The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 18, 1943, Image 1
Nab. State Historical Society The Frontier VOL. T.YTTT O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1943 NO. 45 BREEZES FROM THE SOUTHWEST By Romaine Saunders Atkinson, Nebr., Star Route No. 5. The worry of many is not how to engineer the household needs under points and coupons but how to meet rising costs with stationary income. A hatchery man with feeds to sell asks: “How kin a hen chew grub without teeth?" He will have to take the matter up with the Creator for an answer. — From what she declines to say about a fourth term, it appears the first lady is for it. Eleanor would doubtless be as restless as a caged tigeress if dropped from public notice. From an old scrapbook I learn that a Denver paper had expres-, sed amazement that a man with his brains knocked out was still, alive, whereupon a Kentucky pa per said if he was down that way he would not only be living but holding some important office. Duane Bly, a student from Swan attending the Chambers high school, is about the champ ion of hard luck experiences to deal his schooling a blow. Layed up at home for two separate stretches with the measles, he was next knocked over but not out with an excruciating toothache, which took another day from ed ucational pursuits to have two of fending molars removed—or ex tracted the dentists say. Monday was the hardest day of the winter on the herds out this way. It is not unusual in the er ratic month of March for storms to sweep the land. We got it this time in the shape of a half-inch of ice plastered over everything through the medium of rain and wind. Sleet, high wind and biting cold throughout the day, a bit of snow and night settles over us as the gale continues a melancholy moaning out of the north. Gray, old but not aged, well fed and serene, taking his ease as the lengthening shadows crown life’s rich memories— memories trailing in mystic charm through the long years to a sod house in the measureless grass lands of southern Holt county. Thus I run across the other day up at Atkin son a pioneer homesteader of the Amelia country, William Long, familiarly known among the thin ning ranks of the early settlers by that contradictory combina tion of names, Shorty Long. He, with his brother-in-law, Abe Perry, and their young brides, left northern Iowa in the 80’s to make homes on homestead lands. They landed at the headwaters of the South Fork in southern Holt county seven miles west of Chambers and camped there for a few days, but felt the urge to go farther into the alluring west. Striking out they got no farther than the homestead of Mr. and Mrs. White, parents of the three brothers of that name still resid ing in Wyoming precinct. They were advised to stay in the coun try and with the help of Mr. White located homesteads. Mr. Long says he did not have the $14 for the filing fee, so he got a job and' earned it, went to O’Neill and made his homestead entry in tho office of M. D. Long, a county official with an office at that time in the newly erected First Na tional Bank building. That home stead is now the home of Mr. and Mrs. Link Sagaser. Mr. Long sunk an artesian well on his claim, built a sod house, broke prairie to produce feed and food and raised a family, as did other pioneers, in the valley of the South Fork. His wife died five years ago and his children, all born in this county, are now else where, one son in the Army, and one daughter who, with her father, is spending the winter in Atkinson. Among life’s wrong moves, Mr. Long says when he sold the homestead was about his worst. Game birds darkened the waters and hovered in the grass, the dainty antelope loped away to safety at the approach of dan ger, long grass shimmered in green waves, flowers scented the air with fragrance and dotted the prairie with color. The soul of the pioneer was in the winds that lashed across the1 land and he felt his life being cast in the mold of the wild freedom of the plains. Prairie fires held a terror of wild fury to all living. Mr. Long recalls that on one occasion a fire was sweeping down toward them with LENTEN PERIOD THIS YEAR LATEST IN 20TH CENTURY Last Wednesday the Christian world began observing the latest Lenton period of the 20th cen tury, because of an astronomical condition occurring but once in a hundred years. Maude Bennot, director of the Adler planetarium and astron omical museum, said March 10 and April 25 are the latest pus- j sible dates in the calendar on. which Ash Wednesday and Eas ter, respectively, may fall. The last time Easter was this late was in 1888, the next time will be in 2038. “The peculiar rules for select ing Easter and Ash Wednesday were made in 325 A. D„ at the council of Christian churches at Nicea in Asia Minor,” Miss Ben not recalled. According to that decision Easter falls on the first Sunday after the 14th day of the moon falling on or after the ver-; nol equinox (first day of spring), which this year is March 21. The reason for basing the se lection of Easter on the dates of! the moon was that in the early centuries of the Christian era, the Pilgrims needed moonlight to travel safely on their way to the great yearly Easter festivals. Explaining the mathematics of Easter, Miss Bennot said the moon which comes after the ver nal equinox this year begins on April 4. Fourteen days after that date is April 18, which happens to fall on a Sunday, and the next Sunday after that is April 25, or Easter. Once the Easter date is determ ined, Ash Wednesday is found by counting back 40 days the length of Lent—not counting Sundays, thus bringing this year’s date to March 10. If the March new moon, which came on Saturday, March 6, had fallen one day later, on the 7th, Easter would have come on March I 28, nearly a month earlier than | it actually does. The 14th day ! would then have fallen on the 121st of the month, the vernal equinox, and the next Sunday thereafter would have been the 28th, or Easter. ACHIEVEMENT DAYS OF PROJECT CLUBS FRIDAY, SATURDAY Programs for the Project Club Achievement Days at Chambers on March 19, and at O’Neill on March 20, were completed this week. Either program, to which all project club members and all guests as well, are invited, prom ises to be a very interesting event. The afternoon programs in clude music by the Chambers, At kinson and O’Neill schools. The appearance of Mrs. Guy Cole of Emmet, county salvage director, and Mrs. Ruth Rector of O’Neill, will give those attending an op portunity to learn of the latest war activity programs. Newton Gaines, from the Extension Serv ice in Lincoln, will be present with some interesting information on rural community organization. This year, for the first time, a social hour will follow the after noon program. Refreshments will be served and this will give an opportunity for viewing the ex hibits and visiting. Guests are particularly invited to this year’s program. CLARKE-McNARY TREE DEADLINE CLOSE AT HAND The deadline for ordering Clarke-McNary seedlings through the county agent’s office in O’Neill is nearing. Shipments will be started, if weather permits, during the last part of March. At this date 34,300 seedlings have been ordered in Holt county. This indicates continued interest in tree planting. Supplies for sev eral varieties of seedlings are ex hausted. Trees yet available are Chinese Elm, Russian Mulberry, Russian Olive, Hackberry, Jack Pine, and Red Cedar. devouring flame before a high wind and there seemed no way of escape. When within a mile of their abode, in an instant the wind changed and blew from the opposite direction and they were safe. ‘‘I hear the tread of pio neers,” a vision of the poet that bloomed into realism, a realism of covered wagons on the west ward trek, now faded forever from the American scene but en shrined not only in the memory of Shorty Long and his compatriots but of those who followed after. Mrs. Cecelia M. Dietsch Mrs. Cecelia Dietsch died at the O’Neill General Hospital last Monday morning at 12:45 o’clock, after an illness of about thirty days, at the age of 55 years, seven months and nineteen days. The funeral was on held Wednesday morning from St. Patrick’s church at 10:15 o’clock, and burial in Calvary cemetery. Cecelia Mary Hipp was born in Alsace Lorraine, Germany, on July 26, 1887. She came to the United States with her parents when a young girl and they lo cated near Roseland, Nebr. On April 10, 1910, she was united in marriage to Joseph S. Dietsch, the ceremony beig performed at Roseland. Four children were born of this union, two sons and two daughters. The children are: Mrs. Emma Backman, Sioux City, Iowa; Antone, Fordyce, Nebr.; Corporal Frank Dietsch, U. S. Army, Solomon Islands; Mrs. Mary Schroeder, Wynot, Nebr. Mrs. Backman and Mrs. Schroe der were here for the funeral services. Her son, Frank, is sick at his home at Fordyce and was unable to attend the funeral ser vices. She is also survived by two brothers and two sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Dietsch came to Holt county three years after their marriage, in 1913, and lived in the Mineola section of the county. They lived there until 1920, when they moved to Cedar county, Nebr. They resided in Cedar county until the spring of 1936, when they came back to this county and went back to their old farm in the Mineola country. Mrs. Dietsch was a charming woman and had a host of friends in the section of the county where she resided who were saddened to hear of her death. She was a kind and loving wife and mother, a good neigh bor and a loyal friend. SHOULD REPRESENT FARMER INSTEAD OF DILLY DALLYING Last week Congressman A. L. Miller disclosed a letter he had written to Secretary of Agricul ture Claude R. Wickard, in which the congressman asked Wickard to “begin to represent the farmer instead of dilly dallying as you have been doing in the past. If the agricultural department and the other agencies dealing with food and manpower,” Miller wrote Wickard, “continue their inces sant bungling of the problem, you may be sure that on your door step will be laid the result of a million hungry stomachs. “As a member of this congress I expect to join those other men who have complete co-operation with the people at home and, by Jove, when laws are passed by the elected representatives of the people they ought to be followed by the bureaucrats and bureaus which congress created in the past.” Congressman Miller said that seventy-five closing out sales had recently been held in his dist rict because farmers were unable to get skilled help, machinery, re pairs, or a parity price for their food and fiber. “My suggestion to your depart ment,” Miller went on, “is this, that all restrictions be removed in the raising of the crops for food and fiber. That all subsidies be eliminated when the farmer is guaranteed a fair profit for the crop he raises. “I believe there should be a ceiling over crops and there should be a floor under the same crops. Encouragement for plant ing certain crops could be given by raising the ceiling on that crop. There should be a definite loan value established, and this could be raised in order to en courage the farmer to raise an additional amount of the crop most needed.” RUSSELL G. SIMPSON IN NAVAL TRAINING AT FARRAGUT, IDA. A new representative of the O’Neill community has joined the forces of the U. S. Navy, report ing at the U. S. Naval Training Station at Farragut, Idaho, this week. He is Russell G. Simpson, son of G. P. Simpson. During the period of his recruit training he will learn the funda mentals of seamanship and un dergo physical hardening in the intensive program. On gradua tion, he will either be sent to a navy service school for additional training in a specialized field or ordered to join the combat forces of the U. S. fleet in action against the axis enemies. AK-SAR-BEN WILL SPONSOR NEW 4-H CLUB CAMPAIGN Thousands of Nebraska 4-H Club boys and girls will wage important attacks on two major war-time shortages, meat and la or, as they compete for many val uable awards offered in a new statewide “Food for Freedom” program sponsored by Ak-Sar Ben in co-operation with the State 4-H Club office. Inaugurated! by Ak-Sar-Ben last year as part Of extensive war ac tivities, the 4-lB freedom food pro duction program has been revised for 1943 to iflclude requirements which will help provide much needed farm*' labor as well as boost production of meat, dairy and garden products, grain, can ned fruits and vegetables. The op portunity to jqualify for awards through hours spent in farm labor is included for the first time this year. From among club members at taining one or more goals, county champions will be selected by a 4-H committee. Primary consid eration will be giverv to food pro duction and the efficient use of labor. Champions will compete for special prizes, including five club-week trips to Lincoln with all expenses paid, 25 club-week and 30 conservation camp regis trations. Ak-Sar-Ben will finance all trips and also provide certifi cates of merit to all who qualify in one or more units. The com plete list of production quotas was announced by W. D. Lane, chairman of Ak-Sar-Ben’s war activities, as follows: Render 400 hours of labor in the war activity project; or plant at least 2000 square feet of gar den, or produce food materials of not less than $25 in value for any part of the year-round food sup plies; or Can 100 quarts of home-grown fruits and vegetables; or market 2000 pounds of beef or raise 2000 pounds of pork; or produce 5000 pounds of milk or 200 pounds of butterfat; or care for sugar beets producing 5500 pounds of sugar; or produce 5000 pounds of soy beans or flax, or 10,000 pounds of corn, small grains or sorghum. Hundreds of club members re siding in 45 counties in every sec tion of Nebraska won awards in the program last year. It was so successful that Ak-Sar-Ben was asked by 4-H officials to continue it through 1943, with revisions to meet changing war-time needs, Lane explained. The “Food for Freedom” pro gram is entirely separate from the annual Ak-Sar-Ben Gold Medal Award, presented to the outstand ing 4-H club member in each county of Nebraska and western Iowa, Lane said. More than sixty gold medals have been presented for 1942 achievement, he added. Drive For Infantile Paralysis Funds Was Success In County Regardless of the criticism of fered on having parties and friendly gatherings in connection with jraising money1 for charitable affairs, we feel it has been worth while, and here are the returns from all over Holt county on our drive for infantile paralysis funds. I would like to mention Jim White, an Atkinson high school boys, who, we understand, spon sored a dance in that town for the fund which netted $70.00. Thanks, Jim. School children throughout the county were very good in their responses where the little envel opes were given out and they had a chance to use them. Thanks to the teachers who gave their time and to everyone else whose efforts helped to make this a success. Stuart_$ 40.00 Atkinson ___106.47 Bridge Club, Page_ 6.00 Amelia_ 5.18 Dorsey .. 9.00 Scottville _ 8.45 O’Neill Sale Barn 26.00 Ewing Sale Barn_75.00 Atkinson Sale Barn 28.00 O’Neill Card Party 121.41 Stanley Lambert, basket social at his school 10.00 LaVern Borg, goose sold 40.70 Madolyn Hynes and Theresa Theile Parks 26.25 Theatres . 52.99 Schools 230.01 Total net $785.46 Mrs. Ruth Rector, Chm., Holt County Infantile Paralysis Drive. Technical Sergeant Leroy Hart ford of Camp VanDorn, Miss., is here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hartford, and other relatives and friends. RICH APPOINTMENT FOR O’NEILL NATIVE IN WASHINGTON ... _ The daily press carried an artic le the first of the week that Clin ton Uttley had been sworn in as First Assistant Postmaster Gen eral of the United States. Clinton is a native of O'Neill, being a son of the late H. M. Uttley. His last visit to this city was to at tend the funeral of his father,! some eight or ten years ago. At that time he was an inspector for. the Postoffice department and was stationed in California. FARMERS URGED TO SHIP THEIR WHITE CORN TO MARKET There is a continued growing shortage of white corn due to the heavy commercial market de mand for milling and manufac turing of white corn into food stuffs. Every indication points to the flow of white corn being in a tight position right through to next November. Farmers fortunate enough to have a stock of white corn still on hand will do well to consider I shipping every bushel to the com mercial market, taking advantage of the commanding premiums be ing paid for white over yellow. Farmers can then turn around and buy yellow com or govern ment-owned wheat for feeding. The difference in price between the sale price of white corn and the purchase of either yellow or government-owned wheat will net them a nice profit. This is one way to make com pay a double profit . . . first, by growing white corn which has I averaged \AVzc a bushel more ; than yellow on the Chicago mar ket from October, 1941, to Octo ' ber, 1942, according to govern ment figures . . . second by sell ! ing white corn on the commercial market, replacing with yellow i corn oi4 government-owned wheat for feeding requirements, j Elevators throughout the corn j belt know that the white corn ac ! reage in recent years has not kept pace with the increase in demand j in the commercial market for food purposes. There is no carryover of white corn at the present time. In fact, there is an actual short age. This is the reason every far mer would do well to consider selling his white corn, not only j because of the opportunity to make a profit from the sale, but also because of the extreme need for food made from white corn. TOO LATE TO HALT BLACK MARKET, CLAIMS WHERRY Full co-operation with the ad ministration in its program to stamp out black markets in meat was urged late last week by Sen ator Wherry, of Nebraska, but he expressed the fear that “it is too late” and that control of prices of livestock on the hoof may be i “the only way out.” He empha sized, however, that he is in favor of trying all other avenues of con trol first, “because coming from a heavy livestock producing area of the nation, I want the pro ducer to get all he can. “It is becoming more evident each day that the administration’s policy of enforcing price ceilings on the retailer-customer end of the line is facing a partial, if not | complete breakdown. The most J striking example is found in the distribution of meats. In attempt : ing to drive out the mushroom : growth of the meat black mar kets, the administration has fran tically put into effect a four-point program: “(1) Rationing of meat; (2) en forcement of retail price ceilings through an army of civilians; (3) publicity to encourage the citizen to buy meat only at inspected meat markets; and (4) the wiping out of black markets through government enforcement.” Wherry said the administration should be given a chance to work out this program, “although the public is becoming fed up on an army of snoopers, who in some instances have unwarrantedly vic timized retail and wholesale dis tributors of meats by misrepre sentation.” Senator Wherry has been nam ed to a special joint senate-house small business subcommittee to investigate the meat situation ful ly as it relates to the small pack ers, nearly 40 percent of whom, he says, “have gone out or are shortly going out of business.” Mary Beth Douglas of Norfolk visited friends here last Saturday. Mrs. Jacob Hirsch Mrs. Jacob Busch died at her home northeast of O’Neill last Tuesday, from a heart attack, at the age of 76 years and two days. I The funeral will be held Friday morning at 10 o’clock from St. Patrick’s church and burial in' Calvary cemetery. Mrs. Hirsch had been enjoying good health and the Sunday be fore her death had celebrated her seventy-sixth birthday Tues day morning her husband got up at the usual hour and started the kitchen fire and then went out and took care of his chores, then returned to the house, as was his custom, for breakfast. Mrs. Hirsch was not up and he went into the bedroom and found that she had passed away. Annie Laura Stone was born in England on March 14, 1867. The family came to the United States when she was a little girl and settled in Iowa, and on March 4, 1889, she was united in marriage to Jacob Hirsch, the ceremony be ing performed at Odebolt, Iowa, i Eight children were born of this union, five sons and three daugh ters. The children are: Mrs. Ger trude Miller, Wichita, Kan.; Earl S., Cleveland, Ohio; Lloyd R., Omaha, Nebr.; Mrs. Hilda Reefe, Dayton, Ohio; Linus, Greybull, Wyo.; Mrs. Ina Culkin, Omaha, Nebr.; Cyril, Louisville, Nebr.; George F., Dayton, Ohio, all of whom are expected to be here for the funeral services. She is also survived by three brothers and two sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Hirsch came to Holt county in the spring of 1906, and ever since then she had been a resident of the county. On their arrival here they purchased the farm northeast of this city which had been her home ever since they came to the county. Mrs. Hirsch was a splendid wife and mother and her sudden death is a severe shock to her family and many friends in this city and community. STAND BY OUR BOYS BY GIVING ALL YOU CAN TO RED CROSS The Red Cross War Drive will be conducted throughout the na tion during the month of March to raise funds to carry out war activities. Holt county’s share has been set at $7,500, with the share for O’Neill and vicinity amount ing to $3,000. Collectors will make the local canvass during the next week. Ail citizens of this country are familiar with the activities of the Red Cross. At the time of catas trophe or disaster the Red Cross comes to the aid and rescue of the unfortunate. Men who were in World War I remember well the wonderful work of the Red Cross. This brings us up to the present time when almost all of the young men of this community have been taken from our midst. A glance at the pictures in the window of the Consumers Public Power Company will show how many have gone from this locality. Handsome, eager youngsters, the cream of the land, looking for j ward to the great adventure. Lat er they will face the grim reali ties of war. There will be blood shed, suffering, even death. Who | will stand by our loved ones at such a time? The gentle, friend ly, kind Red Cross nurses will be on all fronts to care for and bring comfort to our own boys. The people of O'Neill and vi cinity will contribute generously to this cause. It is the best we can do for our very own. Dig down deep in the old purse when the solicitors come. Give three, yes, ten times as much as you ever gave before. Stand by our fighting men by donating to the Red Cross. County Court Dave Conard was arrested by Patrolman Meistrel on March 15, and charged with having delin-1 quent license plates. He pled guilty and was fined $1.00 and costs of $3.10. Alfred Erickson, of Naper, was arrested by Patrolman Meistrel on March 15, and charged with hav ing delinquent license plates. He pled guilty and was fined $1.00 and costs of $3.10. Russell Carr, of Atkinson, was arrested on March 15 by Patrol man Meistrel and charged with having delinquent license plates. He pled guilty and was fined $1 and costs of $3.10. Bob Denny, of Stanton, was ar rested on March 8 and charged with having no brand inspection certificate. He was fined $5.00 and costs of $3.10. MAX WOLFE KILLED IN A PLANE CRASH Ten Were On Plane, Three Officers Killed; Six Of Crew Badly Injured Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wolfe re ceived word fropi military auth orities at Clovis Field, New Mex ico, about noon Wednesday that their son, Sergeant Maxwell Wolfe had been killed that morn ing in the crash of a bomber plane near there. They wired back to Clovis Field to ship the body to O’Neill for burial, but I had received no reply up to noon today, but the body will undoubt edly be shipped here. According to radio announce ment at noon today Maxwell was i a member of the bombing crew on a bomber plane, which carried three officers and seven enlisted men. According to the noon re port the three offiers and one en listed man, Maxwell, were killed, while six escaped without seri ous injuries. Sergeant Wolfe had been in the armed forces since July, 1942. He was a rear bomber in the bomber plane, which was on a routine flight. He was 22 years of age. He is the first O’Neill boy to lose his life in defense of his country in World War II. He was a quiet and unassuming young man and had a host of friends in this city and Holt county, who will regret to learn of his death. The family and relatives of the deceased have the sincere sympathy of their many friends in this city and county in their bereavement. - .. INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT SUNDAY NEAR MADISON Mrs. Clarence France, O’Neill, suffered a broken ankle, back and other injuries when she lost con trol of her automobile, presum ably from a flat tire, and her car rolled over four times four miles south of Madison, on Highway 81, about 7 o’clock last Sunday morn ing. A Taylor family, driving north to a funeral, found Mrs. France about forty-five minutes later and called the George De laere home nearby. Dr. H. R. Bruce, Sheriff Aaron Henry and the Ressigue ambulance of Madi son were summoned. Mrs. France was taken to a hospital at Norfolk, and her hus j band, an employe of the Consum ers Public Power District, sum moned. Mrs. France was travel ing alone from Seward, her for mer home, to O’Neill at the time of the crash.—Norfolk News. F. J. Brady, State Tax Commissioner, Resigns Frank J. Brady, who has been State Tax Commissioner since January, 1941, last Tuesday ten dered his resignation to Governor Griswold, effective on April 1st, 1943. After his resignation Brady ac cused the legislature of not co operating with him in passing laws that he deemed desirable for the proper conduct of the office. One of the bills that he was es pecially interested in was 16, which done away with precinct assessors and gave considerable more power to the State Tax Commissioner than he has under the present laws of the state. This bill was indefinitely postponed. Mr. Brady says that he is going to return to his home in Atkin son and look after his business interests. SAM LOFQUEST IS AWARDED TRIP TO 4-H CLUB WEEK Sam Lofquest, of the Cleveland Sow and Litter 4-H Club, was notified this week that he was awarded a complimentary trip to the Nebraska 4-H Club Week to be held in Lincoln on May 24th. This award was made by the Sioux City Stock Yards Company to the outstanding boys and girls in 4-H pig clubs in the state. The past record exhibited by this boy places him among the ranking 4-H club members of Holt county and Nebraska. The Weather March 12__40 15 March 13_50 29 March 14 _59 34 March 15_43 22 March 16_22 1 March 17 _„.19 2 March 18_29 10 Precipitation .04.