MISCELLANEOUS DR. FISHER, Dentist J-tf WANTED BOYS—Want jobs mowing, rak ing, pulling weeds and other jobs around the yard. Call 232, O’Neill. WANTED — Cattle to pasture, lots of grass, lots of shade, lots of Eagle Creek Water, and the best of service—John J. Donlin, Spencer, Nebr. 52-tf ’ FOR SALE FUHBARB, any day but Sunday. —Fay A. iHickett, O’Neill. 6-1 HOUSE and Furniture in A1 condition; Girls bicycle practi cally new.—Phone 108 6 PIGEONS. 80c pei dozen, deliv ered. — Carl F. Hoppe, Atkin son. 6-2p BLATZ BOTTLED BEER FOR Sale at Bazelman’s, South 4th Street. Come in and try it. 3-tf SOLID OAK Office Desk. Lots of drawer space. In fine condi tion.—Mrs. L. R Tompkins, In man, Nebr. 6-2 J - 46-ROOM HOTEL, furniture and lease for sale. Good income, low overhead. Price $3,500, — Oak land Hotel, Bellingham, Wash. NEARLY NEW all-steel. 28-in. Cylinder MeCormick-Deering Threshing machine, with belt. In good running order.—Mrs. Celia Richter. O'Neill, Nebr., Rt. No. 1, care of James Karel. (First publication June 4, 1942) Julius D. Cronin. Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 2923 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 4, 1942 In the matter of the estate of Michael A. Englehaupt, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in said Court for the probate of a writ ten instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Michael A. Englehaupt, Deceased, and for the appointment of Julius D. Cronin as executor thereof; that June 25, 1942. at 10 o’clock A. M., has been set for hearing said petition and proving said instrument in said Court when all persons concerned may appear and contest the nrobate thereof. LOUIS W REIMER. 4-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First publication June 4, 1942) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation in the State Capitol at Lincoln, Nebraska, on June 25, 1942, unt,il 10:00 o’clock A. M„ and at that time publicly opened and read for SAND GRAVEL SURFACING and in cidental work on the LYNCH PAGE Patrol No 81002 State Road. * The approximate quantities are: • 1,454 Cu. Yds, Sand Grav el Surface Course Material. The attention of bidders is directed to the Special Provisions covering subletting or assigning the contract. ' Compliance by the contractor with the standards as to hours of labor prescribed by the “Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938’’, approved June 25, 1938 (Public No. 718, 75th Congress), will be required in the performance of ithe work under this contract. The minimum wage paid to all Skilled labor employed on this contract shall be seventy-five (75) -cents per hour. The minimum wage paid to all intermediate labor employed on this contract shall be sixty (60) cents per hour. The minimum wage paid to ail unskilled labor employed on this contract shall be forty-five (45) cents per hour. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and infor mation secured at the office of the County Clerk at Butte, Ne braska, at the office of the County Clerk at O’Neill, Nebras ka. at the office of the District Engineer of the Department of Roads and Irrigation at Ains • worth, Nebraska, or at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be L. G. GILLESPIE Insurance of All Kinds O’Neill, . Nebraska W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 j O’Neill ; Nebraska 5»nimn»nnwm»mm«ni»nnttt»i Imiwwinmwmttwmwwtmm? DOCTORS BROWN & FRENCH Oflce Phone 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glasses Correctly Fitted Residence ( Dr. Brown, 223 Phones { Dr. French, 242 uummmwww»wtfflw:mww« required to furnish bond in an amount equal to 100% of his con tract. As an evidence of good faith in submitting a proposal for this work, the bidder must file, with his proposal, a certified check made payable to the Department of Roads and Irrigation and in an amount not less than seventy five dollars. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND IRRIGATION Wardner G. Scott, State Engineer, L. N. Ress, District Engineer C. J. Tomek, County Clerk, Boyd County John C. Gallagher, County 4-3 Clerk Holt County. (First publication June 11, 1942) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 2889 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 8, 1942. In the matter of the Estate of Mary A. Uttley, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the Executor of said estate has filed in this court his final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate and that said report and petition will be heard July 1, 1942, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons inter ested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, 5-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) Ross Amspoker, Attorney. (First publication June 11, 1942) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 2874 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 10, 1942. In tne matter of the Estate of Clyde L. Hershiser, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the administrator of Said estate has filed in this court his final re port and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard July 1, 1942, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, 5- 3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney. (First publication June 18, 1942) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 2561 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 16, 1942. In tne matter of the estate of Zebedee M. Warner, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the Administrator of said estate has filed in this court his final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard July 8, 1942, at 10 o’clock A. M.. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, 6- 3 County Judge, (COUNTY COURT SEAL) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney. (First Publication June 18, 1942) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 2920. In the County Court of Holt County. Nebraska, June 18, 1942 In the matter of the Estate of Josephine Carter, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is October 9, 1942, and for the payment of debts is June 18, 1943, and that on July 9, 1942 and on October 10, 1942, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, 6-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) BRIEFLY STATED Miss Lucille Ann Pinper, of Omaha, arrived Saturday and will be a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus for the next two weeks. Circle II of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. . D. Osenbaugh today and Mrs. C. E. Jones was assisting hostess. Helen Harty went to Atkinson Tuesday and is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Ber igan for a few days. Miss Harriett Hammond, of St. Paul. Minn., spent from Saturday until Tuesday here visiting rela tives and friends. Mrs. K. D. Fenderson enter tain I ed the Merrinyx Club at her home Tuesday evening at a 7:30 dessert and bridge. Mrs. J. M. Hayes won high score. Mr; and Mrs. Harold Lindbei*g 3T>d children.-and Mr. .and Mrs. H. G. Kruse and daughter, Patsy, spent Sunday in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Calvert and Mr. and Mr. Robert Calvert and son, spent Sunday in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrss. Robert Sauers of Sibley, Iowa, arrived here on Monday and are visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Sauers. Ralph Evans of Winner, S. D., visited his daughters, Mrs. J. H. Bauman and children and Billie Evans, Monday. Mrs. Lyle McKim went to Clearwater Tuesday, being called there by the serious illness of her mother. Sid Qualm, of Danville, Illinois, and Woodrow Wright of Omaha, representatives of the Harding Creamery company, were here Monday and Tuesday on business. Mrs. Chris Wunderlich and children left Wednesday for their home in Columbus, after spend ing the past three months here visiting relatives and friends. A regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion will be held Tuesday evening, June 23, in the assemb ly at the court house. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Graybil, the Misses Ruby Weissman, Em ily Lou Fisher, Cletus Sullivan and Bennett Grady spent Sunday at Long Pine. Miss Agatha Beelert returned to Sioux City Sunday, after spending the past week here vis iting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Neil Ryan, and family. Mr. and Mr. Ted McElhaney and family moved Tuesday to their lovely new home on Everet street, which was recently com pleted. Mrs. Mary Mullen returned to Nebraska City Monday, having been a guest of Mrs. Homer Mul len and her brother, Pat McGin nis of Emmet, the past two weeks. K. D. Fenderson returned Wed nesday evening from Lincoln, where he has been taking the Ci vilian Defense Course sponsored by the State Department of the American Legion. Miss Marion Dickson left Tues day for Osage, Iowa, where she will spend a week visiting with relatives. Mrs. R R. Dickson went as far as Sioux City, where she will remain at St. Vincent’s Hospital, while Marion is in Osage. Miss Lois Jean Robertson left Tuesday for Kansas City, Mo., where she will attend Universal Institute. Miss Fern Riley and Darlene Falleson of Tilden left June 7 to attend summer school at Wayne. ' ' f A. F. Dugger of Bassett, was an O’Neill business visitor Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeBolt of ScottsblufT spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. DeBolt’s brother, D. D, DeBolt, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woideneck and Mr. and Mrs Smith of Spen cer visited friends here Wednes day evening. Tom and Jim Matthews took their brother, Pete Matthews, to the Veterans’ Hospital in Lincoln Monday. Mrs. L. Panabaker of Barstow, Cal., arrived Wednesday evening to spend several weeks visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. L. C. Walling. Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson and son, Glen, and Mrs. Henry Bruhn went to Lynch Tuesday to see Mrs. Tomlinson's sister, Mrs. Ed Woods, who is in the Lynch hos pital. "* Mrs. Rachad. France, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson for sometime, left Wedneday for Nor folk, where she will visit for a few days before leaving for Gamas, Washington, where she will make her future home with her daughter. NICKEL DAY St. John’s SUNDAY June 28th FATHER'S DAY: SUNDAY. IUNE 21st I Whenever you need sound, unselfish advice, Dad’s the one to ask. Bur you don’t have to ask hiin what he'd like for Father’s Day. You know he’ll like the B.V.D. Sport Shirts shown here. Remember that Dad and B.V.D. have been close friends for manv years. For Dads who love their comfort we suggest a B. V. D. Ruggers Sport Shirt. Its truly convertible collar makes it look well without a tie. Lustrous “Monterey” fabric. Long sleeves $2.98. Presto Chango! Here you see the Ruggers Sport i Shirt with a tie. Dad is I now ready for a busi ness appointment. Short sleeves, $1.49 in cool, cool “Bahama” fabric. V . •> - ; . ■ • ** • r _ f A & v 71/ He’ll Really Appreciate! TOWNCRAFT SHIRTS Smart woven pat terns, colorful stripes or dresssy whites! Of fine count broadcloth. Sanforized shrunk I All with ever-fresh Nucraft collars! i Men’s Summer SPORT SHIRTS l19 l85 Cool, lightweight shirts, short sleeve style with two handy pockets! Many colors! FQjLDEFEKSE Men’s Straw Hats FOR DRESS WEAR Sailors or Softs, New Shades and Weaves. 98c 1.98 2.98 Men’s Swim Trunks Rayon satin with "Lastex" web belt and many loops. Snug tit. 1.19 _i Smart Slacks for Men Favored drape model with full pleats! Asorted materials. 1.98 to 4.98 \: Men’s Sport Shoes FOR SUMMER Tan and Brown or White and Brown Cooil Comfortable I 3.79 4.79 Men’s Bill Folds All Leather 49c 98c Men’s Summer Belts 49c Men’s Summer Suspendirs 49c Men’s Initial Kerchiefs 10c Men’s Slack Socks 25c 3-$1.00 Men’s Shirts, Shorts 29c 49c Rev. V. C. Wright took the Misses Betty and Ruth Harris, Phyllis Johnson and Leah Brug man to Stanton Monday, where they will attend Summer Intitute this week. Sgt. and Mrs. Leo Hansen of Camp Roberts, California, spent Monday and Tuesday at the home of Sergeant Hansen’s sister, Mrs. James Corkle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Corkle took Sergeant and Mrs. Hansen to Grand Island Tuesday evening and they left from there for their home in Cal ifornia. Mrs. W. H. Shaughnessy, who spent the winter in Omaha with her daughter, Mrs. Esther Reka, is here spending the summer at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Leo Mullen. Mrs. F. A. Lindberg and daugh ters, Esther and Eleanor, and the Misses Carolyn and Marilyn Lindberg, returned Monday from Minderr, where they have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Olson for several days. Word has been received here that Miss Betty Applegate of Omaha, and Gene Sanders of Portland, Oregon, were married at Portland on June 4. Mr. San ders is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sanders of this city and Mrs. Sanders was a former em ploy ee of the Johnson Drug Co. Save MONEY! PAY UP YOUR DELINQUENT TAXES You Save Money By Paying Your Back Taxes Before July 1,1942 The last legislature passed a law taking all the back interest off of the Real Estate and Personal Taxes that had accumulated up to, and includ ing March 8, 1939. This law has been limited to persons paying these Delinquent Taxes by July 1,1942, and after that date, the original rate of interest that had ac cumulated and is chargeable to both Real Estate and Personal Taxes, will again be charged to your regular tax whenever it is paid after that date. EXAMPLE i - ■ • •- • .. * * - ■ A Taxpayer owes for 1934 Taxes.$50.00 Pay on June 30..61.57 Pay on July 1, 1942... 75.80 Save by paying before June 30.~.. 14.23 B Taxpayer owes for 1927 Taxes—.$50.00 Pay on June 30...—. 61.57 Pay on July 1, 1942 ~.-..111.11 Save by paying before June 30... 49.54 Therefore, I am urging every Taxpayer to check up on all Delinquent Taxes and make an effort to pay them while this saving can be made. Affei? June 30, 1942, your opportunity to do this will have passed. Every citizen will be obliged to pay their taxes one way or another — so pay them Before July 1st, 1942. , ',, Save Monev — the cancelled interest often will amount to as much or more than the taSces themselves. J ' •- —*.'7 - - -- - * * —'W:* • ir*w^*** • »»>«•***♦-* »• . •*»*.•**■ B. T. Winchell, County Treasurer HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA