9 jsnr* ^r PIR/YTES>HEAD "•I ISABEL VvAITT. THE STORY SO FAR: Judy Jason. ■ who U telling the story, receives an anonymous letter enclosing $800 and ask ing her to bid (or an abandoned church to be auctioned the next day. She sus pects, In turn, each of the guests at the Inn where she Is staying. They are the Reverend Jonas DeWitt, Lily Kendall, Thaddeus Quincy, Albion Potter, Hugh Norcross and his sister, Bessie. Other possibilities are Aunt Nella and Uncle Wylie, owners of the inn. Judy bids (or the church and gets It. That night she finds a hand protruding from an old sea chest. By a ring she recognizes it as Roddy Lane's. A new guest, Victor Quade, arrives. Now continue with Judy’s story. CHAPTER III “Wylie’s gone to the village to see about gettin’ the sink drain fixed," Aunt Nella murmured drowsily. That meant Rockville beyond Pi rates Neck, where the rest of the boarders probably were. I went down the two flights—Auntie and I have rooms in the attic—and re i ported. “We’ll just have to wait,” Mr. Quincy said. “It’s after ten o’clock. Someone will be along soon. No celebration in Rockville to keep ’em late—fireworks display or silly bon fire.” “I could walk it,” Mr. Quade ob jected. “Only four or five miles, isn’t it?” “If you do, you’ll take Miss Jason and push me, young man!” Victor grinned, and I felt com pletely disarmed. No man with lovely teeth like that could be a cold blooded villain. “Maybe you’re right,” he said. "You’re sure there’s nobody at the castle who could go?” “What do you, a stranger, know about the castle?” “Nothing, except that the garage man said it was empty. I could have the whole grounds to work in. He also recommended Mrs. Gerry’s pies. Can’t beat that combination solitude and good pie.” Someone was coming down the stairs. We all looked up to see Hugh Norcross pausing to smooth his slick hair and straighten an already me ticulously correct tie before he en tered. "Did you knock on my door a while ago, Miss Jason?” “Why, yes, I did. You didn’t an swer. This is Mr. Quade. Mr. Nor cross.” Hugh bowed swiftly and then turned again to me. “I thought it was my sister. Next time it’s you, announce yourself, young lady.” “Nice brother!” “Well, there’s such a thing as self ^ defense. Bessie’s very nervous. Had three fits this evening. Wanted me to thrash Lane for—for what he said to poor Mr. De Witt. Said she’d fix him if he ever came around here again. Tell him a thing or two her self. Why,” he broke off, “what makes you all look so funny? Any thing wrong?” Thaddeus Quincy spoke up: “Where’s Bessie now?" “Sound asleep, thanks be! 1 just peeked.” “And I suppose you were reading —between fits?" Victor Quade asked nonchalantly. < “I was. Ethics of Spinoza, since you ask.” Was he telling the truth? Before we had a chance to tell him about my gruesome discovery in the basement of the church Lily Kendall came toddling into the room and plunked herself down on the nearest •stuffed chair. Gee. I m tuckered! She tanned herself with a chubby ringed hand, fingering her beads with the other. “Well, Judy, 1 see you beat me home. Oh, introduce me! Another hoarder?" Victor Quade received her melt ing smile politely. Mr. Quincy cut in: "Miss Kendall, you’ve been walking, I take it, the long way round. See anybody be tween here and the church?” Lily shook her chin. “Only you down there at the steps. Me, 1 wandered all over, through the Lane castle grounds." She inquired of Mr. Quade. Then, “If you mean the Lane feller, no, I didn't see him. Nobody there, looks like. Why?” I thought the silence would never • end. Victor Quade just stared at Lily till she again demanded, "Why? What you all so mysterious about?” “You didn't know the Lane feller has been killed, I presume?” “Killed! Auto accident?” “Murder." Lily’s pink beads broke and spat tered in all directions. Then her pleasant face lighted. "Oh, boy! Think of the publicity. Wish my niece was here. Pictures all over the newspapers and no fake stuff, either. Why, you couldn’t buy it. Interviews and everything! Who shot him?” “Who said he was shot?” Victor threw at her. “Was he?” “Search me. Maybe somebody stuck a knife in his back. Some body wanted to last night, all rightie. I heard what I heard. And I saw what I saw. I ain’t insinuatin’ noth ing, Mr. Quincy, but you did leave the table first, and I did see you down at the church a little while ago.” Thaddeus Quincy's lip curled. “Oh, surely I marathoned down in my wheel chair and knifed him.” He was looking at Quade now. “Then I cut the telephone wires so the po lice couldn’t be notified.” “You’re sure you didn’t see any body skulking about during your walk?" Mr. Quade asked Lily. “No, sirree. Why ask me? Where’s the rest of the gang? Gone to the movies? Nothing else doin’ in Rockville, so I decided to stay home.” "They ought to be back pretty soon if they have,” Hugh said, of fering cigarettes to everybody. "What’s say you and I wander down the road to meet them, Mr. Quade?" A muffled boom that was not the sea rattled the windows of the old house. No cannon crackers ever made that noise, either. "What was that?” we cried in uni son. "Sounded like an explosion,” Vic tor Quade said. A moment we sat petrified as the rumbling noise of an explosion came to our ears. Hugh Norcross tore up the stairs as Aunt Nella tore down. “Judy, where's your Uncle Wy lie?” She stood just outside the door, but we could all see her bare feet. "What was that noise?” "We don’t know. Auntie. Why don’t you go back to bed? Just somebody celebrating the Fourth.” "Why should she go back to bed?” Mr. Quincy wanted to know. “She’s in this thing, too.” "Don't Mis' Gerry know he’s been killed?" shrilled Lily. Aunt Nella keeled but caught her self. Victor sprang to help her into the room, while we all explained at once it wasn’t her husband who’d been murdered. "Lane!” Aunt Nella sat up trem bling. “Bessie! And I don’t blame her a mite.” (Trust the Head to re member a five-year-old scandal!) Hugh was back. “Keep my sis ter’s name out of this. She didn’t hear the—the explosion, thanks be.” "Get your aunt dressed. Miss—is it Jason? Come on, you.” Mr. Quade grabbed hold of Hugh’s arm. “Let’s Victor Quade received her melt ing smile politely. investigate. Something happened down the road. Accident probably. May need help.” “Wait. Want my first-aid kit?” “Good girl. Hurry.” 1 ran upstairs to the medicine closet, where I'd marked a shoe box on a top shelf “first aid.” It had sterilized gauze, adhesive tape, an iodine swab and vaseline in it. But the kit wasn’t needed, after ali. I'd barely reached the front hall when two cars brought home the rest of our guests. They joined the others, while Lily, Hugh, Mr. Quincy in his chair, and Aunt Nella, who'd managed to get into her robe but stood shivering in bare feet, plied them with questions. I began to count them, all talking at once about the explosion: Al bion Potter and the Rev. Jonas De Witt, but where was Uncle Wylie? "Where’s Wylie?” lisped Aunt Nella. I put my arm around her "He's all right or they’d say so. The explosion wrecked the bridge.” “What bridge? I don't remember a bridge between here and the main land.” Victor Quade said. “Dark when 1 came in. The fog and all." "You wouldn’t notice it at night,” Hugh said. "Just a short affair over a bit of the Neck. Pirate's Head is really an island.” "Mean a person could walk across? Marshland, isn’t it?” “No. Not there. Rocky. Dan gerous currents. Regular rip tide. Take a mighty strong swimmer, that gap. The water swirls and eddies into a regular whirlpool. Darned narrow escape they had. if you ask me.” It was difficult to find out what’d happened when all made such a din. But the bridge had blown up not long after the two cars had crossed safely over. They'd both stopped and gone back, but had seen no body, and so come on. All agreed the bridge was out of commission, either by a bomb or dynamite. “The murderer did it, of course,” shrilled Lily, “so's he could make a getaway before we called the po lice.” "Murderer!" They gasped, wide eyed. "Oh, dear! Where’s my hus band?" piped Aunt Nella. The Reverend De Witt stood up. "Don’t be alarmed, my good wom an. He’s out in the car.” He boomed oratorically on all occasions, even now. "Is he hurt? Why doesn’t he come in?” Aunt Nella started for the door, j Albion Potter blocked the way. "I’ll get him, Mrs. Gerry. He isn't hurt.” A sort of sickly grin crept round his mouth. "Just slightly— slightly—” “—under the weather? He’ll sleep it off,” grinned Lily Kendall. "Mr. Potter and I brought him home with us,” the clergyman said as Aunt Nella wriggled past him with a loud "H’mmmpl” He spread his hand as if he were giving the benediction. “Now what’s all this about a murder?” “Suppose you talk, Quade,” Thad deus Quincy said. “This young man, Victor Quade, is a writer. He ar rived at the Head in a trailer to write fiction, inspired by the inn pies and the Lane estate. That right?” Victor smiled. “In a way. Go t• on. “No, you go on. Tell ’em the whole business. We’re all here but Wylie Gerry, and he’s ‘hors de com bat.’ ” "That’s French for drunk,” Lily whispered to me. “Ain’t this thrill ing? My, I’m glad I didn’t go to Bar Harbor.” Victor Quade took the floor and gave the facts as he knew them. How he’d arrived after dark and waited in the inn parlor till we found him. How Mr. Quincy and I had gone down to the church for my handbag to find a key to fit Bessie Norcross’ door, and how I’d seen Lane’s dead hand sticking out of the lid of the sea chest in the cellar. How the wires of the phone had been found cut. And now the bridge blown up. “We’re trapped. Miss Kendall was right. Whoever killed Lane had no intention of our getting back to town tonight to get the police,” Hugh said. "What are we going to do?” "We’re going to keep quiet and let Mr. Quade talk,” Mr. Quincy said, thumping his cane. “The rest of us were just one happy family till he came along. Let him contin ue. Maybe he'll give himself away.” "Right.” Victor showed those marvelous teeth of his in a smile which could make anyone believe him a saint. “The question is, what are we to do? I would have called the police, but my car is in a Rock ville garage. Now your cars are useless on account of the bridge. It’s high tide. Anyone feel like swim ming across, and then walking the —Just how far is it?” The bridge is about half a mile from the Head and four miles from town. Hugh said he was darned if he’d leave his sister at a time like that. Mr. Quincy shook his head resignedly. That left only the Rev erend, who boomed his swimming days were over, and Victor Quade. "It would be suicide for me,” Vic tor said. “Doctor’s orders. This trailer business, with the dabbling at writing, is because I’m recovering from a recent illness." "But the police will be here, any way, won’t they?” De Witt said. "They must have heard the explo sion in Rockville.” ine men aouDtea it. certainly it hadn't sounded very loud in the inn parlor so close by. If they did hear it, they'd put it down to shin digs the night before the Fourth The milkman would be coming to the Head—when? Not till around noon! "Let’s see—it’s now 11 o’clock. The explosion occurred — when? Quarter of?" We let it go at approximately that. The movies close early in Rock ville, and the two cars had come along together. "Perhaps the police will come Meanwhile, why don’t we all try to act as normally as possible until dayl—” He broke off as a shrill cry from outside came from Aunt Nella. "Wylie! Wyliiiiie!" We hadn't noticed that Albion Potter, who’d gone out with my aunt, had come back and was stand ing in the doorway. “He—he wasn’t in the car. Mrs. Gerry," he stam mered. "She’s hunting all over cre ation in her bare feet. He can’t be far." "No, 1 should imagine not,’ boomed the preacher. He broke off and suggested, after some hesita tion: “If—if the water isn’t too rough, I could row a boat." Yes, and es cape, I couldn’t but think. Hadn't Lane called him Smith? Maybe he was an ex-convict. "You could not,” Mr. Quincy said with finality. “Isn’t any.” And that was that. “I’m going after my aunt. Will someone come with me. She’ll know." “I will." Hugh was on one side and Victor Quade on the other. But the whole crowd followed. We hadn’t gone six yards before Aunt Nella gave a thin piercing scream that sounded down toward the sea. “Help! HelUlllp!" Pellmell into the fog we ran. "Coming, Auntie!” 1 called in an swer to her call for help. (TO BE CONTINUED) Lounging Apparel Has One Aim— To Keep You as Warm as Ever! By CIIERIE NICHOLAS LET north winds blow and let it snow and snow! Nor can drastic fuel rationing frighten us at all this season now that Dame Fashion has taken the matter in hand, popping right up impromptu with a very fine priorities “keep warm” 'plan all her own. Her magic prescription for keeping warm, happy and serene during chilly days and nights? It’s warm, cuddly lounging robes and nightwear as lovely as can be and every whit as practical and "com fy” as lovely. So “cheerio” is the word, for though the thermometer reads in terms of patriotic degrees, you may relax in comfort in en chanting well-padded and cold-defy ing housecoats, lounging pajamas, dressing gowns and nighties that will laugh at draughts and banish the shivers. The use of glamorous fabrics for these new leisure styles has made them as elegant as they are luxuri ously comfortable. This “stay-at home” program, enforced now that unnecessary travel is taboo, isn't going to be so bad after all if we are going to be privileged to wear beguiling indoor apparel fashioned of such luscious rayon fabrics as jewel-toned, crush-resistant velvets, supple crepes, sleek satins and crisp taffetas sharing honors with deep piled rayon fleeces and oh-so-comfy, kitten-soft spun rayon flannels for eye-fetching long-sleeved lounging styles of unusual grace and charm. For coolish evenings at home when the thermometer is low, fash ion gives us strikingly styled cover up hostess pajamas and housecoats in warm crush-resistant velvet or soft draping crepes or satins de signed to grace the drawing room as well as the boudoir. Warm and lovely is the gracious housecoat cen tered in the above illustration. There's a delectable color harmony achieved in combining soft orchid rayon satin with crush-resistant ray on velvet in a deep amethyst tone, as the designer did for this charm ing creation. The softly tied sash holds the fashionable surplice clos ing snugly in place. Warm as toast and pretty as a pic ture is the fitted and flared robe to the left in the group. It uses lav ishly quilted rayon satin in glamor ous "icing” pink. Wide collar points add flattery at the neck and a matching sash ties softly at the trim waistline. And while we are deal ing with the quilted theme, here’s a fascinating bit of fashion news— it’s the new-this-season use of myri ads of lace ruffles on quilted coats of gaily printed taffeta or crepe. Gives the prettily feminine touch! Perhaps the most exciting event that is taking place in the realm of boudoir fashions is the revival of the long-sleeved nightgown. At last we’ve had to admit that grandma had the right idea when she slum bered peacefully in long sleeved “nighties." And now that we are proving for ourselves the comfort and satisfaction of long sleeves, the lingerie departments all report just one request after another for "a nightgown with long sleeves, please.” What’s more, the nightgowns with long sleeves are being so prettily styled you feel the urge to buy at first sight. Then, too, they are made of soft, warmish fabrics the very feel of which glows with warmth. Never on record has there been such a “rush” for flannelette long-sleeved gowns. And if you are quite dis criminating in your taste you’ll be charmed with the idea of dainty spun rayon challis for your night robe. The quaint and lovely "cov ered-up" nightgown shown to the right in the above picture is both warm and flattering in fine rose printed challis. Note how winsome ly it is trimmed with wide lace ruf fles at neck and sleeve. Released by Westeii, Newspaper Union. Huge Muffs If you want to make a stunning appearance wherever you go this winter, choose a suit of bright red wool like that pictured above. See to it that the collarless jacket fas tens at the waist with a large jet button, for a touch of jet on your costume is a stroke of genius when it comes to interpreting smart fash ion these days. To carry out your costume theme to perfection, com plement your bright red suit with a blouse of black sheer wool, wear a tall-crowned hat that glories in a wealth of fur matched to the huge silver fox muff you carry. Fashion especially emphasizes the impor tance of enormous muffs. Floral Huttons Enhance FI otter-Toned Ensembles The mad rush for buttons will con tinue right on into spring according to latest reports from fashion head quarters All the style previews give evidence of a renewed enthusiasm for decorative buttons. The new plastic buttons in the same color of the suit or dress fabric seen on so many of the spring costumes are really beautiful. Suits featured in flower colors take on buttons that work out such fas cinating schemes as purple suits and dresses with pansy buttons, or vio lets if you prefer, Lily-of-the-valley button motifs done in plastic en hance suits that accent green tones. The continuation of jeweled buttons on the spring fashions, especially rhinestones, is welcome news. Snow Togs Have Bright Linings and Gay Colors In skating suits wool of Shetland type is best liked with warm inter lining for the jacket and velveteen for the collar. Norwegian blue, black, red and dark green are favor ite colors. The princess style dress in red corduroy is a leader. It is also popu lar in velveteen. Skirts in bright Shetland wool or velveteen, made circular and lined with bizarre patch work print cotton are also favorites. Good Tweeds There is a decided trend toward sane, careful buying this fall, seen in the tendency to seek the best quality materials and reliable work manship, This is reflected in the fact that there is an increased de mand for quality tweeds in both suits and coats. I STAGE ^EEN RAD,0 By VIRGINIA VALE Released by Western Newspaper Union. SAID my favorite taxi driv er, “So I picks up this couple, and as we starts off he says something to her, and his voice is so familiar that I looks around, and sure enough, it’s Ronald Colman. He thinks I didn’t get the ad dress, and says it again, and I says ‘I know, but Mr. Col man, I had to look at you; I seen all your pictures.' So he's regu lar; he moves to the jump seat, and we talk, and I tell him which pic tures I didn’t like, and why. And he agrees with me; he didn’t like ’em either. Then he laughs and says: ‘What do you think of my wife?’ And I says: ‘I always knew you was a good actor; now I know you’re a good picker too!’ ” Incidentally, Mr. Colman was In New York for a rest, after com pleting "Stand By for Action"; "Random Harvest,” the very good picture which he did with Greer Garson, was packing the huge Radio City Music Hall to the roof. -* When Mary Martin leaped to star dom by singing "My Heart Belongs to Daddy” in a Broadway musical, she wore a fur coat. Back In New York to appear on CBS’ "Stage Door MARY MARTIN Canteen,” she gave it to John S. Staniszewski, America’s most torpe doed seaman—it’ll be made into a fur vest and worn on that North At lantic run, if Staniszewski can bear to have it cut up! -* Twenty 16 mm. prints of "Star Spangled Rhythm,” an all-star Para mount musical, have been presented by the motion picture industry’s War Activities committee to the army; they’ll go to battle stations in vari ous parts of the world. -* *T Dood It” is now before the cameras at Metro’s Culver City Stu dios, with Red Skelton providing the laughs, Eleanor Powell (who’s talk ing about quitting picture-making,) performing some spectaculardances, and Jimmy Dorsey and his band I providing the music. -* Just received a copy of "Salute,” the smart little 20-page magazine which RKO prints and mails to near ly 600 service men from the parent or affiliated companies. RKO's the first movie company to do this for its men and girls who've joined the armed forces; "Salute” gives them news from home and gives them a directory of other RKO-ites who’ve joined up. -* The Irving Pichels certainly have an interest in "The Moon Is Down,” now in the making at 20th Century Fox. Violette Wilson (Mrs. Pichel) is appearing in it, and Pichel is directing the picture and also play ing a tavern-keeper. -* When Marguerite Chapman's 18 year-old brother joins up he’ll be the fourth to enter the navy. Fred’s in Panama, Ed’s in Hawaii, Harold’s on the East coast. And Marguerite’s playing a sailor’s daughter in Co lumbia's "Destroyer,” to make it complete. -* Grade Allen takes her regular l radio shows in her stride. But after a recent one she made a 15-minute recording with George, Jack Benny and Eddie Cantor for the Office of War Information’s gas rationing campaign—and had a bad case of i stage fright! -X Paul Muni is the star of Broad j way’s revival of “Counsellor-at \ Law,” but the curtain wouldn’t ring up on Saturdays it Ann Thomas didn’t do a bit of hustling. "Abie’s Irish Rose” goes off the air at 8:30 p. m., and Ann leaps for the theater, to open the play at 8:35, in her role of switchboard operator. —*— ODDS AND ENDS Somehow Ilka Chase and Mary Mar tin persuaded Herbert Hoover to wink when they were photographed with him after appearing on CBS’s Stage Door I Canteen program. If alter O’Keefe wants to make a per sonal tour of Alaskan service camps; if he does, his "Battle of the Sexes” pro gram on NBC will be broadcast from | the If esl coast. ff hen Mickey Rooney and Judy Gar land start work together in “Girl Crazy” it will mark their eighth picture as a team; they joined talents first in “Thor oughbreds Don’t Cry,” in 1937. HOUSEHOLD Mirtraaa Dip the knot on the end of that new halter rope in glue and let it dry a few days before you use it, and you won’t have any trouble keeping the knot in it. Better use waterproof glue if you can get it. • • • A few cranberries added to ap plesauce when cooking will give it a delightfully new and interesting flavor. • • • If a fruit pie runs out in the oven, sprinkle salt over the spilled Juice and the oven will not become filled with smoke. • • • To oil a door lock, dip key into oil and turn several times in lock. • • • When liquid glue has hardened so as to be unfit for use, try soft ening it with a bit of hot vinegar, just a little at a time. • * • When removing good buttons from wornout overalls, cut about two inches of the surrounding cloth with the button. This can be used on other overalls where the button has been pulled out— the button and patch are in one piece. Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Half-Bushel Pockets American mothers who despair over their son’s junk-filled pockets should be glad that Junior wasn’t born in Korea. Korean men have their pockets in their sleeves; ca pacity is half a bushel! NO ASPIRIN candomorefor you than St. Joseph Aspirin. So why pay more? World’s largest seller at 10*. 36 tablets 20*, 100 for only 36*. Use of Reindeer Approximately 35,000 reindeer are consumed yearly in Alaska by the native Indians and Eskimos for food and clothing. Gas on Stomach RiUfVBd In S minutes or double money back When ex roes stomach add causes painful, auffoceb* lug gaa. auur stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known fur symptomatic relief—madicinaa like those In Bell-am Tablet*. No laxative. Bell-ana bring* comfort m_0 jiffy or doable your money beck on return of bottle to as. 26c at all druggists. Continents of Salt If all the salt were taken from the oceans it would make 4,500,000 cubic miles—14% times the size of Europe above high-water mark. Use at first 0 sign of a 444, TABLETS, SALVE, NOSE DROPS, COUGH DROPS. fry "Rub-My-TUm"—a Wonderful Linlunl I -r ■ ■ UNITED STATES BONDS AND STAMPS 1||B May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with Its hurry end worry. Irregular habits, improper eating and drinking—its risk of exposure and infec tion—throws heavy strain on the work of the kidneys. They are apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid and other impurities from the life-giving blood. You may suffer nagging backache, headache, dizziness, getting up nights, leg pains, swelling—feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doan's PilU. Doan't help the kidneys to pass off harmful excess body waste. They have had more than half n century of public approval. Are recom mended by grateful users everywhere. Ask your neighbor! I 1 I I You find them announced in the columns of this paper by merchants of our community who do not feel they must keep the quality of their merchan I dise or their prices under cover. It is safe to buy of the mer chant who ADVERTISES.