The Frontier ■ VOL. LXIII * O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 89, 1912 NO. 25 BREEZES FROM THE SOUTHWEST By Romaine Saunders Atkinson, Nebr., Star Route No. 5. I do not take sympathetically to petition candidates. If a fellow can not go the regular route in his quest for office he is a political misfit and not entitled to public trust. John Brown, Swan’s venerable bachelor rancher, sold several truck loads of cattle from his herds last week, 120 calves and 30 head of mature cattle. They pretty near made a night of it in loading, as some of these freight car size trucks got stuck as they drove onto the road from the ranch. Had to be unloaded, the cattle hazed again into the corrals and reloaded. They were weigh ed in Chambers and taken east to the corn belt. With the encouragement of the secretaries of the army and navy, forty-nine senators defeated a dry proposal in the senate designed to protect our 18-19 boys if taken into the armed service. These men— statesmen who hold in fettered grasp the destiny of our nation— were frightened by* the spector of “the long blue nose of prohib ition,” but apparently have no fear that some of our boys may ac quire the dark red nose of the old soak. As it appears at this dis tance, liquor and labor unions have a strangle hold at Washing ton, which may yet invite retrib ution to raise naked fist in aveng ing fury. Reminiscent of the Hearst yel lows, there was distributed over our mail route last week, doubt less elsewhere in the state, a paper printed at Washington, D. C., called Labor. It’s four pages of glaring- type, pictures of sena tors and paneled columns had nothing to do with labor. It was a broadside at Nebraska hayseeds in behalf of Uncle George. Isn’t it magnanamous for a great plunderbund to be formed of senators in this grave hour to enlighten we prairie ignoramouses how to vote? But its sweetness has all been wasted on the desert air out this way. Preceding the last war in which the United States was involved with no allies the eloquent ora tors curled the hair of Americans and set the country wild to get our fleet and army and rough riders into action. Heaven knows there is a multitude of voices to day, but none have the punch necessary to really get us going. Nebraska’s John M. Thurston stood in the front with the best of them in the United States sen ate in those stirring days that saw the liberation of Cuba. I quote the closing of Senator Thurston’s speech on one occas ion and find nothing in the ora tory, literature or clap trap of to day to compare with it. “Inter vention means force,” said he. “Force means war. War means blood. But it will be God’s force. When has a battle for humanity and liberty ever been won except by force? What barricade of wrong, injustice and oppression has ever been carried except by force? Force compelled the sig nature of unwilling royalty to the great Magna Charts; force put life into the Declaration of Inde pendence and made effective the Emancipation Proclamation; force beat with naked hands upon the iron gateway of the Bastile and made reprisal in one awful hour for centuries of kingly crime; force waved the flag of revolution ovei^ Bunker Hill and marked the snows of Valley Fprge with blood stained feet; force held the brok en line at Shiloh, climbed the flame-swept hill at Chattanooga, and stormed the clouds on Look out Heights; force marched with Sherman in the valley of Shenan doah, and gave Grant victory at Appotomattox; force saved the Union, kept the stars in the flag, made ‘niggars’ men. Others may hesitate, others may procrastin ate, plead for fruther diplomatic negotiations; but for me I am ready to act now, and for my action I am ready to answer to my conscinece, my country, and my God.” Orator like Thurston stirred the country to action. That action was spontaneous and the results decisive. There is no voice among the multitude to day that appeals to the American heart in overwhelming conviction. Mrs. H. O. Russ, Mrs. R. E. Armbruster and Henrietta Sch rier spent Wednesday in Norfolk. Jack Grady Graduates At Shepherd Field From Post Headquarters and the office of Public Relations \ Shepard Field, Texas, we re ceived the following: “Pvt. John I F. Grady, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Grady of this city, has been graduated from an intensive course in aviation mechanics and j now is prepared to blast the axis, i Shephard Field, near Wichita Falls, Texas, is one of the many army schools in the Army Air Forces Technical Training Com I mand which trains the specialist ! technicians who maintain our bombers and fighterplanes in per fect combat condition. He is now eligible to become crew chief | on a bomber and to win a rating as corporal or sergeant. Before entering the school, he was trained at one of the basic training centers of the Air Forces : Technical Training Command and learned to fight the axis with other things besides the tools of his trade. Men trained by the Command are versed in the art of protection and offense as well as repair. Americans Putting Up Tough Scrap In Solomons According to reports Thursday morning the United States dough boys held their ownton Guadacanal, island of the Solomon group. They are hemmed in a corridor six miles long and three miles wide, while the Japs hammer them from three sides with heavy ar tillery and tanks. However the War Department was optomistic as to the results of the battle, which is now in its seventh day. Late Wednesday night (our time) General Douglas McArthur,, our sixty-two year old hero of World War two, disavowed any political aspirations. It had been reported that he might be a can didate for president in 1944. He said “I started as a soldier, and I shall finish as one.” Private Bill Taylor, a former resident of the Opportunity sec tion of the county who is now stationed in Colorado, attended a venison dinner last Sunday at the home of his sister and broth er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hen ifin of Fort Collins, Colorado. Others in attendance at the fam ily gathering were: Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor of Belvue, Col., Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Bruce of La Porte, Col. As this was just after the deer season in that section of the Rocky mountains, the main dish served at the meal was venison. Mrs. W. A. Ellis, of this city, is in a hospital at Fort Dodge, Iowa, where she submitted to a major operation on October 17. She is getting along nicely and expects to be released today. Mrs. Ellis went to Fort Dodge about three weeks ago to visit her brother, A. W. Wiley and family and also to receive medical treat ment. Her many friends in this city and county will be glad to learn that she is getting along so well. O’Neill relatives received word the first of the week that Jack Grady, who has been in school at Shepherd Field, Texas, for several months, has been se lected for the officers training school and has been transferred to Pensacola, Florida, where he will attend a Cadet training school. This office is in receipt of a letter from Jack Horiskey, of Cody, Wyoming, enclosing a re newal of his subscription to The Frontier. He says they enjoy its weekly visits, especially he and Walter. They send best wishes to their many friends in the “old home town.” Mrs. Frank Biglin entertained nine guests at a surprise dinner party at her home Tuesday even ing, in honor of her daughter, Betty, who will leave soon for the west coast. The guests pre sented her with a lovely gift. Mrs. Tom Enright and daugh ter, Loretta, went to Omaha Wed nesday, where Loretta will attend the State Teachers convention. LI. George Wrede. C o mmlsslon lng of four Ne braskans as second lieuten ants in the' army engineers at Fort Belvoir, I Va., is an nounced. They are Joe J. Daw son and Vincent E. Brownell, both of Omaha; Earl E. Lu ebcke, Norfolk; George E. Wrede, 1009 G, Lincoln. Truckers Will Have To Sign Up As announced last week Truck and Pick Up registration days were postponed. We have desig nated November 4, 5, and 6th, at the following places: Stuart _Stuart Creamery Atkinson _.... Keating & Son O’Neill ...AAA Office Page_Bradddock’s Ewing_Frank Uridol Chambers _ Harley Hardware Amelia Verni Sageser Residence Opportunity Ray Siders Residence An operator of either a farm truck or Pick Up who has not received an application from De troit, Mich., by the above men tioned dates, please call at one of the registration places listed give your name, address and license number. Anyone who has their application may register previous to above dates if it is more con venient. We have unloaded one car of wheat for feed and expect an other car next week. If you have not placed your order for your winter’s supply of poultry feed, do so at once. The price is 79c per bushel. Holt county has done except ionally well—2,373,972 pounds— in the scrap drive considering the late start. This is due to the united efforts of the following persons in charge: A1 Bermer, Stuart; Frank Sch nase, Atkinson; Mrs. Ethel Cole, Emmet, County Co-Ordinator; John Sullivan, O’Neill; Art Mart quardt, Ewing; Cleo Alderson, Chambers; Mrs. Ray Snell, Page; Earl Watson, Inman; Miss McCul lough, O’Neill. I wish to thank all for the united effort in this Scrap Drive. I also wish to thank the teachers of the county for their fine co operation. There were 16 schools which have won the Ak-Sar-Ben Victory. Cross. Harry E. Ressel. MECHANICS COURSES The Motors Mechanics courses originally planned to start soon will not be started unless there is an enrollment of at least twelve. So far there have only been about six or eight persons that have expressed their desire td take the course. If you are interested and desire to enroll, drop A. L. Mathis or, C. F. Grill, O’Neill, Nebr., a card immediately and give your name and address. Hospital Notes Mrs. Louis Vitt and baby dis missed on Sunday. Mrs. William Vrooman and baby dismissed on Sunday. Mrs. B. Rohde a patient from Saturday until Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Yarnell, a daugh ter, born Friday. Sgt. Alfred Broemer of Ft. Rob inson, Nebr., was admitted Sun day as an accident patient and is doing fine. Miss Patty Johnson admitted on Monday for medical care. Mrs. Erwin Woodworth, a son, born on Wednesday. Mrs. Jacob Lesser, a boy, born Thursday. The Frontier’s Honor Roll The following Frontier readers have either called or remitted subscriptions during the past three weeks, for which they have our thanks. Several new readers have also been added this fall and we hope they will enjoy the weekly visits of The Frontier as ! much as many of our old readers i who have been reading the paper I for forty or more years. Let I them come we still have room on I our lists for more. Palmer Monument Co. R. J. Rohde Mrs. John McCaffrey Rev. V. C. Wright John V. Sullivan William McClellan Rev. Dawson Park, new % F. G. Smith, new Mrs. Ed P. Ehr, new Mrs. A1 Sererson Dr. J. F. Gallagher Dr. E. E. Gallagher Dr. John P. Murphy George Mellor National Farm Loan Assn. John M. Horiskey L. E. Downey Wm. M. Dailey Mrs. Vernon Green, new John S. Kirwin Mrs. Elsie Johnson, Nebraska ! State Corresponding Secretary of I the Womens’ Christian Temper ance Union, left Monday for York, Nebr., where she will attend the annual State W. C. T. U. con vention. She will return home next Friday. If You Want Gas You Will Have To Register The Holt County War Price and Rationing Board at O’Neill, Nebr., in a statement today, urges all car owners to obtain from their tire or gasoline dealer, or from the Rationing Board Office, at once, an applicant blank for basic gasoline rationing. Basic Registration for gasoline ration will take place at the Pub lic schools throughout Holt coun ty on November 9, 10 and 11th, and urges all car owners to obtain their application, study it carefully, and fill it out in detail, particu larly part "B” in which is listed the serial numbers of the five ■ tires which the car owner is al lowed to keep under the ration | ing program. Inasmuch as all passenger tires I in excess of five per passenger car rpust be disposed of before the ; applicant can properly execute i part “B” of the application, it is necessary that car owners take all excess tires to the nearest Rail ! way Express Office at once, and obtain a receipt therefor. The registered car owner mfast i sign the application, even though his agent or another member of his family, may present the appli cation at the school house. Failure to comply with these provisions will cause rejection at the school house on November 9, 10 and 11th, in which case it will be necessary for the applicant to wait until after November 25 to obtain his gasoline coupon book. Lieut. Mike Harty Home On A Visit Lt. Mike Harty came home last Saturday afternoon from Fort Banning, Georgia, where on Oc tober 21, 1942, he received his stripes as a Second Lieutenant, after three months training in a Cadet school at Fort Banning. He will visit his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Ben Harty and other rela tives until Friday, when he will leave for Portland, Oregon, for a couple of days visit' with his brother and will then go to Camp Adair, Oregon, where he will be stationed. Mike is the third O’Neill boy to win his stripes in the army, the others being, Lt. John Gallagher, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gallagher: Lt. Hugh McKenna, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McKenna. Holt county boys make good, no matter in what line of endeavor they enter. I Marriage Licenses Raymond E. Weigt, Menno, S. D., and Irene Stahl, Freeman, S. D., on October 27. Glen R. Bonnet, Carter, S. D., and Ruth D. Werner, Bonesteel, S. D., on October 23. Sanford Novak, Bijou Hills, S. D., and Helen Hines, Letcher, S. D., on October 25. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our heart felt and sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors who were so kind to us during the illness and following the death of our beloved wife and mother. Your kindness to us in our hour of sorrow will ever be held in grateful remembrance.—: Jerrold Dusatko and Children. EDUCATIONAL NOTES Most of the time I try to keep “scrap accounts” pretty quiet in the county superintendent’s of fice, but the “Scrap Campaign” in schools this fall is something of which we may well be proud. The children of Holt county have done especialy good work. All re ports are not in, but to date, (Tuesday, October 27th), sixteen rural schools are eligible for the Ak-Sar-Ben Victory Flag, while about seventy percent of our rur al schools are receiving prize placards as “100% Scrappers.” A list of Holt county rural schools, with their collections and aver ages per pupil follows: Dist. No. 5, Mildred Stuart, O’Neill, 1,440 lbs., 206 lbs. Dist. No. 8, Armella Pongratz, O’Neill, 1,920 lbs., 148 lbs. Dist. No. 9, Doris * Scofield, O’Neill, 786 lbs., 197 lbs. Dist. No. 15, Dorothy Morrow, O’Neill, 350 lbs., 16 lbs. Dist. No. 16, Madelynne Hynes, O’Neill, 890 lbs., 823 lbs. Dist. No. 17, Vivian Clouse, O’Neill, 4.260 lbs., 2,130 lbs. Dist. 27, LaVern Borg, O’Neill, 21.346 lbs., 1,423 lbs. Dist. No. 36, Donna Shellhase, Atkinson, 6,820 lbs., 620 lbs. Dist. No. 41, Doris Appleby, In man, 350 lbs., 117 lbs. Dist. 47, Mildred Keyes, Inman, 2,000 lbs., 182 lbs. Dist. 56, Wanda Spangler, Star, 700 lbs., 233 lbs. Dist. No. 57, Anna Mae Nickel, Page, 10,688 lbs., 1,336 lbs. Dist. No. 60, Suzanne Mudloff, Opportunity, 3,710 lbs., 928 lbs. Dist. No. 72, Josephine Mlinar, Stuart, 1,720 lbs., 430 lbs. Dist. 76, Anna Rose O’Donnell, Emmet, 2,700 lbs., 300 lbs. Dist. No. 80, Mrs. Theresa Parks, O’Neill, 3,000 lbs., 500 lbs. Dist. No. 88, Dorothy Lee, Ew ing, 2,975 lbs., 175 lbs./ Dist. No. 89, Mary Bruder, At kinson, 2,639 lbs., 264 lbs. Dist. No. 90, Ella Kazda, Atkin son, 7,840 lbs., 713 lbs. Dist. No. 91, Eileen Leisge, Stuart, 12,250 lbs., 1,361 lbs. Dist. No. 92, Theresa Ullrich, O’Neill, 5,350 lbs., 669 lbs. Dist. No. 93, Margaret Knight, Opportunity, 3,530 lbs., 883 lbs. Dist. o N.102, Sylvia Vavak, At kinson, 2,190 lbs., 219 lbs. Dist. No. 107, Hilda Harley, Chambers. 4,770 lbs., 298 lbs. Dist. 108, Florence Kaczor, Ew ing, 3,980 lbs., 284 lbs. Dist. Ill, Dorothy Dorr, Inman, 1,100 lbs., 61 lbs. Dist. 118, Mildred Tomjack, Ew ing, 7,160 lbs., 448 lbs. Dist. No. 120, Elaine Martfeld, Chambers, 5,225 lbs., 746 lbs. Dist. No. 127, Ella Eisert, Op portunity, 2,530 lbs., 211 lbs. Dist. No. 128 Milane Pochop, Page, 550 lbs., 92 lbs. Dist. No. 134, Stanley Lambert, Chambers, 8,750 lbs., 547 lbs. Dist. No. 136, Marjorie Rouse, Stuart, 1,730 lbs., 247 lbs. Dist. No. 145, Cleta Murray, O’Neill, 480 lbs., 60 lbs. Dist. No. 146, Delbert Christi anson, Ewing, 15,200 lbs., 1,014 lbs. Dist. No. 156, Doris Kiltz, Chambers, 1,200 lbs., 171 lbs. Dist. No. 158, Genevieve Ottele, Stuart, 300 lbs., 100 lbs. Dist. No. 159, Helen Mullen, At kinson, 2,520 lbs., 252 lbs. HOLT CO. STOCK TOPS CHICAGO MARKET Raymond Garwood, (left), well known Holt county cattleman liv ing southwest of Atkinson, had the honor on October 21 of seeing: fifty-one choice Angus heifers, produced in his herd, set a new top on the Chicago market. The price paid wasi $16.50, the highest since September of 1937. The man who bought the Gar wood Blacks last October, and who fed them for nearly a year, was William Backhaus (right) of Schleswig, Iowa. In the center, and also very much interested in market-topping Angus cattle, is W. H. Tomhave, secretary of the American Aberdeen-Angus Breed ers’ Association, Chicago. The Holt county Angus breeder drove to the western Iowa town I to accompany Mr. Backhaus to were a drove of medium weight were a drove of mediumweight Angus steers, also bred and rais ed on the Garwood ranch, which brought Mr. Backhaus $17.10, one of the highest prices of the day. While on the Chicago market Mr. Garwood reported that de mand for Angus calves from corn belt feeders, and at premium pri ces, was much larger than the supply. Mr. Garwood has sold his 1942 crop of Angus steer and heifer calves to two western In diana cattle finishers. As he re marked, “Angus cattle have the quality it takes to get top money for 'feeder calves in the fall. In turn these calves fatten out and produce the quality of beef that packer buyers are willing to pay a premium for. Dist. No. 163, Helen Childers, Chambers, 5,520 lbs., 1,104 lbs. Dist. No. 171, Fern Riley, O’ Neill, 1,110 lbs., 222 lbs. Dist, No. 172, Lorena McDar mott, Stuart, 1,140 lbs., 114 lbs. Dist. No. 174, Doris Thompson, O’Neill, 800 lbs., 34 lbs. Dist. No. 192, Helen O’Donnell, Emmet, 240 lbs., 80 lbs. Dist. No. 196, Eula Closson, Ew ing 11,490 lbs., 1,436 lbs. Dist. No. 210, Marilyn Thomp son, Stuart, 620 lbs., 103 lbs. Dist. No. 211, Marie Frahm, Amelia, 2,720 lbs., 247 lbs. Dist. No. 212, Margaret Pruss, O’Neill, 610 lbs., 102 lbs. Dist. No. 224, Mrs. Elmer Devall O’Neill, 1,190 lbs., 79 lbs. Dist. No. 229, Florence Ratliff, Stuart, 1,910 lbs., 273 lbs. Dist. No. 231, Sylvia Smith, At kinson, 2,038 lbs., 509 lbs. Dist. No. 232, Josephene Ab dalla, Stuart, 1,490 lbs., 298 lbs. Dist. No. 236, Luella Hamilton, Atkinson, 1,410 lbs., 470 lbs. Dist. No. 241, Marguerite Dorr, Page, 300 lbs., 50 lbs. Dist. No, 251, Mildred Derick son, Middlebranch, 530 lbs., 106 lbs. Dist. No. 18H, Ina Mae Noddy, Ewing, 5,430 lbs., 603 lbs. This makes a total of 193,497 pounds of scrap collected and re ported by writing to this office. Some schools have collected but as yet no official report has been made of their collection. Dist. No. 17 has the largest per capita average, 2,130 lbs., while District Number 27 has the larg est total amount, 21,346 pounds. Transportation has been a big item to consider in all of the rural schools. Many school offi cers and parents have been mose kind and unselfish in helping these schools perform in such an excellent response to the call for scrap. elja McCullough, County Superintendent. Old Timer Has Big Reading Job Ahead This office is in receipt of a letter from John S. Kirwin, of Pocatello, Idaho, enclosing a re newal of his subscription to The Frontier. Mr. Kirwin was a resi dent of this county in the early eighties, but for several years has been in the west. He has many old friends in this section who will be glad to learn that he is still on the go. He says: “About a year ago I had decided to retire from work, after some sixty years of construction work of various kinds, scattered all over the west. But times being what they are, I could not loaf any longer while there is serious work to do, so I have been here for five months on an army air base, which is being built here by Morrison Knudsen Company, of Boise, with which company J have been con nected for twenty-five years. In a few days the work will be fin ished, and I am then returning home to Boise, where there are copies of The Frontier of the past five months awaiting me. Best regards to all friends and The Frontier staff.” LIVE AND LEARN PROJECT CLUB Mrs. Ray Johns was hostess to the Live and Learn Project Club Thursday, October 22, with Mrs. Bert Freed assisting. All mem bers answered roll call but one. Mrs. John Zinky was a guest. The ladies gave a very interest ing demonstration on storing and conserving food. A vegetable dish was prepared and served at the luncheon, it was arranged on a large platter forming a V for Victory. The quilt that the Club made during the summer was given away at the Hoskinson store on October 3. The proceeds, $97.50 will be turned over to the Red Cross. The next meeting will be No vember 20th at the home of Mrs. August Brinkman, with Mrs. Geo. Reis assisting. Pleasant Day Project Club The Pleasant Day Project Club held their first meeting of the season at the home of Mrs. Wm. Grutsch. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon, in which the les son, Vegetables and Vegetable Cookery, was demonstrated by the leaders. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Henry Vequist on November 11th. Judge D. R. Mounts and Re porter Ted McElhaney went to Brown and Keya Paha counties 'Tuesday to hold court. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rouse Entertain Relatives and Friends Last Sunday A get together gathering was held at the Howard Rouse home on Sunday, October 25, in honor of their son, Pvt. Lawrence Rouse of the air base at Stockton, Cal. Mr. Rouse is here on a fifteen day furlough and leaves next Tues day to return to Stockton. Those present at the gathering were: His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rouse and his brothers, Lloyd and Deljaert, Arthur Rouse, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rouse, Marjorie and Marvin, of near Inman; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Riser and baby Raymond, of Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Young, Richard, Mary and Stanley, of Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young, Thelma,_ Ed ward and Helen; Mrs. Carrie Borg and Marvel; Miss Maud Rouse, Mrs. F. H. Griffith of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robertson, Ilene and Raymond; Mrs. A. L. Borg, Laverne, Helen, Donald, Dwaine; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Han sen, Kenis, Willie, Lila and Ber nice; Mrs. Christine Walters, Clint McMillan, of Meek; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters, Florence, Lavone, Arlenp and Allen and Mrs. Geo. Rock of Redbird. The ladies served a bounteful dinner which was enjoyed very much. Former O’Neillite Says Hastings Booming The editor is in receipt of a letter from Lee Downey, former Holt county boy and former agent of the Burlington railroad here and now holding the same posi tion in Hastings, extending his subscription to The Frontier, in order, he says, to keep posted on the happenings around his old stamping grounds. Lee says in his letter: “Hastings is a mad house with the Naval plant going in. It covers 48,960 acres in Adams and Clay counties and will consist of some 1300 buildings, 90 miles of railroad and 200 miles of highways. The railroads will have enough carloads in construc tion alone to make a solid train 333 miles long. Our worst head ache here is to get railroad help. We have had to make a lot of new jobs at good rates of pay but men are hard to find. We haven’t been over to O’Neill for a year, but no vacations for the duration now.” According to the above Hastings must be one of the bus iest cities in the state. Livestock Prices Rule Steady To Strong Nominally steady to strong prices were the rule at the regular weekly livestock auction here last Monday. Receipts were moder ately heavy, though the peak of the cattle movement in this sec tion appears to have been reached. Definite truck shortages began to show up, which fact makes it in ; creasingly difficult for farmers | and ranchers to market their live stock. An extreme top of $14.25 claim ed a few choice lightweight steer calves, but the practical! price range was from $12.75 to $13.75. Heifers reached $13.00 for an ex treme top; bulk made $11.50 to $12.80. Yearling steers cashed between $11.50 and $12.85, with a few going higher. Heifers in this class paid $11.00 to $12.25. Quite a lot of plain cattle were repre sented in this class. Heavy steers (two-year olds), paid from $11.00 to $12.25; heif ers in this class ranged in price from $10.75 to $11.75. Good beef cows showed price strength at $10.95 for the extreme top. Bulk of the good beef cows claimed $9.50 to $10.50. Plainer quality beef cows cashed at $9.00 and down. Canners and cutters placed from $6.50 to 7.50. Bulls pushed upwards to $11.00. Butcher hogs bulked from $14.10 to $14.20 with a few reach ing $14.25. Bulk of the sow offer ing moved at $14.05 to $14.15. Feeders averaging 110 pounds topped at $17.35. About 100 head of sheep sold here last Monday. Lambs brot $11.85 per hundred. Next auction on Monday, November 2. Presbyterian Church Dr. J. E. Spencer, Pastor Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship a* 11:00 a. m. Sermon subject, “A Definite An swer to an Important Question.” Young People’s Meeting at 7 I o’clock Sunday evening. The Guild will meet at the 1 manse Thursday afternoon, Nov. 5. with Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Car I ter and Mrs. Miller assisting.