The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 09, 1942, Image 1

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    Neb. State Historical Society
11 ■ 1
By Romaine Saunders
And what has become of that
“poker-playing, whiskey drinking
evil old man,” John Nance Gar
Good news for the youngsters.
A shortage of castor oil is an
nounced. Understand there is
still ample supply of molasses and
Federal authorities have seized
a railroad in Illinois. Why not
seize the picket lines of men
that were holding up the train
service on the road,
Out in the far Pacific an Ameri
can gunner knocked an enemy
bombing plane out of the clouds
more than five miles high.. A
realistic variation of the story
someone told of two Scotchmen—
or were they Irish—who saw a
gent at night looking at the sky
through a telescope when a star
fell, ”Say,” remarked on to
the other, “that fellow is a good
Complicated masses of official
machinery—production boards,
allotment chiefs, heads of this
and administrators of that, officers
of corps areas, supernumeraries
from departments, rubber co-or
dinators, and so on have got us
into an hysterical flutter gather
ing pant legs, tin cans, waste
paper, toothpaste tubes, broken
stove legs and laying out victory
gardens. For the “duration, we
wade into it in dead earnest, but
they better not try it on us after
Many communities show fewer
applications for renewal of saloon
license and in some instance ap
plicants have taken refuge be
hind a skirt. Recent years have
developed in the public schools
scientific study of the effect of
alcoholic beverages. This doubt
less has its effect on the supply
of recruits for the saloon. Back
in the 80’s there was widespread
“signing the pledge” and some
thing similar to this seems to be
again at work. The tribe of the
Rechabites is on the increase.
The demand of movie patrons
in some quarters for the exclusion
of the pictures of the lone figure
from Hollywood who has. gone
into a concentration camp of con
sciencious objectors to bearing
arms is tangible evidence that
these patrons of the great amuse
ment industry make of it also a
school of contempt for any so un
fortunate as to have a conscience.
It is a surprise to some that con
science has survived with one
young man in that colony of the
much married, and that he is
willing to pay a price shows it is
There is a rattling of the dry
bones among the anti-liquor
forces, who are asking that intoxi
cants be at least kept from our
fighting forces. There are good
citizens who seem to think that
access to a drink with a kick is
essential to life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness. All of this
has come to me in large measure
through a long life from pioneer
to settled society and I have yet
to take the first alcoholic drink.
It is too late in life now to start.
It is not so much the distillers
and the old soaks that stand in
the way of a federal dry law as it
is the tax money flowing into the
Forty-eight enemy subs sunk.
In the diobolical program of war
the sub and the spy are the
crowning agencies to be feared
and despised. Forty-eight sunk,
doubtless many more since this
announcement—sharks of the
deep cruising the waters for
murderous thrust in the dark.
We say their destruction is just
retribution. Down they go
human freight with them—if
mankind that has sold itself to the
occupation of an assassin can still
be said to be human. Men sunk
to the oceans’ vast depth; broken,
bleeding, frozen, dead and dying
bodies of men; fathers, mothers,
children, bombed, bereaved of
home, sons, daughters, parents;
property, treasures of the ages
gone. When will the reeking
horrors of madness end?
Among publishers dealing with
church activities, wordly enter
prise, fun and frolic and a bit of
propaganda thrown in, recently
{fsent me by friends, is the St.
Annual Convention Of
Highway 20 Association
In Idaho Falls Next Month
The Third Annual Convention
of the National Highway 20 Asso
ciation will be held at Idaho Falls,
Idaho, on Monday and Tuesday
on May 25, 26, 1042.
A good will caravan will leave
Sioux City, Iowa, on Saturday,
May 23, 1942, at 7 a. m., and will
go west over Highway 20. No
stops will be made on the trip
west, except at Ainsworth, where
they will stop for lunch and will
then go w’est to Lusk, Wyoming,
where they will spend the night.
On Sunday. May 24. they will
leave Lusk at 7 a. m., arrive at
Thermopolis, Wyoming, at noon
for lunch and will then go to
Jackson, Wyoming, where they
will spend the night. They will
leave Jackson. Wyoming at 7 a. m.
on Monday, May 25, to Idaho Falls,
arriving there at 1 p. m. In all
towns between Jackson and Idaho
Falls the Caravan will stop for
fifteen minutes in each town on
the way.
The last National Convention of
Highway 20 was held in this city
and it is possible there will be a
delegation of O’Neill citizens at
the meeting at Idaho Falls next
The housing committee requests
that all who have a room or rooms
available for those attending the
musical contest on April 17 and
18 report to the persons whose
names appear in this notice.
The allowance will be 50 cents
per person each night. Report to
Public School, No. 63, Mrs. J. D.
Osenbaugh, phone No. 43, St.
Mary’s Academy, phone No. 124.
A garbage wagon, operated and
paid for by the city under the
control of the city, will pick up
garbage in the city on every Tues
day and Friday during the sum
mer months, visiting all sections
of the city. This service will
start tomorrow morning, April
10, 1942.
The Weather
Date H. L
April 2 -72 35
April 3_-51 32
April 4 -73 35
April 5 ---69 32
April 6_32 32
April 7 -42 31
April 8-41 23
April 9-51 26
Trace of Moisture for the week
Petersburg Pilot of St. Petersburg,
Florida, mailed to me by Mrs.
W. H. Stein of 6916 Coldwater
Canyon Ave., North Hollywood,
Calif., where she and family
moved from O’Neill. The Pilot
has made use of two paragraphs
from this column, one of which
was given proper credit, but those
are the least interesting of the
several features that make up the
publication devoted to the comj
munity’s tourist interests. I am
always glad to be remembered
by friends of the Breezes in this
way or by letter, and again sug
gest they bear in mind my address
is Atkinson, not Amelia.
“And they were both righteous
before God, walking in all the
commandants and ordinances of
the Lord blameless.” How many
can* raise their hands and say,
"That’s Us.” I can’t—not yet.
Of the uncounted multitudes of
men and women who have trod
life’s rugged way, only to the par
ents of John the Baptist has this
clean bill been given. Rather
a sad commentary on the record
of the ages. One former acquaint
ance laid claim to measuring up
to that standard. His earthly
record has long since been closed,
so it is not a violation of the
memory of an old timer to say
'Squire Slattery gave me this bit
of startling information as applied
to himself and confirmed it on
more than one occasion as he sat
pegging the sole of a boot in that
somewhat intriguing little cobb
ler’s shop on lower Fourth street.
Is the goal of such attainment
a full measure of contentment or
a dignified humility? Whatever
the ‘squire’s attainments may have
been in this respect he was always
in a jovial mood and his cheerful
outlook on life seemed as a bit of
balm when on the weary rounds
of news gathering his little shop
was visited. If such a word as
quoted at the opening of this para
graph is merited in the lives of
any father and mother it must be
spoken by Another.
A disastrous fire at the Carr
ranch, just west of Ewing, last
Friday caused damage estimated
at between $4,000.00 and $5,000.00
partially covered by insurance.!
In fact it is hard to estimate the
damage, as there was much mach- )
inery destroyed that will be hard
to replace, and the prices they will 1
have to pay now to replace the
destroyed property will be much
higher then what was paid for the
old machinery, if they will be |
able to replace.
The fire was between 1:30 and |
2:00 o’clock. Mrs. Mary Tomjack
was doing some cleaning at the .
house as Mr. and Mrs. Max Wan
ser were to move therein in a
week or so, and already had some i
| of their goods stored in one of the
1 sheds that burned. Mrs. Max Was
ser was out there that morning !
and had taken her son, Terry, ]
and Robert Tomjack, son of Mrs.
Tomjack out there for the day, |
and she returned to her home in
Ewing. The boys went up in the
hayloft, which was full of hay and
while playing Terry lit a match
and the place was soon in flames.
The boys got out of the barn and
then hid in a grove near the house.
When Mrs. Tomjack descovered
the fire the barn was about ready
to crumble and then she could
not find the boys and was afraid
that they were in the barn, but
in a short time she located the
boys safe and sound.
In addition to the barn, which
was a large structure with a
large haymow filled with hay, a
grainery, with considerable grain,
tool shop, light plant and several
other small buildings were de
stroyed. Boys will be boys and
they always will, but this should
be a lesson to other youngsters that
matches are not safe play things.
The two young boys must have
acted quickly to get out of the
building after the start of the fire
or in a short time they would have
been overcome by smoke and the
fire might have had a tragic end- j
Boys Beware Of Light
Wires WTien Flying Kites
Boys will be boys and spring!
is the season for kite flying, but
to gain the greatest pleasure from ;
the sport, certain safety rules!
must be observed to avoid acci- j
dents. Such is the opinion of,
E. C. Hild, safety director for
Consumers Public Power District.
One of the .first and most im
portant rules is to fly kites in
open lots or fields and away from
electric or other kinds of wires, j
If this rule is disregarded, and a
kite becomes entangled in the
wires, Hild states emphatically
that the kite flyer should not at
tempt to climb a pole or in any
other manner attempt to free the
kite. Serious accidents can re
sult from such an effort.
Another good rule to follow is
never to use string with wire
entwined in it or to use any wire
as a connection between the kite
string and the kite itself. String
of this type becomes a carrier of j
electricity should the kite happen
to fall across an electric wire.
“Still another safety practice to
follow is to avoid crossing streets
or highways while flying kites.
If it becomes necessary to cross
streets or highways always look
both ways for approaching traf
fic and thus eliminate the danger
or traffic accidents,” said Hild.
Kite flying is an age old sport,
and still holds the fascination of
man and boy 'alike, despite the
almost common sight of airplanes
in flight. But kite flying, to be
a safe pastime, must have certain
reasonable “don’ts,” and Mr. Hild
believes the foregoing should be
placed on every kite enthusiast’s
“must” list under “Dad’s” guid
Owners of dogs are notified that1
the dog license for the coming!
year is past due and we urge all
owners of dogs secure license for!
their pets on or before April 15,
1942, after that date all dogs
not wearing tags will be destroy
ed. License tags can be obtained
from the Chief of Police or the
city clerk.
Cheif of Police.
Mr .and Mrs. Robert Schulz and
Mr. and Mrs. John Halva attended
a card party at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Schmidt, northeast
[of this city, Wednesday evening.
jAn enjoyable time is reported.
Order Number Of 3rd Registration
(Continued From Last Week) .
Order Seriel Name And Address
No. No.
10783 T361 Pete P. Bonenberger, Atkinson.
10713 T362 Leslie I Knepper, O'Neill.
1971a T363 Thomas G. Slattery, Atkinson.
10197 T364 Coy E. Brittell, Chambers.
10140 T365 Walter J. Welsh, Emmet.
10847 T366 Ellis L. Scholz, Chambers.
10677 T367 Lincoln U. Hamilton, Atkinson.
10312 T368 Orville Thorson, O’Neill.
10018 T369 Elwin O. Neal, Dorsey.
10550 T370 Gustav F. Rohrs, Atkinson.
10931 T371 Walter D. Puckett, Emmet.
10851 T372 William E. Buxton, Star.
10840 T373 Emil H. Klipphanhn, Ewing.
10457 T374 Lloyd Dan Brennanman, Ewing.
10810 T375 Hugh J. McManus, O’Neill,
10930 T376 Carl Schulz, Atkinson.
10734 T377 Dana E. Lines, Inman.
10237 T378 Earl R. Closson, O’Neill.
10537 T379 Elvon H. Chace, Atkinson.
10921 T380 Edwin J. Engler, Stuart.
10305 T381 Gerold WJ. Herrick, Stuart.
19779 T382 Donald E. Tewell, Atkinson.
10427 T383 Elmer O. Ross, O’Neill.
10929 T384 William B. Gilman, Amelia.
10886 T385 Bill King. Butte.
10647 T386 John J. Bruner, Amelia.
10188 T387 William J. White Dorsey.
10388 T388 Otto Gloor, Atkinson.
10686 T389 George Schiffern, Stuart.
10803 T390 Louis J. Prussa, Stuart.
10722 T391 Ralph N. Leidy, O’Neill.
10149 T392 Edward Zahradnicek, Stuart.
10731 T393 Harold L Lindberg, O’Neill.
10706 T394 Elvin E. Harley, Atkinson.
10306 T395 Charles H. Dugan, Atkinson.
10690 T396 Lee H. Lienhart, Ewing.
10355 T397 Henry Albrecht, Atkinson.
10126 T398 Ray C. Sanderson, Chambers.
10493 T399 Theodore N. Heinouwski, Emmet
10308 T400 Ralph M. Carey, Middlebranch.
10815 T401 Leonard E. Fix, Atkinson.
10396 T402 Cashmere P. Turay, O’Neill.
10299 T403 Marcus D. Fox, Atkinson.
10687 T404 Kenneth J. Kestenholtz, Inman.
10176 T405 Orval E. Conner, Page.
10251 T406 Alfred W. Conner, Page.
10399 T407 William Troshynski, Atkinson.
10900 T408 Floyd Ritts, O’Neill.
10813 T409 Harold L. Banta, Page.
10162 T410 Raymond E. Hoxsie, Middlebranch.
10744 T411 Bernard T. Hynes, O’Neill.
10589 T412 Leon A. Beckwith, Emmet.
10352 T413 George H. Geary, Inman.
10862 T414 William E. Clyde, O’Neill.
10479 T415 Lester O. Wood, Atkinson.
10800 T416 Frank A. Murray, Amelia.
10354 T417 Ransom G. Rockey, Ewing.
10060 T418 Herbert E. Urban, O’Neill.
10387 T419 Edward O. Skudler, Amelia.
10797 T420 Delance T. Withers, Atkinson.
10141 T421 Fwsncis N. Cronin, O'Neill.
10252 T422 Dwight I. Harder, O’Neill.
10223 T423 Hans C. Lauridsen, Atkinson.
10534 T424 Julius P. Brown, O’Neill.
10852 T425 Vernon R. Parks. Page.
10290 T426 Owen N. Parks, Page.
10721 T427 Leo G. Vanderback, Stuart.
10541 T428 Verne E. Slaymaker, Atkinson.
10638 T429 Charles Cole, Atkinson.
10095 T430 William J. Murphy, O’Neill.
10664 T431 Raymond M. Shaffer, Atkinson.
10881 T432 Theodore S. Zebrowski, O’Neill.
10867 T433 Fred W. Roth, Atkinson.
10710 T434 Myron W. Rutledge, Ewing.
10697 T435 Merlin C. Quigley. O’Neill.
10397 T436 Bart E. Hickey, O’Neill.
1C073 T437 Carl F. Hoppe, Atkinson.
10663 T438 Leonard K. Devall, O’Neill.
10224 T439 Lyman G Robertson, Chambers.
10784 T440 Ralph S. Allyn, Stuart.
10001 T441 Denzel L. Snyder. Atkinson.
10081 1442 Frank Nekolite, O’Neill.
10759 T443 Gerald K. Barnes, Stuart.
10254 T444 Dorsey F. Hieter, Dustin.
10036 T445 Duane L. Domina, Atkinson.
10275 T446 Harold J. Parks. Page.
10794 T447 Edward J. Dumpert, O’Neill.
10753 T448 Frank Kohle, Stuart.
10597 T449 George E. Green, Atkinson.
10456 T450 Carlton B. Putman, Atkinson.
10298 T451 Orville R. Lowry, O’Neill.
10076 T452 Cliinton A. Townsend, Page.
10836 T453 Dale A. Butterfield, Atkinson.
10866 T454 Emmett M. Thompson, Page.
10618 T455 Roy F. Mack, Atkinson.
10414 T456 Homer B. Maring, Emmet.
10316 T457 Frank C. Enbody, Atkinson.
10205 T458 Orville L. Kellar, Chambers.
10017 T459 Arthur P. Regal, Atkinson.
10865 T460 Vernon L. Smith, Chambers.
10696 T461 Glenn C. Fry, Atkinson.
10273 T462 Rudolph F. Jackson, Stuart.
10365 T463 Alphonse A. Lehmen, Atkinson.
10248 T464 Abie B. Fanz, Stuart.
10700 T465 Herman A. Klingler, O’Neill.
10894 T466 Erwin Siegler, Atkinson.
10555 T467 Robert L. Lowery, O’Neill.
10161 T468 Charles M. Mulford, Stuart.
10487 T469 Louis F. Siebert, Atkinson.
10411 T470 Samuel D. Norton, Stuart.
10327 T471 John A. Heying, Atkinson.
10325 T472 Alfred W. Martens, Atkinson.
10792 T473 Ray W. White, Atkinson.
10041 T474 Albert C. Lemmer, Atkinson.
10147 T475 Harry F. Appleby, Inman.
10038 T476 John E. Dood, Stuart.
10630 T477 Clyde E. Murphy, Atkinson.
10802 T478 Darel E. Bright. O’Neill.
10153 T479 Richard Julius Rakowski, O’Neill.
10444 T480 James W. Sobotka, Inman.
19382 T481 Harold L Dorr, Page,
10895 T482 Merl J. Benton, Ewing.
10718 T483 Ervin W. Sanders, Spencer.
10242 T484 Uriah C. Davis, Stuart.
10025 T485 Frank E. Clements, O’Neill.
10619 T486 Ralph L. Hughes, Dorsey.
10653 T487 William E. Starr, Ewing.
10393 T488 Francis E. Slaight, Dorsey.
10737 T439 George F Tracy, Atkinson.
10246 T490 Harry Donohoe, O'Neill.
10514 T491 Walter A. Woeppel, Ewing.
10381 T492 Laurence P. Hayes, Atkinson.
10023 T493 Thomas Maring, Atkinson.
10831 T494 Jack M. Barr, Page.
10580 T495 Ezra Ernest Allen, Page,
10447 T496 Ed Wrevinger, Ewing.
10177 T497 Charley Albert Mlinar, Atkinson.
10207 T498 Anton J. Weichman, Atkinson.
10342 T499 Oscar Hansen, O’Neill.
10739 T500 Orville M. Fisher, Stuart.
10624 T501 Floyd T. Osborne, Atkinson.
10449 T502 Emil W. Block, Jr., O’Neill.
10742 T503 Alfred A. Walter, Chambers.
10107 T504 George Kruse, Dorsey.
10880 T505 John L. Hawk, Ewing.
10902 T506 Edward J. Jauering, Stuart.
10222 T507 Wilbur L. Coleman, O’Neill. ✓ ”
10876 T508 Lester Ritts, O’Neill. /’
(Continued on page 4) <f
St. Mary’s Grade
Basketball Players
Finish Great Season
The Saint Mary's grades finish
ed their greatest season in years
when they won the invitation
grade tournament here at O'Neill.
They beat O’Neill grades in the
finals 16 to 5, and the other games
were also won by very deceisive
scores. Three men, French, Bak
er and Merriman combined to
build a great team. Saint Mary's
won 8 out of 11 games and in
return games beat the three teams
who had defeated them. Froelich,
Baker and Merriman also lead in
the point making. Froelich had
53, Baker was close behind witn
52 and Merriman had 39. When
these boy’s get to high school they
will probably have a very good
team. This season was the best
for the grades except in 1932
when they went through unde
USO Being Organized
By Holt County Citizens
During the month of May, a
drive will be conducted through
out the nation to collect funds for
the United Service Organization,
known as the USO. Holt County
citzens will be asked to contribute
to this fund.
What is the USO? It is an or
ganization of service units. Dur
ing the last war the service units
which served the army were the
Y. M. C. A., Salvation Army,
Knights of Columbus, Jewish
Welfare and some others. Dur
ing the present war these organi
zations will be combined in what
is now known as the United Ser
vice Organization or USO.
What does the USO do? In
every camp where soldiers are
station a club house will be erect
ed and the USO will function.
Its duties are to build morale a
mong troops. It will organize
athletic events for soldiers in
spare time, such as football, bas
ketball, baseball, volley ball and
other games. It will conduct
moving picture shows, state pro
ductions, radio programs and
organize theatrical events among
the troops. The club houses will
be equipped with radios, pool
tables, bowling alleys in some
cases, and will be the center of
entertainment for soldiers in lies
ure time.
This phase of the army is most
important. As a rule camps are
located in places adjacent to small
towns where soldiers find it very
difficult to obtain proper enter
tainment. Naturally, boys who
are inducted into the army are
lonesome and homesick. In that
frame of mind it is impossible
for them to give their best efforts
to the strenuous work they have
to do. The United Service Or
ganization plays a great part in
building morale and lifting newly
inducted soldiers from the lone
some feeling which overcomes all
recruits in the army.
Holt County has been assigned
a quota of $500.00 for this worthy
cause. All of us are aware of the
tremendous obligation we owe
the splendid boys who have gone
into the army. We all want to do
something for them. The Red
Cross, a wonderful organization,
takes care of the welfare and
medical phase o# the troops and
their relatives. The USO takes
care of clean entertainment,
strives to make the soldiers happy
in their work. Holt County citi
zens have oversubscribed their
quota in the Red Cross drive and
they will not be found wanting
in this contribution to a fund
which will bring pleasure and
happiness to their soldiers.
USO officials have named Ed
ward M. Gallagher Holt County
Chairman and within the next
week committees will be selected
to conduct the drive.
Following is a list of the chair
men appointed to organize com
mittees in their respective localit
ies to function in the Holt county
USO drive which will commence
about May 11, 1942:
Atkinson—Ralph Kelly
O’Neill—Rev. V. C. Wright
Chambers—Clair Grimes
Ewing—Lyle P. Dierks
Inman—Earl Watson.
Emmet—Guy Cole
Page—C. A. Townsend Jr.
Stuart—F. P. Ulrich.
The following donations have
been received by local Red Cross
officers the past week:
Tena Kaczor-T... — $1.00
Mrs. Minnie Bay-1.00
Mrs. Freda Bergland-5.00
David Isaason- - 100
Subscribe for The Frontier
One of the quietest elections in
this city in several years was that
held last Tuesday and one of ihe
lightest votes cast in several years
was cast.
The total vote cast was 189, out
of a possible 1100. There was no
contest for any of the offices,
which accounted for the very light
vote. Following is the total
vote cast in the several wards and
the vote for each of the candid
First Ward—
Votes Cast 95
Mayor Kersenbrock - 77
Clerk Porter -— 82
Treasurer Quinn - 82
Police Judge Switzer-68
Councilman Rakowski-65
For Members Board of Education
Winchell ____ ■— 78
Second Ward—
Votes Cast 27
Mayor Kersenbrock - 21
Clerk Porter-27
Treasurer Quinn-24
Police Judge Switzer- 24
Councilman Alfs- 26
For Members Board of Education
j Birmingham_ 27
Third Ward—
Votes Cast 67
Mayor Kersenbrock_67
j Clerk Porter- 64
Treasurer Quinn -60
, Police Judge Switzer- 59
Councilman Johnson-64
For Members Board of Education
Birmingham -40
Bert Brennan And
Meredith G. McKenna
To Attend Boys State
The two O’Neill boys who will
attend Boys State this year have
; been selected and they will at
tend the Camp which will be
held in Lincoln the last week in
May. The boys selected, one by
the O’Neill Commercial Club and
the other by the American Legion.
One is from St. Mary’s Academy
and is a Junior in that institution
of learning. The other, selected
by the American Legion, is a
Junior in the O’Neill High school.
The boys are: Bert Brennan, son
of Col. and Mrs. F. M. Brennan,
a student at St. Mary’s, the other
is Meredith Gene McKenna, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKenna.
Congratulations boys on your
selection and we hope you will
have a fine time at the Boys
Marriage Licenses
Frederick Jansen, Jr., of Atkin
son, and Miss Loretta Timmerman
of Stuart, on April 4, 1942.
Lloyd Lewis Evans and Edrie
May Aldridge, of Atkinson, on
April 7, 1942.
Hospital Notes
Mrs. Erde Renner, a boy, Sun
day April 5.
Mrs. Earl Bollen of Pagt, a boy,
Friday, April 3.
Godfrey Hunt of Chambers dis
missed Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kruger of
Inman, a boy, Saturday, April 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole, a girl,
Monday, April 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bollen of
Page, a boy, Friday, April 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Erde Renner, a
boy, Sunday, April 5.
Will Organize County
Council Of Boy Scouts
A meeting was held at the
Golden Hotel last Tuesday even
ing, attended by about twenty
four citizens of this county and
a few from Spencer, all on invi
tation, for the purpose of discuss
ing the organization of a County
Council Boy Scouts. Bob Akin,
of Lincoln, represented the Nat
ional organization at the meet
ing and Judge Lyle Jackson, who
has taken an active interest in
the Boy Scout movement in his
own county of Antelope, for sev
eral years, was also present.
At this meeting it was decided
to have a Council organized in
this county, a meeting for that
purpose to be called at a later
date. Judge Mounts was elected
president of the Boy Scouts for
the county and Ted McElhaney,
vice chairman.
Miss Ruby Edlund spent the
week-end in Holdrege visiting
relatives and friends.