The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 30, 1942, Image 3

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    With U. S. Troops in Libyan Desert
Refreshed by a night’s sleep punctured by the roar of nearby guns, members of the crew of a ©. S.-bnilt
"General Grant" tank (left) go through the morning routine, somewhere in the Libyan desert. Right: A Ger
man ammunition truck Is shown afire after a direct hit during a skirmish.
Feminine ’Chute Packers See Work Tested
. .... ■imi.n-T.i.ii-unm-Tri-r-tr-r-rnn-m —T fn 1—r • " — ■- J- BfSJMfS'-■»; ’ •"•CT
Feminine navy league aides, students in the first parachute rigging class for women in the country, at
Philadelphia, see the ’chutes which they packed taken aloft for test jump (right) with dummies attached.
Pilot Robert Bitner, pilot of the testing ship, receives the ’chutes. Picture at left shows the completion of •
successful test jump. The students struggle to deflate the billowing silk so as to pack it again.
Greetings to Leader of ‘Fighting French’
Gen. Charles De Gaulle, left, leader of the “Fighting French” (for
merly the Free French) shakes the hand of Lieut. Gen. D. D. Eisen
hower, U. S. commander for the European theater on the celebration of
Bastille day In London. Adm. H. R. Stark, commander of the U. S. naval
forces in European waters (center) looks on.
Paul Revere Rides Again
Paul Revere, 25, of Braintree, Mass., lineal descendant of the famous
patriot of the same name, is now a buck private in Uncle Sa.m’s army, hav
ing been sworn in recently in the presence of cheering troops. He then
toured the camp on Duffy, 101st cavalry horse, before donning bis uni
form. Above, Paul bids adieu to Duffy and takes over with jeep.
‘Bluebeard Tower’
A force of U. S. marines at Bourne
Field, U. S. marine air station, St.
Thomas, Virgin Islands, looks down
on the sunny Caribbean from “Blue
beard’s Tower.” The turret is all
that remains of a fortress which leg
end says was the retreat of the fa
bled character.
Arriving at Miami to Join Presi
dent-elect Alfonso Lopez of Colom
bia, who was in the U. S. as guest of
President Roosevelt, Senora De Lo
pez is shown (right) with her daugh
WAAC Members Welcomed to Army
The first women to receive WAAC uniforms nre welcomed into the
army by Col. Don C. Faith, commandant of the post at Fort Des Moines,
Iowa. A total of 25,000 women will be trained at the camp—enough to
release the equivalent of two divisions of men for active combat duty.
Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby is director of the WAAC.
A Queen Holds Court in New York
Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands greets members of the Dutch
Colony at a New York hotel. They are, left to right, Jonkheer G. Man
Tets Van Goudrlaan (secretary) to the queen; Mme. and Alexander Lon
don, Netherlands minister to the C. S.; Queen Wilhelmina; and Baroness
Ethel Van Boetzelaer and Mr. De Lanoy.
New Steel Monster for Uncle Sam
This is the new M-4 tank, the successor of the M-3. Its construction
consists of cast or w'elded hulls that offer a much speedier and more
satisfactory method of manufacturing in mass production. It carries a
77-mm. gun that can be raised and put in traverse turret to give better
all-around fire pow'er, and has improved vision.
Last Ride for Russian Prisoners
This cartload of Russian prisoners, captured by the Nazis, Is on its
way to be shot—somewhere on the Russian front. The Russians, follow
ing the "scorched earth" policy, deprive the Germans of any food that
may be had, and for this reason, according to the Nazis, the Germans are
forced to kill the Russians la order to feed their own soldiers.
• * \
Flying Tiger
George Burgard of Sunbury, Pa.,
former “Flying Tiger,” displays a
Sumarai sword taken from a Jap
victim. Burgard. now visiting in Mi
ami, bagged 12 enemy planes in
Burma white he was a member of
the American volunteer group.
Rubber From Grain
A congressional delegation visits
a Philadelphia alcohol plant to In
spect process for producing rubber
from alcohol. L. to R.. Senator Guy
V. Gillette, Iowa; Senator George
Norris, Nebraska; and the refugee
inventor, Waclaw Scxukiewics.
War Heroes’ Sons
Three sons of war heroes are pic
tured at the USO's children’s review
of the world at the war exhibit in
Rockefeller Center, New York. Left
to right at the gun mechanism are
Dale O’Donnel, Pat O’Donnel and
| Pat Devereaux. The O’Donnel boys
I are sons of Lieut. Col. Emmet
O’Donnel, hero of the aerial defense
of Luzon. Young Devereaux's dad
Is MaJ. J. P. Devereaux, captured
i by the Japs on Wake island.
Priority on Pants
M. R. Wolfkeil, 38G-pound ship
builder of San Pedro, Calif, (left)
who wired the President to instruct
Henderson to send him priority for
cloth, as he had trouble getting
clothes under WPB's restrictions.
Above, Wolfkeil shows his shabby
clothes to Findley Carter.
KENT BLADES Blade Value * 1
Cash (or Your Farm, or ranch. In 15 days.
The larger holdings and estate our special
ty. Successful selling service since 1912.
Write for information. NEBRASKA BEAL
TV AUCTION CO., Central City, Nebr.
M. A. LARSON, Central City, Nebr.. wia
mail you Information on many farms,
priced right. Drop me a card.
COMBINES, one IS ft. cut model C Nich
ols-Shepard Combine, one 22-40 Hart Parr
Tractor. T. W. Hartigan. Hornick, lows.
proved school. Low tuitions. Write EUitiags
Beauty Culture Academy, Hastings, Nebs.
12 foot No. 5 for sale or trade.
Such a Racket Couldn’t
Be Kept From Landlord
The landlord was showing m
prospective tenant the premises.
Everything seemed to be satisfac
tory, when the landlord spoke up.
“You know, we keep it very quiet
and orderly here,” he said. “Do
you have any children?”
“No, just my wife and myself/*
was the reply.
“Do you have a piano or radio?**
“Do you play any musical in
“No.” ,
“Do you have a cat, or dog, oar
a parrot?”
“No, but I feel that in all fair
ness I must tell you my fountain
pen scratches when I write
with it.”
Medical officers have long rec
ognized tobacco as an aid to mo
rale among our armed forces.
Surveys among the men thena
selves have shown that tobacco is
their favorite gift. If you have a
friend or relative in the Army,
Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard
who smokes a pipe or rolls-his
own, nothing would be more ap
preciated than a pound of his fa
vorite tobacco. Prince Albert, the
world’s largest-selling smoking to
bacco, in the pound can is rec
ommended by local dealers as aa
ideal gift for men in the service*—
Adv. I
Get McodcahaH’t Number 40 from ymm
druggist or by mail postpaid for S1.23. |
Money back if first bottle fails to aatiMfW
Dept. 10 Evansville. IniHn—
Astonished at Million
In Egyptian hieroglyphics, the
character representing the sum p£
1,000,000 is a picture of a man with
his arms upraised in an attitude
of astonishment.
/To Relieve distress from MONTHLYV
Try Lydia E. Ptnkham's Vegetable f ,
Compound to help relieve monthly
pain, backache, headache, with Its \
weak, nervous feelings — due to
monthly functional disturbances.
Taken regularly thruout the
month — Plnkham's Compound
helps build up resistance against
such distress of ‘'difficult days."
Thousands upon thousands of girts
and women have reported gratify
ing benefits. Follow label directions.
- -,J
For You To Feel Well
H hour* every day, 7 days every
week, never (topping, the kidneys filter
waste matter from the blood.
If more people were aware of how the
kidneys must constantly remove sdr
plus fluid, excess acids and other waste
matter that cannot stay in the blood
without injury to health, there would
be better understanding of wAg the
whole system is upset when kidneys tafi
to function properly.
Burning, scanty or too frequent urina
tion sometimes warns that something
ta wrong. You may suffer nagging back
ache, headaches, dizziness, rheumnde
pains, getting up at nights, swelling.
Why not try Doan's Pills? You wfB
be using a medicine recommended thn
country over. Doan's stimulate the func
tion of the kidneys and help them to
flush out poisonoua waste from the
blood. They contain nothing harmful
Get Doan's today. Use with confidence.
At all drug stores.
I bargainsB
j | —that will save you many a j |
<; dollar will escape you if ; \
<; you fail to read carefully and j J
<>' regularly the advertising of j ;