The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 20, 1942, Image 8

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    FUR REAl
JKiVE-room partly modern house.
-CL F. McKenna, O'Neill. 14tf
FURNACE.—Mabel Gatz. 15-1
JELECTRiC Refrigerator, ice box,
Fertection kerosene stove. Cali
mi U Neill Hatchery. 15-1
hiaie at Bazeinian’s, South 4th
Street. Come in and try it. Also
.Lunches. Gasoline and Gro
ceries. 8-tf • I
mm ..- ■ ■ "ffjfl ...- I
I/RED bottled gas stove; 2 ranges.
O'Neill Hatchery. 15-1
(LiHL wants general housework.
-EXPERIENCED bridge and house
painters; also some common la
bor immediately.—The Diamond
Engineering Co., Grand Island,
JMrbraska. 15-3
MARRIED MAN with low draft
rating to w*rk on ranch year
.around. Separate house. Good
wages to right man. Also older
tnan to do chores. Box 100, The
Frontier, O’Neill. 13-3
„ STRAYED from my pasture a
Whitefaced cow branded E M
^connected) on right hip. Finder
please notify John Donlin or Ed
Menish, O’Neill. 14-1
fFirst publication August 6, 1942)
Frances Martfeld; Madeline
Malloy; Helen Malloy; Joseph
Malloy and all persons having or
claiming any interest in the
Southwest Quarter of Section
twesty-two, Township Twenty
taune, North, Range Thirteen,
West of the Sixth P. M., Holt
County, Nebraska, real names un
known, and each of you, are here
4qy notified that on the 4th day of
.August, A. D., 1942, the plaintiff,
The Security Mutual Life Insur
ance Company, filed its petition
iA the District Court of Holt
Oounty, Nebraska, against you,
aaA each of you, the object and
prayer of which is to quiet and
confirm in the plaintiff title and
/possession of the real estate
:ai»ave described and to exclude
jpeu, and each of you, from any
and every right, title or interest
tm or to said real estate and to re
move the clouds cast on plaintiff’s
Ttitle by reason of your claims.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 14th day
<at September, 1942.
VS-ft Plaintiff.
aW Julius D. Cronin, Its Attorney
<First publication August 6, 1942)
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney
Estate No. 2933
In the County Court of Holt
'County, Nebraska. August 4, 1942.
In the matter of the Estate of
Henry J. Cook, Deceased.
CREDITORS of said estate are
’Iwnreby notified that the time lim
ited for presenting claims against
waid estate is November 27, 1942,
wad for the payment of debts is
August 4, 1943, and that on Aug
ust 27. 1942, and on November
28. 1942, at 10 o’clock A. M., each
clay, I Will be at the County Court
Boom in said County to receive,
^examine, hear, allow, or adjust
aYl claims and objections duly
13-3 Countv Judge.
TFirst publication August 6, 1942)
Notice is hereby given that a
**etition has been filed in the of
fice of the County Clerk of Holt
■county, Nebraska, praying that
the road running one and one
tsalf miles south between Sec
•£ions 24 and 25 on west and Sec
tions 19 and 30 on the east, thence
southeast across the southwest
quarter of Section 30, thence 2Vi
unites east, being about five miles
~kn all. fmd all in Township 31,
Range 12, be designated as a
bounty road.
That a hearing on this petition
will be held by the Holt County
Hoard of Supervisors on Tuesday,
August 25, 1942, at 2:00 o’clock
P M„ at their office in the court
Ifeouse at O’Neill, Nebraska.
^SEAL) 13-3 County Clerk
First publication August 23, 1942)
Tiotice is hereby given that by
■traiue of an Order of Sale issued
m me by the Clerk of the District
-Oourt of Holt county, Nebraska,
In an action pending m said Court
Insurance of All Kinds
O’Neill, Nebraska
Phone, Office 28
O’Neill : Nebraska
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Glasses Correct! v Fitted
Dr. Brown, 223
Dr. French, 242
where Roy W. Karr is plaintiff
and William D. Bradstrcet, and
others (this being case No. 13848),
are defendants I will sel to the
highest bidder for cash at the
front door of the court house in
O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 21st day
of September, 1942, at 10 o’clock
A. M., the following described
premises in Holt county, Ne
Northeast Quarter of Sec
tion Eighteen, Township
Twenty-two, North, Range
Eleven, West of the Sixth P.
M., Holt county, Nebraska,
to satisfy the sum of $159.70
found due plaintiff, and interest
thereon and $72 66 costs of suit
and accruing costs
Dated this 17th day of August,
Sheriff of Holt county,
15-5 Nebraska.
Miss Roxanna Puckett attended
Long Pine camp meeting from
Saturday until Monday.
Mrs. Julia Graves and daugh
ter, Genevieve, formerly of this
city, moved last week from Ly
ons to Sioux City, where they
will make their future home and
where Mrs. Graves has employ
Pat and Charlie McManus went
to Winner, S. D., Sunday to look
after Pat’s farm.
Miss Carol Simonson returned
to her home at Council Bluffs,
Iowa. Monday, after a two weeks
visit with her father, C. T. Sim
onson, and other relatives.
Mrs. Phillip Yarnell and Will
ard Clausen of Englewood, Calif.,
arrived here Friday to visit their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Claus
sen. Willard leaves soon from
here for the U. S. Army.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Klingler
of Mitchell, S. D., came Friday to
visit relatives and friends. He re
turned to Mitchell Sunday and
Mrs. Klingler remained for a
longer visit.
Miss Margaret Cronk resigned
her position at the Ben Franklin
store Saturday and left that « 'e
ning for her home at Pag? where
she has employment.
Miss Mary Anstine, who has
been employed by the Northwest
ern Bell Telephone Company of
this city for the past year, has re
ceived a transfer to Sioux City,
Iowa, and will leave for that
place tomorrow evening.
Rev. and Mrs. John E. Spencer
returned today from Aberdeen,
S. D., where they have been on
a two weeks vacation.
B. W. Planck of Atkinson spent
Sunday at the home of his sister
and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
n. M. t>auers.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson
spent the week-end at Sioux
Falb, S. D., visiting at the home
of his brother, Claude, and fam
Virgil Ott of Portland, Ore., ar
rived Monday to spend two weeks
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Ott, and family.
Edward Murphy spent from
Saturday until Tuesday with rel
atives in Omaha.
Miss Agnes Reznicek returned
to Lincoln last Friday, after a
two weeks visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Heriford and
other friends.
Mrs. Zelma Zimmerman and
daughter of Omaha were guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. Bergstrom lrom Friday until
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Brophy and
family, of Pender, spent from Sat
urday until Sunday at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
C. H. Cooner of Omaha, repre
senting the Farmers Mutual In
surance Company, was in the city
last Friday looking after business
of his company in this section.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guinan and
family of Missouri Valley, Iowa,
came Saturday to visit her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Cronin
and other relatives. Mr. Guinan
returned to his home Sunday and
Mrs. Guinan and family remain
ed for a long visit.
There will be a dinner at the
Country Club on Sunday eve
ning. August 23, at 6:30.
The O’Neill Photo Company
will run a pre-holiday special—
one 8x10 gold-toned enlargement
framed in your choice of three
different newest style frames—
complete for $2.95, two for $5.50,
three for $7.50. Come in now for
your sitting, as this special will
not last long. You can get a small
photo for your boy in the service
—think of the thrill that will give
him. 15-1
H. J. Barrett of Council Bluffs,
Iowa, came to O’Neill Monday,
bringing with him his nieces,
Gertrude and Peggy Sullivan,
who for the past six week have
been visiting relatives in Council
Bluffs and their grandmother and
other relatives in Fremont, Nebr.
For thorough Scientific Eye Ex
amination and Correctly Fitted
Glasses, see
Dr. C. W. Alexander
Eyesight Specialist
at Hotel O'Neill in O'Neill
Tuesday, August 25 th
Satisfaction Guaranteed
In Inman evenings and Sundays
by appointment.
Pfc. Robert Ott of Fort Riley,
Kan., arrived here Tuesday on a
few days furlough and will visit
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Ott, and other relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bossow and
family, of West Point, spent Sun
day with her sister and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Karr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson
and son, Jimmy, and Miss Rachel
Robertson, of Alliance, spent the
week-end here visiting relatives
and friends.
If you have dead teeth, or ruts
in your mouth, your blood is sure
to be made impure by contact.
This condition makes more work
for the heart and lungs. Why hot
have the source of infection re
moved at once?—Dr. Fisher, Den
tist. 15-1
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Placzek
left Saturday for Grand Island,
where he was inducted into the
Army and left Monday for Camp
Logan. Mr. Placzek was employ
ed by the Thompson Tobacco Co.
of Grand Island and they had
made their home here for several
months. Dean Reed of Hastings
is taking Mr. Placzek’s place and
he and his family moved here
Saturday and are living in the
house formerly occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. Placzek.
Mrs. A. F. Thompson and
daughter, Joan, of Oakland, Calif.,
arrived Tuesday to spend a few
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Arlo Hiatt and family.
Staff Sgt. Victor Bredehoeft of
Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md.,
arrived here Sunday on a two
weeks furlough and will visit his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brede
hoeft, and friends.
Miss Kathryn Murray went to
Norfolk Tuesday to spend a few
days with friends.
Miss Alice Sexsmith started
Wednesday to take training at
the Northwestern Bell Telephone
office here as an operator.
There will be a meeting in the
assembly room of the court house
at eight o’clock Friday evening,
August 21, to organize a Boy
Scout Troop in O’Neill, and par
ents wishing to have their boys
register will have to be present.
Mrs. H, L. O. Widtfelt, who has
been seriously ill at the farm
home of her son, Carl, is some
what improved and was brought
to the home of her son, David, in
O’Neill on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hewett of
Winner, S. D., were guests Tues
day at the home of his sister,
Mrs. R. H. Parker, and husbands
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swanson df
Herman came Saturday to spend
a week visiting at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton
Toy, and family. Miss Helen Toy,
who had been visiting at the
Swanson home for a week, ac
companied them home.
Miss Emily Lou Fisher return
sheed Monday from Chicago,
where she had been attending
Gregg School this summer.
Miss Margaret Smith left Mon
day for Norfolk, where she has
a position at the drug store in
the Norfolk Hotel.
Miss Veramae Landis returned
this morning from Boise, Idaho,
and Seattle, Wash., where she had
been visiting relatives and friends
for two weeks.
Sam Bosn and son, Ray, and
George Janousek spent Sunday
at Fremont and Brainard visiting
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hines and
son, Dale, of Wisner, spent from
Monday until Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. Margaret Allen and
Mis. John Hickey and daugh
ter, Clara, took their daughter
and sister, Clara, to Sioux City
on Monday, where she is a stu
dent nurse at St. Vincent’s hos
Miss Sheila Barrett went to
Omaha last Sunday to spend a
couple of weeks with relatives
and friends.
Mrs. W. J. Bro of Nebraska
City came Tuesday to spend a
week visiting at the home of her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Emmett Moore, and family.
Aviation Cadet Jerry Ramsey
arrived here Sunday from Camp
Gardner Field, Calif., on a fifteen
day furlough and will spend it
with his mother, Mrs. Willis Ram
sey, and friends.
Emmett Moore and daughters,
Marilyn and Dorothy, went to
Omaha last Sunday. Mr. Moore
and Marilyn returned Tuesday
and Dorothy remained at St. Jos
eph’s hospital, where she is re
ceiving medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Murray
of Spencer spent Saturday at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Tom
Donlin. Mrs. Donlin accompanied
them home for a few days visit.
Mrs. Bert Harding and daugh
ter, of Whiting, Iowa, spent Tues
day and Wednesday at the home
of Mrs. Harding’s sister, Mrs.
John Claussen, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Harding of
Whiting, Iowa, spent from Satur
day until Monday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Claussen and
John Ryan of Gillette, Wyo.,
will arrive tomorrow morning for
a few days with his brother,
J. B. Ryan, and other relatives.
Miss Marcia Salmons returned
Saturday from Grand Island,
where she had been visiting rel
atives for three weeks.
Miss Ruth Harris left Monday
for Ogden, Iowa, where she will
teach her second term as music
instructor in the Ogden public
Mrs. C. F. Grill and children
returned to their home here last
Friday after spending the sum
mer with relatives and friends at
| Falls City. They were accompan
I ied by her brother, Homer Sand
rock, who returned to his home
in Falls City the following day.
Jack Minton and son, Jack, of
Lincoln, spent from Sunday un
til Wednesday at the home of
their mother and grandmother,
Mrs. Alice Minton, and other rel
Mrs. John Grutsch visited at
the home of Mrs. Ruth Scott at
Atkinson Friday until Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Walling
and Paul Shierk went to Winner,
S. D., Sunday where they met
Mrs. Sierk, who had been visiting
her mother, Mrs. Marie Petranek
at White River, S. D., for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O’Donnell
of Omaha announce the birth of
a son, this morning.
John O'Donnell and daughter,
Mrs. M. Swartz and sister, Mrs
Ed Lyman of Omaha drove up
Wednesday for a short visit with
their brother and sisters and
other relatives here,
Mrs. John Claussen and son,
Wil|ard and daughter:, Mrs.
Philip Yarnall, drove to Whiting,
Iowa, Wednesday where they wdll
visit relatives for a day and then
go to Omaha, where Willard plans
to enlist in some branch of the
military service.
Mrs. Wallace Lundeen of Chic
kasha, Oklohoma, arrived Tues
day to spend ten days visiting her
sister, Mrs. Clarence Butterfield
and family in O’Neill and her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Der
ickson at Dorsey.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cuddy of
Sioux Falls, S. D., announce the
birth of a son, born Wednesday.
Miss Reba Cuddy, who has
been at the Stuart hospital for
the past seven weeks recuper
ating from a major operation, re
turned to her home last Thurslay. i
Mrs. Frank Dwork of Oakdale j
came to O’Neill Tuesday to spend
a few hours with her sister,1
Mother M. Bertrand of St. Fran
cis Mission, S. D., who was en
route to Denver, Colo., to attend
retreat. Mother Virginia of this
city accompanied her to Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peter re
ceived word that their son, Cor
poral Lewis L. Peter of Herbert
Smart Airport, Macon, Georgia,
was promoted to the grade of
Sergeant on August 13.
Mrs. Arlen Kirks and children
of Spencer visited Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Greene and other relatives
on Saturday. Jerry Regan of
Omaha, who had been visiting his
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Greene for a week, accompanied
Mrs. Kirks and children to their
home for a visit.
Mrs. A1 Sauser entertained
eight guests at a 1:30 luncheon at
her home Wednesday, honoring
her sister, Mrs. Joe Guinan of
Missouri Valley, Iowa, who is
spending the week here.
Mr. and Mrs. William Miller
and family moved the last of the
week from the Guy Beckwith
residence on West Douglas street
to the home formerly occupied
by Mrs. Myrtle Manzer and fam
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Melena re
ceived word today that their son,
Woodrow, had arrived at Ala
meda, Cal. Woodrow joined the
Coast Guards several weeks ago
and reported for duty in Omaha
a week ago Sunday.
Miss Mary Golden of Onfaha
came Wednesday to visit at the
home of her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. F. J. Dishner and other
J. B. Fullerton, one of the pio
neer residents of Pleasantview
township, was here Tuesday on
1 his way home from a business
trip to Sioux City.
Miss Yvonne Sirek returned
Saturday from Omaha, where she
had been visiting relatives and
Miss Virginia Carter returned
to her home in Columbus today,
after being a guest at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Golden and
family for ten days.
Sheriff Pete Duffy and A1
Strube went to Omaha today on
a business trip. They were ac
companied by Miss Billie Evans,
who went to visit her sister, Mrs.
Howard Bauman, who is receiv
ing medical treatment at St. Cath
erine's hosjpital.
Word was received here by
relatives and friends of the birth
of a son, William Francis, Jr., to
Mr. and Mrs. Wrn, Ryan at Ains
worth on Sunday, August 18.
Mrs. Ryan is making her home
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
West at Ainsworth while Mr.
Ryan is serving in the U. S. Navy.
Pat Mitchell of Seattle, Wash.,
arrived home Friday to visit his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Mitchell for a week.
A large number from this city
attended the Old Settlers Picnic
north of O'Neill last Tuesday af
ternoon and evening. Julius D.
Cronin delivered an address in
the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Hickey
took their son, Francis, to Pender
today, from where he will leave
Friday for Holywood, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Verzal and
sun, Jerry, returned to their home
at Wayne last Sunday, after a
two weeks visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Quinn, and
his brother, Ed, and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Rickly
went to Omaha Sunday to attend
Fall Market Week. They return
ed home Wednesday evening. N.
Barber of Fullerton came Sunday
to remain with the children dur
ing their absence.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas!
Robertson Of Broken Bow spent
from Saturday until Tuesday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Robertson.
Miss Margaret Miller of Orch
ard was here Tuesday visiting
Mrs. Seth Noble entertained
the Pinochle club at her home
Friday afternoon. High score was
won by Mrs. Robinette Malone.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Semlak of
Norfolk spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Orth re
turned to Lincoln Saturday, af
ter a few days visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rob
Miss Elaine Streeter of Sioux
CRy, who is a student nurse at
St. Vincent’s hospital, came Sun
day to spend a week with her
parents, " Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Streeter, and family.
The Misses Margaret and Anna
Joyce, of Omaha, came Sunday
for a two weeks visit with their
brother, Tom, and other relatives
and friends.
Come now and get one of the
pre-holiday specials at the O’Neill
Photo Company. See the window
for offer. Evenings and Sundays
by appointment. 15-1
Miss Ellen Lois Wilcox went to
Elgin Sunday to spend a week
visiting relatnes and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka
left Monday for Clarkson, where
they will visit his father, Anton
Ruzicka, for a few days before
going to Omaha to visit relatives
until Sunday.
Miss Hazel Schwisow and Don
ald Hill, of Omaha, spent the
week-end with her father, Paul
Schwisow, and family.
Miss Margaret Hickey, who has
been, visiting at the homes of her
brothers, John and P. V. Hickey,
for a week, left Sunday for Pen
der, where she will visit relatives
until Friday, when she will re
turn to her home in New York.
Mrs. Harry Bright of Orchard
came Monday to spend two weeks
visiting at the home of her son,
R. H. Bright, and family.
Mrs. A. L. Wilcox and Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Mullen went to Gris
wold, Iowa, Saturday, where they
attended a family reunion there
on Sunday. They returned home
Sunday evening.
Francis Hickey left today for
Pender, where he will join his
grandmother and aunt, Mrs. Anna
Hickey, and daughter, Winifred.
Friday they will return to their
home in Hollywood, Calif., after
spending several months visiting
with relatives and friends here
and at Pender.
Mrs. Elma Evans returned Fri
day from Omaha, where she had
Take time out for a
bottle of Squirt* There
is new energy and lip
in its tangy, fresh-fruit
goodness — delicious,
thirst-quenching flavor
that satisfies. Just try a
bottle —you'll love it.
towlrf Taka* lass swaaf I
Dr. Pepper Bottling Co.
O’Neill, Nebraska
Boys’ Sweaters
New Slock
149 2.49
Boys’ Corduroy Pants
AGE 6 TO 18
- I .
Boys’ Dress Pants
1.98 2.98
Boys’ Sport Shirts
Zipper Front
Boys’ Work Shoes
1.79 2.29 2.49
Boys’ Dress Oxfords
2.29 2.98
Girls’ Wash Dresses
69c 1.19
Girls’ School Sweaters
1.49 1.98
Boys' Dress Shirts
Neat Patterns
69c 98c
Girls’ Skirts
1.69 2.29
Girls’ Slips
Cotton Rayon
29c 59c '
Girls’ Panties
Cotton AU
Rayon Stripe Rayon
25c 29c
School Girls’ Shoes
1.291.69 1.98 2.49
Children’s High Shoes
129 198
Children’s Stockings
15c 19c 25c
* «». c. PKMMKY CO., INC.
been with her daughter, Mrs.
Howard Bauman, who is receiv
ing medical treatment at St.
Catherine’s hospital.
Mrs. Alva Marcellus and daugh
ter, Donna Jean, and Mary Jo Al
len spent the week-end in Lin
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. DeBacker
were in Omaha from Saturday
until Monday visiting friends.
Mrs. Z. W. Credle of Omaha
spent from Friday until Sunday
with her mother, Mrs. J. F.
O’Donnell, Mrs. O’Donnell re
turned to Omaha with Mrs.
Credle for a visit.
Mrs. Helen Simar spent Sun
day at Bassett with friends.
Mrs. C. F. McKenna went to
Omaha Sunday to spend a week
visiting relatives and friends.
Mrs. Gerald Phalin of Valhalla,
N. Y., arrived Tuesday to spend
until Friday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Phalin.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richter
entertained around forty relatives
and friends at a birthday clinner
at, their home Sunday, honoring
tneir son, Jimmy’s first birthday.
Mrs. W. H. Harty and daugh
ter, Helen, and Mrs. P. B. Harty
and daughter, Ann, went to Sioux
City on Monday to spend a few
Miss Estella Link of Elgin was
a guest of Mrs. Grace Wilcox on
Miss Roberta Arbuthnot of
Omaha spent from Saturday un
til Monday at the homes of her
mother, Mrs. R. L. Arbuthnot,
and brother, Jack, and family.
Thanks, Friends!
I wish to thank all my good friends
for your support at the primary
election. I assure you I shall always
work for the benefit of the people
in this district.
Tony Asimus
Master Liquid..
Has made sick hogs
well 99 times out of
Fully guaranteed <
...O’Neill Hatchery i