The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 04, 1943, Image 6

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Financial—Real Estate
We operate tn 19 midwest states: hnv«
over 900 land salesmen. We advertiw
nationally. and have buyers waiting
A LOAN CO.. Ine.
Brandds Theatre Building, Omaha. Nebr.
Faint Hope
“I trust careful attention is be
ing given to my boy’s manners?”
wrote the fond parent.
“Dear madam,” the school prin
cipal replied, “your boy has no
manners, only customs. But we
do not despair."
The only people who really have
inside information are the doctors.
A Bit Mixed
The head of the firm was frown
ing over a letter. Calling for his
chief clerk, he said: “That typist
—you certainly didn’t engage her
on account of her grammar!"
"Grammar?” said the other.
“When you were emphasizing the
importance of grammar—well, I
thought you said 'glamour’!”
No Second Look
"By the way, have you ever seen a
“Well, once I thought I saw one, hut
l didn't slop long enough to muke sure.”
That’s It!
“Who made these doughnuts?"
asked Brown.
“I did," replied his wife, proud
“Keep the recipe—you have the
answer to the rubber shortage.”
) io woks’
Nc. tumv 91
mins are priced amaxingly
low... less than 14c a day
when purchased in large
•ire. Unit lor unit you can't
get finer quality vitamins.
Quality and potency rear.
aa/rr^.'GetGROVES Vita
mins A and D plus Bi at
your druggist today!
Truth’s Friend
The greatest friend of truth is
time; her greatest enemy is preju
• In NR (Nature's Remedy) Tahlets,
there are no chemicals, no minerals, no
phenol derivatives. NR Tablets are dif
ferent— act different. Purely vegetable—a
combination of 10 vegetable ingredients
formulated over 50 years ago. Uncoated
or candy coated, their action is de
Cndablc. thorough, yet gentle, as mil
nsofNR'shave proved. Get a 10< Con
vincer Bo*. Larger economy sizes, too.
% ^°^^«wjL/coatid
For You To Feel Well
24 hours every day. 7 days every
week, never stopping, the kidneys tiller
!' waste matter from the blood.
If more people were aware of how the
| kidneys must constantly remove sur
plus fluid, excess acids and other waste
matter that cannot stay in the blood
| without injury to health, there would
be better understanding of u'Ay the
whole system is upset when kidneys (ail
to function properly.
1 Burning, tranty or too frequent urina
tion sometimes warns that something
Is wrong. You may suffer nagging back
ache, headaches, dizziness, rheumatie
pains, getting up at nights, swelling.
Why not try Doan’s Pills? You will
be using a medicine recommended the
country over. Doan’s stimulate the (unc
tion of the kidneys and help them to
flush out poisonous waste from the
blood. They contain nothing harmful.
j| Get Doan’s today. Uae with confidence.
At ail drug stores.
Many Deductions Allowed by Treasury
On Income Tax; Every Worker Can
Claim Credits Under the New Levy
Released by Western Newspaper Union.
Although wartime necessity demands that Uncle Sam
collect the highest income taxes in history, there is nothing
unpatriotic in taking advantage of legitimate ways to lower
your payments, as provided by law.
Tax laws are carefully written instruments. In writing
them, congress includod a list of deductions which taxpayers
may claim. These deductions were included for excellent
reasons and with the expectation that all taxpayers who
could honestly claim them would do so.
The big taxpayer usually finds it advantageous to hire an
expert who is familiar with each permissible deduction. The
smaller taxpayer is not so likely to secure outside assistance.
I The latter would do well to determine for himself the de
' ductions he can make legitimately.
For the person who makes not
more than $2,000 of taxable income
—which means a single man earning
not more than $2,500. or a married
man or hear, of a family earning
; not more than $3,200—every $100 of
deductions claimed will mean an
$18.40 reduction in income taxes
j paid. Where larger incomes are in
| volved, savings are proportionately
The following are important de
ductions which will aid the average
You Can Deduct
License Fees, Business Expenses,
Contributions, Interest, Taxes.
All contributions, for public pur
poses, made to the United States,
any state, city or town, are deducti
ble, as are contributions to a do
mestic nonprofit organization operat
ed exclusively for religious, charita
ble, literary, educational or scientif
ic purposes or for prevention of cru
elty to children and animals.
Church contributions include pew
rent, assessments, etc. Organiza
tions such as USO, Army and Navy
Relief, Red Cross, community chests,
etc., come under the charitable
heading. Literary and educational
organizations include such institu
tions as nonprofit colleges and
schools, the Boy Scouts, voters
leagues, and study groups. The sci
entific heading includes all nonpar
tisan scientific societies.
It is not permissible to deduct con
tributions made to a bar associa
tion, a medical association, a pro
hibition association, political cam
paign committees, volunteer fire
companies, social fraternities, ath
letic clubs or gifts to needy friends
or relatives.
Generally speaking the taxpayer
may deduct any interest paid on bor
rowings, including business, person
al and family debts. Because in
terest paid on behalf of a relative
or friend is not a legal obligation
on the taxpayer, such interest is not
As a broad general rule, the in
dividual can deduct all taxes he per
sonally pays to the tax collector, ex
cept federal income, estate and gift
taxes and state and local benefit,
inheritance, estate, legacy or gift
Federal taxes which are deducti
ble include those on admissions, dues,
telephone, telegraph, transportation,
auto use, safety deposit boxes, etc.
Admission taxes collected at the
aters and other places of amuse
ment during 1942 amounted to 10
per cent. A 50 cent theater ticket.
which cost the customer 55 cents,
represents a 5 cent deduction.
Automobile owners are entitled to
deduct state and local license fees,
the federal use stamps (which cost
$7.09 in 1942), driver’s license fee
and state gasoline tax. Automobile
owners may not deduct the federal
gasoline tax because it is consti
tuted as a tax on the manufacturer
and not on the consumer, even though
it was passed along to him.
It is the general rule that the tax
payer gets credit only for those taxes
levied directly upon him. For that
reason state and federal taxes on
cigarettes and liquor are not deducti
ble. They are stamp taxes levied
on the manufacturer or dealer.
The transportation taxes paid on
railroad, airline and other personal
transportation last year is deducti
ble. The rate was 5 per cent of the
fare for the first 10 months; 10 per
cent for the last two months. The
tax on transportation of goods,
amounting to 3 per cent on all freight
and express bills, is deductible.
Taxes imposed by the federal gov
ernment on jewelry, furs and toilet
goods are not deductible. They are
excise taxes levied on the maker
or dealer and are not collection
taxes levied on the taxpayer.
Also deductible are traveling ex
penses required by one’s employer
when such expenses are not reim
bursed by anything over salary,
wages or commissions.
When your car is used partly for
business and partly for private
purposes, deduction is allowed only
for the portion used for business,
and then only when the driver is
not reimbursed. The loss on the
sale of a car, used partly for busi
ness and partly for private purposes,
is divided similarly, but only when
actually sold and not when used as
a trade-in.
In addition to deducting the three
cent state tax on all gasoline used
in your car. you can also deduct
the cost of the gasoline and other
supplies for business use of the ma
Dues to labor unions, assessments
by unions for out of work benefits,
but not for sick, accident or death
benefits, cost of indemnity of fidelity
bonds required by your employment,
and cost of tools and patterns neces
sitated by the type of work, are de
ductible, but only if their life is less
than one year. If their life is longer
than one year the owner can dis
count depreciation only.
No deduction is permitted for med
ical and dental expenses, including
accident and health insurance pre
miums, unless they exceed 5 per
cent of your income. Any expense
over 5 per cent of income, and up
to a maximum of $1,250 for a single
person or $2,500 for a family, may
be deducted. This includes hospital
bills, treatment, diagnosis and ev
erything connected with medical
and dental care.
Farmer Deductions
Wage*, Seed, Repair*, Tool*,
Fertilizer*, Depreciation.
In general, a farmer who operates
a farm for profit is entitled to de
duct from gross income as neces
sary expenses all amounts actually
expended in carrying on the busi
ness of farming. The wages paid
for hired labor are deductible. The
value of products furnished by the
farm and used in the board of hired
labor is not a deductible expense,
but food purchased and furnished to
hired hands is deductible.
Farmers may deduct the cost of
grain and hay, amounts paid for
grinding and processing feed,
amount paid for hire of machinery,
cost of farm supplies, gasoline for
farming, repairs and upkeep of cars.
Amounts expended for repairs and
maintenance of farm buildings, (ex
cept the dwelling), fences, drains
and other farm improvements, and
for repairs and maintenance of farm
machinery and equipment are de
ductible. Amounts expended for re
placement of, or additions to, farm
machinery, farm buildings, or other
farm equipment of a permanent na
ture are not deductible as such ex
penditures are regarded as invest
ment of capital which is returned
to the owner through depreciation
allowances during the useful life of
the property.
The cost of small tools of short life
may be deducted. The cost of com
mercial fertilizers and lime, the
benefit of which is of short dura
tion, is deductible as an expense.
The amount expended in the resto
ration of soil fertility preparatory to
actual production of crops and the
cost of liming soil to increase pro
ductiveness over a period of years
are capital expenditures, and thus
are not deductible.
Fees paid for advertising farm
products; expenditures for stamps,
stationery, account books and other
office supplies purchased for farm
use; expenditures for travel in con
nection with the farm business and
other similar miscellaneous expendi
tures are deductible.
An allowance for depreciation of
buildings, improvements, machin
ery, or other farm equipment of a
permanent nature is deductible. The
amount claimed on account of de
preciation should not exceed the
original cost of the property.
Repairs on depreciation on the
dwelling occupied by the farmer or
on his personal or household equip
ment are not deductible. It is not
permissible to claim as a separate
item depreciation on livestock or any
other property included in the farm
er’s inventory, as such depreciation
is taken care of in the reduced
amount of the inventory at the close
of the year. However, depreciation
may be claimed on livestock ac
quired for work, breeding or dairy
purposes which are not included in
the inventory of livestock pur
chased or raised for sale.
Here’s One Gang That Can Come Along!
As burdensome as the Income tax may first appear, it allows for many deductions. Mr. Taxpayer pictured
above is seen with a host of exemptions, including state gasoline tax, state sales tax, license fees, amusement
tax, communications tax, charitable and religious contributions, etc. For every $100 the taxpayer can legiti
mately deduct, he saves $18.40 in taxes.
Record Income Reported for Nation in ’42
How much money did everybody
make in the United States in 1942?
With the factories of the nation
being thrown into high gear and
the farmers producing record crops,
national income jumped to almost
114 billion, the department of com
merce reports. This was approxi
mately a 20 per cent increase over
The department of agriculture fig
ures that farm income reached 16
billion in 1942. That would repre
sent an intake of $2,800 for every
one of the 6 million farmers.
A total of 79 billion dollars was
paid out in wages and salaries. At
the end of 1942, it was estimated
that 58 million people were gainful
ly employed.
300 Kin Serve
Auxiliary Olivia Eubanks of the
Second WAAC training center has
300 relatives in service but she is
the only WAAC. There are enough
members of her family, counting in
laws and third cousins, to make two
Chief among those in service from
Auxiliary Eubanks’ viewpoint is her
husband. Technical Sergt. Sidney J.
Eubanks, who is overseas in the
signal corps.
yXtX-Xv.-.yrvXviyXy: :^
Fish Fulfills Protein
Needs of the System
Fish fillets served with juicy lemon
wedges and generous garnishes of
radish roses and parsley make an
attractive main dish.
Fish Is Flavorful
One very direct and effective way
of meeting the meat shortage is by
serving fish in its
^ many delectable
~~ ways. Few fami
lies have been
J initiated into the
* many ways of
preparation for
flsh, few know
how succulent are
their steaks when baked, or how
tart and crisp are fillets when fried.
Bones have been removed from
many types of fish so this need con
cern the cook little. If they have
not already been removed, this can
be done easily since they are usu
ally together.
French Fried Fish Fillets.
Desired number and kind of fish
1 egg, well beaten with 1 table
spoon water
Crumbs, corn meal, flour or po
tato meal
Salt and pepper
Salad oil for frying
Wash fillets in cold water, drain
on absorbent paper. Sprinkle with
salt and pepper; dip first in dry
coating—(crumbs or other if pre
ferred), then in egg mixture and
again in dry coating. Place in deep
salad oil—(375 to 385 degrees)—or
hot enough to brown a 1-inch cube
of bread in 40 to 50 seconds.
Fish is good when baked—espe
cially wifh tomatoes and green pep
•Baked Whitefish, Creole.
(Serves 5 to 6)
Z‘/i pounds whitefish, cleaned and
Salt and pepper
3 tablespoons butter
1 small onion, chopped
cup green pepper, chopped
1 tablespoon flour
lvi cups tomato soup
lit teaspoon salt
% teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Place fish in greased baking dish,
skin side down. Sprinkle with salt
and pepper and brush with one ta
blespoon of the melted butter. Bake
in a moderately hot oven (400 de
grees) for 15 minutes. Melt 2 ta
blespoons of butter in saucepan and
add chopped onion and green pep
per. Simmer five minutes. Add
flour and blend thoroughly. Then
add tomato soup, salt and Worces
tershire sauce. Cook until mixture
thickens, then pour it over the par
tially baked whitefish. Return to
oven for 20 minutes more or until
fish flakes easily.
Halibut is another good, substan
tial dish. Mild in flavor, it needs a
tart sauce to pick up its delicate
Lynn Says:
Sauces for Fish: They’re a
must with fish because they make
it most delicious dish. You’ll
like browned butter with lemon
juice and Worcestershire sauce.
Or, just cream the butter and
season with lemon juice.
Horseradish is popular with
fish. Take Vi cup drained, pre
pared horseradish, season with
salt and pepper and ne table
spoon vinegar, then fold in Vi
cup of whipped cream.
Tartar is not just another name
for sauce, it’s an affinity wth fish
fillets. Make it by adding 1 tea
spoon minced onion. 2 teaspoons
chopped, sweet pickle, 1 teaspoon
chopped green olives, and 1 ta
blespoon vinegar to % cup may
Make a cup of medium-thick
white sauce and add to this Vi
cup grated cheese and let the
cheese melt. Or, 2 chopped, hard
boiled eggs added to white sauce,
make a golden crown for baked
or fried fish.
This Week’s Menu
•Baked Whitefish, Creole
Parsleyed Potatoes Broccoli
Watercress and Endive Salad
Oatmeal Bread Butter
Broiled Grapefruit
•Recipe Given
Halibut Steaks.
Have center cut slices of halibut
steak cut one inch thick, salt and
pepper them and dredge lightly with
flour. Fry to a light brown in but
ter. Remove to a platter and cover
with sliced sauteed mushrooms, us
ing about a pound for 2 steaks. Over
this pour the following sauce:
Stew 1 No. 2 can of tomatoes with
1 cup of chopped celery, Vi chopped
green pepper ana
1 large chopped
onion. When vege
tables are tender,
run all through a
coarse sieve. Into
this melt V* pound
of grated cheese,
1 tablespoon of
ouuer, ana sau ana pepper 10 taste.
Heat fish thoroughly in oven and
just before serving sprinkle with
cheese and run under flame to
There's distinction in salmon when
it’s combined with discreet season
ing-lemon juice and tomato:
Baked Salmon Slices.
Salmon cut in individual servings
Z tablespoons oil
Z tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
Dash pepper
1 onion
1 tomato
Bacon strips
Brush slices of fish on both sides
with the oil. Place in a baking
dish, sprinkle with the lemon juice,
salt and pepper. Then lay a thin
slice of onion on each piece. Cover
onion with a V4-inch slice of tomato
and top with a strip of bacon cut in
two. Place in moderate oven (350
degrees) for 45 minutes.
Salmon Fondue.
(Serves 6)
5 slices bread
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons butter
1 cup flaked, cooked salmon
3 eggs, separated
% teaspoon salt
Y* cup grated American cheese
Trim crusts from bread and cut
into %-inch cubes. Heat milk in
double boiler, add
bread cubes, but
ter, liquid from
k salmon, and well
f' beaten egg
\ yolks. Season with
salt and cook un
’• til thickened, stir
ring constantly, nemove irom neat
and stir in cheese. Cool for 10 to 15
minutes. Beat egg whites stiff and
fold into mixture. Pour into greased
baking dish. Place dish in pan of
warm water and bake in a moder
ate (350-degree) oven for 1 hour or
until a knife when inserted comes
out clean.
Note: Chopped shrimp, flaked tuna
or minced clams or oysters may be
used in place of the salmon.
A platter of fish with broccoli and
corn fulfills a good portion of daily
dietary requirements.
An early touch of spring goes into
the menu with a fresh green salad:
Toss-Up Salad.
(Serves 6)
Vi head lettuce
1 cup diced celery
2 fresh tomatoes
2 ha/cf-cooked eggs
1 clove garlic
1 bunch radishes
'a bunch watercress
1 cup raw spinach leaves
Shred lettuce, dice celery, cut to
matoes and slice radishes. Cut eggs
into slices. Rub salad bowl with
garlic and add vegetables. Serve
with French dressing.
Cake Making? Bread Making? Cookie
Baking? Budget Fixing? Housekeep
ing? You mime the problem and ex
plain it. Miss Lynn Chambers will be
glad to give you expert advice if you
write to her, enclosing a self-addressed,
stamped envelope for your reply, at
tf extern ISetvspaper Union, 210 South
Desphiines Street, Chicago, III.
Released by Western Newspaper Union.
This Portable Stand
Handy for Mending
LlERE the lid of a reclaimed
*■ phonograph cabinet is turned
upside down and screwed to a
wooden box to make a portable
container for your mending. Half
the time required for mending is
usually taken up in getting every
thing together at a convenient
time. This portable stand
equipped and ready can be placed
beside your easy chair in a jiffy
~ 'BOX
with everything handy to make
mending for victory a pleasant
If you can’t find a pair of old
metal drawer handles there are
many designs at the dime stores
made of composition and wood.
The lid may be painted or stained
as desired and the box will be
masked by the full skirt tacked to
the under part of the lid edge. If
you wish to line the upper part,
cut pieces of cardboard to fit the
sides and bottom. Cover these
with chintz; add a strip of belt
ing ribbon to the side sections,
catching it down to make holders
for equipment; then glue the sec
tions in place.
• • •
NOTE: If you missed the article which
illustrated how the body of the phono
graph cabinet was used, it is contained in
BOOK 9, together with thirty-one other
conservation plans. Copy of BOOK 9 will
be .sent to you for 15 cents in coins.
Bedford Hills New York
Drawer 10
Enclose 15 cents for Book No. 9.
Address .
There Are Dragons
There are real dragons today,
but naturally they are not quite
all that fairy stories say about
such beasts. In the Dutch East
Indies still lives the Komodo drag
on, a fearsome-looking lizard ten
feet long. It does not breathe
fire, but it is quite a nasty cus
tomer when roused.
All kinds of extinct lizards and
reptiles, some of which may not
have been extinct for so very long,
no doubt helped to build up the
legends of the dragons against
which the heroes of every land
have fought.
than genuine, pure St. Joseph Aspirin.
World’s largest seller at 10*. None safer,
none surer. Demand St. Joseph Aspirin.
How To Relieve
Creomulsion relieves promptly be
cause It goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, in
flamed bronchial mucous mem
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Creomulsion with the un
derstanding you must like the way It
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
for Coughs, Chest Colds. Bronchitis
Keep the Battle Rolling
With War Bonds and Scrap
— because they help develop
proper growth, strong bones and
sound teeth! Scott’s Emulsion is
rich in natural A and D Vita
mins*—and so good-tasting. Also,
U times easier to digest than
plain cod liver oil! Buv todav!
k> Recommended by Many Doctors