New Piotuti's of India's National leaders As the clouds of war gather ever more densely over vast India, greater attention is focused on Its lead ers. At the right Is Mahatma Gandhi, spiritual head of the Indian national congress party, who was Instru mental in thwarting Sir Stafford Crlpps’ efforts at war unity. This new picture shews Gandhi walking with his secretaries and aides. At the left is Pandit Nehru, active and more belligerent leader of the same na tional congress party. (Picture from March of Time’s “India in Crisis.’’) Hawaii on Its Toes, Ready to Dish It Out to Japs D. S. soldiers are now encamped throughout the Hawaiian islands, ready to meet any onslaught of the Japs. The gun at the left has been installed on what was once a huge private estate. It points toward the Pacific, and its crew keep guard day and night. The soldiers have erected showers at whatever part of the Island they are encamped. Here amidst the gumbo-like mud of the hills they are primping up (right) for a hard day’s work. Mobile Optical Shops for U. S. Soldiers Overseas soldiers who break or lose their spectacles on the battlefield will have them repaired or replaced in the field by mobile optical shops, the first of their kind to be attached to U. S. field armies. In this unit a total of 120 single lenses can be edged and mounted daily. This with other equipment make it possible to take care of the requirements of a field army of 300,000 men. Approximately 15 per cent of the men in the armed forces wear glasses. For Latin-American Expeditionary Force Hugo Fernandez Atucio (left), Uruguayan professor and director of the Latin-American branch of the Free World Movement, is shown with J, Alvarez del Vayo, former Spanish foreign minister, at New York head t quarters of the Free World Movement. Atucio calls for a Latin-American expeditionary force to fight under United Nations command. A Dizzy Job J Men who work to increase our sup ply of electric energy are soldiers, too. Photo shows a jackhammer operator drilling a hole for a dyna mite blast on an abutment of Shasta dam, near San Francisco, Calif. Love Leads Way Mrs. Henry Fecbt of Chicago re fused to believe that her son, James, was lost at sea, as she had been informed. Aided by the USO, she found him in a San Francisco hos pital recovering from a shrapnel wound In the back. Philippine President Here From Australia President Manvel Qoeson of the Philippines, left. Is shown with Lieot. Gen. John L. De Wilt, commander of the Fonrth American army and chief of the western command, second from left, as they and the Philip pine executives’ party, after arrival from Australia, Inspected the color guard at the Presidio in San Francisco. In civilian attire faa center is Assistant Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman. In right foreground is MaJ. Gen. Basilio J. Valdes of the Philippine army. President Qoeson was accompanied on his trip from A as trails by members of his family. Iceland Stablization Agreement As another step in cementing the solidarity and good will between the two countries. Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthsu, right, signs the ex change stabilization agreement with the minister from Iceland, Thor Thors. No More Horseshoes—But Lucky! Here is the 107th cavalry regiment, which has now been converted to mechanized mounts. The regiment is shown in a mass column speedih moving toward position from Fort Ord, Calif. The “steeds” range from motorcycles to Jeeps and scout cars. So passed the 107th cavalry regiment, which had its origin in 1877 as the First City Troop of Cleveland, Ohio. A Tail Wind Wouldn’t Help Much Now In this picture pilots are shown looking over a Douglas dive-bomber which had its tail sheared off when a Jap bomber crashed on the deck of an aircraft carrier. The damaged Jap bomber unsuccessfully attempted to crash amid the planes that were lined up along the flight deck of the carrier, which took part in the raids oa the Japanese Marshall Islands. Hero's Thrill Bora only a month ago while Us dad was making life miserable for the Japs In the Philippines. John D. Bolkeley Jr. monopolised the at tention of his proni father when Lieutenant Bolkeley arrived at Us Long Island city home. Daaghter Joan, feeling neglected, looks at cameraman while her hers dad feasts his eyes mi his son for the first time. Lieutenant Bolkeley la mi n ten-day furlough. New Credentials The President receives new credentials of Alex. London, np to now envoy extraordinary and min ister plenipotentiary, and now am bassador extraordinary and plenipo tentiary of the Netherlands. New Rural ‘Mailman’ Mrs. Elsie Martin (above) who lives near Finlayville, Pa., is one woman who is filling her husband’s shoes. She took over his duties as rural delivery mailman when he joined the navy, thus freeing an able-bodied man for service in the armed forces. Leads Colombia Alfonso Lopez, who has been elect ed president of Colombia by a wide margin. Lopez, a former president of Colombia, was elected on an anti axis platform. Gay Vanity Table It Easy to Make HtMHt or _ matt tgT Underneath It's a Packing Bex. THIS is what your bedroom needs—a Southern-belle van ity l Between frothy ruffles of red dotted white swiss you get tanta lizing glimpses of red ribbon, run through beading and tied in bows. • • • DarHsf. with pretty curtain* and bad rpread to match! Oar S pace booklet tell* detail* of making the vanity. Atoo ten* bow to make inexpensively a book rack tide table, pillow tope, pot holders, many other attractive item* for yourself or a* Sifts. Said your order to: CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Live Stock Commission BYERS BROS & CO. A Real Live Stock Com. Firm At the Omaha Market Personal Actions I am for each individual doing just as he chooses in all matters which concern nobody else.—Lin coln. cuuMSEsrii To ratiev* painful eallcmaea, bwn- I { J I iat or taadaraawoo bottom of iaat frfh? I Add Indigestion r __ Thrice Armed Thrice armed is he who hath his quarrel just. ■iiim'Sfla:inn:i I VACATION IN SO. CALIFORNIA [h ★ Yonr Dnele Sam say*: “... recreational I travel... one of Ute dealer,t malntalala* I foroes of national morale " "A In spl te of minor*, travel 18 normal In | BoothernOslIfornla-Transportationtoand II tbrourbont the state IS normal, aad hotel II and resort Ufe IS normal. For data, write II MOTELS of Southern Coliformm % 1M t. Hill M- Beam 701. Lee A—etee^CsLB! WNU—U 20—42 And Your Strength and Energy I* Below Par It may ba caused by disorder of kid ney function that permits poisonous waste to accumulate. 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