The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 09, 1942, Image 4

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    The Frontier
D. H. Cronin, Editor and Owner
Entered at the postofTice at
O’Neill, Nebraska, as Second
Class Matter.
One Year, in Nebraska_$2.00
One year, outside Nebraska 2.25
Every subscription is regarded
as an open account. The names
at subscribers win be instantly
removed from our mailing list at
aspiration of time paid for, if
publisher shall be notified; other
wise the subscription remains in
force at the designated subscrip
tion price. Every suscriber must
understand that these conditions
are made a part of the contract
between publisher and subscriber.
Display advertising is charged
for on a basis of 25c an inch (one
column wide) per week. Want
ads 10c per line, first insertion,
aibsequent insertions. 5c per line.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Chapman
of Omaha spent the week-end
with relatives and friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Shoe
maker and son. Gary, of Burke,
S. D,, spent the week-end here
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wyniski and
two children of Dodge visited rel
atives and friends here over the
Miss Eileen Sullivan left today
for Los Angeles, Calif., where she
will visit relatives.
Miss Janet Enright went to
Omaha Sunday to spend a couple
of weeks at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Garry Wrede.
Walt Stein and Billy O’Connell
spent Tuesday in Omaha on bus
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElvain
and daughter, Donna, Miss Edna
Simonson and Ralph Walker
spent Sunday and Monday in
Omaha. Donna remained for a
longer visit with friends.
Word reached this office that
Miss Mary Ramold, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramold, resid
ing northwest of Emmet, under
went an operation for appendi
citis at the Stuart hospital Tues
day morning.
Lester Sheets, Jack Bartlett
and Jerry McDermott left Wed
nesday night for the western part
of the state, expecting to land de
fense project work at Alliance or
The Misses ueuy jane anu
Yvonne Ernst, of South Sioux
City, are visting friends here this
Miss LaVern Borg of Wayne
spent the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg.
Mrs. Cecil Griffith and son,
Tommy Lee, of North Platte came
last Thursday for a visit with
relatives here and with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones,
of Meek.
John J. Harrington arrived here
last Friday from Chicago, 111., for
a few days visit with his mother,
Mrs. Tom Donlin, and also to take
home his family, who have been
here visiting with his mother for
the past three weeks.
Miss Helen Appleby, who had
worked at the O Neill General
Hospital for the past two years,
has resigned and started working
©n Monday at Dr. Burgess’ dental
Hugh Coyne and daughter, Ve
ronica, went to Sioux City, Iowa,
Friday to meet their daughter
and sister, Miss Nadine Coyne, of
Chicago, who is spending a week
with her parents and friends.
Mrs. R. J. Rakowski entertain
ed the Tuesday afternoon bridge
club at her home. High score was
won by Mrs. Herbert Peterson,
guest high Mrs. J. P. Alderman,
and Mrs. J. E. Knight low.
Miss Ellen Lois Wilcox is visit
ing at Malvern, Iowa, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. P, C. Donohoe
were in Norfolk on business Mon
Floyd Wilson resigned his pos
ition in the Council Oak Store
on Saturday.
Miss Mary Janet Iler spent Fri
day and Saturday at Sioux City,
Iowa, visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Rhodes and
mother. Mrs. Craig, of Butte,
were O’Neill callers Tuesday.
Ted Manzer has accepted a pos
ition in the Council Oak Store
and started working Monday.
Mrs. John Robinson and son,
John Lee, came Friday to spend
a week with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Frank Kubichek and
daughter, Marion, Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. McNanamy and Mrs. Ed
Hancock returned Sunday from
Casper, Wyo., where they had
been visiting relatives. Mrs. Ku-1
bichek and Mrs. McNanamy had
been visiting their son and bro
ther, Wilford, who is in the U. S.
Marines at San Diego, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mellor left
Saturday for a week’s vacation
trip in the Black Hills of South
Dakota, and Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Buckman
of Gannvalley, S. D., were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wallace and
family over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schulz of
Pierce spent Saturday and Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Schulz.
Mrs. A. R. Wyant and daugh
ters, Marjorie and Betty Jane,
spent the week-end at East
Chain, Minn., with Dick Wyant
and Don Asher.
Art Jurgensmeir resigned his
position at J. C. Penny store on
Tuesday and is going to work in
the harvest fields.
Joe Saunto of Sioux City, Iowa,
spent Monday and Tuesday at the
home of his brother and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Saunto.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kuska
and son, Lee, returned Sunday
from Spirit Lake, Iowa, where
they had been on a ten day va
cation trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bosn and
family visited their daughters
and sisters, the Misses Dorothy
and Margaret, at Lincoln and
friends at Brainard, Saturday and
Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Carter of
O’Neill and Mrs. Joel Smith and
daughter, Deloris, of Chicago, 111.,
returned Monday from Sheridan,
Wyo., where they had been vis
iting at the home of their daugh
ter and sister, Mrs. Blum and
Pvt. George Syfie of Camp
Crowder, Mo., arrived Saturday
morning for a short visit at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Syfie, at Phoenix. He had
but three days leave and was
taken to Omaha Saturday eve
ning by his sisters to catch a train
for his station.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Herre left
Friday for Kansas City, Mo., to
visit their son, Jimmy, and Mrs.
Herre’s sister and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. D. Bishop, for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan rmss vis
ited relatives at Odebolt and An
ita, Iowa, from Friday until Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coyne of
Spalding spent the 4th of July at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Miss Emily Lou Fisher left
Saturday for Chicago, 111., where
she will attend Gregg Commer
cial College this summer.
Pvt. Laddie Cary of Fort Sill,
Okla., arrived Friday on a ten
day furlough from the U. S. Army
and is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. P. Cary, near Inman.
It is a triumph in ex
celsis when a man
sternly denies himself
present luxuries, so
his family may not
suffer for future ne
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $140,000
This Bank Carries No Bonded Indebtedness of
Officers or Stockholders
Member t-aderal Dattoait laavrwa
Mrs. S. R. Robertson and her
mother, Mrs. Christia Walters,
visited friends at Long Pine last
Ward Burret of Ainsworth,
enroute to Sioux City, Iowa,
Where he was to report for duty
in the Naval Reserve, visited at
the home of Mrs. Myrtle Manzer
and family Tuesday.
Herman Rahn returned Tues
day from Newcastle, where he
had been visting relatives for
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Launsberry
of Greeley came Sunday and are
visiting Mrs. Launsbury’s mother,
Mrs. Tess Murray and family.
Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Duffy and
daughter, Mary Joan, of Jackson,
Minn., arrived Friday and were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shoe
maker until Sunday evening.
Mary Joan remained for a longer
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moss went to
Sioux City, Iowa, Wednesday af
ter Mrs. H. J. Hammond and son,
George. George had been at St.
Vincent’s hospital for the past ten
days recuperating from an ap
pendectomy operation.
The Paddock Union Sunday
School held a picnic at the Frank
Searles grove the 4th of July and
around a hundred attended.
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Spencer
were at Aberdeen, S. D., on bus
iness Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Pete Heriford went to
Lincoln Wednesday to visit rel
atives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington
and family left Sunday afternoon
for Chicago, where they will
make their home.
C. J. Gatz and H. J. Lohaus
went to Omaha Monday to attend
the funeral of a friend on Tues
day. They returned home Tues
day evening.
Miss Estelle McNichols left to
day for San Diego, Calif., where
she has employment.
Miss Catherine Finley arrived
Tuesday from St. Paul, Minn., to
! spend several weeks with her
| father, Dr. W. F. Finley, and other
Sam Bosn left Wednesday for
Chicago, 111., where he will visit
relatives for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Graybiel,
Miss Ruby Wiesman and Cletus
Sullivan attended the races at
Madison Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Anthony Gubbels and son,
John, and Mrs. Anna Boukal of
Omaha arrived Wednesday eve
ning to spend a week visiting
their mother, Mrs. B. Rohde and
brother, A. V. Rohde, and family.
The Misses Helen Wilson and
Marie Schultz of Wells, Minn.,
came Sunday and are guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Wilson and family.
Miss Ruth Scott of Marty, S.
D., was a guest of Mrs. John
Grutsch on Sunday.
Mrs. Guy Cole and Miss Ruth
Harris went to Sioux City, Iowa,
Wednesday to visit Mrs. Alice
Bridges, who is in the Methodist
hospital for medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cuddy of
Sioux City, Iowa, arrived Friday
to spend a week with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stan
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cuddy.
^ Brings You
Depth • Brilliance • Perspective
Smartly styled. Self contained speak
er. Built-in motor-noise filter elimin
ates motor sounds. Superior perform
ance. Extremely
fine sensitivity and
—-^ Includes Manual
Instrument Panel Control
With Super Quality
For $0 59 AM
Coup* * ■■ Up
Handsomely tailored from
cool woven fiber. Ideal for
summer driving. Snug fit
ting. Extra smooth. Easy to
clean with soap and water.
Big Value —
Moderately Priced
Good quality woven fabric cov- For Coup*
1 ers. Popular plaid pattern. Snug
fitting. Easy to clean.
And Up
rADAMinn C TTTDP Automatic push-button tuning. En
vUKUIV AUU Uul( closed speaker. Excellent tone and
m MVA selectivity. 4-station push button tun
vAll 1%AvAw lug plus manual tuning control,
k f Our Regular Low Price — $22.95
Twin Point
±3 In Set, ol 4,2 0 £
!Lj Guaranteed 18,000
Steering Wheel
Snug timing.
Provide* a
cool grip.
Clamp On
Cigar Lighter
Add* to
txunfort. '
Rail Guardi
Grille Guerd
Strong steel, chrome plated
° and nickle
* hew.
Tire Lock
Prevent* tire theft.
Easily installed,
positive locking ac
A aafety item
lor truck* noil
trailers. Easily
B«e hive type
for trucks and
trailers. Easily
mounted and
A 3 unit Aar. kit.
Approval in all
atataa. Sell Mat
Push Poll
tiro when in
(tailing «t*c
Sale Price
a quality on
complete v.flck.
of VP*r n'°ney, .Xe
It’s tough and ura
and will *ve your ro
tor proper protectton
at all times
• Relieves Driv
,ng Fatigue
_— .. * Does not Ob.
, struct Vision
* Durable Do°r
Tliis sensational * I
^an, cool filtered Qir ° C°°Ier Provides I
EariJy '"stalled on ,» Warn,est leather j
cTuT^^ a~c ^ The U"d is f
t C,Uded- A,i 1,,3tructions in. 1
I Keeps an ac
1 curate check on
your battery.
Accurate t e s t
ing for all type
of anti-freeze.
To fit Che v.
and other pop
ular cars.
Buy Auto Chains Now
While You Can Get Them!
As Low 98 4.40 — 4 50
As JB ■■■ Site
Every motorist should carry a set. There
will be no more when pnesont stocks are
sold. Buy now to be sure of yours.
6.00*16 size .*... . . $2.79
Strap Type Pull Out Chains
4.50 — 4.75 ....23c Each
6.25 — 6.50 . 33c Each
Improve Performance
1 Carburetor to fit Ford A,
Exchange Price . $2.84
Fuel Pump for Popular Cars,
Exchange Price $1.10
Ignition Points for Pop. Cars 17c to 75c
Condensers for Popular Cars 15c to 27c
Universal Ignition Coil $1.10
Rebuilt Distributors to Fit
Ford V8, Exchange $2,29 teend op
Water Pumps for Popular
Cars SI.69 and up
Muffler to Fit Ford A SI.69
Muffler to Fit Chev. 37-38 $2.59
Generators to Fit Pop. Cars, Exch. $3.59
j Relined Brake Shoes for Popular
Cars, set for 2 wheels. Ex. 98c to $1.29
Sectional Type Piston Rings,
SI.89 to $4.25
45 - Plate TIGER CHIEF
Guaranteed 24 Montha
on a service basis
Built from the finest materials obtainable.
A model to fit all cars.
51 Plate Royblue Battery, Exch. S6J2S
Gearant eed 24 Months on a Service Basis
Ail Batteries Installed Free
Fiber top with leatherette
end panels.
vy ;
Twin Trumpet
*3.69 Pair
Complete with relay. Loud
matched electric horn tone.
Non iare. Mounts ^Tf (ft ^
on dcor edge. » %#
DeLuxe Door
Mirror $1.49
s Inch ^
FOG LAMP $2.79
Chrome plated.
Prefocused bulb.
Sealed Beam Po^
ZiifiTht S3.19
4 inch rubber blades.
Sturdily built motor.
Easily mounted.
Frame Goggles
Protect? again)? oust
»tid glare. For
rporta 01 driving.
Polishing Cloth
20 Squarm Fe+t
Absorbs dust and \ <
dirt. Lchvm no tint.
pw T
C.'i t
&\ar-*ar* '
Liquid tjrp«. I<
•Pplf. Long >«• »g