The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 30, 1942, Image 1

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    Neb. State Historical Society *
By Romaine Saunders
According to published figures
relating to Indian administration
there are 12,510 pale faces looking
after 364,000 Indians. Federal
appropriations for this work have
increased in twelve years from
seventeen million to thirty-five
million. There are no pijters
down there at Washington when
it comes to spending money.
Exclusive of those in armed
service, the federal government
has two and a quarter million on
the civil payroll, over one million
more than during the high tide
of the previous World War. The
present group rose to power on
a platform denouncing the very
thing they have multiplied a
hundred fold in ten years. Yes,
we are at war, but it takes fight
ers, not bureaus and batteries of
typewriters, to win battles.
The midnight flash of lighten
ing and the roll of thunder awak
ened sleepers to discover a rain
storm was spread over the land.
And again the next night this
was repeated. Out of the pink
dawn of another day God has
given us the sun flashed on a rain
washed prairie. Haying crews
took a layoff until wind and
sun wrought their work on heavi
ly grassed meadows. Gardens,
corn fields and animate life were
At least two county officials
have clear sailing unless the un
likely contingency should come
out of the primaries of a suc
cessful write-in campaign. Our
popular sheriff and efficient reg
ister of deeds have been the
favorites of the voters so long
that other aspirants to these
honors and emoluments have
been frightened away. It is not
a partisan victory but personal
popularity as Sheriff Duffy has
never been anything but a demo
crat, not excepting New Dealer,
while Mrs. Harris is a republican.
Some days ago the war depart
ment informed the country that
nearly 45.000 Americans had
been killed thus far in the war.
A tragic emphasis that this is not
a grand national carnival. The
women buzzing around to enter
tain the soldiers may well reflect
on these words of Madame Benes,
wife of the president of the Czech
osovak republic: “In these days
when the gallant soldiers of our
armies of freedom are dying on
the land and in the air, and when
in Czecholovakia hundreds of
fighters on our home front are
daily being cynically murdered,
our hearts and thoughts are far
from the glitter and circumstan
ces of peace time festivities.”
John Brennan sends me a page
from the Salt Lake Ctiy Tribune
of July 21 containing the story of
the wedding of Miss Kathryn
Jane Kearns and Ensign Thomas
F. Durkin, Jr., of Cleveland,
Ohio. The bride is a daughter
of Thomas F. Kearns, son of the
late Tom Kearns, an early day
citizen of Holt county. John
enclosed this note: “Miss Gene
vieve Biglin, who has been visit
ing her cousin Marie Biglin,
stayed over for the wedding and
left the next day for O’Neill.”
And I take a paragraph from the
Tribune story: “After the cere
mony the couple were guests at
a wedding breakfast at the home
of the bride’s father. Later they
boarded a plane for a honeymoon
in San Francisco. The bride
chose for traveling a white gab
ardine suit with a Leopard-trim
med white topcoat. The bride,
prominent society member, is a
granddaughter of Mrs. Thomas
Kearns and the late Senator
Kearns. The bridegroom, who is
a nephew of T. J. O’Brien of the
Alta club, is on furlough from
active duty on the Pacific.”
Mr. Rooney’s published appeal
for us to come up to the help of
the Lord against the mighty with
our iron and rubber has the
weight of sincerity. My own
iunk lot has been scraped to the
bone, yet there is more about the
premises that could be turned in.
but as I am at present confined
to a saddle horse as a means of
travel cannot make delivery. The
communuity might disgorge quite
a quantity, but when one has
driven 25 or 30 miles with a size
able load that scarcely pays the
gas bill, his enthusiasm, if not his
patriotism, receives a jolt. Blake
Ott over at Amelia has $65 in
( vested in a sizeable pile of old
tires but was fearing that he was
“stuck.” We are all going to be
17 Holt Couty Boys Will
i Go To Ft. Logan Tuesday
Seventeen of the young men
who left here on July 20th for
Omaha for their medical examin
ation and were inducted into the
U. S. Army on July 21, and given
a leave to return home, will
leave here next Tuesday after
noon at 3:30 for Fort Logan, Colo.
The following Holt county boys
are in this list of soldiers:
No. 605, Joseph Edmund Stutz,
859 Silven Blohovek, Stuart.
No. 1076, Gerald Mathius Clas
sen, O’Neill.
No. 1401, Luther Edward
Schulz, O’Neill.
No. 10170, William Walter
Young, Atkinson.
No. 10195, Edward Wilson Ge
seriech, Atkinson.
No. 10205, Orville Leroy Kel
ler, Chambers.
No. 10263, William Rees, Jr.,
No. 10300, Donald Madison
Hopkins, Inman.
No. 10318, Clarence David Stan
nard, O’Neill.
No. 10382, Harold LeRoy Dorr,
No. 10384, Ralph Percival El
lis. O’Neill.
No. 10414, Homer Bruce Mar
ing. Emmet.
No. 10425, Clair William Sch
roth, Middlebranch.
No. 10467, Fred Colfack, Ew
No. 10814, Richard George
Spence, Atkinson.
No. 10779, Owen James Lewis,
O’Neill High School Offers
Vocational Agriculture
O’Neill is located in a strictly
farming community. Since this is
true, the school officials have de
cided that a larger vocational ag
ricultural program is needed. The
new course that will be added
deals with the business of farm
ing and more advanced projects
in shops.
It is more important now than
it has ever been that the farm
youth know more about the new
methods in farming and be able
to do his own mechanical work
on his home farm. If he is not
needed on the farm, the Army or
industries will use him. There is
a great demand for men who have
had mechanical training. Voca
tional agriculture is one course in
high school that will train the
boys for some of these jobs.
School will be starting soon
and it would be well for the farm
ers and ranchers to be thinking
about arranging their labor so
that their sons will be able to con
tinue their education.
Farmers and ranchers who are
interested in sending their sons
to O’Neill High School to give
them the opportunity to study
agriculture and farm shop, may
write or come in and talk it over
with A. L. Mathis, the vocational
agriculture instructor.
No-Fund Check Writer
Gets Year In Penitentiary
John A. Grunke, who has been
in the county jail since early in
April charged with passing sev
eral checks in Ewing drawn on
banks in which he had no money,
plead guilty Tuesday before
Judge D. R. Mounts and was sen
tenced to the penitentiary for one
year. The prosecution was
based on a new law making it a
felony to write checks upon a
bank without any funds in the
bank with which to pay it upon
We desire to express our sin
cere and heartfelt thanks to the
many kind friends and ntighbors
for their many acts of kindness
extended during the long illness
and following the death of our
beloved mother and sister and
for the many beautiful floral offer
ings. — The McManus Children,
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McKenna and
Family. •
“stuck” if the axis powers are
not crushed. From the top lead
ership to the humblest citizen—
all should subordinate personal
interest, as well as political in
trigue, to every honorable effort
to crush the forces that would
rob us of our heritage of freedom.
My country ’tis of thee! Come
on, toss in your scrap iron or
tools and machines that are better
than scrap but have not been
used for several years. And then
join in the full-throated chorus
“Long may our land be bright
with freedom’s holy light; pro
tect us by thy might, Great God,
our King!”
Registration Numbers, 18-20 Class
Order Serial
No. No Name Address Date of Birth
10938 N1 Lawrence Vernon Harley, Chambers Jan. 10, 1922
10939 N2 Earl Raymond Eppenbach, O'Neill Jan. 13, 1922
10940 N3 Lawrence Frederich Vogel, Stuart Jan. 13, 1922
10941 N4 Ross Earl Harris, O’Neill Jan. 16, 1922
10942 N5 Robert Rees, Amelia Jan. 16, 1922
10943 N6 Raymond Frank Determan, Atkinson Jan. 18, 1922
10944 N7 James Austin Binkerd, Dorsey Jan. 21, 1922
10945 N8 George Ivan Albrecht, Atkinson Jan. 22, 1922
10946 N9 Howard Buckley Graves, O’Neill Jan. 23, 1922
10947 N10 Robert Harry Hollenbeck, O’Neill Jan. 24, 1922
10948 Nil William Henry Schutt, Amelia Jan. 25, 1922
10949 N12 Vernon Albert Kozisek, Stuart Jan. 27, 1922
10950 N13 Arthur Frank Holz, O’Neill Feb. 18, 1922
10951 N14 Robert Gerald Shoemaker, O’Neill Feb. 22, 1922
10952 N15 Neil Eugene Kipke, Stuart Feb. 24, 1922
10953 N16 Harry Dale Matschullat, Page Feb. 24, 1922
10954 N17 Byron Douglas Petersen, Atkinson Feb. 28, 1922
10955 N18 Joseph Hector Beeleart, O’Neill Mar. 1, 1922
10956 N19 Dale Emery Kirkland, Atkinson Mar. 2, 1922
10957 N20 Frank C. Trowbridge, Chambers Mar. 2, 1922
10958 N21 Lyle Froster Damero, Atkinson Mar. 5, 1922
10959 N22 Franklin Frank Eppenbach, Atkinson Mar. 8, 1922
10960 N23 William Harrison Hovey, Stuart Mar. 9, 1922
10961 N24 Frank Edward Sands, Ewing Mar. 10, 1922
10962 N25 Francis Boydston Ressel, Chambers Mar. 12, 1922
10963 N26 Paul Terrance Schultz, Atkinson Mar. 13, 1922
10964 N27 Ray George Slaymaker, Stuart Mar. 14, 1922
10965 N28 Eldon Erwin Petersen, O’Neill Mar. 16, 1922
10966 N29 Abery Edwin Caddie, Chambers Mar. 24, 1922
10967 N30 Ralph Eugene Brown, O’Neill Mar. 25, 1922
10968 N31 Harold Douglas Schaaf, Atkinson Mar. 28, 1922
10969 N32 Melvin John Baum, Stuart Mar, 29, 1922
10970 N33 Dominick Francis Kubik, O’Neill Mar. 29, 1922
10971 N34 Howard Earl Tielks, Stuart Mar. 29, 1922
10972 N35 Joseph Leonard Cavanaugh, Chambers Mar. 31, 1922
10973 N36 Warren Frederick Wood, Page April 2, 1922
10974 N37 Herbert Earl Newman, Jr., Stuaft April 3, 1922
10975 N38 Lloyd George Brady, Dorsey April 14, 1922
10976 N39 Francis Alvin Mohr, Atkinson April 15, 1922
10977 N40 Franklin Charles Spath, Chambers April 15, 1922
10978 N41 Merle Martin Petersen, O’Neill April 16, 1922
10979 N42 David Joseph Wagner, Star April 19, 1922
10980 N43 Kenneth John Schueth, Clearwater April 21, 1922
10981 N44 Roy Francis Humrich, Jr., Stuart May 1, 1922
10982 N45 Gerald Alton Henry, Spencer May 3, 1922
10983 N46 Lester John Derickson, Dorsey May 4, 1922
10984, N47 Harold Vincent Eppenbach, Ewing May 14, 1922
10985 N48 Joe Anthony Grutsch, O’Neill May 15, 1922
10986 N49 Harold William Beierman, O’Neill May 17, 1922
10987 N50 Lester Louis Mark, Stuart May 18, 1922
10988 N51 Donald William Johring, O’Neill May 19, 1922
10989 N52 William LeRoy Whitehead, Stuart May 26, 1922
10990 N53 Richard Lewis Lehmann, Chambers May 30, 1922
10991 N54 Irven Edwin Forbes, Amelia June 1, 1922
10992 N55 Owen Michael Hiatt, O’Neill June 1, 1922
10993 N56 Roy Adelbert Dickau, Atkinson June 11, 1922
10994 N57 Leonard Earl Wright, Chambers June 13, 1922
10995 N58 Donald Lawrence Carroll, Atkinson June 15, 1922
10996 N59 Harold Henry Parks, O’Neill June 15, 1922
10997 N60 Francis Henry Schrad, Ewing June 15, 1922
10998 N61 Norbert Theodore Fernholz, O’Neill June 16, 1922
10999 N62 Orville Dwight Orr, Dustin June 17, 1922
11000 N63 John Hubert Laible, Atkinson June 18, 1922
11001 N64 Carol Clayton Summcrer, Ewing June 19, 1922
11002 N65 Elmer Duane Hull, Stuart June 20, 1922
11003 N66 Benjamin Jardee, O’Neill June 20, 1922
11004 N67 Arthur Aloysius JurgenSmeier, O’Neill June 26, 1922
11005 N68 Alvin E. Walter, Ewing July 1, 1922
11006 N69 Boyce Benjamin Shaffer, Stuart July 2, 1922
11007 N70 Lewis Edward Dunkel, Atkinson July 4, 1922
11008 N71 Kenneth Duane Jones, Atkinson Julv 4, 1922
11009 N72 Donald Henry Focken, Atkinson July 9, 1922
11010 N73 Albert Nelson Gibson, Page July 11, 1922
11011 N74 Leo Arden Stevens, Atkinson July 11, 1922
11012 N75 Douglas Neal Ratliff, Atkinson July 13, 1922
11013 N76 John Edward Flood, O’Neill July 16, 1922
11014 N77 John Francis Shoemaker, O’Neill July 22, 1922
11015 N78 Eugene LtRoy Lawrence, O’Neill July 25, 1922
11016 N79 Clarence Martin Hammill, Atkinson July 30, 1922
11017 N80 Richard Wayne Myers, Ewing July 30, 1922
11018 N81 Donald Dwain Adamson, O’Neill July 31, 1922
11019 N82 Robert Guy Cadwallader, Stuart Aug. 8, 1922
11020 N83 Richard Fred Sholes, Inman Aug. 15, 1922
11021 N84 Robert Nelz Sholes, Inman Aug. 15, 1922
11022 N85 Lloyd Lorraine Snyder, Page Aug. 19, 1922
11023 N86 Donald Wayne Asher, O’Neill Aug. 22, 1922
11024 N87 Glenn Virgil Lorenz, Inman Aug. 22, 1922
11025 N88 Robert Francis Troshynski, Atkinson Aug. 26, 1922
11026 N89 Harold James Grof, Atkinson Sept. 2, 1922
11027 N90 Lapold James Ankney, Atkinson Sept. 3, 1922
11028 N91 Edwin Leonard Krugman, Opportunity Sept. 5, 1922
11029 N92 Howard Merlin Jeffrey, O’Neill Sept. 6, 1922
11030 N93 Joseph Arnold Gokie, O’Neill Sept. 12, 1922
11031 N94 Donald William Chaney, Stuart sept, u, i»zz
11032 N95 Richard Kramer, Stuart Sept. 25, ]„22
11033 N96 Laverne Alden Morrow, O’Neill Oct. 3, 1922
11034 N97 Lewis Frederick Coker, Stuart Oct. 4, 1922
11035 N98 Rudolph Wiliam Spangler, Ewing Oct. 12, 1922
11036 N99 Robert Joseph Yantzie, O’Neill Oct. 13, 1922
11037 N100 Robert Lorenn Pruden, Ewing Oct. 14, 1922
11038 N101 Oscar Henry Grunke, O’Neill Oct. 19, 1922
11039 N102 Lyle Eugene Radcliffe. Stuart Oct. 20, 1922
11040 N103 Benjamin Junior Wright, Ewing Oct. 23, 1922
11041 N104 William Ralph Kubitschek, O’Neill Oct. 28, 1922
11042 N105 Charles Anton Sorensen, Page Oct. 29, 1922
11043 N106 Ernest Able Kloppenborg, Emmet Nov. 3, 1922
11044 N107 Frederich William Ahlvers, Atkinson Nov. 5, 1922
11045 N108 Clifford Glenn Siebken, Atkinson Nov. 6, 1922
11046 N109 Darold Avon Slaymaker, Atkinson Nov. 7, 1922
11047 N110 Louis Frederick Oxner, Stuart Nov. 9, 1922
11048 Nlll Charles Richard Fees, Chambers Nov. 11, 1922
11049 N112 Grant LeLand Price, Amelia Nov. 11, 1922
11050 N113 Roy Ivo Vandersnick, Ewing Nov. 11, 1922
11051 N114 Richard Wayne Wyant, O’Neill Nov. 11, 1922
11052 N115 Harold Edward Albrecht, Atkinson Nov. 19, 1922
11053 N116 Orville Ivan Lewis, O’Neill Nov. 19, 1922
11054 N117 Gottfried Henrich Svensson, Stuart Nov. 20, 1922
11055 N118 William James Biglin, O’Neill Nov. 23, 1922
11056 N119 Robert Denzel Farrier, Chambers Nov. 25, 1922
11057 N120 Linus Eugene Judge, Atkinson Nov. 27, 1922
11058 N121 Arnold Henry Gehring, O’Neill Nov. 28, 1922
11059 N122 Jack Darrell Einkopf, Chambers Nov. 30, 1922
11060 N123 Marvin LaVern Fluckey, Chambers Dec. 5, 1922
11061 N124 Leo Walter Latzel, Ewing Dec. 8, 1922
11062 N125 Walter John Schmohr, Emmet Dec. 9, 1922
11063 N126 Edward Earl Porter. O’Neill Dec. 10, 1922
11064 N127 Edward Ralph Young, O’Neill Dec. 14, 1922
11065 N128 Newell Hawkins Pock, Atkinson Dec. 17, 1922
11066 N129 George Joseph Colson, Stuart Dec. 18, 1922
11067 N130 Donald Everette Smith, Page Jan. 1, 1923
11068 N181 Arthur Edward Olberding, Stuart Jan. 2, 1923
11069 N132 Vernon Clifton Yarges, Stuart Jan. 4, 1923
11070 N133 Dean Wood Butler, Ewing Jan. 5, 1923
11071 N134 Theodore Gerald Sirek, O’Neill Jan. 5, 1923
11072 N135 John Patrick Hynes, O’Neill Jan. 7, 1923
11073 N136 LaVern Donald Lynch, O’Neill Jan. 10, 1923
11074 N137 Pat Earl Camel, Page Jan. 12, 1923
11075 N138 Ralph Colfack, Ewing Jan. 15, 1923
11076 N139 George Potter, Stuart Jan. 15, 1923
11077 N140 Freddie Harold Niebaue'r, Atkinson Jan. 16, 1923
11078 N141 Chester Marvin Larsen, Spencer Jan. 18, 1923
11079 N142 Pete Albert Nickolite, Ewing Jan. 18, 1923
11080 N143 Jack Wendell Frady, Orchard Jan. 20, 1923
11081 N144 Gerald Robert Leach, O’Neill Jan. 24, 1923
11082 N145 Harold Philip Savidge, Ewing Jan. 25, 1923
11083 N146 Leo Reed Wiseman, Page Jan. 27, 1923
11084 N147 Clifford Roy Lundgren, O’Neill * Jan. 28, 1923
11085 N148 Warren Henry Schmidt, Page Jan. 30, 1923
11086 N149 Billie Junior Dierks, Atkinson Feb. 2, 1923
11087 N150 John William Miller, Ewing _ Feb. 3, 1923
(Continued On Page 8)
Legion Auxiliary Installs
Officers For Coming Year
Regular July meeting of the
American Legion Auxiliary, Si
monson Unit No. 93, was held at
the court house assembly room
Tuesday evening, July 28 at eight
o'clock. Installations of the fol
lowing officers, who were elected
for the coming year at the last
meeting, were a part of the order
of business:
President, Edith J. Davidson;
1st Vice President, Grace L.
Borg; 2nd Vice President, Ruth
Rector; Blanche Karr, Sergeant
at-Arms; Secretary, Mildred K.
Higgins; Treasurer, Alice Fritton;
Chaplain, Genevieve Flood; His
torian, Margaret Cuddy.
The following appointments
were made by the president as
committee chairmen for the com
ing year:
Publicity, Gertrude Streeter;
Membership, Grace Moss; Rehab
ilitation and Child Welfare, Lo
rena Anspach; Poppy, Elizabeth
Gallagher; Americanism and Ci
vilian Defense, Elsie Soukup.
Despite the warm weather and
busy season, there was a good
attendance. Included in the or
der of business was the ceremony
of initiation which was conferred
upon two new members. Grace
Borg, Blanche Karr, Alice Frit
ton and Mary Harrington were
elected as delegates to the De
partment Convention of the Am
erican Legion Auxiliary, which
is to be held in Omaha on August
23 to 25.
The ceremonies of initiation
were a feature of this regular
business session, at the close of
which light refreshments were
served and a very pleasant social
hour was enjoyed.
Farm Loan Assn. Heads
To Attend Norfolk Meet
Heads of the five National;
Farm Loan Associations officing
in O’Neill have been invited to
attend a farm loan conference at
Norfolk on August 11 with offi
cers of the Federal Land Bank of
Invitations to the meeting have
been received by George Shoe
maker of O’Neill, C. C. Jacobsen
of Butte, Frank Keller of New
port. C. J. Bartek of Ewing, and
L. W. Barthel of Amelia, pres
idents, and A. E. Spittler, secre
tary-treasurer of the associations.
Attending the conference will
be representatives of 47 National
Farm Loan Associations from 32
counties in northeastern and
north central Nebraska.
John R. Gallagher Now
Second Lt. In Marines
Two Nebraska marines have
been promoted to second lieuten
ants at San Diego, in line with
Marine Corps policy of commis
sioning outstanding men from
the ranks, according to word re
ceived at Omaha recruiting head
quarters. They are 2nd Lts. Rich
ard M. Cook, 23, Omaha, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Cook,
4433 Farnan St., and John R. Gal
lagher, 26, O’Neill, son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Galagher.
Lt. Cook was formerly a ser
geant in the 2nd Marine division,
and Lt. Gallagher served with
headquarters company of the
same division. The former en
listed in May, 1940, and the lat
ter last December.
Another Promotion In
Army For O’Neill Boy
For his outstanding work in
Service Company 355th Infantry
Tech. Sgt. Francis J. Soukup, son
of Mrs. Martha Soukup of this
city, was promoted to the grade
of Master Sergeant by his com
manding officer on July 15, 1942.
The above was received by this
office from the Headquarters of
the 89th Infantry Division, Camp
Carson, Colorado. Francis seems
to be on the way up in the army
There will be a meeting of par
ents of eligible Boy Scouts in the
assembly room of the court house
in O’Neill, Friday evening, July
31 at 8 o’clock. Mr. S. C. Reeves,
Scout executive, will be there to
explain the benefits of scouting.
Kindly be present at this meet
ing.—The Committee.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wayman,
a girl on Monday, July 27.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roth
child of Chambers, a boy on
Tuesday, July 28.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scholz, a
boy on Tuesday, July 28.
Holt County Scrap Drive
Now Well Under Way
Holt county had contributed
155,201 pounds of scrap as of July
27. A great deal more scrap is
needed in order to put Holt coun
ty in the top ranking counties in
the state salvage contest. The
week of August 1 to August 8,
inclusive, has been selected as
Holt County Scrap Salvage Week.
All farmers are urged to sell or
donate their scrap during that
Any farmer selling scrap metal
to a scrap dealer outside of the
county should secure a receipt
from the dealer and mail it to his
local salvage chairman.
Scrap can be donated either to
the various town collections or
to charitable organizations. This
donated scrap will be picked up
by county and state trucks if the
quantity is 500 pounds or more,
and if it is piled up so that it can
be easily loaded. This donated
material will need to be in large
amounts or located on a route
which the truck can follow. The
local salvage chairmen are:
A1 Berner, Stuart.
Frank Schnase, Atkinson.
Mrs. Guy Cqle, Emmet.
John Sullivan, O’Neill.
Cleo Alderson, Chambers.
Father Byersdorfer, St. John’s.
Mrs. E. V. Ruby, Ewing.
Mrs. Helen Braddock, Page.
Earl Watson, Inman.
If you have scrap to donate,
drop a card to the salvage chair
man who is located nearest to
We realize that this is a busy
time, but scrap is badly needed.
Some of the steel mills have had
to shut down in some cases and
cut off production in others be
cause of insufficient scrap in
stock piles. Everyone is urged to
sort and sell or donate their scrap
during the week of August 1 to
August 8. Let each one of us do
our part.
Salvage Chairman.
Hospital Notes
Mrs. Clarence Gokie of Cham
bers admitted Friday and dismis
sed Wednesay.
James Carney entered Thurs
day for medical treatment.
Mrs. Roy Wayman, a girl born
on Monday.
Mrs. Clarence Rothchild of
Chambers, a boy born on Tues
Mrs. Roy Pletzel dismissed on
Charles Mitchell dismissed on
The Ladies Auxiliary of the
American Legion have secured1
about 100 pictures of soldier boys
who are in the service of our
country and they are on display
in the window of Johnson’s Drug
Store. There are still a large num
ber of the boys in the service, of
whom they have no pictures, and
if their relatives will send the
picture to Mrs. T. D. Harrington,
chairman of the committee hav
ing them in charge, she will see
that they are displayed with the
other boys’ pictures.
Brisk Auction On
Livestock Supplies
Receipts of livestock at the lo
cal auction last Monday contin
ued rather limited as the bounti
ful harvest claimed the attention
of most farmers in this section.
However, action was good and
prices were mostly steady. Qual
ity was fair to good.
The supply of calves was more
limited than at any other sale
this season. The prices on those
that were here was fully steady
with a week ago. Heifer calves
reached $12.20 on a few.
Yearling steers were not in
large supply. The best light
weights reached up to $11.75.
Heifers in this class made $11.25.
Quite a few two-year-olds were
here and sold at fully steady
Good beef cows were scare.
However, the best in the beef
class cashed at $9.50 to $9.85, with
plainer grades making $7.50 to
$8.80. Heifers reached $10. Bulls
paid from $9.50 to $10.50.
The recent announcement made
by the government on pork prices
had a direct effect on the hog
market here last Monday. Sup
plies were somewhat lighter than
in recent weeks. Top on butchers
was $13.55, with the bulk going
at $13.45 to $13.50. Sows cashed
)at $12.25 to $12.60. Feeder pigs
sold at prices ranging from $14
to $14.50 Next sale will be held
on Monday, August 3.
Miss Dolores VanHove of Bris
tow came Friday and is visiting
Mrs. Goldie Liddy this week.
Ladies of Red Cross -*
Active In War Work
Following is a summary of the
garments made and shipped by
the Holt County Chapter of Am
erican Red Cross since the work
has been taken up:
Army and Navy: 43 sweaters,
10 helmets, 16 pairs gloves, 10
watch caps, 46 kits.
Refugee: 184 sweaters, 21 pairs
socks, 6 shawls, 64 children’s
dresses, 32 women’s dresses, 94
pair men’s pajamas, 19 pairs
children’s pajamas, 22 bed shirts,
72 pairs boys’ shorts, 2 girls’ slips,
49 night gowns, 24 convalescent
robes (children’s), 32 Lafayettes.
Most of the material has been
sent by National Headquarters,
although material has been do
nated by some branches for
children’s night gowns and pa
jamas. The quilts which were
sent were made from left-over
material from dresses, shirts and
Material for the kits was furn
ished by the local chapter, the
contents donated by the branch
making the kit. Each kit con
tains 1 small diary, 1 pencil, 1
jack knife, 1 comb, 1 tube shav
ing cream, 1 small notebook and
envelopes, 5 U. S. post cards, 1
housewife (sewing case) and a
deck of cards.
The response to the call for
knitters for quota of sweaters
and wristlets to be furnished by
August 15 was most gratifying,
and work is well under way.
Following is an excerpt from
a letter received from National
Headquarters: “This letter gives
us an opportunity again to ex
press to you and your volunteers
the thanks of the hundreds of
thousands of refugees in foreign
lands and in our insular posses
sions to whom your gifts have
been distributed. You would feel
amply repaid for your efforts if
you realized in a small measure
what your help has meant to
these unfortunate people. We of
the American Red Cross are
proud of you and your contribu
tion to the cause of humanity.”
On the Red Cross call for knit
ting to be done by August 15, the
following are knitting sweaters
and wristlets: Mrs. K. D. Fender
son, Mrs. Cleda Hunter Brady,
Mrs. Harold Lindberg, Mrs. Frank
Dishner, Mrs. Jack Davidson,
Mrs. H. G. Kruse, Mrs. John Os
enbaugh, Mrs. H. E. Asher, Mrs.
C. W. Pqrter, Mrs. W. J. McDon
ough, Mrs. James Walling, Mrs.
Paul Shierk.
There is a shipment of refugees
sweaters. Army and Navy sweat
ers, Navy watch caps, Army hel
mets and gloves to be sent out
Sept. 16. The volunteers knitting
these articles are: Mrs. Axel Borg,
Mrs. Bennett Gillespie, Mrs. Har
rison Bridge, Mrs. Irving John
son, Mrs. Walter Brennan, Mrs.
Lyndle Stout, Mrs. J. L. Sher
bahn, Mrs. Cleda Hunter Brady,
Miss Constance Golden, Mrs.
Francis Murphy, Mrs. James Wal
ling, Mrs. Jack Davidson, Esther
Harris, Mrs. Frank Dishner, Mrs.
K. D. Fenderson, Mrs. Delia Har
rison, and members of the Friend
ly Neighbors Project, under the
direction of Mrs. George MitchelL
The Old Settlers’ Picnic Asso
ciation will hold a meeting at
the Fox store at Meek, Nebr., on
Tuesday evening at 9 o’clock,
August 4, to make necessary ar
rangements for a picnic, date to
be announced later.—Committee.
County Court
Albert Dalldorf of Naper was
arrested by Patrolman John T.
Meistrell and charged with over
weight. He appeared in county
court on July 27, 1942, pled guilty
and was fined $10.00 and costs
of $3.10.
L. L. Kunselman of Nenzel was
arrested by Patrolman John T.
Meistrell and charged with over
weight. He appeared in county
court on July 29, 1942. pled guil
ty, and was fined $10 and costs
of $3.10.
Alfred Fischer of Mills was ar
rested by Patrolman John T.
Meistrell and charged with over
weight. He appeared in county
court on July 29, 1942, pled guil
ty, and was fined $10 and costs
of $3.10.
The Weather
Date H. L.
July 24 _90 64
July 25_87 59
July 26_85 57
July 27 _85 61
July 28 _89 69
July 29_89 69
July 30_89 67
Moisture .30.
Try the Frontier on Classifieds.