The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 28, 1943, Image 3

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    Nominated to High Posts by President Roosevelt
Shown above are three men whose nominations to high posts were made by President Roosevelt. Shown
at left is Wiley Rutledge, of the District of Columbia court of appeals, named to be an associate Justice of
the United States Supreme court, to fill vacancy caused by appointment of James F. Byrnes to the office of
Economic Stabilization Director. This is the eighth appointment to the tribunal made by President Roosevelt.
Center: Edward J. Flynn, retiring chairman of the Democratic committee, named for office of minister to
Australia, to succeed Nelson Johnson, who is retiring from the diplomatic service. Right: Prentiss M. Brown,
former Michigan senator, nominated to the office of Price Administrator to fill post made vacant by resig*
nation of Leon Henderson. Ail three nominations were sent to the senate for confirmation.
U. S. Soldiers, Helpers, Train for Arctic Fighting
Sub-zero weather in the white-clad mountains of Wonalancct, N. H., provides all the rigors that would
be encountered on the frozen plains of Russia for men and dogs being trained by the U. S. army. Here you
«ee (left) the army’s sled dogs, trained by Milton Seeley, pulling a machine gun and its operator. In the
picture at upper right the driver flourishes the whip as the dogs puli over a difficult terrain. Lower right:
Under cover of a smoke screen, gas masked army gunners push their machine gun sled units forward in
feigned attack.
‘Good’ Japs in New Guinea
The remains of some “good” Japs—dead ones—are shown lying about
|as an Australian burial party digs graves soon after driving the Japs out
«f the eastern part of Gona, in New Guinea. “Just don’t let anyone tell
you that the Japs aren’t anything but tough,” said one marine corre
spondent. “They are very tricky fighters.”
Nazi Panzer Brass Hat in Tebourba
This photo, received in New York by way of neutral Portugal, shows
an unnamed German panzer general and his staff swaggering through the
streets of Tebourba, Tunisia. This is the town that was captured from
the Allied forces by the Nazis in December.
Leads Russians
One of the youngest generals In
the history of the Russian Red
army, Lieut. Gen. Konstantin Rokos
sovsky (above) is making a bid for
fame by his handling of the great
Don offensive against the Nazis.
General Rokossovsky is in charge of
the drive southwest of Tsimlyansk,
with the Caucasus key city of Ros
tov as the ultimate goal.
Churchill Double
Because of his resemblance to j
Winston Churchill, Dudley Field Ma
lone, noted lawyer, will enact role
of the British leader in a new Holly
wood film production. With Malone
(right) is Manart Kippcu, who will
play Josef Stalin.
Before Senate Agricultural Committee
Top ranking officials of three government agencies are shown as
they appeared before the senate agricultural committee to answer charges
that the army’s system of draft deferment is interfering with farm produc
tion. They are, left to right, Paul V. McNutt, director of war manpower;
Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, draft director, and Secretary of Agriculture
l Claude R. Wickard.
U. S.-China Pact Signed in Washington
A treaty has been signed between the United States and China for
the relinquishment of extraterritorial rights in China, and for the regula
tion of related matters. The treaty was signed in Secretary of State
Cordell Hull’s office. The Chinese ambassador, Dr. Wei Taoming, is using
a brush pen. This is the first time that the language of the Chinese has
been used in signing a treaty. Secretary Hull is shown at the right.
Nazis Take Time Out From Retreat to Eat
The crew of a German field gun have stopped their retreat long
enough to partake of some much-needed food, on the Russian front. These
men of the super race do not seem very happy about the fix they are in, 1
with the Red army hot on their frozen trail. This picture was received in
London from a neutral source after appearing in an Axis magazine.
They Tote Their Own Groceries
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Mrs. Lewis B. Hcrshey, wife of the general who directs the selective
program, is shown (left) and Mrs. Henry Wallace, wife of the vice presi
dent of the United States, is at right. Both ladies are carrying their owrn
packages on a shopping tour as their contribution to the “I'll Carry Mine
Campaign" sponsored by the Office of Defense Transportation. The
idea Is to help conserve vital delivery equipment for the war effort.
Jap Marine Flag
This official navy photo shows ma
rine Private Massaro, of Edgewa
ter, N. J„ proudly exhibiting somi
Japanese war tools that were cap
tured during a fierce engagement or
Guadalcanal (facetiously nicknamed
Death Island by the marines). Gas
masks are hanging on the post be
hind Massaro, while he holds a flag
of the Jap marines.
Studies Big Budget
' Senate Majority Leader Alben W.
Barkley takes a few minutes to
study the largest budget ever sent
to congress—calling for 109 billions.
It will be the majority leader’s prob
I lem to map plans for putting the nec
essary legislation through.
Looking Up, Down
Gov. J. M. Broughton, the tall
head of the North Carolina common
wealth, who is 6 feet 1% inches tall,
is shown here greeting his smallest
legislator in the state capital, Ra
leigh, N. C. The short one Is Billy
Arthur, successful publisher of the
Onslow County News and Views,
who is only 36 inches tall.
Walks 145 Miles
Lieut. W. J. Dooley, U. S. A., Is
shown swearing in Donald B. Shaw
as a member of the U. S. army at
the induction center in Grand Cen
tral Palace, N. Y. Shaw, who is 22,
walked from Albany to New York,
145 miles, part of the way through
rain and snow, to report to his local
draft board.
SELKO OINTMENT. A remedy for hem
orrhoids, burns, wounds. A medicine cab
inet necessity. Wonderful sideline or part
time seller. Send for booklet or 50 cents for
dollar sire tube. Money back guarantee.
Rochester - New York.
533 ON THE
LL —
yi/TTH machines whirring for
defense sewing, it is easy to
save spools for one of these quaint
sets of shelves.
You will need 60 spools; 12% feet
of wire just stiff enough to bend eas
SHELVES — \v <>.-1
POR WIRES V - ■ -yft
ily; and three boards of the size
desired for the shelves. Either a
stain or a paint finish may be used.
• • *
NOTE: These spool shelves are from
Book 3 of the series of eight booklet*
which Mrs. Spears has prepared for our
readers. There are directions for an end
table of spools in Book 5 and a corner
what-not in Book 7. Each of these book
lets contains more than 30 other fascinat
ing things to make for the home. Copies
are 10 cents each postpaid, and should ba
ordered direct from
Bedford Hills New York
Drawer 10
Enclose 10 cents for each book de
Name ...
Address .
Worst Slaves
The worst of slaves are those
that are constantly serving their
Whan cold* start—spread cooling
! Mentholatum inside nostrils. In
stantly it releases vapor “Mentho
lations" that start 4 vital actions*
1) They thin out thick mucus;
2) Soothe irritated membranes;
8) Help reduce swollen passages; 4)
Stimulate nasal blood supply, Uvery
breath bringa quirk relief! Jars 30c.
The word "diamond” was de
rived originally from the Greek
"admas,” meaning adamant.
If you suffer from hot flashes, dizzi
ness, distress of "Irregularities”, are
weak, nervous. Irritable, blue at
times—due to tbe functional
"middle-age" period In a woman’s
life—try Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vege
table Compound—the best-known
medicine you can buy today that's
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Plnkham’s Compound has helped
thousands upon thousands of wom
en to relieve such annoying symp
toms. Follow label directions. Plnk
ham's Compound Is worth trying!
Good-tasting Scott’s Emulsion con
tains the natural A and D Vitamins*
often needed to help build stamina
and resistance! Helps build strong
bones, sound teeth too! Mothers—
give Scott’s Emulsion daily.
p Recommended by Many Doctors