THE FRONTIER D. H. Cronin. Editor and Owner Entered at PostofTice at O’Neill, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter " SUBSCRIPTION One Year, in Nebraska-$2.00 One Year, Outside Nebraska 2.25 Every subscription is regarded I as an open account. The names of subscribers will be instantly removed from our mailing list at expiration of time paid for, if the publisher shall be notified; other wise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscrip tion price. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract between publisher and subscriber. Display advertising is charged for on a basis of 25c an inch (one column wide) per week. Want ads 10c per line, first insertion. Subsequent insertions 5c per line BRIEFLY STATED Frank Biglin made a business trip to Omaha last Saturday. Charlie Schroeder went to Nor folk Monday on a business trip. Don Ferris of Santa Anita, Cal., visited friends in O'Neill last Sunday. Miss Roberta Baher of Wayne spent the week-end visiting Miss Ruth Ann Biglin. Mrs. Henry Martin and son and Mrs. Alfred Drayton went to Om aha on Monday. Mrs. Bob Cook returned Sun day from Omaha, after visiting her sons for a week. Stewart Chambers will leave Thursday for Niobrara to visit his wife and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Goldie Liddy will leave on Friday for Columbus, to visit her son and daughter and their fam ilies over the holidays. Misses Loris and Doris Crippen will leave Thursday for Chamber lain, S. D., to visit relatives and friends over the holidays. 3 The Ordeal of the Family Budget * * PITY the poor budget! Even under peace time conditions he leads a strenuous life, but now he’s really under fire. Ten percent for War Bonds, a big slice for taxes, ever growing pressure from the rising cost of living — and on top of it all provision must be made for regular bank deposits. Impossible? No it isn't, if you face the grim facts that this is war, and that you must make sacrifices and give up things you thought essential. Organize our budget for victory without delay. O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK O’NEILL, NEBRASKA Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Miss Margaret Halva, who is a student nurse at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Lincoln, will arrive Thursday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Halva. Miss Mabel Osenbaugh arrived home Wednesday from Lincoln, OUTLAW MARKETS O’Neill and Butte RED HOT OUTLAWNEWS Your new ration book is coming about Jan. 1. 150,000,000 have been printed. It will contain 8 pages of 24 coupons, total of 184 coupons. You as a civilian will have many of your foods rationed. It is planned to ration meat, milk and its products, butter and canned goods. There will be much less of many things to eat. You will be urged to eat more whole-wheat bread, less white bread. You’ll find milk and its products far less plentiful. You will be pinched in meats and canned gooods. Baby foods will equal 1942. That will be im portant in view of the big baby crop. All in all, the food situation is to tighten mark edly during 1943. The grocery stores over the na tion are emptying very fast. Few replacements can be had. VISIT OUR STORE NOW while we have lots of goods and while the wholesale houses are keep ing us in hot water for money. The finest brands of canned goods — Libby’s, Yellowstone, Black bird, Lushus — lowest prices in the state. BUY NOW WHILE WE HAVE A LOT OF GOODS WE CAN’T REPLACE Varney’s Fancy Sugar Corn, 2 No. 2 cans for.......23c Grapefruit Juice, y2 gallon ..........27c Tomato Juice, y2 gallon._......23c Pineapple Juice, y2 gallon...... 39c Carnation Milk, large size, any amount you want at.......9i^c Dried Peas—to take the place of canned peas—2 lb. bag for....24c Yellow Popcorn that pops—2 lbs..15c Polly Green Tea, 3 oz. pkg.....15c Blackbird Extra Sweet Gelatin Powders, 3 pkgs. for.....Me 0. K. Bran Flakes, large.™..7c Ernst’s Honey Cornflakes, Large size pkg. 8c; 2 pkgs. for.....15c Fresh Cookies, Sweet, 7 kinds to pick from, per lb_____15c Dill or Sweet Pickles, jar____5c COFFEE—Butternut or Maxwell House, Drip or regular, lb. cans or jar....™... 32c Pumpkin, No. 2i/2 size, quarts, 2 cans for_____ 23c Kraut, 2i/2 quart size, 2 cans for___™...37c or y2 gallon size for...___32c Large Ripe Olives, 2 cans for__15c CHERRIES—Fancy dark in heavy syrup, No. 2 cans______23c RAISINS—Fancy large, 2 lbs. for _ 25c PRUNES—Large 40-50, 2 lbs. for.. _ 27c SOUP BONES, per lb.™™..ZIII ,4c FRESH FISH OF ALL KINDS Whiting Fish, headless, dressed, 2 lbs...29c REX LYE, per can__ _ 7C LEWIS LYE, per can...._ ol LIGHTHOUSECLEANER^ large... 5c Visit Our Store — Check Quality and Prices where she attends the University of Nebraska, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Osenbaugh. Mary June Walker of Denver, Colo., arrived Tuesday to visit relatives and friends over the hol idays. Mrs. Minnie Stump of Erie, Pa., arrived Wednesday to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. R. M. Sauers. Bob Sauers of Fullerton, Calif., arrived Wednesday to attend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. R. M. Sauers. Bill O’Connell of Washington, D. C., arrived Saturday to visit his parents and other relatives and friends over the holidays. Miss Helen Toy of Chadron came last Friday to visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Toy, for the next two weeks. Ruth Ann Biglin of Petersburg, Nebr., arrived Friday to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Biglin. Dr. W. F. Finley and Mrs. Frank Phalin left Tuesday for Chicago, 111., to visit relatives and friends over the holidays. Leona French of Omaha came Sunday to visit her parents, Dr. and Mrs. O. W. French, over the Christmas holidays. John Flood of Baltimore, Md., arrived Sunday to spend the hol idays visiting his parents and other relatives and friends. Miss Hazel Iler, who attends Duschene College, Omaha, arriv ed here last Saturday to spend the Christmas holidays with rel atives and friends. Infection in the mouth caused by decayed teeth is just as bad for the health as infection in the arm or hand.—Dr. Fisher, Den tist. 33-1 Miss Mary Lois Mohr will leave Thursday for Atkinson to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mohr, and other relatives and friends. Ed O’Donnell of Okmulgee, Oklohoma, arrived Tuesday to spend Christmas with relatives and friends. Neil Brennan, who attends Iowa State College, at Ames, ar rived home last Thursday to visit his parents, Colonel and Mrs. F. M. Brennan, and other relatives and friends. Mbs. Fay Miles left Tuesday for Valentine to spend the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Edna Selden. Mr. Miles will leave for Valen tine on Friday. Gene Higgins, who attends Creighton University in Omaha, is expected to arrive home Thurs day to spend the holidays visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Higgins. Rose Mary Biglin of Hot Springs, S. D., arrived last Satur day to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Biglin, over the hol idays. Max Medcalf, student at the Chillicothe Business College, at Chillicothe, Mo., is home to spend the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Med calf, of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cams, of Plainview will arrive Friday to spend Christmas with Mrs. Cams’ mother, Mrs. Jane Har nish and other relatives and friends. Miss Lanone Miles, of Grand Island, will come Thursday to spend Christmas visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Miles and other relatives and friends over the holidays. Archie Bright, who attends Wayne State Teachers’ college, at Wayne, arrived today to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Bright. Pvt. Bill Taylor, of Camp Car son, Col., arrived in O’Neill Tues Brown - McDonald’s Price Slashing Year End AFTER XMAS SALE STARTS SATURDAY, DEC. 26 AT 9 A. M. The year end fashion and apparel clearaway that sets a fast pace for value-giving. Add new life to your wardrobe for New Year’s and other occasions at savings that make buying now seem like another visit from Santa. COATS ££ S9J7 COATS zz $1477 COATS $1977 DRESSES v $3-77 DRESSES - *577 £ - Wash Dresses «*?» $1-39 SUITS *1477 ,r SUITS *1977 O’COATS r *1377 SHOES ^ *2-47 SHOES srs *1-97 FALL HATS 77c Felt hats formerly priced up to $2.95. One big: RToup at this year-end low price. Men’s Sweaters, Hutton Part wool, 40 to 46._ 98c Men’s Dress Shirts $1.35 value, buy several_ $1.19 Outing Flannel, 36-Inch » Dark and light patterns __ 19c PLAID BLANKETS Single double bed size, special purchase. 69c Men’s Cotton Anklets 101/2-12, black, white, tan. 10c day night to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor and other relatives and friends. The Delta Dek Club had their annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Mabel Gatz on last Thursday evening. Christmas gifts were exchanged among the members. Mrs. Dick Tomlinson went to Omaha and Nebraska City last Friday. Her son, Mickey, who at tends school in Nebraska City, came home with her. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wyant came home last Friday from East Chain, Minn., where they had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Monson, for several days. Bill Froelich of Chicago, 111., arrived Sunday to spend Christ mas visiting his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka will spend Christmas at Clarkson, visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. H. Semon of Spencer ar rived Wednesday to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Tom Sullivan, over Christmas. Roy Lundgren, who attends the University of Nebraska at Lin coln, arrived home Wednesday to spend Christmas with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lund gren. Mrs. J. M. Hayes went to Fre mont Sunday, to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Roy Castron of Lincoln, ciime Thursday to attend the funeral of Phil Zeimer. John Brennan went to Lincoln last Friday to visit relatives and friends for several days. Bob Hanson of Pierce spent Sunday in O’Neill visiting rel atives and friends. Miss Randa Rustemeyer, of Bonesteel, S. D., visited Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Downey last week. Mary Lou Ernst, of Sioux City, spent the week end here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vitt. M. F. O’Donnell, of Dallas, Texas, arrived Tuesday to spend Christmas with relatives and friends. The Misses Nancy Froelich, Bar bara Birmingham and Patti Keiser went to Sioux City Tuesday. Mrs. Homer Mullen spent the week-end in Scribner visiting her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harnish of Norfolk spent Wednesday here visiting Mrs. Jane Harnish. James Herre of Kansas City, Mo., came home Wednesday to spend the Christmas holidays vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Herre. Miss Mary Carney left this morning for Sioux City, Iowa, where she will spend Christmas with her sister, Mrs. L. F. Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones went to Fremont on business last Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parker, Mrs. Jensen and Dorothy Liewer of Inman were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. McCartney here last Sunday. The Misses Isabelle and Teresa O’Malley, of Denver, Col., came Wednesday to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. O’Malley over the holidays. Mr, and Mrs. C. E Jones will spend Christmas with relatives and friends at Hordville, Nebr. Miss Dorothy Moore, who at tends Dusehtne College, Omaha, came last Friday to visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Moore, over Christmas. Mrs. Jeannie Scott is spending Christmas in Creighton with the Carl Oppen family. Mrs. Thomas Wyant of Atkin son will spend Christmas here with her husband and other rel atives and friends. Official Proceedings Of The Holt County Board O’Neill, Nebr., Sept. 30, 1942, 1:00 P.M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants order ed drawn on Unemployment Re lief Fund in payment of same: Margarete Howard _$ 80.00 A1 Miller .. 5.00 Thad E. Saunders __ 30.40 (Continued on Page Five) i