The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 07, 1942, Image 7

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    Down to the Sea in a U. S. Submarine
These navy-approved photos may give you an Idea of life aboard a U. S. submarine. If you were standing
on the conning tower of a sub this is how your craft would look, forward (picture at left). And this (upper
right) is the gadget-studded spot of the torpedo room. All those wheels, dials and gauges are as plain as
capital letters a foot high to the boys that know how. Lower right: Submarine deck as a gun crew takes bat
tle stations at the deck gun.
Filipinos Train to Recover Lost Homeland
Under command of Lieut. Col. R. H. Offley, an American officer of the regular army, the First Filipino
infantry battalion at Camp San Luis Obispo, Calif., is now undergoing rigid training. The battalion will give
Filipinos a chance to fight for the restoration of their homeland. At left First Sergt. R. Simmons, rear, in
structs two Filipinos in machine-gun operation. Right: Pvt. Gregorio Mante is shown here practicing throw
ing a band grenade.
4Happy Birthday’ to Der Fuehrer
The people of New York celebrated Adolf’s birthday In Duffy’s Square
by hanging an effigy of the leader of the Reich. The purpose of the rally
was to urge the purchase of war savings bonds and stamps. Der Fuehrer
was hung and burned and his bier rested in view of thousands who saw
a fresh nail driven into his coffin for each bond or stamp purchased.
Generals Talk Bomber Production
Brig. Gen. Kenneth B. Wolf and Lieut. Gen. William S. Knudsen
(right) talk production with Andrea Longstreet of North American Avia
tion’s tubing department, in Inglewood, Calif. Andrea is working on tub
t ing for North American Aviation’s B-Z5 Mitchell bomber, which is similar
to the type that carried out a recent raid on the Japs in the Philippines.
Gets Japs, Medal
Navy pilot Edward O’Hare, 28,
who pitched into a formation of nine
heavy Jap bombers and shot down
five before they reached his air
craft carrier. O’Hare received pro
motion to lieutenant commander
and the Congressional Medal of Hon
or—at the White House.
Assists Mac Arthur
Gen. Sir Thomas Blarney, of Aus
tralia, who has been named by Gen.
Douglas MacArthur as commander
of the Allied land forces In the
Southwest Pacific area.
First Casualty in Argentine Shipping
This view of the new 12,500-ton motorship Victoria, first ship under
Argentine registry to be damaged by a submarine or a mine, shows the
effect of the explosion. The Victoria was proceeding with her flag plainly
visible, and showing lights at night. The ship continued to Mew York
under difficult conditions, and managed to reacb port safely.
U. S. Marines Adopt Commando Tactics
Somewhere in the U. S. marines are at commando practice. In the
background is the mother ship, a U. S. destroyer, and about it are marines
in rubber boats, which they have inflated to three pounds per square inch,
and in which they are starting on a practice shore raiding party.
Pontoon Bridge for Heaviest Tanks
Officers of the lG'.h engineers, Fort Knox, Ky., have devised a pontoon
bridge capable of transporting the heaviest tanks. Rubber pontoons are
used instead of wooden floats. Photo at top shows pontoon with men
ready to move it into place. Below is a section of the completed bridge
showing a light tank climbing the rails to cross the bridge. The light tank
weighs approximately eleven tons.
New Record in Famous Marathon
Joe Smith of Medford, Mass., crosses the finish line in the 46th
annual American marathon race of the Boston Athletic association as
winner, at the same time establishing a new record of 2 hours, 22 min
utes and 51.2 seconds for the Olympic distance of 26 miles, 385 yards,
from Hopkinton to Boston.
Keeps 'Em Buying
Every family ia expected to in
vest 10 per cent of their income in
U. 8. savings bonds to help win the
war, while preparing for their own
future security. Shown above is
Miss Jetsy Parker, who is leading
a group of movie stars on a nation
wide bond-selling tour.
Pros and Cons
Connie Mack, manager of the
Philadelphia Athletics, is one of the
few real oldtimers In the baseball
business. He Is shown here giving
Joe DiMaggio, Yankee batting ace,
a few pointers on batting. Rain had
postponed the game.
‘Conquering Hero’
Gen. Douglas MacArthur, su
preme commander of the Allied
forces in the Southwest Pacific, is
all smiles as he greets a cheering
crowd in Melbourne. Australia is
jubilant over the bastioning of the
continent by the U. S. as a spring
board from which to attack the Japs.
Mobile Machine Shop
With the woods as walls and the
sky for a roof, this welder does his
stuff beside his mobile machine shop
near Salem, Ore., as the master ser
geant in the foreground looks on.
28-inch late type ball bearing ADVANCE
ailMLEY THRESHER almost like new.
Cedar Rapids * Iowa.
of the most modern type
Write to us fox booklet
#v. (v. (v. (v. (v. jv. (s. (v. o-. cv. O- o~ o- o- o- r»- r*~
ME *) l
l A General Quiz ?
(V. JV. (V. (V (V. (V. (V (V. (V. <V. (U (V. (V. (V. (V. (V. (V. (V. (Vo
The Questions
1. To what timepiece does this
motto apply: “I count no hours
but unclouded ones”?
2. What was the painter Rem
brandt's last name?
3. What state changed its capi
tal from one city to another in
4. When a ship passes from salt
to fresh water, is the draught of
the ship increased or decreased?
5. What does a telegrapher
mean by the number 95?
6. In what river in the United
States are the fish totally blind?
The Answers
1. A sun dial.
2. Van Rijn.
3. Oklahoma. Its former capi
tal was Guthrie.
4. Increased. Salt water is
5. Rush.
6. Echo river in Mammoth
cave, Kentucky.
Every mother In the land will want to
bake these scrumptious cookies. Chil
dren will demolish a plate of them in
a wink. Grown-ups rave about their
••different” taste and new crunchy tex
ture. They’re made, of course, with the
famous cereal, Kellogg's All-Bran.
3 squares un- 1 cup sugar
sweetened % cup flour
chocolate >A cup All-Bran
u cup butter Vi cup nutmeat#
3 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Melt chocolate over hot water and add
butter. Beat eggs well, add sugar and
beat until light and fluffy. Add melted
chocolate and butter. Stir In flour,
All-Bran, chopped nutmeats and fla
voring. Pour Into greased pan. making
a layer about one-third Inch thick.
Bake In moderate oven (375°F.) about
30 minutes. Yield: Sixteen 3-lnch
squares (8x8 Inch pan).
May Warn of Disordered ^
Kidney Action
Modern life with Its hurry and worryj
Irregular habits. Improper eat'ng and
drinking—its risk of exposure and infec
tion—throws heavy strain on the work
of the kidneys. They are apt to become
over-taxed and fail to Biter excess aqjd
and other impurities from the life-giving
You may suffer nagging backache,
headache, dizziness, getting up nights,
leg pains, swelling—feel constantly
tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs
of kidney or bladder disorder are some
times burning, scanty or too frequent
Try Doan's Pills. Doan's help ths
kidneys to pass off harmful excess body
waste. They have bad more than half s
century of public approval. Are recom
mended by grateful users everywhere.
Ask your ntighborl
We Can All Be
9 In bringing us buying Information, as
to prices that are being asked for
what we Intend to buy, and as to the
quality we can expect, the advertising
columns of this newspaper perform a
worth while service which saves us
many dollars a year.
9 It Is a good habit to form, the habit
of consulting the advertisements every
time we make a purchase, though we
have already decided |ust what we
want and where we are going to buy
It. It gives us the most priceless feeling
In the worldt the feeling of being
adequately prepared.
9 When we go Into a store, prepared
beforehand with knowledge of what is
ottered and at what price, we go as
an expert buyer, filled with self-confi
dence. It Is a pleasant feeling to have,
the feeling of adequacy. Most of the
unhappiness in the world can be traced
to a lack of this feeling. Thus adver
tising shows another of Its manifold
facets—shows Itself as an aid toward
making all our business relationships
more secure and pleasant.