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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1942)
By EM1L1E LORING © WNU Service. SYNOPSIS THE STOBY SO FAR: Janice Trent runs away fro® wedding Ned Paxton, rich, bnt a gay blade. By a device, she becomes secretary at a wilderness camp In Alaska. Bnt Bruce Harcourt, newly appointed chief, who has known her since girlhood was not aware of it till later. Mrs. Hale, wife of the deposed chief engineer, is also attracted to Harcourt. Her husband treats her badly. Hale suffers a stroke or feigns one. The de parture of the Hales ‘from Alaska is postponed. Hale is believed to have an affair with Tatima, an Indian girl. Her sweetheart, Kadyama, resents it. Hale calls Janice In the absence of MiUiceat Hale to take some dictation, a codicil to his will. Millicent suggests going with Bruce and his assistant, Tubby Grant, on an airplane visit to the city. Janice Is invited also. At the last minute, Mill! cent can’t go. Janice enjoys the trip and the bustling Alaskan city. Now continue with the story. CHAPTER VIII Was she really thousands of miles from New York, Janice asked her self, as she passed modern build ings, a college, homes with gar dens, riotous garden borders, with clumps of pale yellow day lilies, spikes of larkspur in every known shade of blue, patches of early pink phlox, mists of Gypsophila. She was amazed at the size of the flowers and fruits forced to tropical luxuriance by the constant dew and mist baths. She was mentally tabulating the varieties of flowers she had noticed as they entered the lounge of a hotel, set in the midst of several acres of ground. It was thronged with tourists who had arrived by the railroad. Refreshed, with her skin wind burned to a dusky pink, cooled by a dust of powder, she met Grant in the foyer. “The main dining-room is swarm ing with tourists. Harcourt has or dered eats in a private room. There are a lot of newspaper men about and he’s dodging being interviewed about the bridge.” She turned as Harcourt entered. “Hope you don’t mind the cramped quarters. The place is jammed. The tourists will be off after breakfast.” “Breakfast!” “What time did you think it was? We started at sun-up.” “I can’t believe it. How far have we traveled?" “Hundreds of miles.” Indian boys, in native costume, entered with trays. Amber coffee, pots of it; rolls, crisp and delicate; raspberries, crimson, gigantic—for raspberries—cream clotted; bacon in crisp curls; a thick bear steak which oozed delectably red at touch of a knife; potatoes baked to burst ing flakiness. Janice purred con tent as she tasted the fruit. “So this is Alaska!” Grant grunted skeptically. “A part of it. Wait till we take you bridge building next winter out into a coun try where the nights are twenty hours long.” Grant chuckled. Harcourt sug gested: “Show Miss Trent the town, Tub by. Don’t let her buy any fake furs.” Later he asked, “Need any mon ey, Janice?” “No thanks, I brought all my pay.” She lingered on the threshold. “Aren’t you coming with us?” “Can’t. Business. I will walk as far as the bank with you and Tubby, then I’ll meet you at the field in an hour.” The streets were thronged with tourists, with automobiles, luxurious imported models, smart town cars, shabby out-at-the-elbow flivvers whose only possible excuse for ex isting was that they kept moving. Fat oily Eskimos with square flat faces, fat little noses; bronzed In dians in lurid blankets; squaws sell ing baskets and beads; brazen wom en, their chains of gold nuggets their fortunes; sourdoughs with heavily lined faces, humor sparkling in their faded eyes; officers in o. d. A hand touched Janice’s shoulder. She had been too engrossed in the panorama to hear footsteps. She smiled radiantly. “Tubby, this is a wonder—” She looked up. The world went into a tailspin. Ned Paxton? She must be dreaming. No, those were his in tensely blue eyes. His hand tight ened. She was conscious of mount ing anger under his caressing smile. “So here you are!” She twisted free. “So here you are! What are you doing so far from the Great White Way?” His eyes held hers. “I came for you. “For me! How did you know where I was?" She could cheerfully have bitten out her tongue for grati fying him with the question. “Oh, an interested party, who had seen our pictures in the paper, and recognized you, radioed your where abouts, and I started. I expected to find you, but not so soon.” An interested party! Hale? Was that the explanation of the demoted chief’s sinister chuckle yesterday? Somehow she must get rid of her ex-dance before Bruce and Grant came. Could she infuriate him so that he would hate her, leave her? "Did you buy that radio informa tion as you have bought everything all your life? You boast that you bribed your way out of college scrapes. You were the youngest captain in your regiment. Why? Not because you were a better soldier, but because your father was a Sen ator with oodles of money.’* “It would be awkward—because—well, I’m already married.’’ She stopped for breath. His eyes were dark with amazement, his lips hung open. Of a sudden, color surged under his fair skin as though it would burst through, it reddened even his ears. “If I buy, you’ll admit I pay the highest market price.” He took a step nearer. “Like you all the bet ter for that flare, Jan. Crazy about you. Now I’ll never let you go. You know that you love me. I’ll forgive you this school-girl trick. We’ll be married here.” “Oh, no, we won’t.” Who was speaking? Janice -listened to the voice which seemed like her own, yet not her own, which came from a long way off. "It would be awk ward—because—well, because I’m already married.” “Married!” His grip on her shoul der tightened till it hurt. “Mar ried!" He turned her toward him. “What’s the matter with your face? Does friend husband beat you up? To whom are you married?” The strange voice so like her own yet not her own answered prompt ly “To Bruce Harcourt. I—” She turned at a curious sound. Be hind Tubby Grant, whose green eyes bulged, whose boyish mouth sagged in surprise, stood Bruce Harcourt. • • • His eyes steadily compelling her eyes, it seemed hours to Janice be fore he spoke. Then he said evenly: “Met an acquaintance, Jan?” Paxton laughed. Anticipated the girl’s answer. “An acquaintance! I am the man she was to marry. Is to marry. Just who are you?” “Bruce Harcourt. Janice told you that she was already married to me. After that, your boast is an in sult to her and to me.” Jpnice stepped between the two men as he took a step forward. What evil spirit had prompted her to drag Bruce into the mixup? But Harcourt laid a silencing hand on her shoulder. He ignored the blond man regarding them with skeptical amusement. “We must be off, Janice. Found orders here which will take us back at once.” Paxton laughed indulgently. “Don’t linger on my account, Jan. I know where to find you. Sent my boat up the coast; I am to join it by plane. Life may be real, life may be earnest in this wilderness, but I’ll bet by the time I arrive you’ll be fed up on it, be Reno-mind ed and raring to get back to the Great White Way.” Harcourt reached for him. Jan ice blocked his advance with all her strength. "Bruce! Bruce! Don’t make a scene here—please.” With a laugh and a mocking bow Paxton backed away. “I’m sorry. I’m terribly sorry. 1 didn’t know why I said it.” “Said what?” “That you—that I—oh. don’t make me repeat it. You know.” "Come.” He slipped his arm within hers and led her to the sunny room in which they had breakfasted. “Sit down, Janice. I want to talk to you.” Harcourt leaned against the table, arms crossed on his chest. “Although his name wasn’t men tioned I gathered that the man was Paxton?” she nodded assent. “Why did you barricade yourself behind a lie?” “Someone touched me on the shoulder. I looked up expecting to see Mr. Grant. When I saw Ned, a sense of unreasoning terror, panic, stampeded me. The world went into a tailspin. My one thought—if you can call my mental process thinking _was to put an unscalable wall be tween us. I had been so happy all morning—’’ “You had been happy?” “Gorgeously. When I looked up and saw that man it was like like a plunge back into the night mare of those weeks before you found my slipper. When he said that someone who had seen my pic ture in the paper had radioed him my whereabouts—” “Did he say who?” “No. When he said, ‘We’ll be married here,’ I heard a voice, which didn’t seem to be mine, re tort: ‘That would be awkward, be cause—well, because I am already married,’ and then he said—” “That being the case there is only one thing to be done now. Remember that yesterday I told you I had a plan? It won’t interfere in the least with your onward, upward business career. I tried to prepare you for it last evening when I hoisted that 'No Trespassing’ sign. I want you to marry me.” “No! No! No!” “It is the only way. You can’t go back to headquarters except as Mrs. Bruce Harcourt. Tubby’s gone for a notary public—luckily there is no flve-day marriage law in the north ern wilderness—when we get back we’ll announce that we set off this morning with every intention of be ing married, wanted to avoid fuss, etc., etc. Let’s try Miss Martha’s test. We will live in the same house for two months before the marriage decree becomes final. Get me? It won’t be any different from living with your brother Billy. If you dis cover at the end of that time that I appear at breakfast ready to bite, annulment is easy. We’ll be mod ern—call it trial companionship. Un derstand me? I will give you ten minutes in which to think it over." He opened die door, closed it be hind him. Janice tried to weigh the situation dispassionately. Suppose she consented to the plan Bruce advised? She would still be secretary to the outfit, do her share in opening up the great north coun try. Why shouldn’t she help as well as the Samp sisters, who were making history with their Waffle Shop? Life here thrilled her. A knock at the door. Had ten minutes passed already! Her heart shot to her throat and fanned its wings. She steadied her lips. "Come in.” Bruce Harcourt closed the door behind him. "Well?” Janice swallowed hard. "Don't stand there like a judge about to announce a life-sentence. I—I’ve de cided. I'm going—back.” “To New York?” "No. To—to headquarters.” "You understand that you go only as Mrs. Harcourt?" Something in Janice's heart snapped. "Of course I understand. You made it plain enough that you wouldn’t take Janice Trent back with you. I know that you don't really want me—I know that I'm tagging again—that I’m utterly self ish--but—I want to stay in Alaska. I can’t really hurt you by marrying you—temporarily, can I?” The tense gravity of his face broke in a smile. "No. You can’t really hurt me by marrying me.” He picked up the telephone. "Office? Harcourt speaking. Tell Mr. Grant that I am waiting for him.” The sense of unreality persisted through the civil ceremony, per formed by a short, fat little man who intoned through a r.ose pinched to compression by tortoise-shell eye glasses. A hand touched hers, slipped something on her finger. She met Bruce Harcourt’s eyes. Asked breathlessly: "Is it over?” He looked at her without answer ing. Grant and the notary said a few words of felicitation and depart ed. Harcourt released her hand. “Quite over. Now, Tubby will take you shopping. We haven't much time. I must get back to head quarters.” Resentment at the lightness of his tone, at the fact that he was eager to turn her over to his henchman, pricked at Janice’s not too steady nerves. How could he take the situation so lightly? “You speak as though you were in the habit of being married every day." “Not every day. Never before to a girl who was miles away during the ceremony, who didn't sense the fact that I existed.” Janice’s heart was twisted by contrition. “Bruce! Bruce! Forgive me. I was beastly. I was dazed, that was all, dazed. It came so suddenly Let's not start out as though we were going to fight and die over this. I’m not sorry I did it, really I’m not. I’d do it again this min ute." (TO BE CONTINUED i (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) First Signal Officer IN THE post library at Fort Mon *■ mouth, N. J., is a simple velvet covered box with an engraved plate which reads: "Compass and chain worn by Brigadier General Albert J. Myer. First Signal Officer, U. S. j Army. Presented by his daughter. Miss Gertrude Myer, through Major ! General Campbell B Hodges, by the Chief Signal Officer to the Com manding General, Fort Monmouth, March 3, 1942." This latest addi tion to the collection of early signal corps equipment at Fort Monmouth is a memorial to the man whose foresight and pioneering with flags and torches, during and after the Civil war, blared the way for the army’s streamlined signal communi cation systems. When 20-year-old Albert J. Myer j was graduated from Hobart college in his native state of New York in 1847, his graduation thesis was titled “A Sign Language for Deaf Mutes” and it contained the germ of the visual signaling system which he was to devise later. After his grad uation from Buffalo medical college, he practiced for three years. Then, in 1854, he was commissioned as sistant surgeon in the army and or dered to New Mexico. In the dry climate of the South west, where the clearness of the air made it possible to see objects at a great distance, Myer became enthu siastic over the possibilities of visual signaling and devoted his leisure hours to developing a simple sys tem. In 1858 the war department recognized the work of the young doctor by appointing a board to ex amine ‘‘the principles and plans of the signaling, mode of use in the field and course to be pursued in introducing to the army.” The next year John B. Floyd, President Buchanan’s secretary of war, com mended his system to congress which appropriated $2,000 for the “manufacture or purchase of ap paratus and equipment for field sig naling." It also authorized the ap pointment of one signal officer on the staff of the army with the rank and pay of a major of cavalry and on June 27, 1860, Assistant Surgeon Myer became Major Myer. The army’s first signal officer soon had an opportunity to demon strate the value of his system. He was detailed to duty with Gen. E. R. S. Canby’s expedition against the hostile Navajos in the Southwest, where an extensive test of his new system, using both flag and torch, proved a distinct success. The re sult was the opening of a signal school at Fortress Monroe, Va., un der his direction and at the outbreak of the War Between the States, Myer was called upon to organize signal communications in the Army of the Potomac. Immediately after the battle of Bull Run, he submitted a plan for a separate signal corps but it was not until March 3, 1863, that | this was done. Within a year he was no longer Major Myer but Colonel Myer, hav ing been brevetted lieutenant-colonel for gallantry at the battle of Han over Court House and colonel for similar services at Malvern Hill. By the time the war ended he had been brevetted brigadier general. After the war Colonel Myer, who had been relieved of duty as chief signal officer following a disagree ment with Secretary Stanton of the war department, was reappointed to that post by President Johnson. He succeeded in having West Point in clude signaling as a permanent part ■ of the cadet course and the naval academy at Annapolis also adopted his methods. Myer was pro moted brigadier-general on June 16, 1880, and died in Buffalo, N. Y., two months later, on August 24, while still on active duty in the service he had organized. Myer has another distinction which entitles him to the grateful remembrance of his fellow-Ameri cans—that of “Father of the Weath er Bureau." In 1869 he proposed that the peacetime activities of the signal corps be extended to in clude sending out storm warnings. He influenced congress to es tablish the United States weather bureau under the direction of the signal corps and during its first 10 years it was supervised by “Old Probabilities,” as Myer be came familiarly known all over the United States. New Fabrics and Designs Meet Increased Demand for Blouses By CHERIE NICHOLAS THE unprecedented rush for suits this spring is breathtaking. And with the acquiring of a new suit the one thing that never fails to happen is the sudden urge that comes upon one for a blouse ward robe that will perform the trick of changing the mood of one's suit as magically as a chameleon changes its color. The blouse program as set for the coming months is unusually versa tile. Starting off with trim tailored effects individualized with smart styling details, it continues to carry on in a brilliant way with stunning costume blouses of handsome (often spectacular) fabrics climaxed by a procession of exquisite fantasies of beguiling femininity. Blouse fabrics were never more interestingly varied as in this sea son, when modern textile ingenuity has reached a peak, especially in the matter of rayon weaves that leave nothing to be desired. Side by side, on the blouse hangers, you will find rayon materials including exotic bold-patterned print jerseys and acetate crepes, trim spun rayon shirtings in linen or challis finish, soft-bodied monotone crepes and an intriguing display of filmy sheers. Prints are creating a sensation in the field of sports blouses, done often in gay South American pat ternings and colorings. A blouse that stands pre-eminently at the front in the style parade is shown centered in the above illustration. It is the full-blown rose print that everybody is calling for. Note, espe cially, the big floppy bow tie at the neck. These bow fastenings are of outstanding interest this season, so watch bows! The long bishop sleeves are also important. Two chic tailored blouses (to the right above and below in the group) are noteworthy. The model at the top is a real “find." It is a classic in tailored simplicity, with the charm of a material, corded mar quisette, which is to be coveted not only for its prettiness, for joy of joy! it launders to perfection and as easily as a pocket handkerchief. This blouse is skillfully designed with a fitted waistband for either tuck-in or over-blouse wear. Exquisite handwork finishing off all edges in contrast color is a nice trimming accent for the beautiful tailored blouse in snowy acetate rayon crepe shown just below this blouse in the above illustration. I Note the stud-fastened cuffs and be coming turn-back neck. A giant jabot (jabots are conver sation pieces this season) is very flattering at the front of the fresh spring blouse shown below to the left in the above picture. It is designed of fine rayon marquisette for smart suit wear. Note the flowers in her hair. The wearing of flowers in this manner is an approved fashion, even in the daytime if occasion warrants. An effect of fragile feminine charm is achieved by the use of filmy rayon chiffon and fine lace edging for the exquisite lingerie blouse shown above to the left in the illustration. It features the new and extremely smart long bishop sleeves together with a high-low ruffled neckline which may be fas tened primly under the chin for suit wear or opened low for dress-up moments. A blouse that should be included in every wardrobe for formal wear is the long-torso type of handsome rayon flower print in gorgeous colors. (Released by Westsrn Newspaper Union.! Doubly Smart Yes, you are seeing double! Matching boutonnieres of fresh flow ers, one on each lapel, make a nov el decoration on smart new suits this spring. This is a style recom mended to out-of-town beaux who will want to wire greetings that will outshine local competition. If it’s a single corsage she wants for her new spring costume, camellias, gardenias and combinations of variegated colorings are all good guesses. Daisies and violets, as pic tured above, make charming twin lapel pieces. The Flowers That Bloom On Your Dress, Tra-La! Among the highlighted fabrics for spring, smooth surfaces predomi nate. The worsteds are particular ly smart, as this spring is starting oft in a decidedly tailored manner. Faille, wool jersey and knits con tinue strong. This season’s prints glory in nov elty and color. Important are the new butterfly prints, the lace-pat terned types and gorgeous florals. Amusing, also, are the vegetable prints, cabbage roses in full bloom and the apple motifs. There are more plaids, stripes and checks than ever, and the '‘dotted” theme per sists. Bows Run Rampant Over Necklines and Pockets Necklines are having a frilly time of it this spring. Jabots are as frothy and white as snow drifts, or fleecy clouds on a summer day. Col lar and cuff sets In pastel blues or pinks are ever so good this season. There's also a rush for huge, softly tied bows or sprightly butterfly ties. Bows also trim pockets and cuffs and are posed at the shoulder. In fact, bows are apt to light anywhere on one’s costume and be fashion right. , Loose Curls No tight curls, all extremely loose and very feminine looking, is the new fashion edict. Shorter bobs are assured, always with an easy-to manage promise. Pompadour ver sions will continue to be worn and the “trick” is to wear your hat back to show the pompadour. Pattern No. 220. V"OU’LL love to show these * linens off! And they’re such fun to embroider in lovely colors and edge with crochet! Although simple to do, you’ll be proud of sheet, pillow case or scarf deco rated this way. • • * Pattern No. 220 contains a transfer pat tern of a 634xl7% and two 5%xl3 inch motifs; materials required; illustrations of stitches; directions for edging. Send your order to; Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. 82 Eighth Ave. New York Enclose 15 cents (plus one cent to cover cost of mailing) for Pattern No. Name... Address... Fast Driving A recent study, made to deter mine the cost of operating an auto mobile at a low and a high speed, revealed that, when two identical cars are driven over the same 1,000-mile course, one at 25 and the other at 65 miles an hour, the latter consumes 60 per cent more gasoline and 800 per cent more oil and causes 700 per cent more wear on the tires. Older folks say it’s common sense. • AU-VECETABLE LAXATIVE • In NR (Nature's Remedy) Tablets, there are no chemicals, no minerals, no phenol derivatives. NR Tablets are dif ferent—act different. Purely vegetable—a combination of 10 vegetable ingredients formulated over 50 years ago. Uncoated or candy coated, their action is depend able, thorough, yet gentle, as millions of NR’s have proved. Get a 25# box today ... or larger economy size. MR T0-MI0HT; TOMORROW ALRIGHT IO&ue. jy CAMPY y COATED IrBEGULAB! More Raleigh Jingles Raleigh Cigarettes are again offering liberal prizes in a big jingle contest to be run in this paper. One hundred and thirty three prizes will be awarded each week.—Adv. CORNS CO FAST rain goes quick, corns speedily removed when you use thin, soothing, cushioning Dr. Scholls Ztno-pads. Try them I ADVERTISING • ADVERTISING represents the leadership oi a nation. It points the way. We merely follow—follow to new heights of comfort, of convenience, of happiness. As time goes on advertis ing is used more and more, and as it is used more we all profit more. It's the way advertising has — of bringing a profit to everybody concerned, the consumer included