The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 20, 1942, Image 3

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    - — — — ■ ■ "" ■■ ' - ■ ■ •
U. S. Coast Guards Get in Trim
Dig ’em in deep, boys, heave-ho, so you’ll be able io give the Axis what they’ve got coming. The ‘ boys
are coast guards at their new camp near Battle Creek, Mich., the first of its kind in the Midwest, and the
pictures were taken as thousands went into training there. In photo at the right the coastguardsmen go
through a night drill in their breeches buoy. They are training for any kind of warfare.
Welcoming Committee for Japs
In the photo at the left Australian and U. S. fighting men are shown resting near bombers at a United Na
tions bomber squadron base somewhere in New Guinea. From bases in the Pacific, United Nations fliers are
constantly harassing Jap shipping, as well as bombing Jap bases on the many tiny scattered islands. Inset:
“Just give us some trespassers” is the prayer of these gunners of the U. S. Caribbean command, who main
tain ceaseless watch over that area, so vital to the safety of the Panama canal.
Inside World’s Largest Air Transport
This picture, retouched by order of the war department, is the first
jot its kind ever published, and shows how fully equipped U. S. infantry
i xnen occupy specially designed seats alongside mobile equipment in the
new Curtiss Commando (C-46) military transport, world’s largest twin
engined airliner. Unrevealed numbers of Jeeps and troops can be carried
In this plane.
I Middies Learn How to Handle Big Ones
Midshipmen of the reserve officers training corps, USN, are shown at
gunnery practice aboard a navy battiewagon on a training cruise. The
middle with the earphones and speaker is receiving aiming data. The
man at the breech shouts the number of the shell loaded, the man at
the angle and scale controls says “ready,” and the man at the range
control yells “Fire.”
‘Diamond King’
Werner Von Clemm, relative by
marriage to German foreign minis
ter Von Ribbentrop, shown In fed
eral court, New York, as he went
on trial on charges of conspiring
with Nads to flood this country with
diamonds seised in low countries.
I Old Settler
“When I drove those Injuns out
of Oklahoma I really got thirsty,’’
says William Corius, 84, National
Indian war vet, shown while at the
Old Settlers’ picnic in Chicago. HI*
thirst seems still to be with him.
Unwelcome Visitors for Herr Rommel
The new M-4 tanks, built at Hammond. Ind., and said to be the
most formidable tanks In the world, are shown lined up on flat cars inside
the plant awaiting final Inspection. This huge tank carries a 75-mm.
cannon on a revolving turret which enables the gunner to swing In a
complete circle. Jnst to look at them Is most reassuring.
Tea for Three—Dregs for Germany
With all the talk of bombing Germany out of the war, this meeting of
the U. S. and British bomber chiefs in London is significant. Shown hav
ing tea are (left to right): Brig. Gen. Ira C. Eaker, bomber chief U. S.
air force in Britain; Gen. Carl Spaatz, commander U. S. air forces in
Britain; and A. T. Harris, chief of Britain’s bomber command.
Queen Mother at ‘Ack Ack’ Station
Dowager Queen Mary, mother of the reigning King George of Eng
land, is shown watching a gunner operate his heavy anti-aircraft gun at a
post in the British capital. These “ack-ack” crews drill every day to
keep hand and eye in tune for action, in case a Stuka or a Messerschmidt
should venture within range.
Nazis Conscript Polish Laborers
This photo, released In London, shows a party of Polish labor con
scripts being drilled by a German officer. The men have been put
into uniform and are now subject to German military law. They are
forced to build military establishments, such as aerodromes, roads, rail
ways and supply depots.
Convicted by U. S.
William Dudley Pelley, 52, farmer
leader of the Silver Shirts of Amer
ica, who was convicted by a federal
court at Indianapolis, lnd„ on 11
counts of criminal sedition and con
spiracy. The Fellowship Press,
Inc., Pelley’s publishing house, was
also convicted.
‘Victory Queen’
Dorese Bell, 20, who was crowned
United Nations "Victory Queen" at
Philadelphia. She was selected for
leadership in war fund activities by
members of United Nations Victory
Girls, a group of government, busi
ness and school girls from 36 states.
Hole in One
' .-V •••«***. 4**5W<w~'- •» > * :u «i iimiiiiih
Here is Sam Snead, P.G.A. cham
pion, who has just completed five
weeks of training at the naval train
ing station at Norfolk, Va. He will
be assigned to duty as a physical
instructor. Sam is demonstrating
bayonet technique here.
Dressed to Kill
On maneuvers in North Carolina,
Lieut. Col. Frank Murphy, who has
taken a holiday from the bench of
the supreme court of the United
States “for the duration,” is shown
in his tankman’s uniform, “armed
to the teeth.”
Live Stock Commission
A Real Live Stock Com. Firm
At the Omaha Market
HIGHEST PRICES paid—cans furnished—
any quantity—large or small. Write for
further details. SIOUX HONEY ASSOC.,
Sioux City, Iowa. - Lima. Ohio.
Trailers—Cars For Sale
SCHULT—the World's finest trailer *693
up. Streamlite. Indian, Moon, Glider & oth
ers $395 up—new and used cars $250 up.
Cash paid for used cars and trailers.
2218 Harney St., Omaha, Nebr.
2215 West Second St., Grand Island. Nebr.
% Red Wing Lodge, North Platte, Nebr.
Live in Cool Colorado. Homes, apartment
houses, businesses, ranches. Rouse Realty,
515 N. Weber, Colorsdo Springs, Ceie.
Visit Price’s Camp in Spearflsh Canyon—
9 miles from Deadwood. S. D.. on highway
85. Cool, quiet, fine fishing. Address
F. L. WILHOYTE. Lead. South Debate.
Manager called to service. Inventoried
$5500 business. In family 40 years. Plmnte'
lng and tin ehop connected. Population ad
town 1.000. Write for details— MBS. ELLA
GAUGHEN, North Bond, Nobr.
Business Opportunity
on your location and dealer’s experience by
getting into thelivettock feed business
right now. If you have sold machinery,
automobiles or tires you can sell feed and
perhaps do better than you did in your old ;
line. The farmers in your community defi
nitely need feed. We have a complete fine j
of 24 feed products for livestock and poul
try and our organization is considered to be
"tops” in its field. We furnish you every- j
thing you need, besides give you a complete ;
training and establish you in a business of
your own without investment. If you have
a car and want to make a good steady in
come—every week, write to Box 640k
Oelwein, Iowa.
The growing of tobacco is pro
hibited in Egypt, the publishing
of suicide news is prohibited in
Turkey, and the exhibiting of hu
man freaks is prohibited in Soviet
Acid Indigestion
What manv Doctor* do for if
Whon ox coos stomach add causes gas, sour stnaooli
or heartburn, doctors prescribe the fastest~astloff
medicines known for aymtomatie relief—BMdMHi
like those in Bell-ans Tablets. No laxative. If rear
very first trial doMn't prove Bell-ana better, rebyw
bottle to us and *et double your money back,
Divining Success
The best augury of a man’s suc
cess in his profession is that he
thinks it the finest in the world.-—
George Eliot.
JMfl _
r.i _i
Day School Night School Home Study.
Low Tuition—Ensy Payments.
1223 FARNASt fi’l. OMAHA, NEBR.
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It msy be caused by disorder of kid
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There should be no doubt that promo*
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Get Doan's today.
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Would Bear"
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