The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 29, 1942, Image 8

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    .... :m &. ..—,***.^*.w
United States Senator
Official Proceedings Of
The Holt County Hoard
(Continued from Page Seven)
Mary O’Connell _—-- 9.50
Leo S. Tomjaek 14.00
A1 Miller 5.00
Mary Barrett 6 00
R. E. Chittick 7.45
Dr W. J. Douglas - 46.50
Mort Gill 6.00
K. B. Market _ 15.35
Anna Mullen — 16.00.
H. N. Marrow . 21.00
O’Neill Drug Co. 8-25 !
Mary O'Connell 6.00 j
A. S. Sanders 5.50
Motion by Sullivan, seconded:
by Gibson, that Mothers’ Pension j
orders for Marie Wehrly and Eliz
abeth Charvat be approved and
warrants ordered drawn in ac
cordance therewith.
On motion, the bond of Oliver
Maring, township clerk, Emmet,
was approved.
5:00 P. M. On motion, Board
adjourned until August 26, 1942,
9:00 A. M.
Ed J. Matousek, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebr., August 26, 1942.
9:00 A. M.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. All
members present. Meeting called
to order by chairman.
Minutes of previous meeting
were read and on motion were
approved as read.
Francis D. Lee
Democratic Candidate I
for |
Qualified - Competent
0 Tom'Lanigan
for Congress
Railway Commission
The following claims were aud
ited and approved and on motion
were allowed and warrants or
dered drawn on Road Fund in
payment of same:
Maurice Cavanaugh $110.00
B. G. Hanna _ 53.00
Richard Minton 110.00
Chet McClenahan 10.00
J. C. Stein 25.00
Jos. Schollmeyer, Jr. 40J50
Walter K. Smith 40.00
W. A. Smith 92.50
W. E. Wulf 45.00
The Alemite Co. 17.12
Boise Service Station 39.73
Continental Oil Co. 66.05
Nels Christensen 4.20
Scott Conner 21.00
Sis Ebbensgaard 33.60
C. F. Gillette & Son 212.53
A. B. Hubbard 27.10
Ralph Hughes 1.75
Independent Lbr. Co. 1.70
Island Supply Co. 5.94
Johnston Equipment Co. 5.02
Herman Kaup 10.00
Orville Kemper 5.50
Lohaus Motor Co. 9.70
J. B. Mellor.. 24.20
J. W. McDermott... 53.20
H. L. Smith ... 88.00
Standard Oil Co. 270.00
C. E. Tibbetts__ 4.75
J. H. Gibson 39.00
C. W. Kirkland . 56.75
Ed J. Matousek 45.00
Lloyd Pichler _ 10.00
John Sullivan ... — 25.00
Jos. Schollmeyer 17.50
O. B. Stuart 88.00
Leo S. Tomjack. 84.50
E. J. Allen 8.50
The Alemite Co..51.36
Lyman Burscll . 14.90
Continental Oil Co. 36.00
Wm. Crippen 8.40
Contractors Supply Co. 53.79
Chet Fees 18.50
S. W. Hytrek 2.00
Frank Howard 50.25
T. M. Harrington — 9.50
Island Supply Co. 9 65
Island Supply Co. 82.22
Wm. Krotter Co. 155.11
Herman Klingler 18.50
Lohaus Motor Co. 2.77
S. A. Marcellus 12.55
Miller-Hasselbalch Co. 3.78
Ries Brothers 45.40
Standard Oil Co. 110.26
Loren Walter 7.00
E. W. Sterner 3.50
The following claims were aud
ited and approved and on motion
were allowed and warrants or
dered drawn on Road Dragging
Fund in payment of same:
James Fleming $ 4.80
Joe Koci .... 6.60
John Shoemaker 18.50
Leon Thompson 16.50
Frank Fiola 5.50
Adolph Latzel 11.40
Arthur W. Tomlinson 16.65
Thos. Thompson 28.00
12:00 noon. On motion, Board
adjourned until 1:00 P. M.
Ed J. Matousek, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebr., August 26, 1942.
1:00 P. M.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. All
members present. Meeting called
to order by chairman.
The following claims were aud
ited and approved and on motion
were allowed and warrants or
dered drawn on the 1940 Road
Fund in payment of same:
Yale Oil Co. $32.75
George C. Calkins 9.85
Island Supply Co. 3.76
John Carson 4.80
Alemite Co. 41.72
James Davidson & Sons 1.00
Harold France 5.00
Chas. Mulhair 13.60
John A. Carson 33.00
American Gear Co. 12.02
The following claims were aud
ited and approved and on motion
were allowed and warrants or
dered drawn on General Fund in
payment of same:
J. H. Gibson ..$ 49.46
John Sullivan 20.00
Jos. Schollmeyer 35.20
W. E. Wulf___ 49.60
John Sullivan_20.00
Consumers Public Power 51.92
F. J. Kubitschek .... 60.00
Ira H. Moss__41.10
John Sullivan__— 20 00
L. E. Axtel _85.0C
Fred Cronk 250.01
W. R. Tenborg__--11OO0
Frank P. Snyder _ 60 0C
Sample General Election Ballot
November 3,1942, Holt County, Nebraska
United States Senator
Vote for ONE
□ Kenneth S. Wherry.Republican
□ Foster May...Democrat
□ Albert F. Ruthven.By Petition
□ George W. Norris. By Petition
□ ...-..........
State Ticket
Vote for ONE
□ Dwight Griswold ... _.. Republican
□ Charles W. Bryan -.Democrat
□ ...
Lieutenant Governor
Vote for ONE
□ Roy William Johnson.Republican
□ Harry P. Conklin ..Democrat
□ ......
Secretary of State
Vote for ONE
□ Frank Marsh...Republican
□ Harry R. Swanson.Democrat
Auditor of Public Accounts
Vote for ONE
□ Ray C. Johnson.-.Republican
□ W. Marsh.— Democrat
State Treasurer
Vote for ONE
□ Carl G. Swanson.- Republican
□ Walter H. Jensen .-. Democrat
□ ......
Attorney General
Vote for ONE
C Walter R. Johnson.Republican
Michael T. McLaughlin Democrat
Railway Commissioner
Vote for ONE
□ John Kniekrehm Republican
I | Will M. Maupin. Democrat
□ ..-..
Congressional Ticket
For Representative In Congress
Fourth District
Vote for ONE
□ A. L. Miller... Republican
□ Tom Lanigan .Democrat
Non-Political Ticket
For Member of The Legislature
Twenty-Eighth District
Vote for ONE
I_I Tony Asimus
□ Ross Amspoker
□ ___
For State Superintendent
Vote for ONE
□ Chas. W. Taylor
□ Wayne 0. Reed
For County Superintendent
Vote for ONE
□ Elja McCullough
□ ____
County Ticket
County Clerk
Vote for ONE
□ Walter G. Sire.Republican
□ John C. Gallagher....Democrat
County Sheriff
Vote for ONE
□ i Republican
Peter W. Duffy._... ( Democrat
County Treasurer
Vote for ONE
□ J. Ed. Hancock.Republican
□ Jack Arbuthnot.Democrat
□ .
Clerk of District Court
Vote for ONE
□ Ira H. Moss.Republican
□ Thomas F. Higgins Democrat
County Attorney
Vote for ONE
□ Julius D. Cronin..Republican
□ Francis D. Lee....Democrat
□ .;.... '
Register of Deeds
Vote for ONE
I_I Esther Cole Harris.Republican
County Assessor
Vote for ONE
□ l . G. Gillespie.Republican
□ John Alfs...Democrat
County Surveyor
Vote for ONE
Precinct Ticket
Supervisor, First District
Vote for ONE
1_( J. C. Stein.*...Republican
William Grutsch...By Petition
Supervisor, Third District
Vote for ONE
□ R. E. Calvert..Republican
□ John Sullivan . Democrat
Supervisor, Fifth District
Vote for ONE
1 t H. W. Hubbard....Republican
□ J. H. Gibson.—..Democrat
Supervisor, Seventh District
Vote for ONE
□ Ed. J. Matousek...Republican
Non-Political Ballot
November 3, 1942
Directors, Consumers Public Power
District (Full Terms)
Vote for TWO
□ Clarence C. Sheldon
□ George W. Kline j
□ J. Lloyd McMaster
n W. A. Boettcher
LJ ________
□ _____—
Mrs. Jennie Hershiser 55.00
Irven Parsons 25.00
Wm Hanley 110.00
Wm. D. Claussen 110.00
Frank McDonald 100.00
John F. Damero 72.50
J. S. Hoffman 45.00
James Lieb 100.00
Frank LeMunyan 90.00
C. E. McClurg 70.36
E. F. Porter 166.35
M. A. Richards 236.93
William L. Hanley 125 00
J P. Harte 210.95
G. S. Withers 120.57
Ed J. Matousek 50.50
Walter K. Smith 57.00
J. C. Stein 33.00
Lyle C. McKim 34.20
American Checkwriter Co 4.00
Haynes Electric 35.10
John Sullivan 20.00
N. W. Bell TeL Co. 71.30
Charlie Snowardt _ 2.45
D. J. Cronin 160.00
Jos. Dobrovolny 50.00
Coe Cutler 236 02
Chas. C. Fauquier -_80.00
Nick Bonenberger __100.78
M. A. Schelkopf —120.00
Ellis Butterfield ..._.105.35
Frank Kaup, Sr. 238.19
W R. Shaw 80.18
L. G. Gillespie . -260.00
J H. Hertel..80.18
P. W. Kilmurry_75.54
Kenneth LaRue 55.20
Arthur Aim 85.00
Romaine J. Rohde 82.80
L. M. Rawlings 27.50
A. .1 Koenig 95.55
Wnt Troshynski 75.27
Motion by Sullivan, seconded
by Wolf, that Mothers' Pension
order for Maud Brown be ap
proved. Carried.
Motion by Smith, seconded by
Stein, that Supervisors Sullivan
and Schollmeyer be authorized to
purchase a used elevator grader
at a price not to exceed $600.00.
5:00 P. M. On motion. Board!
adjourned until September 29,
1942, 10:00 A. M., unless called at
an earlier date by the clerk.
Ed J. Matousek, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
War Production and Small
Following an 8,754-mile two
weeks tour of the nation—kept
secret as a special wartime safe
guard— President Roosevelt said
the War Production Board is go
ing, on the whole, extremely well,
allowing for a normal small per
centage of lag in a program made
a bit higher than human ingenu
, ity could carry out. He said he
thought the production progran ,|
would be achieved to the ex- ^
tent of 94 or 95 percent of the
goals outlined by him last Janu
ary. The President said the war
spirit he found in all parts of the
country was in excess of the war
spirit in Washington, and the peo
ple of the country are ready to
sacrifice for the war effort to a
greater extent than any steps yet
proposed in Washington.
American shipyards produced
93 vessels during September, at
rate of three ships a day, the
Maritime Commission announced.
The total deadweight tonnage of
1,009,800 was the greatest record
in world shipbuilding history. The
Commission said, and assures that
the goals of 8,000,000 tons this j
year and 16,000,000 tons next year ■
will be met. WPB Chairman Sal I
son asked Congress for immedj I
ate creation of a War Liabilities ]
Adjustment Board to help pro
tect the small businessman. Com
raerce Under Secretary Taykw
also recommended establishment
of a permanent agency whose task |
would be to “husband small bus
iness.” He estimated that 300,000
retail stores face failure before f
the end of 1943 because of gov ■
ernment restrictions, materia' i
shortages and the draft. I