correc tion society. The society was or ganized by a group of speech cor rectionists in the Chicago area, its purposes and qualifications being in accordance with the standards and ethical codes of the American Speech Correction association. The purposes of the society are to foster ethical principles and practices in the field of speech correction. To this end the qualifications demanded for membership are very high. "The speech correctionist or ther apist is one whose technical training has been such as to enable him to conduct the examination, make the diagnosis (find the cause of the de fect) and direct re-education of (1) individuals whose voice or speech problems call unfavorable and em barrassing attention to themselves and constitute an educational, so cial, or business handicap; and (2) individuals who suffer from voice or rpeech conditions that are ab normal to such a degree that they are able to converse with others to a very limited extent.” My thought is that as the stam merer or a sufferer with other speech defects can now be helped, he should look well to the qualifica tions of the speech correctionist he consults. • • • Why Overweights Dislike Exercise It is estimated that about nine of every ten cases of overweight are due directly to overeating, another 5 per cent to inactivity of certain glands, and the other 5 per cent to overeating combined with lack of gland activity. This means that 95 of every 100 overweights should fol low a reducing diet containing an insufficient number of calories, the extra calories really needed to do the body’s work being made up from the excess fat in and on the body. What about exercise? If overweights realized the bene fits derived from exercise, they would be more willing to take it regularly. All that most of them find is that exercise increases their appetite and so little or no weight is lost. Why do overweights so greatly dislike exercise? Exercise means ef fort and there is less than the nor mal desire for effort in overweights. Every movement they make—walk ing. jogging, bending—means the lifting or carrying of much more weight than for one of normal weight. So, rather than use this se vere effort, they are willing to do without some of their daily intake of food. They simply choose the lesser of two evils. If, however, they are willing to take the exercise instead of doing without the food, they will not only use up the excess fat and so bring their figure back or nearly back to normal, but will get rid of their dis like for exercise and be more will ing to take it regularly As they grow lighter and more "limber.” they may actually develop a desire for exercise. Remember, exercise is useful in reducing weight before middle age. After middle age, cutting down on food is the safest method. • • • QUESTION BOX Q.—Do nerves cause shortness of breath; if not, what is the cause? A.—"Nerves” can cause shortness of breath. Other causes are: Blocked nose, too much acid food; heart muscle getting weak. Q.—What type drug is hyoscyamus and what are its uses? A.—Hyoscyamus belongs to the belladonna group. It is used as a "quieting” drug and to relax tight nerves and muscles. Used In bron chitis also. I I UOUSEHOLD ninnffi Grease can be removed from an iron by rubbing it with com meal. * * • Do not mix new milk with old, except when it is to be used im mediately. • • • An occasional application of oil will keep leather in chairs and suitcases from cracking. It will help keep your shoes if • • • you put them on shoe trees or stuff the toes with paper when they are not being worn. Always wipe them dry of moisture and dirt after ex posure. • • • Rub over the inside of a cushion with hard soap before you fill it. Then the points of the feathers will not come through. • • • Children’s Shoes should be plen ty large when bought—but not large enough to slip around and rub the feet. When they get too small, they should be passed on to some one else, if they are not worn out, for wearing too-small shoes when a child may cause serious foot trouble all through later life. COLDS'MISERIES ^ PenetrQ For colds’ coughs, nasal congestion, muscle aches get Penetro— modern medication in a mutton suet base. 25«, double supply 354. Admirals may be admirable, but that isn’t where the word comes from. It comes from an old Arabfc word “amir-al” meaning “com mander of.” That’s what the Ad miral is, the top-ranking officer in the Navy. Top-ranking cigarette with our Navy men is Camel—the favorite, too, with men in the Army, Marines and Coast Guard, according to actual sales records from their service stores. Camels are their favorite gift, too. Local dealers are featuring Camel car tons to send anywhere to any member of our armed forces. To day is a good time to send “him” a carton of Camels.—Adv. Pull the Trigger on Constipation, with Ease for Stomach, too When constipation brings on discom fort after meals, stomach upset, bloating, dizzy spells, gas, coated tongue, and bad breath, your stomach is probably "crying the blues” because your bowels don’t move. It calls for Laxative-Senna to pull the trigger on those lazy bowels, com bined with Syrup Pepsin for perfect ease to your stomach in taking. For years, many Doctors have given pepsin prepa rations in their prescriptions to make medicine more agreeable to a touchy stomach. So be sure your laxative con tains Syrup Pepsin. Insist on Dr. Cald well's Laxative Senna combined with Syrup Pepsin. See how wonderfully the Laxative Senna wakes up lazy nerves and muscles in your intestines to bring wel come relief from constipation. And the good old Syrup Pepsin makes this laxa tive so comfortable and easy on your stomach. Even finicky children love the taste of this pleasant family laxative. Take Dr. Caldwell's Laxative Senna com bined with Syrup Pepsin, as directed on label or as your doctor advises, and leel world’s better. Get genuine Dr. Caldwell’s. I Millions of people suffering from simple I ' Piles, have found prompt relief with 1 PAZO. ointment. Here's why: First, 1 PAZO ointment soothes inflamed areas I —relieves pain and itching. Second. 1 PAZO ointment lubricates hardened. I dried parts—helps prevent cracking and 1 soreness. Third, PAZO ointment tends I to redace swelling and check bleeding. 1 Fourth, it's easy tu use. PAZO olnl 1 ment’s perforated Pile Pipe makes ap 1 plication simple, thorougli. Your doctor I can tell you about PAZO ointment. Terror Deafens The man who is roused neither by glory nor by danger it is vain to exhort; terror closes the ears of the mind.—Sallust. VITAL ELEMENTS' TO HELP BUILD RESISTANCE TO COLDS... Good-tasting Scott’s Emulsion con tains the natural A and D Vitamins* often needed to help build stamina and resistance! Helps build strong bones, sound teeth too! Mothers— give Scott’s Emulsion daily. ;; Recommended by Many Doctors »