FOR SALE BARN FOR SALE, also range stove. Call at Connelly Cream Station. 43-1* FOR RENT 1EVEN room house, modern ex cept heat.—C. F. McKenna. 36tf WANTED WANTED—Two or three turkey hens, any color. — Mrs. Jack Bailey, O’Neill. _43-1* ‘YOU WANT EXPERT and effi cient handling of your livestock, insured responsibility and prompt returns of proceeds? Then consign to FRANK E SCOTT COM. CO.. Sioux City. Ia., the firm with a 31 year record for dependability.” 27-tf "miscellaneous DEBTS COLLECTED—We will either collect your notes, judg ments, mortgages, or accounts, or no charge. Anywhere. 35 years’ experience. Best of ref erences. Write us. R. C. Valen tine Co., Marshalltown, Iowa. 39f Julius D. Cronin, Attorney (First publication Feb. 18, 1943) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Estate No. 2933. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, February 13, 1943. In the matter of the Estate of Henry J. Cook, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the Executrix of said estate has filed in this court her final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard March 10. 1943, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when.all persons inter ested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, 41-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First publication Feb. 4, 1943) NOTICE REFEREES SALE Notice is hereby given in Case No. 13853 now pending in the Dis trict Court of Holt County, Ne braska, wherein John Howard Gallentine and Gertrude Marie Hawthorne are plaintiffs, and the following named persons are de fendants; Marie F. Gallentine; Bryan Hawthorne; Martha Jane Gallentine; William Wesley Gal lentine; Elberta Gallentine; Jessie Edna Gallentine; Eli Gallentine; Della Maude Forbes; Walter Forbes; Leah Rella Clouse; Char- , les Clouse; Martha Amelia Mit chell Weldon; George Weldon; ( John Allen Mitchell; Mainel Mit- ( chell; Laura May Mitchell Mc Henry; K. C. McHenry; Jessie Marie Mitchell Hartland; Orval , Hartland; Charles Clark Mitchell; , Bertha Lou Mitchell; Neva June . Ross; Alfred Ross;-Schel koff, first real true name unknown; i the heirs, devisees, legatees, per jonal representatives and all other jersons interested in the Estate < if Laura Ann Schelkoff, Deceased, , eal names unknown; John Doe, eal true name unknown; Mary loe. real true name unknown, _nd all other persons having or claiming any interest in the North . Half of the Northwest Quarter and the West Half of the North- ; east Quarter of Section Thirty- : five, Township Thirty-two North, Range Twelve, West of the Sixth 1 P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, ! real names unknown. That as Sole Referee and in i accordance with the order of the District Court of Holt County, * Nebraska, made on February 2nd, ' 1943, l will sell at public venue, ; for cash, 15% of which must be ! paid at the date of sale and the balance shall be paid on the con firmation of said sale the follow ing described real estate situate in Holt County, Nebraska, to-wit: West Half of the East Half; North west Quarter; East Half of the Southwest Quarter, all in Section Thirty-five, Township Thirty two North. Range Twelve; West Half and the Northeast Quarter of Section One; East Half of Section Two; Southwest Quarter of Sec IFor Reliable Insurance PROMPT SETTLEMENT REASONABLE RATES see L. G. Gillespie Agency W. F. FINLEY, M. D. g Phone, Office 28 I j O’Neill : Nebraska I Bsnmsmtmmunttnsutsn&muna I RAY H. SHRINER ji O'NEILL, NEBR. : Insurance of All Kinds, Real jj Estate and Rentals F. H. A. Loans @4Vi% Office Phone 106 Res. 136 p mmmmtmmmtxxmtmtmtxmxtux it ■ tion Three; Northeast Quarter ol the Northwest Quarter of Section Twelve, all in Township Thirty one, North, Range Twelve. Thai said property will be sold as an entire tract, or in one or more tracts, which ever way the entire tract will bring the meist money that said sale will take place ai the Front Door of the Court House in O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska on the 8th day of March, A. D. 1943, commencing at the hour o: 10.00 O’Clock A. M., and remain ing open for at least one hour. Dated this 4th day of February 1943. J. J. HARRINGTON, 39-5 Sole Referee. Julius D. Cronin, Attorney. (First publication March 4, 1943 Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING. In the County Court of Hoi County. Nebraska. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF ANNA BURKE, DE CEASED. TO: ALL PERSONS INTER ESTED IN SAID ESTATE, BOTH CREDITORS AND HEIRS: You are hereby notified that or the 1st day of May, A. D., 1943 Charles Burke filed his petition in the above matter, setting forth among other things, that Anna Burke, a citizen and inhabitant ol Lincoln County, South Dakota, died intestate on the 6th day of May, A. D., 1939, possessed of: The Southwest Quarter (SWVi) of Section 31, Town ship 27, Range 10, West of the Sixth P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska; that she left her surviving as her sole and only heirs at law the following children, to-wit: Finley Burke, Olive Crary, Daniel Burke, Clarice Burke and Charles Burke; that Charles Burke, petitioner herein, is a son and heir at law of the deceased, Anna Burke and derived title to an undivided one fifth of said real estate, or an in terest therein, from said deceased. That the prayer of said petition is that the Court may find and determine the time of the death of Anna Burke, deceased; that she died intestate, a resident and in habitant of Lincoln County, South Dakota; may find and determine who are her heirs, and fix their degree of kinship; may find and determine the right of descent of the real property belonging to said deceased; that further admin istration of this estate may be dis pensed with; that there are no debts against said estate, and that the claims of all creditors are barred; that there is no inherit ance tax, State or Federal, due from this estate, or any of the heirs thereof, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. That said matter is set for hear ing before the County Court of Rolt County, Nebraska, in the bounty Court Room in the Court tfouse in the city of O’Neill, Holt bounty, Nebraska, on the 25th day or March, A. D., 1943, at the aour of ten o’clock A. M., and diat if you fail to appear at said ime and place to contest said pe ition, the Court may grant the arayer thereof. Dated this 1st day of March, A. 3., 1943. BY THE COURT: Louis W. Reimer, 13-3 County Judge. COUNTY COURT SEAL) First publication March 4, 1943) LEGAL NOTICE E. W. Miller, Elberta L. Miller, lis wife; George E. Booth, and he West Half of Section 33, Pownship 30, Range 9, West of he 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska, involved in the first :ause of action herein; E. L. Dem ng, Mary Deming, his wife, first md real true name unknown; larley G. Kennedy, Mary Ken nedy, his wife, first and real true rame unknown; William Mc Uuire. and the North Half of Sec ion 18, Township 29, Range 9, iVest of the 6th P. M., Holt Coun ;y, Nebraska, involved in the sec ind cause of action herein; D. P. IVetzel, Mary Wetzel, his wife, drst and real true name un known; and the Northwest Quar :er of the Northeast Quarter and the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 26. Range 9, and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter 3f Section 5, Township 26, Range 9. all West of the 6th P. M.. Holt County, Nebraska, involved in the third cause of action herein; Albert D. Case, Mary Case, his wife, first and real true name un known, and the Southeast Quar ter of Section 17, Township 30, Range 10, West of the 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska, in volved in the fourth cause of ac tion herein; Emma L. Wegner, John Wegner, her husband, first and real true name unknown; Frank F. Wegner, and the South west Quarter of Section 27, Town ship 30, Range 10. West of the 6th P. M.. Holt County, Nebraska, in volved in the fifth cause of ac tion herein; Jennie George, John George, her husband, first and real true name unknown; Joseph George, and the North Half of the Northeast Quarter, and the Southeast Quarter of the North east Quarter of Section 28, Town ship 32, Range 10, and the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 32, Range 10, all West of the 6th P. M„ Holt County, Nebraska, involved in the sixth cause of action herein; O, E. Martin, Mary Martin, his wife, first and real true name un known, and the West Half of the Northwest Quarter and the North Half of the Southwest Quarter oi Section 30. Township 25, Range 10. West of the 6th P. M„ Holl County, Nebraska, involved in th< seventh cause of action herein: You, and each of you will tak* notice that the County of Holt State of Nebraska, filed its pe tition and commenced an actioi against you on the 26th day o February, 1943, the object am prayer of which is to foreclose upon seven causes of action, the following tax sale certificates, is sued to the County of Holt, State of Nebraska, by the County Treasurer of Holt County, Ne braska, to-wit: Tax Certificate No. 245, covering the West Half of Section 33, Township 30, Range 9, West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, upon which there is due $486.95, and interest; Tax Certificate No. 137, , covering the North Half of Section 18, Township 29, Range 9, West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, upon which there is due $390, and interest; i Tax Certificate No. 76, cov ering the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and t the North Half of the North west Quarter of Section 4, Township 26, Range 9, and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Sec tion 5, Township 26, Range 9, all West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, upon which there is due $272.10, and interest; Tax Certificate No. 251, covering the Southeast Quar ter of Section 17, Township 30, Range 10, West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebras ka. upon which there is due $316.00, and interest; Tax Certificate No. 253, covering the Southwest Quar ter of Section 27, Township 30, Range 10, West of the 6tn P. M., Holt County, Nebras ka, upon which there is due $328.40, and interest; Tax Certificate No. 198, covering the North Half of the Northeast Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 32. Range 10, and the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 32, Range 10, all West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, upon ' which there is due $278.65, and interest; Tax Certificate No. 144, covering the West Half of the Northwest Quarter and the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 30, Town ship 25, Range 10, West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, upon which there is due $119.00, and interest. Plaintiff prays for an account ing of the amounts due under the various causes of action, and for foreclosure and sale of said prem ises in satisfaction thereof. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 12th day of April, 1943. COUNTY OF HOLT, 43-4 Plaintiff. By Julius D. Cronin, Its Attorney (First publication March 4, 1943) LEGAL NOTICE The Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 27, Township 30, North, Range 14, West of the 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska, will take notice that on the 3rd day of March, A. D., 1943, Christine S. Marth, Executrix of the Estate of Ralph J. Nickerson, deceased, filed her petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, and commenced an action against said land, impleaded with other defendants, the object and prayer! of which is to foreclose a certain tax sale certificate issued by the County Treasurer of Holt County, Nebraska, to Ralph J. Nickerson, on June 17, 1938, numbered 4826, for taxes for the year 1936, and which covers the Southwest Quar ter of Section 27, Township 30, North, Range 14, West of the 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska; that there is now due plaintiff on said tax lien, and subsequent taxes paid thereunder and sub ject thereto, the sum of Two Hundred Eighty-one Dollars and Ninety-one Cents ($281.91) with interest thereon at the rate of seven percent per annum from February 24th, 1943, and costs. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure and sale of said prem ises, and alleges that the real owner of said real estate is un known to this plaintiff and her attorneys. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 12th day of April, A. D„ 1943. CHRISTINE S. MARTH. Executrix of the Estate of Ralph J. Nickerson, deceased, 43-4 PLAINTIFF. By JULIUS D. CRONIN, One of her Attorneys. (First publication March 4 1943) NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in the office of the County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, asking and praying that the road com mencing at the Southeast Corner of the Southeast Quarter of Sec tion 15, Township 28, Range 9, thence north between Sections 14-15 and between Sections 10-11 to connect with County Road at the Northeast Corner of the North ! east Quarter of Section 10, Town ship 28, North, Range 9, west of i the 6th P. M., all in, Holt County, Nebraska, be designated as a county road. That a hearing on this petition will be held by the Holt County i Board of Supervisors on Tuesday. March 23, 1943, at 2:00 P. M„ a* I their office in the Court House : in O’Neill, Nebraska. JOHN C. GALLAGHER, 43-3 County Clerk. Busy Hour Club The Busy Hour Club met at the home of Zilla Miller. As there were but a few members present ■ no business meeting was held We have agreed to all day meet ings and will put in our time sewing for the Red Cross, which , was the work of the afternoon, r Games were played with Linds [ Wayman, Ruth Wayman and i ' SO MANY THINGS SEEMED TO BE NECESSITIES Who would have thought that this motor - minded Nation would put up its cars and walk —-that great gaps would ap pear in the grocer's loaded shelves? There isn't really plenty of anything! But the best places to look for what you need are the stores that have served you well through the years— stores like Penney's. Proportioned for Very Full Figures! (WOMEN’S COUTIL CORSETS i Designed to slenderize with firm but comfortable control! High-waisled type with laced back and graduated clasp front. Cotton elastic band at front for added abdomen sup port! Women's Kid STEP-INS $3.49 > .4 ' A fashion first, completely smart and thoroughly comfort able! These regal step-ins are of unbelievably soft black crushed kid. with sparkling touches of patent and sunburst stitching. To Wear Under Her New Spring Frocks! Girls' Miss Prep RAYON SLIPS 59c Size 2 lo 14 Smooth rayon crepe or lus trous rayon satin with dainty touches of lace, embroidery or hemstitching! Built-up shoul der straps for comfortable fit. NEW SPRING PATTERNS — at Thrift Prices. Tool Boys' Dress SHIRTS Fast Colors I Handsome stripes, colorful 1 plaids, neat figures—all in the I newest spring tones! Fine I quality, too — smooth weave 1 - Letta Johnson winning the prizes. A delicious lunch consisting of jello, cakes and coffee was served by the hostess. Our next meet ing will be held at Bessie Way man’s on March 25. The Methodist Church Dawson Park, ‘Minister 10:00 A. M., Church School. 11:00 A. M., Morning Worship. Anthem. Message: “God Care For You.” This is the climax of the week ly dedication. It is hoped that every Methodist family and friend of the churrh will be present. The membership roll will be read and you will want to be present to answer. 7:00 P. M., Methodist Youth Fellowship. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation to the many kind friends and neighbors for their assistance and sympathy given during the death and burial of our beloved husband and father. —Mrs. James A. Brennan and Family. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hunt of Sidney will arrive Thursday to attend the funeral of Mrs. D. D. Hunt. Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Leo Hansen of San Miguel, Cal., visi ted his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carsten. Hansen and other rela I tives and friends here last week. DO THEY REALLY? Thoughts On Thinking The half back takes the ball for center, his blockers race ahead as interference, howing down the opposing players; there is a mud dled pile-up and then he is in the clear— alone— with three big tacklers between him and the goal line. He is on his own. For a number of years—refer red to in a' song as “School Days” —thinking was simply a process of following our teachers who ran interference for us and showed us the way. Then one day we got past the line of scrimmage into maturity and discovered that we were on our own. After some ex perience it became clear to us that this unaccustomed job of thinking for ourselves involved a number of difficulties which might be compared to those tack lers mentioned above. Truth is the goal of the intellect —but the tacklers must be avoid ed if we are to reach it. Before we even begin to oppose them, we must remember to hold on to the ball—to master the idea and carry it to its farthest conclusion. Then if we are thrown, we still keep the ball and can put it into play again. We must also avoid dis couragement. We don’t mind ef fort and we dislike quitters. “Knowledge maketh a bloody en trance” is true, but a trained mind is worth the price. Now for those tacklers. The first is sloth. Do we still allow others, e.g., some of those using the printed word in newspapers, j periodicals, and books and some of those using the spoken word i over the radio to do our thinking for us? There is a certain amount | of cowardice in a man too indif-; ferent to use the mind which God has given him. Are we afraid to' defear our own lazy tendencies, or are we afraid to arrive at the truth? Some people fear truth be cause it places new obligations upon them, obligations which, if fulfilled, may turn away friends and even relatives. The second tackier is the false philosophy of the day. This is a really dangerous foe, for it is sur- j rounded by an appeal of mistaken originality. Do we accept the j statement of a man, made famous by his mechanical exploits, on some question of religion? He probably knows less about it than we do, but sometimes we clothe the men in the headlines with j power they do not possess and! follow them blindly. The last tackier is the catch1 phrase—dressed in the garb of common sense. We hear frequent- j ly, for example, the remark, “It’s I all right in theory, but it won’t ! work in practice,” and it has the j ring of truth. But the reason that it won’t work in practice is that it is not right in theory. You have to get to that goal—\ alone. It can be done. Just re member, hold on to the ball, keep pushing ahead and avoid the tacklers. Free information on any matter concerning the Catholic Church, its doctrine or its practice, may be obtained by writing to: Catho lic Information Society, 444 Ken drick Road, St. Louis, Mo. Miss Alma Wallace has accept ed a position at the First National Bank and started to work on Monday of this week._ New Deal Oil Co. We have a large stock of Unilene and Uni Penn Oils and XL Greases. These oils and greases are the finest quality and guaranteed to be as good as any you can buy. We will sell to you at jobber prices, which is the lowest you can buy anywhere. Here are a few samples of our prices: XL PRESSURE GUN GREASE, QQr 10-pound pails ..... XL DARK AXLE GREASE, r« 10-pound pails.. CREAM SEPARATOR OIL, or Per Quart 10c— Per Gallon... wC TRANSMISSION OIL AND GREASE, Q|Jr Per Gallon—in your can.....__ wDC Tractor Fuel, Kerosene and Gas AT THE LOWEST PRICES Outlaw C rocery THE OUTLAW GROCERY IS STILL THE BARGAIN PLACE OF NORTH NEBRASKA BUY YOUR GARDEN SEEDS AND ONION SETS NOW . . Regular 5c Sellers 1H Three packets for _ IvC WAX BEANS 1Qf NAVY BEANS 1Qr Two pounds for_ I#I* GARDEN PEAS OC. Two pounds for . &VV FRESH GINGER SNAPS 0Qr Two pounds for_LIL CORN STARCH 7r One-pound package _71* BLACKBIRD OR REX LYE 1|Jr Two large cans _ 13L Lewis Lye, 3 large cans 25c Blackbird or Full Pack CANNED MILK 7E Three large cans L%f\» MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI 1Cf Two-pound package_ I vL BLACK PEPPER 1Cf Half-pound package.._ l%7V POP CORN 1 cr THAT POPS—2 Lbs. 131* HICKORY HILL SMOKE SALT 7gf Ten-pound bag_ VINEGAR 1Ar Quart bottle .... I III Hill Bros., DelMonte, Milady, or Rob Roy COFFEE 00 Per pound _VVV FANCY CREAM CORN 11 No. 2 cans _ I II* KRAUT 1Ar No. 2Vt quart cans_I a.I* GREEN BEANS No. 2 cans ___ I all* PUMPKIN 11r No. 2Vi quart cans _ III* cocoa 99r Two-pound cans . £.£m\* Ernst's Honey or Lushus CORN FLAKES 1Er Two-pound packages _ llll* SWEET IMITATION JELLY OR JAM 9C/* Two-pound quart jars PERK Soap Flakes 9Q** Two large packages _v/a* PERK Soap Flakes 9IJ#* Three small packages Headless and Dressed FRESH FISH 9Er Two pounds for .Wwl* Mr. and Mrs. Carsten Hanson, of Norfolk, moved to O’Neill last Thursday and will make this city heir future home. Dr. and Mrs. Merle Hunt of Bat tle Creek came Wednesday to at tend the funeral of the Doctor’s mother, Mrs. D. D. Hunt. THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... “Looks like a pretty expensive cigar you’ve got there, Judge.” “Yesiree, it’s a real good one, Bill. Won it from Chris down at the cigar store yes terday. He got pretty positive in a dis cussion we had and I had to take him up on it. Bet me three good cigars to my one that the three states that still fyave pro hibition have less crime than the other states. Well, all I had to do was step across the street to my office where I had some recent F. B. I. figures in my desk drawer. Why, on the average, those three states have a worse crime record than the whole rest of the country. And there’s a good sound reason lor it, Bill. There’s no such thing as a dry community. It’s only a ques tion of whether liquor is .sold legally or j7 legally. And when it’s sold illegally it means bootleggers, gangsters and more crime.” -—-— J * Conference of Alcoholic Beverage Industries, Inc.