The Frontier VOL LXin O’Nl n L NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1841 no 23 BREEZES FROM THE SOUTHWEST By Remain* Saunders A good turn done us may soon be forgotten. An injury, how ever slight, real or imagined, lives on. Riding boots with the ornate tops are quite the thing for little tots or grownups, Who'd have thought a crummey old puncher would ever set the style in foot wear? Less than two weeks until election and one candidate has been to see us. So times change. In the days of transportation by team and buggy candidates cov ered the county from Swan to Scottville, from Dustin to Deloit and gave every voter the glad hand, saw' our citizens as they were and when the voter went to the polls he felt thaf he knew his men. With the flower of American manhood now offering its life blood on the altar of freedom, it is hard for decent citizens to say what is adaquate to deal with the 400 despisable workers in a great factory devoted to turning out equipment for the men on the firing lines who as one man defied the rule prohibiting smoking during working hours, w'ere dis charged, and the 2,000 who walk ed out in “sympathy." Is it not time the country was dealing with the arrogant, bulldozing, evil element of organized labor? They are devoid of patriotism; the appeal of a Washington, a Henry, a Lincoln would fall, on blocks of stone. Only a ruthless hand can deal with such. Cannot the foundations of public sentiment be shaken until this source of natnonal disgrace is crushed to earth? The federation of Nebraska labor unions, numerically unim-i portant and for the most part non existent outside of Omaha and Lincoln, keeps at its head a gent who assumes to say how labor will vote. Usually it is violently anti-republican. This time it is Norris. I recall when the Lin coln Central Labor Union, of which I was at the time a mem ber, published a sheet for the ap parent purpose of throwing mud at Sam McKelvie who was the republican nominee for govern or and was elected hands down. Mr. McKelvie was always a friend of union labor, employing none other in his publishing plant. The violent opposition of the pro moters of that sheet, falsely claiming to represent the senti ment of union men, was account ed for on the ground of unreason ing partisan prejudice. This now prevails in the state feder ation. But unions are in none too good standing. Flowers have faded, the wind hurries through tree tops bereft of foilage, dead leaves flutter across the path, com fields are yellow and dry, the prairie is clothed in autumn’s brown blank et, thrush and barn swallow are gone, yellow jackets are restless, herds are driven off the summer ranges, young America races to and from the little old school house on handsome ponies and teacher walks sedately by morn ing and evening. The summer is ended, the long lazy days of sun shine, bright blossoms and green verdure have merged into the season of changing colors and gold and crimson sunsets. It is the season of rest on the prairie after the sweat and toil of sum mer—a summer that has given a storehouse of material blessings to diligent workers. And now marching down the calander come the brief days and long evenings when we sit in the fire light, counting it “luxury divine” to “dream the old dreams over,” while in fancy faces of the friends that we have known float from out the deepening shadows. And so there is to be “better understanding” among men after this war? Just where are we to anchor our faith for such fruition from the present flow of blood and tears and treasure? Didn’t we hear that before, only in fewer words—the world safe for democ racy. “Better understanding” implies better men. They are made at the foot of the cross, not on battle fields. Vanquished and victor are left on battle fields, the one sullen and revengeful, the other arrogant and boastful. History, revelation and the exper ience of mankind holds little hope for the fullfilment of the imagi nations now afloat respecting the future. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh”—an inexorable fact. The weapons of this great warfare are carnal and if a spirit ual rebirth grows out of it some thing new will be known. A Frenchman, not long before the collapse of his nation, was quoted as saying: ‘‘Unfortunately the ! weapons of the spirit are not strong enough to defend our homes today. It is time to close ! the Bible and open the statute book” France said yes, and Hit ler walked in. Better under standing and a better world—“tis a consumation devoutly to be wished,” but the first job of those who dream is to strive to make | better1 men. Hoys* and Dirls' Hemp Drive Whs Hiit Success The children of the O'Neill Public School and those of St, Mary's Academy gave the grown ups a lesson in scrap collection on Wednesday of this week when they gathered and deposited on a vacant lot on Fourth and Douglas streets 210.112 pounds of scrap, or a little over 105 tons Of this amount 125,818 pounds was col lected by the students of the pub lic school, while the students of St. Mary's collected and hauled to the scrap center 84.294 pounds. This great amount of scrap makes about 178 pounds for each pupil of both schools, which was a splendid record and one that the older people will have to hustle to be able to beat at their Scrap Day next Saturday. The scrap collection campaign has been ex tended for one week and will not end on the coming Saturday, but a week from Saturday. Bring your SCRAP in this coming Sat urday. The O'Neill youngsters put on a real campaign and they* worked from early morning until late at night gathering the scrap and hauling it to the scrap yard. The day was w'arm and some of the boys were very weary in the af ternoon. Mayor Kersenbrock ap peared on the scene and furnish ed the boys and girls with ice cream, cake and cookies. Immed iately thereafter increased activ ity was seen in the ranks of the youngsters, who sure appreciated the treat from the Mayor. Tri-State New Building Going Up Rapidly Great activity has been mani fest at the plant of the Tri-State Produce Company in this city the past two weeks, since work of re building the plant, destroyed by fire Sept. 9, commenced Contract for erection of the new building was let to the Sorenson Construc tion Company of Sioux City, and he has a force of about forty men working on the building and great progress has already been made in reconstruction. The new building will be 148x 80 feet, being much larger than the old building. The building is being constructed of glazed tile and will be a very beautiful building. It will, have a full base ment and one story above the ground. The old building had two coolers, while the new one will contain three, giving them nearly twice the cooling capacity of the old plant. The new cooler being installed will be 48x20 feet. The other two coolers are 32x18 feet and 32x40 feet. It is expected that the building will be completed on or about December 1, but they expect to begin killing at the plant in about two weeks, so that they can get in on some of the holiday bus iness. Citizens of O’Neill, and in fact residents of this entire section of the state are pleased that the building is being rebuilt, as they paid out more money in this city and territory than any other es tablishment in this city or sec tion, and its location here gave the poultry raisers of this section a home market for their products. Marriage Licenses William Albert Conway and Edna Eppenbach, both of O'Neill, on October 14. John Francis Kelly and Dor othy Marie Dalton, both of O'Neill, on October 10. Bud Emery of Nenzel and Della M. Stout of Crookston, on Octo ber 10. Daniel P. Page and Audrey L. Worth, both of O’Neill, on Octo ber 9. Arthur A. Jurgensmeir and Margaret Martin, both of O’Neill, on October 8. Max D. Chapman and Eileen McKenna, both of O'Neill, on Oc tober 8. VETERANS - You men who fought the last War-make this your job. To see that no American boy shall fall because a lack of scrap de prived him of a fighting chance. SCRAP SLACKERS CAN \ LOSE THDS WAR! ! -* __ -—^—— It’* squarely up to you. The mills need scrap to make the steel to go across the sea as ships, and tanks, and guns. They need it now—and in the months to come. For all new steel must be 50% scrap— and the mills are running out They haven’t enough for even 50 days more production —then they'll be shutting down. Unless you get to work. Unless you go into your basement and your attic and rout out the junk that’s there. Talk about it to your friends and neighbors—you men who know what war is like. Tell them .. .“Don’t be a scrap slacker. Get your scrap ready for the drive that starts next Monday!** Then get to work and help them do it. We’re out to fill the junk yards—to make every salvage depot a towering tribute to out fighting men. And don't think the job is done when the scrap starts piling up. Because the war must end before the need for scrap is over. Do this to help make sure it ends om way! Watch this paper for details of the big scrap drive aad what yea must do to help NEWSPAPERS' UNITED SCRAP METAL DRIVE Two O’Neill Couples Are United, Double Ceremony A lovely double wedding was solemnized on Friday morning, October 9. at 7 a. m., at St. Pat rick's Catholic church in O’Neill when Miss Margaret Martin be came the bride of Arthur Jurg ensmeier and Miss Eileen Mc Kenna became the bride of Max Chapman, Rev. Father Brick performing the ceremonies. Mrs. Jurgensmeier, the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of O’Neill, was very at tractive in a brown street length dress and brown accessories, and wore a corsage of gardenias. She is a graduate of St. Mary’s Acad emy with the class of 1938. She is an employee at the telephone office and will continue in this work. Mr. Jurgensmeier, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jurgensmeier of Emmet, and is employed in Atkinson as gravel checker for the U. S. Government. Mrs. Chapman is the daughter of Mrs. Elsie Slattery and was very becomingly attired in soldier blue street length dress with rust accessories and wore a corsage of gardenias. She is a graduate of St. Mary’s Academy with the class of 1940. She is also an employee at the telephone office and will continue in that work. Mr. Chapman is the son of Mrs. Mae Chapman of O’Neill and is a graduate of the O’Neill High School with the class of 1940. He was employed at the Ideal Market for several years, until recently, when he began working in Atkin son as a gravel checker for the U. S. Government. Both couples are making their homes in the Melvin Klinger apartments on Fremont street. Both these couples have many friends in this city and vicinity who extend sincere and hearty congratulations and wish for all four a long and happy married life. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kopecky of Inman, Mr. and Mrs. John Valla, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Halva and Mr. and Mrs. Lod Janousek and fam ily of O’Neill were chicken din ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Novak at Bristow last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tomlin son spent Saturday evening and Sunday at North Platte visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNally, and other relatives. HOLT COUNTY U. S. D. A. WAR BOARD NOTES A Holt County Farm Transpor tation Committee will be selected by the County USDA War Board to assist in the new transporta tion conservation program an nounced recently by the Office of Defense Transportation. The com mittee will be headed by a mem ber of the AAA committee, and also will include two farmers, a trucker and a farm supply dealer. Committee headquarters will be at the AAA office. First job for the County Farm Transportation Committee will be to help trucks fill out applications for Certificates of War Necessity. Registration days will be October 22, 23 and 24. The towns for reg istration are as follows: O’Neill, Stuart and Atkinson, Chambers, Ewing, Amelia, Page and Oppor tunity. The following prices will be paid for Scrap at O'Neill: Skin-j ned steel, $7. 25% or less clean or unclean cast with steel or mal- j leable, $8. 50% or less clean or unclean cast with steel or malle- j able, $9. Cast with small amount unclean steel or malleable, $10. j Clean cast, $12. The total scrap collected for the county to date is 694,425, of which Atkinson High School collected 97,747 pounds, or 622 pounds per enrolled student, thus quali fying them for the Ak-Sar-Ben Victory Flag. Harry E. Ressel, Chairman, Holt Co. U.S.D.A. War Board. County Court Glen Williams of Omaha was1 arrested by Patrolman John T. | Meistrell and charged with fail ure to stop at a stop sign. He ap peared in county court on Octo ber 12, pled guilty and was fined $10 and costs $3.10. Ernest Cornish of Ainsworth was arrested by Patrolman John T. Meistrell and charged with failure to stop at a stop sign. He; appeared in county court on Oc tober 12, pled guilty and was fined $15 and costs $3.10. Lloyd Cork of Page was arrest ed by Patrolman John T. Meis- \ trell and charged with over-1 weight on capacity plates. He ap- j peared in county court on Octo- j ber 12, pled guilty and was fined I $10 and costs $3.10. Births Mr. and Mrs. John Stauffer, a son, on Saturday, Oct. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harris, a daughter, on Saturday, Oct. 10. Fellowship Clubs Join In Pushing Scrap Drive The Youth Fellowship and Young Adult Fellowship of the Inman Methodist church are co operating w'ith the County AAA Committee and rural and village schools in sponsoring the scrap drive for Inman Precinct. The two Fellowship organizations have been divided into two teams and a contest between the “Com mandos” and the “Scrappers” is being staged. All scrap amount ing to 500 pounds or more, which is donated to the Fellowship or ganizations, is being picked up on request. Signs on the vacant lot south of the Inman telephone of fice indicate where donations to the “Commandos" and “Scrap pers” are being placed. Those in charge of the drive are very anxious that all avail able scrap in Inman precinct be either sold to Mr. Harkins at the Finkbine Lumber Yard in Inman, or donated to the Fellowship or ganizations not later than Satur day evening, October 17, which is the closing date for the state drive. Saturday, October 17, has been designated as Inman Scrap Rally Day, by which time it is hoped that the entire community wil co-operate by bringing in all remaining scrap. For details of the drive, contact Rev. E. B. Maxcy, pastor of the Inman Methodist Church, or Har vey T. Tompkins, president of the Young Adult Fellowship. Hospital Notes Visiting hours are from 2 to 4 p. m., and 7 to 9 p. m. Mrs. Nellie Caulfield dismissed Wednesday. Francis Flood dis missed Friday. Joe Spes dismis sed Saturday. Raymond Tunen der dismissed Friday. Mrs. El bridge Maynard and son of Orch ard dismissed on last Thursday. Mrs. Chris Reimer and daughter dismissed Monday. Mrs. Matt Hynes a son on Monday. Mrs. Leonard Shoemaker a son on Tuesday. Mrs. Oswald Jindra a daughter on Friday. Sam Fuhrer underwent an emergency oper ation Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Grill enter tained the Dutch Treat Club on Wednesday evening at a 7 o'clock dinner at a local cafe and bridge at their home. Mrs. J. M. Hayes won high score for the ladies and F. E. Parkins won high score for the men, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Miller won the low scores. American Legion and Auxiliary Held Conventions Here Tuesday The annual convention of the' American Legion Auxiliary of j Dist. No. 2, which comprises eight 1 counties in north central Nebras J ka, was held in O’Neill on Tues-1 day of this week. The convention sessions were i called to order at 10 o'clock by i Dist, President Mi's. Robert Lar son of Pilger, after registration of; 75 delegates and visitors was: completed. The morning session included Advancement of the Colors by Pages; the Salute and Pledge to the Flag, led by Mrs. Loa Hub bard of the Chambers Unit; group singing of the "Star Spangled, Banner,” under the direction of j Mrs. Luther Samuelson of New man Grove, past department mus ic chairman. After the joint reci tation of the Preamble, the Wel come was presented by Edith J. Davidson, president of the O'Neill Unit, and the Response by Dist. President Larson, followed by a report of Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Otto Oik of Pilger. High lights of the work done by each unit in the district was presented in a condensed form by the county chairman of each county. These were all very in teresting and it was found that a great many hours work had been devoted by the Auxiliary mem bership in this district for Red Cross knitting, sewing veterans’ hospital assignments, veterans’ gift shop, rehabilitation and child welfare work. Following these reports me morial services were conducted by the Newman Grove Unit for twelve members of the district who were called by death during the past year. This very impres sive service was under the super vision of Mrs. Samuelson and was added to very beautifully by the deeply moving songs, "Lead Kind ly Light” and "Taps,’’ well ren dered by her young son. Master Rodney Samuelson. At the close 54 Holt County Boys I^eave On October 23 The following boys will leave j O’Neill for Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, on Friday. October 23,1 1942. These boys will please be here at 8:15 a. m., as bus leaves' at 8:30 a. m., from Golden Hotel corner: Walter Zahradnicek, Stuart. Robert L. Vance, Ewing. Andy O. Carr, Atkinson. Ivan O. Baldwin, Atkinson. William J. Morgan, Atkinson. Carol J. Isaacson, Ewing. Harold D. Kirkland, Atkinson. Gerald D. Hansen, O’Neill. David E. Stewart, Chambers. John E. Grutsch, O’Neill. Roy H. Schacht, Page. Gordon R. Brittell, Inman. John E. Naber, Atkinson. Lawrence L. Thurlow, Atkinson. Donald W. Moler, O’Neill. George E. McCarthy, Atkinson. Ross O. Barnhardt, Ewing. Leonard E. Jungman, Atkinson. Ronald A. Grass, Page. John D. Alder, Opportunity. Jeffery E. Smith, Page. Clair E. Abbott, Amelia. Jack M. Barr, Page. Leon R. Hickerson, Amelia. Marvin J. Lichty, Page. Frank Kohle, Stuart. George A. Kubik, Star. Wayne E. Howard, Page. Frederick G. Seger, Atkinson. Ernst W. Rosenkrans, Dorsey. Carl C. Coifack. Dustin. Joe E. Luth, Emmet. Edd R. Stewtrt, Page. George Verzal, Atkinson. Lester E. Bergstrom, Ewing. Richard E. Albers, Chambers. Martin L. Craig, Page. John F. Kelly, O’Neill. Cleveland M. Sigman, Amelia. Kenneth J. Kestenholtz, Inman. Joseph D. Price, O'Neill. Edward E. Hanley, O’Neill. Leo Straka, Stuart. Lester C. Zarnfaller, Atkinson. Richard Osborn, Chambers. Gerald K. Barnes, Stuart. Pius G. Ullrich, O’Neill. Joseph J. Kalina, Inman. Harold K. Brittell, Inman. James C. Soukup, O’Neill. Paul H. Ludington, Page. Elmer V. Loeffler, O'Neill. Vernon R. Parks, Page. Louis J. Bartos, Page. Bernard Van Vleck, Clearwater Russell F. Angus, Butte. Joseph E. Funk, Ewing. Wayne W. Hickok, Atkinson. Leonard D. Lines, Inman. Harry E. Werner, Emmet. Floyd J. Tucker, Ewing. Lyle R. Eppenbach, O’Neill. George E. Green, Atkinson. | Gaylord Hodgkin, O’Neill. of the service Taps were echoed with the trumpet by Miss Dor othy Lowery of O'Neill. County caucuses were held to select a nomination committee for the presentation of candidates to be elected in the afternoon. A very fine luncheon was serv ed in the church basement by the ladies of the M. E. church, during which the Salt and Pepper In itiation was held under the direc tion of the Norfolk Unit, and some very clever gifts were pre sented by Dist. President Larson to those securing ten or more 1943 memberships. Mrs. Opal Keating of Atkinson won the prize for high score in the con test Conducted. The afternoon session opened with a "War Medley” presented by the brass sextette, under the direction of Prof. Ira George. George Hammond then presented the very beautiful vocal solo, “The Lost Chord,” by Sullivan, with Miss Marjorie Graybiel as accompanist. After this very pleasant enter tainment program, the conven tion business continued with the annual report of Dist President Larson. The honor guest of the day, Mrs. Blanche Starr of Alma, de partment president of the Auxil iary, presented a very fine report covering all activities of the Aux iliary. At this time Department Com mander John Curtis of Lincoln extended greetings from the Le gion and expressed appreciation of the work the Auxiliary has done. Fritz Sellery, district com mander, of Neligh. and Ivan Marsh, service officer of the Vet erans' Hospital of Lincoln, also extended greeting to the conven tion. After the election of officers, which unanimously re-elected Mrs. Robert Larson of Pilger as president, and Mrs. W. H. Har rison of Norfolk as vice-president, there followed presentation of awards and gifts, the retirement of the colors and adjournment. At seven o’clock a very sumpt uous banquet was served in the high school auditorium by the Catholic Daughters to approxi mately 200 Legion and Auxiliary members and their friends. The banquet room was beautifully ar ranged with long white tables on which centerpieces of late fall flowers and flags were the only decoration. Nutcups and favors presented by the O'Neill Unit were clever arrangements of a ‘ship and sailor boy’ and a tank and soldier’ combination. During the banquet an excel lent program of band music was presented by the combined O'Neill and St. Mary’s Academy bands under the direction of Prof. Ira George. Then in spectacular marching form the combined glee club of St. Mary's Academy and the O’Neill High School entered the banquet hall singing as the band played “The Army Air Song." They rendered some very beautiful music. Miss Davene Loy presented a lovely vocal solo, “Sympathy,” and Miss Kathleen Flood sang very sweetly her solo, “When the Lights Go On Again All Over the World.” At this time the O’Neill Clown Band made their appearance and performed in their inimitable style under the direction of var ious guest leaders. The three Hoff sisters, Trena. Marcella and Lois, presented their Tumbling Act, which was well afid enthusi astically received. A vocal duet was presented by Marvin Holz claw and Donald Persons, with Gerald Graybiel at the piano. After this splendid array of home talent, J. D. Cronin, toast master, introduced distinguished guests and local, district and de partment officers of the Legion and Auxiliary, following which Department Commander John Curtis presented an exceptionally fine address. Mr. Curtis is a very talented speaker and while the address was very entertaining, he gave everyone present some * things to think about. It was felt that all who heard him cannot help but become better and more useful citizens as a result. His never-to-be-forgotten address was a very fitting climax to a fine and educational convention. Robert Moore, who is an avia tion machinists mate third class in the U. S. Navy, has been trans ferred recently from the Great Lakes Naval Training Station in Illinois to Norfolk, Va.