Everybody Lends Hand to Defense of Australia There is no city In Australia that can quietly sit back with the assurance that it will not be bombed by Japs. In the picture at the left, Melbourne city employees are doing their Australia-day task, erecting an ARP sandbag barricade outside of their working premises. Right: Members of the anti-aircraft battery man a height and range-finder at an action station in Darwin, Australia. The men work stripped to their waists. Mississippi Digs Out of Tornado’s W reckage Homes were leveled and rolled together as so much paper by a tornado which swept through Missis sippi and laid low farm buildings and towns in its wake. In the upper picture convicts from a nearby prison remove a great store of hay which fell upon livestock when the wind played havoc with it, at Ber clair, Miss. Lower picture was taken at Grenada, Miss. The wind that caused this damage just missed a hospital which stood near by. Note the spectators, standing about in dazed wonder. As Convoy Plowed Through S. W. Pacific This photo was made during the Australian convoy, and shows men of the anti-aircraft battery putting a gun into condition aboard a troop transport. Much of their spare time was used in cleaning and condi tioning their equipment. Guarding Great Britain’s Coastline To guard against the possibility of s Nazi invasion of England this spring, this “sea fort," somewhere in the “Northern Command,” stands ready. The fort is heavily manned. Its big guns point out over the nar row sea towards Europe. The picture shows men of the garrison during gun drill. I I Another Sea Fighter The 1,700-ton destroyer Frazier, shown as it was launched at the Bethlehem Shipbuilding company yards in San Francisco. It is the fifth of the present series, and was christened by Mrs. R. P. McCul lough, wife of a naval intelligence officer. MacArthur Trophy Francis B. Sayre, commissioner of the Philippines, shown on arrival in San Francisco with sword which General MacArthur picked from body of a Jap general—a gift to the President. Buddies Hit the Coal Pile in Ireland The nights in Ireland are a little dampish and chilly at this season of the year, and Uncle Sam's doughboys’ll be wanting a bit of a Are to take the chill off the place. This photograph, taken somewhere In North ern Ireland, shows U. S. soldiers at the coal pile awaiting their turn to All up their buckets. U. S. Army's Most Modern Field Piece w This soundphoto shows tractors dragging a string of 155-mm. field rifles through a pine woods on the way to target practice, at Fort Bragg, N. C. The gun and tractor weigh 30 tons together. The 155's mobility and 17-mile range make it the biggest field gun in the U. S. army's locker. ____\_ Watchdogs on the Spanish Main These two pictures are typical scenes along the coasts and in the interior of Puerto Rico, where the United States has established a base to guard the approaches to the Caribbean sea and the Panama canal. At the top a coast defense gun points its snout over a sandbagged em placement. Below a sentry paces his post in the interior. U. S. Battle Dress—in Any Clime Ready to fight anywhere in the wide world, these U. S. soldiers are dressed in the uniforms adopted by the army for action under various conditions. The uniforms are, left to right: snow shoe troop er; summer or tropical field; winter field; armored force; ski trooper; paratrooper and summer mounted. ‘Highboy* Tires were rationed and gas was hard to get, but Gilbert Roney, shown above, is sitting pretty. He goes to his Job at an aircraft plant in Santa Monica, Calif., on his "uni cycle.” When Gilbert was IS he was one of three partners In a bicycle store, and built the strange vehicle out of spare parts when he had time on his hands. Vows to Smash Japs Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur, now su preme United Nations commander in the Australian offensive, and who reached that continent with his fam ily after a harrowing seven-day trip by sea and air. While Men Fight These “quotation girls’* in the em ploy of the New York curb exchange are working at the board with chalk i and eraser, filling the shoes of young I men who have gone forth to fight the Japs. This is just another instance of how women are taking over men’s work. Awarded D.S.M. President Roosevelt pins Distin guished Service medal on Rear Ad miral William Standley, on eve of his departure for Moscov cs U. S. ambassador. The award was for "meritorious service." Doe* He Ever Tel! Yon *1 Loved Your Letter*? 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