i Frontier -HILL 'l-JH-.. ' '. ZS===S52Sgg&^^g \lpt i \ttt K*^Sfc71 . 3Pi!I5LaSSLl^ TEZTZ51' i5^ SETi’L&fKEK 20. 2M2 NO. 18 B F5 FROM THE SOUTHWEST lY tf oitv or two im* Ip* m 'he NovcioN-i belli*! by petttton. why not the full ttcke* ip*d dlu* the primary* A V is to be damped m the tea stock of rubber beeUk eewtvfc* tag to an order Ctvm mm of: 1 hv hrads at Washington now iuwh mg our Uvea. Our arms ui at the far emi of the earth. sweating blood, wading ’tingle mamftee and facing death, ought to he greatly cheered when they ’fcartt of this mighty step the item* front baa taken to achieve vic tory The late primary recorded 23t 7T« more republican votes than democrat. The fetter group fee* ored their venerable politicians-, heading the ticket with hfr 3ry an. who w m the middle seven ties. and selecting for railway commissioner a former member, now m his 30th year tt s sus pected some of them are net « well pleased with the choice of » voting man for the senate and somewhat under cover are favor ing the 82-year-old periodic pe tition candidate. Death has taken in its cold clutch another pioneer of the county. Mrs. Ella F Waldo, moth er of Beebe Waldo of Amelia, The funeral was held Sunday af ternoon at the Amelia Methodist church, it tended by many more than could gam access to the; budding. The pastor. Rev Pea cock, and Rev. Conrad, were n charge of funeral rites, the .atter preaching. Deceased was 4 years of age She was the laughter af; Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop, who homesteaded 18 miles northeast of O'Neill in 1885. Sts. Waldo attained womanhood in that ac tion of the county and was one of the school teachers of sod-house days. She was married at Minne ola, this county. November 2ft 1888. to Hiram E. Waido. She was the mother of nine children, three of whom, with the husoanu preceded her in death. Sunai was in the Chambers cemetery under the direction of C. S. Bar num of Nelign. Our governor, among others* has written for publication his views of the future of the repub lican party. The republican party has a future as it has a past—a past of which no American s ashamed. Prejudice warps the sentiments of some, but for na tional achievement no man neea blush at the republican record. Since 1361 there have been thir teen republicans occupy rhepres idencv—Lincoln. Johnson. Grant. Hayes. Garfield. Arthur. Ham son, McKinley. Theodore Roose velt. Taft, Harding. Cooildge. Hoover. Three democrats have oc cupied the White House—Cleve land. Wilson and the present in cumbent. Singularly enough, the administrations of these three have seen distressing nines. Coxey armies. World War. bonus armies, federal debt, another world war and billions in bond is sues. The bet republican pres ident inherited a wrecked nation and a wrecked world. What is m store for the next? K it is a time that tries men s souls-, it is also a time that is try ing some fellows' nerve. Think vou could, hang bean down through the open hatch of a bomber a mile in the sky and work for an hour making repairs so that the bomber could land safely, while two fellows held vou by the legs’ Performing that dizzy job somewhere in Australia brought a citation for valor to an American boy. Sgt. Billy C. Grab ble I recall being thrilled as a at the feat of a Milwaukee fireman. Guests were being res cued from a burning hotel. A lady was being evacuated from her room on the top floor by means of a ladder spanning the dizzy space from window ledge to the roof of an adjacent build ing. She fell and would have plunged head down to certain death but a nervy and husky fire man caught her by one fast and held on until rescued. Man ts a strange creature. He will rise to sublime heroism and descend in revolting acts of cruelty. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Heiter awl family moved last Thursday ham the J. B. Ryan residence on Saar Everett street to Sirs. R. L. Ar buthnefs residence cm West Douglas street, formerly occupied by Mr and Sirs. O F Hummel y,r mk Kf ‘la I'HijV.tEl. VtQS&&- % ^y& ^ Am1! ' ^liilUiliff \.£M¥ *3'—-^?^L Aril (|a titljjiijT>iis•%# \* ^ >ftwM»ntt»l 'ftte*w- lit ?♦> 1*4 ill* tfl iliftaniri %—tfiife ,3taiMaB ijawtaai! «**»* !H-^wp *4te te»* • ««* wt '»m}- wwiat "ft* 'ittiwax 'fnm -tt* *Bt *^r w# *» ’ll* «4pa»r*f is* ’* ft*. Xist O*®*- fe-4tfeft 'irttMt Hr't*v*m': -ifit >***' »y vrf Mtuart War* immta*t or array 4 «u**« jir ft* "iiirt^ oB 3afa* tut ft ant tti* Mi*- ’■Jaut asst ttw t&smt mil j* jpwfc. xJtt >Gun* Jirr«^us**i rsmto jptm oB uttcouot teittmt ntttron— «ME*»e ;»v» certain b Wt »»■ tiiiinmg— 'tv-airy A -Slat’ W«»n aril act rmvft to tin* r**rX? tartest Stall 4* StaM 0**it Dws^tttfe 3bs "Brssrwttfc £*ett 3^-iffBfrtft- Attt Ouarai Paul 3*ft*. .fetfcMT Vi^S*B&. Vt tfaor XQilfcr. Citwrrhr Micmrr. A Ait TtmtUmn. iS». tStawetik. An* Stojihy, TTitrt ’‘ynaOynat Sttl Tj^Kshtyrtett. W,' £ tfitnlUitar. lA. £ Sait. C CWtmer. 3. 9wiVffMB. £ "D'rsaynsitt. Sl ’Stwsayreait. FHtr dtarik &m Catefe tltet; Tbmiinsoa. 3Ur 'Vtttxsmr. vS«r Cain. .tertKHtyO'T^mr'L 3b»*r. Wait JHIg, Foreman. ierry Smt _ X. 3. Qkr Smn or* nrrter We tear n tin* Jar it * Jar auuaam. VU.NQULKDI COMVOTWHK There will bn meeting of" the and Anuliny a ittqy iiwwitig: rung or go clash received bat he Distmtr djgHm, and Auxiliary Tanvwttum wril! be bead n OTfdiil m Jcoee X. and this meeting s ailed: tear be purpose at cmruneting Tevrymry plans tbr the cenvemtnm 411 urged to mease a 3|B«tsi «fter ter* be in attenuanve eagle vs TLzm 'ssxr* PICM1C AT SHE FM» The S5p£ie Cteeis. +-EE Ottffc tee aether with thesr anuiiee am * number at rr’enUS. astjuyeeti p*e mc dinner a :he Sre wane iStrr day. Sept, 3. uiedge Following "he meeting those i__ a demonstration pw ay dim Wadsworth am Waiter Sre ate uagmg. "ftting am aowtg at cattle, after which ce cream am cage was oeanjed. The Snowing were present: Mr Scbeiotf. SBr. am worth am tenniy. ke. Mb. am Mts. Toon %ws ant family. SB*, am Mbs 3. £ 3dmm and Sandy. SB* am Mbs Chnrray Mitchell am family. Mbs, £onn Darner. Mtedyn ®ros Mfc asm Mbs Arthur Q'Mteil am tumly. Mamie Q’^fedl and "he 3oy Met son children. COB r '.BENTXL. FLOAT LCP3 FtBST SCBCISS AT WiJMtBB 3ft- and 3ft s» 3ct Casey aske. sm. Timmy of: Q^NeilL and 3ft: Casey s aster. 3ft s. Dbene Dfctuuu: -ncnupifc Francs Ttrr-f snuacrmw ntf the luf Mutter? attacked the arr tracm* fartnrv ax 'Meauhe near &hex ior the eecrmc tune while a Irnrrti spuactrnr nnmhed the St Dmer ArrfieJC It. the raitfc the inxmaas liegtrpyad fiwr enerrj hpine v «nc pronany; ciest oy‘< iMte' area Australians were mopping up tbs remnants, of Japanese for ces in this area U. S. Army Air Forces in China continuing their offensive scored a direct hit or. Japanese military headquarters m Nanchang. sank at least seven steamers, blasted e railway sta tion and warehouse and strafed ! a troop train. Two Navy vessels, the destroy er Blut and die auxiliary trans port Colhoun have been lost in actum in the South Pacific in the past two weeks, the Navy an nounced There were few casual ties. The Navy also announced the sinking of nine more United Nations merchant vessels by en emy submarines in the Atlantic. War Anm and Foreign Relations President Roosevelt, in an ad dress broadcast to an interna tional student assembly in Wash ington! and short-waved to other parts erf the world, stated the war is “going to he long and hard and hitter (but) this tune we shall knrv how to make full use of victory’ to build a better world. Ho said the Government will see tc it that men returning from the treritf can resume their interrupt ed careers and education and that (Continued on Page 4) Tri State Produce Plant Is Total Loss From Fire The Tn State Produce plant in' this city was destroyed by fire, of' an undetermined origin, about 5 o clock Wednesday morning, caus ing a 1ms estimated by Mr. Wil son. manager of the plant, of S250.000, partially covered by in surance. The fire alarm was turned in about 4:30. but when the fire de partment responded the entire building frorr the east to the west was enveloped in flames, so it was evident that the fire had been burning tor some time before the alarm was given Two watchmen were in the building at the time of the fire, but they were down m the basement getting things in shape far the coming day’s bus iness One of them said that he had been in the basement about fifteen minutes when the door bell into the office rang. He start ed up to see who was ringing the bell and said that when he got to the head of the stairs the office was filled with fire and smoke and that he could not get out that way and went back to the base ment and crawled out of the bunding through the coal chute and gave the alarm from the de pot The flames spread very rap idly and by 7 o'clock the entire building was a mass of burned wreckage An unusually heavy stock of chickens eggs and produce was m the plant at the time and con sumed. There were 23.000 live chickens. 1800 cases of eggs. 1200 hags of feed and 750 bales of binder twine A truck loaded was standing at the unloading dock cm the north side of the building and it with its contents were de stroyed. Phil Sherman, president of the Tri State Produce Company, came up from Sioux City Wed nesday morning. In conversation with a Frontier reporter, Mr. Sherman said they would rebuild, if they could get the material , with which to construct a new plant. Insurance appraisers ar rived in the city about noon Wed nesday and we understand that matters were satisfactorily ad justed. The building that was destroy ed was built in the year 1926 by the Armour Company at a cost of about |l 00.000, who operated the plant until it was partially destroyed hy fire in May. 1937. The plant was idle for several months until it was finally pur chased by the Tri State Produce Company and has been operated by them for the past four years ! or more. The plant had the largest pay 1 roll in the city, having in their employ at the time of the fire 85 persons, who were thrown out of employment. They had a very large business, in fact about ■ double that of the Armour Com pany when they were operating the plant Their payroll for last week was $2,200. An idea of the amount of business transacted by the company can be learned from the fact that during the month of August 31 carloads of dressed poultry was shipped. LIVESTOCK PRICES STRENGTHEN HERE Many buyers far livestock were an hand again last Monday at the local livestock auction, and the day's receipts found ready outlet Demand for cattle is gaining mo mentum steadily despite the somewhat jittery tension that has developed over price ceilings in recent weeks. Action was brisk 1 here and prices showed strength after last week's dip. Few choice cattle were here, in general, the quality ranked only medium to good. Steer calves scaling 300 lbs. reached $14.70, that price paid sparingly. Steer calves moved mostly from $1230 to $13.90; the wide price spread chiefly due to quality. Heifer calves topped at $12.55! with the bulk making $11.50 to $12.25. The top price paid in the year ling class was $12.85 on 530 lb. steers. Bulk cashed at $1130 to $1230. Heifers scaling 500 lbs. made $11.90 with the long end ranging from $10.50 to $11.50. Several loadlots of yearlings were sold. A considerable number of two year-olds showed up and the steers rated an extreme top of $12.35 on a scant few. Bulk rang ed in price from $11 to $12. Good beef cows topped at $10.35 ! on a few with the long end plac ing in the high nines. Medium grades made $8 to $9. Plainer ! kinds sold mostly in the sevens. ' Bulls placed in the high nines up to $10.10. An extreme top of $14.05 was paid on a few butchers scaling 220 lbs. However, the practical I price range was $13.85 to $13.90. Sows paid $13.40 to $13.50. Feed ers topped at $15.25. A few sheep completed the day’s offering. Next auction will be on Monday. Sept. 14. PETERSON PROMOTED IN STATE HIGHWAY DEPT. Emery Peterson, who has been employed "with the Nebraska De partment of Roads and Irrigation for the past sixteen years, has re ceived a promotion from field me chanic to district mechanic, and left Tuesday for Ainsworth to make his home. Mrs. Peterson plans on joining him there about October 1. Mrs D. H. Cronin returned home Sunday night from a week's visit with relatives and friends in Lincoln She was accompanied home by her sister, Mrs. F. H. Butts, who will visit here until tomorrow morning, when she will leave for Alexandria, La., where she will spend a few days visit ing her son, Lt. Rex Butts, who is stationed at an army camp there. She will then leave for San Bern adino. Calif., where she will join her husband and make her fu ture home. NEW LOCATION FOR O'NEILLJjOSPITAL Last Friday Dr. Brown pur chased the Miss Anna Donohoe 1 rooming house on the corner of (Clay and Second streets and Drs. Brown and French will move the O’Neil] General Hospital there on , or about October 1, 1942. This building is much more suitable for a hospital than the one they have occupied here for j the past eight years. The new building contains two rooms more than the one now in use, which in itself is a great advantage. The rooms are also larger and better adapted to hospital purposes, as ' it was originally erected for a rooming house, and the hospital now in use being originally erect ! ed for a dwelling house. MANY TEACHERS AT PRE-OPENING MEET Around 160 Holt county teach i ers attended pre-opening day ex ercises that was held at the O'Neill public high school on Fri day, Sept. 4. Glen Anderson of Lincoln, Mrs. Ruth Rector, A.A.A. Field Woman of Holt county, Mrs. Elizabeth Harbottle and the Misses Hilda Harley and Ella Eisert, teachers of Holt county, led discussions on the program. An instrumental trio, directed by Ira George, furnished music. WITHOUT TEACHERS On Wednesday there were still twenty Cherry county rural i school districts which had nob re | ported hiring a teacher for the i coming year. Even with boosted ' pay rates, teachers are hard to get. Many of the town schools along this line of railroad are still short of teachers, and may have to start school without a full I faculty.—Valentine Republican. CITY GOLF TOURNAMENT INTO SEMI-FINALS This week finds the city golf | tournament into the semi-finals, and finds the parings thus: Cham pionship flight, Max Golden vs. Ben Grady; Rev. Beyersdorfer vs. Allen Jaszkowiak. Second flight, winner of Paddy O’Donnell-Jerry Graybiel match, being played this evening, vs. H. E. Coyne; Ed Campbell vs. Wm. Biglin. Third flight, John Alderman vs. Rev. O’Brien; Norman Gonderinger vs. C. E. Stout. Highlights of last week’s first round play were the sub par shooting of Kelsey Coyne in downing Dr. Burgess, and the sensational birdie on hole num ber two by Dr. Fisher against Rev. Beyersdorfer. Most of the : semi-final matches will be played Sunday, although the contestants have until Sept. 17th to finish matches.