The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 04, 1943, Image 1

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    d Neb. State Historical Society ^ jj
• ft
By Romaine Saunders
Atkinson, Nebr., Star Route No. 5.
Glasses are not needed to look
on the bright side.
J. B. Van Houten, of Taylor,
bought a Short Horn bull of Tom
Baker a week ago.
I have the rationing book No.
2 and now need the services of
a Philadelphia lawyer to tell how
to use it.
With young huskies out look
for farm work, maybe the “labor
W shortage” is just another specimen
of our Yankee surplus talk.
If your taste is none too fastid
ious and your digestive force is
equal to it, store cookies are not
in the list of “processed foods.”
The remedy of the wets for
bootlegging was repeal. It would
be interesting now for the “Old
Judge” to give us his remedy for
bootleg meat.
“Blessed is the man that walk
eth not in the council of the
ungodly, nor standeth in the way
of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat
of the scornful.”
A group of boys from the high
schools of Holt county could pro
duce something about as worth
while as what seems at this time
will be the net result of the 1943
legislative session.
The thermonmeter registering
8 below the morning of March
2, we trust it is the farewell salute
of subzero temperature for this
season. A clear sky, a blazing
sunburst coming out of the east
and the artic wind sunk to a
whisper there is a promise of just
The glitter and glow, the ease
and bounty, the bread of abund
ance and kultur-ordered lives
^ promised the peoples of prostrate
Europe by German invaders turns
out to be ashes of desolation, the
horror of haunting fear and the
specter of gnawing hunger. Such
have ever been the fruits strewn
across empires by a vain mortal
posing as diety, who ignores the
lesson written large on the scroll
of the ages.
Quoting from a personal letter:
“The speaker told of a man who
visited Chiang Ki Chek and in a
devotional meeting the general
essemo prayed that his people
would not become discouraged
and that they would not hate the
Japs, including a prayer for Jap
anese Christians.” I wonder how
many of us put such an inter
pretation on our own Christian
ity. But did not the One who
hung on the cross pray, “Father
forgive them, for they know not
what they do.”
On Sunday night eight million
Methodists will gather in their
42,000 churches of the country for
spiritual rededication to defeat
efforts to weaken or replace
Christian faith and idealism by
principles of barbarism, pagan
ism and materialism.” A re
surgence of the zeal, an endow
ment of the humality and the
piety of the Wesleys, rather than
reliance on numbers, would do
something to a body of eight
million believers.
^ After 55 years the memory of
January 12, 1888, lives on. The
Frontier has brought us again the
list of those who perished in this
county during that storm and
paralyzing cold. Providence in
tervened by five minutes in my
boyish belief that morning. The
’88 blizzard stands out as the
most tragic in our history. It
brought to men and women a
strange mixture of human suffer
ing, heroism, physical endurance
and death. A winter earlier in
the eighties saw a great loss of
livestock, but few if any of the
prairie dwellers perished. Out
lying ranches suffered irreparable
loss. From carcasses cowboys
salvaged the hides by adopting a
method of skinning said to have
been introduced by John Kearney,
who later retired from the range
and became the head clerk in M.
M. Sullivan’s, large store. The
hide was slit from head to tail,
a rope looped over one end, snub
bed to the saddle horn and the
spurs applied to the broncho.
Something was thus saved but the
losses sustained, combined with
incoming settlers and the break
ing plow, left many “cattle bar
i <?.
Atkinson Wins Class B
District Tournament
The Atkinson Hay Balers sur
prised the experts as the Hay
Balers defeated Wood Lake last
Friday night for the Class B
District Championship at Atkin
son before a capacity crowd. The
game went one overtime and
when the final whistle blew the
score read Atkinson 30, Wood
Lake 28. Atkinson will now go
to Norfolk and if they can win
the four team tournament there
they will have the privilege to
go to Lincoln for the state cham
pionship. All the Saint Mary’s
and O’Neill people wish them
much success, and we hope that
they can win at Norfolk and make
a good showing at Lincoln.
In the semi-finals Thursday
night Atkinson surprised the
crowd with a 35 to 24 win over
the boys from Long Pine. Atkin
son led almost all the time and
gave the crowd some good basket
ball. In the other semi-final the
quintet from Wood Lake won
over Newport. Newport seemed
to have a good team and they had
the boys from Wood Lake wor
ried, but the final score was,
Wood Lake 27, Newport 22.
The tournament was a grand
success. They had" very large
crowds and all the teams showed
fine spirit, and we again want to
congratulate Atkinson and give
them our best wishes when they
go down to Norfolk for the play
offs. The tournament scores were
as follows:
Second Round Scores
Atkinson 26, St. Mary’s 13;
Newport 33 Inman, 31; Wood
Lake 43, Johnstown 17; Long
Pine 29, Butte 21.
Atkinson 35, Long Pine 24;
Wood Lake 27, Newport 22.
Atkinson 30, Wood Lake 28,
noil vouniy noy is
Again Pormoted
Information from Key Field,
Miss., brings the information that
Corporal Delbert D. Alder has
climbed another step up the ladder
of military promotions at Key
Field recently when he was ad
vanced to the grade of sergeant.
Sergeant Alder, son of Mrs. Wm.
Alder, of O’Neill, entered the ser
vice at Fort Crook, in May, 1942.
Ten Holt County Boys
Have Joined The Navy
The following Holt county boys
have been inducted into the U. S.
Navy, as reported by the Holt
County Selective Board:
Boyce Benjamin Schaffer, Stuart
Dale Arnold Kersenbrock,
Lewis William Dickerson, At
Wayne Magne Goranson, Ew
ing. ,
William John Torpy, Atkinson.
Ellsworth Wendell Stevens,
Benny Raymond Wetzler,
Clarence Edwin France, O’Neill.
Kenneth Eugene Davidson,
Russel Gordon Simpson, O’Neill
County Court
Roy Jeffers of Greeley was ar
rested on February 28 by Patrol
man Meistrell and charged with
overweight on capacity plates.
He pled guilty and was fined $10
and costs of $3.10.
Harold Savidge of Ewing was
arrested February 28 by Patrol
man Meistrell and charged with
overweight on capacity plates.
He pled guilty and was fined $10
and costs of $3.10.
Marriage Licenses
Bernard LeRoy Trease of Or
chard, and Marie Loretta Schrei
' ber of Clearwater, on Wednesday,
February 24.
rons” permanently broke. There
was good picking for the prairie
wolves as it makes no difference
to one of the kind if the beef be
frozen. Whether or not another
I weather cycle has laid a moder
ating hand across the land, we are
not having such winters; but
should there again be, both man
and beast now have adequate
protection available. We stepped
from that somewhat romantic era
into another that produced the
Art Mullen’s, raised the cry
against the “crime of ’73” and in
troduced the political newcomers,
' populists and “Abe Lincoln re
publicans.” Again we are pass
ing out of another era, that of the
New Dealer. And the troubles
of mankind multiply.
IThe Frontier’s
Price & Ration Guide I
SHOES: Stamp No. 17 of War
Ration Book One is valid for one
pair of shoes until June 15, 1943.
Stamps are interchangeable
among members of the family
living under the same roof.
SUGAR: Number 11 Coupon,
War Ration Book One, valid until
March 15, for three pounds of
COFFEE: Number 25 Coupon,
War Ration Book One, valid for
one pound of coffee from Febru
ary 8 to March 21, inclusive.
GASOLINE: Number 4 Cou
pons of all A books vaild for 4
gallons. All holders of B and C
ration books expiring March 1
may make application for renewal
by mail to local board. Request
by post card Gas renewal Blank
of B, C and T gasoline ration
books must have their tire inspec
tions completed by February 28.
For local ration boards to issue
certificates for tires, tubes or re
capping services, commercial ve
hicles must be inspected and ap
proved by authorized OPA in
spector every sixty days or every
5000 miles, whichever is attained
first. Holders of A gasoline
ration books have until March
FUEL OIL: Period 4, each one
unit Coupon is valid for eleven
gallons until April 12; period 4,
each ten-unit Coupon is valid for
110 gallons until April 12.
ERS: All operators of incubators
and brooders may obtain all need
ed fuel oil and kerosene for cap
acity production of the equip
ment. Increased poultry and egg
production is essential to the war
! effort.
ATOR HOUSES: Operators may
obtain all needed fuel oil for
heating this space.
STOVES: Rationing boards will
consider applications for per
mission to purchase new coal
burning heating stoves to replace
or supplement oil-burning heat
I ing equipment.
CANNED MEATS hermetically
sealed by heat cannot be sold to
anyone until March 28.
BUTTER: Priced on percent
age mark-up basis. Nebraska
maximum for 90 score butter in
pound and half-pound cartons, 55
cents; parchment wrapped, 5414
EYE GLASSES: When sold to
the user, and certain services in
volving examination and refract
ion of eyes now subject to the
General Maximum Price Regu
MILK: Purchases from pro
ducers for resale as fluid milk now
subject to price control.
SOY BEANS: Ceilings set at
producer level asl well as at other
levels. Top grades to sell at $1.66
per bushel on the farm. Coun
try elevator to add 4V4c per bush
el to price paid producer.
ing prices established for: toma
toes, green and wax snap beans
carrots, cabbage and peas, at no
higher than seller’s highest sell
ing or offering price from Feb
ruary 18 to 22. Lettuce and
spinach price set at highest sell
ing or offering price during period
from February 19 to 23.
WHOLESALERS: Filing time
under Maximum Price Regu
lation No. 237 extended to April
ONION SETS: 1942 crop,
placed under ceiling prices. All
sellers limited to highest selling
or offering price during period
from February 10 to 15.
TIONS: Sellers not permitted to
sell farm machinery not under
| price control in combination with
' controlled items except when the
uncontrolled item is specifically
| designed to operate with the par
ticular controlled machine. In
those cases the sale can be made,
| a ceiling price must be determin
! ed for the uncontrolled machine
by using the same formula used
to establish the ceiling price on
the ocntrolled machine.
Hospital Notes
Mrs. Mary Pribil was admitted
on Thursday for medical treat
Mrs. John Peter, a daughter
born on Wednesday.
Mrs. Margaret Agnes and daugh
ters, Mary Virginia and Lorraine,
: of Norfolk, visited relatives and
I friends here last Sunday.
Mrs. Annorah Daly
Mrs. Annorah Daly died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. J. J.
Harrington, in this city last Tues
day evening at 9:10 o'clock, after
an illness of several years, at the
age of 85 years. The funeral will
be held from the Catholic church
in this city at 10 o’clock Friday
morning, interment in Calvary
cemetery at the side of her hus
band, who passed away in Janu
ary, 1924.
Annorah Ryan was born in Pe
oria, Illinois, and resided in that
state for many years. On Decem
ber 7, 1872, she was united in
marriage to William Daly, the
ceremony being performed at
Benson, Illinois.
Thirteen children were bom of
this union, seven of whom sur
vive and are left to mourn the
passing of a kind and affection
ate mother. They children are:
Mrs. J. J. Harrington, O’Neill;
C. M. Daly, Omaha; Mrs. W. M.
Meals, Seattle, Wash.; J. E. Daly,
San Diego, Calif.; Mrs. E. R. Gi
rard, San Francisco, Calif.; Mrs.
P. A. Dolan, Denver, Colo.; F. V.
Daly, San Francisco, Calif.
In the spring of 1893 the fam
ily came to this county and locat
ed in the Minneola section of the
county, where they resided for
I fourteen years. In 1907 they mov
ed to this city and lived here for
four years and then moved to
Lincoln, where she resided until
after the death of her husband in
January, 1924. Since the death of
her husband she made her home
with her children and had been
living here with her daughter for
several years.
Mrs. Daly was a charming
woman and had a host of friends
in O’Neill and Holt county, where
she spent the greater part of her
life. She lived to a ripe old age,
, but nevertheless her friends will
regret to learn of her passing.
Tracy Gwinn
i Tracy Gwinn was found dead
in his bed in his room about 1:30
. o’clock last Saturday night. Dr.
! Carter was summoned and he
1 said that he had probably been
dead about threfe hours. Tracy
was found lying face down on the
bed, with his clothes and cap on.
As he was subject to epiliptic
fits, it is thought he took a fit
and fell on the bed on his face
and smothered to death.
Tracy was born in Iowa and
was about 71 years of age at the
time of his death. He came to
Holt county with his parents in
the early eighties. His parents
lived in the northeast part of the
county on a homestead for a
time and then moved into O’Neill
where his father went into the
jewelry business and operated a
jewelry store and repair shop in
the building now occupied by the
Streeter barber shop. The family
left O’Neill in the early nineties
and moved to Laurel, Nebr.,
where they resided for a good
many years, and where his father
passed away.
Tracy was gone from here for
several years, coming back to
O’Neill about twelve or fifteen
years ago, since which time he
had made this his home. He told
that most of the time he was
away from here that he was in
South Dakota.
The funeral was held Tuesday
morning at 10 o’clock, funeral ser
vices being conducted in the Big
lin funeral home, with Rev. Daw
son Park officiating, and burial
| in Prospect Hill cemetery.
Nine Holt County Youths
Registered Last Month
The following Holt County boys
(registered for selective service
during the month of February
The first number is their Order
| Number and the Second Numb
| er is their serial Number:
11371 A W-77A, William Sea
| ton Howell, Page,
11375 W-81 Joseph Ray
mond Bellar, O’Neill.
11376 W-82, Melvin Leroy
Haynes, Page.
11377 W-83 Edward Daniel
Coday, Atkinson.
11378 W 84 Floyd Keith
Raymer, Atkinson.
11379 W-85 Bob Ray Kirk
, land, Atkinson.
11380 W-86 Duward Alfred
Loughrey, Ewing.
11381 W-87, Clarence Norbert
Schrad, Ewing.
bert ^hrad, Ewing.
11382 W-88, Max Arden Med
calf, O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. John Peter, a
daughter, born Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wyant left
Monday for Portland, Ore., where
I they expect to make their home.
O'Neill High Upset
By Wisner 38-31
The O’Neill High School Eagles
went down to defeat by a strong
Wisner team Thursday afternoon
in the second round of the Dis
trict Class A Championship at
Norfolk, by a score of 38 to 31.
O'Neill was picked by all the
experts to win the game but they
had not counted on the beautiful
playing of Whitcomb Winser, for
ward, who made ten baskets and
ten free throws to score a total
of 30 points. Whitcomb played a
great game and seemed to be all
over the floor at once. Calkins
with 11 and McKenna with 10
points led the O’Neill scoring.
O'Neill got off to a good start,
at one time in the first quarter
having a 6 to 2 lead, but with
Whitcomb making 2 baskets and
a free throw to make it 7 to 6.
With but a few seconds left in
the first quarter O’Neill made a
basket to make the score, as the
first quarter ended 8 to 7 in favor
of O’Neill.
But in the second quarter Whit
comb and his mates got off to a
good start and the half time score
was Wisner 18, O’Neill 13.
In the last two quarters the
Wisner team still seemed to be
filled with steam as they kept
i on making the baskets to take
the game 38 to 31. During most
, of the third quarter Wisner had
an 11 point lead but with about
five minutes left to play in the
; game the Eagles seemed to get
on fire and for a while it seemed
as if they could catch up and go
^ ahead, but they never semed to
; get enough steam. O'Neill played
a fine game and their opponents
knew all the time that they were
having a ball game.
O'Neill Defeats Valentine
In the first game of the Norfolk
Class A District Tournament the
O’Neill Eagles took a game from
the Valentine quintet without
much trouble.
O’Neill got off to a 10 to 0 lead
and from there on were never
seriously threatened and the game
ended with a score of 31 to 21 in
favor of O’Neill.
At an early morning hour on
Saturday, February 20, Miss Mar
garet Babl, oldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Babl, of Emmet,
Nebr., became the bride of Pfc.
Bernard Dusatko, youngest son of
Jerrold Dusatko, also of Emmet,
in a military wedding. The
double ring ceremony was per
formed by Lieut. Fr. Toomey at
the camp chapel, No. 5 of the
91st Division, 362 Field Artillery,
in the presence of a number of
immediate friends.
The bride wore a biege and
kelly green suit of military style,
with green and brown accessor
ies. Her only jewelry was a
sweetheart locket, a gift from the
bridegroom. Her corsage was of
talisman rosebuds and she car
ried a treasured rosary, also a
gift of the bridegroom. The bride’s
only attendant was Mrs. Archie
Pierce of Medford, who wore a
brown two-piece dress lace trim
med with gold and brown acces
sories. Her corsage was also tal
isman roses.
The bridegroom, who is assign
ed to the 650th Engineers as a
mechanic, has the distinction of
being born during World War I
and being married during World
War II.
Pfc. Charles Uhl, draftsman for
the 650th Engineers, acted as best
man. After the ceremony a wed
ding breakfast was served to the
wedding party and the chaplain
in Service Club No. 1, after which
the party went on a sightseeing
tour of the camp and buildings.
During the late afternoon a re
ception was held at the Archie
Pierce residence, “Pierce Heights”
in Medford. Pouring and assist
ing about the room were Mes
; dames Clyde Leonard, Hubert
High and Claude Haggard.
A large white cake decorated
i with soldier and bride, flowers
' and doves, was the centerpiece of
the reception table. The room was
! decorated in red, white and blue
flowers, also red, white and blue
j candles, and flags. The bride cut
and served the wedding cake to
i the guests.
During the afternoon Vee Leon
ard played piano solos, and
Yvonne Haggard and Helen Pierce
rendered vocal solos, accompan
ied at the piano by Claude Hag
gard, who also busied himself
taking unusual pictures of the
bridal couple throughout the af
The many friends in this com
munity extend to them their best
wishes for a long and happy mar
ried life. **
Mrs. Blenda Hunt
Mrs. Blenda Hunt, 61, wife of
Douglas D. Hunt of this city, died
at Battle Creek, Nebr., Wednes
day morning, March 3, 1943, as
the result of a fall from the porch
of her son’s home, Dr. M. W.
Hunt, from which she suffered a
fractured skull. She fell Tuesday
evening and passed away the next
morning, fourteen hours after she
fell. The funeral will be held here
at 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon,
March 6, from the Methodist
church, Rev. Dawson Park offi
ciating, and burial in Prospect
Hill cemetery.
Mrs. Hunt had been in Omaha
visiting her daughters and while
there took some medical treat
ment for varicose veins, from
which she had suffered for sev
eral years. While on her way
home from Omaha she stopped
for a couple of days at Battle
Creek for a visit at the home of
her son and family, and it was
there she met her fatal accident.
Blenda Wiberg was born at
Clinton, Iowa, on March 8, 1882.
On September 25, 1902, she was
united in marriage to Douglas D.
Hunt, the ceremony being per
formed in Omaha. Fourteen child
ren were born of this union, who
with their father are left to mourn
the passing of a kind and affec
tionate wife and mother. The
children are: Cecil, Sunol, Nebr.;
Dr. M. W., Battle Creek, Nebr.;
Melvin, Oakland, Calif.; Kenneth,
Seattle, Wash.; Sergeant Earl,
Camp Howze, Texas; Harold,
Omaha; Carrol, O’Neill; Mrs. Ula
Vokolek, Omaha; Mrs. Aurety
Tatreau, Omaha; Mrs. Velma
Brink, Omaha; Mrs. Marjorie
Washechek, O’Neill; Miss Eunice
Hunt, Omaha. She is also sur
vived by nine grandchildren,
three sisters and five brothers.
The family came to O’Neill
in 1920 from Herrick, S. D„ and
since that date she had made her
home in this city, where she was
greatly admired by her many
friends, who were shocked when
they learned of her sudden death.
Daisy Myrtle Shumate
Mrs. Daisy Myrtle Shumate
died at her home near Chambers
last Saturday afternoon, after an
illness of several months. The
body was brought to this city and
Monday afternoon funeral serv
ices were held in the Biglin Mor
tuary and the body shipped to
Lincoln Tuesday morning for in
Daisy Myrtle Pirner was born
at Lincoln, Nebr., on May 4, 1885.
In 1906 she was united in mar
riage to James Shumate, the cer
emony being performed in Lin
coln. One son was born of this
union, who with his father are
left to mourn her passing. She is
also survived by three sisters,
Mrs. Luella Parker of this city
and two other sisters living in
The family came to this county
from Lincoln in 1932 and since
that time have resided in the
southern part of the county.
Flight Officer Earley
Visiting Home Folks
Flight Officer Bob Earley, who
recently graduated as a Flight
officer at Blackland Field, Waco,
Texas, arrived Wednesday to
spend a few days furlough with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Earley and other relatives and
St. Mary's Cardinals Lose
Last Game Of Season
Sacred Heart of Norfolk took a
Basketball game from the St.
Mary’s Cardinals on the local floor
last Sunday afternoon, with a
score of 26 to 22.
The game was one of the best
games played this season by St.
Mary’s and they had the Norfolk
team on their toes at all times, and
it) looked for a time as if the Nor
folk boys would go home with
the short end of the score. St.
Mary’s played Sacred Heart at
Norfolk earlier in the season and
they were swamped, but it was a
different story Sunday. It was
! a game all the way through and
; the winner unknown until the
whistle ended the game.
The Weather
High Low
February 26_44 16
February 27_49 17
February 28 59 18
March 1 . 48 7
March 2_12 -7
March 3_21 -5
March 4_40 21
Pfc. Harry G. Smith, who has
been stationed with the U. S. A.
| in Alaska for the past sixteen
I months, visited with relatives and
I friends here last Friday.
Commercial Club Meeting
Next Tuesday Evening
The regular meeting of the
O’Neill Commercial Club will be
held at the Golden Hotel Tues
day evening, March 9, 1943, at 7
o’clock, at which all members of
the Club are requested to be
At this meeting the Club will
entertain the local Red Cross
officers and all business men and
women are urged to attend. The
Red Cross drive will be on this
month and this year, more than
ever before, it is necessary that
the citizensi of this city and coun
ty meet or exceed the quota set
for them. Help the good work
along with your presence at the
meeting next Tuesday evening.
Francis Kelley To
Be Flying Cadet
O’Neill relatives have received
word that Francis Kelly, of this
city, who has been stationed at
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., success
fully passed the necessary exam
ination and has been selected as
a flying cadet, and is now await
ing assignment U> a flying schooL
O’Neill friends tender congratu
lations and they know that he
has what it takes to make a suc
cessful aviator.
Cattle Prices On Upward
Trend At Local Sale Yard
There was an extra heavy run
of cattle for this time of year on
Monday’s market with prices still
cattle continued to be the popular
on the up grade. Light weight
choice, however, there were good
prices paid on all grades.
Steer calves brought from
$15.50 to $17.00 per hundred, with
some of the lighter ones bringing
from $18.20 to $18.50. Heifer
| calves from $13.00 to $15.00 per
| hundred; yearling steers brought
! from $14.00 to $15.00 and yearling
heifers cashed from $12.00 to
$14.00 per hundred. Two year old
steers sold from $13.75 to $14.50.
There was a good strong market
! on cows with the beef kind bring
ing from $9.50 to $12.00 and can
ners and cutters from $7.00 to
$9.25 per hundred. Bulls sold
! up to $12.50.
There was another good run of
hogs with the market steady to
j slightly lower from last week.
■ Butcher hogs brought $14.55 to
$14.65; sows sold from $14.20 to
$14.35. Feeder pigs brought
| from $15.55 to $16.60 per hundred.
In the horse sale around 50
head of horses showed up.
Next sale Monday, March 8th.
The Golden Rod Club
This meeting was held on Feb
ruary 23, at the home of Mrs. Dick
Minton. The lesson was on dec
orated Finishes for Home Sew
ing. The beauty and economy of
these decorations are valued
more by those that make them
and consider their time well
spent. Miss Lowis, our county
Demonstration Agent, has been
trying hard to get more women
interested in Project work.
It advocates economy in nearly
all lessons, and we need this
! especially now in war time..
Much of our time was taken up
in electing new officers. Mrs.
Jane Langan served. We will
j meet again on March 9th. Our
tlime at this meeting will be
taken up in preparing for a booth
| which all Project Clubs are re
quested to do for Achievement
Day, the date for which has not
yet been set.
The members of this Club want
to thank the editor of this paper
for giving his time and space in
his paper.
Dan Casey, who always said he
was the original" Casey,” died in
a hospital in Washington, D. C.,
the other day. He was a prom
inent pitcher in the 1880’s and
1890’s. He was heard to tell a
couple of ball players that the
ball game which is described in
the poem, “Casey at the Bat,”
j was played back in 1887 between
the Phillies and the New York
I Giants. He came to bat in the last
,1ialf of the ninth with Philadel
phia trailing 4-3, and men on sec
ond and third. He let two called
strikes go by, and on the third
pitch closed his eyes and swung
—and missed. The incident was
put into verse by Ernest Thayer
and popularized by the late De
Wolf Hopper, who recited it
throughout much of the world in
a generation.
Judge D. R. Mounts and Court
Reporter Ted McElhaney held
I court in Butte on Monday.