U. S. Gunners Hit Mark and U. S. Grub ‘Hits Spot’ Accurate naval gunnery from U. S. ships lying oil Guadalcanal shattered these Jap trucks (right) during the early stages of the Battle of the Solomon Islands. The truck in the foreground appears to have suffered a direct hit. Picture at left illustrates the expression “come and get it.” And that’s just what these U. S. marines on Guadalcanal island are doing. The fighters look both happy and husky as they line up for chow. Hawaiian Women Employ Old Art for Camouflage For generations Hawaiian women have been noted for their ability at weaving cloth and producing color ful prints. Today they are employing these talents in the art of camouflage for our armed forces in the islands. At left Miss Blanche Portor sorts pieces of cloth for color, texture and adaptability as Capt. Trick inspects her selection. Right: Completed camouflage net in use. It conceals the 105 howitzer Pvt. C. Swer sky is cleaning. Sons of African War Chiefs ... and Fathers I All West Point students, the sons of our African war chiefs are shown above. Left to right: William Clark, son of Maj. Gen. Mark Clark, deputy commander of Allied African expedition; John Eisenhower, son of Lieut. Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, commander of American forces in the North African campaign; George Patton, son of Maj. Gen. George Pat ton, captor of Casablanca; and John Doolittle, son of Maj. Gen. James Doolittle. Shown below are the famous fathers. Left to right, Maj. Gen. Clark; Lieut. Gen. Eisenhower; Maj. Gen. Patton, and Maj. Gen. Doolittle. How They Come Back From Stalingrad The river is the Don, in the Stal ingrad area. The rubber boat that took the Germans to the other side is used here to bring them back. This soldier on a stretcher is brought back wounded. Men of Midway Fighting men of Midway also see the softer side of life. At top an unidentified fighter gets a kick out of a tiny tern that landed on his tommy gun. Below: Fighting pilot Iloyle Barr of the United States Ma rine corps, Midway Island, gives you a grand smile. Heads French Fleet One of the big question marks has been the ultimate destination of the French fleet, which was an chored at Toulon. Admiral Laborde (above), commander of the fleet, was quoted by Vichy as having de clared allegiance to Marshal Petals, French Fascists Inspect Troops This photo, published In a German propaganda magazine, shows Pierre Laval with Marshal Petaln, aged chief of state of France, as they inspected troops at Vichy before the Nazis took over what was left of France. Petain solemnly named Laval fascist dictator and Petain’s pre sumptive heir to replace Admiral Darlan who “sold out” to Allies. Would Change Our Small Change Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross, director of the U. S. mint, chats with Sen. Robert Wagner of New York, chairman of the senate banking and cur rency committee, when Mrs. Ross appeared before that committee to testify. The group is considering a request for authorization to substitute other materials for the strategic metals now used in minor coinage. Fighting French Heroes Honored General Alexander, commander In chief of the British Middle East ern forces, recently decorated a number of Free French officers and men who distinguished themselves at Bir Haeheim. At top Free French infantrymen are shown as they were reviewed by the C-in-C. Lower photo shows General Alexander inspecting speedy Bren gun carriers and crews. Inspect Jap Tanks in New Guinea Australian and American soldiers Inspect Jap war tanks knocked out In the New Guinea jungle, where the brown invader is being pushed back to his beach-heads, after advancing almost to Port Moresby. These tanks are lightly armed and very vulnerable. ‘Woman of Year' Mrs. Nellie Mistele, who founded pie-of-the-month club for the USO club in Milwaukee, Is shown with some of her pies. Mrs. Mistele and her aids produce pics at rate of 300 a month. We nominate her for title of "woman of the year." Opens Seal Drive President Roosevelt buys the first sheet of stamps to open the 36th annual Christmas seal campaign of the National Tuberculosis associa tion from Lieut. Col. E. R. Long of the medical corps. Colonel Long is chief of the tuberculosis section, office of surgeon general. Mine Detector Mines, which take the place of barbed wire, arc playing an impor tant role in the war on the African front. The British mine detector is the best bet to counteract these hid den monsters. When the device de tects a mine, certain sounds reach the earphones of the sappers, and they go and render the mine use less. Their work requires an un usually high degree of skill and courage. The detector, until now a little mentioned weapon, played an important part in the recent Allied victory in Egypt. Picture shows a sapper bolding a mine detector. A Sailors Sailor Vice Admiral William F. Halsey, whose smashing victory in Round 2 of the Solomon Islands battle elimi nated many Jap warships. Halsey is a sailor's sailor and doesn’t fol 1 low any of the rules. Gifts Galore, and All Easy to Make 7383 A N APRON for Sue—slippers ** for mother—a decorated tray for the new bride—these and many other delightful gifts are yours to make at little cost from just odds and ends. And this pattern tells1 i exactly how. • a • Pattern 7383 contains directions for 14 articles; materials required; design* where needed. To obtain this patters send your order to: Sewing Circle Needleeraft Dept. 82 Eighth Ave. New York Enclose 15 cents (plus one cent to cover cost of mailing) for Pattern No. Name . Address . Naturally you want to be sure the gift you send your service man will be appreciated. According to recent surveys, cigarettes are foremost on the service man’s gift list with Camels first of all accord ing to Post Exchange and Canteen sales records. If he smokes a pipe, send him a pound of the National Joy Smoke—Prince Albert Smok ing Tobacco. Special holiday gift wrappings make these gifts par ticularly attractive. Take your choice of the Camel Christmas Carton or the Camel "Holiday House" of four "flat fifties" (200 cigarettes either way) or the pound canister of Prince Albert. Your dealer is featuring them as gifts sure to please.—Adv. CLOGGED NOMTRILS OPENED PROMPTLY! Whin a cold start*—spread Mentholatum inside nostrils. In stantly it releases vapor “Men tholations” that start 4 vital actions: 1) Thin out thick mucus; 2) Soothe membranes; 3) Help reduce swollen passages; 4) Stim ulate nasal blood supply. Every breath brings quick relief! Jars 30*. An Economist Take care to be an economist i& prosperity; there is no fear of your being one in adversity.—Zim merman. ✓YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROMN HOT HASHES If you suffer from hot hashes, dizzi ness. distress of "Irregularities", are weak, nervous. Irritable, blue at times—due to the functional “middle-age” period In a woman's life—try Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vege table Compound—the best-known medicine you can buy today that's made especially for women. Plnkham'a Compound has helped thousands upon thousands of wom en to relieve such annoying symp toms. Follow label directions. Pink ham's Compound Is worth trying! BEACONS of —SAPETY— • Like a beacon light on the height—the advertise* ments in newspapers direct you to newer, better and easier ways of providing the things needed or desired. It shines, this beacon of newspaper advertising—and it will be to your advantage to fol low it whenever you make a purchase.