The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 18, 1942, Image 5
EMMET NEWS A1 Grehn came up from Fre mont Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. Grehn and his daugh ter, Ellen, who are visiting at the Bill Tenborg home. Juanita Anspach of O’Neill came up Friday and is visiting at the John Conard home. The Emmet 4-H Club met at the John McNally home Monday evening. Fifteen members and three guests were present. The South Side Improvement Club met Wednesday with Mrs. I Farmers and j Stockmen ij All classes of livestock are bringing excellent I I returns just now. Looks like an ideal time to I | market a few. | Bring them to this — your home market. s WE SELL EVERY MONDAY >♦ I O’Neill Live Stock Com. Co. Where Buyer and Seller Meet I: Phone 2 O’Neill, Nebraska EARL RASDAL Ogallala Businessman #». \ ' '■ For Congress Success! u I Businessman Member Legislature 1935 Long Interested in Good Government Will Represent All the People All the Time Fearless and Honest in His Convictions Rasdal knows the Fourth District and its peo ple. He undertands its problems. Why not hire a man who will fight for you? REPUBLICAN PRIMARY AUGUST 11, 1942 Alice Fritton. Plans were com pleted for the Fourth of July picnic to be held at the Burge home. Charles Isom and Mrs. Jack Keeni and son. Jack, of Alcester. S. D., and Mrs. George Jacobson and daughter, of Beresford, S. D., are visiting at the Bart Gaffney home. Robert Mullen, of O’Neill, is spending his vacation at the Joe Spindler home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing and family, Charles and Leona Winkler dnd Rudy Claussen were visitors at the John Peter home Sunday. John Bergman and son, John nie, of Plattsmouth, visited at the Joe Wifckler home Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Mullen left for her home in Lincoln Wednesday, af ter spending several days here with her brother and sister-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Pat McGinnis. Father O’Brien returned Thurs day evening from Omaha. Loree Abart, of Portland, Ore gon, arrived last week to spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart. She left Wednesday for Kansas City, where she will visit for a few days. A. J. Storm of Creston, iowa, arrived in Emmet Sunday for the blue grass seed harvest. Indi cations are that less than half the seed crop will be harvested as was harvested in 1941. The hail last week in some parts of the territory took a heavy tool and sweet clover is taking some of it. A very good game of baseball was enjoyed Sunday by Holt county base ball fans when the Neligh Legion team and the i Holt County Legion team crossed j bats on the local diamond. The game was scheduled to be played in O’Neill but because of the wet field there the boys played here. The final score was 6 to 7 in favor of the Neligh Antelopes. The next game on Sunday, June 21, will be played at Neligh. Guy Harris and Buster Porter of O’Neill spent Tuesday in Em met. * ..... < BRIEFLY STATED i Miss Jennie Lockman spent Sunday at Stuart visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Lockman. Miss Connie Stout returned to her home at Tekamah the first of the week after spending a week here visiting relatives and friends. Miss Lenore Reka, of Omaha, came last Thursday and is visit ing at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mullen. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Spencer vis ited in the Bethany neighborhood Wednesday afternoon. The Misses Naoma Philben, Dorothy Lappe and Edith Miller spent Sunday in Butte visiting relatives and friends. ^ ' jf • . , /*• ) ' *W r* • * *■ ' <■ .f.-fcj X Telegram from Major General Olmstead to Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Prff|N -ig :„ :ri.™ » *S3£-~ ■srr 5- ' OR US OLMSTE»D-M*J°r GENEBBL. •siwsrsr) We pledge that we shall continue to do everything in our power to provide the best possible telephone service which, we realize, is so es sential in helping to speed victory. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ' , . , , y, . g , m ; * '* t Mr. and Mrs. George North, of Dalton, came Saturday and are visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Karr and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Worth, this week. Mrs. Agnes Johnson returned to Omaha today, after being a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Rooney for the past week. Twenty-five friends and rela tive held a surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fleming Friday night, the occas ion being Mrs. Fleming’s birth day. Captain B. J. Leahy, who is a Chaplain in the U. S. Army, spent Tuesday here visiting his many friends. Captain Leahy has been at Fort McClellan, Alaj bama, and is being transferred to a fort near Austin, Texas. Frank Davidson left Friday for Casper, Wyoming, where he will make his future home. Frank has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson for the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobson returned to Mason City, Iowa, Saturday, after spending several days visiting at the home of Mrs. Jennie Herhiser and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hershiser. Mr. and Mrs. naroia Kisor and Mrs. Lillie Risor, of Stuart, spent Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Gifford Bachman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bren, of Omaha, arrived Saturday to spend a week visiting at the home of Mrs. Bren’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Butterfield. Miss Helen Martin has accept ed a position at the Johnson Drug store and started on her duties last Sunday. Miss Helen Ruth Gallagher, of Lincoln arrived Sunday to visit at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Shaw entertained twenty-five dinner guests at their home Sunday. Mrs. J. F. O’Donnell went to Omaha Monday to visit her daughter, Louise of Los Angeles, Cal., who is there on a two weeks vacation. Mrs. L. P. Hoffman and Mrs. Ed Vejvoda spent from last Thursday until Sunday in Omaha visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Orville Green of Bristow, came Saturday and is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Green. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones spent Sunday in Columbus visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Art Tibbitts and family moved last Thursday to the Graves house, recently pur chsed by Mrs. Harry Clauson. Miss Virginia Loeffler returned Monday from Naper, where she had been visiting Relatives for the past week. » Mrs. H. W. Richards and daugh ters left Tuesday for South Sioux City to join Mr. Richards and where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ryan and children spent Sunday at Ewing with relatives. Mrs. Ryan’s mother, Mrs. A. Beelert accom ied them home for a week’s visit. Mr. and Mrs. H. G| Kruse and daughter, Patsy, went to Valen tine Tuesday on business for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich and daughter, Nancy, left Mon day for Chicago, to spend the week. Miss Evelyn Patras left Tues day for Portland, Oregon, where she will make her home with her sister. Mrs. Irving Johnson, Mrs. Har rison Bridge and Mrs. Bennett Gillespie spent Saturday in Nor folk. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stout, Mrs. R. R. Morrison, Mrs. D. H. Cronin and Pete Duffy went down to Omaha this morning to spend a few days visiting friends. R. E. Moore returned Sunday from Lincoln, where he had been attending the Nebraska Short Course meeting at the Agricultur al College. Mrs. Lizzie Carson of Redbird, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Carrie Hunter, this week. Mrs. Orville Greenfield and daughter, of Hastings, came last Thursday to spend a week with Mrs. Greenfield’s mother, Mrs. Christene Williams. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McDonald and daughter, Arl&ne, and son Jack, of Atkinson, Mrs. Francis Murphy and Miss Anita Ford of O’Neill, spent Monday in Sioux City. Miss Jean Biglin returned Sunday from Chicago, where she had been a guest of Miss Nadine Coyne for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker of South Sioux City came Satur day and are visiting relatives and friends here and at Page this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pager and children spent Sunday at Crofton, visiting Mr. Pager’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pager. Henry Lohaus and William Gatz went to Omaha Friday, where Mr. Lohaus attended the funeral of a nephew and Mr. Gatz visited relatives. They returned home Saturday. Miss Mable Clark, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, came Friday to spend thC next two w-eeks vis iting her sister and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Carl James. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Thomas re turned to their home in Hastings Saturday, after spending the past week here visiting Mrs. Thomas' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Prot ivinsky. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Biglin and daughters, Ruth Ann and Rose Mary and son, William, went to St. Mary’s, Kanas, Tuesday to attend the ordination to the priesthood of Rev. Father Waters. He is a brother of Mrs. Biglin. Mrs. Marlowe Sanders and children left today for Portland, Oregon, to join Mr. Sanders who has employment there. ■ . >9 ' George Clift and Jackie Gatz were in Omaha Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. T. Quilty, Miss Elizabeth O’Malley and M. H. Horriskey took Miss Grace Quilty to Sioux City last Saturday, and sfie left from there for Detroit, Mich., where she has employment with the Telephone company. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arm bluster left Saturday for Leach Lake, Minn., on a week’s vaca tion. Bobby Armbruster is spending the week at Stanton with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Armbruster. Mrs. Irving Johnsdn entertained the 9F.F. bridge club at her heme last Thursday evening. High score was won by Mrs. Bennet? Gillespie, Mrs. E. Knight second High and Mrs. A. Jaszkowiak third high. _ Mr. and Mrs. Leste#*Sheets and son, James, Mrs. John Carl, Mrs. Nellie Sparks and Mrs. Cecil Sparks of O’Neill; Mrs. Don ELs burg and son, Garry, of Sidney, Nebraska, visited Private John Carl and Private Cecil Sparks, who are stationed at Fort Francis E. Warren at Cheyenne, Wyo., over the week end. Mrs. Cecil Sparks remained up there to be near her husband and Mrs. Nellie Sparks remained also and will spend a few weeks visiting her daughter and family at Sidney, Nebraska, before returning home. Clyde Kellar, who has worked at the Galena Lumber company for the past thirteen years, has resigned and started working for the Tri State Produce company last Monday. Morning Light WHITE CORN Cream style corn under a "Dependable” Brand. . . . Buy against your future requirements at the special mice. No. 2 Can_9c Dozon Cans ...'....$1.08 Casa, 24 Cans.$2.16 r limit th in w in m » inzsa Tender Juicy BEEF ROASTS », Per Pound 27c and .LjC From Selected Pork Loins Roasts and Chops «Q Per Pound 34c and .L«/C BEEF STEAK Shoulder Cuts Pound 270 KRAFT CHEESE Brick and Yellow Longhorn. Piece or Sliced. Pound 271 BACON SQUARES KUd.19c BOLOGNA Big & Ring .211 Summer Sausage i:l<.32e GOOSEBERRY PIE! I Conserve auiar. . . . Make your pie from 1 tame Gooseberries that have been preserved in heavy syrup. | GOOSEBERRIES, No. 2 Can .... 196 GELATINE DESSERT! For a delicious and Economical Dessert you combine Robb-Ross Gelatin Dessert and SUPERB COCKTAIL... .16 °CAjr* 15c Superb Red / CHERRIES / Maraschino Style ^ 2y2-Oz. Bottle £ - Sweet Pickles Morning Light, 1 *7 116 Ounce Jar. 1 0 C Gelatin Dessert Robb Ross Assorted, OO 4 Packages. AuC Lozenges Peppermint & Winter- | *7 green, per pound _ 11 C Salad Dressing Miracle Whip, Quart Jar . . J«/C MONTANA »“"£ PEAS Large, Sweet, Meaty Peas that are as delightfully tender as the smaller size peas. 2 No a _Cans . PEANUT BUTTER S?°ay..39c NAVY BEANS Eg,*1" 2 ? 13c MA BROWN Whole Wheat Bread, I tr. 1 l/j Pound Loaf . I wv RYE BREAD Old Country, | Pound Loaf . I UG ROLLED OATS Regular or Quick Cooking, am . 5-lb^Ori^naIBag^^j^^^Ov IVORY SOAP , Medium 7 M I Cake . it 1 Large I £7^ Cake . lUC ( CAMAY \ TOILET SOAP 2 ff"* I3c P&G Naphtha Laundry Soap 6 as*.27c Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 2 Large 18-oz. Pkgs SPRY nr..27c 3oTd....69c >- ■■ FANCY HONEY CAKES Delicious Honey Cookies dipped in marshmallow and white icing. _ . IQm Pound. I9C EVAPORATED APRICOTS An appetizing breakfast sauce. Delicious in pies and upside-down cakes. AA. ^ Pound. loC f-'1 LEMONS gLare D Size .... CABBAGE --. Lb. 3c CUCUMBERS a? — 4c ONIONS Lb. 3zC TOMATOES Lb. 10c CARROTSlie Shafter White NEW SPUDS Nice Smooth California 10 IT .35c j MOW IH SEASON CuLJK y<>ltr<P(r»li"al |ge>y|tlolu ci*,nln* Cfcwrt—» Wtor»«lon« "