The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 20, 1942, Image 5
Farmers! Stockmen! Eastern cattle feeders are beginning to stock their feedlots with Nebraska Sandhill cattle. Every week we have more inquiries and in creased demand for livestock. Bring your surplus livestock to this market for ready outlet and top returns. We Sell Every Monday O’Neill Live Stock Com. Co. Where Buyer and Seller Meet Phone 2 O’Neill, Nebraska BRIEFLY STATED Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kruse and I daughter, Patsy, left Saturday for Swea City, Iowa, where they will visit relatives and friends for ten days. Mrs. Willis Ramsey and Mrs. E. J. Mills wil leave Friday for San Jose, Calif., where they will join Mrs. Ramsey’s husband and where they will make their fu ture home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Biglin and son, Joe, spent from Monday un til Wednesday in Omaha. They were accompanied by William Biglin, Jr., who remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Frank Clements entertain ed the Last Minute Bridge Chib at her home Wednesday after noon. High score was won by Mrs. George Mitchell, second high Mrs. Robert Brittell, and third high Mrs. Hardin Anspach. Employees of the Bell Tele phone Company had a picnic at the city park Wednesday evening, honoring Mrs. Anstine, who leaves Friday for Sioux City, where she has been transferred. Mrs. Anstine was presented with a gift. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McNanamy left Saturday for Portland, Ore., where they plan on making their future home. Mr. McNanamy has been salesman for the R. J. Rey nolds Tobacco Co. in this terri tory for several years. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Doyle of Evanston, 111., arrived last Mon day for a two weeks visit with her father, J. B. Ryan, and other relatives and friends here. F. E. Parkins and son, Robert, and Charles Yarnell went to Om aha on Wednesday, where Char les plans to enlist in some branch of military service. Mrs. J. Jaszkowiak entertained the 9-F.F. Bridge Club at her home Thursday evening of last week. High score was won by Mrs. Harrison Bridge, second high Mrs. Lyndle Stout, third high Mrs. Bennett Gillespie. INMAN NEWS Mrs. Robert Taylor of Beatrice arrived Wednesday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moor. Virgil Tomlinson and Miss Vir ginia Watson attended the Old Settlers’ Picnic north of O’Neill on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Butler of Bassett and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henderson of River View were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. But ler last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paxton of Valentine are visiting in the homes of Art Renner and Mrs. Emma Kivett. Mr. Paxton is a brother: of Mrs. Kivett and Mrs. Renner. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McClurg and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller drove to Neligh last Sunday, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller. Millers are moving to Council Bluffs, Iowa, to live, Mr. Miller having secured work in the bomber plant in Omaha. The Millers formerly lived in Inman. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Watson en tertained a group of friends Sun day night at a buffet supper. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Watson and daughter, Lu Ella, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc Clurg and daughters, Marilyn and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Butler and daughter, Mary, of Neligh, Misses Shirley and Ann Butler of Independence, Mo., who are honle on their vacations. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins were guests of Dr. and Mrs. O. W. French over the week-end at their cabin northwest of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Romig of Wilcox, Nebr., arrived Wednes day and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins. On Tuesday they left for a trip to the Black Hills, accompanied on the trip by Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins. Warren McClurg and Earl Wat son went to Allyn Lake north of Stuart on Tuesday to fish. They returned home Wednesday. Mrs: Walter Jacox went to Burwell on ‘Tuesday, called there by the illness of her sister-in-law. Charles Fowler left Monday for Sioux City, Iowa, after spending a week with his daughter, Mrs. A. N. Butler. Mrs. A. N. Butler and daugh ter, Mrs. Marvin Young of Wich ita, Kan., drove to Neligh Wed nesday, where they spent the day at the J. H. Butler home. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS (Continued from Page Four) Gibson, that the date of hearing this petition be set for August 25, 1942, at 2:00 P. M. Carried. The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants or dered drawn on Road Fund in payment of same: Oswald Babutzke -$ 20.00 Maurice Cavanaugh 145.00 B. G. Hanna _ 27.95 John Sullivan .....25.00 Ed J. Matousek - 55.00 Chet MeClenahaii .... 140.00 Floyd Osborne - 8.00 Frank Osborne — _ 22.50 Lloyd Pichler _145.00 John Sullivan . 15.00 Walter K. Smith _.- 30.00 W. A. Smith_100.50 Leo S. Tomjack-108.00 W. E. Wulf _. 20.00 Alemite Co.-17.09 James Curran - 6.35 Contractors Supply Co— 6.43 Dexter Bros.- 6.50 Sis Ebbensgaard-87.60 Joe Kutscher - - 14.00 Richard Smith-32.00 Thank You I wish to thank the voters of Holt county for their support in the recent Primary election, and will appreciate your support at the polls this fall. I also wish to state at this time that I have made no promises or commitments to anyone at any time. . . Jack Arbuthnot WANTED 3,000 Tons of New Rye Straw W. F. PARROTT Buyer and Shipper of Hay and Straw Stein’s Property PHONE 206 O’Neill, Nebr. Victor Halva_6.30 Interestate Oil Co.-119.26 Island Supply Co_210.00 Island Supply Co. - 36.32 Island Supply Co.-82.22 Lowell A. Johnson-9.75 Oliver Jenkins ---1.75 Lohaus Motor Co. - 10.30 Lohaus Motor Co. - 8.15 Miller-Hasselbach Co. — 5.14 S. A. Marcellus_. 23.35 John Richardson_25.60 Seger Bros.-2.00 Standard Oil Co.-2.58 Ronald Carson_16.00 Scott Conner_49.35 C. W. Kirkland_85.50 Richard Minton_145.00 Bob McCartney_15.00 Jas. McDermott-31.85 Floyd Osborne__22.50 Frank Osborne ~-8.00 Wm. Rockford _ 66.50 Jos. Schollmeyer, Jr_60.00 O. B. Stuart__ 15.00 Jos. Schollmeyer . 45.00 Clede Trobough - 7.00 J. H. Gibson . 35.00 Boise Service Station-21.85 Contractors Supply Co. 55.84 Crabb Oil Co._43.50 Henry Dierks - 3.56 Frank Fiola 2.45 Raymond Shoemaker-32.00 D. E. Crandall _ 32.00 Interstate Machine and Supply Company-1.08 Interstate Oil Co. - _ 43.80 Island Supply Co. - 6.10 Island Supply Co.-29.38 Island Supply Co. - 10.00 Jeff's Service Station_ 21.50 Wm. Krotter Co. 142.29 Lohaus Motor Co. .106.84 Miller-Hasselbach Co. 10.78 C. R. Myers - 30.30 O. O. Newman _ 22.00 Ries Bros. 52.60 Shelhamer Oil Co.— Standard Oil Co. -370.05 The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants or dered drawn on Road Dragging Fund in payment of same: Clyde Burge -- $16.50 Bayne Grubb-..12.00 William Jutte-13.35 Floyd Ritts_23.40 Joseph Serck-2.75 Ben Wayman_12.60 Dave Bellar -13.20 Emil Heeb - 5.20 Lloyd Ritts _— 9.60 Grover Shaw _ 7.00 Ben Wayman-12.60 Ernest Young - 2.70 5:00 P. M. On motion Board adjourned until July 29, 1942, at 9:00 A. M. Ed J. Matousek, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska, July 29, 1942 9:00 A. M. Holt county Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion were approved as read. On motion the following Offic ial Bonds were approved: Harry Fullerton, Constable, At kinson City. W. E. Williams, Justice of the Peace, Atkinson City. George H. Beck, Treasurer, Sand Creek. Motion by Stein, seconded by Wulf, that the following applica tion for refunds be granted and refund warrants issued in the amounts as shown: Lydie Weber ... --—% 7.51 Lincoln Joint Stock Land Band --- 2.10 W. H. Harty 12.00 Henry GrUenberg 9.92 Theresa Huck . 1.80 Carried. The petition of School District No. 196 for transfer of funds was read at this meeting. Motion by Stein, seconded by Gibson, that prayer of petition be granted. Carried. The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion Charlie Snowhardt- 5.60 Ed J. Matousek __46.50 Walter K. Smith ...-71.50 Jos. Schollmeyer_66.80 Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Smith, that Holt County Inde pendent and Stuart Advocate be designated to publish 1942 Pri mary Election Ballot. Carried. Motion by Smith, seconded by Schollmeyer, that Court House Committee be instructed to no tify the F. S. A. to move from the old W. P. A. office, and that the space be turned over to the Rationing Board. Carried. 12:00 Noon. On motion Board adjourned until August 25, 1942, at 10:00 A. M., unless called at an earlier date by the Clerk. Ed J. Matousek, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, Clerk. EDUCATIONAL NOTES The folowing list of Holt coun ty rural school districts, as far as I know, have not contracted for a teacher for the school year 1942 1943. Some may have contracted and not notified me, or have made plans to send their pupils to other schools: Dist. Director Address 12 & 193, Carroll O’Neill, O’Neill. J. B. Reisor, Butte. 13 Mrs. O. J. Wither wax, Spen cer. 18 Wm. Rahn, Dustin. 22 Mrs. Alice Reber, Naper. 34 Ralph Ernst, Spencer, 38 Leo Farran, Dorsey. 40 Mrs. Stanley Johnson, Atkin son. WEDDING DANCE Crystal Ball Room ATKINSON Friday, August 28th Music By The Blue Serenaders You Are Cordially Invited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wyant 64 Mrs. Jno. Murphy, O’Neill. 68 Cecil Soverign, Atkinson. 80 I. B. Simonson, O’Neill. 92 Mrs. Aaron Boshart, O’Neill. 98 Joe Sladik, Atkinson. 103 Austin Hynes, O'Neill. 105 Mrs. Creola O’Conner, Atkin son. 132 Alfred Martens, Atkinson. 144 Mrs. Floyd Johnson, O’Neill. 150 Mrs. Fannie Ernst, O’Neill. 155 Adolph Mliner, Atkinson. 159 Wm. Mullen, Emmet. 160 W. P. Carroll, Atkinson. 168 John Vinzenz, Stuart. 170 Mrs. Theo. Crawford, O’Neill. 172 Oran Campbell, Stuart. 197 Mrs. Ethel Wondercheck, At kinson. 202 C. E. Cavanaugh, Chambers. 207 Ottmar Possnecker, Atkinson 208 Cecil Miller, Redbird. 209 Frank Dobrovolny, Atkinson. 210 R. V. Dvorak, Atkinson. 216 Clifford Olson, Amelia. 222 A. C. Watson, Amelia. 224 Levi Hull, O’Neill. 225 George Nelson, O’Neill. 229 Mrs. Florence Boettcher, At kinson. 231 Mrs. Carl Smith, Atkinson. 238 Mrs. Nettie Bilstein, Amelia. 239 Guy Parsons, Bassett. 224 Henry Timmerman, Stuart. 252 L. M. Rawlings, Burwell. 18*4 Chas McDonald, Ewing The following experienced qual ified teachers, or teachers now earning their qualifications, are available in Holt county and have not indicated either that they have contracted or do not wish a school for 1942-1943: Miss Josephine Borgelt, O’Neill. Miss Loretta Flannery, Atkinson. Miss Vivian Tracy, Atkinson. Miss Lucille Torpy. Atkinson. Mrs. Garnet Karr, Atkinson. Mrs. Ann Penry, Atkinson. Miss Lorena McDermott, Dustin. Miss Bea Morgan, Stuart. Miss Ethel Fuelberth, Stuart. Mrs. Alice Sammons, Amelia. Mrs. Theresa Parks, Page. Miss Petty Lambert, Ewing. Miss Betty Whoepple, Ewing. Mrs. Matilda Galligan. Atkinson. Miss Marcella Gilg, Atkinson. Miss Ruth Hoffman, Chambers. Miss Cleta Murray, O’Neill. Miss Mary Langan, O’Neill. Miss Viola Naber, Atkinson. Miss Marie Welch, O’Neill. Mrs. Wilma Sehollmeyer, Dorsey. Mrs. Alaxa Gokie, O’Neill. Miss Ina Mae Moody, Newport. Mrs. John Harbottle, O’Neill. Miss Helen Mullen, Emmet. (One certificate in the above list will expire during the school year.) Qualified teachers without ex perience^available in Holt county: Francis Funk, Clearwater. Miss Darlene Dalton, O’Neill. Miss Avis Waters, Ewing. Miss Mary Jane Moler, O’Neill. Miss Marjorie Zellers, Page Miss Caroline Jareske, O’Neill. Miss Carol Page, O’NeTll: Lester Derickson, Lynch. Miss Ella Montgomery, Stuart. Miss Florence Ratliff, Atkinson Miss Fern King, Stuart. Miss Alice Robertson, Page. Other names may have been unintentionally omitted from the above list, and in that case I would be glad to be notified. Inquiries have been made rel ative to the possibility of obtain ing permits. Any temporary cer tificate must be granted by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. County Superinten dents have been notified that in no case will a Temporary Certif icate be granted after Sept. 1, and then not to anyone who has never held a basic certificate. Also such application must include a sworn statement by the County Super intendent and the members of the Board of such district that no qualified teacher is available. Pre-Opening Day will be Fri day, Sept. 4. All rural teachers are required to attend, since that day is an Institute Day. Free high school tuition certif icates will be mailed, to those having made aplication, on Wed nesday, August 12. elja McCullough, County Superintendent. BRIEFLY STATED Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dean and 1 daughter returned Saturday from Lincoln, where they have b*en Give your Eyes the benefit of the new scientific method of examination and diag nosis. See Perrigo Optical Co., at the Golden Hotel in O'NEILL FRIDAY. AUGUST 28 Perrigo Optical Co. spending the summer and have moved to Mrs. Christene Wil liams’ home, formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mathis. Mr. Dean is coach at the O’Neill public school. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Calvert and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Calvert and son, Ronald, left Sunday for En glewood, Calif., for a two weeks visit with Mrs. Robert Calvert’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yarnell, and family. Sumner Downey, A. E. Bowen, Ed Gallagher and C. J. Gatz re turned Monday from Pelican Rapids, Minn., where they had been fishing for a week. The Misses Helen Biglin and Marion Dickson left Wednesday for a week’s vacation in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Miss Ann Belzer left Saturday for Chicago to visit her sister, Miss Leone Belzer. Miss Ruby Edlund returned Monday from Holdrege, where she had been visiting relatives for two weeks. Miss Marilyn Curtis of Sioux City came Monday to visit her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Curtis. Abe Saunto came Saturday from Columbus to visit his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunto. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Miles took Mi's. Clara Miles and Mary and Arden Miles to Grand Island last Friday, where they left for Deer Trail, Colo., to visit Mrs. Miles’ daughter, Mrs. George Davies, | and family. _ Miss Doris Mae Walth of Fair fax, S. D., was a guest of Mrs. Anna McCartney on TUesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froe3icb and family, Mi's. C. E. Stout, Ed die Campbell, Mrs. H. J. Birm ingham and daughter, Lou mad Barbara. Patti Keiser and Clar ence Hicks returned Monday from Brule, Wis., where they had been vacationing. Mr. Stout re mained over in Sioux City and1, came home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kubitsdbdk. and family left Sunday for a va cation trip in the Black Hills oT South Dakota. Mrs. J. C. Carney went to Bas sett Sunday to spend ai week vis iting Janet Ludwig. Mrs. Caraj. and Miss Ludwig will spend a. few days at Long Pine. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 AND 22 AUGUST IS CHEESE MONTH! In answer to Uncle Sam’s call The Dairy Products Industry greatly increased their produc tion and we now have a huge Surplus of Cheese for Civilian use. .. .We should now eat more Cheese few Vitamins, Minerals, Protein and Energy-giving fats. _ BRICK CHEESE, Lb. 29c CHEESE Q7' MU.D, | |_ MM YKI.LOW 1 II MU ■ LOHOHOBH -* ! MUTTON . SALE! , | 1,11 ■ Shoulder Roast, Ih. 13c Leg o’ Mutton, lb. 17c CHOPS, lb. 15c & 13c STEW, lb.12c Tellow Longhorn Cheese, Lb. 2»c SUMMER SAUSAGE, Lb.33c Sliced Bacon i »r... i50 Bacon Squares ptr |(U Lb.I5F* Ring Bologna g.22e PORK LOIN ROASTS and Pork Chops PER POUND 35c AND SUPERB GRAPE JAM Madr from Pure Fruit and sugar. 24-oz. Jar_ 25c SUPERB 1 FRUIT COCKTAIL Fancy Diced Fruits In • heavy syrup. 2 16-oz. Cans.. 33c 1 SUPERB TOMATOES as'— No 2 Can 15c SUPERB SAUERKRAUT K!"A «. 13c BLACK RASPBERRIES SM.7 16 19c SUPERB DRIED BEEF 15c La Platte Canned Spaghetti In Tomato Sauce tlr. 1 PC Economy Tins GOLDEN CORN In the interest of War Time Economy you should not open a 20-ounce can when a 12-ounce can meets your requirements. ... Stock up on 12-oz. Economy tins of sweet, tender, whole grain golden corn. Sale Special \ Aa 12-Ounce Can .™ wl* Maine Oil Sardines Buy a reserve supply for quick lunches. No. } Tins MORNING LIGHT PEANUT BUTTFR, 2 1A 40c SUN-SWEET "»?- PRUNES, 2 3S& 29c MA BROWN WHOLE WHEAT BREAD, 24 |gc OLD COUNTRY RYE BREAD ™«»* — 10c Soup, 3 “ 23c IVORY SOAP P&G Laundry SOAP 1ST .,..21# Precoiked BABY CEREAL STRAINER • r UNION FRORS Guaranteed MELONS Price foe Whole or Halt Melon Pound HEADQUARTERS FOR CANNING FRUIT Biforo investing m Canning Fruit you wifi find it profitable to Inspect our Display of Apples, Concord Grapes, Peaches in a wide range of Sixes and Genuine Northwest Bart lett Pears that can be held over and canned next week. . . . For table use the foregoing fruits may be had in repack baskets. Seedless Grapes r—.13c /allow P«;ons, 5 I K .. !9c — m i arm-o r*1 —r—nwvvMM—————— Extra Large LEMONS Dooen * • V