The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 20, 1942, Image 6
WHO’S NEWS THIS WEEK By LEMUEL F. PARTON Consolidated Features.—WNU Release. NEW YORK —Harold McCracken, explorer for the American Mu seum of Natural History, says Japa nese in the Aleutians are just like Germans in Jap» in Aleutians Florida, and Must Be Bayoneted he sayg tur* Out, Not Bombed that we can t bomb them out. They can hole up like gophers in the native huts, and in Mr. McCracken's view must be "chased with bayonets into the Bering sea,” if we are to dislodge them at all. This should qualify as expert tes timony. Mr. McCracken knows the Aleutians. In July, 1928, heading the Stoll-McCracken expedition, he unearthed a sarcophagus, on top of an almost inaccessible Aleutian rock islet, containing the mummies of three adults and a child. This cul minated his 11-year search for stone age remains along the Aleutian land-bridge. As an archeologist and explorer, the author of a number of books, he has studiously pieced out the his toric jig-saw puzzle of his various findings and taken due account of their bearing on war and peace and the present and future of mankind. In 1934, he elaborated a plan for an "international grand jury” to end war which, in some aspects, was the first of several suggestions for fusing individual interests, across national boundaries, rather than grouping sovereign nations. More pertinent to his current observation is his previous conclusion that the Japanese invasion of the Aleutians was long planned and carefully pre pared. Mr. McCracken, a lean, gentle man with horn-rimmed spec tacles, doesn’t look like a man who has killed about 20 Kodiak grlssly bears, but he has, and such encounters are a minor de tail of his desperate adventures in shipwrecks, blistards and lonely treks In the frozen wilder ness. It was in 1915 that he first went to Alaska, heading an expedition for Ohio State university, his alma mater. In 1919 and 1920, he placered pay dirt on the Alaska peninsula, and into 1922-23 headed up a moving picture expedition, again for Ohio State university, to film big game. This led him into the production of travel and documentary films. /~\NE of our first stories, as a be ginning reporter in Chicago, was a rock and sock fight between some Jugoslavs and another Balkan , group, down Mikhailovitch around the Still in There Hegewisch Socking the Axis ^ Slavs were outnumbered but they won. They were more versatile than the opposition, better in knee and elbow work, and could land a chunk of slag or a slug of pig-iron on an exposed skull with skill and author ity. Their own skulls seemed strangely resistant to such missiles. As to the fight, they seemed to enjoy it, and when it was over act up a patriotic song which ranged far over the slag heaps and far into the night. It would be nice to recall that the defeated challengers were Italians, but they weren’t and that good news has been held for another day. The Jugoslav guerrillas, 16 bat talions of them, are chasing the Italians out of the former province of Bosnia. At the time of the Axis attack on Jugoslavia, we recalled that Hegewisch battle and would ■have made*a bet with any taker that something like that would hap pen. In the above and other en counters we have noted that in fight ing the Jugoslavs seem to have their mind on their work more than any other combatants. And, again, they seem to enjoy it. His flaring black mountaineer's mustache has become a gonfalon of hope to those who want to believe that victory may be won by a stout heart and not necessarily by the biggest tanks. It is reported that 3,000 Italians have been captured or killed in the last two weeks and that the general's forces have now wrested 11,000 square miles from the Axis. They didn't try to make their second front a jug-handled deal. The rocky-faced General Mikhailo vitch, a colonel -of artillery several years before the war, came out of the First World war with a strong distaste for the German military clique. When the blitzkrieg hit, he was invited to join officials and army leaders in a plane flight to Cairo. He said he had another engagement, went back to the mountains and emerged with a few hundred of his hard-rock boys, started savage forays and later worked them into carefully planned and operated mili tary actions. It’s a Good Morning With Flapjacks in Syrup! (See Recipes Below.) Breakfast Time Whether you wake to the crowing of the rooster or the jingle of an alarm clock, it’s a signal to be up and about seeing to the day’s work. But first! A hearty breakfast is in order so that the system can get started on its day’s routine in the proper form. No matter wheth er it’s for the head of the fam ily going off to the defense plant, daughter on her way to the nurses’ aid class, moth er or the youngsters, no one should skip blithely over this meal of the day. For years doctors and dieticians have looked askance at those who passed up a real up-and-at-them breakfast because it doesn’t give the body a chance to start func tioning early in the day. If you're fat, you need fruit-egg-toast-and beverage breakfasts to start your metabolism working at top speed to ■tart tearing down of excess tissues. If you're thin, then you need just ■s much of a breakfast with a few more trimmings, to start building yourself. If you're normal, you still need the hearty breakfast so you can maintain your health and give your body its daily nutritional re quirements. And one of the best recommendations for a real break fast is the good way it starts you on your day’s work. None of that drowsy, it's-hard-to-wake-up-in-the morning feeling. No, Ma'am! Hardest thing about breakfasts is that it’s easy to get into a rut by serving the same , foods morning aft er morning. This is rather strange, considering how much time and effort is spent on getting variety into the other two-squares a day. Well, why not variety for breakfast? You can have this variety in fruit. Yes, I know you like Juice pretty well, but you’ll get out of the morn ing doldrums quickly enough if you punctuate the breakfast with favor ite fruits-in-season, other fruit juices and some of those canned fruits you put up during the summer months. Toast? If you insist on toast, try using whole wheat, rye, raisin, cracked wheat, etc. Naturally, the bread should be enriched so you'll get the most out of toast. And then there are all sorts of hot breads that will send the family cheering oft to work—blueberry muffins, pe can rolls, muffins, and flapjacks! Eggs in all manner of ways are a good standby. Poached, fried, cod dled, baked, scrambled, a la golden rod, or combined with ham, sizzlin’ Lynn Says: Tips for Breakfast Fruits: You’re going to be a little short on sugar so do the most with what you have. A little salt in cooked fruit or sprinkled on such things as melons brings out true fruit flavor, requires less sugar. Lemon or lime juice with mel on enhances the natural sweet j ness. Try it. Orange juice, chilled before the fruit is squeezed, is an excellent pep-you-up. Let the sugar stand on grapefruit a while (while the coffee percolates) and the sugar will melt and go further. Try eating fruit or juice first, but sav ing half to finish off your break fast—it will leave a fresh taste in your mouth. Fruit stewed should have sugar added after it is stewed, with a pinch of salt. You won’t need as much sweetening, this way. Cook dried fruits with a slice of lemon or orange. These citrus fruits have an affinity with dried apricots, peaches, prunes and ap ples. I This Sunday’s Breakfast Sliced Peaches ig„Orange Juice •Feather-Fluff Griddle Cakes Poached Eggs Maple Syrup Beverage •Recipe Given sausage or crisp brown bacon— there you have a week's ideas. The Cereals. At least one serving of cereals is the nutrition requirement for the day. This is most easily served at breakfast, with cream and sugar and perhaps a few slices of fresh fruit or berries. Ready-prepared cereals are delightful, especially in the warmer weather — they're crisp, light, and nutritious. Recently some of the prepared cereals have been scientifically restored so they have all the whole-grain richness and nu tritive value in them. Light as down flapjacks are a wel come sight at breakfast! Try these: •Feather Fluff Griddle Cakes. (Makes about 18 cakes) 2 eggs, well beaten 2 cups rich sour milk or buttermilk 1H cups white flour Vk cup prepared pancake flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder Have all ingredients at room tem perature. Sift dry ingredients thor oughly. Add milk to eggs. Gradu ally stir in dry ingredients. Stir just enough to make a smooth bat ter. Cook on ungreased griddle. Try out one cake and if batter is too thick, add a little more milk. Fried eggs are good to serve with these griddle cakes. Fry them thus: Slip eggs into a scant Vk inch layer of moderately hot fat. Cook at mod erate heat, dipping fat over eggs to cook to desired doneness. Turn, if desired. Serve at once on warmed platter. Sunday Breakfast. Place sausage links in a frying pan, add a small amount of water. jjo not pricK the skins. Cover and let steam 5 min utes, then drain. Cook over slow heat, add 3 table spoons of peach juice to 8 sau sages and let brown. Serve with poached eggs on top of toasted Eng lish muffins. Red currant jelly or golden peach jam makes a delecta ble dish. If >«u’ve never tried old-fashioned scrapple, you have a real treat a comin’ to you: Pork Sausage Scrapple. (Serves 6 to 8) 2 cups cornmeal 4 cups boiling, salted water 1 pound sausage, In bulk Cook cornmeal in rapidly boiling salted water, and add sausage to mixture. Blend thoroughly. Rinse a loaf pan with cold water and pack in hot scrapple. Let stand in ice box overnight, covered with waxed paper. Dip in beaten egg and fry until golden brown. Serve with spiced applesauce, cranberry sauce or maple syrup. A variation of the ham ’n’ eggs theme is this: Frivolettes With Ham. (Serves 6) 6 hard-cooked eggs, remove yolks 4 tablespoons grated cheese 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Salt and pepper Melted butter Mash yolks and mix with cheese, butter, seasonings. Refill whites. Press together. Pour a rich cream sauce over them and sprinkle but tered crumbs over them. Brown a few minutes in a hot oven. Serve on browned circles of ham. H hat are your food problems? Cake making? Bread making? Pickles, jams, jellies? Children s lunches? Miss Lynn Chambers will be glad to give you ex pert advice on your particular prob lem, if you write her explaining what you uant to know, at If extern News paper Union, 210 South Uesplaines ■ Street, Chicago, III. Please enclose a stamped, addressed envelope for your reply. tit leased by Wcsiern Newspaper Uoion. 1 NATIONAL AFFAIRS Revitwtd by CARTER FIELD Sub Chasers Instead of More Ships? . . . If hat About Over-Optimism Concerning the W ar? Bell Syndicate—WNU Features. WASHINGTON. — Cancellation of the contract for a new shipyard near . New Orleans has been distorted by ! some persons into a belief that the administration is figuring on a short war. The explanation given by the Maritime commission—that the steel a new yard would require is needed for other war purposes—is correct As a matter of fact the starting of aluminum plant in New York, j which is not expected to get into production for a year, is the best answer. New York is far from an ideal site for any war plant—too con venient for a surprise bombing at tack. However, there was another consideration which entered into this decision. Unemployment in New York city has become a problem, and the government wanted to do something about it. Adding one more plant would not greatly complicate the bombing risk. It is frankly admitted that bombs dropped anywhere around New York would do plenty of dollar damage, and, in entirely too many locations, war damage as well. Folks are accustomed to mag azine articles telling what big bombs would do to the New York skyscrapers. Actually the government would infinitely pre fer the destruction of half a dozen of them to 10 per cent of that dollar damage In other New York areas, where plants are turning out badly needed war material. Safe From Bombing Fortunately, most of the alumi num plants of the country are locat ed in spots as safe from bombing as though they had been planned for war conditions, which they definite ly were not. But the whole situa tion of war production has developed to a point where safety from bomb ing is not the most important con sideration. The No. 1 requisite now has be come human transportation—that is, the selection of a site convenient to a large supply of labor. Cancellation of the ship yard contract, however, is a straw in a more Important direction so far as war policy is concerned than either the location of plants or guesses as to the duration of the war. It indicates that the group which has been advocat ing more submarine chasers in stead of more submarine tar gets has scored. It has been known for months that Harry Hopkins, closest person to the President, was favorably impressed with the idea of building more cor vettes, destroyers and other PTs to combat the submarines rather than putting additional steel—over esti mates already approved—into more ships. The idea here Is that if our forces sink one submarine we have saved an indefinite number of merchant ships. • • * War Situation on 8 Fronts Critical High administration officials are worried about what they regard as the excessive optimism of the people generally with respect to the war. The war, they tell you privately, is not going well. The situation on eight different fronts is critical. These are: 1. Russia—specifically the Nazis drive toward the Caucasus. 2. Shipping—because enemy sub marines are actually increasing in number, and because ship sinkings exceed new construction, and have for some time. 3. The North Pacific—where the Japanese landings on the Aleutians seem to cause more worry than newspaper articles indicate. 4. North Africa—where no one knows when Rommel may begin an other successful offensive threaten ing Alexandria and the Suez canal. 5. China—where the Japanese are making the possible air bases for at tack against Nippon more and more distant from their hoped-for targets. 6. The Southwest Pacific—where the Japanese, despite occasional losses, are steadily increasing the efficiency of a possible springboard against Australia. 7. Burma—from which an attack on India can be launched whenever the Japanese desire. 8. Murmansk—which is in con stant danger from German air at tack. In every one of these theaters of war, which are not listed here in the order of their importance, the situa tion is menacing. !;, no one of them is there any re; ,on for the well informed Unitei* Nations military observer to take any comfort. There is not one of the eight which might not suddenly boil over into a tragedy for our side. Cut Your Fuel Wood During Slack Periods Release Transportation, Improve Forests That Way By J. E. DAVIS (Extension Forester, University ol Illinois College of Agriculture.) Woodland owners can release transportation for war purposes by burning their own wood and supply ing wood for similar use in towns and cities. Fuel-wood cutting according to a definite plan to correct poor forest conditions resulting from mistakes of the past is suggested. Fuel wood can be obtained from misshapen trees, dead and insect-ridden trees, other cull trees, from tops of trees cut for saw logs and from suppressed or unthrifty trees cut in thin ning or woodland improvement operations. Trees suitable for lumber, veneer logs, box bolts or other special prod ucts should not be taken for fuel. Large Quantities of oak are needed for ships, hickory and ash for han dles and lumber and pulpwood for other war industries. These products can be obtained only from well-formed trees, and cut ting them for fuel is a waste of valuable resources. During Slack Periods. Fuel wood can be harvested dur ing slack periods on the farm, but some time must be allowed for sea soning. Cutting should also be planned to promote a better stand of thrifty growing timber by remov ing “wolf” and "weed” trees. For seasoning, the wood should be stacked, not heaped, on bed pieces over dry ground, and preferably in an open yard to get greatest air cir culation. Fuel wood burns more ef ficiently and yields much more heat when it has dried at least six months. Labor-Saving Tips Farmers will have to work more hours to reach their 1942 production goals unless they adopt electricity as a labor-saving de vice, just as tractors are being used to speed up field work. It has already been demon strated that much labor can be saved at a lit tle expense in the use of elec tricity for lights, for put ting water un- j der pressure, j for processing and handling feeds, for electric fencing and for operating milking machines and brooding pigs and chicks. Electricity will play an impor tant part in making the develop ment of rural industries possible. On farms where secondary agri cultural production is not prac ticed, the extra time resulting from the present system of mech anized farming may be used to advantage in the shop operat ing a wood lathe or other wood working equipment, or on an elec tric welder making some part or a complete item of commercial value. Vegetable Insect Control Is Not a Difficult Task Follow a few simple rules and con trol of vegetable insects is not dif ficult. A duster may be obtained for a dollar up, but one may be made at home with a tin can, a stick and a piece of cheese cloth. Ask the coun ty extension agents how it’s done. Next, have ready a supply of in secticides for use at the first sign of insect injury. These are cryolite for control of bean beetles, cucum ber beetles, cabbage worms and oth er insects which feed upon the fruit and foliage of the plants; rotenone and sulphur to control tomato fruit worm, flea beetles, plant lice and leaf hoppers; and concentrated py rethrum dust for squash bugs, stink bugs, and harlequin cabbage bugs. Watch the garden for the first sign of injury and dust both sides of leaves. Apply poison bait late in the after noon for control of cut worms, grasshoppers and adult wingless May beetle, or June bug. Poison bait also will control mole crickets which frequent sandy soils. A bait made of cryolite, finely chopped carrots or turnips and wheat bran will control the adult weevil. Agricultural Notes Adequate curing of the hay crop reduces the danger of a barn fire. • • • Government purchases now take four-tenths of all pork and seven tenths of all lard produced in fed erally inspected packing plants. * • • Last year’s shoe production fig ures smashed all past records, and came within 7,000,000 pairs of the 500,000,000-mark, with an even great er output scheduled for 1942. —But War Bonds— I ON THE | HOME FRONT; RUTH WYETH SPEARS _ fUNBLEWCHED MUSLIM WITH EWBROtOERY) BENCHES lO'LOWER THAN COUNTER ^ tpVERYONE knows that quick meals in the kitchen save time, but it was both time and space that had to be saved in this kitch en where breakfasts were eaten on the run and the children had but a few minutes for lunch. The problem was solved by building a 16-inch-wide counter tinder a win dow and then making simple stools to be slipped under it when not in use. The dimensions and construction of the stools are shown here. A saw, a screw driv er and a wood chisel are the only tools that were used. The stools were painted cream color to match the woodwork and the counter was covered with Dangerous Low Notes The lowest notes on the pipe or gans in many European cathe drals are rarely played because it is feared that the intense vibra tions might shatter the stained glass windows. blue linoleum like the floor cover ing. Cream colored place mats, napkins and window curtains em broidered in colorful Mexican fig ures were then added to give a smart note of gaiety. * • • NOTE: These curtains, mats and nap kins were made of flour bags and the gayi figures tell a story of life down Mexico way. A flower seller: a peon on his burro;! a Caballero with his guitar; a man lead ing a pig to market, and girls carrying jugs and baskets on their heads are all worked in simple outline stitch. Trans fer pattern including enough figures for six mats, six napkins, borders for one pair of curtains and extra figures for several pot holders, is available to our readers. You will find directions also for many other fascinating things to make in Mrs. Spears Book 7. Send order direct to: MRS. RUTH WYETH SPEARS Bedford Hills New York Drawer 10 Enclose 10 cents for Book No. 7 and IS cents for pattern. Name . Address . Motorist’s Prayer The following prayer, written by Dr. Frederic S. Fleming, rector of Trinity church, New York, should prove valuable for all motorists: “Grant me a steady hand and. watchful eye, that no man shall be hurt when I pass by. Thou gavest life, and I pray no act of mine, may take away or mar that gift of Thine. Shelter those, dear Lord, who bear me company from the evils of fire and all calamity. Teach me to use my car for oth ers’ need, nor miss through love of speed the beauties of Thy world; that thus I may with joy and cour tesy go on my way.” I fcxrvA goot> w/m FRt/iri m>r w iVi ■■■ 11 ■ i f&ffluytgSs RICE KR1SPIES iica tiff11 mi am mu mi in am imiaiai FURNITURE MAN HAS LINE ON BITE-FREE 'MAKIN'S* SMOKES >—* TRY PRINCE ALBERT \— ( FOR MILDER, MELLOWER YET \ l TASTIER SMOKES. CRIMP CUT J / FOR FASTER, EASIER, NO-SPILL / ( ROLLING. NO OTHER ^jl^JOBACCO A \LIKE RA. IN PAPERS OR PIPES floe roll-your own cigarette* io every handy pocket can of Prince Prince Albert THE NATIONAL JOY SMOKE ». 1. UmrmoUmT*»«» Ci —irg. fcliM.H.O.