The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 04, 1942, Image 3

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    Trainees Learn What Makes a Ship ‘Tick’
From the mountains and the plains young Americans come down to the sea at Port Hueneme, Calif.,
to answer the call for Immediate expansion of the V. S. merchant marine. Here at the new, spacious Mari
time Service Training station nearly 300 trainees are going through the streamlined three-months process of
becoming seamen. At left they are shown learning to operate a 0-inch gun. Right: Lieut. Jr. Grade G. A.
Paintor Instructs his class in boat engineering.
Oil That Feeds Russian War Machine
Two Russian workers (left) stand on a hill at Baku, U.S.S.R., and look over a vast panorama of oil fields
with the derricks resembling pins placed at random in some gigantic pin cushion. From this rich oil land In
the Caucasus comes most of the fuel to feed the Red army fighting machines. It has been Hitler’s most
wished-for goal. Picture at the right shows an oil-cracking plant in Baku.
Jews Prepare to Defend Homeland
9 |
This photo, released in London, shows what the Jews are doing to
guard the traditional homeland against attack by the Axis. A gun post in
a crusader castle on the island of Cyprus is manned by Jews from Poland,
Rumania, Czechoslovakia and other countries that are temporarily under
the Nazi heel. They have already seen service in Greece, Crete and Libya.
Queen Among Britain’s Tin Miners
Queen Elizabeth is shown chatting with Cornish tin miners during her
visit to the tin-mining district in Cornwall, England. Her majesty bolds a
/ piece of ore presented to her by one of the miners. This industry, neg
( lected for many years, has been revitalized since the loss of Malaya and
the East Indies on which Britain depended for tin.
Fish Story?
Maybe he isn’t telling his stooge,
Colonel Engel, about the big one
that got away, but you can bet that
whatever Adolf is recounting here is
just as fishy as the tallest tales. The
photo was made on the Eastern
front, where the Russian army has
been engaged in hacking highways
through Adolf’s invincibles.
1st WAAC Volunteer
HwmrnnnTna—unfinirMfUfifr~~r~~ ,
Mrs. Jane House, 31, of Manilas- j
set, L. I., first woman to volunteer j
for the Women’s Army Auxiliary
corps. She is shown with Cel. J. F.
Daye, recruiting and induction offi
Net 230,000 Lbs. Farm Rubber First Day
— .. — - - .....- ■ v ■ . —- .-t-MW • ■ ’■W WiM
On the very first day of the Northern California Works Projects
administration drive to collect agricultural scrap, William C. Bruner,
left, an orchardist at Arbuckle, Calif., turned 230,000 pounds of discarded
tires over to the W'PA collectors. Bruner turned the huge pile of rubber
Into the custody of A. J. Doyle, chief of the WPA farm salvage staff.
Auto and Aviation Pioneers Meet
Glenn D. Martin, pioneer plane manufacturer, meets Henry Ford,
auto pioneer, who is now a bomber manufacturer, at the famous Ford
Willow Run bomber plant. Shown, left to right, are Henry Ford, Albert
Kahn, the architect who designed both Willow Run and Martin factories,
Mr. Martin, and Charles Sorensen, vice president in charge of production.
First of Wooden Troop-Plane Fleet
In order to solve the metal shortage in plane production, piano and
furniture men have built a plane made 90 per cent of wood. Fleets of
these huge wooden troop-planes, capable of carrying men and munitions
at 200 miles per hour, are nearing reality. Below you see these experts
making the plywood sides. On top is the completed plane.
Fairly Safe—Even if House Is Bombed
If the brick of this house comes tumbling down, the mother and two
children Inside this timber air raid'shelter would be fairly safe. The
heavy timber is easily put together with pegs, contains a double bed
and incendiary bomb fighting equipment. The family is bundled in for
the night, with one son on top, looking on—and the dog looking in.
Admiral Honored
Admiral Thomas C. Hart receives
from President Roosevelt the gold
star In lien of a second Distin
guished Service medal, for his “ex
ceptionally meritorious service as
commander-in-chief of the Ameri
can Asiatic fleet." The citation paid
high tribute to Hart's conduct of
operations in the Southwest Pacific
during the early phases of the war.
L. to R., the President, Admiral
Ernest King and Admiral Thomas
C. Hart.
Modern Madonna
A war-weary child, made home
less by Nasi air said on Norwich,
England, finds peace in arms of a
woman warden. The raid was In
reprisal for RAF raids on German
industrial cities.
AEF Baseball
Maj. Gen. Russell P. Hartle, com
mander of the AEF In Ireland, is
about to throw out the first ball to
open the baseball season. Many na
tives see the fames.
Lands at 200 MPH
Lieut. William K. Long checks
over his sheep-skin-lined coat which
got drenched when his P-38 inter
ceptor dived into the sea, near Ven
ice, Calif. He swam ashore.
fruit and vegetable p tckaijes.
For Immediate gale. Write today for full
details, prices and special terms.
M. A. Larson Agency, Central City, Neb.
h r/e
'T'O THOUSANDS of Americans
*■ seeking news of their families
and friends in war-torn countries,
25 words on an official Hed Cross
form have meant all the difference
between hope and despair.
Ever since the outbreak of the
war, the American Red Cross has
been for many people the only me
dium through which they could get
news of their relatives in Poland,
Holland, Belgium and the other oc
cupied nations. Even when the
news has been bad, even when it
has been the worst possible, it has
at least meant merciful release
from torturing anxiety and uncer
For a while it was possible
in a few cases to maintain
contact by letter over long
roundabout routes. Since
America’s entry into the war,
all remaining avenues of com
munication have been closed.
Today, under the rules of the
United States Office of Censor
ship, personal messages to
residents of enemy or enemy
occupied territory may be for
warded ONLY through the Red
Cross inquiry service here and
the International Red Cross
committee in Geneva, Switzer
Regulations governing the sena
ing of one of these messages from
the United States are that the com
munication, which should be filled
in at a local Red Cross chapter,
must not be more than 25 words,
and should be in English. If it is
written in a foreign language, an
English translation must be at
The United States Office of
Censorship rules that no men
tion may be made of politics
or military subjects, defense
materials, shipping or weather
conditions, business matters
or geographic names.
But even the strict regulations
cannot rob the brief message on
the International Red Cross form
of its human warmth and drama.
The original message, made out in
some local Red Cross chapter
here, goes on its long and slow
journey across ocean and conti
nents. Space is provided on it
for a reply message, to be re
turned to the original sender.
Prepared Exclusively for WNU.
t'. .
Little Knowledge
Better know nothing than half
know many things.—Nietzsche.
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