The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 12, 1942, Image 1

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    FRON 'H R
___ __ ..__ _ (iMu "I Urn " "i ~ . " ' r" I. I .iHilMmii IBB ... .... ,w* —.-1----r - _]m_m:-iu_
VOL LXttt >>\mu smu;\sk\ miW'v \ ■ NO.»
Kxumlnr 19 I'ims Vt
v'KiWrmV i'Knlc Hei r
At the ffrtpided Children's
Clinic hriv last Saturday in the
0 Neill High School thirty nine
eases imv examined by l)t W
R Hams* and Dr R R Wegnei,
both of the DnlwrsRy Hospital
at Omaha Assisting the doctors
wvre Mrs J P Brown and Mm
Melvin Rurleha
laineh furnished hy the Rlks
beds«\ of Norfolk, oas served by
Circle No 1 of the Presbyterian
church composed of the folloo mg
commit He;Mesdames l* C Watt
ing chairman; John Osenbaugh.
assistant chairman; Arthur Coo
.H'l tho aitc, byndall Stout, Do ight
H*rdrr, Jack Davis, Cliff Lund-;
gren, Oral Fox. Henry Tomlin
son, Ralph Beckwith ami Tena
Plans are being made hr a
midwinter Extension Clinic to be
held in about four months as a
follow-up check on crippled child- j
ren cases requiring further care
War Training Course To
Start Soon At Lincoln
Another new course in war
training is starting November 30
at the University of Nebraska It
will be a day-time course for
eight weeks in aircraft materials
and parts inspection, to be taught
by the College of Engineering
Applicants for the class will
receive two blanks, one for en
rollment, the other for employ-,
ment in the aircraft factory They
can be obtained from Prof. W. L.
DeBaufre, director of war train
ing at the University.
The purpose of this short course
is to train men and women for
inspecting materials and parts of ;
aircraft in aircraft assembly
plants. Jobs haw been promised
by the aircraft industry to all,
who meet conditions for employ
ment and who satisfactorily com
plete the course.
Preference in selecting students
will again be given to women and
older married men with children ■
Applicants must be high school
graduates with a year each in
geometry and algebra. They must
be at least 18 years old and in
sound physical health There is
no upper age limit, and no l ni-,
versity fee will be charged, since
the course cost is borne by the
federal government.
Didn't Have Many Planes
On The Carrier Wasp
‘Bub’ Steele, former ranch hand
in Cherry county, has been spend
ing a furlough in Valentine and
vicinity, and has some interesting
experiences to relate, for he was
on the aircraft carrier Wasp when
it was recently sunk near the Sol
omon islands. He says that it was
impossible to get many of the air
planes off the deck of the W asp
after it was hit by a torpedo, as
the force of the explosion from
below wrecked the undercarri
ages of the planes, which is some
indication of the force of a tor
pedo—Valentine Republican.
Educational Notes
The date of the next State
Teachers’ Examinations will be
Saturday. November 21st. They
will be given at Stuart. Atkinson.
Ewing and O'Neill Public Schools.
Schedule—War Time
8:00 to 8:30: Arithmetic. Mental
Arithmetic. Bookkeeping.
9:00 to 9:50: History. Civics.
10:00 to 10:50: English Compos
ition. Grammar.
1100 to 11:50: Physiology and
Hygiene, Music.
1:00 to 1:50: Theory and Art.
Course of Study.
2:00 to 2:50: Reading. Orthog
3:00 to 3:50: General Geogra
phy. Agriculture and Geography
of Nebraska.
4:00 to 4:50: Penmanship, and
Gas rationing registration post
poned until November 18, 19. 20.
Rationing goes into effect Decem
ber 2. instead of November 22.
elja McCullough,
County Superintendent.
The Alpha Club met at the home
of Mrs. Carl Wedtfeldt on Wed
nesday afternoon for a 1 o clock
luncheon. Roll call was answered.
"If you could be privileged to sit
in the league of nations after this
war. what would be one of the
points you would include to cease
all future wars?’’ Most of the
time was taken up by plans for
the annual Christmas party,
which this year will be a verjl
informal affair.
Mum* MUHttn WorkHl
Id'ft I‘m! \ var
The third eat of tred w heal ha<
been ordered and should at* ivv
at O Neill the hue pari id m<d
week Anyone w ishing to get feed
w heat may eontacl out 'U t M
We enjoyed a visit by em Km i
met ee anew It era this w wt Viten
Spmdler. w ho is new at the e»d
nance plant at Otand Island a too
Mix I'Kwvthy iNewmanl Michael
sen. who has been w ith her hits
land at Feet Riley, Kan
Our office has found itself un
usually busy the past nwk. with
truck registrations, etc Anyone
w ho has not received a registra
tion blank tot their farm truek or
pickup and has net reported same
to the office. should do so at once
Upon receiving same, we would
be glad to assist anyone needing
Secretary Wick ed repeats that
upw ards of l.WC.W workers left
farms during the post year, anvl
estimated that tk) per cent went
into war work whik' 40 per cent
went into the armed force*.
Thirteen per cent of the new
passenger cars rationed during
September went to farmers ami
others for moving farm produce
and supplies. OPA is expected to
redelegate its recently-acquired
authority to ration milk cans and
farm fencing to the Department
of Agriculture.
Lyle F Watts, formerly forest
er for the area including Nebras
ka. has been appointed assistant
to the Secretary of Agriculture.
His assignment is to co-ordinate
department farm labor activities
Lest we forget about scrap we
reprint the following from the
Omaha World-Herald, dated Oc
tober 30. 1942:
Abner K Chestem. Chairman.
Nebr State AAA Committee,
Lincoln. Nebraska.
-Dear Mr Chestem: With the
close of the sejap campaign in
Nebraska. I want to thank you
personally and the AAA organi
zation for the splendid work they
did in this campaign.
I don't believe we couhi have
come within shooting distance of
the 110 pounds per Capita if it had
not been for the help of your or
ganization. AAA did a splendid
job. and I thank you.
Very sincerely.
Publisher, the World-Herald
Harry E. Ressell. Chairman
Holt County A.CA
Marriage Licenses
Paul A. Malzacher and Dorothy
J. Ladwig. both of Neligh. Nebr..
November 9. . i
Hospital Notes
Miss Elizabeth O'Malley admit
ted Friday for medical attention,
and is very much improved.
Vince Myer returned to his
home in Hollywood. Calif.. Wed
nesday. after spending the past
few months visiting his aunt and
uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hickey,
and other relatives here.
lUm Mouptl
ll«H* Ik-win *ww> al
hi* ho***e |u »►».* v*l> hull V)
evenmg at k tx i|W* a» dH^**
i*i ih^| lit ivAHi at the ,$**- ^
f | \ V'l4* li OHmlhc a*u| *1 \ «,* \l,1 * *
t%r fmytdl w ill he hehl |*i h * ik
tlhHMMI at I WVh’vh hw* the
Mvlhilid thMtik Hv\ t*Hw ■*■ ->*
J |So k eHhv*al"*g Md hw* *w1 iH
I'twpevt Hill ttNMvbM *
H»m Ik*win was M« at
Iktlvvwv, Nebr. w*» J*wwa** 4
ItTl He «*vw hi (iw>ik*d there
and In the adjacent vd> of th»*
ha, ami in IWl he ea»**e to th-»
imitit? where he had I©1** a w*
Weal ever sine© Oh Vjp* it J ‘vh*h,
he weal to i,imaha ami was *«*,»>
**cd h* M e IhtiW M jShwe Tw*‘
ehtMnn were K**H of thus tMkivn,
Kinder H id l' \> ami ltuesw«
G lk»w vn of Ih'H'tiiu. Mmti „ who
with their mid her ar© left k>
mourn the pasafing of a kind ami
artVvtiv'ivwte husband and fa the >
Ha* a also survived hi one
brother Geoi <s id O Nedlk ami
one <tste< XIis Cytd Ysmivt
beeken, of Lometa, Calif
Tor a few years after coming a?
the county Harry farmed north
wrest of ONedl wi then com©
into tow n ami operated a Uveey
barn for a few years, then engsg
ed m the well digging and ’-©pair
ing business and then the dray
business, which he operated fer
several years In 1#IT he was eat
ployed by the County Board as
Janitor of the court house, a pos
ition that he held up to the Ume
of he death His fading health
the post few years made it tm
possible for him to do the work
and he had been assisted in the
work by tus son. Eraer. who a
fact has done practically ail the:
work for the past three years.
Harry was a good eituen and a
prudent and careful worker, and
while a republican, he held his
job through all changing admin
istrations. giving such good sat
isfaction to the officials of the
county and the people that he
was retained year after year He
had many friends over the county
wrho will regret to Warn of his
The Chevrolet garage, which
has been operated by the Mid
west Company, has dosed for the
duration. Cliff Lundgren e? pres
idem of the company, the other
man being John Davis. John is
m the Army Air Corps as an in
structor m the repair department
and the indications are that Mr
Lundgren will be in the service
of his country before long, so
there was nothing to do bat dose
up. They are retaining the budd
ing and will keep their machinery
therein, and as soon as this scrap
is over they will be bock at the
old stand ready to again take care
of the wants of the motoring
Mrs. Cy Bruemng of Los An
geles. Calif., arrived last Satur
day to visit her parents. Mr and
Mrs. James Davidson, and other
relatives and friends.
Record War Bond Sales Is Goal
Of Women At War Week Nov. 22
WASHINGTON. D. C.—America's women in tfee ci; es and or the firms
—in war factories and in their homes—are determined to make Women At
War Week the greatest War Bond sell mg effort since Pearl Harbor
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt sounded the keynote for the Treasury Depart
ment's Women At War Week. Nov. 22 to 28. with an appeal t© women to save
on "little things' to pro
vide money for War Bonds.
"We women want to
work hard, we want to be
a part of this strenuous
period because unless we
are. we will not be able to
face the men when they
return and claim our
share of the future respoo
sibility for building a
peaceful world,” the First
Lady declared.
The overall direction of
Women At War Week rests
with the Women's Section
of the War Savings Staff
under the leadership of
Miss Harriet Elliott.
Associate Field Director,
and Mrs. Henry Morgen
thau. Jr.. Chief of the
Special Activities Unit.
From coast to coast
women in every commu
! nity have made plans for
torchlight parades, fash
ion shows, teas, rallies,
•tore window displays.
Stamp and Band booths.
Daria* Vmhi At War Wee* ratatm War
ulesvMMi will wear aa arwtiW liwitar a» (fee hm
keni attached to the sleeve at Mrs. Hearj Margea
thaa. Jr., hy Miss Harriet EihKi
pageants, civic sings, balls and marai gras. In each locality administration
of the one week drive rests with the local War Savings Committee which
has worked out activities adapted to their areas.
Mrs. Morgenthau. in a special message for Women At War Week, de
clared that the spirit of America’* pioneer women lives today more strongly
than ever.
"The average American woman began to rise to new heights on Sunday.
Dec. 7. 1941." Mrs. Morgenthau said. “This winter the average American
woman will be spending less in order to save more to invest in War B c«±s
and Stamps. She will not please God. ever have to fire a gun or fiy *
bomber. But she will, please God. always do everything she can to help
■ buy anything—and the best of everything—that fires or or Boots tn this
terrible war."
H% H* i ■ at aiMd *14 - ti a
£ttav**y* tan* tarrt* Hfe %
V\' »>*<Vi life <JZ v tataf* 4
WMt % Wiii t vantb firt-yd
M A'K ^tat W***^ AutaW tat
Wtta^Wd taftafl V |«MR TtiTItfrf
At > VfVtavta Star W*tfr*rrNt »ffef*
WvvSh,** art >vartrt* tart wtt -w&.
taNrvta ta?«** la^r W war
Vwtat#* Star %»* WfcAtat JStanwd
*v*W tartrtr tatta £ tat ?«*rt
<nl «A *taf tafMW* «£ I^V Wvi*tafeM)
Wlttk a tam^pr vtaft v«r awM*r
tvi r,v vwfcHtatava ta Sfet wrtltMn
w*t rthr two* S^* wd yrt tanHit £kr
W-tAvr tfiousf ft
va^we arswr* art at MWfiiwowwft—
|Mfl»taratd» owr**ti£. \MHltmk, si*
satut-atvsi Kwitjrwvwa
Ctt 4 ^ar«rr^fr tatww tart s>
SiV star «t«swt Of 4 taw oftang
ad Star wvcd Xi>Kltafd" ta StattadT
wtaaA taw «$utar a iKIH'mH «hk
tag titatn othradvd.
Str '.Vatts*?# and Mi <Awt Saw
aa unoprowus a'rjrtanucvm Qf
“tfesftyr dMMfd'* in viwfi ia Jrtwns
Mr aauetate twu yap. tam w*y
St a s*i awalbmaiy
Ttae Snaacud nwtu\w n uiw
^tvvyinn a Sana? w&iffl at 38fe
ttatujpb uwt td«iict»d at *m» fu^
uisar Mbits, m aoatuctard by Eft*
exss» tax at star aww ntwauw
The defeated ptoitoad. group
foil hack is tftetr old oafe mat
it was "big bustae®' whtoh twa
spued to eveetttvw them, bty
guess is that it was tb*‘ %g vute
for ttte other fe2bw».
"ffoopl* who ace wett to air ace
more likely to he republican."—
Vice President Wallace ‘ Blessed
ts the man that feereth. the Lord.
. . . Wealth and ruches shall he
aat his house ’—Phaites tCL k S
Are we to understand 5em
election returns at New York
Nebraska. Ok a.tom*. Wy* ,
Kansas. Oregon and ether ssates
that our cir.cens have had enough
of muddled go vet nil icixt and me
new deal is deftoitely on h»
way out"
The food rattemng weaeegsewt
to understand s aw the way as
country-wide reminds me of whac
ut old Texas friend said when. 1
told him. of my clans to return to
rural life "The family on me
form." said he. ‘will ewe as Song
os anybody "
T enjoy my army work very
much." a former Nebraskan, vss
tttng the state and. bearing the
title of major at a good safe dis
tance front the danger tones as
-eported saying Wonder how
those beys out there at Boston,
down in the S..oosons aslamfe. or
in the drifting sands of he Afri
can desert enjoy ehetr army work
Too many enjoying soft jobs or.
"■'army work"
I wvsiM not wish to add ont
pang to a gnef-strucken old man.
nor place the weight of boeter
words on a hoary head bowed
under a great disapccuseBenfi.
Yet the lesson, or that rta . defeat
of Senator Norris may bo a warm
ing to others- He utters the de
spairing cry that baa ffe tm to
the senate stand repudiated ew
November 3. The Srst repuduattoR
was when Senator Noms forsook
his principles and spat to the
faces of the men and party that
had made hies. Now reptmtoatoj*
has turned on has own head
Edna G Lister or. Vitate,'.
Kan,. Tfcs&es. ~ft may he *M sat*!
for the First Lady of the Land to
eo visiting to England sa peace
times, but ss war trace. 1 teiew
she should stay keen# as ««fi as
the rest ef us. AE seedhss trav
eling and shipywg sheafed he de
ferred until after Aw war is ever
Certainly this msfit ss set neces
sary " A sister has said what the
brethren, of the press hare Sucdfiy
dared to venture But Mieg Ai!
step I ana constrained to observe
the Second Lady at ^‘ashatgtrc
has it all ever the First for keh.
The way the teaser spend the
day of rest, maybe they'd Wore
be profitably emp&oyed the fill
JM** >1.
be* KM*®i> ©*«.*»■ Vheft wdrS
We ©isfc Jhieie III Huyw
»W. ©s* ©vrob* « I •SI m. tbe
©**|* | -ft S fc Pv. __ ,_ '%- - *-*
TWfWw! HTfm fit fits
3- __ 2A i--. — —_ ._ it -* *■ »«- .i. _ ^ » - - » -i_ - * -* - - - —
."! i ' = i ? S » % i ?H_*Fs%
©♦* ©m ©jart© Ih Hayes
<?«/frr«W& % WW %©«A ©if ©E
¥teW Ve*© *»f- Iksv:
Hwe. ©» »MttA He
fpR 7¥!i T1 v VSs Wv. wfUmP; limL
PfVHF TPS^f* "H“ res rfvn tTsi ««M,i
« -mbM© J*h Sic aw* Id ©>r ©*«.
«© Sirtrtrifrjf Hr a ©«H *«A Wtli
wife T > W*wft ©c we ^ufyvyxv.
w fSr wWWIK. wkh*!h Pli^
©awe* \wPioi Mir, Hut»a*y mn&
be apom le w*T «< ^miitm^y
mtk We aesMftwfi >fH*A bf we »
le tewatt?m«ift »h% amt
witAt WM be Wffi. %W A «a
Av-wf ©Arvwne **»i be pawefi
£W^r few* a Iwrt amm\ w**^
it am* tor* m
V'Wr'Vnv Wiirwtto it* Sebtowtto
2?i tow wm x€ ^k«w«- swt
-»•-*-* to tout wttoft xt tow XMr
*Ttoit * mam to *w*T‘: xnwr
to tow* »nt a«*s * vint-nat *«
giWKWW to towni vewe* tow*
***w)mt «oAto to a rsibnic
^•vtmnat.x to wrtyx wtwat >vars
a* »’vwrf?t fleflivr to iwitart
towKj. tmt *tj» fahw empapfe to
to ton*-me townest to IjbJKim.
Xtto vtotour t. m* to a«ar
at (tot to nanto to toto taw
to tStaMte OJS?
tr«« ftot ,**fltow aww* tw* toT
tor attvrr. a iwtr ane a titiug>mr
Vnwiie SUpwa to TSmww* imr.
to* Btdm Itottog to $*ht 7V
ito, O-iiU!. toto «**& tonr iwto.
«ew Mb to m/ur*T tow nassine to*
< toni ane i/H-rnf hastom£ an£
*atowc Itrto. toiito-f* wt prrr
■mt 9m to SreweaC *tvn
Tto 3*nwr* atm to>1f *mnr to
PtanJbj tot’ tun touiM* to As ttoj
tom xurfine tot Hr >tonw**
/ifHnueint ane tor*iat to tow *
tbs; to TfinrvJt War* t-vmrn
^■rm to Sower lumw to itorttA
<*t“36ett to -Banaacy K8f. ane to
•awmnt trr frbur*a»M afrt'nc? to
tots atiuto. atm rvmiturtfu; in
to ane to* m^ws. to Hin*r
atm 4 «nnf&tmnl ane r/in®tmuii>
itiiu toat ant to new a hrec tc
Srwnw tow ane toil: or a i^uet
iiu nsurumrs Jusnwss
to 33ijw toe main ■frwnto
nee emj* at toot toy to: ihrmtpt
•toe tow evumst wdto mtffl rmgrtt
to tot* rf to saBik*r neutt. ane
town -yut, rto ftojfiw*- it
mt xvmtotannre to tow torwroto
acton ane effafitowa. at toietr tour
R. LOrinm Wik Rmy
rnidi Of C
Th< nfhcia. carcass rtf the*vroe
rtf SBnft couwy was ccnupkoec
Torsiuy JiVwii. The /my clnsr
omoesc Sue far Si^tEtw
Sm Aas the Third dLsams. The
maii Trot fstrvi ScBrat M wrtles
im Ctatowct 3E, «r a MWfwdp «f
ft! wrtscs Sec SU-ftr-jar. a the const
-rf Aw Trutil xwOf As Cahwt
had a may/rdy rtf ty* votes with
j«e Aw "max vote hts majority
ewer StoBrraa is officially <1
Mr and Mrs Lni Jlannusek *®
Sftr^wne® Aieur frwrnds as their
home wtt a fieteaons Anther
Stvnday m hon m off to® frtemd
Lewis- SBnnk. whe *s fteawung for
Aw Sonty storm, as a ocas: flwni
Those jsreseflM wtare: Mr and Mrs
Ohartes ftwwtok and sum. Lewis
<#ff Rrdtrw.. Mr xnd Mrs Lewis
Kegwwky and Mr and Mrs Ed
Chsiirtmrflk* rtf Inman : Mr and
Mrs vAm Va.ia Mr and Mrs
Vw Bafta. Mr. JIDfi Mrs Sara
Soshr J.nd dttayArwr. Manan. and
sum Say, off GYSeaH. The after
n.vR was sgwsn * play®** cards
trw* AaMlC At a idle- hour the
5*wsas Aetoartcd far their homes
wnhac Mr. Xorak seas rtf flood
swvem hya as urpec ton official
and jrxaa sources Have you
ewer read fBomerr her the Sab
hA Aay » fan? A hejy*-""If
tote ttsr®. away thy toefl from the
Sa&htsh iron: &ma£ thy pleasure
ox «y ho5y A«y; and call the
Si rditA a dehft. the holy of the
Lord, honorable.: and shaft honor
Hass; »se Aaaafl tbme m ways
sue Stands*: throe- ova pleasure
awe $5*«A-3* thaw own words;
Aw® thos shaft delight thy self m
Aw Lord wws I wa31 cause thee to
rade upon the high places of the
earthThe Author off the day oI
ness has apdfcm these words The
present ssrfw %s> disregard them
wsH saaE find ar. echo in Christ
emdoaa erf the words off fvarww
fVter: ■‘We ought to obey Goc
"liter than mcr.
A peats ful MaJjfMft force
ixniipfXVl ml© lOCqUiw
I.. > rff iifci <■ >i ii »i if i n ■ » -r, -, | | ,3 I,
vK imKJRT* WU'iTHrW Sffo iITKT€T
Afmprtcan <xrnm%Kn& b Today
«n The Mediterranean and
AftawHc «a* «€ toe Fnemdi Ced-j
mam to Africa," Itoesadeed Roese
veff said in a anteeetn, «swd to
toe WMte Woose late Ncit'mhcr
* acttcm ’"provides an effect
fve necCTfid front hb*sx» to t*r
heetoe atom to l^ttssaa ”
The IP, S Prw sp*Kt toto tonne
parts fine s-w* at Affnors near.
-# m Wtori Jif *-■ , 1 Ml II m 1 r» n ■■ r ti
' of! tw JRoS Htol* Cn8^
of Alpena, »r»d on toe Atlantic
tow fW^TTl StiiI inUTr oi v4B»
htaftea. The War TVp*-rment
pratod late yknwnbm t to* toe
offensive nras ato sr icing rapidly
ewnrttoene »!«* «•>• miles of
was*; «esm* Iprht TrmA w**-;
«ee Alders oapJTolrted «ito:r.
H hours. The Vk^v fiwBtwBnni
tookc off dptawatoc relations. %sn
SeerPwty of State HufS s«c toe
mails po-pese of the Vxiy policy
The* pswinBM dus mg toe
pa* raw wars eras simple to paw
toe my toe toe military totw
The limms « this American
•niB'hen* be fte Brit*
tsS: Navy and ar- fows and ft
wilL ir. die nnTwdurtp future be
her ft ds'sifms off British
Army.* the P:e«u<3em States "This
/vm.bmed allied force ...a oca*
'imrrior. wftb die British earn
naipr it £gy|S » designee te
jww it at ooruparinr. he the
Axis armies of any part off north
art. of maker Africa and te
staremf: peftr>: tram abnch to
launch at attack ipmsc die A:
latttJf ewe off the Americas
"The French (amwr-. and
the French people taper hew i»
tormec off die purpose eft ths ex
peditvir- and have hew. assured
due die ATiies seek no terrnegy
and have nr intention eft mter
fbrmg wid die tnendjy French
mrrrtinrmw an Africa, the Pros*
taw's snow wft said “Thu ex-*
TOdiixa wiC develop sftc a ma
jor effect bft die Alhed Nations
and diere is ever* expectation
that ft wiL he successful m re
pcDmf the plamttfd German and
ftalUBT. tm«sua eft Africa and
prow da1 ftrsa hereof saep to
the liberation and resriorstjor. off
La. Gen Dwight D Eisenhower
cnmmander rf the Amcnon For
ces in The European theatre, is
crmnnundpr m chief of the Albed
imasinr. for Gen. Eisenhower in
a broadcast to '‘Frenchmen of
North America.’ promised not to
attack the French themselvs. up
on oertam conditions These con
diuons wene specific and be re
peated them marry tones in Hi<
Gen Lewis H Brereion's
headquarters in Cairo reported
November 7 that American fbers
had shot down 43 enemy planes
agamst a loss of € of their own in
die Middle East from October 1
to November S. In addition the
annosmepment said, the U S
fliers have seriously damaged an
uncalculated number of tons of
enemy shaping and knocked cut
a number of tanks and other mo
tor vehicles.
Labor Supply
Labor Secretary Perkins re
po-led that between now and De
cember L IMS. mduslry wfl] need
4SWi MB additional workers and
of this number 3 000.000 will be
wfunen. The- Office erf Defense
Transportation said ISO 000 w«n
en wiil gel jobs in the ‘Tradi
tionally male” transportation in
dustry m the coming months Ag
TicuJture Secretary Wickard said
that success of the farm manpower
program next year would depend
to a considerable extent on the
employment of more women and
girls and older people on the
country’s farms.
War Manpower Chairman Mc
Nutt said that all major war pro
duction plants soon will be re
quired to schedule their man
power requirements in the same
manner they must now schedule
needs for scarce raw materials.
Official instructions and forms
for bringing about the orderly
withdrawal of workers from war
industries for the Armed Forces
are now available to war con
tractors and operators of essential
civilian activities, he said.
Controlled Materials Plan
The WPB established the con
trolled materials plan to boost
war production through elimina
tion of all non-essential produc
tion WPB Vice Chairman Eber
stadi will direct the plan which
will adjust production schedules
within material supply to meet
p: . . mon ' . r.> The
Continued on Page Four)
Alter! RmttmeJ Has Been
rVw«©tcd To Sorreant
Albert J. Rumffid who is sta
tioned at the Signal Corp Re
placement Tramn^ Center at
Camp Kohler Calif., has been
p, ©©rioted t© the rank of sergeant,
according to announcement by
Readier General S H Shorn H.
oomrrisnfltnj general
Sergeant RummeL a resident
©# ©UMii is the son of Oliver F
Rummel. of O’Neill Camp Kohl
er s the signal corps’ newest re
placement training center and the
only such post on the west coast.
fhe signal corps is responsible
for instal l mg, operating, and
mamtammg the Army's vast
commonx-atxm system By what
ever means necessary—radio. tel
ephone telegraph, teletype, flags,
rockets. or runner— the Signal
Corps' mission ts to ''get the mes
sage through"
Pit M. Tow nsend
Pat M Tossed died at the
bwne of his mother a Page last
Saturday afternoon at il&. as the
result of a heart attack suffered a
few hours before, at the age of #4
years and ter months The fun
era! was held Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the Methodist
church, a Page. Rev Carpenter
officiating and bursal in the Pge
Pal M Townsend was born at
Viro^ae. Wisconsin, on January
2, iS<t and came to this county
with his parents us 18?# His
parents located m the eastern part
town at Page and there he grew
to manhood and lived until after
he had reached manhood's estate
He remained in the county for
several years and then went south
spending scene tune m the south
ern states and also in South Amer
ica returning to this county some
thing Idee ten years ago. since
which time he had made hs home
with h» mother at Page He nev
er married and leai-es to mourn
has death his mother and three
fuTtffjPftv E Roy and Clinton, of
Page and William, of Osage.
Wyoming He also is survived
by two sisters. Mrs. Jessie Swain,
Rapid City. S D_ and Mrs Derice
Ware. Hanford. Calif
Clarence Grooms was in Affi
ance the first of the week to see
about securing a job with the
Burlington railroad. He found he
could haw the job. all right, but
could not find a decent place in
which to live, people paying up
to #4© a month for space in a
hen bouse. The gbder training
field there is the cause—Valen
tine Republican
On Active Market Here
Livestock Prices Advance
Last Monday's offering of live
stock at the local market met with
a broad outlet and active demand.
Prices were fully steady to strong
on practically all classes of cattle.
Hog prices folowed the decline
apparent at all the central mark
ets. A few choice cattle were on
offer but the quality was. gener
: ally, fair to good. Receipts were
heavier than a week ago and sup
plies were readily absorbed by
buyers who were intent on getting
their feed lots stocked prior to the
gas rationing edict.
The loppiest lightweight steer
calves reached $15.10. this price
; paid sparingly. Bulk of the good
calves made $13.00 to $14.50 with
many going in the upper brack
lets. Heifer calves topped at
$13 00. bulk ranged in price from
$11 75 to $12 75.
Lightweight yearling steers
reached $13.00 on a few with the
bulk placing in the twelves.
Heifers paid from $11.50 to $12.
25 on the long end. Good steers
weighing around 1.000 cashed at
$12 00 to $12.50. a few going high
er. Plainer kinds sold in the
Cow" receipts were heavy and.
several loadlots were sold. The
best beef cows reached $10.80. for
an extreme top. Many sold from
S9 00 to $10 50. Others of less
quality moved a*. $8.00 to $9.00,
j with canners and cutters bringing
$7.00 to $8 00. Quite a lot of
milch cows sold by the head at
good prices.
Hog receipts werq heavier than
a week ago. Butchers bulked at
$13.25 to S'3.30. A few choice
handy weights brought $13.35.
Sows made $13.15 to SI3 25. Feed
ers all the way from $14.75 to
A few sheep and horses were
sold, but scarcely enough to make
a quotable market. Next Auction
i Monday, November 16.