The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 30, 1942, Image 2
The l . S. Balloon Barrage Training Center at £amp Tyson, Tenn.. provides the training necessary for the handling, sailing and repairing of the huge bags which are flown as an aerial stockade against attacking bombers. These balloons are flown in critical areas to prevent enemy aircraft from bombing at low altitudes and can be raised to great heights in a few minutes. “Alarm! Balloons aloft!'* At this command, squads of balloon men rush to their posts, as pictured here. RPPPPH An outdoor class being taught how to deflate the gas from a bal loon into a “nurse Img," at left. Here is shown the motor*driven winch which winds and unwinds the steel cable controlling the flight of the balloon. **A stitch in time.” As tedious a job as peeling spuds is seu ing up the rip in a balloon fabric. Here Sgt. Albert Kabrielian is shoien sewing miles and miles of \ seams (or so it seems to him). Trainees, seated around their instructor, look like Lilliputians at a weenie roast. Robert Kehr teaches the cordage class how to make a “monkey fist”— a knot used in the rig ging of a balloon. WHEN Rod Brooke proposed to Hazel Emmons, she didn't exactly laugh at him. She said: “Rod, the man I marry must be strong and brave and fearless. He must be able to protect me, to fight for me, to—if necessary—die for me.” She paused and looked down at medium-sized, meticulously garbed Rod and smiled maternally. "I’m sorry, Rod, but that's the type of girl I am.” Hazel was the best-looking and most popular girl in Turners ville, a member of the dramatic society, and the daughter of the town’s most distinguished citi zen. Rod’s face took on a wounded look (very nicely registered), then he smiled, flicked an imaginary speck of dust from his coat sleeve, and said: “Oh, I didn’t know that. However—” And he shrugged, picked up his spotless Panama hat, placed it carefully atop his blond curly head and departed from the bailiwick of Emmons. Hazel was not exactly annoyed, but she was vaguely disturbed and troubled, it hadn't been quite as she had anticipated. Rod should have carried on a bit, looked more grieved. If, in fact, he had staged a bit of pleading, even threatened to leap into the river, Hazel would have liked it better. She went up to her room, closed and locked the door and sat down to consult with her inner emotions. Aft Presently the McCarthy hulk was sprawled on the ground. er all. Rod was quite a boy around Turnersville, about the best that the town, or nearby towns had to offer. Perhaps she should have snapped him up. Hazel's sense of the dra matic always had warned her to hold her horses, as some day the proverbial knight would come gal loping along on his snow-white charger and make Lochinvar love to her in the moonlight. But prac tical reasoning conflicted with this fancy, because you cannot hold your horses in a small town for several years without finding yourself hold ing the well-known sack. However, Hazel could not rid her mind of the cherished thought that the man who would win her hand must be a bearcat for physical cour age and endurance, et cetera. Pon dering the situation at the moment, she qualified the restrictions so that they might include the boy just thwarted. In a word. Hazel agreed with herself that if Rod could prove himself courageous and possessed of protective instincts, even though bested in battle, she would reconsid ‘ er her decision. But Rod must be tested, and to do this Hazel solicited the services of one Johnny McCar thy, a stoker employed by her father in his woolen mill. “You understand,” she said to Mr. McCarthy, “I don't want you to hurt Mr. Brooke. You may, of course, bruise him up a bit in order to make the thing seem realistic. But nothing serious.” It is doubtful whether the power ful Mr. McCarthy grasped the sig nificance of Hazel’s purpose (in fact she had always seemed a little queer to him) but he understood the value and denomination of the bill she tendered him, and agreed to play his part. Thrilled as she had never dreamed she could be thrilled, Hazel arranged | everything very nicely and con veniently. At the point where the i drive of her father’s vast estate j joined with a by-street, she and ; Johnny McCarthy waited one moon I lit evening, listening to the approach ing strains of an off-key whistle. The whistler was dapper Rod Brooke, meticulously garbed as usual, and not without his spotless Panama hat. Rod was quite alone, and as he neared the Emmons' estate entrance | he saw a vision that caused him to cease his musical efforts and hasten forward in all haste. “Here, here,” he said, laying a re straining hand on the arm of John ny McCarthy, which arm was at the moment encircling Hazel Emmons’ waist. “Come, come, my good man. , You appear to be making a bit of a ' nuisance of yourself. Loose the wom an at once!” Mr. McCarthy looked over his shoulder and leered. However, his reply was drowned by the scream ing pleas of the seemingly terrified Hazel to be saved. Her exact words were incoherent, though if she had spoken with profound diction and articulation it is doubtful whether Rod would have heard. For at that moment Mr. McCarthy made a pass at him in such a vigorous manner that Rod shuddered. Mr. McCarthy, astonished at his failure to connect, made haste to re cover his equilibrium and renewed the attack. But immediate renewal was impeded because Rod’s fist had found its way to Mr. McCarthy's jaw with a hairy force that caused the Emmons’ stoker to grunt. An other blow caught him flush on the mouth, knocking a solid front tooth loose of its moorings. Now Mr. McCarthy was ordinarily a man of patience. But this was going a bit too far. AU in a flash he forgot Hazel’s instructions, forgot the large denomination of the bill she had tendered him, and con cerned himself with but a single thought: Vengeance! He came plunging into the fray, head lowered, ham-like fist flaying the atmosphere. Rod had retreated, not far, but far enough to avoid collision with Mr. McCarthy’s knuckles. He directed a powerful haymaker at the stoker’s solar plexus. The mill worker grunted and buck led up. Rod then leaped forward and began pommeling the McCar thy visage with such effectiveness that presently the McCarthy hulk was sprawled on the ground and the McCarthy mind was temporarily un concerned with matters of a worldly nature. At this point in the drama, Hazel, held speechless from the first, let out a shriek and flung herself with a nicely executed dramatic gesture around Rod’s neck. “Rod! Oh, my darling! You were —superb! Oh, it was grand! But, Rod, could I have doubted you? And to think I even insinuated you were not the brave, strong man I so longed for. Precious, you will for give me, won’t you?” Whereupon Rod led Miss Emmons gently but firmly to one side, sighed deeply, flicked a bit of dust from his coat and shook his head sadly. “Hazel, this was merely an emer gency measure. It isn’t in my line at all. I don’t fancy being the sort of man you require.” “But, darling, you won’t have to. Why, goodness me, now that I know you can protect me, I hope you don’t think I would encourage such things as common street fighting.” Rod still looked sad. “Hazel, you don’t understand. There is one oth er thing I don’t fancy. And that is a woman who needs protecting. ; “Some women are like that, you know. They must be protected. They require it and it's bothersome. I’m sorry, but that’s not the type pf man I am.” Rod picked up his Panama hat from the dust, set it jauntily atop his curly blond head, and continued on his way. Standing by the gate, , Hazel could hear his off-key whistle ! becoming dim in the distance. Check on Heating System Before Winter Sets In Now is an excellent time to plan | and begin repair and renovation ! work on roofs in preparation for winter, and to check over all sec tions of the heating system of the home in advance of the resumption of furnace operation. When winter snows pile up on the roof, weak spots in the shingling or other type of roofing may result in leaks which often spoil interior decoration materials such as plas ter and wallpaper. In this connection, a little check over of the root now and the com pletion of any necessary repair work may preclude the necessity of fu ture, greater expenditure on reno vation of the interior wall coverings of the home. While the roofing is being checked, the eavestroughs and at tached draining pipes also can be looked over and any desirable re pairs or improvements made. The provisions for ensuring con tinuation of the roof drainage around the chimney, where it pro jects out of the roof, will bear a particularly close check, as a weak spot in the roof drainage easily may develop there. Cool September and October eve nings may require the use of a small amount of heat in the furnace before winter actually arrives, ft is deemed advisable by housing authorities that householders check their heat ing systems at least annually and August is a good time to do so. Keeping the heating system up to scratch is desirable both for the protection of the home against pos sible fire hazard and for maintain ing a high degree of heating efficien cy. An efficient heating system pays dividends by keeping costs down. Among points that may be checked to good advantage are the furnace grate, of the gas outlets in the furnace; the chimney pipes in all parts of the home; the hot air vents, if that system ts in operation, or the steam pipes and radiators. In homes using 0031 furnaces par ticularly, the chimneys should be cleaned thoroughly to insure fire protection and efficient heating. Metal parts of the chimney system should be checked over carefully to determine if there are any badly rusted or weakened points. After the necessary check-overs have been made, the required re pairs can be planned well in ad vance. Accidents, Deaths on Farms Preventable Take Necessary Steps Now To Ward Off Tragedy Farming is a dangerous business. Every day at least 10 persons on U. S. farms lose their lives by fire or accident, and at least 800 are in jured. Many of these accidents and fatalities could be prevented by malting farm repairs promptly. Today when every farm work er is needed in agricultural pro duction, it is doubly important that preventive measures be taken on ail farms to avoid the tragedy of accident or death, or interruption in the work pro gram. Every farmer should make up a household tool kit consisting of a small hammer, a small and medium I size screw driver, an adjustable S-wrench, nail sets and pliers. Put the tools in a homemade tool roll fitted with pockets or in a carry ing box. Easier to Repairv With such a tool kit handy It is a lot easier to take care of repair jobs. Engineers of the U. S. bureau of agricultural chemistry and engi neering place loose floor boards and stair treads high on their list of farm and home hazards. The short time required to repair such condi tions could well be spared from even the most important farm work. Uneven and badly worn floors are dangerous, too, as are loose or bro ken hand rails, especially at steep stairways. Broken window glass should be removed. Badly worn sash cords, often factors in accidents, should be replaced. Weak or broken ladders are the cause of many injuries. Going through ladders is more unlucky than walking under them. Steplad ders are a special hazard because they are used so frequently and are not so simple in their construction as straight ones. A loose board or a door with a broken hinge can be picked up by the wind and do great damage. The farm shop usually has the equip ment for such repairs. They should be made as soon as the need is noticed. Boards with nails in them left lying around are a frequent cause of serious accidents and a threat of dread lockjaw. They’ll Last Longer Now that the production of all farm equipment requiring rubber tires, except combines, has been discontinued, farmers who have rubber-tired implements and trac tors can make them last longer with a little extra care. Some of the most important points in tractor care are to keep tires properly inflated at all ; times, keep ! tires from con- ; tact with oil ; and grease or other material \ harmful to rub- 1 ber, inspect all tires regularly for cuts, bruises and other damage and make needed repairs promptly. Tractor tires should be well weighted at all times, especially under heavy load, to prevent ex cess wheel slippage which also causes rapid tire wear. Unnecessary traveling over rough, sharp rock-strewn and gravel roads cut doi^n on the life of a tractor tire. Wherever possible keep off the road, and on the earth which wears tires down less. I "“T-, - Heavy Yielding Hybrids * Still in the "laboratory stage” a decade ago, hybrid corn is being planted on 30,000,000 acres of mid : west farm land this year, according to estimates of the Middle West Soil Improvement committee. Hybrid owes its amazing popularity to its heavy-yielding qualities. It makes a heavier drain on the soil than open pollinated varieties. Thus it is nec essary to see that the soil’s re sources of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash aro replenished each year. ON THE /" HOME FRONTS RUTH WYETrSPEARSj SAME COUCH WITH NEW COVER. BEDDIN6 COMPART MENT AND MODERN UNITS AT THE ENDS STUDIO COUCH WITH SMALL TABLES AND H NO ST0RA6E SPACE ' SUDE COUCH a'J UNDER BEDDING ! COMPARTMENT ""pHE upper sketch shows a com bination living and bedroom that was brought up to date with every inch of waste space used. The cushions (lower left) were re placed with a box-like compart ment for bedding. This was made of plywood as shown at the lower right. It was padded across the front and ends with cotton batting, and covered with the couch ma Chopped ripe olives with the merest dash of garlic make a pun gent filling for small white bread sandwiches to be toasted and served with cocktails. • • • Strained honey, heated and mixed with soft butter and a dash of cinnamon and cloves, gives a delicious flavor to toasted muf fins, hot waffles or pancakes. • • • A little candied ginger, finely chopped, gives zest to a fruit cock tail, salad or sherbet. It also is good added to whipped cream and used to top puddings. Be care ful to use just a little of it, how ever. • • * Copper flashing around pipes, dormer windows and the edges of roofs never needs painting. But copper is now on the priority list. If you have or are installing gal vanized flashing, remember that it should be examined frequently and kept covered with paint. * • * A stiff wire brush is a great aid in keeping the burners of a gas or electric stove free from crumbs. • • • Oven pre-heating for short bak ing jobs wastes heat. Plan to do your baking and oven-cooking at the same time, when possible. * • * To increase the amount of frost ing for custards, puddings, etc., without increasing the amount of material used, take the whites of the eggs you saved, beat them as usual and drop the mixture into a saucepan of boiling water. It will instantly rise to the top and will make a large amount of very light white frosting. Spread at once and serve. terial tacked in place through a lath strip. Unpainted book cases were bought to go at the ends and the lid of the bedding compart ment was painted to match these. NOTE: A new couch cover, lamp shade, curtains or slip cover that you can make yourself may give your living room a fresh start. Book 1 in the series which Mrs. Spears has prepared for our read* ers shows you all the tricks. It contains 32 pages of fascinating new ideas for your home and working drawings to bring your o}d furnishings up to date. Send your order to: MRS. RUTH WYETH SPEARS Bedford Hills New York Drawer 10 Enclose 10 cents for Book I. Name . Address . When children crave sweets, give them oranges. When you want refreshment, drink orange juice. Fruit sugars give you a quick lift! \ Oranges are the best prac tical source of vitamin C— supply valuable amounts of vitamins A, Bi and G; cal- f cium and other minerals. Those stamped “Sunkist" j are the finest from 14,500 i cooperating growers. Buy in quantities—they ktep/ Copr.. 1042. California Fruit Qrowara Kachan** HOUSEWIVES: ★ ★ ★ Your Waste Kitchen Fats Are Needed for Explosives TURN ’EM IN! ★ ★ ★ Room Clerkette ... world’s largest hotel! j SHE'S >1 “SELF-STARTER” B PERSONABLE AUDREY UNDGRKH of Chicago’s famous Ste y .vens Hotel is one of the few women room clerks in - the country. Miss Lindgren n II n says: "Hotel guests expect » 111" friendly, cheerful, fntelli 1VCC gent service. Eating the ‘Self-Starter Breakfast’* - helps me start my days feel ing my best, and I jove that a9~-wonderful Kellogg flavorl" I Classified Advertising TJAVE YOU anything around the house you A A would like to trade or sell ? Try a classi fied ad. The cost is only a few cents and there are probably a lot of folks looking for just what ever it is you no longer have use for « « « Classified Ads Get Results