The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 02, 1942, Image 4
MISCELLANEOUS DR. FISHER, Dentist J-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE—McCormick-Deering 8-ft horse binder.—Mrs. Arthur Burge, Emmet. 8-1 FRIES FOR SALE—Orton Young 207-W, O’Neill. 7-2 BLATZ BOTTLED BEER FOR Sale at Bazelman's, South 4th Street Come in and try it. Also Lunches. Gasoline and Gro ceries. 8-tf. REASONABLE. 6 ft Coronado Electric Refrigerator.-Teresa Connolly. Can be seen at Ralph Leidy’s Hatchery. 7 46-ROOM HOTEL furniture and lease for sale. Good income, low overhead. Price 13.500. — Oak land Hotel, Bellingham, Wash. (First publication June 18, 1942) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 2561 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 16, 1942 In the matter of the estate of Zebedee M. Warner, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the Administrator of said estate has filed in this court his final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard July 8, 1942, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill. Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W REIMER, 6- 3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney. (First Publication June 18, 1942) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 2920. In the County Court of Holt. County, Nebraska, June 18, 1942 In the matter of the Estate of Josephine Carter, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is October 9, 1942, and for the payment of debts is June 18, 1943, and that on July 9, 1942 and on October 10. 1942, at 10 o’clock A. M.. each day I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W REIMER, ®-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) —___ i (First publication June 25, 1942) SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, m an action pending in said Court wherein The Federal Land Bank of Omaha, a corporation, is plaintiff and Effie M. Brady and others (this, being case No. 13756) are defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 27th day of July, 1942, at 10 o'clock A M., the following described prem ises in Holt County, Nebraska; East Half of Section 5; Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 6; Northwest Qu^ftcr of Section 7; All in Township 31 North, Range 9 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, containing 640 acres, more or less. Holt County, Nebraska, to satisfy the sum of $9,692.72 found due plaintiff and interest thereon and $128.84 costs of suit and accruing costs. Dated this 23rd day of June, 1942. PETER W. DUFFY, Sheriff of Holt County, 7- 5 Nebraska. (First publication June 25, 1942) NOTICE OF HEARING IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF HIRAM BEEBE. DECEASED TO: ALL PERSONS INTER ESTED IN SAID ESTATE. BOTH CREDITORS AND HEIRS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI FIED that on the 23rd day of June, 1942, Hugh L. James, Petit ioner, filed his petition in the above matter setting forth, among other things, that Hiram Beebe, a citizen, resident and in habitant of Holt County, Nebras ka, died therein intestate on the 27th day of February, 1901, seized and possessed of Ix>t Five in L. G. GILLESPIE Insurance of All Kinds O’Neill, Nebraska W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 O’Neill : Nebraska mH«»»w»»:nnimm»m»Knwi Bimninumimmimmmtnnmtr DOCTORS BROWN & FRENCH Oflke Phone 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment GUaaea Coneqtl* ;l?i$fc*i Residence f Dr, Bro#n, 223 Phosea f Dr. breach, UZ Block Thirty. Frank Bitney's Ad dition to the Town of Atkinson. Holt County, Nebraska; that he left him surviving as his sole and only heirs at law his widow,' Hannah A. Beebe, and Dalla B Fleming and Minola Beebe, his children; that Hugh L. James, petitioner, is now the owner of said real estate having acquired title thereto through mesne con veyances from the above named heirs at law of Hiram Beebe, De seased. That the prayer of said petit ion is that the Court find and de termine the time of the death of Hiram Beebe; that he died intes tate. a resident and inhabitant of Holt County, Nebraska; may find and determine who are his heirs and fix their degree of kinship:! may find and determine the right of descent of the real property belonging to said deceased; that further administration of this estate be dispensed with; that there are no debts against said estate and that the claims of all creditors are barred and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. That said matter is set for hear ing before the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in the County Court Room in the Court House in the City of O’Neill on the 16th day of July, A. D., 1942, at the hour of ten o’clock A. M., and that if you fail to appear at said time and place to contest said petition the Court may grant the prayer thereof. Dated this 23rd day of June, A. D„ 1942 BY THE COURT: LOUIS W. REIMER. 7-3 County Judge. Julius D. Cronin, Attorney First publication June 25, 1942) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 2923 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 25, 1942. In the matter of the Estate of Michael A. Englehaupt, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is October 16. 1942. and for the payment of debts is June 25, 1943, and that on July 16, 1942, and on October 17, 1942, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, 7-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First Publication July 2, 1942) Grenville P. North 401 Karbach Block Omaha, Nebraska NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 2928 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary O. Horrigan, Deceased. All persons interested in said Estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and Graying for administration upon er estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 22nd day of July, 1942, and that if they fail to ap pear at said Court on the said 22nd day of July, 1942, at 9:00 o’clock A. M., to contest said pe tition, the Court may grant tiie same and grant administration of said estate to Gertrude May or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. LOUIS W REIMER, 8-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First Publication July 2, 1942] Grenville P. North 401 Karbach Block Omaha, Nebraska NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 2929 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Michael O’Connor, Deceased. A11 persons interested in said Estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and Kraying for administration upon is estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 22nd day of July, 1942, and that if they fail to ap pear at said Court on the said 22nd day of July, 1942, at 9:00 o’clock A. M„ to contest said pe tition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Gertrude May or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. LOUIS W. REIMER, 8-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) ------ i (First publication July 2, 1942) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 2930 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 29, 1942. In the matter of the estate of Margaret M. Hunter, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in said Court for the probate of a written instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Mar garet M. Hunter, Deceased, and for the appointment of Carrie B. Hunter as Administratrix with the will annexed thereof; that July 23, 1942, at 10 o’clock A. M., has been set for hearing said petition and proving said instru ment in said Court when all per sons concerned may appear and contest the probate thereof. LOUIS W. REIMER. 8-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) - ■ ■■ ■ ’ ■ " ■ ' ' 'j ! Tea per cent of your Income I In War Bonds will help to * un* the planes and tanks that .Kill insure defeat pf.HU ler and his Axis partners. OFFICIAL U. S. TREASURY WAR BOND QUOTAS FOR JULY » -— I NEBRASKA U. f. Traaaury Official War Bond Qwotai for Jvty Jwfy Quota for Stata, $7,335,000 TV* M*r Own (*, N*Nr«t« Wm ti m ooo TV* V4«y Solos (or NoN'rrU Wor* M.S90.000 » » — m m — m ww Hie above map of Nebraska chows the War Bond quotas, by counties, for the month of July,' 1942. Total War Bond quota for the state Is $7,235,000. With the National quota total placed at a billion dollars, the nation goes into high gear in its support of the War financing and to give our fighting forces adequate implements of war which will bring ultimate Victory. American Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen are on every front. They are giving 100 percent for their country. What are we doing here on the home front? Are we lending at least ten percent of income to help them? It’s very little. But to fight this war suc cessfully our country needs a billion dollars in War Bonds every month from us—the People. Lets Go, America. U.S. Treasury Department Livestock Prices Remain Stable, Heavier Receipts Demand was keen on all clsases of livestock at the local auction last Monday, as buyers absorbed the increased receipts of live stock at fully steady prices. Action was brisk throughout the sale. Quality was mostly med ium to good. One load of steer calves brot $13.10 but the bulk of supplies priced at $11.75 to $12.75. Heifer calves rated as high as $12.00 on the best kind. Top yearling steers cashed at $12.10 with $11.00 to $12.00 catch ing the bulk of supplies. One load of heifer yearlings paid $11.35. The best of the beef cows reached $9.85 which price is somewhat higher than last week. However, the bulk of supplies placed between $8.00 and $9.00 which Is about steady with a week ago. Plainer grades sold in the sevens. Bulls topped at $10.30 with the long end making $10.00 to $10.15 Hog receiuts were heavy again last Monday. A few extra choice butchers reached $14.00, but the bulk of the days run sold at $13.80 to $13.90. Sows topped at $13.75. Feeders paid as high as $15.70. Little pigs sold by the head at very favorable prices. A few horses and sheep com pleted the days sale. Due to the increasing livestock receipts each week, the locjal livestock auction management suggests that those consignors who can arrange to do so get their hogs to the salesyard as early as possible, before 10 A. M., on sale day. Beginning a week from Monday, July 13, they hope to be able to start the hog auction at 11:00 A. M., and thus speed up the clearance of livestock. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated in this matter. Marriage Licenses Donald Barrett and Imo Rose Carmichael, of Elgin, on June 30. Clarence J. Blaha and Rebecca Betsy Ford, of Fort Dodge, Iowa, on June 30. Births Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cihlar of Redbird, a girl, Friday, June 26. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly of Page, a girl, Monday, June 22. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stor johann, a boy, Monday, June 29. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gartner of Chambers, a boy, Tuesday, June 30. Hospital Notes Mrs. Leonard Wood dismissed on Saturday. Mrs. Lawrence Storjohann, a boy on Monday. Mrs. Robert Gartner of Cham bers, a boy on Tuesday. Gerald Waring an appendec tomy operation on Tuesday. James Carney admitted Satur day, a pneumonia patient. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express to our many kind friends .and neighbors our heartfelt thanks for the many kindnesses shown to us following the death of our beloved mother and grandmother, Barbara Bosh aji, and the many beautiful floral offerings.—Mr. and Mrs. George Reichert and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bosh’art and family, Mr. and Mrs William Phillips and family, Mgr. and Mr?. Aaron Bosh art and family, Martha Boshart, Mr.' and Mrs! Clarence Wrede and family-and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carr and-family. o*.. Red Cross Notes WANTED—One hundred twen ty-eight knitters in Holt county to complete 64 sweaters and 64 wristlets by August 15th for the Armed Forces. It is requested by National Headquarters that arti cles on which you are now work ing be set aside in order to com plete this quota in the allotted time. For yarn and instructions, consult either the local or County Chairman. The following are the chairmen for each branch: Atkinson, Miss Barbara Mlinar. Chambers, Mrs. Alma Farrier. Emmet, Mrs. P. W. McGinnis. Ewing, Mrs. S. M. Brion. Inman, Mrs. Walter Jacox. Page, Mrs. Roy Snell. Stuart, Mrs. Jack Grady. MARTINA G. DISHNER, County Chairman of Production. Presbyterian Church Dr. J. E. Spencer. Pastor Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. Morning Worship at 11 o’clock. The subject of the sermon will be, “Man’s Eternal Refuge and Sup port.” The Young People's Society will meet at 7 o’clock. The Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. L. C. Walling on Thursday afternoon, Jtily 9, with Mrs. Lyndle Stout and Mrs. Wil liams assisting. B.Y.O.S. Busy Hour Club The Busy Hour Club met on Thursday, June 25, at the home of Leta Johnson. Four members were absent. The afternoon was spent in working on puzzles and games, and also working on a quilt. Ruby Wayman won the prize. A delicious lunch was serv ed by the hostess. Our next meet ing will be held at the home of Alvina and Linda Wayman on July 30.—Club Reporter. Victory 4-H Sewing Club The Victory 4-H Sewing Club met at the home of Leah Brueg man on June 25 with a good at tendance. Two new members, Donna Clements an d Donna Crabb, were voted in. Circulars on “4-H Girls’ Slimmer Ward robe” were passed out and plans were made to begin sewing at the next meeting, which will be held on July 9 at the home of Donna Clements. CARD OF THANKS To all of our many friends we wish to extend our sincere thanks for the help and kindness given us in our recent bereavement. Cleda H. Brady. Carrie Hunter W. M. punter PICNIC MEETING The Holt County Old Settlers’ Picnic meeting will be held at Midway store on July 11 at 8:30 p. m.—S. R. Robertson, Secretary. BRIEFLY STATED George Murray returned to Lead, S. D„ Monday aft* attend ing the funeral of his father, R. H. Murray, on Saturday. -—» Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sutherland of Ponca were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter on Monday. <_i— : - Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson of Detroit, Mich., arrived Monday to spend a week visiting relatives 1 and friends. 'v '>•<**iV Mrs. John Cotton and daugh ters, Doris and Bernadine, of Val entine, spent Monday and Tues day here visiting friends. Miss Ellen Lois Wilcox, who is spending the summer with her grandmother at Orchard, spent Monday visiting friends. Joe Mann returned Sunday from San Diego, Calif., where he had been visiting at the home of his nephew and neice, Mr. and Mrs. George Stannard and fam ily for two weeks. Walter Stein and sons, Paul and Johnny, arrived Monday ev ening from Los Angeles, Calif., to spend two weeks visiting rel atives and their many friends. Mrs. Helen Simar spent Sun day in Atkinson visiting relatives. Helen Calelly spent Sunday at Atkinson visiting her mother, Mrs. Nora Hayes. Mrs. M. J. Enright went to Gregory, S. D., Monday to spend a week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Fallon. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Young re ceived a letter from their son, Lester, stating that he had ar rived safely in northern Ireland. Mrs. L. G. Gillespie entertained the Pinochle club at her home Friday at a 1:30 dessert and pin ochle. Mrs. Gillespie received high score. Miss Olive Young and Pug Wy ant spent Sunday at Atkinson vis iting relatives. Mrs. J. P. Brown, Mrs. C. E. Lundgren and Mrs. W. H. Harty spent Sunday in Sioux City, Iowa. Mrs. Ted McElhaney and child ren went to Orchard Sunday to visit relatives and friends for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Small and children returned Saturday from a few days vacation spent at Mitchell and Tripp, S. D., with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fager went to Ainsworth Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Francis. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McDonald and daughter, Arlene, and son, Jack, of Atkinson and Mrs. Fran cis Murphy of O'Neill spent Mon day in Sioux City, Iowa. Miss Doris Appleby of Omaha came Friday to spend a week vis iting relatives and friends. Miss Hazel Schwisow of Oma ha came Wednesday to spend two weeks visiting at the home of her father, Paul Schwisow, and fam ily. Mrs. Dwight Hammerlin of Co lumbus came Monday to attend the funeral of her grandmother, Mrs. John Boshart, on Wednes day. .. • Mrs. Harry Sullivan spent the week-end in Lincoln with .|her husband, who has employment there. _ __ •!; Charley Knowles of Omaha and Mrs. L^o Knnst lei, iMes Wayne Day and Mrs. Agnes Parks of Melrose, Iowa, attended the fu neral of t hesp • mwle r-Hr & Mur ray, on Saturday. Mrs. P. Streeter, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baker and Frank Ferrell of Brunswick attended the funeral of R. H. Murray on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Do nohoe, Mrs Mary McLoed and daughter, Mrs. C. J. Gatz, attended the fu neral of George Agnes at Norfolk on Monday. ■ Mary Horiskey, Mrs. Kathryn Miller, Mrs. R. L. Arbuthnot and Mike Horiskey attended the fu neral of George Agnes at Norfolk Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Mitchell of Scotia and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dulitz of Ord were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Miller on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunto spent Sunday at Orchard visiting with friends. J. D. Cronin, Pat Harty and son. Tommy, went to Sioux City, Iowa, Sunday, to visit Mrs. Harty and Ann. Ann is receiving med ical treatment at St. Vincent’s hospital. Mrs. D. H. Cronin returned on Monday from Omaha and Lin coln, where she had been visiting relatives and friends for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mat thews and daughter, Madge, re turned to Lincoln Sunday, after being here during the illness and death of Mrs. Matthews’ father, R. H. Murray. Miss Margaret Koupal of Lin coln was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McKenna from Tuesday until Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson and daughter, Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burns of Omaha were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Johnson. Mrs. Carl Asimus spent last Thursday at Erickson visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Hannah Dahlston, and family. Mrs. Harry Brt and children, of Norfolk, came Monday to spend a few days visiting friends. — Miss Wilson of Mission, S. D., was a guest of Mrs. Helen Simar laSt Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Semlak of Norfolk and Mrs. Tom Enright and daughter, Loretta, of O’Neill spent last Thursday at Long Pine visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Jacox. Miss Eileen McKenna and Max Chapman went to Sioux City. Iowa, Sunday to visit Miss Mc Kenna’s mother, Mrs. Ambrose Slattery, who is recuperating from an operation at St. Vincent’s hospital. Around thirty friends and rel atives held a picnic at the City park last Sunday, honoring Pri vate First Class John Grutsch of Indio, Calif., who is here on a furlough from the U. S. Army. Catherine Perkins returned to Ainsworth Tuesday, having been called here by the death of her father, R. H. Murray, last Thurs day. I .. ' Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cronin and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moss spent Sunday at Norfolk at the home of Mrs. George Agnes and family. Mr. and Mrs. Max Golden of this city and Dr. and Mrs. Paul Tipton of Omaha left Monday on a two weeks trip to be spent in the Black Hills and Yellowstone Park. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hammond and Ira Moss took Mr. and Mrs. Hammond's son, George, to Sioux City, Iowa, Saturday, where he entered St. Vincent’s hospital and underwent an appendectomy op eration on that day. The report is, that he is getting along fine. Miss Lucille Hartford left Tues day for San Luis Obispo, Calif., to visit her brothers, LeRoy, in the Army, and Lyle, in the Navy.j — Miss Helen Gallagher returned to Lincoln Monday, after spend ing a couple of weeks at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gallagher, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkins and son Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yarnell, Jr., returned on Monday from Brainard, Minn., where they had been on a fishing trip for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Peter and Mrs. Joe Soukup spent Sunday at Stanton visiting relatives. Mrs. Joe Peter, Sr., who had been vis iting there for a week accompan ied them home. J. A. Frenking of Omaha came Saturday after Mrs. Frenking and children, who had spent the past week visiting at the homes of her sisters, Mrs. R. E Gallagher and Mrs. John Melvin an-d her rfiother, Mrs. J. J. McCafferJy? They returned to Omaha Sunday. CLEAN-UP Odds and Ends.... X SMART SHOPPERS ARE INTERESTED FIRST IN GOOD VALUES. THERE IS NO BETTER VALUE ON EARTH THAN A UNITED STATES WAR BOND! BUY YOUR WAR STAMPS AND BONDS AT PENNEY'S! MEN'S SEMI DRESS PANTS 1.98 HOUSE SLIPPERS FOR BOYS 50c SUMMER CAPS Men and Bovs 29c WORK SHIRTS FOR MEN 69c Several Tables of Odds & Ends Clean-Up WOMEN’S SHOES TENNIS SHOES COATS, JACKETS BLOUSES And Many Other Items «"■ ■ ■ $8.00 IN WAR STAMPS WILL BUY TWO STEEL HELMETS. HOW MANY STEEL HELMETS WILL YOU FURNISH OUR SOLDIERS? BUY YOUR WAR STAMPS AND BONDS AT PENNEY'S. - J. C. Penney Co. Mrs. Seth Noble entertained eight ladies at a 10 o’clock break fast at her home this morning. Miss Rita Higgins went to At kinson Sunday to visit her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hig gins, for a week. H. J. Hammond and Jack Harty went to Sioux City, Iowa, Wed nesday to visit Mr. Hammond’s son, George, who is at St. Vin cent’s hospital. Mary Carney spent Saturday and Sunday in Suoix City, Iowa, with her sister, Mrs. Lyle Curtis, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Radenbaugh of Omaha came Wednesday and are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyndle Stout. Mrs. Ed Hancock, Miss Marion 1 Kubichek and J. L. McManamy -* left Wednesday afternoon for Casper, Wyo., to spend the 4th of July with relatives and friends. Peter Duffy and John Sullivan left for Omaha this morning to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben races over the Fourth of July. The Delta Dek Club are having a farewell party tonight at the home of Mrs. C. J. Gatz in honor of Mary Mellor, who leaves soon for Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Jack Vincent entertained her bridge club at her home Wed nesday evening. High scores were won by Mrs. C. J. Gatz and Mrs. Wm. Gatz. _ * Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Goodfeb low and family spent from last Thursday until Sunday at Lake Okoboji* XQwa. Mr. and hlrs. Fred Linberg and daughter, Lois, were in Omaha Tuesday gnj# Wednesday on bus folk Monday. ^