W ' - STOCKMEN! Monday, December 7th, marked off one year at War for the U. S. A, Our (lovern* ment is depending on her Divestockmen to provide the necessary meat for us and our Allies. All together— let’s keep it rolling! llrinif your surplus livestock to this market and ffet top returns—where buyer and seller meet. Auction Every Monday O’Neill Live Stock Com. Co. Phone 2 O’Neill, Nebraska CLOSING OUT I am closing out our entire stock of Goods at about one-third of their original price, and will sell land and building, or trade for a good farm. This land and building are clear and will trade for land that is free from debt. We are quitting because of poor health. We also have the post office here, which will be transferred to the buyer of this property. John Wrede, Redbird, Nebr. Supervisors' Proceedings (Continued from page four) called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion were ap proved as read. Motion by Smith, seconded by Gibson, that the following list of Jurors for the November terms of Court be approved. Carried. District One Emmet, Henry Kloppenberg, Sewell Johnson, Emmet. Dustin, Edwin Engler, Dustin. Cleveland, Lawrence Lofquist Stuart, Nebr. Coleman, Chester Ross, Spen cer, Nebr. Saratoga, John Damero, O’Neill, Nebr. Rock Falls, Francis Johnson, Orville Thorson, O’Neill, Nebr. Pleasantview, Henry Winkler, Atkinson, Nebr. District Two Steel Creek, Lloyd Brady, Rob ert Wiley, Dorsey. Scott, Charlie Schollmeyer, Dorsey, Nebr. Paddock, George Hansen, Sam Robertson, O’Neill, Nebr. Shields, Walter Brennan, Harry Graham, O’Neill, Nebr. Willowdale, William Derickson, Star, Nebr. Iowa, E. J. Allen, Page, Nebr. Antelops, A. G. Pritchett, Page, Nebraska. District Three O’Neill First Ward, L .M. Mer riman, Elmer Hagensick, Joe Martin, Mike Kirwin, O’Neill, Ne braska. O’Neill, Second Ward, T. J. Coyne, John McManus, Maurice Wallace, O’Neill, Nebr. O’Neill, Third Ward, Neil Ryan, John Harbottle, Mike Johnson, Ed Gunn, O’Neill, Nebr. Grattan, William Cuddy, Joe Peter, William Sparks, James Kelly. District Four Deloit, Alvin Thramer, Ewing, Nebraska. Ewing, Nels Christensen. Joseph Hintz, Ed Fergesen, Ewing, Nebr. Golden, A. E. Ponton, Ewing, Nebr.; H. M. Helmricks, Orchard, Nebraska. Verdigris, Myron French, John Friday, Albert Whitney, Harold Heiss, Page, Nebr. District Five Chambers, Glenn Williams, Chambers; Arnie, Mace, O’Neill; T. J. Osborn. Dick Porter, Cham bers, Nebraska. Conley, J. B. Honeywell, John Albers, Chambers, Nebraska. Inman, Herbert Rouse, Dave Morsback. Harry Appleby, Inman. Nebraska. Wyoming, Edgar Peterson, Amelia, Nebraska. Shamrock. James Cavanaugh. Chambers, Nebraska. bake, Pit I'flvrl, ftitij Hr hmrska DUItltt Alt Swan, ft a emend Cat wood Amelia. Nebraska Holt Creek, F J I'oiwvrlnr, Alktnson, Nebraska Francis, Albert t.emmet, At kinson. Nebr Green Valley, Fd Frrtdel Stuart. Nebraska Stuart, Waiter Ouart, Atous Cans. Hubert Kohle, IVter Ham old. BUI Hoffman, Fred Straeke Stuart. Nebraska District Sevan Atkinson. Find Want, Frank Hoyt, Bernard Biaekmore, Atkin son, Nebraska. Atkinson, Second Want, Charles Dugan. P J, Keating, Atkinson, Nebraska. Atkinson, Third Ward. H. J O'Connor, Charles Gonderlnger, John Harley, Jr.. Atkinson. Nchr Atkinson Precinct. Farl Peury, Alfred Karda, Atkinson, Nebr.; W P, Morgan. Stuart. Nebraska Sheridan. Herman Kaup. Frank Hemel, Atkinson. Nebr. Sand Creek, A. O Hammerberg, Atkinson. Nebraska. Fairview, Elmer, Fix, Amelia, Nebraska. 12:00 Noon, on motion. Board adjoudned until 1:00 P. M. Ed J. Matousek, Chairman John C. Gallagher. Clerk. BRIEFLY STATED Bernie Matthews, of Lincoln, came up Wednesday on a business trip. Mrs. Anna Davis, of Ewing, vis ited friends in O’Neill Wednes day. Give WAR STAMPS with War j Stamp Christmas Cards. At Pen ney’s. 32-1 Circle 2 of the Presbyterian church had a party at the home of Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh Thurs day afternoon. Miss Mary Lois Mohr spent the week-end in Atkinson visiting her parents and other relatives and friends. Pfc. Harold Donohoe. of Fort Lewis, Wash., arrived Thursday to spend several days visiting rel atives and friends. Mrs. Francis Kelly left Friday for Fort Robinson, Arkansas, to join her husband, who is stationed there. The employees of the Brown McDonald store had their annual Christmas dinner at 7:30 at the Golden hotel on Thursday. Gifts were exchanged. William Kubitischek came home Thursday from Omaha, where he attends Creighton University, to spend the holidays with his par ents, Dr. and Mrs. Kubitschek and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Ed Feuer went to Lincoln on Thursday to spend the Christ mas holidays with her daughter, who is in the Orthepedic hospital. Thomas J. Hudson, of Sterling. Colorado, who has been visiting his daughter nad son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Miles, left for home Saturday. The Tuesday Afternoon Club had their annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Jerry Miller on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Harri son Bridge was the assisting hos tess. After a 7 o’clock dinner the doesn’t wear a uniform r... but she is in the thick of war activity just the same The telephone operator has a very important part in speeding up activities to win the war. Many oi the calls she handles help to make planes, tanks, bombs and bullets—to produce, process and transport food products—to send an ever-increasing amount of war supplies into dis tant lands where the war is fought Farms, factories, mines, mills, army camps, wax plants of every kind—her fingers ioin one to an other instantly, supplying the voice-to-voice con tact which is quickening the nation's war effort. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY g||p*ts I'lpVwl KW* (‘HilMiDH* gilt* wit exvhangv t pnttmi thv membet# |»i>n Flkins of Omaha (tm# lav fVhtav to visit with iv'ntttSra and filemt* fw a few day* Mtis Fvattvl* Mm t'H v eiitei taint'd hot budge dub at bet home Tuesday evening at a Christmas party Mm It tt Parker and Mea Mats ! date won high settee# Christmas gifts were exchanged Bab and Juntof Rhttt'tuaket who attend Creighton University arrived home Thursday to attend the Christmas holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs John Shoe maker, and other rt'latives The Catholic Daughters had their annual Christmas (tarty Wednesday evening at the Uold en hvttel After a delicious lunch the evening was spent play n, bridge. Mrs. Zastrow receivt high scttre, Mrs. William Martin low and Mrs Vhl traveling Tony Toy has received order from the Navy to report in Kans.i City. December 23. bg- activ« duty. He expects to leave Sun day for Lincoln, for a few day visit there and then to Kansa City. He expects to be sent to the Iowa Naval Prc Flight schoo at Iowa City. Iowa. Citizens of O'Neill quite gener ally observed the tryout Blackout last Friday night, which lasted from 9 to 9:12 o'clock, p m. A few residents of the city had for gotten about it and failed to put out their lights at the signal from the fire whistle, but practically all of them quickly extinguished them when the fact was called to their attention. J. D. Cronin returned from Rochester, Minn., last Monday afternoon. He had gone to Ro chester the latter part of No vember and about a month ago submitted to a major operation there. The operation was success ful and he returned home feeling much better than he has for a couple of months. Wiley S. Barnes, who has been the sheriff of Boyd county for the past eight years, died at his home in Butte the first of the week, fol lowing a heart attack suffered last week. Sheriff Barnes was well known in this city andj county and was very popular in his own county, having been re elected for another term this fall. i EMMET NEWS Mrs. Leon Beckwith and daugh ter, Leona Feme, called at the Maggie Siders home last Thurs day evening Callers at the Wm. Schmohr home Wednesday evening were Mr. and Mrs Ed Wayma i ard family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph I«eidy and family of O'Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith and family. Miss Ilene Crutch is on the sick list and dismissed school on Fri day. Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Ruth Wagman and Mrs. John Lowery were business call ers in O'Neill on Monday. Miss Shirley Schaeffer was a week-end guest of Lois Cole. John Luben of Kansas City spent the past week visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Luben. Francis Luben returned to the Great Lakes Naval Training Sta tion near Chicago last Friday, af ter spending a short furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Luben. Mrs. Emma Maring and son. Oliver, and Miss Beulah Siders were dinner guests at the Homer Lowery home last Sunday. The South Side Improvement Club filled kits for the soldiers at the home of Mrs. Pat McGinnis on Tuesday. Sergeant Carl Luben arrived from Alaska on Monday evening to visit at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Luben. Mrs. Guy Cole made a business trip to Omaha last week. INMAN ITEMS Lorin Keyes of Fort Walters. Texas, spent ten days wi#i hi parents. Mr. and Mi's. F. E. Keyes. Bill Watson arrived home Tues MICKIE SAYS— r-^ OUTSIDE PRlUTlUG CONCERNS SPEWO MO MOMEY HERE ’M PAY MO TAXES'^ LET US DO YOUR PR1MT1MQ JOBS / dal HimntHi Hem Is mlVg N't-n Stexhey shrtf hr to M attvned fhtot b hi* (htl hu hnith ntnee tv mg mte the a*my hhi Match Hv will ta* hi'me until attn iHubti HtM On Bevembri lt»th the Young Adult hYlh'W fN Hew «htp Ihonp held lhel» OhrUtmaa peris It »l *o twin* a farewell pattr fvt Mi and Mrs Rail Reyes, who tre lea vlnt fur I heir hew home tv Omaha warn aftet the fteat ot Ihe year A Christmas pivgeam, m« ststlng of song*. games. a readmt a liltle ®keteh entitled 'Vhiistma* Shopping," put on hv several member* of the group was enjoy. ed hy all After lunch Rev Max cy presented Mi and Mix Reyr with a lovely blanket hewn the group Several short talk® were Rhrn hi pW* pH rt phtf Mu V'lMh. Ml pint Mu iMtlh |,ntptt\«n phh Mi pM Mu HhN'H ’*«'n * »-*t *Mr*t* h»»«* o NHlI fhr I 1 I'hih mrl Pi Ihr hwnr pp ^Pitr | PHtl PH rirhpnfr nf tnul l unrh *p» Pruul hr Ihr HPhnpp PYrrlpn Prihll phIvuI hn-r nn WiMnrmlpr muntng tr<\n\ Nr* Otlrphp nhuv hr Ip MpIihhM in \ MiupmIip Ml»hllp| In Ihr hhMI rpl nwv* Hr hpp p Irn day fwr luip h Mu |p**|p JPrvhnlha anlvul hunr (Y>'H> HralMrr whrrr phr altrndul Ihr tMnml *f hrr fathwr. Mt Mryrf* whr U'uul ph ay nn Drwnbrr * Mu fa*- IfafadM *ls|i W* Ml fa Ifa pH far fa pifaMl ifa fUMW^i Him (tHMfa Mlfdte *t Him ***lits*l iMH fat mHI a I'Ml 1st Mia* |M>*BtPW a! Him *Mhmd lfaH*M mm Him mvmmMiB m! I'lMMUlfal |S Him fam*M WolMs IMuh fa# pi Him Ihimim ot Mr« RtMMMto AnilHi fail Tfaiimfar far l ha# HinHil MIMmHMB A MMVMMMH Hi# fam-finm w as pMlVMd Pi mmmm H*s fawn sfafly was fa Him affamntsn, affav whirl! ihrMM was Pn **w MhaM*M fa rhHalmps ir»Hs Mis fawpnd ItMyn* mmIiimmmiI Ip hm Iimmim in Marti*!*!, Nrfa-. af ♦mi s|himHHib a MO**|>fa nf days hotr visiliMB is'falivrs Mrs I'imswn m( l.farnfa arrivdi Iimit fa*l Fiiday rtMUiliMB far a* Wtfamfad yfatt wilh Hmm dausIH.ir, Mrs l l*. Watson, and family FRIDAY and SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18 and 10 V-8 VEGETABLE COCKTAIL A dellelous blend of R Healthful \>l«Ublr Julee*. 1814c JOHNSON’S Honey Graham CRACKERS Fresh Baked 2r«rwD 0 7# caddt .fcf v PRUNE FRITTERS ] eup White Loaf Flour 2 tablespoons sugar H teaspoon salt 2 eggs, well beaten 1 eup prunes Vi eup milk Sift flour, measure, and sift with sugar and salt. Com bine eggs and milk. Add dry ingredients. Mix until smooth. The amount of sugar may be decreased to suit the sweetness of the fruit. Place 1 cup cooked, drained, sweetened, pitted prunes in batter. Prop by spoonfuls into deep fat (365 Peg. F.). Fry until evenly browned. Prain on crumpled absorbent paper. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve with lemon sauce. 8 servings. SWEET PRUNES Pound 8c SWEET PRUNES '- Pound 14c 3SH35 BS i.!Tgm-i BEEF b roasts STEAK ib^ucSd1 ... .29c SUMMER SAUSAGE, Lk .,33c PICKLE St 'tSfSl0.^:..29c DRIED BEEF 2L...2I# SALT PORK BLACK COD fcFrmh Smoked M . /WIENERS 25 RING BOLOGNA K... 22c LIVER CREESE Lbf... 33# Longfcora I TASTY ' SPREAD, 2 15c KELLOGG S ALL BRAN «•■■■ 18c Superb Mustard 6 • 10c Strained nnd Janl.r. 4 ean« lie I O UlnLlljhll ) t ereal and Oatmeal, Pack*** I VV P arker house rolls I 1 cake compressed yeast C cups sifted WHITE LOAF 1 Vi tsp. salt 2 tbsp. sugar 2 cups scalded milk 4 tbsp. shortening Dissolve yeast and sugar in luke warm milk. Add 3 cups of flour. Beat until perfectly smooth. Cover and let rise in a warm place 1 hour. Then add melted shortening and remainder of flour or enough to make a dough. Acid salt. Knead for 5 minutes. Place in a greased bowl. Brush over the top with melted shortening; cover and let rise in a warm place until double in bulk. Roll out *i-inch thick. Brush o%’er lightly with butter; cut with 2-ineh biscuit cutter: crease through cen ter heavily with dull edge of knife and fold ever. Place in well-grossed pans 1-inch apart. Cover and let rise until light — about hour. P ' e 15 r •".ites in a quick oven (A- > Deg.). WHITE LOAF SI.69. I'OVHl Strelrkei IIV Setter mi I Fiat Slilk late 2 Foemfa el Setitwes Wl Per Package.. 10c UNIT c ?er Package . Hatches C l c o So* Pkg. .. NANCY ANN TOST?:. 24 °KS lie Blended wttk New ¥*rk Bwkwheit Per Bag 25c First Prize Mealy BEANS, 2- 13c Genuine Egg Noodles, 8 >•> 7c Superb OATS KT19c 24-oz. Loaf (iy3 Pounds) WAXTEX With Cutter IMBK. 15c O’CEDAR "No Rubbing” CREAM POLISH I.ARSE ■omi n _ i U. S. No. 1 Russet Potatoes Without question the world's Finest Baking Potatoes. 10 Pounds ,36c APPLES For Christmas Get our price on Fancy Pack Apples in boxes and kalf boxes. FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES, Dozen ..... 25c WINESAP APPLES, 3 Pounds .25c NORTHERN CABBAGE, Pound.3c