Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1942)
Serve the Festive Bird—Plump With Stuffing (See Recipes Below.) Dar of Praise How that the frost-cupped days have eccne and we're gathered the harvest, Thanks g giving time is | here again. It £ really is a Thanks gjv jig. for a year ^ at plenty if not of ) peace, and it’s to be celebrated 1 with a dinner symbolic of the plenty d harvest Your family will feel a deep and heartfelt satisfac tion if you place yellow-gold and deep crimsen autumn leaves over the mantel or provides a blazing fire and have bowls of lush colored grapes, crisp shelled nuts, blushing pears and apples within comfortable reach The Bird Itself Select tender chicken for roasting Pick dry. Singe and take out pin feathers with tweezers. Cut around vent and make split almost to tip of breastbone. Insert hand and take out entrails carefully from back and Sides Puli out Be sure lungs are removed Push back skin of neck, and cut off neck close to body. Re move windpipe Separate gizzard, heart and liver and cut away gall Madder which is attached to liver, being careful not to break it Cut through gizzard and clean. Remove oil sack from tail Wash outside with cold water. Wipe inside with damp cloth. Sprin Sie irsiac wim salt and then stuff loosely. Insert toothpicks or met al pins across opening and lace them with cord. Fold skin of neck over back and raster! wnn tootnpicK. r oia wings •cross back Tie ends of legs to gether with ■ cord, then bring cord •round tail and forward to tip of wings to tie. Rub skin with fat <un salted i and place on roaster rack Roast uncovered in a moderately slow oven (32S450 degrees) 30 min utes to the pound for a chicken un der 3*4 pounds. 22-25 minutes for a chicken over 4 pounds. Staffing. (Makes 3*4 cop H cap rice 3 cups boiling water 44 teaspoon salt 44 cup fat 44 cup diced celery 44 cup chopped onion SH cups oven-popped rice cereal 2 tablespoons minced parsley 1 tablespoon poultry seasoning 44 teaspoon salt 44 cap stock "Wash rice thoroughly in a sieve. Dra in well. Add rice to boiling wa ter slowly as water continues to bub ble. Boil rapidly about 20 minutes until rice is tender, then drain in •ieve Brown celery and onion in fat. Lynn Says: Speaking of Stuffings: The old fashioned bread dressing is easi ly adapted to many variations. Here is the basic idea: To 1*4 pounds of dried bread cut in one inch cubes add *4 to 1 cup melted butter, 1 teaspoon salt. Mi tea spoon white pepper. 44 cup minced onion, cooked but not browned, and 2 tablespoons of poultry dressing Toss lightly and stuff fowl. If you like crisp celery tasty dressing, add 2 cups finely chopped celery to the bread dressing On the other hand, if you like the crispness of chestnuts, add 1 pound of chestnuts, chopped and cooked. Giblets go well with bread dressing, cook and chop and toss into bread dressing Mushrooms are distinctive, if simply chopped and sauteed in butter and added to bread stuffing. Oysters make a tempting dress ing. Use 1 pint, chopped and heated until edges curl in 3 ta blespoons butter. Thanksgiving Dinner Chilled Cranberry Juice Roast Chicken or Turkey With Rice Stuffing Baked Hubbard Squash •Brussels Sprouts •Yams With Oranges •Apple Muffins Pickled Pears Cucumber Pickles •Hot Mince tor Hot Apple Pie) Coffee Cider Milk s Raisins Nuts •Recipe Given Stir in rice and mix well. Crush oven-popped rice cereal into coarse crumbs, add parsley, seasonings and stock. Combine with rice and mix thoroughly •Yams With Oranges. (Serves 4) ! to 3 pounds yams 2 oranges, peeled 4 cup brown sugar 14 cups pineapple juice Peel raw potatoes and slice into buttered casserole. Lay sliced or anges between yam slices, sprinkle brown sugar over all. then add pine apple juice. Bake in a moderate (350-degree) oven for 1 hour or un til tender •Brussels Sprouts. Cut off willed leaves, leave whole, and wash thoroughly. Cook covered in a small amount of boiling, un salted water for 10 to 15 minutes. Flavor with melted butter, salt pep per and mix in 14 cup chopped chestnuts. A hot muffin with the tang of fall —these spicy apple muffins are guaranteed to whet the most listless —if there be such on Thanksgiving day—appetite: •Apple Muffins. • Makes 20) 24 cups sifted flour 3*4 teaspoons baking powdi r 4 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon cinnamon 4 teaspoon nutmeg 4 tablespoons shortening 4 cup sugar 1 egg. beaten 1 cup evaporated milk (undiluted) 1 cup finely chopped, raw apples Sift dry ingredients. Cream short ening and sugar, stir in egg and add nour alternately with milk. Fold j in apples and fill I greased muffin I tins almost full. Sprinkle tops of T muffins with ad ditional sugar \uuuui i lauiesfiouns in am mixed with a dash of cinnamon and nut meg. Bake in a moderately hot <425-degree) oven 20 to 25 minutes. Busy homemakers like to use pre pared, packaged or canned mince meat for pies, but there are still many of you. who I am sure will like putting up some right in your own kitchen. Here’s how: ’Grandmother’s Mincemeat Pie. 2 pounds beef neck 1 pound suet 4 pounds tart apples 4 cups sugar 2 pounds currants 3 pounds seedless raisins % pound citron, cut Juice and grated rind of 2 oranges Juice and rind of 3 lemons 1 pint cider 1 tablespoon salt 1W teaspoons nutmeg H teaspoon cinnamon V, teaspoon mace Cook beef slowly in hot water for 3 hours. Cool and force through food chopper with suet and apples, using coarse grinder. Add remain ing ingredients, blending thorough ly. Cook slowly one hour, then seal in sterilized jars. This makes 6 quarts. Line pie tin with pastry, then pour in mincemeat Top with criss-cross or lattice crust and bake in a hot oven 35 minutes Lynn Chambers can tell you how to dress up your table for family dinner or festivities, give you menus for your parties or tell you how to balance your meals in accordance with nutritional standards. Just write to her, explaining your problem, at If eslem Sewspuper I nion, 210 South Desplninet Street, Chicago, Illinois. Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope for your answer Released by Western Newspaper Unton. PREPAREDNESS h ♦ □AMERICAN RED CROSS NATION at war must guard ts health. One sure guard, and one of the best forms of pre paredness is proper diet. Since World War I, the Amer ican Red Cross has offered the nation's housewives nutrition; courses, designed to teach both j men and women how to eat and j keep well and strong. But Amer icans felt that since they were the | best fed people of the world, they must also be the best nourished. In that belief they were mistaken. The army reported that one third of all applicants for war service were being rrjccled because of poor health—bad teeth, heart trouble, poor eye sight, skin diseases—all trace able to undernourishment. America's mothers and house wives were shocked into action. Within the past year, more than ! 250.000 women have won Red Cross ' Food and Nutrition certificates by attending these courses held by Red Cross chapters in more than 1,850 counties throughout the Unit ed States. In these Food and Nutrition courses, women learned the importance of preparing and serving the right amounts of the right kinds of foods—foods which contained the needed health protective qualities to keep their husbands fit for jobs in the shipyards, the farms, the mines, the steel miils, and to build their children into physically stronger Americans. Prepared Exclusively tor WNU. Chinese ‘Rights* In New York city, every Chi nese who rents a store or some ; other business building claims1 that he has a "basic property 1 right” in it and, therefore, will not allow another Chinese to lease i it until the man has purchased this right, says Collier's. When such a demand runs into thousands of dollars, the owner is seldom able ! to rent the property again to a 1 member of this race. _ P/J TTEPNS. SEWING CIRCLE Jerkin Set. QUICK as one-two-three you can have your small daughter ready for fall days and cooler weather. Make her this jerkin which buttons at the sides, this simple skirt and a contrasting blouse! It is a very small edition of the most wearable of jerkin outfits and extra cute for a small sprite to wear. • • • Pattern No. 8239 is designed for sizes 2, 3. 4. 5 and 6 years. Size 4 skirt and Jerkin reqaire 1'* yards 35 or 39-lnch material; ltt yards 54-inch. Blouse with long sleeves 1% yards 35 or 39-inch ma terial. Need Aprons? IT IS a grand feeling—to have * plenty of aprons for everyone in the family who needs one! What ON THE HOME FRONT CL>rft) RUTH WYETH SPEARS X OTHER HALF OF 36“ ' W.VWOOO SQUARE* r WAKES SMELT “ V ■ RCTxes ; uf-j VOU can’t set a wave or even * comb a smart new hair-do with out seeing the back of your head. A deep curve in the front of a dressing table will allow' you to get close enough to a triple mirror. Here are the dimensions for such Gallant Chap's Thoughts If ere hut Badly If orded She was young and pretty, and her confusion as she fumbled vain ly in her handbag for small change to pay her fare on the bus was , quite charming. "Could you change a five dollar bill for me, please?” she asked, i imiling shyly. "Sorry, miss,” replied the con ductor. "But don’t you worry; you can pay me the ten cents some other time.” "But you may never see me again,” quickly replied the young lady. “Well, what’s the odds?” he said, meaning to be gallant. "It won’t break my heart if I don’t.” . SING A SONG OF KITCHEN THRIFT SINK YOUR DIMES IN WAR SAVINGS STAMPS a table to be built into a corner. The stool top is pink cotton ma terial; the skirts for it and the table, and the drape for the top shelf, are of light weight white muslin edged in old-fashioned em broidery panty ruffling. Pink ribbon holds the drape and edges the table. The top frill and center part of the table skirt are snapped to a strip of muslin tacked around the front of the table under the ribbon. • • • NOTE: Mrs. Spears' Book 1 shows you exactly how to drape dressing tables with drawers Also directions for slip covers; bedspreads and all types of curtains. Readers may secure copy of Book 1 by sending name and address with 10 cents to: MRS. RUTH WYETH SPEARS Bedford llills New York Drawer 10 Enclose 10 cents for Book 1. Name... Address...... l/ncle fthili The Unattainable Lurea There’s no such thing as the biggest half in spite of the fact that we all want it. Too many people uho talk about war aims hare concrete opinions—thorough ly mixed and permanently set. The father of a bright baby is always ready and willing to con cede that smartness is hereditary. It is necessary that he who com mands well should have at some time obeyed. They’re More Vital Some men need so much more self-restraint than others. It isn't more optimism we wi:nt, but more hop-to-it-ism. Habit may be either good or bad, de pending upon whether you rule it or it rules you. with housework being shared by all during these busy days, more aprons than ever can be used in the majority of homes. • • • Pattern No. 8230 is in sizes 14. 16. 18. 20; 40. 42. 44. Size 16 takes IV* yards 32-inch material with yard contrast. 8 yards bias binding to trim. Pattern No. 8238 is designed for sizes 34. 36. 38. 40. 42. 44. 46 and 48. Size 36 takes 2>i yards 32-inch material. s,» yard contrast. 5 yards ric rac to trim. Send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Room 1116 211 West Wacker Dr. Chicago Enclose 20 cents in coins lor each pattern desired. Pattern No.Size. Name ... Address . Dance in Trance Until they were invaded by Ja pan, the people on the island of Bali staged an odd ritual, the par ticipants being a group of girls about eight years of age, says Col lier’s. Using all parts of the body, they performed a dance with mu sic lasting a half-hour, although in a trance induced by a narcotic. l ASK MS l ANOTHER i A General Quiz ? I <N.. fw. fv (V. (V. (V. (V- (V. {V. (N— (V. fv. fV. (V, (V. (\. f\- I The Questions 1. What is the mantic art con cerned with? 2. The name Salem, used rhetorically and in poetry, refers to what city? 3. WTiat does a Jap mean by bushido? 4. How many people were put to death for witchcraft in 1692? 5. What woman in American history is remembered because she would not change her name to that of her husband? 6. Lupine refers to what animal? 7. What island in the Philippines is the largest? 8. Settlers in what American colony agreed to “combine our selves together into a civill body politick”? 9. What world famous novelist did not begin his writing career until he was almost forty? 10. Over whose grave is the in scription: “Blest be the man who spares these stones, and cursed be he who moves my bones”? The Answers 1. Prophecy. 2. Jerusalem. 3. The warrior’s code. 4. Twenty. 5. Lucy Stone. 6. Wolf. 7. Luzon. 8. Plymouth. 9. Joseph Conrad. 10. William Shakespeare. In the home, plants give off moisture through the leaves, from the surface of the soil, and from the pot itself if it is of the porous type, so provide sand, sphagnum moss or similar material, to keep the pots moist. And, if possible, keep the temperature down to be low 68 degrees. • • • It is not usually advisable to let prepared but uncooked vegetables stand for any time in water; it frequently causes a loss of mineral content. • * * Broiled vegetables brown better when dipped in salad oil or melted butter. • • * When unsalted fats are used to replace butter or margarines in baking, additional salt may be needed. . * • * When sandpapering surfaces that are to be painted, the work is made much easier if sandpaper is folded over a small block of wood. • • • Be sure that the fruits and nuts are well distributed throughout your fruit-cake mixtures. Chop or grind them into uniform-sized pieces and sprinkle them well with flour to prevent them from stick ing together or remaining in one spot in the cake batter. CAN'T BUY ASPIRIN that can do more for you than St. Joseph Aspirin. Why pay more? World s largest seller at 10c. Demand Sc Joseph Aspurn Greeks Have a Word A Greek word which contains 171 letters and means hash in English is the longest one in any language. Incidentally, it may be found in line 1169 of Aristophanes’ famous comedy, “The Ecclesiazu sae.” A Gentle Way to Treat Constipation! Get up and cheer, constipation sufferers! II you are one of the millions of people with normal Intestines who suffer due to lack of "bulk" in the diet — here’s news of a gentler, pleasanter way to win welcome relief! You see, many medicinal lax atives prod the Intestines into ac tion or draw moisture into them from other parts of the body. But KELLOGG S ALL-BRAN, a crisp, delicious cereal, acts quite differently. It works principally on the contents of your colon, helping you to have easy and normal elimination. Eat it often and drink plenty of water. ALL-BRAN Is made by Kellogg's in Battle Creek. If your condition is not helped, by this simple treatment, see your doctor. V J Useless Boor The boor is of no use in conver sation. He contributes nothing worth hearing, and takes offense at everything.—Aristotle. Ship Us All the Furs You Can Trap ] This is one season you should ' snip to me nouse mat you can rery on Our expert grading gets you every cent of value in your furs. Our checks have pleased and sac* ' thousands of trappers. Wo commissi— barged. Check mailed immediately. it ns for price list of pens, traps and other 'lies. Big Berg alee Ship all joar catch to HILL BROS. FUR CO. 32B Clark Ave. ST. LOUIS - MO. At the Bottom He that is down needs fear nc fall.—Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Prog ress.” • SOOTHES QUICKLY Right on the shelf, handy, you should have cooling, soothing Men tholatum to help you care for: 1. Head-cold stuffiness. 2. Chapped skin. 3. Clogged nostrils. 4. Neural gic headache. 5. Nasal irritation due to colds. 6. Cracked lips. 7. Cuts and scratches. 8. Minor burns. 9. Dry nostrils. 10. Sore muscles, due to exposure. 11. Insect bites. 12. Minor bruises. Jars 304. Dm roll-your-own cigarettes In every Handy pocket pack age of Prince Albert K J. Rrynoldr Tobereo Co, W inMon-Saian, N. C. CHOICE TOBACCO, THAT ) PRINCE ALBERT! KEEPS YOU < SMILIN' THROUGH TO THE ) LAST RICH, RIPE-TASTIN' \ PUFF. EASY ON THE TONGUE ) _AND PRACTICALLY ROLLS < ITSELF_WHATA piPF-<ZMnieF YOU COULD NEVER BAKE LIKE THIS BEFORE YOU WERE MARRIED, THAT COFFEE CAKE IS SlMPl COFFEE CAk£S| PERFECT AND I KNOW I'LL ||T MORE 1MAN I SHOULD UMK WHA un ms. MOTHER.^ WITH YELLOW LABEL IS THE YEAST WITH VITAMINS A 0 IN ADOlTlON TO B< AND Gf ONE IS APPRECIABLY LOST IN THE oven, thats why everything you Bake FLE ISCH MANN'S HAS VITAMINS THAT 10 OTHER YEAST CAN GIVE YOU! * 13 AND, MOTHER - THE FLEISCHMANNI'S YOU GET ^ these oays keeps perfectly in the * i REFRIGERATOR. YOU CAN GET t ,£Ek£ M SUPPLY OR MORE AT A TIME \NHY DON'T ■ |MXJ SEND FOR FLEISCHMANN S WONDER- M FUL NEW RECIPE BOOK? IT'S IUST /'■ FULL OF DELICIOUS NEW ROLLS Vr': AND BUNS AND BREADS*/ ^ f - —> ■ ■- ■■ FREE! 40-page, full-color book with ever 60 recipes Write Standard Brands, Inc., 691 Washington Street, New York. I!. Y. — *ave ruse mem. ^