The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 06, 1942, Image 7

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    JVA’s ‘Tin Can Army’ Goes Into Action
The first Junior Victory Army tin can assembly line goes into action In Chicago. At left one of the
young members receives first aid from a JVA nurse as other members carry on. Next from left, another
member removes labels from cans. A third, with a precision can opener, sees that both ends are opened
properly and tucked in. Another pounds the cans fiat and then final inspection is made before the cans are
packed for shipment to the junk yard.
Navy’s Triple Threat to Enemy Submarines
Three destroyers in 35 minutes—that’s the navy’s newest triple threat to enemy subs. The triple launch
ing occurred at the Federal Shipbuilding and Dry Dock company in Kearny, N. J. The three destroyers will
soon be on the prowl against the forces of aggression on the seven seas. They are the USS Davison, the USS
Edwards and the USS Saufley. The three destroyers were named in memory of naval officers.
Australia’s First Lend-Lease Tanks
Australia has received her first quota of lend-lease tanks from the
V. S. The M-3 mediums and lights are important fighting weapons.
Crews for the tanks, mostly experienced men from the Libyan and Ma
layan fronts, are trained as crewmen. The Aussies are shown unseal
ing them after they were received from the U. S. prior to putting
them into final fighting shape.
General Eisenhower Confers with Staff
Maj. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, commander of the American forces
in the European theater of war, is shown (center) conferring on military
problems with two members of his staff at headquarters in London. Plc
lured at left is Capt. Ernest R. Lee, and at right, Lieut. Com. Harry C.
> Butcher.
Prominent Hobbyists
Mrs. Donald M. Nelson, wife of
the chief of the War Production
board, likes to mend toys in her
spare time, while MaJ. Alexander
Seversky, aviation authority, likes
to play the accordion. They are
telling radio audiences about it on a
recent broadcast.
Coast Guard Hero
Coastguardsman John C. Cullen,
who helped trap Nad saboteurs
landed by German sub on the At
lantic coast, dances with Miss Alyse
Nelson in a New York night club.
Out of the Maelstrom of War
B. D. MacDonald, head of the American Red Cross in the Middle
East, is shown with some of the Polish children who are now being cared
for in refugee camps in Iran. They are some of the Poles sent to
Iran from Russia, where they had been in internment camps with their
parents since the occupation of Poland.
Churchill's Son at Willow Run
Capt. Randolph Churchill, son of Britain’s prime minister, is shown
(left) with Edsel and Henry Ford during his visit to the Willow Run
bomber plant. At right is Charles E. Sorensen, Ford vice president and
general manager. Churchill is recuperating from injuries received in
the Middle East area.
Jap List of War Prisoners
Pictured Is one of the first lists of American prisoners of war sent by
the Japanese to the central agency for prisoners of war in Geneva,
Switzerland. The list, which recently reached the United States, con
tains the names of about 40 casualties. Subsequent lists of casualties
have been received in this country.
German ‘Tourists’ in Egypt
These German soldiers penetrated much deeper Into Egypt than
they had planned and are shown on the wrong side of a barbed wire
cage for prisoners of war at Cairo. They are some of the men with
which General Rommel made his push across the desert to El Alamein,
where he was stopped by British forces.
FDR’s Chief of Staff
Rear Adm. William D. Leahy, pic
tured at his desk at the state de
partment in Washington, as he as
sumed his duties as President
Roosevelt’s chief of staff. Leahy, In
his new capacity, is responsible only
to the President.
Ingram Stainback, 56, who has
been a United States attorney in
Hawaii, has been nominated as gov
ernor of the territory by President
Roosevelt. Stainback was born in
V ictory Cyclist
Mrs. Harry Hopkins (the former
Mrs. Louise Gill Macy) shown rid
ing a victory bicycle on Park avenue
In New York. The velocipede was
donated by Price Administrator
Henderson as door price at a “bi
cycle luncheon.” All lunchers were
requested to attend the affair on
The Acid Test
An expert engaged in the manu
facture of Canadian cheese at Otta
wa is shown testing the aroma of the
curd after milling. Canadian produc
er! expect to exceed 1941 shipments.
I m
IF IT ever seemed to you that
^ the walls and ceiling of an attic
room were coming down on your
head you know how the owner of
this room felt before she began to
experiment a bit with wallpaper
and furnishings.
Large samples of w'allpaper
were thumbtacked in place to test
them. Stripes only accented the
slant of the walls. Plain papers
brought out angles with sharp
shadow's. Large designs made tha
room seem smaller. Wide border^
made the ceiling appear to be even
lower. But when a paper with tiny|
evenly spaced pattern and nar
row border was tried all these de-j
fects seemed to melt away. The
long curtains with ruffles on three
sides also helped to make the ceil
ing seem higher. Pink and white
striped material to repeat the
wallpaper color was used for the
chair cover and dressing table
skirt. The chair is a remodeled
rocker and the orange crate dress
ing table has hinged arms. Direc
tions for them may be found on
pages 4 and 19 of SEWING,
Book 5.
* • •
NOTE: Book 8. In the series which Mrs.
Spears has prepared (or our readers, is
now ready for mailing. There are 38
pages of these new ideas for homemakers
with complete working drawings. Also a
description of the first seven booklets of
the series. Send your order to:
Telling time in the Navy is on
the 24-hour system. Morning hours
are from one to twelve, but after
noon hours are from 1300 to 240#
(midnight). So if you ask a sailor
the time and he says "seventeen,”
subtract 12 and you get five
o'clock in the afternoon. It’s sim
pler if you ask him what cigarette
he smokes. Chances are he’ll say:
"Camel,” for Camel is the favor
ite cigarette among Navy men as
well as among men in the Army,
Marines, Coast Guard. (Based on
actual sales records from service
men's stores.) Local dealers are
featuring Camel cartons as gifts
for men in the service from the
folks back home.—Adv.
Greatest Benefactor
He who increases the power ta
bear does even more than he who
decreases the burden.
Gas on Stomach
Rdtovcd In 5 minutes or double money beck
When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocat
ing gas, sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually
prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known far
symptomatic relief — medicines like those in Belk-aaa
Tablet*. No laxative. Bell-ana brings comfort in a
liffy or double vour money back on return of bottle
to us. 26c at all druggists.
Having Contentment
The contented man is nevetfl
poor; the discontented never rich.
—George Eliot.
. " — ■■■■■ ■!■■■■ ii ■—————m
If you're cross, restless, suffer hot
flashes, nervous feelings, dizziness,
distress of “Irregularities’*—caused
by this period In a woman’s life—try
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound at onceI
Pinkham’s Compound Is made «
especially for women, and famous
to help relieve distress due to this
female functional disturbance.
Thousands upon thousands of
women have reported gratifying
benefits. Follow label directions.
Give a Thought to
i • For, in our town ... and towns
| like ours clear across the country
i ... there’s a steady revolution
> going on. Changes in dress styles
1 and food prices ... the rise of a
| hat crown ... the fall of furni
ture prices—these matters vitally
affect our living... And the news
is ably covered in advertisements.
• Smart people who like to be
up-to-the-minute in living and
current events, follow advertise
ments as closely as headlines.
• They know what’s doing in
America . .. and they also know
where money buys most!