Navy Launches Training Program
For 30,000 Fighter Pilots Yearly
The most extensive training program in all naval history is now
underway. It is designed to train navy and marine corps fighter and
bomber pilots at a starting rate of 30,000 a year. Facilities in four
universities, in the East. South, Midwest and W estern sections of the
country will be rented by the navy for the duration of the war,
each to be an “Annapolis of the Air." These pictures show various
phases of aviation cadet training.
Above: Models are being
used in range estimation
and gunnery training. As
the models are built ore a 1
scale of an inch to repre
sent six feet, the student
can see by looking at a
model through a gun
sight at a distance of >
10 feet how the actual %
plane would appear
at a distance of 240
Above: Precision
shooting at the U. S.
naval air station s gun
nery range at Corpus
Christi, Texas. Left: Avi
ation cadets at the naval
air station at Pensacola,
Fla., receive instructions
on rowing.
Aviation cadets at Pensacola receiving instructions in the use of
the plotting board as part of their course of training.
1 he gunnery officer and a group of aviation cadets examine a
practice bomb. Loaded bombs are often fondly called "Hawaiian
pineapples.** (Official U. S. navy photos.)
Commander D. F, Bogan administers the oath to newly gradu
ated cadets accepting commissions at Miami, Fla.
The Three
Associated Newspapers—WNU Service
ft'np'HE lack of distinguished
j citizens in our town was
distressing to us twenty
five years ago,” said Ezra
Atkins. "The neighboring town of
Harkins had its Lawyer Norcross,
who had been elected to the state
legislature, and its Clayton Jones,
who had developed into a violinist
of state-wide repute. The village of
Slaterville on our south had its
famous architects and writers and
politicians. But Martindale had no
one. The thing was bad, tremen
dously so.
"The situation," he went on,
"wasn’t healthful to the future of
a town such as Martindale, a town
whose citizenry was overenthusias
tic and hopeful regarding the future.
It wasn't inducive to progress. What
we needed was a leader, or a group
of leaders, to set the pace. What we
wanted was an incentive to achieve
with one or two or three outstanding
figures as models. Someone to
whom mothers could refer their chil
dren and say: ‘There now, if you
do so and so, Bobby, you might even
be as great a man as John Doe
some day.'
"However, the smoldering discon
tent of Martindale citizenry did not
burst into flame until the day that
nearly our whole population Jour
neyed over to Dracut one bright
June morning to witness the laying
of the cornerstone of a new library
by Joshua Crandall, banker, who
had departed from his native town
The village of Slatersville on our
couth had Us famous architects and
writers and politicians. But Mar
tindale had no one.
some years ago and made a fortune
as treasurer of a Boston trust com
pany. On this day he was back to
receive the plaudits of his one-time
fellow citizens and to lay the cor
nerstone of the library, for the con
struction of which he had donated
“Martindaleites trooped home that
evening in a thoughtful mood. They
had been awed by Banker Crandall
and there was a feeling in their
hearts of envy toward the township
of Dracut because it could claim
such a distinguished citizen for its
"On the day following this mem
orable event Harvey Cluett, Martin
dale's first selectman, called a meet
ing of some of the town’s leading
citizens. In his opening speech to
the gathering he summed the thing
up very nicely and gave voice to
the thoughts that were uppermost
in each of their minds.
" 'Fellow citizens,’ said First
Selectman Cluett, 'we of Martindale
are unfortunate in being unable to
point to no one man or group of
men among us who had distin
guished himself to the point of be
coming great. No town or village
could And itself in a more unhappy
situation. For, like other towns,
Martindale has a future in which
every man of us is keenly interested.
We have a large and healthy crop
of children rapidly growing into
men and women; youngsters who
will soon take over the reins and
direct the destiny of our beloved
village. It seems a pity that the
parents of these children cannot
point with pride and respect to some
of those here gathered with the pur
pose of influencing their offspring
to become better men and women.
If, when these children become
old enough to reason, they discover
Martindale to be minus great and
honored men, they, the children, will
lose Interest and lack pride in the
town which our esteemed fore
fathers carved from the wilderness,
sure as shootin’
*• ‘Therefore, friends,’ Ciuctt
continued, ‘I propose the fol
lowing suggestion: Let the town
elect by popular vote three of
its citizens to compose a com
mittee, this committee to confer
at length and within a month ap
point three other citizens to be
come known as Distinguished
Citizens. And from the moment
of the appointing let every man,
woman and child in Martlndale
honor and revere and respect
I the names of the Distinguished
Citizens, thereby making of
them great Needless to
say, those chosen will be men
of good repute, honest, upright
and outstanding in their partic
ular 6elds. The act will have
its psychological value, for those
appointed will be Invested with
a responsibility that will imme
diately aid them in their effort!
to become the splendid influence
on our children which we will
expect them to be.'
“First Selectman Cluett finished
amid applause that continued for
fully five minutes. And shortly after
a special town meeting was held
and a committee, composed of Al
bert Burns, Philip Nast and Joseph
Hanlon was elected and endowed
with authority to appoint three men
to become hereafter known as Mar
tindale’s three Distinguished Citi
“The appointment was to take
place within a month, and during
that thirty days there was an at
mosphere of excitement and antici
pation about Martindale that had not
been prevalent since the return of
Perley Winters from the Spanish
American war. Every male citizen
of any importance wnatcver was on
his very best behavior. For there
was not one but who regarded the
appointment to the Distinguished
Citizens group as the greatest honor
that could befall him.
“Speculation ran riot among the
women of the town, and among the
males who admitted their chance of
appointment was nil. At least two
dozen names were discussed as pos
sible appointees. But eventually the
list of prospects was boiled down to
six, namely, Martin Blake, lumber
king of the Suncook Valley; Elias
Whipple, proprietor of the Suncook
hotel; Jim Darrow, owner of the
Martindale Department store; Alex
Strout, livery stable owner aud sta
tion agent; Horace Latimer, super
intendent of schools; and Melvin
Cross, owner of the Martindale box
“During the month of speculation
the forthcoming event assumed im
portance unequalled by any election
of town officers ever held. No other
topic of conversation was discussed.
And early on the day of appoint
ment the town hail was jammed to
“By now practically everyone ad
mitted that the aforementioned six
were the only possibilities left in the
race, with success leaning slightly
toward Blake, Latimer and Whipple.
However, were about even on Cross
and Darrow, as a possible victor,
and in the event of their defeat in
dications pointed to ill-feeling that
might have a bad effect on the
morale of the three Distinguished
Citizens. In fact, the very purpose
of the appointment had nearly been
lost sight of in the more important
light of personal prejudices.
“The appointing committee
was made more and more aware
of the importance of their deci
sion. It was a situation that
needed delicate handling. The
influences of the three victors on
the children of Martindale was
“At 11:55 Philip Nast, spokesman
for the committee of three, ap
peared on the town hall stage and
handed a sealed envelope to First
Selectman Cluett. Spokesman Nast
then took himself away and joined
the other two committeemen at a
discreet distance from the town hall
and not too far from the railroad
“First Selectman Cluett stood on
the stage and looked down into the
faces of the voters and noted with
a feeling of vague uneasiness that
the front-row seats contained the
six most likely prospects, and that
the six were unsmiling and rather
set in their expressions.
"However, First Selectman Cluett
took his courage in his hands, so to
speak, and slit the sealed envelope.
The sound which the slitting caused
could have been heard two blocks
away, so Intent was the silence.
“Selectman Cluett removed the
sheet of paper, unfolded it, adjust
ed his spectacles, peered once more
into the faces of the prospective
six, cleared his throat, squinted at
the paper in his hands, hesitated,
and read: ‘We, the committee elect
ed to appoint the body of men to be
known as the Three Distinguished
Citizens of Martindale, hereby an
nounce the selection of the following
eminent persons for this most hon
orable post: Albert Burns, Philip
Nast, Joseph Hanlon. (Signed) The
committee of appointment, Albert
Burns, Philip Nast, Joseph Hanlon.”
Wherein the Ancestors
Of Lemurs Are Revived
The lemurs arose from insect eat
ing ancestors similar to the living
tree shrews. These, in turn, came
from more primitive mammals
in which the young were born in a
relatively undeveloped state, as in
the pouched mammals of the pres
ent day. These came from egg
laying mammals, and these from
cold-blooded, scaly reptiles. Our
reptilian ancestors emerged from
amphibians which, like modern
salamanders, laid their eggs in wa
ter; the amphibians came from
fishes with lungs and without limbs;
these fishes were derived from still
more primitive jawless fish; and
these from eyeless, water living an
cestors, which possessed only a
primitive substitute for a backbone,
as in the simple lancelet of today.
These were probably derived from
bilaterally symmetrical animals
similar to the larvae of modem star
fish, and these from animals like
our living flatworms. Before these
our ancestors did not have a right
and left side, but were radially
symmetrical and in other respects
like the Hydra. Their ancestors, in
turn, were probably the colonial
protozoa, tiny bundles of practically
undifferentiated cells, derived from
simple protozoan ancestors, animals
in which the body was composed of
only a single cell.
Cleanliness First Rule
For Farm Creamery
Lasting Care by Farmers
Brings Profitable Results
(Dairy Department, Missouri Colleys of
After all is said, the fact remains
that the kind of cream a farmer
produces depends entirely on the
care it receives on the farm and the
frequency with which it is delivered
to the butter-maker.
Cleanliness is the first command
ment in the decalogue of the cow
keeping farmer. Every precaution
should be taken to prevent the entry
of dust or other foreign matter into
milk at the source. If surroundings
are unclean when milking is done,
dirt is likely to get into the milk.
A clean barn and air free from dust
are imperative.
Clipping the cow’s flanks and ud
der is fine, but wiping with a clean,
damp cloth helps a lot too in get
ting rid of loose hair, dust and dirt.
Scrap that old-fashioned, rusty,
open-faced pail with the open seams
that harbor dirt and bacteria. Get
a modern, well-tinned pail, one with
a minimum of exposed surface to
catch dirt. Keep that pail clean!
Sanitation Comes First.
Always strain the milk before sep
arating. Use a filter type of strain
er with cotton filter pads. Don’t use
a pad more than once. Cheesecloth
does an unsatisfactory job, and when
used more than once is downright
A well-kept mechanical separator
will guard cream against contamina
tion and yield the maximum amount
of butterfat. Water separators should
never be used.
Run milk through the separator
immediately after milking. Be sure
the separator is thoroughly clean.
It can’t really be clean unless it is
washed after each use.
Just rinsing or flushing Is not
enough. All utensils should first
be rinsed with cold water—that
makes the whole job easier—and
then washed in hot water with
washing powder and a brush.
Do not use soap, and never use
a dishrag. Then flood all uten
sils with briskly boiling water,
right out of the teakettle. Just
“hot” water won’t do the job.
Do not wipe utensils. Invert and
place on a rack or table in a
sunny place.
Cooling Very Important.
Cooling is highly important.
Germs and mold don’t grow readily
in cool cream. Cool cream immedi
ately and keep it cool until it is
sold. A simple cooling tank which
provides a flow of cold water around
the cream is the most satisfactory.
Even keeping the cream covered
with a clean, wet burlap sack tucked
under the lid handle will do a fair
Never mix warm cream with
cooled cream. This not only causes
a bitter flavor but also hastens de
It is also important to get cream
to market quickly. The quicker you
get the cream to market the less
time there is for germs and mold
to multiply. Deliver or ship cream
at least twice a week in winter and
three times in summer.
Tainted Dairy Products
Wild onions, garlic and other milk
tainting weeds cost American dairy
men thousands of
dollars loss each
year. Those ob
noxious pasture
weeds impart un
desirable flavors
and odors to milk
and cream. Taint
ed butter, milK
and cream are strongly objected to
by customers everywhere. No mat
ter how good the quality otherwise,
butter made from such cream is
poor, offensive to the taste, and is
almost unsalable.
Since wild onion is one of the first
green things to appear in pasture,
this particular perennial is especial
ly bothersome in early grazing sea
son. The best solution of the prob
lem is to avoid pasturing milk cows
on pastures with an abundance of
onion in the spring and to handle
the pasture so as to give grasses
opportunity to grow by keeping cows
off until grass has a good start.
Heavy grass provides less opportu
nity for onions to get started.
If only weedy pasture is availa
ble the best plan to prevent weedy
flavored cream is to keep cows in
milk off the weedy pasture for three
to five hours before milking.
Fertilizer Suggestions
In Case There Isn't
Manure Available
Manure has no substitute as a
general garden fertilizer. However,
if the manure is not available, then
it will be necessary to furnish plant
nutrients in the form of chemical
fertilizers. On soils of average fer
tility, complete fertilizers may be
used safely at the rate of one ton
| per acre, if applied broadcast. If
applied in the furrow, the applica
tions should not be greater than 1,000
pounds per acre.
T'HERE is so much in this one
simple pattern! A frock for
your little girl cut with cunning
cap sleeves and matching bonnet!
Then overalls for play—and a
romper play suit which opens flat
for ironing. When summer comes,
be ready with several sets of these
attractive, useful and charming
garments made up in the cottons
which are most becoming to your
The Stuff Out of Which
Conversation Is Made
A tourist stopped at a farm
house for a drink of water. “Fine
corn,” he said, waving to a hill
“Best in these parts,” replied
the farmer.
“But how do you plow that hill?
It’s pretty steep?”
“Don’t plow it. The spring thaws
bring down stones that tear it up
so we can plant the com.”
“How do you plant it?”
“Shoot the seed in with a shot
"Is that the truth!” exclaimed
the tourist.
“Of course not,” replied the
farmer, “but it’s conversation.”
Cash on Display
Nearly all banks in India main
tain a large room, with windows
opening on the street, where pass
ers-by, day and night, can see
numerous metal boxes filled with
rupees. This permanent display of
real money is necessary to secure
and hold depositors and to keep
the confidence of the public, which
has no faith in mere figures.
Pattern No. 8142 is made in sizes 1, 2,
3, 4 and 8 years. Size 2 requires 4%
yards 39-inch material for set. 4I/« yards
bias binding. Send your order to:
Room 1116
211 West Wacker Dr. Chicago
Enclose 20 cents in coins for each
pattern desired.
Pattern No. Size.
Master Violinist
Nicolo Paganini (1782-1840), one
of the world’s greatest masters of
the violin, could play a military
sonata on a single string and ren
der his Moto Perpetuo at the rate
of 16 notes a second, or 25 per
cent faster than any. other musi
cian, even to this day, says Col
lier’s. Some of his compositions
were so difficult that he alone
could play them.
When children crave sweets,
give them oranges. When
you want refreshment, drink
orange juice. Fruit sugars
give you a quick lift!
Oranges are the best prac
tical source of vitamin C
supply valuable amounts of
vitamins A, Bi and G; cal
cium and other minerals.
Those stamped “Sunkist"
are the finest from 14,300
cooperating growers. Buy in
quantities -they keep!
Copr.. 1943. California Fruit Growara Ezeharxa
ryr -
fewK£ UP ff
_Copt. 1041 by Kellogg Coanpggy
i *
The man who advertises has
assumed the responsibility for suc
cess. You would rather deal with a
responsible man, wouldn't you?