The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 18, 1943, Image 4

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D H Cronin, Editor and Owner
Entered at PostotTiee at O'Neill,
Nebraska, as Second Claw Matter
One Year, in Nebraska $2 00
One Year, Outside Nebraska 2 25
, - — -— --- 1 '■
Every subscription is regarded
•a an open account. The names
of subscribers will be instantly
removed from our mailing list at
expiration of tune paid for, if the
publisher shall be notified; other
wise the subscription remains in
force at the designated subscrip
tion price. Every subscriber must
understand that these conditions
•re made a part of the contract
between publisher and subscriber.
Display advertising is charged
for on a basis of 25c an inch (one
column wide) per week. Want
•ds 10c per line, first insertion.
Subsequent insertions 5c per line
Mrs. Jim Pruden of Ewing was
an O'Neill visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Shirek will move
into the Parker apartments this
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mathre of
Butte were business callers here
on Monday.
Mrs. Rex Lundstrom of Seattle,
Wash., was here visiting her
mother, Mrs. Electa Bigler.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Chapman
and Mrs. Mae Chapman visited
relatives in Royal Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson
of Emmet were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clauson last
Mrs. D. A. Ulmer of Fern. Wis.,
Teturned to her home Saturday,
after visiting her mother, Mrs.
Electa Bigler.
Miss Lorraine Penney, of Elgin,
has accepted a position with the
O’Neill Drug company and
started to work Thursday.
Miss Verna Russell left Tues
day for Lincoln, where she will
visit her isster and other relatives
and friends for several days.
Mrs. Cecil Sparks received
word from her husband, Pvt. Ce
cil Sparks, that he advanced a
rating to Corporal the past week.
Miss Lanone Miles of Grand Is
land spent the week-end here vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
E. Miles, and other relatives and
Mrs. Floyd Veach and daughter,
Wilma, of Amarillo, Texas, re
turned to their home Saturday,
after visiting her mother, Mrs.
Electa Bigler.
Miss Ruth Ann Biglin of Peters
burg, Nebr., spent the week-end
here visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Biglin, and other rel
atives and friends.
‘Take care of your teeth.’* Ev
eryone should know that nice
teeth are especially important
in public life.—Dr, Fisher, Den
tist. 41-1
John Harbottle wont to Omaha
last Friday for a pre-induction
examination for the Army. He
failed to pass the physical exam
ination and returned home on
Mrs. Paul Beha entertained
fourteen girls at a theatre party
followed by a luncheon at the M
and M. cafe Sunday afternoon, in
honor of her daughter Nan's tenth
Mrs. Hugh Birmingham enter
tained the Martez Club at a 7:00
dinner at the M. and M. cafe on
Tuesday evening, followed by
cards at her home. Mrs. Max Gol
den and Mrs. Charles McKenna
won high score.
Mrs. Mattie Soukup entertained
nine guests at a theatre party
Wednesday evening, followed by a
luncheon at the M. and M. cafe,
in honor of her nephew, Vincent
Streeter, who leaves soon for the
U. S. Navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jones, of
Plainview, formerly residents of
the northeastern portion of
Shields township, came up Wed
nesday to attend the funeral of
their old friend and neighbor,
James A. Brennan.
Miss Constance Biglin, who is a
student nurse at St. Vincent's Hos
pital in Sioux City, came home
Saturday to visit her parents, tar.
and Mrs. F. J. Biglin, and other
relatives and friends. She is re
cuperating from an appendectomy
and at present is getting along
Mrs. Cy Bruning and daughtei
will return to their home in Los
Angeles on Saturday, after an ex
tended visit here with relatives
and friends. Her mother, Mrs
James Davidson, will accompany
her to California where she will
visit relatives and friends for
several weeks.
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Congressman Miller
Speaks For Farmer
Additional farm machinery and
repair parts—the crying need for
these items was
I strongly pre
sented by the
* Nebraska delega
tion to officials
\ of the War Pro
Iduction Board
and of the Of
fice of Price Ad
ministration at a
special meeting on Saturday, Feb
ruary 6.
We pointed out the fact that the
allocation of these to Nebraska
was unjust for the reason that the
formula originally set was on the
basis of the 1940 crop production,
a poor crop year for our state.
Available figures show that as
a rule Nebraska produces around
8% of the total food of the nation,
while we were given only 4% of
the farm machinery of the nation.
Spokesmen for the delegation said
that we felt the dealers had prop
erly gauged the real need of the
farmers in their communities and
now had the implements on their
floors to meet it. Therefore, we
urged that all machinery in the
hands of the dealers be released
for sale to the farmers in the
community so they could use it
now in the production of food
this year.
I strongly urge the local farm
groups to petition the State War
Board for release of the ma
chinery now in the hands of the
dealers. The officials mentioned
above say it has the power to
do this.
The Congress is beginning to
show signs of asserting itself. It
is demanding that those in au
thority recognize agriculture as
an important war industry and
that food is just as important as
bombs and bullets. There is bound
to be a critical shortage of certain
food materials. Folks living on
the farm can be thankful they
have food. The dollar may go
down in purchasing power, but a
quart of milk and a dozen eggs
will still have the same food
There is probably little danger
of a real food shortage as far as
the farmers of Nebraska are con
: cerned.
Nebraska people produce food.
I The cellars of many farm famil
| ies are full of canned vegetables,
j fruits and meats. In the eastern
j part of the country it is entirely
, different. Here we have millions
of consumers of food. There may
be a shortage of food in the east.
If those in authority will see the
picture clearly they will make it
possible for the farmers of Amer
ica to have not only the ma
chinery but the manpower to pro
duce food. If this is done, many
of our food problems will be
solved. There is no other answer,
just machinery and manpower.
Bureaucrats in the Department
of Agriculture have made many
mistakes. Congress must take a
hand. If a “food dunkirk" is to be
avoided Congress must see to it
that those who control the farm
program give the farmers the
necessary tools and labor to pro
duce the food for our armed
forces, civilians and allies.
Many statesmen are recom
mending that men in the military
service who are trained farmers
be furloughed back home to help
during harvest. That their recom
mendations are having some ef
fect is evidenced in the recent
speech of Economic Stabilization
Director Byrnes, who stated that
army officials are considering the
advisability of doing just this.
Folks from Nebraska who vis
ited our office this week were:
Lieut. Nelson R. Simpson of Chad
ron, who is now stationed at Fort
Belvoir, near here; Art McNees
of Alliance, working in the office
of OPA; Bill O’Connell of O'Neill,
and Bryant Steele of Omaha. Tell
any members of your family who
are in Washington that we would
be glad to have them come in and
get acquainted.
The Frontier’s Price
And Ration Guide
War Ration Book Two: Regis
tration for War Ration Book Two
(point rationing of canned and
processed foods), February 22 to
February 27, inclusive. Each fam
ily clips one Declaration Form
from newspaper, completes it, and
takes it with War Ration Book
One (sugar and coffee book) to
school when registering.
Shoes: Stamp No. 17 of War
Ration Book One is valid for one
pair of shoes until June 15th,
1943. Stamps are interchangeable
among members of one family
living under the same roof.
Sugar: No. 11 Coupon, War Ra
tion Book One, valid February 1
until March 15 for three pounds
of sugar
Coffee: No. 25 Coupon. War Ra
1 tion Book One, valid for one
I *_r * ""]g
Welcome Words
from the
White House
THE Commander in Chief of wartime America
has paid banks the highest of compliments.
“The Bankers of America President Roose
velt wrote, “ . . . have answered the call to
service joyfully and with stout hearts ... a
record of accomplishment of which you all may
be justly proud." Welcome words, indeed.
They should give banks everywhere added
strength and courage to tackle the still greater
job that lies ahead.
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Mr* Kimball and Mr*. Worthing
ton, dressed soberly and wearing
their best black gloves, walked
along the stony country road back
toward Sophia Hardy** farm, to pay
their visit of condolence,
"How do you reckon she'll be
bearing up?" Mrs, Kimball asked
Mrs. Worthington Both ladles wore
their most solemn, funereal esprea
"A mighty severe blow," Mrs.
Worthington said. "Mighty severe
To lose your only spn, the mainstay
of your declining years. And such
a dreadful death, too—to go down
with a ship. Mercy!”
"The first of our boys from Hand
County to go, too," Mrs. Kimball
said, mourmuuy.
*T wouldn’t blame
Sophia Hardy tor
feeling right bit
They stood on
the simple stone
' doorstep, with
downcast eyes,
getting them
selves into the
proper commiserative mooa.
• Come in!"
The voice was brisk and cordial.
They looked up in surprise. Sophia
herself had come to the door. As
they followed her into the parlor
they exchanged glances, with eye
brows lifted. Sophia was not even
i in mourning. The partor shades
were not even drawn.
"It's nice of you to come," Sophia
said. “Do sit down."
“We came," Mrs. Kimball said
almost reprovingly, “to tell you that
; our hearts are bleeding for you in
i your great loss.”
“We know how lonely you must be
j out here,” Mrs. Worthington said
, “With nothing to take your mind off
, . . off . . She sniffed and
reached in her purse for a hand
“Oh, 1. keep busy," Sophia said.
"I’ve just finished applying for the
Government insurance on Tom's
life.” .
The visiting ladies could not re
sist a shocked glance at one an
“I want to get it right away," So
phia said. "So I can put it into War
, Bonds. My boy hasn't finished flght
j ing yet, not by a long shot.”
The ladies were so occupied with
feeling horrified, so titillated by this
* callous behaviour in a bereaved
mother—that neither of them no
ticed Sophia’s hands. Under the
folds of her clean print dress,
against the seat of her chair, they
were tightly clenched.
(Story from an actual report in
the files of the Treasury Depart
| ment.)
• • •
Carry on for mothers like Sophia.
Buy War Bonds till it hurts.
pound of coffee from February 8
j to March 21, inclusive.
Gasoline: No. 4 Coupons of all
A books valid for 4 gallons. All
holders of B and C ration books
expiring March 1 may make ap
plication for renewal any time
after February 1.
Tire Inspectiens: Holders of B.
C and T gasoline ration books
must have their tire inspections
completed by February 28. For
local ration boards to issue cer
I tificates for tires, tubes or re-cap
ping services, commercial vehic
les must be inspected and approv
ed by authorized OPA inspector
every sixty days or every 5000
miles, whichever is attained first.
Holders of A gasoline ration
books have until March 31.
Fuel Oil: Period 3, each one
unit coupon is valid for 11 gallons
until February 20; Period 3, each
j ten-unit coupon is valid for 110
j gallons until February 20; Period
! 4, each one-unit coupon is valid
for 11 gallons until April 12; Pe
i riod 4. each ten-unit coupon is
| valid for 110 gallons until April 12.
Incubators and Brooders: All
operators of incubators and brood
ers may obtain all needed fuel oil
and kerosene for capacity produc
tion of the equipment. Increased
poultry and egg production is es
sential to the war effort.
Dairy Rooms and Cream Separ
ator Houses; Operators may ob
tain all needed fuel oil for heat
ing this space.
Coal Fired Heating Stoves: Lo
cal Boards will consider applica
tions for coal-fired heating stoves
! as supplemental heat for homes
with oil - fired central heating
Corn Meal, Flour and Grits,
Hominy and Hominy Grits: Spe
cific dollars and cents ceilings set
at processor and jobber levels.
Coffee Substitutes and Com
■pounds: Maximum prices set for
seven new brands.
Anti-Freeze: Anti-Freeze sub
stitute prices reduced drastically.
Anti-freezes with salt base solu
tions reduced from $2.65 to be
tween 75 to 85 cents a gallon. So
lutions made with naptha and
I Notice |
Eye, Ear, and Nose Special- jj
ist. will make his regular
visit at Dr. Carter's office in •;
Friday, February 26 S
Glasses Fitted ~
hftn'i int i| itiik
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fftiinU ihtt ItHHttft
Ik a iikin . , *ft
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ftf irrMilft Ik# Atfttkftf
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rthO l^k kills (S'n»
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_ Ilf# mil## <Mi fftMift
Vn«) dilute for diftlnfftoiln* en# titirl
nutkftft II gftllon# gortn killing tolviWn
14**1 for Broodar Houif laying
Hoviftft. Dairy lUrn. Hog Hou#**. Sh##y
Hhftdft— Avon |tntrtl household kftk
j between 35 and 43 cents a gallon, j
Used Tin Cans: Sales of used;
; tin cans. No. 10 and larger, to bot-1
tiers and others authorized by
WPB to receive them, are subject
I to price contral.
Canned Chili. Shoestring Pota
toes and Canned Prune Juice:
J These are now subject to price
| control. Under the regulation the j
1 retailer will be permitted to pass
! on increased production costs to
the consumer.
Tallows and Greases: Those, in
I eluding bone tallow and garbage !
j greases, are priced under uniform |
J nation - wide dollars and cents
Fish Meal and Fish Scrap:
Placed under ceilings — Revised!
I Regulation No. 73, Amendment i
[No. 2.
Imported Cheese: Ceilings rais
ed 3 cents a pound.
Bakery Goods: Doughnuts.
I cakes other than cookies, pastries, I
j sweet yeast raised goods and pies,
under new cost-plus mark-up
pricing. Retailer's prices determ
ined by multiplying supplier's!
ceiling price by $125. Prices are
to be printed on all packaged
Mr. and Mrs. Con O’Connell and j
j Pat Coyne came up from Neligh
| Wednesday to attend the funeral
of James A. Brennan.
Mr. and Mrs. Darless Sandberg
of Spencer were dinner guests ofI
i Mrs. McCartney on Monday.
Right Dress
For that Victory U*>k
A personal Victory for you ^^
when you wear this black CCvpe
dress* rich with matching sou*
taehe braid trim, Styled tv ftafc*,
ter yvur lovely silhouette, tv
make yvur waist lvH*k auvovo
slim! In black, aqua, v»r copper
crepe. Sizes 12 tv* 20*
I Kurtz Produce Station
I West O’Neill
H Assure you fair weights* tests and fair treat
ment. Brinsf us your Cream.
| We carry in stock all Feeds that are available
on the market.
Guy Albert Wilson
Guv Albert Wilson was bom on
the home farm near Redbird.
Nebr., in Holt county. August 2t5.
1893. and departed this life at the
Sacred Heart Hospital in Lynch.
Nebr., on Sunday evening. Febru
ary 7, at the age of 49 years. 5
months and 12 days, of a heart
Although he had not been well
for many months and his death
not wholly unexpected, the entire
community was shocked and
deeply saddened by his passing.
Guy grew to manhood on the
farm home, sharing with the boys
and girls of the neighborhood the
hopes and fears, the Joys and sor
rows of the young people.
His father and mother preceded
This is the official declaration which consumers will be required
to fill out before they receive War Ration Book Two. the point ra
tioning book. To save time at registration applicants should clip
this declaration, fill in the answers, and bring it with them to the
registration site.
Ir—1-s_, _■... ■ . __m---j=a
OP A Form No. R-1JW1
United States of America
Fora Approved. Budget Bureeu Ne. lW-Rl> t
One copy of tbit Declaration must be filed
with the Ofi« of Price .UmmutntMa by
each person applying for War Ration Book
Two (or the members of a family amt. and
hy each person who is not a member of a
family amt. File at the site designated.
Coapons will be deducted for excess supplies
of the foods listed below according to the
sch dales anmmneed by the Office of Price
Processed Foods and Coffee
I HFRF.RY CERTIFY that I am authorized to apply for and receive
a IT or Ration Bt*ok Taro for earh person listed below who is a
member of my family unit, or the other person or persons
for whom I am acting whose 8 ar Ration Book One I have
submitted to the Board;
That the name of earh person and number of his or her War
Ration Rook One are accurately listed below ;
That none of these persons is confined or resident in an institu
tion, or is a member of the Armed Force* receiving subsist
ence in kind or eating in separate messes under an officer's
That no other application for ITur Ration Book Two for these
persons has been made;
That the following inventory statements are true and include
all indicated foods owned by all persons included in this
1. Pounds of coffee owned on November 28. 19)2,
minus 1 pound for earh person included in this
Declaration whose age as stated on ^ar Ration
Book One is 14 years or older. . , , , . _
2. Number of persons included in this
l>erlaration whose age as stated
on War Ration Book One is 14
years or older. --
Canned hood*
Include all commercially canned fruits (including spiced);
canned vegetables; canned fruit and vegetable juices; canned
soups, chili sauce, and catsup.
Do not include canned olives; canned meat and fish: pickles,
relish; jellies, jams, and preserves; spaghetti, macaroni, and
noodles; or home-canned foods.
S. Number of cans, bottles, and jars (8-ounce size or
larger) of commercially packed fruits, vegeta
bles. juices and soups, chili sauce and catsup
owned on February 21, 1943. minus 3 for
earh person included in this Declaration. . ,_
4. Number of persona included in this
Declaration. ••••••• __
The name of earh person included in this Declaration and the
number of his or her War Ration Book One is:
Print Name Number
3. __
5. __
8.__* |
If additional ipace is needed, attach te pa rata gheet
1 NOTICE.—Section Si <A) of the
United States Criminal Code makes
it a criminal offense, punishable by
a maximum of It years' imprison
ment. SIt.Ott fine. or both, to make
a falsa statement or representation
as to any matter within the jurisdic
tion of any department or agency of
the United State*.
him m death, his mother dying
when he was a small buy ami his
father passing to his reward three
years ago.
On May 10. 19IS. he was united
in marriage to Elsie Phelps, who
with two adopted sons, Carrol,
Guy. 14 years, and Gaylord, It
years, survive hun. He is also
survived by two sisters and three
brothers. Mrs. Bessie Pmkerman
and Mrs. Faye Pmkerman of Dor
sey; Dick of Rapid City. S. D..
Earn, of Burke. S. D.. and Ray. of
Red bird: also his stepmother.
Mrs. Kate Wilson, of Lynch, be
sides a host of other relatives and
Two years ago he accepted
Christ as his Saviour, and Later
was baptized and became a mem
ber of the Assembly of God’s
Church. His true Christian faith
was a great comfort to him dur
ing his illness and gave him
strength to pass on uncomplain
ingly to what be well knew was
a happy eternal life. «
Guy was always a conger. - J
and companionable man and had
a host of friends m northeastern
Holt county and the lynch com
munity. He was always interested
in the affairs of his community
and for the past ten years had
been Justice of the Peace of his
As a consolation to his loved
ones in their sorrow may we leave
with them the comfort that may
be found m these lines:
“Your loved one has taken a
long journey.
Has gone on a wonderful
Away from this world of sor
To a land of eternal rest
“What you have now is only a
To cherish your whole fife
But its sweetness will last for
Which should be a great com
fort to you.”,
The funeral was held Thursday
afternoon. February 1L at the L
O. O. F hall m Lynch, with the
Rev. Eugene Anderson of Long
Pine. Nebr. officiating. Burial
was at the Scottville cemetery in
Holt county.
The pallbearers were six neph
ews: Guy and Yeidon Pmkerman.
Jack. Billy Dewain and Neil Wil
son Flower girls were: Ruth
K rough. Florence and Lavonne
Walters. Dorothy Hull Iris W^
son. Velma Phelps and VetndP
The choir consisted of Irma
Wesler. Elaine Anderson and Ina
Mae Worth, accompanied by Mrs.
Ina Worth.
Those coming from a distance
to attend the funeral were: Mr
and Mrs. Dick Wilson. Jack Coy
and Jerry Glaze of Rapid City. S.
D; Earn Wilson and family of
Burke. S. D.; Ed Momson and
Wilbur Phelps of Brooklyn. Iowa;
Charles Robinson of Hines. Minn.,
and Mrs. Irma Schiessler of Ains
worth, Nebr. «•
For thorough Scientific Eye Ex
amination and Correctly Fitted
Glasses, see
Eyesight Specialist
at Hotel O'Neill in O Neill
Tuesday, February 23
Satisfaction Guaranteed
In Inman evenings and Sundays
by appointment