The Frontier D. EL Cronin, Editor and Owner Altered at the postoffice at O’Neill. Nebraska, as Second Cl— Matter. SUBSCRIPTION One Tear, in Nebraska -$2.00 One year, outside Nebraska 2.25 Every subscription is regarded as an open account The names at subscribers will be instantly removed from our mailing list at emtiration of time paid for, if publisher shall be notified; other wise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscrip tion price. Every suscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract between publisher and subscriber. Display advertising is charged tor on a basis of 25c an inch (one column wide) per week. Want ads 10c per line, first insertion, lubsequcnt insertions. 5c per line. THE DAYS OF LONG AGO Fifty-Five Years Ago The Frontier, June 30, 1887 Market report: Rye 25c, Eggs 8c, Wheat 50c, Corn, ear, 30c, Flax 60c to 70c, New Oats 25c, Barley 20c to 30c, Hogs $3.90 to $4.00, Butter 8c and 10c, Corn, shelled, 30c, Fat Steers $2.75 to $3.15, Fat Cows $2.50 to $3.00, Potatoes 60c. A large audience greeted the graduating class of 1887 of the O’Neill High School at McCaf Jerty’s Hall last Friday evening, when the following received their diplomas: Nellie Brown, Nellie Beebe, Anna Dugan, S. J. Weekes, Lydia Keep, H. E. Ger rard, Pauline Narvell. O’Neill will celebrate the glor ious Fourth. N. Martin is the president of the day and T. V. Golden marshal. Hon John Rush of Omaha will deliver the oration. Fifty Years Ago The Frontier, June 23, 1892 John Mann, Sr., and son, Joe, were among the number who went to Chicago Sunday morn ing. Romaine Saunders, one of the valuable assistants in this office, has been quite ill the past week, but we are pleased to state is now improving. A camp of the Modern Wood men of America was organized in this city last Tuesday evening with twenty-six charter mem bers. The following officers were elected: Venerable Consul, R. J. Hayes: Worthy F. E. Heinerikson; Excellent Banker, Bernard McGreevey; Clerk, W. H. Pierce: Escort, D. H. Cronin; Watchman, J. E. Planck; Sentry, R. J. Dwyer; Physician, C. N. Hopkins; Trustees: F. E. Heiner ikson, A. J. Meals, Fred Pfunder. The Frontier, June 30, 1892 Last Saturday evening a meet ing was held in the republican club rooms for the purpose of or ganizing a band. After some dis cussion the boys decided to or ganize and elected the following; officers: President, C. A. Wells, Secretary, D. H. Cronin; Treas urer. Fred H. Swingley; Leader, Doc Wells. The band will be com posed as follows: Frank Webber, solo Bb cornet; J. D. Webber, first Bb cornet; J. Davis, second Bb comet; William Adams, solo alto; P. J. Biglin, first alto; W. Mc Nichols, second alto; D.H. Cronin, first tenor; J. L. Hershizer, sec ond tenor; C. A. Wells, baritone; E. Sniggs, tuba; O. O. Snyder, snare drum; Fred H. Swingley, bass drum. Forty Years Ago The Frontier, June 26, 1902 James R. Sullivan, who resided about three miles northeast of this city, died this morning at 3:30. after an illness of several months of cancer. He was one of the pioneer residents of the county. About twenty land seekers from Iowa arrived in O’Neill Tuesday night and are looking over the county with a view to purchasing. Last week J. Pfund purchased the lots west of the Evans hotel and will next week commence the erection of a store building thereon. The building will be 40x60 feet. Adelbert Baker, the efficient and popular clerk in the land of fice, purchased three lots on east Douglas street and next week will commence the erection of a commodious residence thereon. Looks suspicious, Bert. The Presbyterian parsonage, which has been under construc tion for some time, is nearly fin ished. A few of the old guard gather ed at the court house last Satur day and held the populist county convention. It w-as the smallest convention ever held by that party since their organization in the county. Delegates to the state and congressional conventions were named and the convention adjburned. Thirty Years Ago The Frontier, June 20, 1912 Mrs. J. J. McCafferty, who has been visiting friends in Omaha the past six weeks, returned home last Monday night. The work of laying the brick on the new hotel commenced this morning. The twelfth annual commence ment of St. Mary's Academy was held at the opera house last Tues day evening, when the class of 1912, consisting of nine young ladies, received their diplomas and bid goodbye to school days dear old St. Mary’s. The follow ing were the graduates: Margaret Geraldine Cronin, Mary Loretta Gallagher, Frances Daly, Myrtle Fisher, Ruth French, Lura Lewis, Agatha Lewis, Marcella Mattice, Anna Pauli. Married, at the Catholic church in this city on June 17, Charles J. Slattery and Miss Bea J. Boyle, Rev. M. F. Cassidy performing the ceremony. The Frontier, June 27, 1912 William Biglin went down to Bancroft, Nebr., last Saturday af ternoon to spend a few days vis iting “friends.” Sheriff Grady and wife were in Atkinson last Tuesday in'attend ance at the wedding of the Sher iff’s brother, Thomas Grady. Twenty Years Ago The Frontier, June 22. 1922 Lloyd G. Gillespie filed last Saturday night for the nomina tion for State Representative of the 64th District, on the republi- j can ticket. There are five con-1 testants for this office. Mrs. G. W. Cherry, who has been visiting relatives and friends in this city, left last Thursday, morning for Sioux City and other eastern points, where she will visit before returning to her home at Denver, Colo. The Frontier, June 29, 1922 Miss Florence McCafferty has been assisting in the county agent’s office during the past ten days while Miss Helen Donohoej has been enjoying the mumps. Mrs. J. E. Salmans, nee Marza; Ziemer, left Saturday for Mitch ell, S. D., where she will join her! husband. J. E. Salmans and Miss It is a triumph in ex celsis when a man sternly denies himself present luxuries, so his family may not suffer for future ne cessities. O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $140,000 This Bank Carries No Bonded Indebtedness of Officers or Stockholders Member hedaral Depout Insurance Corporation 1 Ziemer were married in Madison county on April 17 and their wad ding was kept a secret until a few days ago. Ten Years Asro The Frontier, June 23, 1932 Hugh O’Donnell for the second time is the champion of the j O’Neill Country Club, winning his second title last Tuesday af ternoon over Harry Huston. Hugh won the title first in 1919. M. F. Harrington passed away at his home in this city Wednes day evening, after an illness of a little over two months of heart disease. He was 71 years, seven months and fifteen days old at the time of his death. He had been a resident of the city since 1887 and was one of the most tal ented and best known lawyers in the middlewest. The Frontier, June 30, 1932 Mr. and Mrs. William Gatz left last Sunday morning for Omaha, where they will spend ten days visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moss left Sat urday morping for the Minnesota lakes, where tl^?y will spend ten days angling in some of that j j state’s noted fishing lakes. Hugh J. McKenna died at a | hospital in Norfolk last Monday afternoon, after an illness of sev-i eral months, of kidney trouble, at | the age of 50 years, efght months, and twenty-three days. He had been a resident of this county for forty-eight years. Mrs. R. R. Morrison and Mrs F. J. Dishner of O’Neill, Mrs. R. Newton and daughter, Nancy Nell, and Mrs. Edward Davidson and daughters, Elizabeth and Mary, of Casper, Wyo., went to Omaha last Thursday. Miss Mary Davidson entered St. Joseph’s hospital, where she will take Nurse’s Training course, and the others returned to O’Neill Satur day evening. Mrs. Howard Bauman, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Murphy and Pvt. F. C. and Mrs. John Grutsch went to Grand Island Tuesday evening, Mr. Grutsch leaving from there for Indio, Calif., where he is sta tioned with the U. S. Army. Pvt. F. C. Grutsch had been here on a fifteen day furlough and spent it with his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grutsch, and other relatives. Mrs. J. P. Brown and Mrs. C. E. Lundgren entertained sixteen guests at a 6:30 buffet supper at the home of Mrs. Brown Satur day evening. High score was won by Mrs. Lyndle Stput, Mrs. Har old Lindberg second high, and Mrs. R. H. Parker all-cut. Mrs. Frank Froelich and child ren returned Friday from Audu bon, Iowa, where they had spent the past three weeks visiting Mrs. Froelich’s mother. Mrs. Lulu Quig left today for St. Joe, Mo., to spend the 4th of July with relatives and friends. Miss Lanone Miles of Norfolk came Sunday to spend a couple of weeks visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Miles. Mrs. G. J. Ryan returned Tues day from Sioux City, Iowa, where she had been visiting relatives and friends for ten days. Mr. and Mrs. William Hewitt and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Parker Saturday en route to their home at Rushville, after spending two weeks in Min nesota fishing. Ambrose Rhode took Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Curtis to Sioux City, Iowa, Sunday, to visit their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lyle Cur tis, and family this week. Mr. Rhode returned home Sunday ev ening. Mrs. Frank Clements entertain ed the Last Minute Bridge Club at her home Wednesday after noon. High score was won by Mrs. Robert Brittell, traveling Mrs. W. H. Tomlinson and low Mrs. Jack Davi& Mrs. Fred Saunto entertained the 9-F.F. bridge club at her home last Monday evening. High score was won by Mrs. R. E. Armbruster, Mrs. A. Jasekowiak second high, Mrs. Bennett Gilles pie third high and Mrs. Herbert Peterson high score for guests. In the write-up of the party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W J. Taylor at Opportunity a week ago last Sunday and published in The Frontier last week, the name of one family of guests were in advertently omitted: They were Mr, and Mrs. Charles Presek and family. Mrs. Q. L. Sobotka left Sunday for Tampa, Fla., where she will join her husband, Lt. Sobotka, who is stationed there at Mac Dill Field. Mrs. Sobotka has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Langan, for the past two weeks. Friendly Neighbor Project Club held a farewell party for Mrs. Dale Fetrow last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Harold Fager. The evening was spent playing games and lunch was served. Mrs. Ffetrow was presented with a go ing away gift. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCor mick, Mrs. Wm. McCormick and E. B. Foster of Valentine, James McCormick and Mrs. Leonard McCormick of Sparks, and Mrs. Clarence Logan of Norden at tended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Margaret Hunter, last Thursday._ Outlaw Groceries New Deal Oil Co. We will be open on the Fourth of July for the benefit of the folks that will need goods on that day. Here are a few samples of our prices: FANCY COOKIES Eight kinds to select 1 C. from. Per Lb. . ..... I 5JU OYSTER SHELLS OQ 180-Lb. Bag _0*lC ARMOUR'S FANCY CHEESE Brick or Cream COft 2-Lb. Box _ OZC MINERALIZED BLOCK SALT | 50-Lb. Blocks I SUMMER SAUSAGE j Binder Twine First grade new twine, in sect treated. C Cf) 50-Lb. Bftle U.UU YELLOWSTONE CANNED FRUITS Peaches, Bartlett Pears, Apri cots, packed in heavy syrup. The finest canned Fruit you can buy. 2l/a sise Qt. can_*>“« 2 cans for_ I Flour Bargains OMAR FLOUR 1 /IQ 48 LJb. Bag I i6* J OLD MISSION FLOUR 110 48 Lb. Bag _I • I 0 PANCAKE FLOUR 3-Lb. Bag__3u, Three ICa 3-Lb. Bags_ CANNED MILK Armour's or Libby's, Small cans_ Large cans APPLE BUTTER Qi. glass jar_ LEMONS, Large 300 1 f|r size. G for .._ . I Ul» Per Dozen ... 19c SARDINES, Tomato. Mustard or Natural, 8-Oz. tall cans, 1 Cn 2 cans for I Jw GOLDEN TABLE CC. SYRUP, gallon cans - JJO BACON SQUARES 1CA Smoked, per Lb.-I UO The Scrap Rubber Program has been Extended to July 10th. Bring us your Old Rubber. Wonder Culture Mineralized Yeast One of the best hog feeds and conditioners. It takes only one pound of this yeast for each 100 pounds of grain. As good as any brand you can buy. 50-pound bags----$2.75 Ground Egg Shells for Poultry Feed An ideal calcium carbonate. 50-lb bags...45c Another Truck Load of Fresh Fruits and Vege tables FRIDAY AFTERNOON Business Girls: Don’t forget the dinner at Presbyterian church, ; parlors Monday evening, July 13, at 6:30. Tickets will be sold by the ladies of Circle I. Dale Fetrow, who is employed at Phillipsburg, Kansas, came up after Mrs. Fetrow and children, Saturday, they having remained! I here until he was able to find a house. They returned to Phillips burg Monday. Six girls had a farewell party Monday evening, honoring Miss 1 Mary Mellor, who leaves soon for Los Angeles, Cal. They attended the theatre and after the show went to the home of Miss Mary Miles for a slumber party. J. W. Hickey took his mother, Mrs. Annie Hickey, and daugh ter, Winifred, of Hollywood, Cal., who have been visiting relatives here for several weeks, to Pen der Tuesday, where they will vis it their daughter and sister, Mrs. Joe Conway. Without Stuart, wtfiose report had not been received this after noon, Holt county re^stered 293 boys between the ages of 18 and 20. Following is the number reg istered in the several towns: O’Neill 114, Atkinson 71, Emmet 7, Ewing 30, Page 14, Amelia 16, Chambers 29, Inman 12. Tom Hannabery was around town this morning displaying an Early Ohio potato that weighed nine ounces that he says he dug ,out of his garden. The potatoes were planted on April 27 and Tom says they have been using them for ten days. This is an ideal year for potatoes, lots of moisture, and it looks as if Holt county will harvest a bumper crop, the first in several years. Harvey Wayman arrived Sun-! day from Boulder, Colo., to spend1 the next ten days visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wayman. Mrs. Anton Sigfried of Parkins Prairie, Minn., arrived Monday to make an extended visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry, Orstrum, and husband. Miss Rita Higgins resigned from her position at the F.S.A. office Saturday and plans on leaving a week from Sunday for Denver, Colo., where she will se cure employment and make her home with the Misses Isbelle and Teresa O’Malley. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus took their neice, Miss Lucille Ann Pimper of Omaha to Humphrey, Sunday, to visit her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lohaus. Miss Pimper has been a guest at the home of her uncle and aunt for the pa6t two weeks. » Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy and daughter, Barbara Jean, of O’Neill and Mrs. John Duffy and daughter, Mary Lou, of Caspei, i Wyo., w'ent to Omaha Friday. On; Saturday Barbara Jean and Mary Lou both had tonsilectomy oper ations at St. Joseph’s hospital. They all returned to O'Neill Wed nesday. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Carter of O’Neill and Mr*. Arthur Blum of Sheridan, Wyo., left Wednesday for JCearney, where they will meet their daughter and sister, Mrs. Joel Smith and daughter, Deloris, of Chicago. On Thurs day, Dr. and Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Smith and daughter will take Mrs. Blum to her home at Sheridan and will visit at her home until Monday. Mattie Soukup of O’Neill, El len Blomberger of Gill, S. D.. and Catherine Perkins of Ainsworth went to Grand Island Monday to meet their sister, Mrs. Ray Wil liams and daughter, Colleen Ann, of Remington, Wash., who will make an extended visit with rel atives and friends. W. H. Harvey, one of the old time settlers in the Meek neigh borhood, was an O’Neill visitor Tuesday and made this office a pleasant call, extending his sub scription to The Frontier. Bill and the writer were schoolmates in the O’Neill High School some fifty-five years ago and both of us get a lot of kick out of a visit once in a while when we can dis cuss happenings and events of over a half century ago. Mrs. Arthur Henifin and son, Billie Bruee, of Ft. Collins, Cola; are here visiting at the home of Mrs. Henifin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Taylor, of Opportunity, also to visit her brother, Bill Tay lor, before he left for the Army. She is also visiting her sister, Mrs. Ray Siders, of Opportunity. Mrs. Henifin and Billie Bruce," and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Taylor spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor in O’Neill. NOTICE Dr. A. E. Gadbois, eye, ear, enH note specialist, will make his regular visit at Dr. Carter's Office la O'Neill on FRIDAY. JULY 10 Glasses Fitted Like to m > k e a « ■plash into cool, brac ing water, or is your Idea of a swim a !uy ^ hour at edge of a pooler or the beach? What ever it is here are swim suits that ean “take it or leave lt.n In various colors and styles for women and misses. fl.98-f4.98 The first fun requisite ' Is summer comfort achieved by cool, cas ual outer wear. For . traveling, sports, the V porch, backyard plcnlo |1 or beach . . . shop IM Brown-McDonald for m comfort fashions mt a f price for thrift bud rets. Travehvise dresses, gay bouquet prints in rayon sheers. Practical, yet smart enough to weekend in Big Town. Styled for coolness “ i8.9ST Seersucker cotton desses crisp as chill ed lettuce. Colorful stripes or plaids, some with little jackets. And how they “Go” for soap and water. 12-20, at $3.95 to $5.95 Slack suits for leisure wear. Of cotton or rayon. Styled and tailored to cam* ouflage too exuberant curves. Smart trousers and a jacket in clever colors. ~ $8.95 Your Brown-McDonald Store will observe Saturday hours Friday — open until 10 o’clock p. m. Closed all day the 4th of July.