The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 02, 1942, Image 5

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'1539 B
I_J ERE'S the frock which de
** serves an important place in
every spring wardrobe. In Pat
tern No. 1539-B we offer the cham
pion of classic styles, the button
front shirtwaist dress which, in
smartness of line, neatness of de
tail and comfort in fitting has nev
er been surpassed
Cut with shoulder yokes, this
dress is easily fitted. Below the
yokes are gathers which permit
the comfortable fullness for the
bodice The only decoration need
ed are buttons and a matching
buckle for the fabric belt.
• * *
Pattern No. 1S39-B is designed for sizes
12, 14, 16, 18. 20 and 40. Corresponding
bust measurements 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and
40. Size 14 (32). short sleeves, requires 4
yards 39-inch material.
Send your order to:
Room 1324
211 West Wacker Dr. Chicago
Enclose 20 cents in coins for each
pattern desired.
Pattern No.Size.
Cascara Sagrada, Frangula, Sal
Am arum, Anise, Caraway, Fen
nel, Ginger, Licorice, Methyl
Salicylate, Carbonate of Mag
nesia, Oil of Cinnamon, Glycerine
and Sassafras.
It’s all ready for you under the
name of “ADLERIKA.”
If occasionally bothered with
constipation, aggravating gas,
headaches or bad breath, try this
formula for its DOUBLE ACTION;
S carminatives for relief of gas
pains and 3 laxatives for QUICK
bowel action. Just take this ad
to your druggist.
quickly ■uic
For You To Feel Well
24 hours every day, 7 days every
week, never stopping, the kidneys filter
waste matter from the blood.
If more people were aware of how the
kidneys must constantly remove sur
plus fluid, excess acids and other waste
matter that cannot stay in the blood
without injury to health, there would
be better understanding of why the
whole system is upset when kidneys fail
to function properly.
Burning, scanty or too frequent urina
tion sometimes warns that something
is wrong. You may suffer nagging back
ache, headaches, dizziness, rheumatic
pains, getting up at nights, swelling.
Why not try Doan's Pills? You will
be using a medicine recommended the
country over. Doan's stimulate the func
tion of the kidneys and help them to
flush out poisonous waste from the
blood. They contain nothing harmful.
Get Doan's today. Use with confidence.
At all drug stores.
• Advertising creates new
wealth by showing people new
and better ways of living, and
as it creates new wealth it con
tributes to the prosperity of
everyone touched by the flow of money
which is set up. In this way, don’t you
see, advertising is a social force which is
working in the interest of everyone of us
every day of the year, bringing us new
wealth to use and enjoy.
, • WNU hrtlN,
THS BTORY BO F AR: Janice Trent
runs away from wedding Nrt Pavton,
rich, but a gay blade, Blsgulsed at a
tubercular youth, she become* camp sec
retary la Alaska where Brace Harcourl
had been made chlel, replacing Joe Hale
who had been going down bill. Janice
keeps out of sight ot Bruce, who knows
her. But one day, while visiting the
cabin of the Samp sisters, who run the
Waffle Shop, he see* her asleep In a
chair. Jimmy Belevan, the secretary,
Is the very Janice whom he had on
his last visit to New York Impulsively
advised not to marry Paaton. He de
cides camp Is no place lor a woman,
but Tubby Grant, his assistant. Insists
It’s hard to get a good secretary In the
wilderness. Janice tells Bruce her story.
Mrs. Hale Is attracted to Bruce. Hale
treats her badly. Hale sutlers a stroke
and they can't leave as scheduled. Hale
calls Janice to take some dictation.
Now continue with the story.
Janice wondered what Tubby and
Bruce would say about her going.
She had a sense of breathlessness
as she pushed open the door of the
Hale cabin. Joe Hale was seated
in a wheel-chair near a window. He
would have been good-looking had
he lived decently, Janice told her
self in that first glance.
“Good of you to come. Miss Trent,
particularly as I now have no
claim on your time. Feel like a
boob not to bring up a chair for
you, but the doctors won’t let me
take a step. Tyrants! Mrs. Hale
ran over to see the Samp girls
fifteen minutes ago. Seized this
chance to get an outline made for
a codicil to my will. Not that I
have the least intention of passing
out, but, I’ve had a tap on the
Curious that his explanation left
her with the same sense of uneasi
ness which had seized her as she
entered the cabin, Janice thought.
Was smoke coming from that pipe
laid on the mantel? Had Mrs. Hale
been gone fifteen minutes? Would
tobacco keep hot that long? If she
were away and Hale himself
couldn't move, who had put it there?
He selected a paper. “Here is the
memorandum of what I want to dic
tate. You look as though you could
keep a secret, Miss Trent Beauti
ful women as a rule are dumb; I’ll
bet my gold nuggets you’re an
exception. I kiss your hands—in
She had heard that caressing in
flection before too, she told herself,
with a bitter little twist of her lips.
If he wanted to impress her with a
sense of friendliness, not in the man
ner of Ned Paxton should he ap
proach her. She responded in her
crispest voice.
“A secretary is supposed to be a
machine, not a person when taking
dictation, Mr. Hale. Ready.”
She tried to remain indifferent to
the meaning of the codicil she was
transcribing, but it was startling.
Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop!
Plop! The sounds came from be
hind the screen. Small revelatory
crashes that meant but one thing.
A broken string of beads. So, Mrs.
Hale was at home. Listening. What
was the big idea?
“What was that?”
Was it imagination or did Hale
“Buttons. That nitwit dog of Mil
licent’s has upset her work-basket
A brilliant blue bead rolled sound
lessly across the rug and stopped
behind his chair. Janice brought
her teeth sharply into her lip to
keep back an exclamation. Tatima!
Tatima was behind the screen.
Hale’s suave voice broke into her
reflections. “So, you ran away from
marriage. Kiss and run type, yes?”
Janice's blood sang in her ears
from fury. She managed to keep
her voice steady.
"Go on with your dictation, Mr.
Hale. I have left important work
at the office.”
“Where were we? I remember.
That’s all.” He pulled a thick roll
from his coat pocket. Peeled off a
ten-dollar bill. "Take this. I’ve no
right to your time.”
Janice rose. "Thank you, no. I
will type the material at once and
send it for you to look over.”
"Efficient, aren’t you? I’d thought
of letting the deserted bridegroom
know where you were, but. we need
you here.”
She looked steadily back at him as
she snapped the rubber band on her
"May I suggest that you mind
your own business?”
The force with which she closed
the door behind her relieved her
overcharged spirit. In her dash
from the cabin she collided with
Jimmy Chester.
"Someone told me that you were
here. What do you mean by com
ing when Millicent is at the
For an instant Janice stared in
credulously. Then she twisted her
self free. She vented the remainder
of her fury on him.
"What business is it of yours why
I went there?”
‘Til make it my business,” he
answered savagely and pulled open
the cabin door.
• • •
Millicent Hale stood in the door
way. Under one arm was her toy
“I know that I’m breaking rules,
your rules, coming to the office,
Bruce, but I’m desperate. I—I—”
she bit her lips, clenched her frail
Hale said: “So you ran away from marriage. Kiss and run type, yes?"
hands as though with all her being
she were holding back a flood of
emotion. "Tubby Grant told me
that you and he were to air-trot
tomorrow, were to scout out a place
on the river from which to start
the road toward the new bridge.
That after that you would fly to the
city. Take me. I’m fed-up on my
self, on everything in this terrible
wilderness. I haven’t left our cabin
for more than an hour since Joe’s
break-down, my nerves are on edge.
If I go I can get some things he
needs. Mary Samp promised to look
after him. Why not take Miss Trent,
that is if Argus of the Hundred
Eyes will let her go.”
Her voice, her wistful lips, her
misty eyes set off fiery pin-wheels of
anger in Janice’s mind. Harcourt
smiled indulgently. Men were pulp,
mere pulp, in the hands of a soft,
purry, "little woman” like that, the
girl told herself furiously.
“If Miss Trent will come. Care
to go air-trotting. Miss Trent?”
Fly! Janice throttled her imagina
tion, attested fervently:
“I’d love it."
“Then it’s a date. Be sure you’re
ready on time. The plane starts the
minute the sun pokes its rim above
the horizon, passengers or no pas
With eager assurance of a prompt
appearance Millicent Hale departed.
“And by the way,” said Bruce.
“I’ll suggest that you go slow with
Jimmy Chester.”
A little demon of contrariness took
possession of Janice. She thought
fully nibbled the end of her foun
tain pen, as she looked up with in
genuous eyes.
"I’m surprised that you don’t in
clude Tubby Grant in the taboo."
“Tubby’s immune. He's working
to prove to a girl back home that he
can make good. Jimmy's different.”
' Janice indulged in a delicately
regretful sigh. "He is fascinating
even if his eyes are tragically old."
Harcourt left his desk, loomed
over her. “Attractive! Jimmy’s a
corking engineer, but he’s pulp
where girls are concerned. The war
left his eyes old and his tempera
ment slightly twisted. You might
as safely play with high explosives
He’s the type who would do some
thing desperate if he got the wrong
• • •
Souatlcd cobbler-fashion on the ;
cot bed in her cabin Janice regarded |
herself in the roughly framed mir- (
ror above a dressing-table fashioned
from a packing-box.
She barely breathed as she met
the mirrored eyes. Who was that
girl really? What was she? Did
she herself know what lay deep in
her mind? What profundities of pas- '
sion and sorrow, love and hate smol
dered within her visible body? She
had come north in quest of a dif
ferent self, a fearless self. Had she j
found it?
Dishes were rattnnp. in the Waffle ]
Shop. That meant that supper prep- j
arations were going forward She'd |
better slip into her gown. Miss |
Martha would be sending a tray in
to the living-room shortly. The
Samp sisters would not permit her
to step foot in the Shop when the
men were eating there.
Kadyama was filling the wood-box '
in the living-room, she could hear
him shuffling back and forth. Regu
lar as clock-work. One could tell
the time by his coming and going. |
A curious character. Sardonic.
Taciturn. She avoided him when j
she could.
What was that sound? Coat half
off. she listened. Something run
ning round and round like mad. Blot
having a fit?
She thrust her arm back into the
satin sleeve, dashed through the
passage, stopped on the threshold of
the living-room. Overturned chairs
waved legs in air as though in ex
ercise of their Daily Dozen. Spools
rolled on the floor from the over
turned work-basket. A slammed
door cut a terrified “Meow!” in
Blot! Blot had been kidnaped! By
Kadyama? Hadn’t Bruce said that
the natives feared the cat as they
did the Evil Spirit? It would break
the Samp girls’ heart if anything
happened to their pet. Could she
rescue it?
She jerked open the door, ran in
pursuit of a bent, scurrying figure
hooded in a brilliant Yakutat blan
ket. The tip of a lashing black tail
hung below it Where was the In
dian taking the cat?
Janice’s breath came unevenly,
the wide, full trousers swished about
her feet the strap of one parch
ment-kid sandal snapped. He had
passed the Waffle Shop without be
ing noticed. To the kennels? They
were back of the office. Surely
someone there would see him. What
was the kidnaper's idea? He didn't
intend—he did! He did!
Her shout of protest cracked ir
her dry throat—for all the world a:
though she were shrieking for help
in a nightmare—as a struggling,
kicking, spitting black ball was flung
with terrific force into the yard
where a dozen or more slant-eyed,
ruby-tongued huskies were yipping
and yelping and rollicking. They
stiffened to rigidity as they regard
ed the motionless black heap. A
trimly built Siberian broke the spell
with a joyous yelp. He nosed the
stunned cat, tossed it A husky
with baleful yellow eyes caught it.
sent it whirling back. Like a shut
tlecock it flew from dog to dog to an
accompaniment of barks and
For a split second Janice hesitat
ed as imagination projected a pic
ture of herself being torn to rib
bons. The kidnaper had vanished.
Then she fumbled frantically at the
gate. They would kill Blot. Where
was the trick latch? She had it. She
dashed into the midst of the excited
tormentors, caught the black cat
in the air, held it high as the dogs
sprang for her. Gleelul yelps deep
ened to menacing growls. She
backed toward the gate. Two or
three huskies, she couldn’t tell how
many, sneaked behind her. Her
heart pounded in her throat. She
didn’t know much about dog psy
chology. but she knew enough not
to run.
Claws ripped at her dahlia jacket,
at her satin trousers. She lost a
parchment sandaf. The slim gray
Siberian carried it off, worrying it
as he went. She backed cautious
ly, saying over and over, soothing
"Nice boys! Down! Down!"
Her lips were too stiff to voice
command. The husky with the bale
ful glare stalked toward her in ..
sullen wolf-walk, lips lifting in spas
modic snarls. Suddenly he reared
His gold-flecked eyes were on a
level with hers, his wrinkled nose
bared yellowed fangs. Sneering at
her, was he? Would she ever get out
side that fence? Miss Martha would
say. "There's a gate in every wait,
my dear." There was in this one if
she could only make it. The wolf
deg was leaping—
“Drop the cal! Good God! Drop
the cat! At him. Tong!" >
Janice was conscious cf a tawny
shape flashing by her, of the impact
of bodies, of a yelp of pain, before
an arm was flung about her shoul
ders. She looked up into eyes blaz
ing in a face, livid, lined. Bruce!
Of course. Hadn't he appeared at
the exact psychical moment to pick
up her black slipper? She still
clutched the cat as he drew her
outside the gate.
She locked over her shoulder.
Tong, his brush hanging straight,
fangs bared, beautiful head lowered,
glared at the dogs cringing away
from him. She controlled a shiver.
“Come on."
She looked up at Bruce Harcourt
whose fingers bit into her arm.
"I'm going as fast as I can with
one sandal. This ground isn't a trot
She glanced down at her silk
stockinged foot, regarded incredu
lously her shredded pajamas. She
laughed, sobbed, laughed again.
“Stop it! You'll have hysterics in
a moment.”
Her voice caught treacherously in
the midst of indignant denial. With
out warning. Harcourt picked her up
in his arms. She tried to free her
“Stop wriggling. You're heavy
enough as it is."
“I can walk. It’s absurd to carry
Breathing hard, he set her on her
feet in the living-room of the Samp
cabin. He closed the door and
backed up against it. His face was
darkly red as he demanded:
“Don’t you know better than to
run round this camp dressed in
those things? I saw you from the
office window. Couldn’t believe my
eyes. Look at yourself.”
Ingcnioti* Now I Vint* W as
Heftvslting as Spring I (sell
AS GLORIOUSLY fresh as spring
time itself are the lovely print
styles in frocks and costumes now
being shown for wear in the Easter
parade and on through the season.
There is no shortage of beauty in
their styling, colors or fabrics. A
noticeable trend toward emphasis on
good lines and restraint in trimming
adds extra grace to these new offer
ings to winter-weary wardrobes.
According to those engaged in
fashion industries we are definitely
on our way .toward an era of fem
ininity in dress. Not extravagant
frivolous garb, mind you, but win
some. becoming clothes such as our
men in war service want us to wear
when they come home on leave,
or seek diversion in recreation cen
ters that offset the grimness of war.
It is just such charm that is ex
pressed in the pretty dresses and
hats pictured in the above illustra
tion. As ideal an Easter costume
as ever ventured forth on a sun
drenched spring morning is the very
good-looking jacket costume of fine
rayon print crepe shown to the right,
below, in the above picture. To wear
this slender one-piece frock and trim
ly fitted jacket effectively a proper
I foundation garment, smooth of line
* through hips and midriff is impera
tive. Then, too, snowy white ac
cents to give the final endearing
touch of femininity must be added,
just as you see them pictured here.
Try to find anything more ladylike,
more expressive of good taste, to
wear on a fair Easter mom
If there is one thing that is con
tributing more than another to the
glory of the new fashions, it is the
ingenuity with w'hich designers are
combining prints with plain fabrics.
The current handling of cutout print
designs appliqued on a monotone
fabric is developing into a technique
of high artistry and amazing origi
nality. Print and plain are artfully
combined in the shaming frock
shown to the left in the above pic
ture. Here a pretentious apple de
sign is ingeniously applied to sooty
black smooth-draping rayon crepe
at one side of the softly flared skirt
and on the opposite shoulder. The
attractive motif is repeated on the
wide patent leather belt.
Special attention is called to the
matching lacy woven pyrooulin hat
and bag twosome. The entry
of plastics into millinery design is
one of the important fashion high
lights this season. Here is a very
convincing demonstration of the em
phasis that is being placed on fetch
ing accessories.
An exotic south sea island pattern
printed on fine textured rayon crepe
makes the attractive daytime frock
centered in the above group. Soft
draping through the bodice front and
an all-around pleated skirt combine
to create an effect of ease and grace.
Note the wide brim 'of the hat The
wide brims are going to breath-tak
ing dimensions, according to the new
millinery for spring and summer.
Contrasting with the wide-brim
vogue are the prettily feminine little
hats that are as capricious as perky
ribbon bows and color-bright flow
ers and whimsical veils can make
them. Such a hat is the lovely pink
rose-laden one shown in the inset
above. Wee sailors, not much big
ger than the palm of your hand, are
chic this season, their style vying for
supremacy with sailors of enormous
(Released by Western Newspaper Union. I
Suit Hats |
Fashion is placing great emphasis
this spring on perky little headgear,
which milliners call "suit” hats.
As the name implies, these chic
headpieces are designed to wear
with suits and with casual tailored
town jacket dresses. Typical are the
two models pictured in the above il
lustration. The little sailor done in
the "suit” hat manner is very popu
lar. As the picture at the top shows,
the rolled coiffure is particularly
adaptable for the girl who favors
the sailor type. The other hat is a
clever new tricorne of black felt
faced with mustard yellow bag
heera. This spring, more than ever,
you can change your suit by chang
ing your accessories, especially your
Colors Are Matched
For Busy Shoppers
The calendar has us thinking about
our spring wardrobes again, but this
year we Americans are putting
more serious thought into this sub
ject than we ever have before. We
are thinking earnestly in terms of
efficiency in planning new clothes
and right here is where the new
color-related fashions fit in.
The plan is one whereby you can
Tiave a complete wardrobe, every
thing from your dress or suit to your
lipstick in beautiful basic colors
which match and mix perfectly. Any
of us who want or need color-com
bination advice, or who must be
strict with our budgets, or who have
only a lunch hour to shop for a
complete outfit, will find everything
available in the same place in the
new color-related fashions now be
ing shown in leading stores.
Play Shoes Are Colorful
With Mexican Embroidery
Play shoes are a riot of color and
design, with bright red shoes among
the favorites.
There are also many red and
navy combinations, and there are in
teresting novelty shoes fashioned of
natural colored or multicolored
The fancy suedes are enlivened
with colorful Mexican embroidery.
Navv-and-^ hite
There will be an overwhelming
number of navy blue suits, coats and
ensembles making their debut this
spring. Especially in the spotlight
are sheer navy bolero costumes
that are bewitchingly frilled with
snowy white accents.
Coffee beans, shellacked cereal,
watermelon seeds, painted and un
painted nuts, corks, leather peach
pits or what-have-you are strung
into the most eye-catching necklaces
imaginable. Smart with sports
Hw wm have many childteui
clothe* to make you can save
time and effort if you use a sort of
factory method Oil out three or
h'mr dresses at a time losing dif
ferent material* it you Idle',
You can finish them m a variety
of way*
a % a
He sare te trace sufficient space
between the wall* of the refrig
erator and between the dishes on
the shelves to allow free circula
tion of cold sir. It vt the continual
circulation «d cold air through an
electric refrigerator that pre
serves your food
• • %
t se year vacuum cleaner on
your draperies and slip covers be
fore laundering them; it will make
for less washing and ruvsing and
thus save wear on the articles.
Disconnect electric iron as soon
as you have finished with it, thus
preventing fires and the burning
out of iron.
Best for Juice
a*S£±6Uf U6€/
California Nmli are lb*
perfect oranges for kadi
boxes, recipes and beewcea
sncak or bedtime eating.
Tbev are wa g. Peel in a
pSy. Divide easily into terra*
futef sections’
Their jnace is nchet in fla
vor. It has more vitamins C
and A. and calc■ ant, mt't
ktsitk in every glass.
Those stamped “Sookiat*
are the finest from 14.000
More Raleigh Jingle*
Raleigh Cigarettes are again
offering liberal prizes in a big
jingle contest to be run in this
paper. One hundred and thirty
three prizes will be awarded each
or transmitting
ano drink plenty
SHOPPING «The b«t jdace
____ to start your shop
ping tour is in
* f 't § Y yonx favonte easy
X H I chair,with an open
Make a habit oi reading the adverb**
seats in this paper every week. They
can save you tune, energy and money.