The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 18, 1943, Image 7

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    MEMOS... V
Tea for You, With Delicious Cranberry Pastries!
(See Recipes Below)
. . . And Cookies, Too!
You may not serve tea, and you
* may not even have coffee, but
you sun ime inai
pause in the aft
ernoon with a few
good triends, to
t mull over the
I happenings of the
day, to get philo
sophical over the
events that touch all of us. But have
that pause whenever possible, even
if you have just fruit juice and a
few cookies or cakes. It1* as im
portant as the bigger things you do.
Have a hot or cold drink as the
climate dictates, flavor them with
honey if the sugar supply is low.
Some supplies of tea are still ob
tainable for the hot or iced bever
age, if you use the coffee ration at
Chocolate and cocoa are obtain
able now and then and make excel
lent hot beverages. Made with milk,
they’re nourishing, too. And if you
make them with canned milk they’re
delightful. Somehow, the canned
milks have an affinity with chocolate
Fruit juices have been a summer
standby, but you should discover
their winter uses, too! Hot lemon
ade is delightful as are combina
tions of lemon, orange, grapefruit
and pineapple juice.
Those of you who like spending
cold afternoons in front of the open
fire will enjoy a small glass of a
cool drink with a few tasty cookies.
For this purpose, try mixing equal
quantities of cranberry and orange
juice or apricot and pineapple juice
served in pretty glasses with cook
Small cakes and cookies are an
attractive accompaniment with re
freshing drinks. Our first one to
day is a sugar-saver, butter-saver,
quickly and easily made:
Cranberry Fingers.
(Makes 24 fingers)
t tablespoons batter or substitute
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons sugar
1 egg
1 1-pound can jellied \cranbcrry
Grated rind of % orange
Work shortening and sugar into
flour, and mix to a light dough with
beaten egg ana
milk, using only
enough milk to
moisten. The mix
ture should be
dry rather than
wet. Divide into
two portions. Roll
|r one portion to an
eighth of an inch
inicaness, piace on a greased couKie
sheet, and spread with crushed cran
berry juice. Sprinkle with grated
orange rind. Wet edges and cover
with remaining dough, rolled to fit,
pressing edges firmly together.
Brush with milk, sprinkle with sug
ar and bake in a moderately hot
(375-degree) oven about 30 minutes.
When cool, cut into finger strip size
lor serving.
Oranges enter the picture again,
this time combined with maple syr
Lynn Says:
Handy Hints: When a recipe
calls for sifted sugar or flour sift
the ingredient before you meas
ure it, so you’ll get an accurate
In mixing cakes, add flour mix
ture to creamed sugar, shorten
ing and egg before adding the
moist ingredients, then alternate
and add dry ingredients last.
You’ll get a better grained cake.
Muffins are beaten Just enough
to blend ingredients together.
Don’t overbeat
Greasing cookie, cake and muf
fin tins with a mixture of pan
coat, made by blending % cup
shortening with Vt cup flour pre
. vents sticking.
>_ _
This Week’s Menu
Pork Kidneys with
Scrambled Eggs
Mashed Potatoes Diced Beets
Lettuce with French Dressing
Whole Wheat Muffins
Apple-Cheese Crisp
up to make a drop cookie:
Orange Drop Cookies.
(Makes 60 cookies)
2 tablespoons grated orange rind
44 cup butter or substitute
1 cup maple syrup
2 eggs, beaten
2 cups sifted flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
44 teaspoon salt
Cream together orange rind,
shortening, maple syrup. Add beat
en eggs, then flour sifted together
with baking powder and salt. Drop
the batter by spoonfuls onto a
greased baking sheet and bake in
a moderately hot (375-400-degree)
oven and bake about 10 minutes or
until lightly browned.
Molasses ’n apple butter were fa
vorite ingredients of cookies in
grandmother’s time, and now they
come in for a grand encore:
Old-Fashioned Molasses Cookies.
344 cups sifted all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
44 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ginger
44 cup butter or substitute
44 cup sugar
1 egg
44 cup apple butter
1 cup molasses
Sift together dry ingredients.
Cream together butter and sugar,
aid egg and beat together until light
and fluffy. Add apple butter and
molasses and blend together thor
oughly, then mix in sifted dry ingre
dients. Chill for 2
hours or more.
Roll as thinly as
possible and cut
into large cook
ies. Place on a
lightly greased
cookie sheet and bake in a moderate
(375-degree) oven for 10 minutes.
These cookies are crisp when baked,
get soft if stored in tin for a day or
Honey and sour cream are an un- :
beatable combination in a cupcake, i
and here they are lined up with '
spices for an extra deliciousness:
Honey Spice Cupca<tes.
Vs cup butter or substitute
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup honey
3 egg yolks
2 cups flour
Vs teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons ground cloves
2 teaspoons allspice
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon soda
1 cup thick, sour cream
3 egg whites
Cream butter, add sugar and hon
ey, creaming well. Add egg yolks,
one at a time and beat well. Sift
dry ingredients and add alternately
with sour cream, beating after each
addition. Fold in stiffly beaten j
whites of eggs. Bake in greased
muffin tins in a moderate oven (350
degrees) 30 minutes or in two
greased cake tins.
Your icing for the cupcakes should
be a halo of white swirls of honey
icing which will not crack—and can
be whipped up in a hurry:
Royal Honey Icing.
1 egg white, stiffly beaten
Vs cup honey
H teaspoon vanilla
To the stiffly beaten egg white,
add honey slowly, beating continu
ally until icing will stand in peaks.
Fold in flavoring.
What problems or recipes are most
on your mind these winter days? Write
to Lynn Chambers for expert advice on
your particular problem, at Western
Newspaper Union, 210 South Desplaines i
Street, Chicago, III. Please be sura to
enclose a stamped, self-addressed en
velope for your reply.
Released by Western Newspaper Hnlm.
Released by Western Newspaper Union.
When it was first found that infect
ed teeth and tonsils caused rheuma
tism or arthritis (inflammation of a
joint), many physicians felt that all
Dr. Barton
cases could thus be
cured. There were
so many cases in
which the removal
of the infection did
not relieve the signs
and symptoms of ar
thritis that some phy
sicians began to
doubt that infection
was the cause or a
It is interesting to
read in all the arti
cles by research
worxers in arthritis that injury, diet,
cold and exposure, sluggishness of
liver and bowel and other condi
tions are given as causes. There
may be a few physicians who do not
mention infection of teeth and ton
sils as a cause but the great ma
jority still include infection of teeth
and tonsils, but do not emphasize
this infection as much as formerly.
Among the causes as mentioned
above are cold and dampness, in
jury, diet and surgical removal of
infection—teeth, tonsils, gall blad
Some months ago Dr. Frank H.
Krusen, Rochester, Minn., in the
Journal of the American Medical
Association pointed out that there
are three groups of physical meas
ures which can be used, after the
cause has been removed insofar as
this is possible. These three are:
thermal (heat and cold); massage,
manipulation and resting the joint
by splinting, and exercise, postural
training (teaching the patient to sit
and stand properly), and rest.
Whether these methods are used at
home, or in hospital, they should be
continued for some time after signs
and symptoms have apparently dis
appeared. Thus those who have
been treated in hospital should con
tinue to have these treatments when
they arrive home.
In regard to heat or thermal treat
ment, any kind of heat applied in
various ways—heat lamps, bakers,
hot tub baths, or placing affected
part alternately in hot and cold wa
As to massage, a member of the
patient’s family should be instructed
in the simple methods of massage.
Heat, then massage, then heat again
is usual method of using massage
treatment. Heat and massage pre
vent permanent stiffness.
• * •
Various Causes of
High Blood Pressure
In former days before the inven
tion of the machine to measure blood
pressure, the physician placed his
fingers on the blood vessels in wrist
or elsewhere and if they were hard
(like a pipestem) the blood pressure
was said to be high and a stroke
of apoplexy might be expected; if
soft, the patient was not likely to
have a stroke.
Although a hardened vessel means
that more pressure is needed to push
the blood through it and the pres
sure will increase as the vessel be
comes harder, nevertheless it is now
known that hardened blood vessels
(where elastic tissue in wall of blood
vessel has been replaced by hard
tissue) is not the only cause of high
blood pressure. There are other
causes for high blood pressure, one
of which causes the elastic tissue in
the blood vessel to contract or tight
en and the blood needs increased
pressure to pass through these ves
sels made smaller by having their
elastic walls tightened.
What causes the muscles every
where to tighten or contract? Ex
citement, anxiety, fear, overwork,
will cause tenseness and tightening
of nerves and muscles. And just as
the large muscles of the body be
come tensed by the emotions, so do
the tiny muscles of the blood ves
sels (though not under control of the
will) become tightened, thus raising
the blood pressure.
It can thus be seen that when your
blood pressure has been tested and
found to be above normal, the high
blood pressure may be due to some
organic disease or change in the
walls of the vessels caused by in
On the other hand, the high blood
pressure may be due to the emo
tions causing a tightening of the
blood vessels making them smaller
and so making increased pressure
If the high pressure is due to dam
age to the walls of the vessel—or
ganic disease—treatment is rest and
guarding against further infections
by regular visits to your physician
and dentist.
• • •
Q. Would a doctor tell a patient
he did not have syphilis if he did
have it? My physician told me my
test showed no syphilis was present, j
but I am doubtful and would like to !
set my mind at ease.
A. If the physician told you that
you did not have syphilis you should
stop worrying. If syphilis were pres
ent he would see that you were un
der treatment at once. However,
you can go to your nearest hospital
clinic and get another blood test.
Discarded Silk Stockings
Help Keep U. S. Guns Booming
American ingenuity has scored another triumph. Millions
of pairs of discarded silk hosiery, hitherto useless for textile
reclamation, are now serving an important war purpose—
powder bags. Woven from reclaimed silk, powder bags are
used to hold explosive matter to generate the power to dis
charge shells from major caliber guns. Silk burns completely
and leaves no embers, hence eliminating the necessity of
cleaning the barrel during action.
In the first month of the collection campaign American
women turned in 2,500,000 pairs of discarded silk stockings.
I u
Silk stockings which can no
longer be worn are being collect
ed in stores throughout the coun
try as shown in picture above,
for conversion into pon der bags. \
Many women’s clubs, too, are en
gaged in this important work.
Right: Removing the cotton
parts from discarded silk stock
ings before processing into pow
der bags. Here Mrs. Mary Gla
du cuts and sorts material.
Any stockings made entirely
of silk or containing mixtures of
silk are useful for conversion into
powder bags. They should be
washed before they are turned in
for reclamation.
Left: Sewing primer caps for
powder bags from cloth made of
discarded silk stockings. Fifteen
pairs of old stockings provide
sufficient cloth for an average
size powder bag.
Old stockings, after haring cotton parts removed, are fed into a
picking tender which shreds the material. Here Daphis Duchaine,
age 67 and with four sons in the service, feeds the machine.
It takes husky men to lift the heavy powder bags into the big
guns. Hold your ears! Here go those silk stockings!
Lay ers of silk cloth are cut to specifications with a power knife.
Plain New Aprons
\XfHEN January fabric sales
* * bring all sorts of serviceable,
pretty cottons down in price, plan
to rebuild your apron supply I You
can turn out all you need rapidly
with this simple apron pattern
which is cut with just a few easy
to-put-together pieces. It is pretty,
too, with its curved shoulder
straps and gay pockets.
• • •
Pattern No. 8299 it In size* 14. 16. 18,
SO; 40. 42, 44. Size 16 require* 2'/« yards
32-inch material. 8 yard* bla* (old, 2
yard* rlc rac.
School Outfit
LIERE’S the answer to the
* school outfit or every-day out
fit you want to make your little
girl. You can expect long wear
from the gracefully shaped jump
er—if you make it in rayon gabar
dine, corduroy, flannel or wool
crepe. You’ll have variety, too, if
(\«(U(v.ft.(v.fv. (V.ft.
{ ASK ME ;
l A General Quiz " \
O' O' O* O* O* O* C'- N O* O* O* (V. (V. (V. (V. (\. (V. (V.
The Questions
1. When did congress fix the
number of stripes in our flag at 13?
2. What name is given to the
green coloring matter of plants?
3. How many states were there
in the Confederacy?
4. What state is known as the
“Mother of Presidents”?
5. What is the only New England
state having no coastal area?
8. For every American and Brit
on who can read and write Japa
nese, how many Japanese can
read and write English?
The Answers
1. The year 1818.
2. Chlorophyll.
3. Eleven.
4. Virginia.
5. Vermont.
6. At least 10,000 Japanese.
Lengthy Train
Longest train on record was
worn by Catherine the Great of
Russia, at her coronation. It was
225 feet long and required 50 at
tendants to carry it.
j (.10 yn. |
you make several blouses in white
and colored broadcloth, flannel oi
• • •
Pattern No. 8232C la designed (or sizes
>, 6, 7. 8, 9 and 10 years. Size 6 jumpu
requires 2>,t yards 39-inch material, sheet
sleeve blouse 1% yards.
Send your order to:*
S30 South Wells St. Chicago.
Enclose 20 cents In coins (or each
pattern desired.
Pattern No. Size.
Name .
Address .
Rays of Friendship
True friendship cannot be among
many. For since our faculties are
of a finite energy, ’tis impossible
our love can be very intense when
divided among many. Ne, the
rays must be contracted to make
them bum.—John Norris.
For colds’ coughs, nasal congestion, muscle
aches get Penetro—modem modi cation in a
mutton suet base. 268, double supply 868.
Wise in Silence
Blessed is the man who, having
nothing to say, abstains from giv
ing in words evidence of the
fact.—George Eliot.
Pull the Trigger on
Constipation, unth
Ease for Stomach, too
When constipation brings on discom
fort after meals, stomach upset, bloating,
dizzy spells, gas, coated tongue, and baa
breath, your stomach is probably "crying
the blues" because your bowels don’t
move. It calls for Laxative-Senna to pul
the trigger on those lazy bowels, com
bined with Syrup Pepsin for perfect ease
to your stomach in taking. For years,
many Doctors have given pepsin prepa
rations in their prescriptions to maka
medicine more agreeable to a touchy
stomach. So be sure your laxative coo
tains Syrup Pepsin. Insist on Dr. Cald
well’s laxative Senna combined with
Syrup Pepsin. See how wonderfully the
Laxative Senna wakes up lazy nerves and
muscles in your intestines to bring wel
come relief from constipation. And tha
good old Syrup Pepsin makes this laxa
tive so comfortable and easy on your
stomach. Even finicky children love the
taste of this pleasant family laxative.
Take Dr. Caldwell’s Laxative Senna com
bined with Syrup Pepsin, as directed oo
label or as your doctor advises, and feel
world's better. Get genuine Dr. Caldwell’s.
Fair weather faith ia no faith
at all.
k ^\ WASTE!