EMMET ITEMS Emmet residents were without electric power from Wednesday night when the storm hit us until early Sunday morning. The lights weren't so bad as most everyone could dig up an old Kerosene lamp from the attic, or like some of the up to date ones rig up an electric light from a car battery a few lenghts of wire and a bulb from the car headlight but the ones who depend on the power for heat and water were pretty uncomfort able for those days, Ms. John Conard spent Tues day in Inman helping her mother prepare to move to Atkinson. Tom Welsh is moving to his new' place near Chambers. Ne braska. Charlie Fox is assisting him. John Conard and Guy cole at tended the boxing matches in O'Neill Monday and Tuesday eve ning. Grant Peacock was sick with the flu last week. Ladies Aid postponed the meet ing last week because of the storm. Anthony O'Donnell broke his arm Monday. While in Atkinson he slipped on the ice on the street. INMAN NEWS Miss Virginia Watson is now located in Ann's Beauty Shop, in O'Neill, as a Beauty Operator. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder of Atkinson, Lee Markley of Scott City. Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dodd and son Lowell, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buxton of Stuart were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Davis on Sunday. All are relatives of Mrs. Davis. The Harmony Club and their husbands, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jacox Saturday night. The evening was pleasant ly passed playing various games, after which lunch was served. Mrs. Anspach and Helen moved to Atkinson Wednesday, where they will make their home. Mrs. Anspach rented her house here to Tom Hutton, who for years has lived in the depot. The Hutton’s moved Wednesday. Word has been received by rel atives and friends of Johnnie Bronkhorst, that he is stationed near Stockton, California, in the Air Field Squadron. Mrs. James Coventry, Mrs. Kenneth Smith and Mrs. James Gallagher, entertained their bridge club at a dinner party Thursday evening March 27th at the home of Mrs. James Coventry. Scores for couples had been kept, during the winter, the losers en tertained the winners. This hap pened to be one of the night last week, when Inman was out of electricity, so the tables were lighted with candles. Much merri ment was caused when guests, were given gloves to wear, dur ing one hand of bridge during an other hand they were given suckers, which were not to be taken out of their mouths during that hand. Several prizes were given to couples. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Watson were guests of the club, and received the guest prize which was one dozen eggs. Miss Lois Moor arrived home Thursday, from Beatrice, where she teaches, to spend the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moor. Miss Ardith Smith and Miss Dorothy Sobotka came home Thursday from Wayne, where they are attending college, to spend their Easter vacation with their parents. Mrs. John Conard of Emmet spent part of Tuesday here, help ing her mother. Mrs. Anspach get ready to move. Mr. and Mrs. Ermand Keyes entertained a group of friends at their home Wednesday even ing. Pre-Easter services were held in the Methodist church on Tues day and Wednesday nights, con ducted by the pastor, Rev. E. B. Maxcy. Mrs. Walter Jacox left for In dependence, Missouri. Thursday, where she will attend the con ference of the L. D. S. church which will be in session there during the coming week. Clifford Ransom of Norfolk made a business trip here Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller of Neligh, drove up Tuesday even ing to see Mrs. Millers mother. Mrs. Jessie McClurg, who is here the home of her son. Warren Mc Clurg. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller, spent Sunday* in Neligh at the home of their son. Harold and family. CARD OF THANKS We desire to extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors who were so kind to us following the death of our beloved wife, mother and sister. Your kindness will] ever be held in grateful rememb rance.—William Storts and Child ren; Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hershiser. NOTICE Bids will be received by the city clerk of the City of O’Neill on or before April 8. 1942. for one car of distolite to be delivered to the city plant in O'Neill. C. W. PORT£R. C.ty Clerk. BRIEFLY STATED Harold Hunt of Omaha, a stud ent at Creighton University, came Wednesday evening to spend Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Hunt. Mrs. Pete Hertford entertained the Pinochle Club at her home Friday afternoon. High score was won by Mrs. Nora Knapp. E. P. “Chick’’ Gaines and John Slate of the Travelers Insurance Company of Omaha, were in O’ Neill Wednesday on business. Miss Genevieve Biglin and Arthur King went to Sioux City, Iowa, Wednesday after Mrs. King. Mrs. Wm. Turner and daughter. Mrs. Wm. Thomson of Chambers came to O'Neill Thursday, where Mrs. Thomson took the bus for Norfolk, where she will visit and Mrs. Turner visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson here before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Harty spent Thursday in Sioux City, Iowa. _____ Last Weeks - Ms. Tom Coyne visited her sis t *r, Mrs. L. W. O’Malley at Cham ters Monday. ___ Miss Maxine Cotton left Sun day for Long Beach, California, t) visit friends. Miss Frances Yocum returned Sunday from Fremont, where she has been several weeks visiting relatives. — Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk went ta St. Charles, S. D., Sunday to visit Mrs. Shierk’s mother, Mrs. Marie Petranek. _ W. W. Derrick, of the Extension Service of Lincoln, was here Tuesday on business. Russel Stout of Grant spent the week-end at the home of his bro- J ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lyndle Stout. — Albert Derickson returned to Fort Knox, Kentucky, today after spending a ten day furlough from the U. S. Army, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Derickson fit Star. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Allendorfer and daughter, went to Newport Saturday to visit Mrs. Allendor fer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. CASH TO LOAN! -ON AUTOMOBILES PROMPT and COURTEOUS SERVICE Central Finance Co. C. E. Jones. Manager. First National Bank Biulding O’NeilL Nebraska. Farms For Sale Any Part Of Boyd County Terms Reasonable. Call CARL MILLS Spencer, Nebraska Lane. Mr. AHendorfer returned home Sunday and Mrs. Allendor fer and daughter, remained for a longer visit G. C. DeBacker was in Norfolk last Thursday and Friday on busi ness, Eldon Prawitz left Wednesday for Stanton, Omaha and Lincoln where he will visit relatives and friends for a week, before leav- j mg for the U. S. Army on April 3. _ Miss Jean Biglin returned home1 Sunday from Omaha and Lincoln. ■ where she had visited for several cays with friends. Mrs. Ruth Hughes left Sunday for her home at Denver, Colorado,j after being here for the past three j Order Numbers Of Third Registration (Continued from page 1.) Order Seriel Name And Address No. No. 1042S T295 Thomas J. Davis. Inman. 10600 T^6 Gordon G. Barta, Redbird. 10046 T297 Richard W. Bollwitt, Ewing. 10262 T298 Earl G. Smith, Ewing. 10567 T299 Henry F. Reimer, O’Neill. 10261 T300 Joseph Kast Kmiecik, Orchard. 10634 T301 Elmer S. Berger, Stuart. i'>451 T302 Francis J. Pribil, O'Neill. 10636 T303 Berlin Mitchell, Stuart. iU332 T304 V. liliani F. McTaggart, Stuart. 10340 T305 George W. Conaru. Inman. 10672 T306 James M. McMahon, Inman. 10772 T307 Peter Nichols James Weber, O’Neill. 10075 T308 Wesley C. Taylor, O'Neill. 10130 T309 Lawrence G. Slaymaker, Atkinson. 10189 T310 Robert E. LeMunyon, Atkinson. ii»5t:3 1311 Clyde L. Wilson, O’Neill. 10695 T312 Lawrence L. Thurlow, Atkinson. 10919 T313 Frederick Conrad Kramer, Stuart. 10660 T314 Walter P. Elley, Atkinson. 10924 T315 Warren M. Woepple, Ewing. 10442 T316 John F. Warner, Atkinson. 10377 T317 March E. Warner, Atkinson. 10331 T318 Leslie G. Summers, Page. 10297 T319 Charles Mitchel, Atkinson. 10679 T320 Joseph F. Peter, O'Neill. 10392 T321 William John Sehi, Clearwater. 10601 T322 Frank L. Johnson, Atkinson 10770 T323 Clifford C. Orr, Dustin. 10020 T324 John A. Peter. O’Neill. 10J95 T325 Edward W. Geseriech, Atkinson. 10674 T326 Woodrow' D. Melena, O’Neill. 10462 T327 Robert A. Ballantyne, Page, 10376 T328 LorDnzo D. Harrington, Amelia. 10829 T329 Edward J. Kramer, Atkinson. 10333 T330 Frank A. Vanek, Amelia. 10201 T331 Archie R. Wyant, O’Neill. 10373 T332 Gustave C. DeBacker, O’Neill. 10873 T333 William A. Rockford, Stuart 16824 X234 ^roy s Bartlett, Stuart. 1043/ T3.>5 Ramon H. Bright, O'Neill. 10814 T336 Richard G. Spence, Atkinson 10848 T337 William C. Vroon.an, AtkinsSn. 10319 T348 Frank E. Schaaf, Stuart. 10883 T339 Frank J. Kaup, Stuart. 10552 X£4® Floyd M. McIntosh, Page. 10801 T341 Harold V. Miller, Page 10609 T342 Ben A. Miller, Star. ' 10890 X343 Leonard D. Lorenz, Page. 16178 T344 Earl L. Bernt, Stuart, inoii X!4f George L. White, Atkinson. JO*}4 X24S ^ B VaI,a- O'Neill. }6204 T347 Lawrence F. Kaup, Stuart. 10319 T348 Frank S Schaaf, Stuart. 10066 T349 Robert W. Allendorfer O’Neill 10277 T350 Cecil W. Spry, O’NeiU J6613 X?51 Louis A. Funk, Ewing. 16122 T352 Arthur Humpal, Atkinson. J0832 T353 Stuart D. Murphy, Ewing Xorc Barvey J Mitchell, O’Neill. 16871 T355 John Cole, Atkinson. 10835 t?57 Bdwaj;d E. Hanley, O'Neill. , 01p T358 A«ehPuhr FA.DTKSirU^Jer ’Atk‘nSO"- f 02?1 T?fin 2wi,g!?t o Kenny, Atkinson. 10213 T360 Paul L. Beha, O'Neill. U STAR-PEERLESS AND JOLIET WALL PAPERS — -7’4c roll and up BORDER as low as.....3c per yard CHI-NAMEL PAINTS AND VARNISHES Top Qualiy. Prices very reasonable GOLD SEAL RUGS And Yardage Guaranteed To Satisfy. We can fit any size room. Let us figure your room for you. Just Received A New Shipment of Gold Fish And Moss For Your Fish Bowl. WE SELL FOR LESS! Farmers! Stockmen! High Prices and a Brisk Demand, That perfect combination for marketing is here.—NOW. Bring your surplus livestock to this market. Our efforts will please you. We sell every Monday AUCTION EVERY MONDAY O’Neill Live Stock Com. Co. Where Buyer and Seller Meet. TEELPHONE 2 At O’NEILL weeks during the illness and death of her mother, Mrs. C. C. Millard. Her brother, Ralph, ac- j companied her home to Denver,' where he will make his home. — Mr .and Mrs. E. M. Beaver, of Deaver, Wyoming, and their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Beaver of Cheyenne, Wyoming, were in the city last Saturday on their way home from a visit to Mayo Brothers at Rochester, Mm nesota. Chester Beaver is one of the top notch employees of the Wyoming State Highway commis sion. They continued on their journey west Sunday. R. E. Armbruster went to Hast ings Sunday to attend a Manag er’s meeting there this week. Donald Bowen and Robert Mc Donough spent from Friday until Sunday in Omaha. While there Robert enlisted in the Navy Re serve as a painter and was given a rating of second class seaman. Mr .and Mrs. Ed Psotta and family of Pilger spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements. Mrs. H. M. VonDollen and Miss Darlene Grass spent Sunday with Miss Grass’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Grass at Page. PRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 3 AND 4 Easter Greetings! Council Oak extends Easter Greetings to one and all . . . Our deep interest in seeing that you and yours have a most enjoyable Easter Dinner is reflected in the low prices on the following seasonable foods of “Depend able” Quality ... It is a recognized fact that— Council Oak Is A Safe Place To Save! EASTER EGG HUNT On Easter morning the youngsters will be de lighted to find beautiful Candy Bird Eggs in as sorted colors and flavors. Per ' Pound . • ~~j BEEF ROASTS Tender and Juicy. Cut from well covered corn fed beef. Pound 24c and .... HAM ROASTS Skinned, Smoked and Tendered S 33c and 28c From Srlrctrd Pork Loins a m ^ Roasts and Chops, Lb. 29c and £«) NECK BONES k.n BACON SQUARES IZ.16c PORK LIVER g.16c FRESH BEEF HEARTS, Pound_17c FRESH GROUND PURE BEEF, Lb. 19c PORK SPARERIBS, Pound.19c CLUB FRANKFURTERS, Pound . . 23c Council O&k Coffee Exchance the empty bags for 22 carat gold pattern dishes Pound . .29c 3 £ 84c SKf COFFEE b°4"4 21c 3 pB°r. 59c CANDY Chooolate Peppermint Wafers £ . 19c COOKIES Fresh Baked Pineapple Wafers g.18c "Tae-Cut” Coffee May be had la- reg ular or drip grind. Packed in tin or Klaaa. Pound ..30c 2£ 58c 1 FIRST PRIZE MEALY BEANS 2 KT.. 13c MILLER’S CORN FLAKES 2 £•"!**" 15c APRICOTS Pull Ripe Unpeeled Light Syrup CNa°n2I/3.... 18C CHERRIES Michigan Red Pitted No. 303 l O Can. IjC PEAS Superb "Aristocrat” Garden Run Honey Sweet No. 303 Can. BEANS Superb Red Kidney No. 2 Can. LINDSAY LARGE RIPE OLIVES, 9-Oz. Can .. 21c MEATY NEW CROP APRICOTS, Pound.23c Ma Brown Whole Wheat Bread, H-Pound Loaf , ,15c OLD COUNTRY RYE BREAD, Pound Loaf .... 10c OCEAN SPRAY Cranberry SAUCE ll . 13c Morning Light PORK & BEANS 21b Oz. i r Cans .. IOC Morning Light HOMINY 2 No. 2 Cans . Genuine EGG NOODLES 8 Ounce *7 Bag . I C GREEN TOP CARROTS, bumh .4c SCARLET RED RADISHES, bjnch .4c EXTRA LARGE LEMONS, 6 for .2.5c SLICING TOMATOES, pound .~15c ICEBERG LETTUCE, 2 large Leads .1C* SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER, head.ICC PINK MEAT GRAPEFRUIT, 6 for .10* WINESAP APPLES, 4 pounds .Z >* NANCY HALL SWEET SPUDS, 6 pounds.L SEED POTATOES ■£, SX" °“ Maple ^ Clothes Pins Sc Per Box . ^ Superb _ Toilet Tissue 1 7C 3 Rolls ..A * Superb Sanitary Napkins 27C 2 Packages .. Dependable ^ ^ Brooms Each 75c and .... GUEST IVORY Per Cake IVORY FLAKES Med. Pkg. ...10c Lge. Pkg.24c P *i- G Naphtha Soap 6 Giant 0*7 _ Bars .. mI C DREFT Med. Pkg.9c Lge. Pkg.22c Giant Pkg. ... 59c This Store Will Be Closed All Day Easter Sunday