The Frontier D. EL Cronin, Editor and Owner Entered at the postoffice at O’Neill, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. SUBSCRIPTION One Year, in Nebraska-$2.00 One year, outside Nebraska... 2.25 Every subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of subscribers will be instantly removed from our mailmg list at expiration of time paid for, if publisher shall be notified; other wise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscrip tion price. Every suscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract between publisher and subscriber. Display advertising is charged for on a basis of 25c an inch (one column wide) per week. Want ads 10c per line, first insertioa jubsequcnt insertions. 5c per line. BRIEFLY STATED William Kubitschek came home Thursday, having completed his sophomore year at Creighton in Omaha, to spend his vacation at the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Kubitscheck. Miss Mary Jane Iler of Sioux City, Iowa, arrived Thursday to visit her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Downey. Mrs. Helen Sisek drove to Nor folk Sunday morning to meet her son, Ted. He returned home with her and left for Omaha Monday, where he is employed in the Martin Bomber plant. Miss Olive Young of Atkinson lias accepted a position at the Elite Cafe and started working last Saturday. Mrs. Charles Yamall, Bonnie Yamall, and Larry Kirwin left Friday for California, where the Yarnall’s will make their future home at National City. Larry Kirwin has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Kirwin for the past week. Miss Winnie Coyne was enter tained with a surprisse party at her home last Friday, the occasi on being the celebration of her birthday. Twenty of her friends attended. A delicious lunch was served. Judy Ann Liddy and Sharon! Kay Egger of Columbus, arrived] Friday to visit with relatives and friends. Judy Ann returned on Sunday, but Sharon Kay is spending the summer with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boshart and her grand mother, Mrs. Goldie Liddy. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Waten baugh spent Memorial Day here with Mrs. Watenbaugh’s parents, ^ Mr. and Mrs. Winkler. Harry Ott returned to Omaha with them Monday. Bob Fox and Harry Roseler left Monday for Portland, Oregon 'wfcere they will seek mployment. t.i ' |Thp 9 FF Club met at Mrs. Harold Weier’s last Thursday evening. Mrs. Opal Bridges won | tiigh,; Mrs. Delmer Young, a guest, second high and Mrs. HMea Gillespie third high. J ■ ’ 1 r ^Charles Downey and son, Jim, came down from ScottsblufTs Wednesday to visit his father, Sumner Downey and his mother in-law, Mrs. Georgia Racely, They left Thursday for Lake of the Woods, Canada, for a two weeks fishing trip. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brennan and son, Jerry, of Rapid City, S. D„ came Thursday to visit rela tives and friends. They returned home Sunday, The Last Minute Bridge Club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dean Selah. Mrs. Robert Brittell got high score, Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson traveling and Mrs. Frank Clements low. Jack and Dickie Davis arrived the first of the waak to spend the summer visiting their uncle, William Sparks. Mrr. and Mrs. Russell Bowen of Bemidji, Minn., who have been visiting at the home of hte par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowen, left Monday for Chadron to visit with Mrs. Bowen’s parents. They left Chadron Wednesday for Thermopolis, Wyo., to spend a week. J. B. Ryan entretained at a six o’clock dinner at the Golden hotel Wednesday evening in honor of his son. Chaplain Lieutenant Clem Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dempsey and son, Dwayne, spent the week end here visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dempsey. They returned to Omaha Sunday, where he will resume his duties as managr of one of the large Safeway stores. John Shoemaker arrived home Wednesday from Creighton Uni versity, where he has ben attend ing school. Miss Leveta Lehn, of Wahoo, Nebraska, who has been attend ing the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, arrived last Wed nesday to spend a few days visit ing friends. She left Saturday for Lincoln, where ?he is em ployed. Miss Mary Ryan came up Wed nesday from Sioux City, Iowa, to visit her brother, J. B. Ryan and other relatives and friends. Mrs. F. N. Cronin entertained the Martez Club at her home on Tuesday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. Ira Moss, Mrs. Henry Lohaus and Mrs. William Froelich. Mrs. Adelene Bowden left Monday for Los Angeles, Cal., where she will make her home. Word received here by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McDonough from their son, Bob, who is in the Naval Reserve, says that he has been tranferred ' from Camp Allen, Virginia, to Camp Bedford, Va. Floyd Wilson made a business trip to Grand Island last Tuesday. Mrs. Alvin Bausch arrived Tuesday from her home at Wood land Hills, Cel., for a few. weeks visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bazelman. W, J, Froelich returned to Chicago Monday, after spending a week here with his family. He is expected to arrive Friday to spend the week-end here. Bill Biglin arrived Tuesday from Omaha, where he has been attending Creighton University, to spend the summer visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bigl.n. Bill Kubitsonok left Wednes day for Oelrich, S. D., where he will work this summer. Miss Mary Carney went to Denver, Colo., Monday to visit her brother and family for a few weeks. Started Wednesday night, June 3, a bridge tournament will be held each Wednesday night at the Country Club for ladies and gentlemen. Miss Rita Moore arrived Tues day to spend nine days visiting her father, James Moore. From here she will go to Fort Worth, Texas, where she plans to make her future home. Official Proceedings of the Holt County Board O’Neill, Nebraska April 28, 1942, 10 A. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the chairman. LIVESTOCK MEN You'll find that this market brings you top prices for your Livestock ... ALWAYS! Consign your surplus livestock to r your home market for favorable returns. ; WE SELL EVERY MONDAY jO'NEILL LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO. Where Buyer and Seller Meet Phone 2 O'Neill, Nebraska Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion were approved as read. A delegation of O’Neill bus iness men appeared before the Board and discussed with the I Board the matter of the hearing j before the State Railway Com I mission pertaining to the contem plated removal of the Burlington trains. At 12:00 noon, on motion, Board adjourned until 1:00 P. M. ED J. MATOUSEK, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska April 28, 1942, 1:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Super iors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by Chairman. The following salary and ex pense claims were audited and approved and on motion were al lowed and warrants ordered drawn on the General Fund in payment of same. Ned Allendorfer . $ 77.50 Harry Bowen_11.10 Harry Bowen_10.00 C. C. Bergstrom_84.00 C. C. Bergstrom_72.75 C. C. Bergstrom _:_77.50 Mabelle Bauman_48.98 Julius D. Cronin_— 108.33 Teresa Connelly-77.50 Marjorie Dickson_ 77.50 Peter W. Duffy_79.08 Peter W. Duffey_150.00 John C. Gallagher - 8.85 Ruth Hoffman_77.50 Holt Coounty Parm Bureau _181.10 Mary Harty_77.50 Ed Hancock _104.17 George Hammond ■ - 77.50 Esther Cole Harris - 8.95 Esther Cole Harris _ 125.00 Margaret Howard _ 10.00 Mary Jardee_77.50 Ira H. Moss_166.66 Laura Mitchell_15.90 Rome McLachlan-83.33 Elja McCullough-158.33 Elja McCullough-40.90 Edna Marie O’Malley-104.17 Louis W. Reimer - 8.34 Louis W. Reimer-183.33 Walter G. Sire_68.73 Helen Sullivan- 77.50 John C. Gallagher-166.66 B. T. Winchell_166.66 B. T. Winchell_ 3.64 On motion the following claims were allowed on the Ad ministrative Expense Fund: Lou W. Beck_$14.05 Bernice Fuller-75.00 Bernice Fuller-14.30 Dorothy Larson —--- — 65.00 Laura Mitchell --—:—- 65.83 Laura Mitchell_i-16.45 Thad E. Saunders-. 14.55 Thad E. Saunders-25.00 The Flax Co.—. 3.00 Holt County Independent _ 1.35 Midwest-West Typewriter Company-13.00 Mrs. F. M. McLane_8.50 N. W. Bell Telephone Co— 9.51 The following claims were au dited and approved and on motion were allowed and war rants ordered drawn on the Bridge Fund in payment of same: E. E. Bradshaw - $106.00 Ivan Bacon 98.00 J. H. Gibson.. _ 18.00 Frank Heuton - 53.20 C. W. Kirkland _ 9.50 Ed J. Matousek ... 15.00 Walter K. Smith _ 6.00 John Sullivan — 15.00 Joseph Schollmeyer _ 15.00 P. C. West _ -- 78.15 Boise Service Station .. .. 2.75 Campbell Lumber Co. — 38.14 Lester Derickson . 3.10 W. F. Grothe_— 14.00 Henry Dierks_40.32 John Derickson-5.50 B. ®. Hanna - 53.55 Frank Howard-_®.- 7.60 F. M. Keating & Sons 9.26 G. E. Morgan_1.29 H. H. Miles_T_._ 8.00 Richard Osborn_ 30.00 TRomas Slattery.. 2.84 J. C. Stmn _ 20.75 Frank Skradla 31.59 Wayne Smith_ 15.00 R H. Wiley 2.40 This being the time set for the' hearing on the petition praying that the road benginning at the Northeast comer of Atkinson and running east nine miles be declared a County Road. This matter was taken up at this time and there being no protests against the petition, it was moved by Stein, seconded by Gibson, that the prayer of the petition be granted and declared a County Road. Motion carried. Moved by Stein, seconded by Smith that Fred Tesch be grant ed permission to install Auto gates on the townsship road running through Section 32-31-13 subject to the consent of the Rock Falls township board. Carried. The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants or dered drawn on Unemployment Relief Fund in payment of same: Thad E. Saunders_$500.00 Thad E. Saunders - 75.00 Margaet Howard _ 75.00 A1 Miller 5.00 A. P. Anderson_4.00 Drs. Brown & French _ 10.50 Gail Burdick _ 6.00 E. B. Bradley, M. D., _ 2.50 Council Oak_21.00 Council Oak_6 00 R. E. Chittick _ 9.25 Campbell Lumber Co., — 5.00 Dr. W. J. Douglas_9.00 Farmers Store ____ 12.00 Finkbine Bros._ 5.00 W. F. Finley, M. D., - 7.50 J. P. Gallagher--36.00 Mort GUI _ 24.00 Holt County Independent 35.00 Hoskinson Store_ 12.00 Johnson Drags __._ 8.09 Krska Drugs *_— 1.75 I Homer Lowery .. _ — 3.60 Lutheran Home for Aged 25.00 Mrs. Elmer Lee _16.00 Seth Noble_ 4.88 Mary O’Connell - 3.00 Mary O’Connell _ 2.00 Walter O’Malley _ 5.00 O’Neill General Hospital 12.84 O’Neill Drugs_11.75 J. P. Protivinsky -. 29.00 Page Lbr. & Hdw. Store 3.00 Pelcer & Spence_13.00 J. C. Stein - 2.50 i Mattie Soukup_ 20.00 Eunice Sanders_8.00 Walter Snider ...50.00 j George Story_ 4.00 i Robert Schulz_ 10.00 ! Schultz Drug Store- 2.25 1 Western Hotel _ 10,50 ! John Wrede . 12.00 John Wrede .... 12.00 Motion by Wulf, seconded by Sullivan, that the Board recom mend to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission that on and off sale beer license be granted to Anna M. Werner, of Ewing, Nebraska. Carried. On motion the following offi cial bonds were approved: Roy Waring, Treasurer, Iowa. Elmer Juracek, Justice of Peace, Willowdale. At 5:00 p. m., on motion Board adjourned until April 29, 1942. 9:00 a.' m. ED J. MATOUSEK, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska April 29, 1942, 9:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present except Stein. Meting called to order by Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion were approved as read. Motion by Smith, seconded by Gibson, that County Treasurer be authorized to purchase an ad ditional $25,000.00 United States Defense bonds. Carried. The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants or dered drawn on Road Dragging Fund in payment of same: Edwin Braddock --$ 4.20 Qrval E. Connor-9.60 Orval E. Connor-11.40 M. G. French_34.20 A. B. Letzel_10.80 Clem Olberding-25.50 W. G. Obermire _ 18.00 Wm. Sarchett_34.15 John E. Summerer - 31.80 John Stauffer, Jr.,-13.20 Harry Tageler-12.60 Carl Wulf_ 18.00 The following claims were audi ted and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants or dered drawn on Road Fund in payment of same: Clifford Anderson _$110.00 E. E. Bradshaw_17.50 John Bonenberger-- 82.03 D. E. Crandall _109.00 Nels Christensen _ 9.80 C. W. Kirkland ...... 111.00 Ed J. Matousek _ 60.00 John Sullivan_ 25.00 John Sujlivan _ _ _ 25.00 Richard Minton_161.00 Chet McClenahan _126.50 Bob McCartney_78.50 Floyd Osborne_ 82.00 Frank Osborne 84.#8 Lloyd Fisher _120.90 Charley Strong_70.50 Harry Sullivan_178.00 Jos. Schollmeyer _ 20.88 J. C. Stein_20.00 W. A. Smith _8^.00 Walter K. Smith_ 98.88 John Sullivan_ 2.22 Leo S. Tomjack _ 97.50 W. E. Wulf .. 30.00 J. H. Gibson_ 225.00 Alemite Co., . _ 15.75 Arbuthnot Oil Co.,- 3.60 , Boise Service Station-4.30 Continental Oil Co., .- 67.96 Continental Oil Co.,-14.86 C. R. Clinkenbeard-125.00 Contractors Supply Co., — 6.41 Ed Thorin .. 41.09 Maurice Cavanaugh -,, 7.00 Crabb Oil Co., __55.79 Dexter Bros. - -- 9.60 T. J. Davis_ 11.98 J. H. Gibson_40.00 Joe Fernholz___ 3.50 C. F. Gillette & Son- 60.00 ! J. P. Cans__6.50 j Frank Howard_ 73.50 . Pete J. Hansen_16.00 | Island Supply Co.,-21.00 Island Supply Co., -- 406.00 Island Supply Co.,-82.22 Island Supply Co., -- 2.69 Island Supply Co.,-52.20 Interstate Oil Co., - 43.57 George Jones - 36.00 James Kirkland--— 10.00 Leo Kramer_1.00 Wm. Krotter Co.,_ 88.31 ' Herman Klinger _- 27.50 H. Kohle & F. D. Lee_ 20.00 Lohaus Motor Co.,_73.29 Lohaus Motor Co.,_ 3.30 S. A. Mareellus_— 32.25 C. R. Myers ■ 6.65 Miller-Hasselbalch Co.,_40.63 Miller-Hasselbalch Co., 262.50 Ries Bros. _„_ 10.71 Frank Skradla_38.35 Lyle C. McKim_ 16.00 Bert Shoemaker _ 30.00 Charles Snowardt _ 9.97 Henry Dierks _ 19.15 At 12:00 noon, on motion Board adjourned until 1:00 p. m. ED J. MATOUSEK, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska April 29, 1942, 1:00 P. M. -.jadng jo pjBog Xjuno^ gog visors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by Chairman. Th following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on General Fund in payment of same: Holt County Publishers Association_$1,409.36 J. H. Gibson_59.50 Ed J. Matousek _ 64.00 John Sullivan_40.74 J. C. Stein_39.50 Jos. Schollmeyer _ 55.25 Walter K. Smith_55.00 W. E. Wulf ,_ 62.60 Consumers Public Power 67.68 James Davidson_iL 61.73 Wm. Hasper_13.50 D. R. Mounts_1.50 H. D. Manson_ 20.90 Ira H. Moss_11.25 C. W. McLane_1.00 Ted McElhaney_22.50 N. W. Bell Tel. Co.,_73.80 John Sullivan__25.00 Simpson Weatherstrip Company_ 200.00 Uhl Transfer_ .50 Norbert Uhl_1.00 Give your eyes . the benefit of the new scienti fic method of examination and diagnosis. See Perrigo Optical Company at Golden Hotel, O'Neill. FRIDAY. JUNE 12th Atkinson, Saturday, June 13th PERRIGO OPTICAL CO. Motion by Schollmeyer, that the following petitions for Re fund of taxes paid erroneously be granted: Edmond Weber, Page, Nebr., -$ 4.50 Oliver Sazama, Page, Nebr.,-.60 Alvin D. Spence, Atkinson, Nebr., _ .68 Leonard Hill, O’Neill, Nebr.,_.52 Ralph-Keating, Atkinson, Nebr.,--l... . . 17.17 Federal Land Bank, Omaha, Nebr., * 17.16 Vedar Headman, Chambers, Nebr.,--—-- 5.18 B. T. Winchell, Treasurer.™ 16.82 At 5:00 p. m., on motion Board adjourned until May 26, 1942, 10 a. m., unless called at an ear lier date by the Clerk. ED J. MATOUSEK, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, Clerk. It is a triumph in ex celsis when a man sternly denies himself present luxuries, so his family may not suffer for future ne cessities. O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK % Capital. Surplus and Undivided Profits. $140,000.00 This Bank Carries No Indebtedness of Office re or Stockholders. Member federal Deposit Insurance Corporation DISH CLOTHS Wltk ac Coupon . , .4 (Limit 3) O’NEILL DRUG CO. C. E. STOUT, Proprietor CLOTHES PINS Box 40 (Limit 2) . WiUC.upoo ; HINKLE PILLS | Bottle 4| Ac I 100 . . REVELATION Tooth Powder* *?c 36c Size • • ABSORBINE 1 JUNIOR < $1.25 OQci Size . . | IVORY < FLAKES 4 - - — - 5Q‘ MOLLE - 39' LIFEBUOY 3 s 20' MAR-O-OIL 3Qc 60c SHAMPOO.W W Toilet Tissue osi Ac FLOSS-TEX.. W » I T NUJOL Mineral Oil $1.00 OQc Size . . BORIC ACID Powder or Crystals" 1-lb. Size . . OJr ALKA SELTZER 60c Size . 1 MILK of MAGNESIA u.s.p., Pint . . Garcia Sublime * PEIJFECTOS | BOX 50 • 14& 6-PC* FIRST AID OUTFIT For Homo CQc Emorgonciotl ■ J / Clear instructions! e Whole Natural BEZON Vitamin BtOMPLEX KKMS - * • * '»*' fefiiS For deficiencies indicated by . . • Constipation • Nervousness • No Appetite • Weakness Bottle 30 50 Capsules 2 Foot Comfort! WALK-EASY FOOT BALM Cr POWDER BOTH /.Qc FOR . . ' U.L. Approved! THIS FAN IS QUIET Powtrful *%1Q AC Motor I Z 8-inch blade*. .You Save 1 2c to 85c! Foi example A tin of 12 Boyet Aspttin eelU lot lie. 100 Tablet* in tut* ol 12 would co*t I SI.00, whereat a bottle ol 100 tablet* *ell* lot only 59c I t I Theteloie, you *ove die by buying the large me_I If a BAYER ASPIRIN 12’, 12° too’* 59° GILLETTE Blue Blades 5'm 25 25 'a 98' JOHNSON'S TALCUM 4 t/8 os. 21c 10 ox. 39c ZONITE Antiseptic j 2\ ox. I 14 ox I SAVE For Feminine Hygiene 23C 79C 50C FEENAMINT f S’e 36'$ LAXATIVE GUM I 13c 1 39c 1 20c SQUIBB'S I PINT QCM/?r| SAVE I MINERAL oil 59c 89c 29c ANIDON TABLETS 12e 100'e I SAVE I Relief For Pain 19c 98p 60c Upset Stomach? BISMADINE ANTACID • 50c POWDER • 25c TABLETS t,k 59 For Daintiness! TIDY TALC 6> Arctic Cream BOTH *T fob. . .Oy