The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 10, 1942, Image 8

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FOR RENT— Two modem res
idences. See R. H. Parker. 17-tf
•SMALL cook stove, nearly new.
Kmilv Bowen, O’Neill. 18-2p
MINNESOTA gram binder, 8-ft;
(Complete trucks and horse hitch;
ready to work.—V. K. Simonson,
fjbone 5F120. 18-lp
SHEET STEEL buckets, hold a
little more than a peck measure;
.useful as feed buckets about the
barn, handy for coal, ashes, and
just a lot of different uses. Sev
.eral of them for sale at only 25c
t sach at The Frontier office. Try
.one and you will likely call for
another, theyre just that handy.
Sale at Bazelman’s, South 4th
Street. Come in and try it. Also
Lunches. Gasoline and Gro
ceries. 8-tf.
WANT feeder pigs, direct from
farm. Must be healthy and vac
cinated. Quote me price by the
pound, at your farm; number,
weight. Location from highway
20.—Carl W. Blomgren, Albert
City, Iowa. • 18-2
SCHOOL GIRL wants work for
board and room. -*r-. Mr*. S. Za
krzewski, Opportunity.' 17-1
help wanted
MALE and female'’pqultry help.
Feeders, receivers packers, grad
ers, kilers and pickers. Good
wages. Apply at once. Apply at
this office, Box 102. 18-2
tfFirst publication Aug. 27, 1942)
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an Order of Sale issued
Ho me by the Clerk of the District
Court of Holt county, Nebraska,
in an action pending in said Court
where Roy W. Karr is plaintiff
j*nd William D. Bradstreet, and
<others (this being case No. 13848),
ore defendants I will sel to the
highest bidder for cash at the
front door of the court house in
O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 28th day
<of September, 1942, at 10 o’clock
A M., the following described
Cemises in Holt county, Nc
Northeast Quarter of Sec
tion Eighteen Township
Thirty-two, North, Range
Eleven, West of the Sixth P.
M., Holt county, Nebraska,
to satisfy the sum of $139.70
found due plaintiff, and interest
JlJbrreon, and $72.66 costs of suit
vnd accruing costs.
Dated this 17th day of August,
Sheriff of Holt county,
18-5 Nebraska.
(First publication Aug. 27, 1942)
Orrin S. Prichard, Mary Prich
ard, his wife, first and real true
name unknown; John Black: The
Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, Per
sonal Representatives and all
other persons interested in the
estate of John Black, deceased,
real names unknown; Harry E.
Williams, Mary Williams, his
wife, first and real true name un
known; Mary J. Hickey, a single
woman; Theodore O. Loveland,
Mary Loveland, his wife, first and
meal true name unknown; James
L. Records, Mary Records, his
wife, first and real true name un
known; O. E. Ott, Mary Ott, his
wife, first and real true name un
known; The West Half of the
Northeast Quarter and the North
west Quarter of Section 3. Town
ship 32, North, Range 12, West of
the 6th P. M., Holt county, Ne
braska; The South Half of the
Northeast Quarter and the South
east Quarter of Section 11, Town
ship 32. North, Range 12, and the
iSouth Half of the North Half and
the Southwest Quarter and the
' West Half of the Southeast Quar
•*rr df Section 12, Township 32,
North, Range 12, West of the 6th
1*. M., Holt county, Nebraska;
The Southwest Quarter of Sec
ilann 13, Township 32, North,
Mange 12, West of the 6th P. M.,
Holt county, Nebraska; The
.Southeast Quarter of the North
feast Quarter, The East Half of
idhe Southeast Quarter and the
.Southwest Quarter of the South
ieast Quarter of Section 23, Town
ship 32, North, Range 12, West of
ihe 6th P. M., Holt county, Ne
braska; The Southwest Quarter
ol Section 33. Township 25, North,
Mange 12, West of the 6th P. M ,
VHdft county, Nebraska; The South
Half o! the Southwest Quarter of
Section 15, Township 28, North,
flange 12. West of the 6th P. M.,
j Insurance of All Kinds
i O’Neill, Nebraska
\ W. F. FINLEY, M. D.
Phone, Office 28
| O’Neill : Nebraska
Ole* PHh 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Glasses Correctly Fitted
•mMwce (Dr. Brown, 111
Fhonee { Dr. French, 242
Holt county, Nebraska; The
South Half of the Northeast
Quarter and the Southeast Quar
ter of the Northwest Quarter of
Section 7, Township 27, North,
Kange 12, and the Southwest
Quarter of the Northwest Quar
ter of Section 8, Township 27,
North, Range 12, all West of the
tiih f. ivi., iiolt county, Nebraska;
The Northwest Quarter of Sec
tion 4, Township 30, North, Range
11. West of the 6tn P. M., Holt
county, Nebraska.
You and each of you will take
notice that the County of Holt,
State of Nebraska, on the 20th
day of August, 1942, filed its pe
tition and commenced an action,
the object and prayer of which is
to foreclose upon eight causes of
action therein the following tax
sale certificates, issued to the
County of Holt, State of Nebras
ka, by B. T. Winchell, County
Treasurer of Holt county, Ne
braska, on August 1, 1939, to-wit:
Tax Certificate No. 28 covering
The West Half of the Northeast
Quarter and the Northwest Quar
ter of Section 3, Township 32,
North, Range 12, Holt county, Ne
braska, in the amount of $391.70,
with interest from August 1, 1939
and accruing costs; Tax Certifi
cate No. 33 covering The South
Half of the Northeast Quarter
and the Southeast Quarter of
Section 11, Township 32, North,
Range 12, and the South Half of
the North Half and the South
west Quarter and the West,Half
of the Southeast Quarter of Sec
tion 12, Township 32, North,
Range 12, Holt county, Nebraska,
in the amount of $975.85, with in
terest from August 1, 1939 and
accruing costs; Tax Certificate
No. 35 covering The Southwest
Quarter of Section 13, Township
32, North, Range 12, Holt county,
Nebraska, in the amount of
$147.95, with interest from Aug
ust 1, 1939 and accruing costs;
Tax Certificate No. 36 covering
The Southeast Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter, The East Half
of the Southeast Quarter and the
Southwest Quarter of the South
east Quarter of Section 23, Town
ship 32, North, Range 12, Holt
county. Nebraska, in the amount
of $212.30, with interest from
August 1, 1939 and accruing costs;
Tax Certificate No. 46 covering
The Southwest Quarter of Sec
tion 33, Township 25, North,
Range 12. Holt county, Nebraska,
in the amount of $101.85, with in
terest from August 1, 1939 and
accruing costs; Tax Certificate
No. 118 covering the South Half
of the Southwest Quarter of Sec
tion 15, Township 28, North,
Range 12, Holt county, Nebraska,
in the amount of $55.55, with in
terest from August 1, 1939 and
accruing costs; Tax Certificate
No. 200 covering The South Half
of the Nortneast Quarter and the
Southeast Quarter of tne North
west Quarter of Section 7, Town
ship 27, North, Range 12, and the
Southwest Quarter of the North
west Quarter of Section 8, Town
ship 27, North, Range 12, Holt
county. Nebraska, in the amount
of $106.75, with interest from
August 1, 1939 and accruing
costs; Tax Certificate No. 210
covering The Northwest Quarter
of Section 4, Township 30, North,
Range 11. Holt county, Nebraska,
in the amount of $224.10, with in
terest from August 1. 1939 and
accruing costs. Plaintiff prays for
an accounting of the amounts due
under the various causes of ac
tion, and for foreclosure and sale
of said premises in satisfaction
You are required to answer
said petition on or before the 5th
dav of October, 1942.
16-4 Plaintiff.
By Julius D. Cronin, Its Attorney
(First publication Sept. 3, 1942)
TO: Joseph B. Pattee; Henrietta
Pattee; John K. Pattee; Mar
garet Pattee; Hannah Forsyth;
S. A. Forsyth; Lucinda F. Rand;
George Rand; The heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal repre
sentatives and all other persons
interested in the estate of Me
lissa Pattee, deceased, real
names unknown; Ella Kerns
Blair, Executrix of the will of
Andrew Blair, deceased; Ella
Kerns Blair, Trustee under the
will of Andrew Blair, deceased;
Ella Kerns Blair; Algernon
Eyre Ashburner; Presbyterian
Hospital in the City of Phila
delphia; Elizabeth L. Day; Ella
Day Biair; Princeton Presby
terian Church of Philadelphia;
Western Home for Poor Child
ren; Board of Home Missions of
the Presbyterian Church in the
United States of America; Pres
byterian Board of Relief for
disabled ministers and the wid
ows and orphans of deceased
ministers; Board of Education
of the Presbyterian Church in
the United States of America;
West Philadelphia Branch of
the Young Men’s Christian As
sociation; Real Estate Trust
Company of the City of Phila
delphia; The heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of An
drew Blair, deceased, real
names unknown; Harry E.
Mooney, Trustee; Edward C.
Heilman; Nancy J. Heilman;
Sarah E. Carlton; and All per
sons having or claiming any
interest in the Southeast Quar
ter of the Southwest Quarter
(SEyiSWVi) of Section Thirty
one (31), in Township Thirty
two (32), North, Range Twelve
(12), the Southwest Quarter of
the Northeast Quarter (SWV4
NEV4), Southeast Quarter of
the Northwest Quarter (SEV4
NWy«), Northeast Quarter of
the Southwest Quarter (NEV4
SW%) and Northwest Quarter
of the Southeast Quarter
(NWV4SEV4) of Section Thirty,
one (31), in Township Thirty
two (32), North, Range Twelve
(12). the West Half of the
Northwest Quarter (WtfcNWMi)
and West Half of the South
west Quarter (W%SWV4) of
Section Two (2), in Township
Thirty-one (31), North, Range
Thirteen (13), East Half of the
Northwest Quarter (E*,2NWV4)
of Section Six (6), in Township
Thirty-one (31), North, Range
Twelve (12), and the Southwest
Quarter of the Southeast Quar
ter (SWy4SEy4) of Section
Thirty-one (31), in Township
Thirty-two (32), North, Range
Twelve (12), all West of the 6th
P. M., in Holt county, Nebras
ka, real names unknown:
The above named or designat
ed persons and each of you will
take notice that The Penn Mutual
Life Insurance Company has filed
its petition in the District Court
for Holt county, Nebraska, against
you, impleaded with School Dist
rict No. 147 of Holt county, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of
which petition are to quiet the
title of the said The Penn Mutual
Life Insurance Company in and
to the following described real
property situate in the County of
Holt and State of Nebraska:
The Southeast Quarter of
the Southwest Quarter (SEy4
SWy4) of Section Thirty-one
(31) , in Township Thirty-two
(32) , North, Range Twelve
(12), the Southwest Quarter
of the Northeast Quarter
(SWy4NEy4), Southeast Quar
ter of the Northwest Quarter
(SEy4NWy4), Northeast Quar
ter of the Southwest Quarter
(NEy4SWy4) and the North
west Quarter of the South
east Quarter (NWy4SEV4)
of Section Thirty-one (31),
in Township Thirty-two (32),
North, Range Twelve (12),
the West Half of the North
west Quarter (W'/iNWWi) and
West Half of the Southwest
Quarter (W^SW1^) of Sec
tion Two (2), in Township
Thirty-one (31), North, Range
Thirteen (13), East Half of
, the Northwest Quarter (EVfe
NWV4) of Section Six (6), in
Township Thirty-one (31),
North, Range Twelve (12),
and the Southwest Quarter
of the Southeast Quarter
(SWy4SEy4) of Section Thir
ty-one (31), in Township
Thirty-two (32), North, Range
Twelve (12), all West of the
6th P. M., in Holt county,
against all claims of each and all
of said defendants and to perm
anently enjoin all of said defend
ants from claiming or asserting
any interest in, right or title to
or lien upon said real property
and that the clouds referred to in
said petition be removed from
the plaintiff’s title to .i-aid real
required to answer
said petition on or before the
19th day of October, 1942, or
otherwise judgment and decree
will be entered against you.
By Sidney W. Smith,
17-4 Its Attorney.
(First publication Sept. 10, 1942)
Northwest Quarter of Section
Two (2). Township Twenty-nine
(29), Range Ten (10), West of the
6th P. M., in Holt county, Ne
braska, impleaded with Glen
Pickrel, et al., defendants, will
take notice that on the 4th day
of September, A. D., 1942, Guy
Cole, plaintiff, filed his petition
in the District Court of Holt coun
ty, Nebraska, and commenced an
action against said defendants,
the object and prayer of which
is to foreclose a certain tax sale
certificate issued by the County
Treasurer of Holt county, Nebras
ka, to the plaintiff on the 9th day
of October, 1939, numbered 5005,
for the taxes for the years 1932 to
1937 inclusive, and which covers
the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
• The Northwest Quarter of
Section Two (2), Township
Twenty-nine (29), Range Ten
(10), West of the 6th P. M.,
in Holt county, Nebraska.
That there is now due the
plaintiff on said tax lien and sub
sequent taxes paid thereunder
for the years* 1938, 1939, 1940 and
1941, the sum of Three Hundred
Sixty-five Dollars and Fifty-five
Cents ($365.55), with interest
thereon at the rate of seven per
cent per annum from September
2, 1942, and costs.
Plaintiff prays for a decree of
foreclosure and sale of said prem
ises. Plaintiff further alleges that
the real owner of said real estate
is unknown to plaintiff and his
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 19th
day of October, A. D., 1942.
18-4 Plaintiff.
By Julius D. Cronin, His Attorney
(First publication Sept. 3, 1942)
Sealed bids will be received at
the office of the Department of
Roads and Irrigation in the State
Capitol at Lincoln, Nebraska, on
September 24, 1942, until 10:00
o’clock A. M., and at that time
publicly opened and read for
and incidental work on the
81001. 81003, and 81012 State
The approximate quantities are:
4.092 Cu. Yds. Sand Gravel
Surface Course Material.
The attention of bidders is di
rected to the Special Provisions
covering sub-letting or assigning
the contract.
Compliance by the contractor
with the standards as to hours of
labor prescribed by the “Fair La
bor Standards Act of 1938,’’ ap
proved June 25, 1938 (Public No.
718, 75th Congress), will be re
quired in the performance of the
work under this contract.
The minimum wage paid to all
skilled labor employed on this
contract shall be seventy-five (75)
cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
intermediate labor employed on
this contract shall be sixty (60)
cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
unskilled labor employed on this
contract shall be forty-five (45)
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goree of
Long spent Friday and Saturday
here visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. Simonson.
The Presbyterian Sunday school
picnic held at the city park Mon
day afternoon was well attended
and all reported a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Brennan
and son spent Sunday and .Mon
day at Wayne visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Porterfield.
Mrs. Dean Selah returned on
Tuesday from a week’s vacation
trip spent at Grand Island and
Burlington, Iowa, with her son,
Clarence, and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike O’Laughlin
of Omaha spent from Sunday un
til Tuesday visiting at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Brennan, and other rel
Monday will be the last day for
vacuum cleaner service. L. C.
Eggert, at Coyne’s Hardware.
Phone 21. 18-1
Mrs. L. A. Burgess and daugh
ter, Joan, spent Friday with hej
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wal
ker, at Page.
N. Barber of Fullerton spent
Sunday and Monday at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Ralph Rick
ly, and family.
Gertrude Dailey of Omaha
spent the week-end here with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Con
nelly, and friends.
Raymond and Russell Weber of
Chicago visited at the homes of
Mr. and Mrs Phillip Allendorfer
and Mr. and Mrs. Ned Allendor
fer from Friday until Tuesday.
Around ninety relatives and
friends had a picnic at the city
park last Sunday, honoring Vir
gil Thompson, Frank Fritton and
William and Robert Allendorfer,
who leave soon for the U. S.
Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson enter
tained the Last Minute Bridge
Club at her home Wednesday af
terioon. High score was won by
Mrs. Jack Davis, second high by
Mrs. William Bruegman, and low
by Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson.
Tony Toy, Jr., went to Norfolk
last Sunday for an eight weeks’
course in ground and flight in
struction before being assigned
to another place for additional
training. Mr. Toy enlisted in the
Naval Aviation Reserve Corps in
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Spittler will
take their son, LeMartin, and
family to Grand Island on Friday,
from where they will leave for
their home at Seattle, Wash., af
ter spending ten days here and
Atkinson visiting relatives and
Mrs. F. J. Dishner went to Om
aha last Saturday to visit a few
days before going to Hampton,
Iowa, to visit Mrs. John Robinson
and son for a week. Miss Mary
Golden, who had been visiting
relatives here for a couple of
weeks, accompanied Mrs. Dishner
to her home in Omaha.
i ...
v Hospital Notes
Mrs. Frank Howard and baby
were dismissed on Thursday.
Mjrs. Kermit Jeffries of Ewing,
a son born Saturday, Sept. 5.
Felix Sullivan is a medical pa
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Jeffries of
Ewing, a son born on Saturday,
Sept. 5.
County Court
Lawrence Lindall of Allen ar
rested by John T. Meistrell and
charged with overload. Appeared
in county court on Sept. 8, 1942,
pled guilty and was fined $10 and
costs $3.10.
Presbyterian Church
Dr. J. E. Spencer, Pastor
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Morning Worship at 11 a. m.
Sermon subject, “The Divine Pro
gram of Progress.”
The Young People’s Society
will meet Sunday evening at 7
Circle No. 2 will meet at the
home of Mrs. Melena on Thurs
day afternoon, Sept. 17, with Mrs.
Clara Miles assisting.
cents per hour.
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and informa
tion secured at the office of the
County Clerk at Butte, Nebraska,
at the office of the County Clerk at
O’Neill, Nebraska, at the office of
the District Engineer of the De
partment of Roads and Irrigation
at Ainsworth, Nebraska, or at the
office of the Department of Roads
and Irrigation at Lincoln, Ne
The successful bidder will be
required to furnish bond in an
amount equal to 100% of his con
As an evidence of good faith in
submitting a proposal for this
work, the bidder must file, with
his proposal, a certified check
made payable to the Department
of Roads and Irrigation and in an
amount not less than two hun
dred fifty (250) dollars.
The right is reserved to waive
all technicalities and reject any
or all bids.
Wardner G. Scott.
State Engineer.
L. N. Ress, District Engineer.
C. J. Tomek, County Clerk,
Boyd County.
John C Gallagher, County
17-3 Clerk. Holt County.
Do You Have What It Takes?
— Optimism, Belief, Enthusiasm, Judgment, and Just a Little Nerve —
Remember back there as early as July of 1941 when the Officers of
this Company predicted a grave shortage of gasoline, fuel and lubricat
ing oils in 1942 and 1943? Do you recall how the wiseacre propagandist
on the “street” laughed and told you such talk was just a lot of bunk
and sales-chatter? Recollect how this Company advised you away last
Spring to lay in your supplies of coal and fuel oil early lest your family
might be cold before Spring arrived? Do you recall that the Valentine
‘New Oil
Reserves Must
Be Located’
Washington, D. C., Sept.
2 (AP). — Frank Buttram,
president, Independent Pe
troleum Association of Am
erica, told the petroleum in
dustry war council today
“we must definitely notify
all interested parties that
additional oil reserves must
be discovered in the near
future and immediate steps
must be taken to do this.”
He declared also govern
ment authorities must real
ize “we cannot possibly
place a new stock of oil re
serves on the counter at the
present prices for crude oil."
Buttram said drilling ac
tivities have declined 50 per
cent the last six months. He
warned that “we may soon
be called upon to supply
practically the entire oil
needs of the united nations
war effort from oil produced
in the United States.”
All Tank Cars
For East
Washington, Sept. 3 (AP).
Petroleum Co-o r di n a t o r
Harold L. Ickes announced
today the government had
requisitioned from the mid
west and southwest all the
remaining rail tank cars
transporting gasoline there.
This might result in local
shortages for these areas,
he said, possibly requiring
rationing or some other
step to cut consumption.
The new requisition or
der, Ickes told his press
conference, was expected to
add around five thousand to
the 68 thousand cars that
last week delivered 823,260
barrels of oil daily to the
now - rationed 17 Atlantic
seaboard states and the
District of Columbia. * * *
But did you know that close to
your home, old Nebraska has the
very choicest spot in the Central
United States for the development
of new oil fields, and the gasoline,
fuel and lubricating oil so badly
needed right now according to
Neighbor . . . This Company is
trying mighty hard to point the
way for you to make a fine, clean,
and scientifically correct invest
ment. It is not asking that you put
all of your spare money into this
Your money will be carefully ex
pended in actual development, and
will not go to any officer as salary.
No one draws a salary until oil is
actually found. Nor does 25 to 40%
of your investment go to high
pressure salesmen. Therefore, we
naturally must sell through high
class publications like this one. We
would like to call upon every one of
several of America’s foremost ge
ologists, petroleum engineers and
experts? And were you aware that
the Valentine Oil Company hold
ings are planted squarely upon this
choicest spot?
undertaking, nor does it suggest
that you even cramp yourself fi
nancially, but it surely does urge
you to make an investment con
sistent with the evident needs of
the moment.
you personally, but you know such
a thing is impossible. However, an
officer of the Company will be in
your city soon, and if you will drop
us a request by next mail we shall
have him call upon you and explain
our deal in detail, and without any
obligation whatever to you. Do it
right now!
offering Common Stock $10 Per Share STmc£G
(Full Voting and Non-Assessable)
Omaha. Nebraska
I hereby subscribe lor-shares of the Common Stock herein advertised.
and enclose $ w_in payment therefor.
(Print name here) (Street or RFD) (City) (State)